• Breaking News

    Minecraft Servers Realms of Sabrim [SMP] [Roleplay] {Worldbuilding} {Towny} {1.16.5}

    Minecraft Servers Realms of Sabrim [SMP] [Roleplay] {Worldbuilding} {Towny} {1.16.5}

    Realms of Sabrim [SMP] [Roleplay] {Worldbuilding} {Towny} {1.16.5}

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 07:18 AM PDT


    Realms of Sabrim is a community-driven SMP centered around one thing, fun worldbuilding and roleplay.

    Our main priority is fostering interaction and creativity within the community. We often share our lore, discuss our conlangs, host Discord movie nights, chat, and more. We have server members from around the globe; we maintain open arms for anyone wishing to join an active and friendly community.

    Find out more about us below!


    We have plugins that maintain and enhance the roleplay aspect of the game and encourage trade and cooperation between towns and nations.

    - Custom Cosmetic Items

    - Custom 24k x 24k World With Realistic Biomes

    - Regional Crops

    - Regional Biome Bonuses for Ores

    - Dungeons Crafted by a Gamemaster Team

    - Community Events, such as Movie Nights and Lore Contests

    - Excellent Server Performance

    - A Staff Team That Listens to & Implements Community Suggestions regularly

    Version: 1.16.5 (Java Edition)

    Server Images: Imgur Album

    IP: Sabrim.mcserv.fun

    Invite: https://discord.gg/Sq7MWUN4Fu

    submitted by /u/TheSabrimAccount
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    TotallyNotSuspicious [Vanilla] [SMP] {ACTIVE} {1.17.1} {13+} {WHITELIST} {Minigames}

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 09:43 AM PDT

    Discord: discord.gg/tns


    TotallyNotsuspicious is an established SMP community created in 2018 centered around vanilla gameplay. Our main priority is fostering interaction and creativity within the community. We build together on the server, host Discord game nights, chat, and more. We have server members from around the globe; we maintain open arms for anyone wishing to join an active and friendly community.

    Find out more about us below!

    We have datapacks that maintain the vanilla feel of the game. Most of the datapacks utilized are used by Hermitcraft. Our custom datapacks are intended to enhance and protect the multiplayer experience.

    -Custom made Minigames

    - Custom Staff & Player Events

    - Custom Seasonal Events

    - Server Performance Optimization

    Version: 1.17.1

    Server Images: https://imgur.com/gallery/0PEiH5n

    NOTE: Staff are not permitted creative mode or any command that can provide them with an advantage. Staff are restricted and remain on the same level of any other player.


    Our community uses Discord for communication. Announcements and information are sent out regarding server events & changes. Joining the Discord is required in order to be whitelisted on the server. Applying is simple and easy. The application process is completed within the Discord Server.

    - Do not steal. Taking anything of anyone else's without their consent is considered stealing; has zero tolerance.

    - Do not grief in any way. Ruining any sort of building without the other player's consent is considered griefing.

    - Do not hack or duplicate items in any way. Any sort of hacking client, hacking texture packs, and duplication methods are considered a violation.

    - Do not advertise other servers, other Discord Servers, or post invites.

    submitted by /u/toestitoes
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    HalfastMC [Semi-Vanilla] [SMP] {1.17.1} {VERY HARD} {Discord Community} {PvP/PvE}

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 08:02 AM PDT


    Most players can't survive for more than 5 minutes on this server!

    The server HalfastMC is an Ultra Hardcore Vanilla Server – Hard Mode Survival with no natural regeneration. IP address: play.halfastmc.com

    Normally, players in regular Minecraft would lose health and have it automatically regenerated over time. However in this server, since that is turned off, players have to use potions, beacons, apples, etc to regenerate health. These items are not easy to obtain, which makes for an excellent, balanced challenge. Monsters spawn more often and hit much harder, as these rates have been bumped up a notch.

    Unlike other "Hardcore" servers, players won't be banned from the server after death. Commands like /teleport, /home, /spawn are very limited, to add more of a challenge to your experience. The server is also very strongly against pay to win, so you won't see any premium packages for overpowered items.

    Occasionally, the server will also host community events such as "Top Survivor" events (A contest to see who can survive the longest without perishing), building contest events, and much more. The owner of the server will often throw in some custom, challenging obstacles to spice up gameplay.

    HalfastMC has a semi-active community, filled with people who have been active for many years, and some players that joined very recently.

    HalfastMC even has a dedicated Wiki page of the history of previous generations of the server. Check it out by visiting https://dragonhollow.fandom.com/wiki/Halfast.

    Most of the community is a mature audience, so join and chat at your own discretion. There are players of many kinds – Builders, PvP'ers, Survivalist, and more. HalfastMC is the perfect place for players who love survival Minecraft but think it's way too easy. The server just started a fresh new map on update 1.17, so it's worth checking out. Join the Discord community using this link: https://discord.gg/REGwfwRe6d , or play on the server now using the IP address: play.halfastmc.com , or visit their website at www.halfastmc.com.

    Thanks for reading!

    submitted by /u/HalfAssedMC
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    Vanillarite [SMP] {age 16+} {claims} {no-grief} {player-shops} {1.17.1}

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 04:33 AM PDT

    "I got really lucky finding Vanillarite. It was just in a long list of other servers. I don't really remember what made me click. I know I wasn't looking for a server that offered a better way to play Minecraft. I was looking for a server that offered community and collaboration. I think those are our strongest traits. Yes we have good builders but being on a server isn't about the virtual atmosphere (for me); it's about the social atmosphere." - Calonan

    Vanillarite is a vanilla server, with some plugins, that keeps the players in mind. We have claim blocks to protect your builds where you can enable PVP if you so desire, active staff, and a supportive community. Player shops to sell your items as well as iceways to travel fast across the map, the blue lines on the Dynmap ↗ connect the stations where you can walk onto the pressure plates to tp to other stations.

    Bring your friends or make some new ones. Hope to see you there! Don't forget to join our Discord ↗ to keep up to date on things like maintenance, changes in rules ↗ or just to chat with other players. Access to all channels will be given after linking up your mc account with discord and playing for at least 10 minutes.

    Join us today play.vanillarite.com

    submitted by /u/Aitnys
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    ComparatorCraftSMP [semi-vanilla] [SMP]{Hermitcraft-like} {Community-Focused}{Discord}{Dynmap}{whitelisted}{Java}{1.17/1.17.1}{Community events & Projects} {15+}{Active Mature Community}

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 10:16 AM PDT

    ♦️ ComparatorCraftSMP ♦️

    Discord To Apply In: https://discord.gg/vQ4K4AwJGd

    Dynmap: https://map.comparatorcraftsmp.net

    Statistics: https://plan.comparatorcraftsmp.net/server/Server%201#tab-server-overview

    ComparatorCraftSMP is a Hermitcraft like Minecraft server experience with our own spin. We are a community focused SMP for more hardcore players, builders, and technical players. Our goal is to try to grow a community of skilled and dedicated players to push the limits of what is possible in survival Minecraft. Here are some important things about the server.

    🔻 Community Focused - We regularly poll things and let the community decide and have a say in what happens on the server. The SMP also has a suggestion system where players can suggest changes to the server. Other players can vote and give feedback on whether they like the idea or not and why.

    🔻 As Vanilla As Possible - We want to keep the server as close to vanilla as possible when it comes to core game mechanics. Even though we do use paper most redstone contraptions, and farms should work. We will not make additions to the server that will break or remove farms, or core game mechanics. Compared to most servers we limit as little as possible when it comes to client side mods we ban (we only ban hacked clients, and xray mods). We do not have plugins/modifcations like tpa, homes, mcmmo, keep inventory, towny or claims.

    🔻 As Informed As Possible - We strive to inform our user about all the changes that are made to the server, and news about future changes to our SMP too.

    If you love this and all of this interests you apply today


    • To celebrate updating to 1.17 we also recently got proximity chat working on our server.

    • We have a new event competition: 1.17 village pillage, join one side and whoever has the best builds by the end of the month wins!

    • We just recently installed a very cool statistics and analytics plugin that shows lots of stats about our server and its players in the form of a website.

    Features * Multiplayer Sleep * Double Shulker shells * More mob Heads * Dynmap * DiscordSRV (discord - Minecraft chat bridge) * Plan (A statistics website) * A creative server

    Things we don't have and will never add * MCMMO * Any Teleportation commands (/home, /tpa, /rtp) * Claims (we're trust based and we do have methods of rolling back theft and griefing) * Towny * Custom Enchants or Custom items (We are a vanilla SMP)

    Rules 1. Be respectful in chat, dont intentionally try to hurt someone in chat 2. No Griefing, stealing, or destorying any players creation without consent 3. No using exploits that give an unfair advantage unless it is

    ⚫ Bedrock Breaking

    ⚫ End Portal/ Portal Frame Removal (not including the communal portal or ⚫ Main island Gateways without prior approval from staff)

    ⚫ Update Suppression Machines (Please only use when the server is quiet for lag reasons)

    ⚫ TNT Duping

    ⚫ Carpet Duping

    ⚫ Rail Duping

    Also don't intentionally cause server lag or duplicate general items. 4. No hacked clients allowed, and no xray texturepacks or xray mods 5. No advertising other Minecraft servers or discord servers without staff approval 6. Do not share illegal content 7. Be respectful in VC

    submitted by /u/comparatorcraft
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    WOLFCRAFT MC SMP [Semi-Vanilla] [SMP] {Java 1.17.1} {Bedrock Crossplay} {Whitelist} {15+} {Community} {Hermitcraft Inspired}

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 04:57 AM PDT

    Welcome to the WolfCraft Gaming Community aimed at providing players with a casual, engaging and mature environment in unwind and have fun. Our community was inspired by the Hermitcraft community where we are trying to build a supportive and active community and we have had 7 Successful seasons so far from our creation back in 2018.


    ➊ Join our Discord: https://discord.gg/P82wCH8hXV

    ➋ Follow the instructions in #how-to-apply and submit an application (While we are trying to open to a wider and diverse audience, we have an application process to build a community of dedicated players.

    ➌ Wait for your application to be reviewed

    Any question you may have about the application or the server can be answered in #support channel upon joining our discord.


    Our community is centered around our three Minecraft Servers:

    SURVIVAL (play.wolfcraftmc.com)

    This is the server your after if your looking for a near-perfect vanilla experience while being assured that your builds and actions are protected. Additionally, you will find many game-play easing datapacks that help make some challenging tasks easier to accomplish. These datapacks are voted for by the community and are evaluated regularly to ensure our server meets our player's expectations. This world is regularly reset (Called Seasons) in-sync with major Minecraft Updates to provide players a fresh start to explore new game content. Futhermore, each season we have a dedicated district for Shopping where players can builds shops to sell or buy items for diamonds (Our main currency) or in trade for other goods. This and much more can be found when playing on our Survival Server!

    CREATIVE (creative.wolfcraftmc.com)

    Want to explore the creative boundaries of Minecraft with others? Then this is the server for you. Our creative server offers players with a vast expansive flat-world where you can freely collaborate with friends on projects, plan your future bases, or have a little fun.

    MODDED (CURRENT MOD: BETTER MINECRAFT) (modded.wolfcraftmc.com)

    Need a place to get away from the vanilla experience or recharge your batteries after a long build? Our new modded server is now open for business. With this server we provide our players with new engaging game-play options that help expand the creative horizons of possibilities in Minecraft. With new mod's voted for by the community every few months, you can be assured to always have something new to experience.


    • Discord Access: Our official Discord Server is the central hub for WolfCraft and all its members. This is a happening place where you can relax, connect with other members, ask questions or even share your work for other to see.
    • International and Diverse Community: The WolfCraft community has over a hundred players thus far and is growing each WolfCraft season. We are proud to also have an international community of players from different backgrounds and countries providing a diverse and unique playing experience.
    • World Dynamic Map: To give players a unique view of their builds and the world and allow them to find the perfect spot for their base or navigate the terrain to get to and explore other bases.
    • Community Polls: We are a community server and thus involve the community in any important decisions taken within the server.


    • Players must be 15 year of age or older: This to encourage a mature environment within the community.
    • Be Mature and Mindful of your actions: Avoid excessive message, image, formatting, emoji, commands, and/or @ spams. Any showcase of such or similar immature behaviour will not be tolerated.
    • No harassment, abuse, or bullying: We have zero-tolerance for hate speech directed towards others.
    • Discussion of Controversial topics are prohibited: These include political arguments, religious arguments, etc. among others. We want to allow players a space to get-away from the struggles of life to relax and enjoy within our community.
    • Griefing and Stealing of Items is not permitted: This includes destroying chests, buildings or bases not of your own making and taking/borrowing items without consent.
    • No Client Mods/Exploits - This includes the use of Hacked - Clients (other than Optifine which is allowed) or other resources to alter the Vanilla game-play experience.


    SEASON 8 is NOW LIVE! The END DIMENSION is now open on the SURVIVAL server. The CREATIVE Server has been updated to 1.17.1. The MODDED server is now running the Better Minecraft modpack. We are soon implementing a community run initiative - the WOLFCRAFT TRADING COMMITTEE - Which will allow the community members to discuss and manage the prices of goods sold within the servers Shopping District.

    submitted by /u/CaptainMidRanger
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    Noobcraft Legends [SMP] {Java 1.17.1} {Bedrock Support} {No Whitelist} {Discord} {Player Shops} {Jobs}

    Posted: 06 Aug 2021 08:58 PM PDT

    IP: legends.mcnoobs.info

    Hey All! I created Noobcraft back in 2011. After passing the reigns to skilled admins when life got crazy, I decided to make a new server during the crazy times we live in.

    We use the usual protection plugins (lockette pro, luckperms, core protect, drivebackupv2), quality of life plugins (EssentialsX, Dynmap, SAML, Lumberjack), and we also have some plugins to make the play enjoyable (Jobs, DragonDropElytra, and Mobheads).

    We are LGBTQ+ friendly and have pronoun support in chat.

    The worlds are pre-generated and hosted personally by me on stable, dedicated, scalable hardware on a fast connection.

    We actively encourage a fun and supportive social atmosphere. If any of this sounds interesting, please come say hello!

    Rules: Don't be a d*** :). In all seriousness, the rules are basic. Don't grief, be respectful, don't kill those that don't want to be engaged in PvP, and don't say racist/sexist/hurtful things. It's a game and is meant to be fun.

    Server: legends.mcnoobs.info

    Dynmap: legends.mcnoobs.info:8123

    Website: noobcraft.info

    Discord invite available in server /MOTD or /discord. The game chat is linked with our discord chat.

    submitted by /u/MunkyBacon
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    SkyMC SMP [SMP] [Semi-vanilla] {1.17.1} {Whitelist}

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 05:56 AM PDT

    Hello there. We are a private whitelisted minecraft server similar to hermitcraft. We have a self hosted server (by me) with pretty good specifications. We also got a huge discord server for you to hang out! Just wait until you see the spawn we built :D. Anyways, we are searching for people to join it! We are ready to open the server today in 1 hour (7th of August 2021, 2:50pm)! We probably have a bit too many rules, but we want our community to behave good and to follow all the rules. The server is sadly only for non-cracked accounts, because we have to follow mojang's policy.

    Discord server invite : https://discord.gg/Dqq5erWamT (you can't join the minecraft server without being in the discord server and applying for whitelist)

    For any questions please contact us on our email [infoskysmp@gmail.com](mailto:infoskysmp@gmail.com)

    We hope we'll see you there!

    Good luck to everyone!

    submitted by /u/PsychoCoffee
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    Glorious Trail [SMP] {1.17.1} {Towny} {McMMO} {Player Economy} {Solo Player Friendly} {No Donations} {Premium}

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 08:06 AM PDT

    Glorious Trail is a brand new Minecraft server (JAVA, 1.17.1) with Towny, MCMMO, personal warps, sethome, and more. The server is brand new and has about 5-10 players. We definitely want to see more people helping us to build this new world. Please join us and build whatever you want.

    IP address: glorious-trail.auto.playit.gg

    Trailer for server

    We also have a Discord that has more information.

    Come take a walk down the Glorious Trail!

    We have lots of plugins like AuctionHouse, Chairs, QuickShop, Towny, mcMMO, Jobs, HomeSpawn, TheNewEconomy, PlayerWarps, DiscordSRV, etc.

    submitted by /u/markaus77
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    Cold Brew MC SMP [Semi-Vanilla] {Whitelist} {Community} {Events} {Hermitcraft} {1.17.1} {16+}

    Posted: 06 Aug 2021 04:28 PM PDT

    📝 - Apply Here

    🟢 - Cold-brew is a Hermitcraft inspired server that started in March. We are a community focused server for the average joe to play on after school or after work.

    ✨ - The server is community ran and all changes are polled. We pride ourselves on being open and transparent. All News, Updates, & Events are posted on the servers Website. - WIP

    🟣 - While we are attempting to open up to a larger audience, we still do have an application process (on discord) in order to weed out players just looking to troll etc. Each application is reviewed by our applications team (takes about 10 mins). More info like the rules are posted on the discord.

    We hope to see you soon.

    submitted by /u/canoeoar
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    Partner's SMP [PvE] [Modded] [SMP] {Whitelisted} {18+} {LGBT+} {1.16.5} {Server Reset}

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 09:41 AM PDT

    I currently own a Minecraft SMP on 1.16.5 Forge for Java Edition. We are LGBT+ friendly and most of our members fit under the LGBT+ umbrella. The MC server is whitelisted and 18+; griefing, raiding, and stealing are not allowed and PvP is not allowed unless both parties agree to it.

    We use the following datapacks:

    • Anti Creeper/Enderman grief
    • Double Shulker Shells
    • Dragon Drops
    • Cauldron Conrete
    • Crafting Tweaks
    • More Mob Heads
    • Player Head Drops
    • Silence Mobs
    • Spawning Spheres
    • Wandering Trades

    We also have a somewhat large modpack, though it can run on both 4GB and 8GB of allocated RAM.

    We use the following mods: Twilight Forest, Tropicraft, Terraforged, Biomes O Plenty, Oh the Biomes You'll Go, Thermal Series, Immersive Engineering, Clef, Online Picture Frame, Pam's Harvestcraft 2, Building Gadgets, Doggy Talents, Morpheus, Forgiving Void, Curios, Dungeon Crawl, and more mods than what's listed here.

    The rules are as follows:

    • Be LGBT+ Friendly
    • Be kind
    • No raiding/griefing/stealing
    • No Exploits/Cheats
    • No duplication outside of TNT duplication
    • The server is an accepting, judgement free, LGBT+ friendly server. If you cannot be accepting or at least tolerant and friendly to those in the LGBT+ circle, you will be banned.

    To join just send me a DM here on reddit and I'll get back to you ASAP with a Discord invite!

    submitted by /u/proxypaws123
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    The Quarantine [Anarchy] [Semi-Vanilla] [PVP] {1.17.1} {Java}

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 05:43 AM PDT

    The Quarantine - tqmc.org mc.voizdev.com

    A legitimate 1.17.1 anarchy server

    The Quarantine is survival server that started at the beginning of the Corona outbreak. There are no rules. The server gives players the freedom to experience Minecraft the way the original developers intended. A community has been formed and various groups fight for control of the server. There are events held on the server weekly. You can use hack clients. We have a developed nether highway system with cardinal and diagonal highways including ring roads and even a map. If you would like to be part of the fun join in and see what you can build or destroy.

    Server Information

    • Location: North America
    • Minecraft Version: 1.17.1
    • Map Age: 16 Months (March 22, 2020)
    • Subreddit: /r/mcquarantine
    • Server Address: tqmc.org or mc.voizdev.com
    • Video Playlist of server

    The server will be online 24/7 and we will make every effort to update the server to the newest Minecraft version as soon as possible. We do block certain movement hacks to maintain server stability. Other than that most other hacks work fine including elytra fly. The over 1 year old map will be maintained and never reset. The server files now total over 500GB in size and over 8,000 unique players have joined. There are no operators. No one has access to commands. There are a few quality of life commands on the server such as /kill, /reply, /ignore, and /ignoredeathmsg. Other than that its completely vanilla anarchy.

    submitted by /u/voizdev
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    True Vanilla [Semi-Anarchy] {1.17.1}

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 09:15 AM PDT

    If you're looking for a plain vanilla server with minimal rules, you've come to the right place. True Vanilla is semi-anarchy, meaning the only rules are no hacking, duping, or lagging the server.

    Some things that set us apart from other semi-anarchy servers are:

    • No resets
    • No world border
    • Only 3 months old
    • No voting rewards
    • 1.17.1

    IP: truevanilla.xyz
    Discord: https://discord.gg/mKwY6djJWP

    submitted by /u/truevanillaxyz
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    Minecraft Event Server for Content [Minigames]

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 09:02 AM PDT

    This server will host short term and long term events in Minecraft that I will stream/make videos from. Pretty basic but it should be fun for anyone who joins. It doesn't cost anything, only requirement is that you meet Discord's ToS. Here is the server link, https://discord.gg/h53zxCFFKh. Here is my twitch, https://www.twitch.tv/yoshiisasher. Here is my Youtube, https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCb_AUiV8WOkmiqYXgJikwWw.

    DM or comment on this post if you have any questions.

    submitted by /u/Yoshiisasher
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    HavenShire [SMP] {1.17.1} {KeepInv} {Dynmap}

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 08:32 AM PDT

    HavenShire is a small community server looking for a few regular members to build up a small player base.

    We started from a small group of friends, and are looking to attract well-meaning players looking for a new SMP home.

    • Server Address: play.havenshiremc.net
    • Minecraft Version: 1.17.1
    • Additional Worlds: Resource world, Creative plot world, KitPVP worlds
    • Plugins: [ColoredSigns] [MyWarp] [LWC] [SignShop] [KitPVP]
    • Features: Keepinv enabled, voting rewards, loot crates, admin shop, server-hosted player market, player shops, creative plot world, KitPVP world
    • Rules: https://www.havenshiremc.net/rules

    The world is set up to permit mob griefing for villager breeding etc. but prevent creeper, ghast & wither explosions, enderman grief and such, to help players get the most beneficial experiences.

    All new players have full access to the resource world for exploration and resource gathering, but build access in the main world is limited to those players who pass the Member Test. This is a simple fully-automated quiz based on the ingame tutorial, which can be taken at any time. Once passed, members also have access to the creative plot world and KitPVP worlds.

    While we don't use land claims, we are strongly anti-grief and will rollback and punish grief, theft, raiding and other bad behaviours.

    So come, one and all, to the most thoroughly average server this week!

    submitted by /u/Sir_Jimmothy
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    Spirith [Semi-Vanilla] [SMP] {18+}{Bedrock Crossplay} {1.17.1}

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 08:11 AM PDT

    spirith.scalacube.me Mostly Vanilla server started by some friends. Java Server with plugin for Bedrock users ( Port 2039). New Server looking for new members. We encourage long term play on the server and a sense of community. Golden Shovel Land claim with additional 100 blocks per hour played. Shopping mall (Coming Soon) and flea market where players will be encourages to set up "Pop-Up" shops on a certain day and time Economy is based on $2000 for a diamond buy/sell. No Cheating, No hacking, No Griefing. Rules and most relevant information are posted at spawn. we are new so there will be some bumps on the road but it will be fun. you are welcome to build a base that is anything from a dirt hut to a grand mansion there are no plans to reset the server so your builds will be preserved.

    submitted by /u/Yellatu
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    TimeToBattle [Network] {1.17.1} {Bedrock support} {Artifical Economy} {Homes} {Claims} {Dynmap}

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 08:02 AM PDT

    Java 1.17.1 IP: play.timetobattle.net

    Bedrock IP: bedrock.timetobattle.net

    Discord: Join us here! (https://discord.gg/BUgZK58RwV)

    Who are we?

    Hi there! TimeToBattle.net is a small community oriented server, focused on building a community focused around our Survival world. We have a good moderation team and are always working on new projects, we also take Player Feedback to help us improve the server, the community and your experience. We, along side our Survival server, have a Creative server for all players to use.

    Our Servers:

    Survival: A 37,500 by 37,500 plot of land that we expanded for updating to 1.17.1. We use several Plugins on it such as HuskTowns (A Towny style claim Plugin) and HuskTowns (A homes/tp utility plugin) along side an artifical economy plugin and chest shops.

    Creative: A normal creative plot server, with plots of size 104x104 for players to use. Along side this we offer a basic World Edit access for all players to use.

    We hope to see you soon on the timetobattle.net server!

    Head Moderator, Iotados

    submitted by /u/Iotados
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    Merchant Villages [PVE] {Unlimited Land} {Land claim} {No Griefing} {Dynmap} {1.17.1}

    Posted: 06 Aug 2021 07:21 PM PDT

    Address: mc.merchantvillages.com

    Merchant Villages is a friendly non-pvp server looking for mature, well behaved players.

    Have you been enjoying Minecraft single player, but found the online community less than youd hoped for? Are you tired of being griefed by experienced players? Had enough of power hungry admins threatening to ban you every time you blink? Merchant Villages offers a friendly environment for players new to the scene and experienced players alike.

    Merchant Villages is well established having been online since January of 2013.

    In Merchant Villages you will find a unique economy because it is based off of the NPC villager trades created by Mojang. Villagers on this server have been designed to make trading easy and fun. With EssentialsEco, ChestShop, Floauction and others seamlessly integrating the vanilla trading with a full eco system, Merchant Villages offers a different approach to creating a full economy experience.

    You'll also find a rich gaming experience with:

    • Unlimited land starting with 100x100 plots and expanded as needed
    • Everything protected - No griefing, everything logged
    • Four home sets and more as you rank
    • No starting in overpopulated areas
    • Random tp designed with options to help you find the biome type of your choice
    • Enhanced minerals in the mines
    • Fall damage off - Creeper and ghast block damage off
    • Craftbook which includes pipes, wireless redstone, and much more
    • Minigames including parkour, spleef, hunger games and more!
    • Family friendly environment
    • No Inventory loss arenas
    • Friendly rules including (1) Respect other players, (2) No offensive language, (3) no hacks, and of course (4) No griefing.

    Come and join us for a full, friendly gaming experience.


    submitted by /u/FatherWh0
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    EggShenanigans [Semi-Vanilla] {1.17.1} {Proximity Voice} {Light-Roleplay} {Whitelisted}

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 06:47 AM PDT

    Hello everyone! We're looking for friendly players!

    Egg Shenanigans is an almost vanilla 1.17.1 Java Edition server. The server's main difference from true vanilla is that it uses Plasmo Voice (found here). For those who don't know, Plasmo Voice is a proximity voice chat mod for Fabric. This means that players can hear each other in voice chat only when they are close together in-game. It's very immersive and quite optimized.

    As most of our players have played Minecraft for years, the difficulty is set to HARD, so this server is definitely a challenge. All actions are allowed as long as the player has a reason to do so (stealing items from an enemy player, blowing up someone's house who is on your property, killing someone who is trespassing, etc...). As long as there is an in-game reason for you to do something, it's allowed (somewhat of a light-roleplay server, I guess you could say).

    Egg Shenanigans also uses some datapacks and somewhat different gameRules.

    VanillaTweaks datapacks:

    Fast Leaf Decay - Leaves decay much faster when trees are chopped down.

    More Mob Heads - Adds a chance to receive a mob head upon killing it.

    Player Head Drops - A player will drop their head when killed by another player. The item displays who the killer is.

    Armored Elytra - Drop an elytra and a chestplate onto an anvil to merge them into one item. Drop the merged item to separate them. Check out more here: (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UCUivDpVDhE&feature=youtu.be)


    reducedDebugInfo: false

    Reducing the debug info removes coordinates from the player's F3 menu. This requires players to build maps, make paths, and use the new Lodestones to find their way back to and share their builds with others. This adds to the immersive feel of the server.

    playersSleepingPercentage: 50

    This gamerule means that only 50 percent of the online players must be sleeping for the night to pass.

    Divine Items:

    In rare circumstances or server events, "Divine Items" are given to players for performing tasks given to them by the "gods". Items can range from boots that give a slight movement boost to knockback sticks that let you play baseball using your friends as the ball to potions that give permanent (single-life) jump boost. Divine items are rare, so make sure to keep them safe once you have them.

    Currently the server is whitelisted. If you would like to join, please take a look at the server's rules in the discord, then message me on discord in the #minecraft text channel. Here's the link to the discord if you're interested: https://discord.gg/eMXPHC3QcC

    Also, feel free to message me on reddit if you have any questions! :)

    Side Note: We are going to be playing THIS map in the next couple weeks (It's the Mazerunner map that Gromek999 is playing).

    submitted by /u/Gare22
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    LittleDigPlanet [Vanilla]{Small Community}{10 Year History}{Grief Prevention}{Survival on Hard Difficulty}{1.17}{Whitelist}{Older Playgroup, mostly late 20s-early 30s}

    Posted: 06 Aug 2021 03:05 PM PDT

    My wife and I started playing Minecraft a decade ago and grew a small group to play with over the years. We all play some other games as well, but Minecraft is where our roots are. We of course use Discord and if you're interested in joining, please join our server and tell us about yourself and what you're looking for in a server before we whitelist you. We try our best to avoid kids and annoying players. Most of us are in our late 20s/early 30s. Lots of the our players, and especially those of us who hang out in voice chat regularly, often try to collaborate on builds and come up with ideas together. I'll include some other various information about our current world and playstyle below.

    • 21+ required

    • Started a new map on 6/9/2021 with the update to 1.17

    • We're a smaller community with usually only 8-12 players online at peak times (We can expect this number to be a little higher in the coming days thanks to this post. We don't make them often.)

    • Most of us hang out in Discord voice chat while playing, so come get to know us.

    • While we play on Hard difficulty, we're not Minecraft speedrunners. We play to build pretty things and work together.

    • When 1.18 comes out we will start a new map while 1.17 stays online until it becomes inactive.

    • Our goal is to have as vanilla of an experience as possible, any exceptions to this are listed below.

    • Enderman and Creeper griefing are turned off (Villagers still work for trading and block editing).

    • We are just added DynMap, but whenever we start a new map we don't use it for the first couple months. See our world here if you'd like:

    • We use DiscordSVR which bridges in-game chat with a Discord channel which allows everyone to chat with people in game when they can't be on.

    • The only plugins we use are for grief protection (including rollback capabilities, chest locking, block edit logging) and chat functionality (changing text colors in game, and in-game chat from our discord server).

    • Our world spawn is on a large island about 1k blocks big. The island is amplified, but the rest of the world is normal. There is still LOTS of room on the spawn island to build on.

    • Multiplayer sleeping is set to turn to day when 75% of players sleep.

    As stated above, join our discord if this is what you're looking for and tell us about yourself before we whitelist you. See you around!


    submitted by /u/Azander137
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    KinkadeGaming [semi-vanilla] {Java 1.17.1}

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 05:13 AM PDT

    Good day to all you lads and ladies out there. I am proud to say that I am currently on the lookout for some go getters and people who love to build large structures in Minecraft. I just finished getting my server rack up and running and hosting a few servers. My only problem is that I am good at the tech stuff but can not build to save my life. So if any of you beautiful people would like to have virtually full creative freedom (within reason of course) please be sure to let me know. I cant wait to hear from you all and see what those of you that reach out can build.

    Server IP:

    submitted by /u/Kinkadegaming
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    MaXGree Network [Factions] [PvP] {1.17.1} {Active} {Economy} {Discord} {Java}

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 05:10 AM PDT

    MaXGree Network
    Java server using the latest Intel Xeon CPU, SSD and high-grade DDR4 ECC Memory. Hosted in centrum of Europa!
    MaXGree is hosted on 1.17.1 but is soon backwards compatible all the way down to 1.8

    Supported Goodies on Factions Only:
    - Purchasable Ranks (Knight - Noble - Emperor - Warlord)
    - Specific Perms dedicated to each Rank
    - ShopGUI+
    - Spartan anticheat
    - Griefprevention
    - RandomTeleport
    - Custom economy
    - CrateReloaded fully working with NuVotifier and VotingPlugin
    - 5 Voting Sites
    - 24/7 online & lagg free
    - Friendly & active support!

    Attached Discord Server for Updates and other uses below.

    We add new content often and are always looking at player suggestions and ideas.
    We have a friendly and knowledgeable staff team who are always ready to help.
    We have a smaller, friendly, non-toxic, community that we are looking to grow.
    This server is new and is very focused on the concept on factions and pvp and make it the best enjoyable faction server possible. if it sounds like something for you, defintly come and join and invite ur friends!

    To become part of our staff team:
    - Being active and dedicated to the server.
    -We're basically looking for people who do Art, Code, Builds, Configs etc.
    If you meet any of those requirements you can send an application to me.

    Server IP: mc.maxgree.net
    Discord: https://discord.gg/cRbNq8Sh3X

    submitted by /u/Jacobsen0612
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    The Beyaj Java SMP! [Semi-Vanilla] [SMP] {PvP Toggle on/off} {1.17.1}

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 04:32 AM PDT

    Hey guys I have a 24/7 Java SMP - Lag free and a super friendly community 😊

    Join the discord to get the ip and meet everyone ☺️ https://discord.gg/HRHv6MR

    P.s. I also live stream the server on YouTube and that's where we all meet/talk/hangout while playing on the server. If you'd like to join us subscribe below and turn on notis to catch the next stream.

    See you in the chat! https://youtube.com/c/Beyaj?sub_confirmation=1

    submitted by /u/beyaj
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    GHS++ [Network] {Survival} {Creative} {Parkour} {KitPVP} {Active Dev} {1.8-1.17 Server: 1.16.5} {Germany} {Online Map} {Quests}

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 04:26 AM PDT


    A Great Minecraft Server with Parkour Maps, Survival with a shop and land claim; a Creative Plot World with WorldEdit And a Heads Plugin; Great parkour area and a KitPVP arena. we are also soon to add custom Items & Bosses to add to the enjoyment

    Discord https://discord.gg/x3aynQK

    IP GHSPP.minecraft.best

    submitted by /u/Zax71_again
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