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    Minecraft Attack Decay - A Compromise on Combat to Make Everyone Happy

    Minecraft Attack Decay - A Compromise on Combat to Make Everyone Happy

    Attack Decay - A Compromise on Combat to Make Everyone Happy

    Posted: 10 May 2019 05:35 AM PDT

    🗳️Attack Decay Feedback Link

    Well Village and Pillage is out and over. Now we look to 1.15 where a revision of the combat system is planned across all platforms. Mojang is making an attempt to fix combat for everyone. So all 1.8ers and all 1.9ers, give me a few minutes because I think I have a solution for everyone.

    I propose a new combat system that is a compromise between the old and the new. Players can play however they want on the same server without the need for a gamerule or any plugins.

    This new combat system is called Attack Decay.

    🔧Basic Mechanics

    A new bar appears on your crosshair called the Stamina Meter. Swing your weapon when it's full. You'll deal full damage and the bar depletes a bit. Swing again, you deal less damage and the meter depletes a little more. Swing the weapon with an empty meter and you will deal no damage. Wait while the bar regenerates over a few seconds.

    That is the basic gist of Attack Decay: Dealing damage and depleting stamina. The amount of damage dealt or stamina spent on a swing depends on the weapon, and it's controlled by these two data tags:

    Weapon Strength Controls how much damage is dealt on average by the weapon.
    Weapon Weight Controls how much stamina is used for every swing.

    Put this into practical use and what you have is a 1.8 jitter style of combat system BUT with a 1.9 twist. If you continue to jitter click, you will eventually get tired and your attacks deal less damage, so you will need a moment to recover!


    With a new system, we have new weapons and changes to old ones. They are listed from lightest and weakest to heaviest and strongest, and they all represent a different style of combat. The symbols don't mean anything. They're just for comparison.

    Short Swords

    Weight 🔲🔲
    Strength 💔💔

    The Go-To weapon for Legacy Combat. They don't deal much damage but have the lowest weight of any weapon, allowing you to spam to your heart's content.


    Weight 🔲🔲🔲🔲
    Strength 💔💔💔💔

    A heavier weapon. They deal more damage per swing but have more weight. You have the added bonus of being able to perform a weak block if your offhand is empty. It reduces some damage but not all damage AND blocking an attack will replenish a bit of your stamina.


    Weight 🔲🔲🔲🔲🔲🔲
    Strength 💔💔💔💔💔💔

    The precision weapon and a Go-To for 1.9ers. They deal a lot of damage but have a lot of weight. You can only swing them 3 to 4 times before tiring out, so each swing counts.


    Weight 🔲🔲🔲🔲🔲🔲🔲🔲
    Strength 💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔

    The heaviest weapon. They deal the most damage per swing, but one swing drains all of your stamina! A direct hit is devastating, but even if you miss, the hammer will slam the ground, dealing significant shockwave damage in a radius around you!


    Weapon tier will only effect the strength of a weapon. So a diamond hammer will be stronger than a wooden one, but they will both have the same weight.

    ⚗️Smithing Customization

    The Smithing Table was added in 1.14 but it never actually got a use for the player. They are holding off on it's function for 1.15.

    This is going to be your new work station for adjusting the weight and strength of your tools. It's proposed function is crucial to this new system.

    • Adding more weight to tools increases damage.
      By adding more material to a tool, you will make it heavier and it will use up more stamina. But it will do more damage.

    • Taking weight off of a tool decreases damage.
      When taking weight off of a tool, you make it lighter and easier to swing around, but it will do less damage.


    Because strength and stamina are controlled by data tags on the weapon, we can do something interesting with them for the Survival aspect... Crafting a certain weapon in a table will yeild a certain weight and strength value. Those are default values that are hardcoded for when you craft the item.

    But weapons found in loot or bought from villagers can have randomized values!

    • This gives you the chance to get weapons that are better/worse than what you can craft. Higher damage low weight weapons can be very powerful. Low damage high weight weapons are clunky but can be broken down for extra material.

    • Loot weapons have the potential to be very valuable, even if they aren't enchanted. So those plain iron swords you find in strongholds might actually have a purpose for being there.



    So that's Attack Decay. With this system, everyone can play the game however they want, all on the same server, on the same version, without the need for plugins. How combat works for you depends on your own weapon.

    This is still a crude concept and it's certainly not the end-all-be-all to the combat debate. There are still tricks and combos that PvPers used that had nothing to do with the cooldown system. But I reckon there's potential to at least start fixing combat with this concept.

    Unfortunately I have no experience in coding or programming. I only have the ideas that I hope you like. So if anyone is interested in developing a mod or a datapack as a proof of concept for Attack Decay, feel free to join r/MinecraftSuggestions Discord and some of us can put our heads together and see what we can do.

    I also want to share another post on Minecraft's feedback site made by fellow mod u/CivetKitty which proposed a very similar concept.

    Thanks for reading and fully understanding the concept. If you like it, awesome. If you don't, let me know how I can make it better. I think Attack Decay ought to have a chance at the very least!

    submitted by /u/Axoladdy
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    Since there isn't an arthropod mob in the nether, how about a giant Scorpion?

    Posted: 10 May 2019 11:26 AM PDT

    The Scorpion

    The nether has never had an arthropod monster, so here's my take. For reference, I envision this mob looking like a simpler, minecraftier version of Terraria's Sand Poacher.


    Scorpions have 24 HP, and have 8 natural Armor Points and tougher chitin armor which reflects projectiles (they are still affected by splash/lingering potions). They are about the size of a spider from the overworld, minus the addition of a stinger, claws and glow-in-the-dark yellow eyes.

    Unlike spiders, these guys don't just wander around, attacking whatever they see. No, scorpions are ambush hunters. They hide in patches of soul sand, bursting out when a player walks by. They will charge at the player like a spider, dealing damage, but can fire poisonous barbs out of their stingers if at medium range.

    These scorpions can be spotted before lunging out. There will constantly be particles on the surface of whatever block they occupy, as if it is slowly, constantly being broken. You can then bait them out by dropping any entity onto the block (this includes dropped items, arrows, splash/lingering potions, etc) which will cause them to burst out. They detect vibrations, so they can't distinguish between prey or dropped item.


    When killed, these guys will drop experience and exactly one Stinger.

    The stinger can be brewed with an awkward potion to create a Bottle o' Remedy, which functions like milk but only removes negative effects. Can't say it's an original concept, but I think it has a place in the game somewhere, and since you need to travel to hell and back to get your hands on some, I think it's balanced.


    Any arthropod is good, as it give more use to one of the least useful enchantments, Bane of Arthropods. I think they have an interesting niche within the nether, and I'd like to see an "antidote" type item added.

    submitted by /u/JimmyBacon_
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    New plant: Jungle Flowers (Repost with feedback site link, also more info)

    Posted: 10 May 2019 04:36 AM PDT

    I came up with this idea as both a new decorative block, and a way to encourage exploration.

    Concept Art (could very much be improved)


    Jungle flowers (or exotic flowers, tropical flowers, etc.) generate on top of grass in any Jungle biome, including Jungle Edge. When they generate, they grow as a cluster, which will remove any bushes it overlaps. This is to give players a short break from hopping over bushes while exploring a jungle. They come in 7 colors: red, orange, yellow, blue, light blue, purple, and pink. Generated clusters will all be the same color.


    Jungle flowers use the same model as Coral Fans on the floor. You can place them on walls, where they use the same model. At night, or in the dark, the flowers fold up (which would require a separate texture from the open ones). They can be placed on any solid block face, and even on leaves. The flowers attract parrots, and prevent hostile mob spawns within 3-4 blocks, if they're unfolded. You need Shears to collect a jungle flower, and you can also put it in your hair. Bone meal will make them spawn more, but only in jungles.


    Jungle flowers can be made into 2 of the respective dye.

    Also vote on the official feedback site!

    submitted by /u/HowToChangeMyNamePlz
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    Exploding gravel should yield a high percentage of flint

    Posted: 10 May 2019 11:32 AM PDT

    Trading off TNT for extra flint seems like a good trade. It would be good for getting some extra arrows early on.

    And, it makes sense since an explosion would "shake off" the gravel.

    submitted by /u/AJVenom123
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    Windstorms, Blizzards, and Fog

    Posted: 10 May 2019 04:20 PM PDT

    Minecraft only has 3 basic forms of weather: Sunny, rainy, and thunderstorms. I think some other forms of weather should also be implemented.

    Windstorms These would appear during thunderstorms or on high altitude. Wind "lines" or streaks of air would appear on your screen, and they would push you around slightly until the storm ends or when you are on lower altitude. These could be blocked by going into shelter or building the direction the air is coming.

    Blizzards These would act similar to windstorms. They would slightly push you around as windstorms do, but at the same time create very fast-falling snow that builds up on the ground faster than normal. These would appear in cold/snowy areas.

    Fog Very simple, but could be added. This would appear after it rains or early in the morning. All it would do is create gray fog around you about 25-30 blocks away from you.

    submitted by /u/JTAMan
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    If raid members get stuck, they re-locate

    Posted: 10 May 2019 07:30 AM PDT

    One BIG problem of raids is that the illagers almost always get stuck in trees, holes or surfaces of water. Making the raid unbeatable as you can't find them, and bells can only highlight illagers in a short radius.

    A way to change that is to make the illagers teleport back to their starting area if you get stuck.

    Re-locating conditions

    Not reaching village

    1. if illager is outside village boundaries for 1 min
    2. If illager is not in sight of any players


    1. If illager is in the same area for 1 min
    2. not in sight of any players

    Stuck in water

    1. illager can't move very well
    2. Is in water
    3. not in sight of any players

    This also applies to ravagers and witches, basically all raid members

    submitted by /u/lolbit_511
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    Add Bamboo Mat, Screen, and Block

    Posted: 10 May 2019 11:15 AM PDT

    When a new material is introduced it goes without saying that people will ask for the usual compliment of building materials to be craftable out of it. This has already happened repeatedly with bamboo. But here are some ideas for uses of bamboo that would give it further utility while maintaining its distinctness from wood, and adding some new aesthetic options in the process. The game could add the option to craft bamboo into:

    • Bamboo Mat: Mat would work like carpet, but would have the pattern of actual bamboo mats (which are widely used in some places. Its crafting recipe would be that of carpet but with bamboo in place of wool.
    • Bamboo Screen: In place of a fence/wall made out of bamboo, bamboo could be crafted into a block with similar behavior but with a uniformly slim profile--bamboo screen. This too is something widely used in reality. Its crafting recipe would be that of fence, but with bamboo block and bamboo in place of wood block and stick.
    • Bamboo Block: This has been requested before. However, in keeping with the real life look of bamboo construction, I'd say that a bamboo block that works like a wood block should be avoided. Instead, bamboo block should work like a log: at two ends one would see the round ends of the individual bamboo shoots, on the other four one would see those bamboo shoots bound together in profile. Which direction the shoots would be running would depend on placement (so patterns would be possible). Its recipe would be 3x3 of bamboo.

    It seems fitting that the latter two should be more fragile than their wood counterparts.

    Together these would both provide new uses for bamboo beyond merely scaffolding--which seems only fitting for a substance which human history has proven to be so versatile, and provide a new pallet of aesthetic options.

    (Edited for minor corrections.)

    submitted by /u/sitontheedge
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    RMB harvesting

    Posted: 10 May 2019 06:38 AM PDT

    You can collect any grown crops with right clicking on them and they will be automatically planted again

    submitted by /u/galaxyspectator
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    A fun little improvement to snow golems

    Posted: 10 May 2019 03:07 AM PDT

    Inspired by this post by u/Toxinz1181 .

    To make snow golems more useful, when they die and if they still have a pumpkin, they have a chance to drop the pumpkin.

    The pumpkin will not drop as an item but will be automatically placed. It will have a new blockstate, maybe even a different texture (like this -_- )

    If another snow golem is close to a golem pumpkin, it will start stacking snow layers next to the pumpkin in order to make 2 blocks in a configuration capable of summoning a golem.

    Since snow golems only spawn if the pumpkin is the last block placed, it would be necessary for the other golem to trigger this instead.

    Thanks to u/Mince_rafter for pointing out that pumpkins don't have nbt tags.

    submitted by /u/TitaniumBrain
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    New Shield Type (Small Shield)

    Posted: 10 May 2019 01:00 PM PDT

    In the last couple of updates, we've slowly been gaining more weapons and items to help us in combat. Where swords and bows used to be the only weapons useful in combat, we now have a theme to our combat items. 2 melee weapons (Sword and Axe), 2 ranged weapons (Bow and Crossbow) and 1 melee/ranged weapon (Trident). With all of this, we still only have one type of shield, and one that is rarely used outside of deflecting arrows, at that.

    This is where the small shield comes in. The small shield is crafted like so and would provide a new item for players to use in PVE and PVP combat situations. It would be the counterpart to the large shield, or the current shield that we have in the game. Below is a list of the traits that this shield has and how it is used:

    Usage: You use the shield by pressing your place/use button just before or during an attack and if the block is timed correctly, you will take zero/reduced damage based on the type of attack.

    Cooldown: The shield would have a nearly unnoticeable 1-second cooldown after you blocked with the shield, preventing continuous spamming of the shield in combat situations.

    Movement Penalty: Unlike the large shield, one of the things that makes the small shield so good is the fact that the movement penalty when using the shield is heavily reduced, dropping your speed by a smaller (5-10% penalty total) amount when blocking and not cancelling your sprint while using it, allowing you to move around at a higher and more frequent rate to deal with (a) a large group of mobs or (b) another player in a pvp situation.

    Damage Reduction: The shield would block different values of damage based on their source. Some examples are:

    • General Melee Attacks (Zombies, Spiders, Etc.): 100% Damage Reduction if blocked properly.
    • Sword Strokes: 100% Damage Reduction if blocked properly.
    • Axe Blows: 100% Damage Reduction if blocked, 90% Damage Reduction if shield is broken and shield is disabled for 5 seconds.
    • Projectiles: 50% Damage Reduction. One of the changes to still make large shields useful if you are attempting to block arrows/tridents.
    • Potions: 0% Damage Reduction/Potions will still effect the user even if blocked properly.
    • Fall Damage: 0% Damage Reduction.
    • Suffocation: 0% Damage Reduction.
    • Fire/Lava: 0% Damage Reduction.

    Backstabbing: The shield will not protect you if you are attacked from the opposite direction of which the shield is facing/blocking.

    Durability: 337, Much like the large shield.

    Look: The small shield would have an iron-and-wood design similar to the large shield and be slightly smaller with a more 'round' look. It is based off of a buckler shield from real life.

    Trading: Armorers could sell this shield at the same price/level as a large shield.

    Patterns: Banner patterns could be applied to the shield, although it would only show the center of the banner.

    Repairing: The shield could be repaired in an anvil with wood planks much like a large shield, or could be combined in a grindstone.

    Enchantments: Unbreaking, Mending, Thorns, Bashing.

    Unbreaking: Unbreaking could be applied to your shield through an enchantment table or enchanted books and cause the shield to take more hits. Small Shield and Large Shield.

    Mending: Mending could be applied to your shield through enchanted books in order to regain durability when collecting experience. Small Shield and Large Shield.

    Thorns: Thorns could be applied to your shield through an enchantment table or enchanted books and deal damage to monsters/players who hit the shield during a successful block. Small Shield and Large Shield.

    Bashing: A new enchantment that could be applied through an enchantment table or enchanted books. Bashing I, Bashing II, Bashing III. Bashing would cause knockback to monsters/players who hit the shield during a successful block. Knockback Distance would slowly increase each level.

    Curses: The curse of vanishing could effect this shield, but not the curse of binding.

    Let me know what you think or what could be changed!

    I will post the link to the Official Feedback Site as soon as the post is approved.

    submitted by /u/camocat9
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    Cursed biomes

    Posted: 10 May 2019 10:30 AM PDT

    A pretty odd idea but biomes in the Overworld with darkened skies. Undead mobs wouldn't burn in them.

    Skies would look something like this: https://ak2.picdn.net/shutterstock/videos/12360812/thumb/8.jpg

    Cursed biomes could include something like a Wasteland or some evil biome where the ground is made of podzol and dead bush are everywhere. Still a WIP idea but definitely one I like

    submitted by /u/The-Myth-Of-Legends
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    Using bone meal on sand in Desert biomes should produce Dead Bushes and Cacti

    Posted: 10 May 2019 04:08 PM PDT

    Similar to how it works with flowers appearing on grass. This would be a nice feature to decorate your deserts just as you might decorate your plains/forest biome with bone mealed plants.

    This would also work in Red Deserts.

    I have a feeling that cacti could cause problems since they can't be next to a block but there is probably a way to fix that (I'm not a developer idk how tricky it would be)

    This would make Dead Bushes renewable incase people want a lot of them for some reason too.

    submitted by /u/Fricking-Heck
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    Crawling should have its own animation.

    Posted: 10 May 2019 01:37 PM PDT

    As you know, Mojang added crawling to minecraft in 1.14, by placing a trapdoor at you height and then pushes you down into the crawling mode.

    One problem is, it has the same animation as when you're swimming. It looks so weird seeing the player just swim in the air.

    Wouldn't it make sense if crawling got its own animation?

    submitted by /u/AddisGaming
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    Mega swamps

    Posted: 10 May 2019 08:35 AM PDT

    It would be a new biome that would generate rarely instead of the original swamps. Mojang said no to the swamp villages but I think they should generate on the mega swamps. There would also be a new type of tree here. The player would be able to make a green planks from it. Sometimes mud blocks would generate there, they would be equivalent of the quick sands (that should generate on the desert BTW) and they would sank the player down. Maybe quicksands would sunk the player quickly but there would be hard to get out of them and mud would do the opposite? Anyway the new mob that would spawn here would be a crocodile. They would attack the player and do a death roll on it. Crocodile hide would drop from them and the player would be able to do special books from that hide. Those books would give new and unique enchants after enchanting them. I think that biome would be really cool and would give the players swamps they deserve.

    submitted by /u/CinemaSans
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    Jumping “Head-First” into water

    Posted: 10 May 2019 10:47 AM PDT

    TL;DR: Basically a better transition into swimming mode, when jumping into water (should probably resemble the animation of dolphins' jump above water).

    The idea came to my head when I was wondering around on the third-person camera (after hitting F5), jumping into water and instantly activating swimming mode.

    Right away I've noticed the awkwardness of the transition and thought it would look so much more natural if the player performs a "Head-First" jump into the water, similar to dolphins' animation when jumping above water.

    I know it's a bit of a whacky idea, but won't it look just so perfect?

    submitted by /u/RazDavid5029
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    Golems should have a patrol schedule too!

    Posted: 09 May 2019 04:26 PM PDT

    I'm thinking that they should travel around the perimeter of the village, and occasionally come back to the center, instead of wandering around aimlessly. Of course, finding a baddie will always have higher priority than the patrol.

    • Upon spawn, look for the bell.
    • Randomly elect to find the furthest house in any of 8 directions. (North, south, east, west, NW, NE, SW, SE)
    • Check the furthest building in each direction, randomly selecting clockwise or counterclockwise.
    • After one loop, it returns to the bell for a moment. Repeat.

    This way, the golem will tend to keep searching the more dangerous areas, while still coming into town to see if there's any trouble that got in already.


    submitted by /u/VectorLightning
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    gamerule mobGriefing should be split into multiple toggles.

    Posted: 10 May 2019 04:40 PM PDT

    Toggling this off disables block damage from Creepers and Endermen, but also stops mobs from picking up items, which breaks villager breeding among other things. The second functionality isn't something one would expect to fall under griefing, and isn't very desirable either. This should be under a separate toggle called mobStealing or similar.

    submitted by /u/FireHawkDelta
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    The Blossom Biome, The Blossom Village and pandas carrying chests.

    Posted: 09 May 2019 11:09 PM PDT

    • The Blossom Biome: The Blossom Biome would be covered with Blossom Trees and the grass would have a slightly light texture. There's a 20% chance that the leaves would also drop apples and sticks and also a 20% chance, individually, it would drop a cherry, which can be used to make a new food called 'Cherry Pie' used with milk, wheat, sugar and finally the cherry. There would be a small sector of a bamboo forest with pandas as well.
    • The Blossom Village: A village can naturally spawn here, 'can' not 'will'. The villagers would have their own unique textures like the others in the Village and Pillage update. Villagers would wear straw hats that look like this, white shirts and brown and raggy shorts. The houses would look like this. Now this is where the pandas come in.
    • New Panda Feature: Like donkeys and llamas, pandas can now do the same! They can carry two chests due to the weight they can handle, although each chests would only have 18 spaces combined. They can be found in the Blossom Villages, tied with a lead to a fence. You can either find iron, armour, obsidian or better... Emeralds used for trading.

    I might edit this page for extra detail, thank you for reading.

    submitted by /u/ARandomDunkirkExtra
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    [Video Option] Old movie style screen for Minecraft

    Posted: 10 May 2019 04:18 AM PDT

    Changes the screen colour to a vintage sepia from the 1920s, and posterisation. This changes the music to a 1920s piano track.

    This is for those who like nostalgia from the 1920s. To prevent it from affecting gameplay too much, the screen does not flicker to an annoying level or have lots of lines on it like in real old movies.

    This was inspired from Rayman M, where you'd enter a cheat, and bam! Old movie style screen.

    The screen will never move at all, there will be a bit of flickering, but not much.

    A warning dialog should appear upon switching this setting to on, warning the player about photosensitive epilepsy.

    submitted by /u/SnowBallEarth43
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    Iron Golems spawn with a large shield to protect themselves and others.

    Posted: 10 May 2019 06:27 AM PDT

    Ascetically, it looks like the player shield but slightly larger. Golems can still attack as usual, but once their HP becomes low, they'll start using their shield to shield themselves or to protect villagers. Villagers will also stand behind Iron Golems that are shielding for protection.

    Villagers will trade you this shield, but its incredibly rare. The shield will again be larger and protect more space, but you walk incredibly slowly when blocking incoming damage due to the increased size. There could also be a slight durability increase.

    Iron Golems could maybe even have a third attack besides from lifting enemies and shielding, a type of bull rush that collects mobs onto the shield and then throws them off. This would stun and confuse enemies, but require a slight charge up for the Golem. Just throwing ideas out there.

    Thoughts? Annnd downvoted without a reason, awesome.

    submitted by /u/dernachtistsonntag
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    Villagers are still pretty stupid

    Posted: 10 May 2019 01:24 PM PDT

    They can sleep now but they can't open fences and climb ladders. I think they should be able to do it. Also I think they are smart enough to jump over the gaps that have one, maximum two blocks of length.

    submitted by /u/CinemaSans
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    Two new behaviors to make villagers a bit more autonomous.

    Posted: 09 May 2019 07:53 PM PDT

    Simple suggestion, but one that would give villages a bit more self-sustain.

    Firstly, if the village iron golem is damaged, blacksmith villagers can approach them, iron ingot in hand, and repair them to full health over the course of a few seconds. They can do this at most twice a day, and never during raids.

    For every iron golem in existence in the village they can do it once more per day (if there are two golems they can do it three times, four times if there are three golems, etc.).

    Secondly, priest villagers can approach a random villager who has been injured and hit them with a splash potion of healing II. This can be done twice per day by default, but this scales with the village population. If the player is hurt, they can splash you, too!

    They can do this during raids, providing a little support.

    That's all for now.

    submitted by /u/JimmyBacon_
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    What about re-adding giants? A standard zombie would have 1.5% chance of spawning as the giant. It could destroy blocks by hitting them. The block destruction radius could be 5x5x5

    Posted: 10 May 2019 12:38 PM PDT

    The Equipment Update (For lack of a better name)

    Posted: 10 May 2019 12:10 PM PDT

    Since this post deals with several related ideas that span across multiple different flairs, I figured that the [General] tag was the only flair that was adequately descriptive of this post.

    This post is based around the idea that we haven't had any updates that specifically focus on adding and improving adventuring gear equipment for players, or wearable items that are primarily for cosmetic purposes. While many of these suggestions could fit in with other themes or have probably been suggested before, I figured it was worth a shot trying to bundle some of the idea's I've either seen suggested previously or ones that I came up with myself into one coherent theme and proposal. So without further ado, here are my suggestions for an equipment themed update (or at least a major part of an update).

    If you have any ideas or suggestions, I am willing to update the main post to include or modify suggestions.

    User Interface & User Gameplay

    The core features of the Equipment Update lie in the altering of the user's inventory and possibly some gameplay mechanics. These changes will serve as the foundation for most of the other changes or additions in this post, so make sure to read them.

    Additional Inventory Slots -- To allow the use of additional items and more customization later on down the road, the following slots would be essential to the Equipment Update:

    • A single arms or hands armor slot meant to allow the player to equip a single pair of gloves, bracers, or gauntlets.
    • A single cape or back armor slot meant to allow the player to equip a cape, cloak, or anything else that could conceivably be worn on the character's back.
    • A single belt armor slot meant to allow the player to equip one belt around their waist.
    • A single neck armor slot where the player could put one necklace or pendant on them.
    • Optional: A single eyes armor slot where the player could equip a pair of glasses, goggles, blindfold or an eye patch (primarily for cosmetic purposes).
    • Optional: A single Coat armor slot, where the player could equip coats/tabards over their armor. Mainly for cosmetic purposes.

    Armor Mechanics -- To accommodate the new items to come, the defense values, enchantments, and other stats of all armor pieces would need to be adjusted appropriately in order to accommodate the addition of gloves/gauntlets as well as other pieces of equipment (if necessary).

    Blocks, Items, & Enchantments

    Wearable Items

    1. Leather Gloves: Crafted from two pieces of leather and four string (leather would go in the left center and right center squares, with a piece of string above and below), Leather Gloves would be armor that is equipped to your gloves' slot and would provide a small defense bonus when you wear them, just like other leather armor pieces. They would have their own unique enchantments available to them as well, and would be able to be dyed.
    2. Gauntlets: Gauntlets are similar to leather gloves in function, but are made from iron, gold, diamond, chainmail, or any other materials that could be crafted into armor (if any gets added). They are crafted by placing leather gloves in the center slot of a crafting table and putting an Iron/Gold ingots or diamonds on either side of the gloves. They provide higher defense bonuses proportional to the material used to craft them, and add a small bonus to damage dealt by unarmed attacks (IE attacks made without a weapon or tool equipped that increases your damage). The damage bonuses are small (Something like a +1 damage bonus for gold, +1.5 for Iron and Chainmail, and +2 for Diamond), and do not stack with additional damage provided by weapons.
    3. Capes: Capes are wearable and customizable items that can be equipped to the Cape slot in your inventory (they are mostly cosmetic). They would be crafted with one leather, two string, and four carpets. The base color of the cape would be determined by the color of the carpets used to craft them. Like shields and banners, you can use the following to alter and customize them to your desire using dyes, the loom, and/or banner patterns. Capes may be enchanted (with their own unique enchantments as well of course), but otherwise would be almost completely cosmetic in function. Unique capes that are not normally craftable may be found in randomly generated chests.
    4. Tabards: Tabards are wearable and customizable items that you would put in the coat slot. They would partially cover your armor, but since they would be sleveless, wouldn't hid them completely. Like shields, banners, and capes, you can use the following to alter and customize them to your desire using dyes, the loom, and/or banner patterns.
    5. Belt: Crafted from three leather (placed in a similar fashion as when you are crafting a slab), when equipped in your belt slot would give you access to 3 special hotbar slots (automatically keyed to the 0, minus, and equal buttons by default). When pressing the button keyed to one of the belt's slots, the item in that slot will automatically swap with the item in your off-hand. If you crouch (IE hold shift + 0, -, or = button) while pressing and holding the keyed button, you will instead use the item as if you had right clicked with it in your hand or off-hand, without swapping items. May be dyed.
    6. Alchemist's Belt (optional): Found as a rare item in loot chests, and cannot be crafted. Functions like a normal belt, except that it only has 2 item slots that can only be occupied by potions. 3 Potions of the same type can be stacked in one slot of the alchemist's belt.
    7. Studded Leather Armor: Crafted by surrounding pieces of leather armor with iron nuggets, studded leather armor is a slight improvement over regular leather armor. It provides a slightly better defense bonus and has somewhat higher durability than regular leather armor (however, it is still worse than chainmail). May still be dyed.
    8. Pendants: Pendants are powerful magical items that can be worn in the neck slot. They are created by taking a single rare gemstone (Sapphire, Ruby, Diamond, or Emerald; see Misc Items later on in this section) or a totem (like the Totem of undying), and surrounding it with 4 string and 4 gold ingots in a crafting table. A pendant crafted from a gemstone has a high enchantability score, and can provide any enchantments that can be applied to any piece of armor, excluding gloves/gauntlets. A pendant formed from a totem (Ex: a Pendant of Undying, formed from the totem of similar name) cannot be enchanted, but maintains the special qualities of the totem it was made from, allowing you to wear it without taking up your offhand or a hotbar slot. However, enchanted pendants and totem pendants are inherently unstable and will lose durability overtime as long as they are worn. Unenchanted pendants are essentially just cosmetic in nature.
    9. Totem/Pendant of Recovery: When held in your off-hand or primary hand (as a totem), or worn (as a pendant of Recovery). When you die, you respawn as normal, except that your tools and items are not dropped, burned, or otherwise lost. The totem/pendant is consumed in the process, just like the Totem of Undying. Is not craftable; must be found as either a rare item in a loot chest and/or as an item drop from rare/unique mobs (as determined by Mojang).
    10. Glasses (optional): Putting a glass pane in a crafting table with four sticks on either side of it creates four pairs of glasses, which can be worn in the eyes slot. Using dyed glass panes will instead color the lenses of the glasses that specific color. Cosmetic, although Mojang could make enchantments for them if they so desired.
    11. Blindfold (Optional): These items are worn in the eye slot like glasses are. They cannot be crafted and must be found as a somewhat common item found in Desert Temple chests, Jungle Temple chests, or as a rare drop from Husks.
    12. Miner's Goggles (Optional): These items are worn in the eye slot like glasses are. They cannot be crafted and must be found as a somewhat common item found in dungeon chests, abandoned mineshaft chests (or minecart chests), or as a rare drop from zombies or skeletons.
    13. Eye Patch (Optional): These items are worn in the eye slot like the glasses are. They cannot be crafted and may only be found as a somewhat common item found in buried treasure, sunken ship loot, or as a rare drop from Drowned. Alternatively, the Eye Patch could simply be part of the pirate hat item.
    14. Pirate Hat: This item are worn on the head slot, provide the same amount of defense points as a leather cap, and have the same durability. They cannot be crafted and may only be found as a somewhat common item found in buried treasure, sunken ship loot, or as a rare drop from Drowned.
    15. Mummy Wrappings: A wearable object that you can wear in your chest slot. Provides the same amount of armor points and durability as a Leather tunic, but has somewhat higher enchantability and makes it look like you are wrapped up like a mummy. Cannot be crafted; they can only be found as a rare item in Desert Temple chests or as a rare drop made by Husks.

    Potions, Ammo, and Consumables

    1. Grappling Hook: Created from an arrow, 3 iron ingots, and a lead, this item can be loaded into a crossbow like a regular arrow. When fired, it will latch onto the mob or block you were aiming at, similarly to how a fishing rod will occasionally hook a mob. When you right-click after hooking a mob it will be pulled towards you; if it is hooked into a block below you or at the same height level, you will instead be pulled towards it; if it is hooked into a block above you and next to a vertical surface, you may scale the wall as though there were ladders or scaffolding there.
    2. Milk Bottle: Placing a milk bucket surrounded by 4 glass bottles (in the center crafting squares along the outside) and 4 pieces of glowstone dust (placed in the diagonal crafting squares) grants four Bottles of Milk and returns the empty bucket to your inventory. A single bottle of Milk removes all status effects when consumed, just like a bucket of milk, but is far more efficient. Bottles of Milk may be stacked up to 16 in a single inventory slot. Counts as a potion for the purpose of the Alchemist's belt.

    Modified Items

    1. Elytra: Elytra must be equipped in the cape slot instead of the chest slot. To compensate for this change, you will lose altitude and speed faster if you are using an elytra to glide/fly while wearing iron, gold, diamond, or chainmail armor.
    2. Chainmail Armor: Can be crafted using iron nuggets.
    3. Armor Stands: Now have additional slots to match the new armor slots of the player.
    4. Banners: You may equip this item (including an Ominous Banner) in the cape slot. If you do so, it will appear above your head in a manner similar to the Raid Captain's banner.
    5. Water Bottles: May now stack up to 16 in one inventory slot.
    6. Blast Furnace (Optional): Now can cook two different stacks of ores at the same time with one unit of fuel. Base Smelting speed reverted back to being the same as the furnace. However, fuel is consumed at 1.25x the normal rate of fuel consumption for the furnace. Still only smelts ores.

    Blocks, Ores, & Other Raw Materials

    1. Bellows (Optional): Crafted from 2 sticks, 3 wooden planks, 3 leather, and an iron ingot, the bellows are a block that works with the Blast Furnace to increase the smelting speed of ores. When placed directly next to a blast furnace it will increase the smelting speed of the items in the furnace by 10%. Repeatedly right clicking the bellows will temporarily increase the smelting speed by an additional 10% up to +30% for five seconds. However, doing this also increases the rate of fuel consumption to 1.5x the normal rate of fuel consumption. May be powered by redstone.
    2. Etching Table: Formed by placing 4 pieces of wood below two diamonds, the Etcher's table allows you to guild and/or etch patterns and additional detail into armor and weapons in a manner similar to how the loom works with banners. Note: Alternatively, the functionality of the Etching table could be merged into the Smithing Table instead. Materials for the customization must be provided and is limited to dyes, quartz, gold/iron/silver ingots, emeralds, saphires, rubies, and of course, diamonds. Armor that has had gemstones, gold, iron, or silver etched into it by the Etching Table will have its enchantability and durability slightly increased.
    3. Gemstones: Sapphires and Rubies are added to the game as ores. Sapphire and Ruby ores are generated in a similar manner as Diamond, but may be found on the same layers as gold, redstone, and lapis. Requires an iron pick to mine, and each ore produces 1 to 2 gemstones. Could be used in future crafting recipes and for cosmetic and enchanting purposes.
    4. Gem Shards and Blocks: 1 gemstone (diamonds, rubies, sapphires, Lapis, emeralds, etc) can be crafted from 9 shards of its equivalent, and 9 shards can be crafted from 1 gemstone. Can be found as rare items in loot chests. Could be used as rare drops for new or old hostile mobs, as part of future crafting recipes, and for cosmetic/decorative purposes. In addition, Sapphire and Ruby blocks can be crafted from 9 rubies/sapphires, and can be converted back into the original gem forms.
    5. Silver: Silver ore will spawn similarly to gold, but will be slightly more common and generate at slightly higher levels than gold. Requires an Iron Pickaxe to mine, can be smelted into silver ingots, and can be creafted into silver blocks and silver nuggets respectively. Can be used to etch or detail armor. Could be used in future crafting recipes, the brewing of potions, and for cosmetic or enchanting purposes.


    New Enchantments:

    1. Harvester I to III (Leather Gloves, Sapphire Pendants, and hoes only): While wearing an item (or wielding a tool) with this enchantment on it, you gain a 33% chance of increasing the drop maximum of the crops harvested (both the fruit and the seeds) by +1. This enchantment only works when harvesting/breaking fully mature crops (such as carrots, potatoes, beets, wheat, sweet berries, melons, and pumpkins). For each additional level beyond the first, the maximum drop rate increases by 1.
    2. Farmer I to III (Sapphire Pendants only; incompatible with Harvester or Rancher): While wearing an item with this enchantment, you gain a 10% chance of earning 1 XP each time you harvest a fully mature crop, or gain 1 additional XP each time you breed an animal. For each additional level, the number of additional XP gained increases by 1.
    3. Brawler I to V (Leather Gloves and Gauntlets only): While wearing an item with this enchantment, the damage of your unarmed attacks are increased by an additional +1 point of damage. For every additional level, the bonus increases by +0.5 per level.
    4. Stunning Strike I (Leather Gloves and Gauntlets only): Gain a 10% chance to stun the target for 1 second if you successfully critical them with an unarmed strike.
    5. Life Drain I to II (Ruby Pendants only; incompatible with most other enchantments): Grants a 10% chance to recover 1 damage with each critical hit you successfully make after a full cooldown. For each additional level, the amount of damaged recovered increases by 1 per level.
    6. Barterer I to III (Emerald Pendants only; incompatible with most other enchantments): While you are wearing an item with this enchantment, villagers will give you a slight discount on trades. Also decreases the chance of a villager's trade being exhausted with each trade you make. For each level above the first, this chance decreases by a greater amount.
    7. Negotiator I (Emerald Pendants; incompatible with most other enchantments; rare enchantment): While you are wearing an item with this enchantment, Pillagers and other Illagers will be treated as neutral mobs (IE they only attack you if you attack them first). Right clicking a hostile mob with a ruby or sapphire in your hand while you are wearing this pendant will consume the gemstone and cause the mob to become neutral to you for 5 to 10 seconds (Note: Not sure if this is OP or not; may need to be reworked or replaced with a different enchantment).



    1. New Villager -- The Gemcutter: A Gemcutter is a rarely spawning villager who buys gemstones, gold, and silver and uses them to make/sell unenchanted pendants and etched/engraved/gilded armor. The Etching Table is his work station.

    Hostile Mobs

    1. Husks: Husks that spawn inside or within 30 blocks of a desert temple have a 10% chance to spawn wearing Mummy Rags, effectively giving minecraft a mob that is a bit more like a traditional mummy. These husks will have a 25% chance of dropping their mummy rags or a blindfold on death.
    2. Drowned: Drowned that spawn near buried treasure or shipwrecks have a slight chance to spawn wearing an eye patch and/or wearing a pirate hat. They have a 25% chance of dropping one or both of these items upon death.
    3. Zombie Villagers: Zombie villagers now have husk and drowned variants, complete with the chance to spawn with mummy rags, pirate hats, and/or eyepatches.

    Friendly/Passive Mobs

    1. Parrots: Are easier to tame if you are wearing a pirate hat or an eye patch.
    2. Bats: Now has a rare chance to drop 1 piece of bonemeal or 1 piece of gunpowder on death. Will swoop down and eat sweet berries if they are dropped on the ground.
    submitted by /u/durzanult
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