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    Minecraft Lurkers and Paranoia: A new danger (and incentive) for Swamps (Concept art included)

    Minecraft Lurkers and Paranoia: A new danger (and incentive) for Swamps (Concept art included)

    Lurkers and Paranoia: A new danger (and incentive) for Swamps (Concept art included)

    Posted: 20 Apr 2019 08:40 AM PDT

    Lurkers are rarely spawning Swamp mobs that stalk the player.


    Concept art: https://imgur.com/a/urag544

    (sorry for low quality, I threw it together in about ten minutes)

    Basic Information


    Spawns: Swamps

    Damage: N/A


    When spawned, Lurkers will try to follow the player but always stay out of their sight. To do this, they will keep a safe distance from the player, hide behind trees, hide in water, etcetera.

    When in water, Lurkers are practically invisible until they poke their "head" out to watch the player. This is especially dangerous in their native marshes, where there is an abundance of water.

    Lurkers will follow the player for as long as physically possible, despite only spawning in Swamps.

    Finally, Lurkers will never actually attack the player. Instead, they inflict the new Paranoia effect over time.


    As a Lurker watches the player, that player gains a Paranoia effect that increases in length and power for as long as they are being watched.

    When under Paranoia, the screen gains a vignette that grows darker as the effect grows more intense.

    If the player witnesses a mob (or other player) looking at them, they slowly take damage for as long as they maintain eye contact. This damage intake is increased with higher levels of the effect.

    Once the player's Paranoia is sufficiently high, Lurkers will abandon their strategy of hiding from the player and even try to get within the player's sight. This is because players with Paranoia will take extra damage if they see a Lurker watching them.

    Note: Lurkers hide from the player initially because being witnessed by the player slows the progression of Paranoia, not to mention the fact that many players will attack the Lurker should they see it.


    When killed, Lurkers can drop two unique items.

    Occasionally, they will drop "Strange Moss". This can be brewed into low-level Potions of Paranoia.

    Rarely, they will drop a "Lurker Skull". This takes the place of a Helmet slot and gives no protection. However, it gives the player an interesting ability: when not engaged in combat, watching a hostile mob without it seeing the player will give them a small buff in strength and speed, which increases over time.

    By the same token, however, being witnessed by hostile mobs when not in combat gives a small debuff in strength and speed, increasing over time.

    The whole "when not in combat" stipend is included so that players don't gain or lose benefits when simply engaging in combat. This is because the mechanic is designed to incentivize "stalking" enemies before killing them. For full effect, however, the Skull might benefit from the implementation of more powerful mobs that are difficult to defeat one-on-one.

    I'm waiting on my Feedback site link to be approved, but I'll edit the post and add it here when it's ready.

    submitted by /u/SendineisTheParadox
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    Buttons should be able to be placed on the top and bottom of fences

    Posted: 20 Apr 2019 02:17 AM PDT

    Why can't we have this? It makes sense. It would just look cool while powering the fence. You may as well allow levers to be too. Thanks

    Edit: thanks for all the feedback. I understand redstone not being feasible for this. I wasn't really thinking that way. I was thinking more for a building element.

    submitted by /u/Blehtheslime
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    Music Discs that are played in the End should sound corrupted

    Posted: 20 Apr 2019 08:57 AM PDT

    This would also be in line with how music from the Overworld is corrupted in the theme for the end. Perhaps it could even have an additional effect too, such as making nearby Endermen hostile.

    submitted by /u/JJFreshMemes
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    Nether Ruins: Encouraging Exploration

    Posted: 19 Apr 2019 11:54 PM PDT

    Info in Imgur descriptions. Could be a part of a "Nether-Ending Update".

    Do not vote based on my designs. I tried to keep them Vanilla-ish.

    Basic Nether Ruins

    Floating Nether Ruins

    Unique floating ruins loot item: Quake (Enchanted Book): Reference

    • Sword enchantment with only one enchantment level
    • R-CLICK creates a "quake effect" pushing mobs/players within a small radius into the air.
    • Takes 0.5 experience bars per use
    • Takes 2 weapon durability per use
    • Mutually exclusive with Sweeping Edge

    MCFB Site | VOTE

    submitted by /u/S5Z7
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    Some mob sounds should be redone.

    Posted: 20 Apr 2019 10:49 AM PDT

    Now, first of all, I know a lot of people would be against this idea at first because change is scary, but hear me out. Some mobs have sounds that are noticably lower quality than others, such as the chicken. While perhaps you would only really hear it with headphones, I just can't help but notice the static in the background whenever a chicken starts clucking.

    I think it's also noteworthy that these sounds are almost 9 years old. With the most recent update revamping almost all of Minecraft's textures, it would make sense to update some sounds as well. Creeper sounds can stay exactly the same just because of how important the mob is to Minecraft, but I think lesser iconic mobs like cows, pigs and chickens should be updated. In the meantime, I'll just have to use resource packs.

    TLDR: New HQ sounds to replace the outdated ones.

    submitted by /u/krazeith
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    Giants Biome

    Posted: 20 Apr 2019 05:46 AM PDT

    I think that minecraft lacks of fantasy biomes (biomes which don't exist in real life and are inspired from fictions). In the overworld, there is only mushroom islands that put the player in a completely different environment (in which he is safe, without hostile mobs ; but in which he can't really find wood, seeds...). You could say that minecraft should be realistic, and have only biomes that exist, that make the player feel that he is exploring a real world. I totally agree with that. However, there would'nt be any impact on the basic gameplay if the biome which I'm going to speak about is extremely rare (like mushroom island for example, but even rarer would increase the challenge to find it). Let's begin.

    The Giant's biome. It would be a biome where every single thing would be insanely big (a bigger version of a basic biome, like forest). Where grass (the plant, not the block) and flowers would be 4-5 times higher than the player (i know that it is hard to make a plant that covers a chunk ; it could technically be a structure, made with blocks -new blocks ?-, that gives the impression of being a grass plant/a flower). Where normal trees -new tree type ?- are even bigger than jungle trees (40-50 blocks tall -i know that more would cause to much lags, maybe don't allow leaves to decay would be better too, in order to avoid an insane amount of checking that could lag the game- and 5-8 blocks large for example). Where hills look like mountains. Where the terrain is not made for humans : jump is not enough to climb hills, because there is often 2 blocks of vertical drop; not like extreme hills where the relief is vertical, more like if you were a silverfish walking in a forest hill (if you understand what I mean).And especially... where every mob is 8-10 blocks tall (2 times bigger than grass).Imagine cows, pigs and sheeps beeing that tall (obviously with more health, you shouldn't be able to one shot a sheep with a sword ; and maybe they could drop more meat, or a different meat type that restores more hunger bar) ! That would be really fun to explore.What about night ? You could think it would be impossible to kill/survive to any hostile mob. Actually not : mobs wouldn't notice your presence, small insect you would be ! Only if you attack them multiple times, they would try to attack you. That could be so scary to evolve in that biome at night, under spiders and skeletons, trying to not being see by them (maybe they could attack you in some case ? If you're staying to much time close of them ? Rarely, randomly if you are unlucky ?) ! Obviously the mob spawning mechanics would be different than the normal one, or there would be too much mobs (in every possible space). Maybe allow mob spawning only if no other mob is around 15 blocks, like this there is space beetween them ? Maybe giant mobs would have a separate mob cap, more limited ? These mob would have a "Giant" tag : it's bigger than a normal one (size) and it doesn't notice your presence, in most of cases.What would be good would be the cave generation. It would be so nice to have such enormous caves underground (like 20 blocks of vertical space).This biome should stand at y=80 at least, to have multiple levels of cave underground. It should also be taller (in surface area) than normal biomes, like everything is big inside (or the real space, seen from a giant would be small). However, it should be extremely rare, to increase the challenge of finding it and to avoid the problem of finding it everywhere, as it is a fantasy biome and should be researched before. However, you shouldn't ever miss it, if you're lucky enough to find it. From outside, it should be like a shock when appearing on screen, with its edge biome making the height transition.

    Last but not least, there would apparently be a hidden civilization (of normal size humans) that we don't know much about who left some ruins, sometimes in caverns, sometimes inside of trees... sometimes above trees, at cloud level ! These ruins are hard to find, but they countain treasures, that you can't find anywhere else ! How did this civilization survived in such a hostile place ? You'll maybe find some of their objects, some of their tool that could maybe help you to survive... that help you to kill the Giants ? There would be some leftovers of book in which you could learn the Giant's weaknesses... this ancient civilization also knows the secret of a strange potion... but you need to explore to know their secrets ! Good luck :)

    Aditionnal ideas :

    - Have a snowy version of the biome, which generates in snowy regions

    - Have a mutated version of the biomes (Giant, Giant Edge, Snowy Giant, Snowy Giant Edge), hillier and maybe with different trees.

    If you developpers consider adding this biome to the game, feel free to add only a part of it. If you don't like X feature I'm describing, because you don't think it matches with Minecraft, tell it to me ; I have plenty of ideas that could fit with that biome, and could potentially be better.

    Do vote if you think the idea is good enough to implement the Giant biome in the game ! Comment if you have any suggestion, I'm opened to hear any good addition to the biome/to its lore!Ps : I'm not english, don't blame me if I did mistakes !

    All credit to AnemonePrisme77

    submitted by /u/b_random9
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    New Nether biome---Exotic Wastelands (part one)

    Posted: 20 Apr 2019 03:17 AM PDT

    The Nether is very lacking, there could be a lot more added to this place, so I have this idea of a new biome in the Nether call the Exotic Wastelands.

    This would be a pretty rare biome but would be a very big biome so it would not look as rare.


    Most of the terrain would be made with Netherack stalactites and large ponds of a new liquid---ectoplasm. kind of like how water has two forms: ice and liquid. Ectoplasm also has two forms: Ectoplasm slime and Ectoplasm.

    Unlike ice, which is formed when water freezes. Ectoplasm slime is formed when near hot temperatures.

    Think of it like this:

    Water+cold temp=ice

    ectoplasm+hot temp=ectoplasm slime

    Since ectoplasm solidifies when near hot things, it would instantly turn into ectoplasm slime when in contact of lava. Like how Lava+water=obsidan.

    More Stuff about ectoplasm

    ectoplasm slime---Unlike normal slime blocks, This is a very sticky, not an ideal block for trampolines. The block would convert into a normal slime block when in contact with water for about 10 seconds.

    ectoplasm(liquid)---a thick liquid, you become VERY slow in this liquid (as slow as in a cobweb) and would suffocate when you head gets submerged in the liquid. Turns into normal slime blocks when in contact with water. Think of this as green quicksand.

    ectoplasm(flowing liquid)---like calm/still ectoplasm, but with a very slight current, pushing you in a direction like flowing water. Converts into normal slime blocks when in contact with water of any sort (both flowing and still)

    submitted by /u/lolbit_511
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    Villagers automatically close doors when they go to bed

    Posted: 20 Apr 2019 01:48 PM PDT

    I find Villages often in bed with their doors open leaving them open to attack because they enter the bed before they get a chance to close their door.

    Their doors should now automatically close when sleeping

    submitted by /u/AlexAtHome
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    Npc companion

    Posted: 20 Apr 2019 01:27 PM PDT

    Would be nice to have a NPC companion to chill/hang with on my journeys as i travel.

    Maybe make it possible armour him or even give him a pickaxe that would be cool.

    Just my thoughts (food for thought)

    submitted by /u/Branman1234
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    Giants - A Reboot!

    Posted: 20 Apr 2019 02:45 PM PDT

    Pictures (Theoretical)


    • Snowy peaks/mountains in groups of 1-4
    • "Giant Camps": See pictures. Comes with haybale/campfire for easy identification

    Camp Loot: Same as dungeon loot. (Extremely rare loot: Totem of Undying?)

    Unique Drop: Giant Head (Same rarity as WS Skulls)

    This is a decoration block like the other mob heads and serves no practical use. That is, unless you want to look like bobble-heads with your friends.

    Mob Mechanics: 65 HP, 5 XP orbs on death, deals more damage than zombies

    Giants should only be about 5 blocks tall, rather than 12.

    Unique weapon (not always equipped): Spear (weaker alternative to tridents, does not use trident enchantments) (spear fishing?)

    Texture: Varying textures (like rabbits, villagers, etc.) + Ripped shirts (to show that they are larger zombies)

    MCFB Site Link

    submitted by /u/S5Z7
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    Recycling leather armor with shears

    Posted: 20 Apr 2019 04:19 PM PDT

    Textile recycling is a big industry in Sweden and in other parts of the world, so why not encourage that train of thought by letting players transform old pieces of leather armor dropped from mobs to reclaim some of the leather players would otherwise throw away?

    submitted by /u/veeeSix
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    The Silencer, a block that silences everything.

    Posted: 20 Apr 2019 03:56 PM PDT

    Why would this be necessary, you may ask. Have you ever grown tired of hearing lots of animal sounds in a crowded farm? Have you ever wanted to hide your secret base further by not exposing it by sounds? Well this is the right block just for you!

    The Silencer would work as a block that mutes every sound in a certain radius. You can expand the radius by upgrading it with different materials in a crafting table.

    • The original (Tier 1) Silencer (crafted with an Iron Ingot in the middle and a Redstone underneath surrounded by cobblestone) would mute every sound within an 8x8x8 block radius.

    • The Tier 2, the Iron Silencer (upgraded by placing a normal Silencer surrounded by 8 Iron Ingots or a Gold Ingot and Redstone surrounded by Iron Ingots) would have a 16x16x16 radius.

    • Tier 3, the Obsidian Silencer (upgraded by placing either a Tier 1 or Tier 2 Silencer surrounded by 8 Obsidian or just do the same as the second alternative in Tier 2 but replacing the Golden Ingot with a Diamond and the Iron Ingots with Obsidian.) would mute an entire radius of 32x32x32 blocks.

    This would definitely reduce the irritation of mob farms and would prevent exposing your secret base from other players.

    I don't know if this is really realistic and if it would fit into vanilla properly, but this is just an idea. Leave your thoughts in the comments!

    Textures coming soon.....

    submitted by /u/AddisGaming
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    Square the wooden and stone buttons.

    Posted: 20 Apr 2019 03:18 PM PDT

    Square them. It would look nicer aesthetically than having rectangles that are all rotated to line up the same way on the tops and bottoms of blocks.

    Or keep them as rectangles on the sides of blocks, and make them square when placed on the top or bottom.

    (obviously square any and all future buttons that get added to the game)

    submitted by /u/That_Zeffia_guy
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    A way to make infinite use tools and armor.

    Posted: 20 Apr 2019 03:14 PM PDT

    What I'm basically proposing is a way to give any tool, weapon, or piece of armor infinite usage, possibly through a unique crafting station made with Nether Star and maybe some diamonds and obsidian. The crafting recipes for any infinite use tools, weapons, or armor would be as follows: One of that tool, weapon, or armor piece (duh), one Nether Star, and one full stack of it's main respective material(wood tools and weapons would need wood, leather armor would need leather, etcetera etcetera) (the sole exception being diamond tools, weapons, and armor which would require only half a stack of diamonds). Bows, crossbows, and fishing polls would require 64 string. Flint and steel, as well as shears would require 64 iron ingots.

    An infinite use tool, weapon, or armor piece could still be enchanted so as to not force players to choose between infinite use equipment or more effective equipment. They also gain the unique trait of not dropping from the players inventory should they die, thus preventing loads of hard work from being lost.

    I feel this would improve Minecraft in three ways:

    1. It would give players an incredible feeling of power after conquering the mighty Wither at least twice(once for the crafting station, and again for, say, a diamond sword).
    2. It would solve the Too Awesome To Use problem diamond tools, weapons, and armor have.
    3. It would make the act of making a diamond hoe or shovel less questionable(but only slightly).
    submitted by /u/Fostern01
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    New achievements more regularly

    Posted: 20 Apr 2019 12:53 PM PDT

    I've recently 100% the bedrock achievements and have had less incentive to play.

    I don't think we need a ton at once or a specific update for them just a few sprinkled in each.maybe centered around what's added in the update to get players to search for the new features.

    For me it's just another reason to come back to Minecraft and I'd love to see what the team would come up with.

    submitted by /u/embc4-is-mine
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    Enchantment that prevents you from killing certain mobs

    Posted: 19 Apr 2019 08:15 PM PDT

    If you put the enchantment on a sword or an axe, you can right click any mob with the sword or axe and the love particles will appear. You can no longer deal damage to the mob with that item except indirectly like with flint and steel, lava, fall damage, etc. You can still attack them with any other tool, including your fists. They can still attack you if they are hostile. Shift left clicking them will cause them to emanate black particles for 5 seconds and then you can attack them.

    submitted by /u/Sassy0range
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    Better Surface Swimming: Treading Water and Diving

    Posted: 19 Apr 2019 04:38 PM PDT


    One of the best parts of 1.13 has definitely got to be the swimming changes that added more maneuverability to underwater movement. However, it sadly did little for swimming on the surface. Here's how that might be fixed.

    Treading Water:

    When the player surfaces, they should automatically tread water (at least when above a certain amount of hunger, meaning you would eventually drown after you became hungry, if you didn't put effort in).

    Think of what Link does in most Legend of Zelda games when swimming on the surface of the water. You can just leave him and he'll idle there without drowning.

    When the player is treading water, their head will be kept above the surface without having to constantly press/hold the space bar to keep from sinking an losing breath.

    From here, the player will not sink or rise without input, but can look around freely and move in any horizontal direction (preferably with animation) while doing so by using the direction keys. The player can also go into the new quick swimming mode without needing to be submerged (having their head under water).

    note: The player must surface to begin treading water. If they jump into water from a high place, they will still plunge deep into it as opposed to suddenly throwing all velocity out of the game window and stopping at the surface of the water.


    When treading water, if the player wants to go below the surface, they must actively do so by either crouching, or looking downward while swimming quickly (sprint-swimming)

    Feedback Site Link

    submitted by /u/That_Zeffia_guy
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    Hay Bale Retexture And Stringed Hay Bales!

    Posted: 19 Apr 2019 10:35 PM PDT

    • Something I noticed is that not a lot of people like the red strings on hay but at the same time a lot of people like the red strings on hay.
    • So I suggest having 2 Hay blocks, Stringed hay bales and Hay bales.
    • Hay bales have no strings.
    • While Stringed hay Bales have the class red strings.
    • Hay bales would still be made using the same technique but stringed hay bales would be crafted as such:

    Wheat Wheat Wheat
    String String String
    Wheat Wheat Wheat

    It would just be a simple hay bale retexture and adding a new block, and I think it could be the perfect solution. Anyway I'd really appreciate f you gave me feedback as it really can help, so please tell me if you have a suggestion and if you have a problem with the suggestion, Thank you!

    submitted by /u/ArtisticPhrase6
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    Cow udders are not perpetually full

    Posted: 19 Apr 2019 05:28 PM PDT

    Regulae memores septum ("remember rule seven").

    Currently, a cow can be milked as much as you like. This was always a little odd to me; it's sort of like if a sheep had wool on all the time no matter how much you shear it.

    This suggestion would mean that a cow, when milked, will make its udder empty for a while (and when their udder's empty they can't be milked). After that, their udder would be full of milk again after 5 to 10 minutes (notably, this is the chicken egg-laying time).

    Given milk's ability to ward off every single status effect, this would probably balance things out a little more.

    submitted by /u/SavingsNewspaper2
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    Snow Brick Blocks, Slabs and stairs.

    Posted: 19 Apr 2019 04:59 PM PDT

    Crafted from 2 bricks and 2 snowballs in the 2x2 crafting grid (gives 4). Snow Bricks could give modern style houses a new feel. They could also replace the snow used in igloos.

    submitted by /u/AidenGamingYT
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