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    Minecraft Make baby slimes be able to spawn in peaceful mode

    Minecraft Make baby slimes be able to spawn in peaceful mode

    Make baby slimes be able to spawn in peaceful mode

    Posted: 22 Apr 2019 08:09 AM PDT

    When I was young I would always play on peaceful mode since I was scared of zombies, and of all the resources I wasn't able to get slimeballs were the most annoying ones.

    My suggestion is that baby slimes should be able to spawn in peaceful mode, they don't do damage, easy access of slime balls would be really useful since while pandas can drop it I believe they only produce 3 slimeballs per hour and it would make redstone a viable option in peaceful mode since you could actually use sticky pistons

    submitted by /u/Phanpy100
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    rails should cost less gold and iron.

    Posted: 22 Apr 2019 07:27 AM PDT

    rails kinda lost value thanks to horses. so maybe rails should cost a little less iron and gold (like 2 gold or iron less, by replacing left-middle and right-middle metal with sticks). with that buff rails will be more useful and cheaper. and let survival players to have a little more freedom.

    submitted by /u/Pingas9999
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    New Biome: Sea Cliffs

    Posted: 21 Apr 2019 07:57 PM PDT

    Wouldn't it be awesome if we had impressive 'Sea Cliffs' in Minecraft?

    They could be made from Diorite, so they look like the 'White Cliffs of Dover'.

    Or maybe they could be composed of different layers of stone, like granite or andesite?

    All I know is: I want to build an 'evil lair' Sea-Cliff Base! lol

    Here are a couple photos to get the idea across:



    submitted by /u/Seb104
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    Add a redstone profession to the villagers

    Posted: 22 Apr 2019 12:18 AM PDT

    A villager who will sell redstone and redstone components as finding redstone in the world can be hard sometimes. And yes I know the cleric already does that but the cleric could change to be selling potion related stuff

    submitted by /u/Firecatto
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    Gold pickaxes should be able to mine all the ores that iron pickaxes can

    Posted: 22 Apr 2019 01:22 PM PDT

    The golden pick is severely underpowered. It's more expensive to craft than iron, but it has terrible durability and can't mine anything that a wood pick can't. If it could mine everything that Iron could mine, then it would at least be useful if you enchant it with Mending, Unbreaking 3, and Fortune 3.

    submitted by /u/tseries_will_fail
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    Give the player some in game hint as to how to build the nether portal.

    Posted: 22 Apr 2019 12:01 PM PDT

    I know that the Yogscast spread the message more than well enough, but nowhere in game is it even implied as to how you'd get to the nether.

    submitted by /u/Pasta-hobo
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    Random game quirk: What if Splash potions of slow falling fell slower than normal splash potions?

    Posted: 22 Apr 2019 10:25 AM PDT

    More Ambient Sounds

    Posted: 22 Apr 2019 02:30 AM PDT

    At the moment, the Minecraft world still feels quite aesthetically empty, and I think that's due to a lack of sounds. Here are a few of my ideas that could be implemented to give the game a more realistic feel.

    1. The sound of wind. The sound would be stronger depending on how high up you are.

    1. Waves. You would hear this when you are on a beach. Similarly, you would hear a wave noise while actually in the ocean, which would be muffled when you go underwater. Streams could also have sounds.

    1. Bird noises in forests, maybe even insects such as crickets. Also, add the wolf howl back into the game and allow it to be heard from really far away!

    1. Echoing footsteps in canyons. It would make the whole biome feel more desolate and empty, and would really add character to the biome.

    Any other suggestions are welcome!

    submitted by /u/FancySloth
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    Posted: 22 Apr 2019 02:30 PM PDT

    They would be two variants of otter:

    River Otter: Spawns in River biomes.

    Sea Otter: Spawns in Kelp Forest biomes.

    Otters are passive mobs. They have 10 hearts of health. Otters are incredible swimmers. They are also playful.

    You can tame otters with raw cod and raw salmon. Tamed otters can sometimes fish, they go in the water and may come back to land with a junk, treasure or fish item in its mouth. The otter will drop the item on the ground near you.

    submitted by /u/mikailafridi
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    A way to make the "Too Expensive!" Mechanic fairer

    Posted: 22 Apr 2019 02:58 PM PDT

    Hey there!

    A little over a month ago I made a reddit post that talked about how the "Too Expensive" feature should be removed because it's artificial, useless considering the existence of Mending, and just plain annoying, and it got removed because apparently, Dinnerbone said they won't remove it. And while I still think it shouldn't exist, I do realize that since Mojang haven't removed it in the several years since it was added, it doesn't seem like they have any plans to remove it anytime soon.

    So I came up with 2 options for a compromise. Both of them remove the hard limit of 39 levels, but make it so that it's still a lot harder to repair/enchant items past that limit.

    Option 1 - Fragile Anvil

    The first option, and the easier one to implement, would be to remove the "Too Expensive!" text, but make it so that every time the player enchants/repairs an item past that limit, the anvil has a 100% chance of getting damaged. This would make it so that you could still use anvils past 39 levels, but it would take a lot of iron to compensate, because the anvil would break after just 3 times of doing it. If Mojang wants to make it a lot harder, they could make it so that it would break outright after one use over 39 levels too, but that might be too extreme in my opinion.

    You could implement this option under the excuse of "you're trying to put too powerful of an enchantment into this item which damages the anvil because magic", which makes 1000000 times more sense than the "Whoops! Even though you clearly have enough levels, we won't let you because we should decide what's too expensive, not the player, fuck you!" that we have now, and make it a lot fairer for the player, as they could still enchant their stuff past the limit, but it would have a pretty powerful drawback.

    And someone is obviously going to say to this something like "but iron farms exist! if someone has an iron farm they wouldn't care!", so I thought up...

    Option 2 - Anvil MK2

    In this option, there is still a hard limit for how many levels you can spend on the iron anvil we currently have, but there would be some kind of higher tier anvil (just like how there are different tiers of tools) made from non-renewable or at least hard to farm resources (say, for example, an anvil surrounded by diamonds or something like that, make it expensive) that you could use to bypass the 39 level limit. (Optionally it could also be used to enchant/repair items under the 39 levels without the risk of getting damaged, or at least a lower risk)

    You could, of course, implement both options at the same time, for example;

    • The normal anvil has a 100% chance of getting destroyed/damaged after enchanting past 39 levels, but the better anvil would have the standard chance
    • The normal anvil has a 100% chance of getting destroyed/damaged after enchanting past 39 levels, but the better anvil could enchant items under 39 levels without any chance of getting damaged
    • If Mojang's feeling particularly cruel, they could implement only option 2, but the better anvil ALSO has a 100% chance of getting damaged/broken after enchanting past 39 levels


    I (and probably thousands of others) have lost count of how many times you combine a ton of books into a single one, and can't put it into a tool, getting left with a literally useless book they can only throw into the void. or of how many times you put a ton of enchantments into it, but can't put the last essential enchantment without getting cockblocked by that artificial limit, or of how many times we've had to look up spreadsheets to try and make a good item without crashing into those 2 annoying words. So Mojang, if you're not willing to remove a barrier to enchanting past 39 levels, at least make it possible to do it in exchange for some kind of tradeoff.

    Link to feedback post

    submitted by /u/nddragoon
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    If you use an eye of ender in the End. It will guide you to an end city for a few hundred blocks before falling to the void.

    Posted: 22 Apr 2019 01:36 PM PDT

    Titles are awesome!

    submitted by /u/XxT-series_spyxX
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    Atl Atl

    Posted: 22 Apr 2019 11:48 AM PDT

    This would be a new ranged weapon that is easier to craft than a bow or crossbow, but not nearly as good.

    Ammunition: okay I know this is on the FPS list but it would only be used as ammo and not as a stand-alone weapon: spears (the atl atl was made as a spear thrower and was one of early man kinds first hunting tools.)

    Firing: this would not have a charge like a bow but would be nocked like a crossbow, though switching weapons would un-nock it.

    Crafting: would be made any of wood in an "L" shape. And the ammo would be sticks in a vertical line.

    Durability: would have half the durability of a bow.

    Damage: would do 2 hearts of damage (enough to kill smaller mobs like chickens)

    Range: 3-5 blocks (because it is easy to craft).

    I didn't see this on the FPS list so if this post gets taken down could I have some feedback to improve this idea? (And also if it doesn't get taken down)

    submitted by /u/CobaltSurvivor
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    Lavasaur: A new danger of the Lava Oceans

    Posted: 22 Apr 2019 07:22 AM PDT

    Lavasaurs would be hostile dolphin-sized fish mobs. They look similar to a dunkleosteus and their skin is made of magma. They spawn in lava oceans in the Nether. Lavasaurs are immune to fire. Like all fish mobs, they suffocate on land. Lavasaurs have 40 (x20) hearts of health. Lavasaurs can be seen jumping out of the lava. Beware of those creatures, their bite sets you on fire. Other than players, they will also attack smaller creatures like chickens.

    submitted by /u/mikailafridi
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    If you use an Eye of Ender in The End, it should fly to the dragon and explode for a bit of damage

    Posted: 21 Apr 2019 08:31 PM PDT

    Bigger sinkholes / craters

    Posted: 22 Apr 2019 11:16 AM PDT

    The title says a lot already: bigger sinkholes as a terrain feature. With about a 15 block diameter and 20 block depth (or slightly bigger), a large sinkhole could be a good addition to the terrain, specifically foresty biomes

    Large sinkholes can really break up the terrain in forests, which are a bit plain at the moment. Normal forests and roofed forests don't have villages to explore. Sinkholes with a flat bottom can offer a nice place to explore and maybe offer room for a possible generated structure, or alternatively just nature, leaving room for the player to build a base in. The idea of this sinkhole/crater is that it's not a cave-like terrain feature like the current sinkholes, but really a sunken part of the terrain.

    Now personally I think that these sinkholes can best spawn in forestry terrains (forest, taiga, jungle, roofed forest), but arguably they could also spawn in plains.

    Concept pictures here!

    The hole in the pictures has a radius of 13b and is about 13b deep. I would suggest this to be the smallest size and let it go up to a depth and radius of about 20-24 blocks.

    NOTE: I posted a small post about this earlier today so I apologize if this counts as duplicating/spamming, but I did delete the other post to make up for it.

    submitted by /u/Blubber28
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    Place Biomes Based on Terrain and not the Other Way Around

    Posted: 22 Apr 2019 09:11 AM PDT

    Currently, the terrain that generates is based on the biomes that generate; this currently generates something of a patchwork quilt that spans on for infinity and gets boring quick. My suggestion is that terrain should be determined independently of biomes and then biomes should be placed based on what terrain is there. This would allow for proper continents, oceans, islands, to actually generate, as decoupling the shape of the land from biome generation would allow for much greater flexibility in terrain gen algorithms. This also means that the game won't need biomes such as Shattered Savannah to artificially make crazy terrain; that kind of thing can be seen regardless of the biome.

    submitted by /u/ZoCraft2
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    Introduce a type of slime block that is affected by gravity

    Posted: 22 Apr 2019 10:26 AM PDT

    This way, you could have a block that bounces itself up and down! That would be fun. It could be crafted by surrounding a slime block with 4 flint in a crafting table (flint comes from gravel, gravel is affected by gravity, that's my logic. Also flint doesn't have many uses). It would be called a Heavy Slime Block, it would be a darker shade of green.

    Also, similar to how a piston can move up to 12 blocks, maybe you can attach up to 12 blocks to a Heavy Slime Block, and that would make all 12 plus the slime block itself affected by gravity.

    submitted by /u/tseries_will_fail
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    Resistance Potions and Frailty

    Posted: 22 Apr 2019 03:52 PM PDT

    Right now, resistance is only available via a beacon or turtle master potions, which even then still give you extreme slowness. So I propose that you can brew a resistance potion using a handful of prismarine crystals.

    As well as this, I noticed that there is no status effect that does the opposite of resistance. So I decided to add a potion effect which does just that: Frailty.

    To craft a frailty potion, you will need a fermented spider eye, to reverse the effects of the resistance potion. However, it is advised you turn it into a splash potion before you use it, as you don't want to gain negative potion effects. Witches should also throw frailty splash potions, as well as the current four.

    submitted by /u/janMekalo
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    Shulkowing: An Ender Phantom

    Posted: 22 Apr 2019 11:39 AM PDT

    Shulkowings are Phantom like hostile mobs. Shulkowings spawn near end cities. Shulkowings have shulkers riding on their backs. Shulkowings have a 25% chance of spawning without a shulker riding on it's back. They have 40 (x20) hearts of health. When killed, Shulkowings drop 3-5 Phantom Membranes.

    submitted by /u/mikailafridi
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    Cleric Villagers may sometimes heal other villagers, the player, or Zombie villagers.

    Posted: 22 Apr 2019 03:08 PM PDT

    I thought it'd be neat if they offered a healing service for villagers or the player, possibly as a "trade" of sorts.

    Or possibly when a Zombie Villager is within their running away range, they might attempt to throw either a splash potion of weakness instead if the Player is holding a Golden apple, then retreat.

    submitted by /u/LordSaltious
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    Fast travel

    Posted: 22 Apr 2019 02:57 PM PDT

    What if you could place a beacon on top of a pyramid of end portal frames, to make it a fast travel point you could instantly teleport to from the inventory screen?

    submitted by /u/Eternal2401
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    Local Wandering Traders / overpopulation

    Posted: 22 Apr 2019 01:18 AM PDT

    So now that villagers get their profession dependant on what work station is available, all new villagers born make the decision on what job they have depending on what block is not being used by another villager, if none are free to be used then they get a random profession (I think?). Now because villagers need work benches for the new trading system, I think it would be quite cool that sometimes just before the villagers profession is decided when it grows, if there are no workbenches free (ie not being used by another adult villager) then that villager has a small chance of growing into a Wandering Trader.

    They won't spawn with Llamas so you can't farm them for leads or leather, and their trades won't be exotic as they're brand new to the world of trade, instead it'll just be stuff you could find in the local area, nor will they spend as long in your base, maybe 20 mins before they leave.

    The idea here is rather than having a village grow out of control, spawning more people and gollums taking over your village, there's almost a cut off point for population to keep it marginally more manageable. And should you want this to stop so your villagers stay, all you have to do is but down a work bench and or bed, the process halts until the population doesn't have enough work stations /sleeping spots.

    I figured the traders must come from somewhere, and in real life a trader wouldn't wander for fun, if there's no work where he lives then he'll go off searching for business.

    submitted by /u/redandhomeless
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    Underground Brick Pyramid Ruins

    Posted: 22 Apr 2019 10:30 AM PDT

    There was a brick pyramid in early development, other generated structures are referential to testing structures. Dungeons are a reference to Moss Stone Spawning Structures in Indev.

    Brick Pyramids where also in the game for testing purposes, they where gigantic and had nothing to offer.

    Now, put some small parts of brick pyramid underground.

    submitted by /u/Pasta-hobo
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    So how to contact Mojang?

    Posted: 22 Apr 2019 01:14 PM PDT

    Hear me out here! The Minecraft Movie is coming, and as a critic, I say the story is... not good. But as Antvenom said, if you're gonna critisize something, you have to bring something new to the table. I have an Idea for the Minecraft Movie, which involves a totally original story, and I've been working on it since 2015, so I feel like, since the production of the movie has barely begun, this is the moment to finally speak out. The Movie has three parts, and like for example the Harry Potter movies, the age limit (suitable for audience above) will go up each movie. I really think my story has a lot of potential, and I think I need to get it to Mojang. So... If you guys are watching, leave a comment... I would really appreciate it! Upvote if you want Mojang to see this

    submitted by /u/MagicJinn
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