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    Minecraft Charcoal Block

    Minecraft Charcoal Block

    Charcoal Block

    Posted: 19 Jan 2019 06:18 AM PST

    The devs should add a Charcoal Block

    submitted by /u/Kezk_
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    If you have fire resistance, you can really swim in lava

    Posted: 19 Jan 2019 08:27 AM PST

    Now the only thing happens by drinking this potion is the fact you can walk in lava and not burn, I suggest that it will also allow you swim like you swim in water, not have that fire on you and if the nether will get an overall, I'm sure this will open the gate to add mobs into the lava...

    However, my idea is to allow people drank fire resistance swim in lava

    submitted by /u/omer_g
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    Make rotten felsh compostable

    Posted: 19 Jan 2019 03:14 AM PST

    This is really it. The new composter block is very useless, if you aren't a big redstoner (don't misunderstand, i really like it, very good decoration detail) but you should be able to compost rotten flesh, spider eyes, and other not-too used mob drops.

    submitted by /u/Zsigio
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    Golden Carrot on a Stick

    Posted: 19 Jan 2019 05:33 AM PST

    This could simply just be a Carrot on a Stick with higher durability but one idea I had was to make it give the pig you're riding an effect every time it bites down. These effects would either be Speed, Fire Resistance, Speed or Jump Boost. They'd last for 30 seconds.

    I'd make its durability about 46.

    Here's a sprite I made of it a long time ago: https://i.imgur.com/kEoGWIM.png

    submitted by /u/The-Myth-Of-Legends
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    Emerald Block + Noteblock = Villager HMMM

    Posted: 18 Jan 2019 04:49 PM PST

    Does this need explained? Villagers are obviously already amazing singers, so why cant noteblocks do that too...

    BTW - This post isn't a joke. I actually would like to see a villager sound added to noteblocks

    submitted by /u/Vexecute1
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    Sandstorms in desert biomes

    Posted: 19 Jan 2019 11:57 AM PST

    I'm not sure if they should entirely replace rain in Deserts but I think Sandstorms would be a good addition to desert biomes. You could have them have both negatives and positives.

    -Most mobs (except Husks and Phantoms) have reduced range of seeing you; you'd usually have to be about 5 blocks within there range for them to attack
    -Can stare at Endermen without repercussion
    -Puts out fires

    -Undead mobs don't burn
    -Vision is reduced drastically (Think Tiny render distance)
    -Crops don't grow at all unless given Bonemeal
    -Fishing is more infrequent
    -Husks and Phantoms can still see you

    submitted by /u/The-Myth-Of-Legends
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    Solar Eclipise?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2019 05:42 AM PST

    Wouldn't it be cool if one day you saw the moon pass the sun and it becomes almost dark for a few minutes and comes back to normal right after?

    submitted by /u/CarsonCool
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    No Longer Being Able To Breathe Under Lava

    Posted: 19 Jan 2019 02:02 PM PST

    The title speaks for itself.

    Currently when you are swimming in lava and go under, you can still breathe. I mean... what?.

    Lava is still a liquid so there shouldn't be any difference between drowning in lava and water.

    Burning to death is just another consequence of being in lava.

    submitted by /u/Implodingllama
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    Wooden variants blocks

    Posted: 19 Jan 2019 07:37 AM PST

    All wooden type of blocks should have all wooden variants

    Chest, Lectern, Bookshelfs, Composter Block, Campfire, (Crafting Tables?), Barrels, Item Frames... All these blocks should have wooden variants depending which type of wood is using while crafting.

    Wooden tools should have this feature too.

    Some pictures of how would look like:




    submitted by /u/Kezk_
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    The Trellis, a structure that controls vine growth

    Posted: 19 Jan 2019 03:05 PM PST

    A trellis is a simple structure (usually wooden) that comes with various "lattice" designs (often simple squares, but can be decorative) which creeping plants climb up.

    In Minecraft, a Trellis would be crafted with eight sticks arranged in a square (centre square empty).

    A Trellis is a "flat" structure that can be both free-standing, or attached to a block (as with trap doors). However a Trellis, once placed, has no movement.

    A Trellis can be placed both vertically and horizontally (as with trap doors).

    Vines that are placed on Trellis' grow along them, but wiill not spread past the structure.

    A Trellis can be climbed like a ladder.

    Trellis' would be very useful decorative items. They could be used to make pergolas, etc.

    submitted by /u/Druss_Rua
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    Elytra skins

    Posted: 19 Jan 2019 02:53 PM PST

    I don't think the elytra should be customizable. It shouldn't have its own skincode thing, or however that works. I think you should have to complete certain challenges to get different elytra skins. Here's a few

    Phantom Wings - once you kill 100 or more phantoms, you get Phantom Wings. phantom wings, straight up
    Angel Wings - fly over 300 blocks into the air with the Elytra within 2 minutes. white with gold outline
    Demon Wings - kill 50 or more Zombie Pigmen. black and grey
    Dragon Wings - kill the Enderdragon twice or more. black with a purple tinge
    Diamond Wings - obtain two full stacks of diamonds. Minecraft diamond blues
    Prismarine Wings - find, and conquer an Ocean Monument. greenish-blue prismarine color, with prismarine brick pattern
    Withered Wings - kill two Withers. black, with no feathers, just the bare bones of wings

    there should be a button in the pause menu, and startup menu that lets you access your elytra skin menu. It'd be cool.

    submitted by /u/masquite
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    Geological suggestion for clay

    Posted: 19 Jan 2019 12:44 AM PST

    Yes, I did see, read and upvote https://www.reddit.com/user/BiggestThiccBoi suggestion for craftable clay: https://www.reddit.com/r/minecraftsuggestions/comments/ahjh6j/craftable_clay/

    But I have a variant to the suggestion which is more towards gathering rather than crafting.

    I really like the brick blocks but think its a bit too hard to gather large quantities of clay to make bricks.

    So I would like to suggest an addition to world generation: In deep ocean biomes two-three block thick clay horizons should spawn in (not as patches as today) but rather as large expanses on the ocean floor, I'm thinking like 30x30 areas (huge).

    Geologically this makes sense since oceans are a depository environment for clay. And from gameplay it also makes sense since deep ocean floor is not an easy access area without a conduit/potions so its not too easy.

    To make it a bit more difficult the clay horizon could be covered by sand/gravel so its not visible from surface.

    What do you all think?

    submitted by /u/A_mining_madman
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    The /locate command should be able to locate Specific Biome Villages

    Posted: 19 Jan 2019 02:04 PM PST


    /locate Plains_Village

    /locate Spruce_Village

    submitted by /u/CynfulEntity
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    Posted: 19 Jan 2019 07:52 AM PST

    If any of you have ever played Minecraft from wayyyy back in the day you'll know the camera block. (And if you've ever played Minecraft Education Edition) This camera block was added, but quickly removed for unknown reasons. This camera is modeled after this gorgeous thing: https://assets.catawiki.nl/assets/2015/12/11/2/e/7/2e7f0e3c-a03f-11e5-9ac0-78f904fad388.jpg

    The camera itself before removal and addition to MCEE: https://d1u5p3l4wpay3k.cloudfront.net/minecraft_gamepedia/thumb/8/80/Camera.png/150px-Camera.png?version=bd5529826765f63a3d69a165f1fe781f

    While F2 does exist, it has little to no charm and is not fun. The camera could have a little boom of smoke and make black and white photos instead of colored. (And if colored is wanted, one could use corresponding dyes) These photos could be stored in a portfolio (like in Minecraft Education edition) and could be taken out and put into an item frame for everyone to look. The camera could have a timer attached to do periodic pictures of an area and possibly give out a redstone signal every time it's taken a picture. One of the developers named Tommaso has stated he wants to implement the camera some how, so there's hope! :) Maybe it's a dumb idea but it's all for fun, thank you for reading!!

    submitted by /u/BiggestThiccBoi
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    more biomes

    Posted: 19 Jan 2019 11:29 AM PST

    I have some ideas for biomes. Here they are

    Nether Plains - basically, its that area that you're always walking on in the Nether
    Soulsand Beach - yknow those big patches of soulsand everywhere? yeah, that
    Lava Ocean - again, it's the Lava Oceans in the Nether, but, like, it's a biome now
    Lava River - this is an actual new one. Basically, allow river generation in the Nether, but make it out of Lava.
    Amplified [biome] - allow a rare chance for certain biomes to be Amplified, even if the world isn't amplified as a whole.
    End Island - basically, all the islands in the End
    End Void - basically, the End void
    Volcano - basically, add volcanoes into the game. Whether they can erupt or not is up to you. They could have a new ash block around them, and be filled with lava. Maybe an Ash Zombie variant can spawn here, since zombies seem to be the mob that gets the most variety
    Beach - yes, I know, it's in the game. But I don't think they're as good as they could be. They should be bigger, and have Palm Trees, which might actually happen, since Mojang said in the biome chooser that the biomes that aren't voted for will still be updated, just, in later updates, and they said that they would add Palm Trees to the desert, which could be extended to beaches. I also think that beaches shouldn't be allowed to generate on any body of water. Just the Ocean biomes, and the Lake biome. Wait, lake biome? that's not in the game.
    Lake - basically, if a body of water is completely surrounded by land, and is less than 200 blocks in diameter, it should be a Lake biome

    submitted by /u/masquite
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    Scaffolding's horizontal limit makes it inferior to dirt bridges. Let's fix that. (Video concept included!)

    Posted: 18 Jan 2019 08:40 PM PST

    TL;DR: Ability to place below scaffolding, remove the horizontal support limit in favour of base block, and scaffolding drops at the block that was mined. If it's too OP, add it to Iron Scaffolding which could be useful in the Nether or End. Video and Feedback site post

    (New ideas are emboldened.)

    Currently, placing scaffolding more than 6 blocks away horizontally from a pillar causes the block to fall to the ground. This lowers its usefulness below dirt and slime blocks in terms of convenience, as extra time, resources and inventory slots must be sacrificed to build additional supports. It is useful for creating a safe way down as you can drop enough scaffolding to make a new pillar, but this could also be achieved by adding the ability to place blocks below scaffolding, perhaps by looking down and sneak placing. Scaffolding's structural rules do correspond with its most useful property: If a scaffolding block is supported, it will break when that support is removed. However, a tiny selection of blocks are affected by gravity and those play by simple rules: if there's not a block directly below them, they'll fall. Further contributing to confusion is how scaffolding can only be horizontally supported by adjacent scaffolding. It's consistent with the rest of its behaviour, but not with Minecraft as a whole.

    To solve this, replace the current support behaviour with what I will call "base block" behaviour. It works as follows: when scaffolding is placed on a non-scaffolding block, it will take on a slightly different texture, signifying it is a base block, which will only be broken if mined. All other scaffolding will be stabilised by any scaffolding it touches, regardless of the direction. If it is no longer stabilised, it will break. This way, you can have as many base blocks as you like, and destroying the whole structure is as simple as destroying all the base blocks. Distance from supports would be irrelevant, meaning it would never fall under any circumstances. No confusing physics, less scaffolding required, and easier construction and destruction. Speaking of destruction, it would also be useful for all the blocks to drop at the base block when destroyed, to save the hassle of picking them all up.

    The latest snapshot has made scaffolding excel at its current uses. But if the base block behaviour were added, they would be suitable for a larger range of activities, such as quick bridges across hostile environments like the Nether or End. And if this lies too far outside the developers' vision for scaffolding, there could be a new tier - iron scaffolding, which could also be immune to fire, have a higher blast resistance, allow you to climb faster and even prevent you from falling off as if you were always sneaking. It could also allow you to hang from the bottom for increased accessibility.

    In conclusion, Mojang's execution of scaffolding is more versatile than that of mods, but its reliance on supports has made the block significantly less useful. However, Village and Pillage has included a massive amount of community suggestions, which proves they are definitely listening to us. If you agree with these ideas and want to see the scaffolding block improved, please upvote this post. Special thanks to GreasyTroll and OreoLamp who helped with the ideas and Nox for the textures.

    Here is the video.

    Feedback site link:


    submitted by /u/Camcamcam753
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    Icon inconsistency - 2D and 3D items

    Posted: 19 Jan 2019 07:42 AM PST

    Some items are in 3D and others in 2D, regardless of whether they are in the same category. This causes icon inconsistency...

    Here you can see how it should be.

    Vote this suggestion on the Official Minecraft Suggestion page!

    submitted by /u/Kezk_
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    Repost: Grass should look and sound wetter during rain

    Posted: 19 Jan 2019 12:24 PM PST

    During rain, the grass texture should be slightly more darker and wetter looking.

    And when you step on it, the sound should sound more wet and dirt-like and squishy.

    After the rain ends, it would start to dry up and turn normal.

    A repost of my 5 months old suggestion to let you know it's now on feedback.minecraft.net too, if you want to support it there

    submitted by /u/Mac_Rat
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    Wolf, Polar Bear, and fox neutral behavior

    Posted: 19 Jan 2019 03:56 PM PST

    Getting 5 blocks near a wolf or polar bear will make them hostile to you and foxes runs first and if you didn't stop following the fox (3 times), it'll be hostile to you

    submitted by /u/ZhanderDrake
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    Food Waste

    Posted: 19 Jan 2019 12:50 AM PST

    An idea that I've had for a long time is food waste, which is when you eat certain food, it leaves behind some junk. For example, eating an apple would leave an apple core, and eating a melon slice would leave the shell

    This idea hasn't made much sense before, but with the new compost block coming to the V&P update, you could use these items for your compost

    submitted by /u/BillyWhizz09
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    Now that we finally have more walls, why not add more layers?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2019 10:28 AM PST

    Snow layers have always been an interesting idea to me, but they've also always been in the same place as the walls; interesting ideas that Mojang never really acknowledges much despite being unlike everything else in the game. I know there was the whole block limit thing, but it's still weird to think that they didn't even have sand layers.

    Obviously, the block limit is a thing of the past now, and we're finally getting more walls next update. While we're at it, why don't we try adding more layers? They would add a ton of new potential to builds, but obviously there's gotta be a limit to them. You can't just give every block in the game layers, not only would that make no sense, but it would make the full blocks completely redundant. Therefore, here are a few of the potential layers I think would work, and why:

    Wooden Boards: Pretty self explanatory. It's basically just disassembling the plank blocks, though I'm not sure if they should keep the same texture or not.

    Gravel layers: Afterall, gravel is basically just a bunch of pebbles and... that's it, it'd just make sense.

    Stone layers: Caves in reality are pretty unpredictable and hard to navigate through, so why not add that same unpredictability to the game? Could even extend to things like Netherrack or the 1.8 stones, though admittedly I'm not sure how easy this would be to run naturally.

    Slime layers: Slime is already represented as essentially jello in this game, so this would be pretty easy to believe. It wouldn't just be a cosmetic thing though, I imagined each layer as having varying degrees of bounciness, with one layer having none, two being the equivalent of a bed, etc.

    submitted by /u/Realshow
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    Craftable clay!

    Posted: 18 Jan 2019 10:02 PM PST

    I like to build large cities in Minecraft survival for fun. One of the main aspects of these cities is the large use of bricks and dyed terra-cotta. Recently I had seen how a lot of clay is actually made in some strange factory, so I began to think about how clay is made in the real world, could be adapted to Minecraft.

    So craftable clay seems to be a great solution. Maybe a recipe being with sand and dirt could equal 6, 8, or 16 raw clay balls. Maybe better yet the new Mason could sell raw clay (Maybe he does, I don't know) for 1 emerald = 6 clay. Yes I'm also aware Mesa and Badlands biomes do exist, but I think they're too beautiful (and rare) to strip all the way down for the sake of some buildings. Thank you for reading!

    submitted by /u/BiggestThiccBoi
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    Middle click villager trades

    Posted: 18 Jan 2019 06:36 PM PST

    If you didn't know, middle clicking any block or entity will give you the corresponding item. When in the villager trading UI, you should be able to middle click the item to make trading in creative easier.

    submitted by /u/doogawa2
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