• Breaking News

    Minecraft Lantern recipe with gold nuggets creates gold lantern. Same light, just different aesthetic.

    Minecraft Lantern recipe with gold nuggets creates gold lantern. Same light, just different aesthetic.

    Lantern recipe with gold nuggets creates gold lantern. Same light, just different aesthetic.

    Posted: 08 Feb 2019 04:03 AM PST

    It would create another aesthetic for the lantern for different builds. I think it makes sense since there are gold nuggets in the game....

    submitted by /u/ho0k
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    Beacon effect that prevents mob spawning

    Posted: 07 Feb 2019 06:06 PM PST

    So we don't have to spam torches/lamps everywhere all the time anymore.

    Mobs could still wander into the beacon's range.

    submitted by /u/self_defeating
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    More Banner Options

    Posted: 08 Feb 2019 06:12 AM PST

    I am not sure if this has been suggested before (a quick search yields no results) However I was reading the Oxeye Daisy post and it inspired an idea within me. Let players apply more items to make different Animals, Shapes, Logos, Patterns, etc. This idea would allow us to make even more Heraldic banners than we currently can produce. So, for example, I could take a wolf skull and make a wolf pattern. I could take a dragon skull and make a dragon pattern. I could take a hoe and a skull with black wool and make a reaper pattern. Minecraft is a lot of things but it has this medieval fantasy vibe that I think adding more customization options will help it out a bunch. Plus reading some of the other ideas about expanding banner functions (flags, armor, etc) and I could see this as a nice way of making medieval maps even more appealing.

    let me know what you think!

    Ps. Feel free to comment with ideas for Recipes and also if you can draw feel free to post what you think would be a cool banner pattern.

    submitted by /u/Ekgladiator
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    Add gray tabby cats

    Posted: 08 Feb 2019 07:41 AM PST

    There is currently (upcoming 1.14) an unused gray tabby cat texture. I have 3 gray tabby cats, and I would like to be able to represent those in game.

    submitted by /u/Emperor-Nathan
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    Paper Lanterns

    Posted: 08 Feb 2019 03:05 PM PST

    Made with a regular lantern, 6 paper, and 1 glowstone dust. Paper lanterns can be placed like a regular block however, after 8 in game days you need to refill it with glowstone dust.

    submitted by /u/theyarngamer
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    New village building---community storage area

    Posted: 08 Feb 2019 12:36 AM PST

    I think there should be a new type of building in a village where villagers can store items for other villagers to use, a community storage area will generate with two locked chest that only villagers can access. To prevent free resources, when you break the chests, all items inside will disappear and your village popularity will decrease, the following is how villagers interact with this new building:

    All villagers:

    1. if a villager's inventory is filled to the brim, they will stop what they are doing and head to the community storage area to drop off some items
    2. The house with the most chests inside will be what the villagers call a community storage area
    3. the chest will actually open when the villager is interacting with it, the items they are about to drop off will be rendered for a few seconds in their hands before they put the item in
    4. if there is no community storage area (which won't happen unless the player destroys the chests), they just keep the items in their inventory and if they have no space, they will try to throw away the items in their inventory
    5. When villagers are hungry, they will go pick up some food at the community storage area


    1. farmers will go to the community storage area if they have 25 or more wheat/potatoes/carrots/beetroots in their inventory
    2. Most extra seeds will not go to the chest, instead, they go to the composters in their village
    3. bonemeal (from composters) will most likely be used in plant growth, so don't expect to see them spectator mode (you can peek in locked chests in spectator mode)
    4. most of the time farmers will craft items into goods before putting them in chests, for example, they might craft bread using wheat, beetroot soup from beetroots


    1. fishermen put cooked fish into the community storage area

      Cleric :

    2. Clerics may sometimes put potions in the chests (because the brewing stand is their utility block), other villagers may take these to aid them at work, for example, farmers may drink speed potions so they can harvest crops quicker

    Wandering traders:

    1. wandering traders with only interact with a community storage area if they stumble across a village
    2. they will put resources inside the chests that other villagers can't obtain, like flowers (this is where iron golems get their roses), bowls (for farmers to make beetroot soup), iron ingots (for the different types of blacksmiths)

    Raid members (witches, pillagers, vindicators, evokers)

    1. raid members will loot the items from these chests

      Armorers, weaponsmiths, toolsmiths

    2. If an iron golem is damaged, a blacksmith will get some iron ingots (from the chests) and "repair" the golem (players should also be able to do this by right-clicking an iron golem with an iron ingot, this heals the golem a bit)


    Villagers get hungry about two times a day, one time a sunrise, and one time at sunset, go hungry for a long time and they start to take damage and die, this is why farmers and fishermen are very important in a village

    submitted by /u/lolbit_511
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    Leaves should decay much faster

    Posted: 07 Feb 2019 08:00 PM PST

    There's no reason for leaves to stick around for as long as they do after all their logs have been broken. You chop a tree, and now before you can replant, you just wait. You sit there and wait for those leaves that just stick and float around to slowly decay so you can finally get your saplings.

    You can punch them out by hand and speed things up a bit, but breaking them by hand seems so slow for just a pile of leaves. Using an axe isn't faster, and only degrades the tool faster than a log does. There's shears, but you don't even get saplings from that, so you can't use that for reforestation.

    The decay speed for leaves should really be greatly increased. I don't see the reason for such slow leaf decay, and it's not like it would break the game or make punching trees overpowered.

    oh and while we're on the topic of leaves, they should be able to be used as a fuel source.

    submitted by /u/chrischron
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    Dessert Islands (palm trees, coconuts, crabs, buried treasure and more!)

    Posted: 07 Feb 2019 06:15 PM PST

    I think a cool idea for a new biome would be a dessert island. Dessert islands can be found on the middle of oceans, they are small sandy biomes that spawn somewhat rarely and independently from other land biomes.

    On these islands you could find palm trees, a new type of tree (which is actually confirmed to be coming to MineCraft in a future update!!!) which can sometimes spawn coconuts (which hang similarity to cocoa beans - As far as I know coconuts however have not been confirmed). Coconuts can be eaten but the milk can also be used in a new "hunger suppressant" potion which makes hunger go down at half its usual speed while in effect.

    These islands also contain crabs, a new beach going mob that acts hostile toward players but only when they are in a close radius. When killed crabs drop crab meat which can be eaten to replenish hunger.

    Sometimes a red "X" will spawn on the island, digging directly down through the centre of the "X" will bring you to a treasure chest full of loot! This loot usually consists of valuables such as gold (buried there by pirates perhaps - this would be an extension on the recently added buried treasure).

    New varieties of tropical fish (on top of the ones we have) might also spawn specifically in the waters around these islands.

    submitted by /u/IsScottyBoy
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    More Bears! Brown bears, black bears and more oh my!

    Posted: 07 Feb 2019 05:04 PM PST

    Why are polar bears the only bears in MineCraft? I get that it adds a cool element to icy biomes with a mob exclusive to them but why not add other variants of bears to forest biomes? It would add another passive-aggressive mob to deal with

    submitted by /u/IsScottyBoy
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    Lets Give the game a STEP up in the right path, shall we?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2019 10:52 AM PST

    If you are confused by title, sorry. I was trying to have fun.

    • We all know and hear about requests for stairs this, slabs this, and etc right. But Why not get a fancier version of stairs called steps and only allow them to be in metal blocks, lapis block, and concrete blocks.
    • Crafting, change gold to ore of respective block being created.
      • Iron steps would be iron ingot, iron block, iron ingot
      • Diamond steps would be diamond, diamond block, and diamond ingot
      • lapis steps would be lapis_lazuli, lapis block, lapis_lazuli (or blue dye I think it is now)
    • Crafting Concrete, So one concrete block on far left bottom, and two concrete powders of respective block color
    • Golden Steps Concept Image
    • What do they do?
      • They give a player a step up i;e meaning moving you up 1 and half blocks instead of just one. They also grant you speed boost 1. No this won't make normal stairs pointless, as normal stairs would still be useful. Keep in mind to make these you have to use your precious blocks thus giving them a boost in survival.
    • Plus finally blocks people wanted to have stairs technically would except, they would be steps not stairs and look more appealing in builds.

    Now why we need these? We don't really, but it would overall improve the look and feel of metal made structures and give a unique and fun feel to minecraft.

    I hope you enjoyed my post.

    submitted by /u/CosmicLightning
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    If you shere a sheep named jeb, you get the wool it currently has.

    Posted: 08 Feb 2019 09:26 AM PST

    Title says it all.

    submitted by /u/lukygamescz
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    Cat details

    Posted: 08 Feb 2019 09:22 AM PST

    -if you throw a snowball, your tamed cat follows it and tries to catch it

    -cat personalities-some are faster, some stronger,...

    -if you play multiplayer, you have a tamed cat and it sees an another players cat or dog, they start hissing.

    -if you drop a string,cats try to catch it.

    Type your suggestions in the comments guys! I need it!

    submitted by /u/lukygamescz
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    New Crossbow Enchant: Acceleration

    Posted: 07 Feb 2019 11:06 PM PST

    This enchant increase velocity of arrow fired by 15% each level, increasing its damage and range, max of level 5 (so 15%/30%/45%/60%/75% for 5 levels).

    This enchant is incompatible with Multishot and Piercing.

    The purpose of this enchant is to give crossbow more damage potential while keeping its uniqueness.

    submitted by /u/Explosive_Cake
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    Platypus(part 3 of my Australian suggestions)

    Posted: 07 Feb 2019 10:28 PM PST

    They live in the streams and rivers of the Australian biome(part 4 of my Australian suggestions). He has 20 HP. He hunts fish. He is passive towards players.


    You can breed them with fish, then on of the adults will lay eggs.

    part 1 https://www.reddit.com/r/minecraftsuggestions/comments/ao5r1p/koalas/

    part 2 https://www.reddit.com/r/minecraftsuggestions/comments/aodppn/kangaroospart_2_of_my_australian_suggestions/

    part 4 https://www.reddit.com/r/minecraftsuggestions/comments/aodtme/australian_biomepart_4_of_my_australian/

    submitted by /u/lukygamescz
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    Come sail away. Come sail away. Come sail away with me!

    Posted: 07 Feb 2019 04:21 PM PST

    You should be able to attach banners to boats, making them more customizable and also causing them to move faster.

    submitted by /u/IsScottyBoy
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    More beacon range

    Posted: 07 Feb 2019 10:40 PM PST

    We should be able to add additional layers after the max. This would increase the range of affect 5 or 10 blocks per layer

    submitted by /u/Chris908
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    Motorized Mine-carts

    Posted: 07 Feb 2019 04:25 PM PST

    You should be able to create motors for minecarts, this would allow them to travel quickly without the use of powered rails but would require fuel in the form of coal to function. A motorized cart on a powered rail would go faster than either one of these things individually allowing for the creation of even faster roller coasters in maps.

    submitted by /u/IsScottyBoy
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