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    Minecraft Fortune enchantment should work for Shears

    Minecraft Fortune enchantment should work for Shears

    Fortune enchantment should work for Shears

    Posted: 09 Mar 2019 05:26 AM PST

    Fortune should be available for the shears, and should give more wool from sheeps than normal & more string from cobwebs.


    Vote this suggestion on feedback.minecraft.net

    submitted by /u/Mac_Rat
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    Villagers should interact with the cats that spawn in their Village in some way

    Posted: 09 Mar 2019 06:36 AM PST

    It feels kind of wierd that you can have a Village with a bunch of stray cats, and not one Villager tries to make friends with or even interacts with any of them.

    Some examples I thought up are:

    Fishermen that sometimes feed the stray cats fish, and sometimes take the cats fishing (Essentially makes the cat follow him and he goes fishing.) On the side, if they don't already, Fishermen should actually fish with a fishing rod.

    Librarians sometimes read books to stray cats that wander inside or nearby. This does nothing, but the cat would either lie down or sit as it gets read to.

    Farmers should offer the stray cats a potato and get really sad when the stray doesn't take it, but sometimes the stray should. Again, not really too useful or interesting.

    Children should play games with the cats most of the time, and sometimes can sneak the cat into their home (the parent has a chance to allow it, but sometimes won't). Maximum of one cat per home. These cats should also hiss at Zombies that are near the child, thus alerting them and letting the two flee safely.

    Generally, it should be more like they are bonded, and not just there. It feels like they spawn there and nobody cares.

    submitted by /u/Dragor66
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    Dolphins should attempt to avoid player's line of sight when about to throw a trident

    Posted: 09 Mar 2019 11:26 AM PST

    Apparently, dolphins can be sometimes of a nuisance because players could accidentally hit them when trying to attack a mob, especially drowned and could end up with a bigger problem. Therefore, dolphins should attempt to move out of the way when a player is about to throw a trident to give them clear aim.

    submitted by /u/InonednTheDragon
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    Advancements like Breed Every Animal and Eat Every Food should have a drop down that shows what foods you need to eat next/animals to breed before acquiring the advancement

    Posted: 09 Mar 2019 06:21 AM PST

    For example, if you hover over Breed Every Animal and you have bred cows, chickens and dogs, there would be a button that says "show details". They will show up as green text and a (Complete!) Tag after that. Incomplete mobs like cats would show a white (Incomplete!) Tag along with white text

    submitted by /u/Chumpatrol1
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    Witches throw a splash potion of harming or poison at the ground on death.

    Posted: 09 Mar 2019 08:23 AM PST

    This means that you have to be careful fighting Witches, as you will take damage when you kill them, meaning that you have to watch your health. It makes them a tad harder.

    However, I imagine this would have a slight delay so you could run away if you do so quickly.

    submitted by /u/Dragor66
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    End Islands sometimes generate at different heights

    Posted: 09 Mar 2019 05:27 AM PST

    The End Islands should generate at different heights sometimes, instead of them all being at the exact same height level. It looks kind of boring in my opinion.

    This would make them look more interesting and more like the original Sky Dimension concept. There could even be entirely new biomes for all the different heights.


    Vote this suggestion on feedback.minecraft.net

    submitted by /u/Mac_Rat
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    A Message & An Update

    Posted: 09 Mar 2019 01:08 AM PST

    Quick Warning

    This is going to be a long post, and I recommend reading it if you actually care about our community and want to know more about it and how to participate.


    For anyone that doesn't know me yet, I'm one of the new r/minecraftsuggestions moderators, along with u/GreasyTroll4, who I'm certain you've seen in the comments on a lot of posts.

    My goals as a moderator are to make sure the subreddit contains quality posts, remove the bad or undetailed posts, and moderate our discord,

    Those are my goals as a moderator, but I also have goals as a member of this community, I do my best to give constructive feedback on people's ideas and I help people brainstorm their ideas whenever possible.


    Over the last few weeks, myself and the other moderators have been working on changing this subreddit to be of a higher quality and to have a better, more active, and connected community.

    We started by improving our discord, which you can join by clicking that link.

    But how did we improve our discord? Well for one, we partnered with modders and datapack creators from the Minecraft community, and you can find out more about their projects and how you can get your ideas into their mods in our discord group.

    We've also started supporting content creators, big and small, to help grow their channels and to get all corners of the community to join us on our quest to improve the game we all love.

    The Issue.

    By now, I'm sure a lot of you have seen this post by u/DylanTheSpud, which talks in-depth about the biggest issue this subreddit is facing, and ways to fix it.

    But that's not the only post that pointed out issues with the subreddit, there's also this one, this one, this one, this one, this one, this one, this one, this one, and finally, this one.

    That's a grand total of ten posts that I found, there are a lot more like these.

    Well, I'd like to tell the people that made those posts that they aren't being ignored and that their requests aren't falling on deaf ears. I know it's been long overdue but we're working on it, we just need you to be patient for a little bit longer while we fix this community. I'm still learning the ropes and u/GreasyTroll4 and u/Axoladdy are only two people, so give us a little bit more time.

    Something Else.

    One of the issues people have complained about is the lack of quality posts, and that the quality posts that do exist are quickly overshadowed by small, undetailed posts such as bug fixes.

    In my opinion, this problem is caused by people not knowing the rules and not reading the FPS list, as well as not being creative enough.

    I've seen too many posts that are formatted like they were written with barely any thought at all, and I propose this format for people to use as a guideline when making their suggestions.

    Who knows? You might end up being the next u/billyK_

    Anything Else?

    Yes, I know this post is already quite long, but there are still a couple more things I'd like to say.

    There has been talk of making an MCS YouTube channel, which we would host podcasts on, review the top posts, and discuss snapshots and other news in a series we're calling "State Of The Minecraft".

    There are also plans for an official r/minecraftsuggestions Minecraft server for all of us to play on, but to make sure it doesn't get crowded, only people with the "Village Defender" rank in our discord, will be whitelisted.

    FINALLY, I would like to announce a competition we're holding!

    One of our amazing partners, u/MCVinnyq, is asking your help to brainstorm ideas for his upcoming mod "Illagers>Villagers".

    You can see the already planned ideasin this document here. And to participate in the competition, all you have to do is type "[I>V]" next to the title of your post (without the quotation marks, obviously) and Vinny will pick out his favorites and add them to the doc!

    Thats all, folks!

    Sorry this was such a long post, but I felt like making a post to discuss the state of the subreddit as well as give everyone a status update on the community, peace!

    submitted by /u/MysticKoko
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    Color saturation setting

    Posted: 09 Mar 2019 02:48 AM PST

    I feel like Minecraft's colors have gotten washed out over time. That is why I am suggesting a color saturation setting. It would be located within the video settings and what it'll do is that it'll simply control the general saturation of the game. It's gonna be controlled via slider. I think this setting would fit right in, as the game allows you to change so many other things. I don't think this needs to be explained further.

    submitted by /u/Stefan25897
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    Blazes should have their volume increased, so that you can hear them as far as they can see you.

    Posted: 09 Mar 2019 06:50 AM PST

    Right now, their range is longer than the range you can hear them. This makes them unfair.

    submitted by /u/Dragor66
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    New Villager Profession: The Hunter

    Posted: 09 Mar 2019 02:10 PM PST

    So currently we have a Butcher, but how does he get his meat? Introducing the Hunter, a new Villager Type who would hunt animals.

    Now I know what you're thinking: Why? They already have Animal Pens, why add this? Well I'll answer that: To add a new dynamic Villager Type That leaves the village and restocks the Butcher's items.

    The Hunter would usually go out at daytime to hunt nearby Animals with an Iron Sword and Crossbow. He would use the items he gets to trade with other Villagers and restock his own and their items. (Ex. Trades with Leatherworker, Trades with Shepard, etc.)

    The Hunter would also have his own Tamed Wolf. The Wolf would just act the same as another player's wolf, attacking you if you attack the Hunter.

    The Hunter would also be a neutral mob, using his weapons if you attack him. He can even protect the Village during a raid or Zombie Siege!

    I think this should be added because I still believe it's a mystery on how Villagers get their meat. It would also add a Villager who could act as a Guard without having to add a Guard.

    Now what do you think? Should this be added? Does it suck? Questions or concerns? Please let me know in the comments down below!

    submitted by /u/Tomdaninja
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    Craftable Red Sand

    Posted: 09 Mar 2019 02:07 PM PST

    It should be possible to craft Sand into Red Sand. In real life, Red Sand/Earth comes from iron rich soil.

    I propose that the crafting recipe should be 8 sand around an iron nugget (or ingot) to produce 8 red sand.

    submitted by /u/VikingGoth
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    Looking straight down while using your shield will reduce fall damage.

    Posted: 09 Mar 2019 01:28 AM PST

    The title. I guess it would greatly decrease the durability of your shield as well, or maybe even break it instantly after a certain height. This feature would be useful in survival, for obvious reasons. This would be useufl in PvP for getting out of tricky situations, or just reducing unnecessary fall damage by sacrificing shield durability. This would be useful for adventure and parkour (maybe even more types of) maps.

    submitted by /u/Rile_Zugo
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    [I>V] cave hermit

    Posted: 09 Mar 2019 06:49 AM PST

    This illager would live in elaborate cave systems, be dressed in rags, and be slightly hunched over. It will lead you into rooms with many exits and attempt to get you lost by running out very fast into another set of caves. It will ocationally run out and mele you or throw its wooden spear at you from a distance.

    Drops- It could drop its spear or an item which could lead you back to the surface, which I havent figured out yet.

    Caves- Like I already said these caves will be very elaborate and easy to get lost in. They will have vine growth and mushroom all throughout them. They will also have chests scatered around them which could cantain loot like spears, wood, bows, iron ingots/nuggets, gold ingots/nuggets, stone tools, iron tools, coal, mushroom stew (because it can be made under ground).

    submitted by /u/Ian_McCreary_12
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    Farming Overhaul (new Features)

    Posted: 09 Mar 2019 11:04 AM PST

    these are just overhaul of features.

    • Going Bad: leaving any crops (besides sugar cane and bamboo) fully grown for too long will make it go bad it will be different amount of time depending on the crop
    • Pests: now animals will naturally eat your crops (pigs eat your carrots, cows eat your wheat, sheep will eat your potatoes) so you'll have to close off your farms
    • Mixing Crops: like real life i think minecraft crops should be separated (so no carrots right next to wheat ect)
    • Weeds: i think over time you'l have to hoe your crops otherwise weeds will destroy your crops but i think if the ground gets replanted a lot weeds wouldn't
    submitted by /u/devonthecreator
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    Enchantment Ideas #1: Coral Corruption and Paradise Pummel

    Posted: 09 Mar 2019 02:21 PM PST

    These Enchantments would be Trident-Exclusive Enchantments Which would add an actually useful Damage Enchantment for Tridents. I will list them and their uses below.

    Coral Corruption - This Enchantment is one that I've talked about for a while. Basically, when you attack any mob with a Trident in Ranged or Melee, that mob would get a Wither-Like Debuff called "Coral Corruption". This would damage the mob for 5 Seconds, dealing a Half Heart Of Damage per second. At Level 2, it does a Heart Of Damage per second. The Armor the Mob/Player is wearing directly affects how much Damage this would do. For example, Diamond Armor with Protection 4 would only do 1.5 Hearts of Damage at Level 2. This should be added to give a unique Damage Enchantment to the Trident. This would also change the Entity Sprite and Item Sprite, showing Coral growing on it.

    Paradise Pummel - If you read my Paradise Island Post, you'll know about this Enchantment. Basically it would act as a Knockback Enchantment on a Beach or Paradise Island and would have Crabs snap at the player or mob you hit, dealing 1 Heart Of Damage. If not on a Paradise Island or beach, this will act as a regular Knockback Enchantment.

    Anyways that is all I have for this post. What do you think? Should this be added? How can it be improved? Questions or concerns? Please let me know in the comments!

    submitted by /u/Tomdaninja
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    We need more customisation for super flat worlds in bedrock edition

    Posted: 09 Mar 2019 02:10 PM PST

    How deep the map goes, which block it's made up of etc...

    submitted by /u/Spendogg747
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    Smoke Bombs

    Posted: 09 Mar 2019 05:24 AM PST

    Smoke bombs are a new item/weapon crafted with 2 gunpowder and 1 sugar, and any type of dye.

    When thrown, they have a 1 second timer before they blow up. The smoke bombs deal a pretty small amount of damage, but create a big cloud of smoke. The color of the smoke depends on the color of the dye.

    The smoke cloud can used tactically to hide from your target, and if you or any mobs are inside the smoke, they're treated as invisible.

    I think it'd also be cool, if there was a some kind of a new enemy that used these smoke bombs.


    Vote this suggestion on feedback.minecraft

    submitted by /u/Mac_Rat
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    Biome Golems

    Posted: 09 Mar 2019 04:02 PM PST

    Iron-Golem like mobs that don't defend villagers, but rather plant "biome flowers" that will spread that biome type. Plains Golems plant plains flowers, etc. Each golem type spawns in it's respective biome, the nether and end are not affected by this. Biome flowers can be planted on any block.

    submitted by /u/trashoflereddit
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    [I>V] controlling raids

    Posted: 09 Mar 2019 02:51 PM PST

    So before the post starts I just want to mention that English isn't my first language so there might be a few spelling mistakes but I hope you enjoy.

    Firstly, u/MCVinnyq in your document you mentioned having the player control raids if they became allies with the illagers. I couldn't find more on that topic anywhere in your document so I thought I'll make a suggestion about that.

    So here we go, once the player has become good allies with the illagers they can try to challenge the illager master. The illager master lives in one of the mansions in the players world. The illager master can be found by coming across his mansion by accident or if the player has a hard time finding him he can trade a map with one of the illagers once he has become allies with them. This map is called the master map and costs one woodland mansion map and 64 villager cloth(I believe that was what it was called).

    So, once the player has puns the mansion with the illager master inside they can try to beat him. In the mansion that is host to the illager master there is a special room that spawns that contains a large staircase that goes underground. If the player goes down this staircase they come out in a large room with the roof being hold up by large pillars with illager banners on them and at the end of the room there is the illager master sitting on his large throne. The villager master will be very large(I imagine around 10 blocks) and has very good equipment. He is covered in entirely iron armor and has a very pale skin. He wields a large double sided iron axe in his right hand and in his left hand he has a strange black orb with white/grayish strings floating in it. The fight starts out with the illager master only using his axe and trying to chop the player up. The axe does incredibly high damage and has a lot of knockback. Let's talk special abilities of the axe. The axe not only does melee damage but if it hits the ground it summons a circle around the axe of the jaws that the evoker summons. The axe can also be thrown, the range of this throw is thirty blocks and if it has gone the thirty blocks without hitting it's target or if it hits the player it shoots back at the illager masters hand. The bossfight also has a second phase in which the illager master uses it's orb too. Ok so the orbs ability is that it can summon illagers and illager like monsters(pillagers, pillager beasts, witches that kind of stuff). If the illager master holds up his orb it gives of a bright light and it shoots out a beam which lands somewhere and then the things it summons spawn there(vexes(what's the plural of vex?) can for example spawn on the roof of the room but pillagers can't). As the second phase continues and the boss get's lower health it starts to summon more and more quickly(shooting of multiple beams per use, summoning more powerful creatures and summoning more creatures. As the player defeats the illager master it fades away with some particles and it leaves behind the orb of summoning(the black with white/grayish orb). This orb allows the player to control raids with different waves and enemy types. If the player right clicks with the orb of summoning in their hand an interface pops up with many different options. The first option is that the player can decide how many waves their raid will have, the player might for example have a slider they can move around. The second option is for them to choose how many mobs each specific wave will include, again maybe a slider. And lastly it will include an option for the player to choose which mobs will spawn in each wave. Maybe it would also be fun if there was a random option just for fun. If the player wants to start a raid on a village they just have to left click on the villages terrain and then a raid starts.

    Sorry for the long read but I hope you enjoyed it.

    submitted by /u/its-frickin-hot-here
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    Large bell

    Posted: 09 Mar 2019 07:17 AM PST

    This would be a full block sized bell which can be heard from further away. It would take up a full block at the bottom with it being skinnier at the top. It can be hung off of the sides or bottom of a block, or can be place directly on the ground but wont work. It can be heard within a 50 block radius and will occationally spawn in larger villages at the top of a bell tower (new building). No villagers will live in this building it will just be a tower going up 3 stories and just stairs going straight to the top. Players with tridents or bows can ring this bell from any where in the village, as the top has open sides. The crafting recipe is as follows:

    Gb= gold block, gi= gold ingot, ib= iron bar




    submitted by /u/Ian_McCreary_12
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    Redstone tool that turns blocks

    Posted: 09 Mar 2019 04:11 PM PST

    This would be a block that just rotates all blocks attached to one of its sides. If more than one blocks are stacked on one of its sides, it will keep turning unless there are 40 blocks attached to it or it hits the ground.

    Pretty vague tool, just thought of it now. However, it practically has unlimited potential as it can be great for windmills and other builds.

    submitted by /u/Eineg_Htims_Lliw
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    Free the End - Enderman Revamp

    Posted: 08 Mar 2019 05:49 PM PST

    Since the Endermen had green eyes before the Dragon was added, and the advancement for killing the Dragon is called, "Free the End," it would appear from a lore perspective that the Endermen have been under the control of the Ender Dragon until she's slain by the player.

    Maybe after this occurs, the newly green-eyed Endermen would no longer attack the player when they stare at them, but just get nervous and teleport away. If you do manage to attack them now, they'll attack back and then teleport around frantically---sort of like if you hit a Sheep that somehow had Thorns VII and some Chorus Fruit up its sleeve.

    If you sneak up to them while wearing a carved pumpkin, you could right-click on them to offer them some Chorus Fruit. If you give them enough, they'll drop whatever block they took and won't be afraid of your stare anymore. Then that Enderman would hang around the area and periodically show up to give you a block it thinks you'd like (the percentage of the blocks it picks up that it actually gives you could be set using a gamerule, but it would be relatively low by default to avoid game-breaking block farms; Endermen don't commonly spawn anyway, so this wouldn't be that OP in my opinion).

    Moving specific Endermen around to keep them near your base might seem challenging, but if you give them a Popped Chorus Fruit after already befriending them, that Enderman will follow you around for a little while before settling into whatever area you're in (this amount of time can be set using a gamerule). If the Enderman reaches the chunk containing your spawnpoint and stops there, it will place the blocks next to your bed if you're away and the chunk is still loaded. If you want an Enderman stop following you permanently and return to normal and despawnable (although you can still look at them with them vwooping away), you can give them two Blaze Rods in quick succession.

    Since the Endermen are free now, they don't just pick up random blocks to appease their Dragon anymore; instead, each one has a randomly assigned favorite block it likes to pick up 20%-40% of the time. If two Endermen happen to be holding each other's favorite blocks at the same time (assuming that they are different blocks) and have a certain amount of Chorus Fruit in each of their inventories, they can produce an Enderkid who will be immediately friendly toward any of the players who had given its parents Chorus Fruit before. Enderkids can't be led around like the adults, and instead teleport to their closest parent if they get separated. They're too small to pick up whole blocks, and instead pick up things like flowers, tall grass, and mushrooms (thanks to GhostCrows for the "too small" idea).

    "But how will we get Ender Pearls after we kill the Dragon without feeling bad?" I hear you ask. Well, a new ore could be added to the End that drops Ender Shards. Fill a 2x2 crafting square with Ender Shards and you get one Ender Pearl! (On a similar note of not having to kill Endermen anymore, Iron Golems and Snow Golems wouldn't see them as dangerous unless you provoke them by attacking first).

    You might think this is more suited for a mod, but I believe Endermen are in need of a little revisioning, especially considering that every other part of the End got a revamp relatively recently except for them. Their fanbase is also pretty sizable right now, so I think the ability to understand and appreciate them in-game would go over really well with many players. If you don't like Endermen though, you can always just ignore these features and take advantage of the Ender Shard Ore and decreased risk of Enderman attacks.

    Anyway, let me know what you think! This is just my personal take on things, after all. Until then, I'll be wearing a pumpkin on my head whenever I'm out and about so I can keep marveling at these tall fellows. Thanks for reading, and remember that people love you! = D

    submitted by /u/Acoustic_Colton
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    Brown Grass

    Posted: 09 Mar 2019 02:59 AM PST

    When exploring forests or any variant of them inside of Minecraft I find it very bland. Brown Grass would be it's own seperate block from grass blocks. Brown Grass blocks will have the same texture as regular grass blocks do but will be colored brown. The chances of brown grass spawning is less than the amount of normal grass spawning. I would like it to be about 3 grass blocks for every 1 brown grass block. The brown grass blocks can generate in between the regular grass blocks or generate inside of their own patches on the ground.

    Brown grass shouldn't be hard to add and it adds so much to the game giving it variation in the ground.

    submitted by /u/Pokeboss444
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