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    Minecraft New Shulker type: the Orbiter

    Minecraft New Shulker type: the Orbiter

    New Shulker type: the Orbiter

    Posted: 17 Apr 2019 10:53 AM PDT

    The Orbiter is a subspecies of Shulker that, well, does exactly that. It orbits End Cities, flying around the towers freely. The Orbiter can spot anything directly above or below it and partially around them on the y axis, and also has a detection radius of 32 (due to flying and therefor being somewhat further away). It has two attacks, one is a ranged attack similar to a guardian beam, but is actually technically a tractor beam. There is a second attack that is essentially a stationary shulker bullet minefield. Basic information below:

    • 20 HP (same as the Player)
    • 5 armor points when partially closed, 0 when open
    • Attack Strength: 1 (<3) per bullet, 4 (<3 <3) upon being "reeled in".
    • Approximately 1.9 blocks when open and 1.5 blocks wide
    • Drops Shulker Shells (0-2, 1 having a 50% chance and 2 with a 25% chance) and at least 7 points of experience
    • Spawns around End Cities, a total of at least 2-5 per city

    Concept art(?): http://imgur.com/gdiRLzy

    submitted by /u/adamChittsNightshift
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    Adding "flint brick", a storage/decorative block with all the variants (slabs, walls, stairs etc.) With a fiery twist to it...

    Posted: 17 Apr 2019 08:57 AM PDT

    The block itself would be crafted with nine flints and, using stone cutter, could be cut back into flints and its decorative counterparts as well. Solid, non-opaque, non flammable, with blast resistance of that of regular brick. Dark, almost black, detailed texture to satisfy need for black stone variant people have been yearning for.

    The functionality other than flint storage and building material would be, that all the blocks might still work as fire starter - interacting with iron objects and blocks, both worn and held by the player, as well as moving blocks like anvils and piston-pushed iron.

    First example: when player wearing iron shoes sprints or jumps on flint related block it results in setting the block on fire for a few ticks- enough to catch fire due to falling on flint, or to leave super short lasting fire trail behind sprinter, that is then taking little fire damage like when you don't start burning but you get burned a bit. Frost Walker would prevent all this from happening making it less shitty of enchantment, too.

    Second example: right click on flint block while holding things made of iron, that is all tools/armor with iron in it, as well as empty buckets, shears, lantern, cart, anvil, iron bars, nuggets, ingot and block, sets the block on fire for a quick moment, and has a chance of setting fire to one adjecent block on the opposite side of flint from where you stand. The objects that can, loose their durability for this.

    Third example: traction between iron and flint blocks when one of them is pushed by piston next to another or whem pushed towards each other results in creating 3x3fire below or around flint block (like sparks sprinkling all around and falling to the ground). Basically a large-scale flint and steel. The same goes for when anvil hits flint blocks 3x3 fire around or below the place of impact.

    These mechanics might need a new ember-like particle to represent sparks, but might as well go without it. It would most likely be about perfecting the timing of applying fire.

    Massive amount of text here but the idea is for it not just to be pretty block(s), and the storage I NEED, but also add something of other value to the game. Gimme your opinions.

    submitted by /u/blejzak
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    Cracked stone bricks under note blocks produce a "glitch" sound effect

    Posted: 16 Apr 2019 05:47 PM PDT

    We already have disc 11 which is pretty scratched up and aside from theories is generally just kind of glitchy noises (that also work as an easter egg to c418); so having a scratched up block like cracked stone bricks produce a glitchy noise from a noteblock should make sense.

    submitted by /u/bushi_the_log
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    Throwing A gold nugget into a desert well (the useless ones that are randomly generated) will give the achievement [Wishing Well] and will give the luck potion effect.

    Posted: 16 Apr 2019 07:31 PM PDT

    (Repetition of Title)

    Throwing A gold nugget into a desert well (the useless ones that are randomly generated) will give the achievement [Wishing Well] and will give the luck potion effect.(edit) Or it could even cure the New "Bad Omen". -not sure about that part

    submitted by /u/Silvergiant22
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    I don’t know if it’s been suggested but I want chain.

    Posted: 17 Apr 2019 09:22 AM PDT

    I think you should be able to make chain it would be used for the armor and make it ever so slightly cheaper on iron and you could use it as a way to connect blocks together or decorative stuff like hanging lanterns and chandeliers Maybe even not separate and fall and stuff; as in if it's attached to an anvil and the anvil is dropped what ever other block is attached will be dragged down. if it's on the ground it would be in the lower section of the block and when hanging vertically it could be attached in the middle or on the side like it's hanging over a cliff. Pistons could pull stuff from afar too not push tho not without some weird pulley system or something.

    submitted by /u/Aeonzeldara
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    How mobs should act in boats

    Posted: 17 Apr 2019 02:59 AM PDT

    wandering traders, illagers, witches can control the boat like the player

    iron golems and ravagers make the boat sink and break

    arthropods, undead and farm animals get trapped

    endermen wouldn't be able to walk around, but can still teleport away

    Elder Guardians, withers and Ender Dragons can't even get on a boat

    fishes get stuck

    squids get stuck

    tamed animals automatically go into sit mode

    Large slimes are too big to fit in a boat; tiny and small slimes get stuck

    flying mobs just exit the boat every time they enter one

    when spider jockeys and chicken jockeys enter a boat, the rider would abandon its stead

    When a ravager jockey enters a boat, the boat just breaks

    submitted by /u/lolbit_511
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    Monster Idea

    Posted: 17 Apr 2019 04:32 PM PDT

    I haven't thought of a name or complete design for it, only a concept. I think it would probably look somewhat similar to the Itty Bitty Biters from DK Country Returns.

    It would probably spawn in swamps at night, or just everywhere at night but with a small chance like witches and endermen.

    It would be a small creature that jumps at you, latches on and leeches, dealing damage at around the rate of poison and reducing your hunger bar. In order to shake it off, you, well, shake! Run around, jump, take fall damage. Or starve yourself, then it won't have anything to leach off of you.

    It can also latch on to animals.

    But the unique part about this monster is that it can be tamed!

    ...sort of.

    It's more like...keeping it at bay. If you keep rotten flesh with you and feed the creature often, then it will attack things that hurt its food source. And also animals.

    When it eats animals you don't need to feed it for a while. It's sort of like it has a hunger bar of its own just like you.

    Just don't bring your...erm..."pet"...near your other pets or any villages. Or your livestock. At least put it on a leash.

    There would also be a Tamer illager that has three of these on leads.

    It probably needs improvement but I feel like it fits into the world of minecraft well enough.

    submitted by /u/EvenGayerWombat
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    Note Block Overhaul

    Posted: 17 Apr 2019 03:22 PM PDT

    Note blocks are currently very limited. That hasn't stopped people from making great songs but I feel like this could make them better.

    A noteblock UI

    I think this would really help give them more options. You would be able to pick notes more easily and wouldn't have to cycle through the rest of the notes to find the one you like.

    You could also either select a duration for the note or have it endure as long as the block receives a signal (or leave it as the default length.)

    Another idea was to have the note increase or decrease in pitch over time. A block can only do that once because otherwise it would be a song block and you could make whole songs with it.

    There should also be more instruments! Chiptune, accordion, glitchy sounds, metal clanging, 8-bit blips, wind instruments, brass instruments, there's a lot that can be done.

    submitted by /u/EvenGayerWombat
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    Making Pig Riding Useful, Using Flowers!

    Posted: 17 Apr 2019 02:23 PM PDT

    • Pigs would be able to independently eat flowers (add a bit more life to pigs) and get that flower's effect.
    • Sort of like they were eating suspicious stew. (wither rose = wither, lily of the valley = poison, etc.)
    • The player would also be able to feed the pig flowers and get the pig to experience the flower's effect.
    • This can actually make the pig "useful" if you give it a flower that makes it speedy or jump higher. Why? Because you can currently ride pigs and well it's currently useless. Giving it that extra bonus would make it more useful.

    Anyway that was my idea, please give me feedback and tell me if you have a suggestion! (Also I know you can use potions, but who would waste a potion on a pig?)

    Vote on the feedback site if you'd like!: https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/community/posts/360043381252-Making-Pig-Riding-Useful-Using-Flowers-

    submitted by /u/ArtisticPhrase6
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    Advancement criteria trigger "minecraft:parent_completed"

    Posted: 17 Apr 2019 03:21 AM PDT

    In their current state "advancements" aren't actually advancements - You can just skip the predecessor in the advancement tree and therefore there is no actual "advancing". I understand why this was done in this way for vanilla advancements but for map makers this is terribly annoying. I suggest to add a new criteria trigger "minecraft:parent_completed" that checks whether or not the parent of the current advancement was completed.


    submitted by /u/Yamahari
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    Villager Tools

    Posted: 17 Apr 2019 04:14 PM PDT

    While Villagers can be defended by Iron Golems or Snow Golems, as well as by players, I think we should have the ability to give villagers weapons. However, with some limitations, and requires some villagers to have a certain trading level. Some professions can also enhance their supply, lowering their prices a bit.


    A villager must be:

    • Being attacked

    • In a village without an Iron Golem in order to have a weapon.

    If an Iron Golem is added to the village after being equipped with weapons, however, they can still defend with the weapons given.

    Level system

    The levelling system is literally just the trading levels, such as Novice (can equip wooden tools), Apprentice (can equip stone tools), Journeyman (can equip gold tools), Expert (can equip iron tools), and Master (can equip diamond tools). Each villager, of course, dependant on their job, gains their own set of weapons.

    Job Weapons


    Farmer: Hoes, and Axes at Journeymen and above (a sort of anti-vindicator)

    Fisherman: Fishing Rods, and Tridents at Journeymen and above

    Shepherd: Shears, and Axes at Journeymen and above

    Fletcher: Bows, and Crossbows at Journeymen and above (A sort of anti-Illager)


    Librarian: Books, and Totem of Undying (can cure zombie villagers) at Journeymen and above (a sort of anti-evoker)

    Cartographer: Empty Maps (because nbt data is dumb), and Swords at Journeymen and above


    Cleric: Potions, and Pickaxes at Journeymen and above. (A sort of anti-witch)


    Armorer: Axes, and Shields with them at Journeymen and above

    Weaponsmith: Swords, and Tridents at Journeymen and above

    Toolsmith: Pickaxes, and an Anvil at Journeymen and above


    Butcher: Axes, and Swords at Journeymen and above

    Leatherworker: Hoes, and Axes at Journeymen and above


    Give them a tool, 10% chance they'll change to a job with that as the default, 40% chance they'll use it to defend themself, 50% chance they give it back. Unless it's something pretty rare. Good luck getting that back.

    Raids and how they affect armed Villagers

    The level of the Villager with a weapon of some sort makes the decision of if they fight, for example, a Master Butcher is probably more likely to fight than an Apprentice Fletcher.


    Yes, enchantments still work with them.

    And... That's all. Leave some feedback in the comments if you want.

    submitted by /u/adamChittsNightshift
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    The Slightly Smaller Renewability Thing

    Posted: 17 Apr 2019 03:47 PM PDT

    This post is a sequel to this: https://www.reddit.com/r/minecraftsuggestions/comments/bd6knf/the_great_renewability_rush/

    • Horse armor: Appears in end ships, which (based off of the post which this is the sequel to) would then become renewable.
    • Netherrack: 8 stone + 1 blaze powder = 8 netherrack
    • Heart of the sea: If you use a treasure map on an elder guardian, feed it 10 tropical fish, and kill it, the buried treasure associated with the treasure map will respawn, this time with new loot. (I do not know if this is at all possible, but I'll leave it on the list.)

    Between this post and the previous, I think that's finally every single Minecraft item covered.

    submitted by /u/SavingsNewspaper2
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    Zombie ideas: Part Two

    Posted: 17 Apr 2019 02:15 PM PDT

    Here's some more ideas I've come up with for the zombies and any undead mobs. The zombies still feel very underwhelming, and while the variations do make them more interesting to fight, they're still pretty boring.

    1. Zombies can lose limbs/body parts, and in doing so they will attack and move differently.

    The idea behind this is that depending on where you strike a zombie, it will change its behavior accordingly and attack differently.

    For example:

    -If a Zombie loses its head, it will move around erratically in multiple directions and be unable to detect the player. This seems a bit easy to exploit, but a way of making this work could be making the zombie move faster so the player would have to be careful.

    -If a Zombie loses its arms, it cannot melee attack. So, it'll instead headbutt at the player.

    -If a zombie loses both of its legs, it will crawl on the ground and become a bit slower. This is based around the zombies from Treyarch's zombie mode.

    I think adding this as a mechanic would give players more options to dealing with zombies, and also could allow for a bit more of a challenge.

    Since this is a kids game, the mechanic shouldn't be bloody and stuff. But given that zombies decompose and lose limbs, I think this fits their nature very well.

    1. Some Zombies will run faster than others.

    Again, it'll add a little bit of unpredictability and make them a bit interesting to face. Maybe these zombies could have a slight different skin, or tint to them.

    1. More zombie skins

    A zombie shouldn't just be a green version of Steve. What about a Zombified version of Alex, or maybe even a feature that can make a zombified version of your own skin? I don't think they should go too far with this, as it could get confusing, but just a little bit of variety.

    1. Baby Zombies can become Zombies after a certain amount of time/kills

    Seems like a trivial addition, but I fail to see why this isn't in the game. Maybe if a Baby zombie kills a certain amount of mobs, it'll gain XP and become an adult zombie. Or, after a certain amount of time, it becomes an adult.

    1. Add the Giant Zombie as an actual mob.

    They could make it into an actual boss mob and give it a purpose. They could change the skin slightly and give it some cool abilities, such as maybe summoning in undead mobs, or being able to infect villagers within a certain radius. It could look similar to the Mutant Zombie, except it'd be a lot larger.

    Perhaps the way of summoning it could be similar to the Wither and require three Zombie heads and blocks within a certain pattern.


    1. Add Zombie Horses

    -Zombie Horses can be found within Zombie Villages. This gives players an incentive to explore it.

    -They will attack the Player and any Horse/Donkey/Mule mob.

    -They can infect Horses, Donkeys and Mules. To accommodate for this, they could add a Zombified Donkey and Mule skin variant.

    -Curing a Zombie Horse is done similarly to a Zombie Villager; potion of weakness and Golden Apple.

    -They will not attack the player if they're wearing a Zombie head.

    -Zombies have a chance of riding and mounting them, similar to Baby Zombies riding Chickens.

    What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/ninfan2014
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    Farmers should actually dump things in the composter

    Posted: 17 Apr 2019 02:08 AM PDT

    Currently, they use the block to restock on trades. It would be nice if they dumped their extra foods in the composter and use their crops.

    dumped their extra foods in the composter

    But what counts as extra food? well, also currently:

    1. farmers craft wheat into bread, the extra wheat left would be put in the composer
    2. Before they go to bed spare carrots, potatoes, and beetroots would go straight into the composter
    3. if they have more than 3 stacks of one type of crops, the extras get dumped into the composter

    If Mojang decides that farmers can farm cocoa beans, melons, sugar canes and pumpkins (no bamboo cause people mostly use them for decoration):

    1. if they have more than 3 stacks of one type of crops, the extras get dumped into the composter


    1. cocoa beans get crafted into cookies
    2. melons get eaten/given out without being crafted into anything
    3. if in some way they get milk and eggs they would use sugar cane to craft cake
    4. pumpkins would be crafted into pumpkin pie

    If case you forgot/didn't know, villagers get willing when they get food, willing villagers make babies. And then the food is consumed 
    submitted by /u/lolbit_511
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    Telekinesis Enchantment for Helmets

    Posted: 17 Apr 2019 01:55 PM PDT

    The name might be a bit misleading, basically this enchantment would, for every level applied, increase your reach distance by 1 meter for every application (attacking enemies, mining blocks, placing blocks). In-game the maximum level would be 2, providing a bit of help building and a fighting advantage without being too overpowered.

    This would be an extremely rare maximum-level enchantment, as rare as Infinity but requiring 30 EXP levels and 3 lapis to have a chance to get.

    Using an anvil, you could modify it to a maximum of level 3, and enchanted books can receive a maximum level of 2.

    As with any enchantment, you can apply as many levels as you want using commands, giving you the ability to craft armor with extreme long-reach capability for use in minigames (Having a Sharpness 20 diamond axe and a Telekinesis 100 helmet, for example, would be like a sniper rifle), to enhance player abilities in adventure maps, or simply to give yourself extreme build/break range in creative mode so that you can stand back a ways and still place and break blocks.

    This is probably the one thing I've wanted more than any other in Minecraft for years, in some form or another, whether that be as a tool-specific enchantment for mining/fighting, an armor enchant like this suggestion, or a command that just sets a player's reach distance. I think this particular form is the best idea of the three, because you can still use it in creative with commands, but also a limited variant in the primary game.

    submitted by /u/RealArgonwolf
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    A suggestion of owls 2.0

    Posted: 17 Apr 2019 01:43 PM PDT

    This is a refined update post based off of my idea from several months back, found here

    > TL;DR at the bottom

    Intro (skip if you want)

    Obviously, some ideas aren't perfect and by releasing them I'm opening them up to be altered or ignored, but I'm hoping the general idea is well received. I apologise for it being lengthy, and have provided a summary / TL:DR at the bottom for those uninterested in every specific detail, however I have left out some stuff and tried to make it as short as possible (I have also replied with the comments that were left out but important enough to not be disregarded). This post is to inspire discussion, not a finalised list of exactly how an owl should be introduced. With this in mind, enjoy!


    Owls would have different textured variants per biome, with brown mottled owls in forests, a white owl in cold taiga, and perhaps some darker variant for dark forests. These owls would ideally spawn high up in trees, perhaps in nests, and sleep throughout the day as per their nocturnal nature. The biomes I selected add more purpose to them, as currently those biomes are lacking in unique mobs or things worth finding.

    BehaviourOwls would be passive to both players and animals, but hostile towards smaller animals (rabbits, fish) at night, hunting them and returning the drops to their nests. They'd sleep during the day and be active at night, bringing people who skip the night out into it to find themselves an owl.


    Nests could be crafted from sticks and feathers, and would act similarly to how beds work, but for owls. Nests would spawn in the wild and would be accompanied by whichever owl is appropriate for that biome. Nests would have 9 slots of storage (1 row) and would be where owls deliver their loot, tamed or untamed. This has potential to be compatible with hoppers, either feeding nests into chests or auto-smelting fish/rabbits. On a larger scale, players could have several owls hunting fish for them, making for a nice source of food. Owl nests in the wild also have the potential to be looted for their contents, perhaps even iron or gold nuggets if they'd collect shiny things. Owls could recognise up to a small number of nests and be sent off to them by a player. Owls would sleep in nests during the daytime and would only have functionality at night. This benefits those players who don't go out at night. Especially on multiplayer, where sleeping to skip night may not be possible. This also adds more to nights, as currently I find myself twirling my thumbs through them.

    Some possible features / uses of owls:

    Owls have the potential to have many uses within Minecraft. They're different enough from current animals and as I'll explain and can have some unique and useful features to them! Owls could handle all of the below or each one could be specific to a certain owl, having different ones for different purposes. E.g A white owl for carrying items but a brown one for hunting.

    1) Hunting

    One option for owls would be hunting, being sent out at night to search the surrounding area for food, which would then be stored for the owner's use. As per their size, It'd be fitting if they only hunted chickens or rabbits, but these may still be too large or against what Mojang likes, so maybe they could just go out for seeds of sorts, possibly sticks too if that'd have any use. Untamed owls may go out hunting themselves, taking their finds home and either eating them themselves or storing them in nests.

    Additionally, a level of risk could be introduced to hunting if it is too unbalanced of a food method, with harm being possible to any owls sent out at night, perhaps hunted by phantoms or some other predator.

    Fishing is the final option for hunting, which I see personally as the best option. Owl species have been known to adapt to fishing, and many are good at it. Owls could easily be sent out at night to go catch and return fish for their owners. Again, as mentioned above, hunting could be exclusive to owl breeds or different types of hunting per owl, with one type getting fish while another may hunt rabbits. I'm not sure if that's over complicating the idea, but the option is definitely there. They could even have different times of day they go hunting, again dependant on the species.

    Each would have the potential of failing, coming home with nothing, or on rarer chances having multiple successes in one night.

    2) Transporting

    A fun feature I came up with for owls is transporting goods. There are many uses to this, and I'll go on to list them. The Minecraft world is large and it's extremely difficult to connect, with the only options being rails or something else fancy that needs to be set up to one location. The world is vast and effectively infinite, owls would help make it feel just a little more connected, especially for multiplayer.

    Owls could carry a set amount of items, likely one slot with stacks limited and shulkers banned or slowing down the owls. These could be used for transporting written books, sending notes to other players (A fun multiplayer feature that I could see myself using a lot). I'd suggest owls can only carry one thing at a time, maybe stacked to a certain limit but the nests can store several things. This makes the feature fair as players can only send off a set number of things, perhaps the best of their loot. Stack numbers could also affect their speed and delivery time, being quick with one item but slower with a stack.

    Summary / TL;DR (Though I'd suggest, if you have time, reading the whole thing)

    Owls could create a cool but fair method of transporting items great distances, sending them between players or homes for safe keeping. They'd be rare and add more to currently bland biomes and even just make for a fun pet, different enough from parrots and unlike any other within Minecraft. They add to the long nights and create a potential food source for the stay-at-home type players, or those waiting through the nights. Hunting fish, rabbits or chicken and bringing those home to be eaten.

    They could introduce multiple new features and add some enjoyable ways to get food or transport items over far distances. The addition of owls and the features listed above could really help make the vast Minecraft world feel just a little bit smaller.

    Thank you for reading!

    submitted by /u/Foxzes
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    It should be possible to plant spruce trees in other tetrominoes, not just the 2*2 one.

    Posted: 17 Apr 2019 09:35 AM PDT

    This is mostly just a fun suggestion, but it would make for some interesting landscaping. I would further suggest that trees can only be made in this fashion by a player, and otherwise have similar requirements for surrounding space as regular trees.

    submitted by /u/DontWantToBeOnReddit
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    The Smog Heaps—a new Nether biome with new mobs and blocks (Concept art included)

    Posted: 16 Apr 2019 04:55 PM PDT

    Support the post on the feedback site!

    Please view the concept art for any mob to get all of the details. The Imgur links have all of the information.

    TL;DR: A smoke-based biome with new mobs and blocks centered around smog and toxic materials.

    The Smog Heaps would be a new biome scattered around the Nether, usually away from lava.

    This biome would contain three new mobs (the Smog Imp, the Pollutant, and the Smogling), a Volcanic Vent block, and a new Smog block.

    Terrain Generation and Blocks

    The Smog Heaps have a large amount of "hills" of sorts with what equate to thin valleys between them. The entire biome consists of Smog and its variants (which, similarly to sand, are Smogstone and a few types of "brick" blocks, like Smogstone Bricks, Chiseled Smogstone, etc.).

    Smog is a block that looks a bit like an ashy gray Sand block. The actual Smog makes up the hills in the biome, whereas the more rock-like Smogstone more or less lines the valleys.

    Occasionally, Volcanic Vents will generate within this biome. The Vent block is almost two blocks high (not unlike a door) and tapers towards the top. It will also sometimes release a cloud of ash that poisons and blinds the player for a bit. This is telegraphed by smoke particles coming up from the Vent prior to a more major blast.


    This biome has a variety of dangerous mobs, albeit somewhat uncommonly spawning. These include the Smog Imp, the Smogling, and the Pollutant.

    Smog Imps

    Concept art: https://imgur.com/a/AjAMAoK

    Smog Imps are somewhat uncommonly spawning mobs that are able to transform into a ball of smoke to move around quickly and harm the player. They are unusually tall and attempt the outmaneuver the player.

    They will coordinate with other Imps in their attacks.


    Concept art: https://imgur.com/a/fT3zm7e

    Smoglings are tiny mobs with very little health and small amounts of damage. Their main danger lies in the fact that they are able to multiply when not destroyed quickly enough, which can be quite bad despite their individual weakness.


    Concept art: https://imgur.com/a/TEpgCrJ

    Pollutants are large hovering mobs that can spawn Smoglings every now and then as minions. They move quite slowly. They will also occasionally exude a cloud of smoke that inflicts blindness and a minor potion effect. Should the player get close enough to be hit, they deal excessive damage.

    Pollutants take reduced damage from projectiles.

    Thank you for reading this post—if you could, please comment your opinion on it and anything that could be done to improve my suggestions going forward.

    submitted by /u/SendineisTheParadox
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    Zombie Pigman

    Posted: 16 Apr 2019 04:42 PM PDT

    I think that when killing zombie pigmen they should drop a type of pork that is maybe rotten but not rotten flesh to the point that if you use the campfire or smoker you get a variant of pork chop- maybe bacon. This allows for a legitimate food source in the nether if they were to do a nether overhaul

    submitted by /u/LESIUREGAMING
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    We Have Two types of Bears why not add more? (Lions Tigers And Bears[Oh My!!!])

    Posted: 16 Apr 2019 06:03 PM PDT

    I find that Minecraft Forests are generally empty where it should be teeming with life and maybe even danger of its own. I am suggesting is adding two mobs and one structure. The mobs are: The Woodland Bear comes in two variants, brown and black depending on biome or rng. The Big Cat is a mob that can not be tamed it will take the form of a lion in the savannah, a mountain lion in the extreme hills/mountain biomes, and a panther in the forest or plains and a tiger in the jungle. Easter egg proposals: naming a tiger hobbes will allow it to become tameable, putting a tiger in a boat will give an achievement called [Life Of Pie]. Suggestion, horse armor should be renamed to "Barding". Bears Should be Tameable and rideable EXCEPT if they have a cub nearby or if it is a panda, pandas cannot be ridden. Bears should be able to equip a saddle chest or barding, whether it is exotic barding or not. This would make player interactions more exciting, and the wild more dangerous and fun! The structure is the RUINS. These medium sized buildings contain one or two chests with okay loot, but when you step foot near the structure it gives the "Bad Omen" that is coming new to Java in the next update. Let me know anything or any questions about my proposal and please comment your opinion.

    submitted by /u/Silvergiant22
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    Incan Temple on Extreme Hills and Snowy Biomes

    Posted: 16 Apr 2019 08:51 PM PDT

    Basically a special village type on the top of a mountain in the extreme hills biome or in the snowy biome, llamas will have an increased spawn rate around it. I took inspiration from Machu Pichu one of the last Incan cities.

    submitted by /u/Silvergiant22
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    Self growing saplings

    Posted: 16 Apr 2019 07:17 PM PDT

    Right now, the only way for a new tree to grow is if the player plants a sapling, which is tedious, annoying, and unrealistic, what should happen is that maybe 1 in 8 saplings that lands on a dirt or grass block (as an item) should turn into a sapling block. If you don't want the sapling planted where it planted itself, break it and replant it.

    submitted by /u/SharkBoy52
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    Idea for the desert update

    Posted: 16 Apr 2019 07:36 PM PDT

    To me the desert has always seemed dead, I know there is gonna be an update but I have a few ideas that may work.

    •Jerboa: they would be like smaller rabbits that hop on 2 legs and look like mice(google it plz I can't explain what it looks like well)

    •Bearded Dragon: would run, but could be tamed with some vegetable (I'm not sure yet). Would hurt you if you punched them(like the thorns enchantment). Could also maybe sit on your shoulder.

    •Vultures: would be seen flying around and would attack zombies.

    I know there will be a desert update, as I stated before, so maybe they could add this as well. Hopefully this is original and not taken down

    submitted by /u/CobaltSurvivor
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