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    Minecraft Foxes that Trust the Player will Sleep near Campfires if there is one nearby

    Minecraft Foxes that Trust the Player will Sleep near Campfires if there is one nearby

    Foxes that Trust the Player will Sleep near Campfires if there is one nearby

    Posted: 15 Feb 2019 08:20 AM PST

    Title says it all.

    Who doesn't want to curl up and sleep near a warm campfire? Wild foxes are scared of the player, so they won't. But foxes that trust the player will.

    Vote for here too: https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/community/posts/360041789692-Foxes-Sleeping-Near-Campfires

    [Pending Approval]

    submitted by /u/EmperorEntropy
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    Give rabbits the ability to breed automatically and destroy all crops.

    Posted: 15 Feb 2019 12:24 PM PST

    Rabbits are cute, but don't really do much other than give you rabbit's foot. Rabbits are known to multiply exponentially if left unchecked, and can ravage unprotected farms.

    Every 5 minutes, rabbits will automatically go into love more and will make 3 babies instead of 1. Rabbits will grow up faster and Mature rabbits will actively seek out crops, trample the farmland and eat the seeds and crops the that drop.

    submitted by /u/knotawz123
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    Donkeys deserve better

    Posted: 15 Feb 2019 01:19 PM PST

    Donkeys really need their own benefits. They should be a useful for mining like they are in real life. They should be able to fit through a 1 wide by 2 tall space like the player can. A player on a donkey should be able to fit in a 1 wide by 3 high hole. This would give donkeys their own functionality and add an interesting layer that mining desperately needs.

    Another interesting idea would be allowing donkeys to pull mine carts, either controlled from the player riding in the mine cart or being lead. These would be a cheaper alternative to powered rails and allow for effective mine cart use earlier in the game. Ponies were also used historically for both these purposes, if Mojang would rather add this to a new mob rather than revamping an old one.

    Another note on donkeys, irl they are viscous against predators and are often used as guards for sheep. Adding a behavior that makes them attack wild wolves would be more interesting than useful, but if they decide to revamp the donkey might as well go all the way.

    submitted by /u/Equiarius
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    Sleeping Players, Cats, and Villagers should have Closed Eyes Just like the Foxes

    Posted: 15 Feb 2019 11:29 AM PST

    Currently, sleeping players, cats, and villagers have their eyes open.

    The foxes in the latest snapshot sleep with their eyes closed.

    This is inconsistent, so players, cats, and villagers should have their eyes closed when they sleep. Plus, it is also creepy to sleep with eyes open.

    submitted by /u/EmperorEntropy
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    Hanging Ladders

    Posted: 15 Feb 2019 12:25 PM PST

    In one of the new 1.14 snapshots, the ability to climb vines that are not connected to a block was added. I think that the same mechanic should be added to the ladder. Currently, the only way to achieve this look is with barrier blocks in creative mode, but this addition would extend this ability to survival mode.

    submitted by /u/TheMadHatter258
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    Worms - a mob that makes fishing and crops more efficient.

    Posted: 15 Feb 2019 10:00 AM PST

    there will be 2 types of worms, one in the outside world and one in the nether.

    WORMS (overworld)

    -are passive.

    -found in dirt biomes (example: forest , taiga , savanna)

    - can be hidden (sometimes) in dirt blocks (like a silver fish), if you break the block where the worm hides, it will come out.

    - After a while they can come out of the dirt block where they were.

    - They'll be slow. (when sliding, would have an animation)

    - up to 5 worms can be caught per bucket (you catch them with an empty bucket) (then you click left on the floor and

    take them out of the cube.)

    - HP : He'll have very little health, you can kill him in one fell punch.

    - drop : the worm itself (example: this)

    - have fall damage (from 5 blocks of height receive damage)

    - If the worm is alive and comes close to a chicken, the chicken will kill it and eat it, the chicken can also search the ground to get them out of the block where they are and eat them.


    - can be used for fishing (more efficient fishing), when you catch a fish you would spend 1 worm, when you catch objects the worm would not be spent.

    - and can be added to the composter to make the crops more efficient (grow a little faster)

    - you can put up to 3 worms in each compost (but if you add more compost with worms will still be the same and will not improve the speed any more) (for every worm you put in the composter, you'll raise the efficiency level a little bit) ( leave it the composter full, do not empty it, to improve the crops the composter has to be full and at least with a worm, you do not have to empty it.)

    - when you grab a worm in a bucket it will show how many worms you have in the bucket. (you put it 1 by 1 in the composter (the worms)

    - you can give them to the chickens to procreate.


    WORMS (nether)

    - are aggressive (to the player) (they won't do you much harm)

    - they slide faster than the common one worm.

    - can be found in groups of 3 - 6 worms

    - they don't die in lava

    - you can catch them in a bucket (5 per bucket)

    - hp: With 3 strokes you kill him. (blows with the hand, with the sword (and bow) you kill him instantly)

    - they can hide in soul sand, be careful when collecting soul sand, that can leave worms

    - drop (not always) : the worm itself (but , the color is red)


    - increases the fishing efficiency a little more than the original.

    - if you add a "nether worm" to the composter, the compost will improve the growth efficiency of nether warts (not normal crops). (you can add 2 nether worms to the composter) (cannot be mixed between original and nether's)

    - And you can't give them to the chickens.

    Also support this idea on feedback.minecraft.net,(click) ( <------ here you will see that there is very little information, "a summary", because every time I published the idea they erased it , and I had to delete a lot of information for they to approve, and at the end I've summarized but I forgot to add what the nether worm does with the warts).

    submitted by /u/FREISHAN2346
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    Nautilus Ore:

    Posted: 15 Feb 2019 02:20 PM PST

    In underwater ravines, caves, and the ocean floor, nautilus ore could spawn to replace the RNG drops from drowned.

    Therefore, players would be rewarded for mining in such a difficult area.

    submitted by /u/Vigil_the_Shaper
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    When you start drowning your hearts turn light blue.

    Posted: 14 Feb 2019 10:03 PM PST

    Title says it all.

    submitted by /u/Mr_Dell
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    Increased chance of wandering villagers near campfires

    Posted: 15 Feb 2019 01:55 AM PST

    Also he could mabye spawn a little further away so that if you put a campfire inside your house it won't seem like he just broke in.

    submitted by /u/sterpogamer
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    Improved Hoes

    Posted: 15 Feb 2019 09:34 AM PST

    At the moment hoes are useless for the most part, they are used to set up land for plants to grow. I have a couple ideas that could really improve them including a new enchantment or two.

    • Mining Speed: Much like how swords destroy cobwebs faster than any other tool the hoe should be able to destroy a couple things faster including: Hay bales, Kelp Blocks, Nether Wart Blocks, etc.

    • Experience from Farming: Using a hoe to destroy crops has a small chance to grant the player experience much like how coal does when mined.

    • New Enchantments Hoes will be able to be enchanted with some specific new enchantments including:

    • Harvesting 1-3

    • Oasis

    • Harvesting Harvesting is an enchantment that increases the output of crops. When a hoe with Harvesting is used to destroy crops It will slightly increase the output of specific crops (wheat, carrots, beatroots, potatoes). Item Drops by enchantment level:

    Harvesting 1- 25% chance to double crop drop count Harvesting 2- 50% chance to double crop drop count Harvesting 3- 75% chance to double crop drop count

    • Oasis (Recommend a better name please XD) Oasis is a single tier enchantment that removes the need for water. When right clicking grass/dirt with a hoe wielding the Oasis enchantment the farmland will automatically be wet. This removes the need for water in farms late-game. This enchantment will not be available from the enchantment table.

    Sorry for the really long read but this idea has been stuck in my head for a little while now so I finally decided to put it on here. Please be critical of my post as if any of these features were to be implemented, I would like them to be appealing to players.

    submitted by /u/blenders33
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    A update to the wolf

    Posted: 15 Feb 2019 02:03 PM PST

    We have had the same wolf mob for years now and I feel it needs and update. Now that they added new skins for the cat mob why should we not do this to the wolf? Wolfs in real life come in multiple colors and I feel like newly colored wolfs would give the mob a interesting look to it. Like make the wolf come in the colors of black,snow-white, brown, tan, and deep and light grey. I also believe that wolfs should form packs and take on larger prey like cows and multiple sheep at once. I also believe that they should re-enable the wolfs old feature of howling since wolfs in real life howl maybe they can make it that wolfs howl before they attack prey or the player and that they will only howl during a full moon. It's just an idea but I feel that would really give the wolf the attention that it deserves. I know this idea may already have been suggested but I really love it if these features were ever added into the game.

    submitted by /u/Splatoongamer101
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    The painting table

    Posted: 15 Feb 2019 01:48 PM PST

    This table will allow you to make custom paintings. (Not pixel by pixel and also original paintings are not effected)

    Crafting it- This table would be crafted from 2 wooden planks with 2 sticks on top. To use this table you also need to craft 2 other Items. The paint brush is crafted from a stick with a string on top. The quill would be crafted from a feather and an ink sac.

    Using it- Right clicking on on it will take you through a series of options (size, backround, midground, foreground, colors used) allowing you to make your own custom painting from set options. When you have gone through the options you will have to buttons along with a preview of the painting. The 2 buttons would be "clear painting" and "compose painting." Hitting "compose painting" will take you to the crafting while hitting "clear painting" will restart the process (note that you can leave the table without the painting clearing). After designing the painting there would be several different slots for dyes(you might not have to use all of them) along with slots for sticks, paper, and slots to equip the quill and paint brush. Each painting will have different dyes needed (there is only ever one of each dye used for a painting). The table would give you a preview of the painting like the cartography table and tell you the dyes required. You put in the sticks, paper, and dyes required and can take your custom painting.

    Other features- Custom paintings will be signed like books in the nbt data. While a painting is being made a representation of it, 1 pixel short of a block, will appear flat ontop of the table.

    submitted by /u/Ian_McCreary_12
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    Make maps show biomes

    Posted: 15 Feb 2019 03:28 PM PST

    Right now, at least in java edition, biomes don't show in maps

    submitted by /u/6-_4_13_2_37_0_-9
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    Posted: 15 Feb 2019 01:36 PM PST

    Rice could spawn naturally in pools of water located in jungle and plains biomes, on top of dirt.

    It can be planted on tilled farmland submerged in 1 block of water. Although it can be placed on normal farmland, it would be far slower.

    When harvested, it would drop ~2 raw rice, one of which is replanted. The other has to be smelted in a furnace to yield cooked rice, which it worth 3 hunger points.

    Mochi: 1 Cooked Rice + 2 Sugar + 1 Bowl. Provides 5 hunger points.

    Sushi: 3 Cooked Rice + 3 Dried Kelp + 1 Cooked Salmon/Cod. Creates 6 sushi, each provides 3 hunger points, total 18 hunger points.

    submitted by /u/Vigil_the_Shaper
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    Despawned items get added to a list in the Creative menu for any player on a world.

    Posted: 15 Feb 2019 03:33 PM PST

    Running a survival server can sometimes cause a lot of stress. Players moaning because they've lost items, people exploring the End, finding 3 Elytra only to lose them all in the void when they are in limited numbers, etc. I'm usually against cheating but when you have to manage people that make silly mistakes or come on only to grief and steal, it gets harder and harder not to get people their stuff back.

    I run a lot of backups and have had to merge a few saves to preserve what some fools have ruined. Having this mechanic would make that process a lot easier. Not to mention that if someone dies, you can see exactly what they lost, so they can re-create it without cheating and just by knowing.

    Maybe it would only count for renamed items or items that don't have grey names. So enchanted items and rare items. Creative mode players could also clear this inventory.

    submitted by /u/Xyphon_
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    Barrels should sometimes be used as an alternative to chests for loot

    Posted: 14 Feb 2019 07:43 PM PST

    Loot in worlds is always stored in chests such as in dungeons, temples and Nether fortresses. Some of these loot chests should be replaced with loot barrels to add some variety.

    submitted by /u/bdm68
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    Posted: 15 Feb 2019 02:00 PM PST

    Add calamari to their drops. Raw gives 1 point, cooked gives 2 points. Provides an alternative to farming through water blocks, and encourages players to venture across the ocean surface.

    Ink sacs can be brewed to make potions of blindness. Hostile mobs that are affected by blindness will have their detection ranges dramatically decreased.

    When attacked, squids will create an area-of-effect that gives blindness for several seconds, similar to a splash potion.

    There would be a variant of squid that is far larger and has a high damage attack, the Giant Squid, which would only spawn in cold/frozen and deep ocean biomes. It would drop large amounts of ink sacs, calamari, and leather. Giant Squids will attack guardians and fish.

    submitted by /u/Vigil_the_Shaper
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    Berries should not be planted when right click is hold.

    Posted: 15 Feb 2019 01:47 PM PST

    It's pretty annoying when you try to eat a berry and accidentally plant it. To plant them you will need to click once per plant or hold shift. Vote on Minecraft Feedback.

    submitted by /u/TheSoulKeeper_48
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    You should be able to Equip helmets for Snow Golems

    Posted: 15 Feb 2019 01:54 PM PST

    I think it would be fun, if you were able to equip a helmet for a Snow Golem, by using a helmet on it by right-click. The pumpkin would need to be sheared off first, of course.

    Also vote on feedback.minecraft.net

    submitted by /u/Mac_Rat
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    Make the stronghold an endgame structure

    Posted: 15 Feb 2019 03:17 PM PST

    The stronghold is only behind the desrt well on how boring it is and it is so badly generated that most times it is pain to explore so I think it needs some updates.


    Caves, dungeons and mineshafts shouldnt cut through the stronghold in order to make it more easy to travel through and newly added blocks like terracota and concrete would add a lot to the aesthetic aspect of the structure and a new exclusive banner like the pillagers have would be a another cool aesthetic addition.


    The only loot that is worth on the stronghold are the books in the library, I think enchanted weapons and potions should be added in order to help the player in his fight against the final boss of the game.


    In order to earlygame disencourage players to enter the stronghold and get the loot for free new enemies should be guarding it, I would like stronger versions of alredy existing mobs like the husks and strays, mainly zombies and skeletons.

    submitted by /u/FantasmaBizarra
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    Lectern boats!

    Posted: 15 Feb 2019 02:42 PM PST

    Yes I know this sounds stupid but please let me explain.

    I know the idea for boats with Chests has come up before, and rightfully so.

    Why would we need lecterns on boats though you ask!

    Meanwhile lecterns can hold books, they should also be able to hold maps. I think they should be crafted with boats to create a small map holder at the front. This is so you wouldn't have to stop moving to see your map which makes traveling across oceans a lot easier.

    submitted by /u/blenders33
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    Posted: 15 Feb 2019 04:06 PM PST

    These would generate in swamp biomes.

    They generate and can only be planted on dirt blocks submerged by 1 block of water.

    They would grow from a height of 1 to 3, reaping 1 cattail bud per block of height.

    What can Cattail Buds be used for:

    1. Cooked cattails can be eaten.
    2. Can be used for fuel in furnaces.
    3. Can be combined to make wool.
    submitted by /u/Vigil_the_Shaper
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    Foxes that Trust the Player Should Jump and Fight Phantoms

    Posted: 15 Feb 2019 08:18 AM PST

    Title says it all.

    The foxes' jumping ability is cool. The foxes that trust the players will want to protect the player. Their jumping ability can fight Phantoms. If this is too OP, there is a chance that the fox will miss the Phantom.

    submitted by /u/EmperorEntropy
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    At this point, there isn't really a good reason that the Blindness and Glowing status effects can't have potions. Listen to my story...

    Posted: 14 Feb 2019 09:40 PM PST

    Okay, this is a topic that I don't see talked about very much. Now, I know that I spoiled it a bit in the title, but I feel like this is a topic that should be brought back to light with Suspicious Stews. To start, I would like to tell you all a short story... (I did some research for this into the Java Edition's version history, so just go with me on this.)

    Back in the Beta for Java Edition, specifically Beta 1.9 Prerelease 3, the Brewing system received its famed overhaul, which cut the amount of brewable potions from roughly 150 down to 21, leaving only the status effect potions and the awkward/thick/mundane potions. Only about half of the status effect potions were functional. Now, in this massive reduction in potion types, former potions such as Nausea and Blindness potions were removed from the game.

    Fast forward to Java Edition 1.4.2 where the Potion of Night Vision and Potion of Invisibility finally received their functionality. The Blindness status effect still exists, but the potion does not. It could be assumed that a Potion of Blindness could be made by brewing a fermented spider eye with a potion of Night VISION, which would hypothetically flip the effect of the positive potion and obstruct VISION. (Emphasis on Blindness being the opposite of VISION). Obviously this is not the case, as the Mojang team decided that a Potion of Invisibility would be more beneficial to the game, and I will agree that this was the right call; Potions of Invisibility were a great addition to the game, and at the cost of Blindness, I could say that it was worth it in 2012.

    But that was 2012. Version 1.9, or the Combat Update was where this logic didn't really apply, and that is from the concept of Spectral Arrows. Spectral Arrows are an oddball item, because for some reason they are the only arrow to inflict a status effect without being a Tipped Arrow. Now, let's just focus on the status effect itself, and compare it to Invisibility. Invisibility hides your location from everyone around you. You can't see them; that's just how it works. But now we have a Glowing status effect, and guess what. Glowing shows your location to everyone around you. It's as close to an anti-invisibility as we are going to get. And if we remember that blindness still is night vision's counterpart, then at this point it's silly to keep the Potion of Invisibility as an inverse of the Night Vision when both parts have opposite effects at this point.

    It isn't like Mojang is trying to keep these status effects away from us. Now, with Suspicious Stew crafted with an Azure Bluet, you can get the Blindness status effect. But not as a potion. If you really wanted to, you could shoot yourself with a Spectral Arrow, or ask somebody to shoot you with one if you really wanted to get the Glowing effect. But not as a potion. If Mojang ever implements the Illusioners, it will be one additional way to get Blindness on yourself. Out of all of the potionless status effects, Potions of Blindness and Potions of Glowing make the most sense to actually exist.

    So what to do about it?

    Well, for one, a Potion of Blindness should completely replace the Potion of Invisibility in regards to brewing. Brewing a Fermented Spider Eye into a Potion of Night Vision should give you a Potion of Blindness. There isn't a way around that. Now, for Glowing. Spectral Arrows are made with four glowstone around an arrow, so we should probably use glowstone here. Because there isn't a brewing recipe that exists, there isn't anything set in stone. Any brewing ingredient could be implemented into the game, or an existing item could be newly used for brewing. For now, I'd say that a block of glowstone would be a fine brewing ingredient for Potions of Glowing. (There isn't a rule saying that blocks can't be used for brewing). So using a block of glowstone as a brewing ingredient with an Awkward Potion, you get a Potion of Glowing as a result. From here, using a fermented spider eye with a Potion of Glowing would output a Potion of Invisibility.


    Potions of Blindness and Potions of Glowing make a ton of sense to be added at this point in Minecraft's lifetime.

    Sorry for such a long-winded explanation for such a relatively simple concept.

    submitted by /u/UtopianPoyzin
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    Dyed Redstone

    Posted: 15 Feb 2019 02:11 PM PST

    This idea is pretty simple, be able to Dye Redstone into any of the 16 Available in game colors, that way Redstone fuses (or whatever you call them) can be laid down next to eachother without connecting.

    So, for example, placing a Blue Dyed Redstone next to a Yellow Dyed Redstone wouldn't make them connect, but placing 2 similar colors next to eachother would make them connect.

    Of course, the default color would be red, but dying Redstone would make more complex Redstone contraptions a lot easier.

    submitted by /u/im_tired123
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