• Breaking News

    Minecraft New Rules!

    Minecraft New Rules!

    New Rules!

    Posted: 03 Sep 2021 06:18 PM PDT

    In case you didn't notice, we changed our rules a couple of weeks ago. They've been reformatted and reorganized to be more consistent and comprehensive.

    Firstly, the Miscellaneous Removal Reasons list is gone. It sat at the bottom of the FPS list, which wasn't really a good place. To make them more visible and impactful, we've incorporated them into our main set of rules.

    That being said, let's go through our new rules one at a time.

    Rule 1: Be nice and constructive.

    The main change here was specifying being constructive. Comments that simply say that an idea is good or bad with no context or reasoning aren't very helpful, and negative comments of that nature are actively destructive. We want to encourage constructive criticism on this subreddit. I believe this was mentioned in Rule 8, but we've moved it to Rule 1 and put more emphasis on it.

    Rule 2: Speak English.

    No substantial changes here.

    Rule 3: Only post ideas for Minecraft.

    Basically, stay on topic. This also includes the previous Rule 9 (no bug reports). Asking for brainstorming, which was on the MRR list, is also included.

    Rule 4: Be original and consult the FPS list.

    This now includes part of the previous Rule 4 (consult FPS), the previous Rule 6 (no suggestions from mods; also on the MRR list), and the repost rule from the MRR list. They all go under the banner of originality, so we've combined them into a single rule.

    Rule 5: Include only one suggestion per post.

    Same old, though we now mention our Saturday exceptions.

    Rule 6: Consult the Rejected list.

    This was originally part of Rule 4 and was also on the MRR list, but it now has its own rule. With Rule 4 basically being, "Be original," it made sense to separate this.

    Rule 7: Be concise but specific.

    This was part of the previous Rule 3. It was very poorly worded, so we redid it. The new Rule 7 focuses on specificity (also on the MRR list) and formatting.

    Rule 8: Don't suggest planned or existing features.

    This is from the MRR list. We're just making it an actual rule.

    Rule 9: Don't suggest scrapped or unused features.

    Again, previously on the MRR list.

    Rule 10: Don't be overly unrealistic.

    This contains part of Rule 3 (no easter eggs or jokes) as well as two things on the MRR list: extremely unbalanced ideas and ideas inconsistent with Minecraft's theming. These are things we really wanted to bring attention to, so there's now a rule for them.

    Rule 11: Don't suggest low-priority or unproductive ideas (e.g. advancements).

    The title isn't ideal, but this is basically for other suggestions we deem extremely minor or unhelpful, like we deemed advancements and achievements.

    Rule 12: Have 10 comment karma before posting.

    Was Rule 10, now is Rule 12. Also specified that the karma can be from anywhere.

    That's all. Have fun suggesting!

    submitted by /u/ThatOneKirbyMain2568
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    Weekly Update Day #5

    Posted: 03 Sep 2021 06:30 PM PDT

    Happy Saturday!

    Every Saturday, we give users access to the Update flair. This gives them the freedom to post suggestion lists, which are normally prohibited by Rule 5.

    There are some important rules to be aware of:

    • Suggestion lists must have the Update flair. Those without this flair will be removed for breaking Rule 5.

    • Suggestion lists must maintain the same theme. An End update suggestion would be fine, but a post with someone's top 10 general additions would not.

    • All features mentioned in a suggestion list must be thoroughly detailed. If it's in the post, explain what it does, how it fits with the rest of the game, and why it should be in Minecraft. Don't just list the names of 5 mobs and leave it at that.

    This flair has a higher quality standard than others, and it will be closely monitored by staff. Posts deemed too vague may be removed.

    Also, having the Update flair doesn't make your post immune to the FPS list. If it has stuff on there, make sure your take on them is original and well detailed.


    submitted by /u/ThatOneKirbyMain2568
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    Instead of twitter, enable a voting feature in MC Launcher.

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 03:25 AM PDT

    Given what happened last time, I would really appreciate if the devs came up with a better alternative.

    Using Launcher would guarantee only the people who play the game to vote for what they want to see in it, instead of some random Twitter users.

    PS: Excuse the formatting, I am on phone.

    Edit: As people have pointed out, Launchers wouldn't be the best way since this feature is not available with people who play on different platforms.

    The main purpose of my suggestion was to limit the voting to people who have actually bought the game. This is so that we can filter out random people who only vote as a joke. And I'm okay with any way that can be accomplished (like a website or something).

    submitted by /u/no_need_form
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    Desert pyramids should be able to spawn buried again.

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 09:40 AM PDT

    I feel that making them always spawn on the surface makes them less interesting.

    submitted by /u/StopLinkingToImgur
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    Wooden doors in strongholds should be spruce instead of oak

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 12:43 AM PDT

    https://postimg.cc/BtRcqzmQ. I think, by seeing the image above you all can tell why I want this. It would give the stronghold far more of a dungeon-like feel. It makes it look more like an ancient dungeon untouched for centurys. It shouldn't seem like a random boring open house or something.

    submitted by /u/Busy-Entrepreneur886
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    Ender Dragon having a new attack: Void Dive

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 10:32 AM PDT

    Right now, the Ender Dragon fight is pretty boring, you destroy the crystals, you blow the dragon up with beds, and dodge the occasional dragon breath. I suggest adding a new attack that keeps players on their toes, the Void Dive.

    The void dive will work by, every so often, the Ender Dragon will fly over the void, then dive down into the void. It will then reappear flying straight upwards head first through the main island at a random players position. Players will have to move around a lot if they want to avoid getting caught by a void dive. This will make the Ender Dragon more exiting and fun.

    To make a way for the dragon to fly through the blocks, it could turn invisible and have a purple glowing effect, it would become "one with the void". Also, once it does a void dive, it will perch on a pillar and shoot her fireballs at players until she regains some energy.

    submitted by /u/flashbulb_forever
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    Renewable deepslate.

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 02:35 PM PDT

    Simple idea, not very complicated, have a chance for stonemason villagers to offer 32 deepslate for 4 emeralds at master level, this would allow us to do large builds without mining for several years.

    submitted by /u/Meme-Bot69420
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    Shift clicking to place slabs in a single layer

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 04:07 AM PDT

    Anyone who has slabbed a large area knows how annoying it is to accidentally create a bunch of double slabs that you need to mine out and replace.

    I suggest as a minor quality of life change that shift-clicking should only allow a single slab to be placed on any given block.

    submitted by /u/Mckooldude
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    Pointed dripstone should have a small chance for the tip to break off and fall.

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 09:08 AM PDT

    I just think it would be a good way to make caves more dangerous and keep players on edge.

    submitted by /u/Sad-Selection-5957
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    Potion Shelves

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 11:48 AM PDT

    This will be like book shelves but instead of books, it contains potions. They will not have the same functionally as book shelves. They are purely decorational. They are crafted by placing a horizontal line of bottles in the middle and putting wood all around the top and bottom. If broken, it will drop 6 wood and 1 bottle unless the tool has silk touch. This may sound useless but I think it will be great for decorating potion themed builds.

    submitted by /u/DUK_EE3E
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    Deepslate Generators! Below Y:0

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 08:10 AM PDT

    So we all know that you can use water on lava to make cobble and lava on water to make stone but what if we could do the same with deepslate. When water touches lava anywhere below Y:0 where deepslate starts to generate, it should make deepslate or cobbled deepslate instead of stone or cobble stone, respectively.

    submitted by /u/senpai_dokidoki_69
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    Nautilus fossil

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 12:53 PM PDT

    The nautilus fossil would be an ore block that drops a nautilus shell when mined, it also has a chance to drop more of itself when mined with fortune, just like any other ore. It can be mined with a wooden pickaxe, just like coal.

    With this feature, there'd be a more interesting way to acquire nautilus shells than just fishing.

    submitted by /u/Mr_Snifles
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    Jungle Biome Ideas

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 02:51 PM PDT

    I don't know about other people but personally, I'd love a jungle.update. The Jungle is so vast and I feel like it's a missed opportunity to bring more life into the environment, so I've compiled a list of all the ideas I have.

    -The Surge Blossom. This is a new red flower similar to the spore blossom which sits on the ground. (Or potentially any surface.) It squirts water at the player and deals some slight damage to them while walking by, similar to a Llama spit. You can easily pick up this block and use it as a redstone output. It could be used similarly to a dispenser where you can put items inside of it similar to that and have the Surge Blossom spit it out at the player. The difference between this flower and the dispensers is that the Blossom actually spits it's contents toward the player, not just in the direction it's facing.

    -A new skeleton type. This can be a skeleton which instead of using a regular bow and arrow, it uses vines to latch onto any items the player is holding. After latching on, it will pull the weapon out of the player's handing meaning you'll have to go towards the skeleton in order to retrieve it. You can also craft your own version of these bows with vines so you can pull items towards you or latch onto other enemies weapons too.

    -Red Pandas! I feel like red pandas are perfect for Minecraft. They're an example of an endangered animal which can bring awareness through the game. They can be found in the bamboo areas of jungles. They don't have to have a use but it would be fun if they could steal your dropped items and run around with them. Climb up the trees, pass them to other red pandas, etc. Of course they'd give them back, but it'd be a cute trait.

    Anyways, those were just some ideas. Maybe they could be a fitting biome vote instead of being a part of a full fledged update. Either way, thanks for reading!

    submitted by /u/KronomeMusic
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    Increase the Ender Dragons attack rate

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 11:05 AM PDT

    The Ender Dragon fight is, well.... its probably the easiest final boss out of any video game. I think it should shoot the fire balls at the player at 150% the rate it does now. This doesn't require a tone of coding, or make the fight unbeatable. Its a small change, but I think the community would greatly appreciate it.

    submitted by /u/LocalPlatypus994
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    Bubbling cauldron for potion enhanced meats

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 04:46 AM PDT

    In general, the bubbling cauldron is like a furnace, with a "fuel," an input, and an output. The bubbling cauldron makes regular cooked meat into enhanced meat by combining it with potions. This idea could be used for day to day gameplay, but i think that it's primary usage would be a multiplayer SMP(i'll explain that later.) I also think that this idea would remove the problem of not having any space for all your potions since the enhanced meat can be stacked.

    Making the bubbling cauldron Simply add one cauldron and a fireplace in a crafting table or your inventory and it will make a bubbling cauldron. It takes up one block space and can be stacked in your inventory. It would look just like a regular cauldron filled with water, but it would be bubbling, as the name implies.

    The "fuel"

    The fuel input would be any potion of your choosing, so long as it is the default potion and not throwable or lingering. You can only put in one at a time. Once the potion is finished enhancing, there will be an empty bottle there.

    Enhanced meat

    In the top slot you put any kind of cooked meat that you want to enhance. The cauldron will then start enhancing the meat, and after a couple seconds the output slot will have your enhanced meat. You can stack these enhanced meats up to 64 of the like kinds. Once eaten these meats will give you the potion effect either positive or negative.

    SMP usage

    I think that negatively potion enhanced meat can only be viewed as such by the person who made the meat. If you were to give it to another player, it would just look like normal meat. But when consumed, it would give the negative effect to the player as intended. There are ways around this, of course, you could have the person giving you the food test out a piece by eating it. You could also have a piece of safe meat in your inventory to see if the incoming meat stacks with it or doesn't. Lots of possibilities for a fun little betrayal.

    submitted by /u/Mr_Smiles2021
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    /gamerule bedbomb

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 11:15 AM PDT

    I belive there should be a new gamerule, /Gamerule bedbomb. When set to true, beds explode in the Nether and End just like they normally do. If set to false than beds don't explode, they just dissappear. Same with Respawn Anchors in the Overworld and End. By default this is set to true.

    submitted by /u/LocalPlatypus994
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    Blindness after gravel falling on your head

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 04:13 PM PDT

    If gravel or sand falls on your head and you get out you oughta have sone dirt in your eyes, maybe a fee seconds of blindness? Its small but it makes sense

    submitted by /u/aaaaaaaaaaawilby
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    Birch Leaves Should Have a Small Chance to Drop String

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 10:05 AM PDT

    This makes sense because birch trees produce a kind of fluff to spread seeds.

    The ways of obtaining string are quite limited in the early game, but now players may farm birch to get string.

    submitted by /u/WanderingTrader28
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    Horizontal bubbles

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 03:34 PM PDT

    We have upward bubble streams and downward bubble streams, but no sideways bubble streams, a block that would give off side bubbles would be a nice cosmetic and may aid in red stone.

    submitted by /u/BobVanceSchruteFarms
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    Suggestion: An easy way to play online on Java

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 02:54 PM PDT

    Title says it all, it's so annoying that you have to go through all this hassle just to play a world multiplayer that disables when you turn off your pc.

    submitted by /u/The_GGamer_YT
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    Friendlist in Launcher [Java]

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 04:21 AM PDT

    As they are migrating all Mojang accounts to Microsoft accounts, I would say it's finally time to add a friendlist in Minecraft. As Bedrock already has one. In Addition it would be a good feature and could maybe also show whether someone is playing Single or Multiplayer and would also show the Server information of the Server your friend is on, so you could easier join them.

    submitted by /u/Sharky_LP
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    New 1.18 World Generation Type: Legacy

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 07:35 AM PDT

    When creating a new world in 1.18, alongside the ordinary world types such as caves, floating islands, large biomes, etc, there should be a new option: Legacy.

    The Legacy world generation type would generate the world using slightly modified 1.17 world generation- the new mountain biomes wouldn't spawn, and the caves would be ordinary as before the update. This new world would go down to Y = -64 and up to Y = 320, and while the caves below Y = 0 would be deepslate, they would have the old generation pattern for caves, and Extreme Hills would be the mountains once more.

    While I am one of the people who is extremely excited for the new terrain generation, I know there might be some people who find it jarring or not want to work with the new, arguably more hilly, terrain.

    submitted by /u/camocat9
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    Bottles of enchanting...

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 12:21 PM PDT

    Bottles of enchanting are useless.They barely give any XP and they cost way too many emeralds.I think Mojang should give them a small update.Make them craftable for example when you sneak and right click you turn your glass bottle into a bottle of enchanting and lose some XP.That XP will be stored there and you can add stage ups like combining 9 bottles of enchanting that you created into a stage 2 and later 3.Stages would give the same amount of XP needed to craft them and would just be used to clear you inventory.For pvp and other multiplayer gamemodes if needed they should make it so that only the person who created them can use them this would be good if you are playing mini-games on your SMP or a survival world so that you don't lose XP.

    submitted by /u/WeatMolt
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    A Type of Purple Acid that can be Found in the Nether..

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 07:13 AM PDT

    This acid can deal two hearts worth of damage.

    The appearance is boiling and purplish.

    Edit: i meant the end not the nether..

    submitted by /u/GameWaveGames
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    flora and fauna update

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 03:28 PM PDT

    the flora and fauna update would add flower seeds, sunflower seeds could be used as food, new real life animals like frogs, deer, gorrilas,black/grizzly bears, and more birds. naturally occuring nests and eggs, more flower types, plant watering, new sprites for sprouting/wilting flowers, unfertilized dirt,mushrooms can now attach to blocks and can fertilize unfertilized dirt. pigs will be attracted to a new "mud block", wet sand(darker and not affected by gravity),quick sand(recycled water assets but opaque and brown)

    submitted by /u/homersimsan2
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