• Breaking News

    Minecraft Animals that die from the wither effect drop rotten flesh instead of their usual meats

    Minecraft Animals that die from the wither effect drop rotten flesh instead of their usual meats

    Animals that die from the wither effect drop rotten flesh instead of their usual meats

    Posted: 12 Jan 2019 11:29 AM PST

    More uses to potion effect arrows

    Posted: 12 Jan 2019 11:10 AM PST

    Speed arrows travel faster and jump/slow falling go further

    submitted by /u/ChickenWithSneakers
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    Different Title Screen

    Posted: 12 Jan 2019 01:25 PM PST

    Alright, so, we all know about the title screen. Its the first thing you see when you launch Minecraft, besides the Mojang logo, and some versions don't even have that. What I think is gonna happen, and what is happening, is that based on the update, they'll change the title screen background to fit the update. In 1.13 they changed it to underwater near a ravine and a shipwreck. In 1.14 they're gonna change it to a village, and presumably in 1.15, if it's, say for example, a Nether update, the background will be the Nether, and so on. I think, instead of a singular background, it should change overtime. Starting as one thing, then fading into something else, Garry's Mod style. Like, it could start as the original one, then fade into the village, then into the underwater, then into the nether, and fade into something else at random. You could have a building contest, and the, say, 10 winners get a cape, and their build featured in the title screen. Although, just having their build featured would probably be good enough for anyone. I have a few ideas for ingame screenshots that should be featured.

    A Nether portal built into the wall of a cave
    A Stronghold End portal room
    All the past title screen backgrounds, possibly including the original dirt background
    That really old screenshot of a discolored Mario build that was made in Minecraft Alpha
    All the generated structures (Desert Temple, Jungle Temple, Ocean Monument, etc)
    A screenshot of the working redstone computer that one guy made, who I forget the name of
    An oak door in the side of a mountain
    The inside of a ravine
    A hoard of zombies burning in the daylight
    A creeper on the last stage before he explodes
    A cube made out of thousands of TNT right next to someone's house

    submitted by /u/masquite
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    More Biomes in the Nether

    Posted: 12 Jan 2019 01:55 PM PST

    Not enough to explore in the Nether? Want to see more biomes? Great, read on!


    To add more biomes, the Nether would also need more blocks, mobs, etc. Some of these features will be mentioned in the list of biome suggestions.

    Nether Storms The Nether equivalent of weather. Sometimes, a nether storm occurs. You know when there is a Nether storm because you will see fire particles everywhere. The effect depends on the biome.

    Magma Fruit Used to craft magma roots for replanting nether trees (see below). Like chorus fruits and golden apples, magma fruits can be eaten even if the hunger bar is full, giving the player a special effect (10 seconds of Fire Resistance in this case).

    Magma Bark Can be used as fuel in a furnace, or thrown to set things on fire. Can also be used to craft magma wood, a decorative block.

    Nether Stalk Grows like sugar or cacti, but you plant it on soul sand. Smelt it to make nether bark.

    Black Nether Brick A variant of nether brick blocks, crafted using nether brick items and wither roses.

    Magma Trees Grows on the netherrack, including the walls or ceiling. The shape is sort of like a chorus tree, but it can branch out in any direction. Magma trees primarily consist of a block that drops magma bark, but they also grow a block that drops magma fruit.

    Wither Bunkers A small building, mostly underground, made of black nether bricks. The entrance is an iron trapdoor, with ladders below. Inside is a brewing stand and a treasure chest.

    Burned An offshoot of drowned, spawning in certain parts of the Nether. They do a melee attack, setting the player on fire in the process. Some burned spawn with a bow, in which case they shoot flaming arrows. They drop bones and fire charge. If the player has a bucket in their offhand, killing a burned also has a small chance of filling the bucket with lava.

    Nether Spiders A third type of spider, with the size and speed of a cave spider. However, they stay neutral in dark areas.

    Possible biomes

    These are just examples of what could be added. Feel free to suggest other biomes.

    The mobs listed are for areas that are not in fortresses.

    Classic Nether Pretty much what the Nether looks like now, but without the lava oceans (lava oceans would be a separate biome, see below). Zombie pigmen, ghasts, and sometimes magma cubes and endermen spawn. Nothing changes during Nether storms.

    Lava Ocean Unlike the current lava oceans, these would be larger and generate islands of soul sand. Zombie pigmen, ghasts, and sometimes magma cubes and burned spawn, except during storms, when only magma cubes spawn.

    Magma Forest Magma trees generate all around. There is quartz, mushrooms, and lots of magma blocks, but no glowstone. Magma cubes, zombie pigmen, and sometimes endermen and Nether spiders spawn. During storms, burned also spawn, and zombie pigmen become hostile.

    Dense Magma Forest Lots of caves, with magma trees inside. Often, the magma trees are so close together that the player must break blocks to get around. Like normal magma forests, glowstone does not generate. Magma cubes and Nether spiders spawn. During storms, the Nether spiders become hostile and set players on fire.

    Fire Lands Lots if hills, with occasional magma trees, lava lakes, and glowstone clusters, though no magma blocks. Zombie pigmen, ghasts, and burned spawn. During storms, blazes will also spawn, and netherrack will randomly ignite.

    Soul Desert The ground is covered in soul sand, with nether stalks growing. Zombie pigmen, ghasts, burned, and sometimes endermen spawn. The pigmen become hostile due storms.

    Wither Barrens Large, open space with dirt replacing much of the netherrack. Nether fortresses do not generate in this biome, but wither bunkers do. Only wither skeletons spawn naturally in this biome. During storms, many blocks "decay" overtime; flowers become wither roses, torches disappear, etc.

    submitted by /u/Pocket_Hide
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    When a Chicken is attacked and enough are around, they all swarm the player and peck at them.

    Posted: 12 Jan 2019 12:07 PM PST

    (Insert Zelda music here)

    submitted by /u/LordSaltious
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    Roasted Seeds

    Posted: 12 Jan 2019 09:17 AM PST

    The title pretty much explains itself.

    You gather seeds, throw them in a furnace, and a few seconds later, roasted seeds.

    How many hunger bars it should fill up, I'm not quite sure. Half, or maybe even a quarter of a bar.

    submitted by /u/WarmCookiesAndMilk
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    New enchantment: summoning

    Posted: 12 Jan 2019 08:15 AM PST

    Basically how this works is you put it on your armor and upon command it will come to you.

    -Where to find it This cant be obtained from an enchantment table it must be found in the world in places like strongholds or end cities.

    -how to use it Once you have put the enchantment on your armor you need to craft a totem of summoning. This would be crafted with a totem of undying surounded by diamonds. Put it in an anvil with the piece of armor you wish to link it to (the armor must have the enchantment). It can be linked to one item for each armor slot. Right click on totem and it will swap your armor out for the armor it has been linked to. Right click again and the armor will go back to the chest or armor stand it was on giving you back any armor you had on before you used the summoning.

    submitted by /u/Ian_McCreary_12
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    Rotate Blocks via hand

    Posted: 12 Jan 2019 02:57 PM PST

    so basically you can rotate and block stipple by right clicking (doesnt apply to block like buttons that already have a right click function) this would be useful cause then blocks like stairs can be turned sideways or maybe a tool to rotate #sidewaysStairs

    submitted by /u/ShadowRocks2-Gaming
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    Pandas are a little too giant, they should be shrunk just a tad.

    Posted: 12 Jan 2019 11:05 AM PST

    I reckon they should be about 3/4 the size of the polar bear, this would allow you to have more in one enclosure as they wouldn't take up too much space, less daunting to come across and be a tad more realistic.

    It be here too!: http://feedback.minecraft.net

    submitted by /u/PolarMammoth2
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    Adding a potion to a campfire adds the effect to it like a lingering potion

    Posted: 12 Jan 2019 01:36 PM PST

    When you add a potion to a campfire the potion is temporarily or permanently there, as well as the fire having particle effects of the potion,the effects would be with in a few block radius or the effect being anywhere in the light, you would get rid of the effect by putting out the fire or adding milk

    submitted by /u/BeanyEcho
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    An actual suggestion

    Posted: 12 Jan 2019 01:18 PM PST

    A new music disc which plays bitch lasagna on repeat for 10 hours. Yes i'm actually serious. This is my legitimate suggestion.

    submitted by /u/500xTNT
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    There should be inverse redstone powered blocks

    Posted: 12 Jan 2019 09:02 AM PST

    Like a piston that is extended unless it's powered.

    Could be crafted by adding a redstone torch

    submitted by /u/HeaterTheYeeter
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