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    Minecraft Banners can be placed sideways to make them look like flags

    Minecraft Banners can be placed sideways to make them look like flags

    Banners can be placed sideways to make them look like flags

    Posted: 14 May 2019 12:33 PM PDT

    It would be nice to have banners be able to be placed on their sides on a pole to make it look like a flag fluttering in the wind. Maybe they can be created through the banner of your choice and an iron bar.

    submitted by /u/Soviet_Saiyan
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    Snowdrifts and snow accumulation should be added to snowy biomes

    Posted: 14 May 2019 02:06 PM PDT

    When snowing in biomes like the taiga or ice spikes or the like, nothing interesting happens. I suggest that during snowstorms, snow accumulates on top of itself so that it can form a new block given enough time. I would also suggest snowdrifts are able to form, and make changes to terrain such as new hills and overhangs forming in the environment after a storm. This could lead to more interesting snowy environments than what we have right now.

    submitted by /u/Adraekith
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    Connected Flowerpots

    Posted: 14 May 2019 02:15 PM PDT

    When you put another flowerpot next to one flowerpot, it should extend and become connected, like a double chest. And it will connect to any direction endlessly. You can make a 2x2 square or an L shaped one, or an O shaped one for example.

    You can also place them normally next to each other without connecting them by holding Shift / sneaking.

    Vote on feedback.minecraft

    submitted by /u/Mac_Rat
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    Bows have number next to them, representing how many arrows a player has.

    Posted: 13 May 2019 06:15 PM PDT

    Suggestion is simple, but would count all arrows of any type. This makes the player easily be able to tell without keeping them in your hotbar.

    submitted by /u/TheKingBuckeye
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    Villagers reading books

    Posted: 14 May 2019 03:05 AM PDT

    Maybe add a break time to the village's schedules around noon, they would either socialize, wander or go to the library (the building with the most bookshelves)


    In the library, they would either go to a lectern (with a book) and stare at it OR they would go to a random bookshelf and pick a book up.

    When they pick up a book, a 3D book model (the same one as the one on the lectern) would show on their folded hands. Their heads would move left to right as if reading through the lines. After a while, they would switch books

    Librarians and other villagers


    Librarians read books all day if their lecterns are in the same building as the library.

    Librarians can sometimes be seen handing books to other villagers as if encouraging them to read. When handing out books, they'll look like iron golems handing out poppies. (arms outstretched, with a book in hand)

    Sometimes they walk around the village handing out books


    Village children, after playing tag, would usually go to the library to read a book.


    These guys spend most of their time in libraries, hoping to get smarter so they can get a job (just some lore stuff, reading doesn't really get them jobs unless the player gives them one)

    Nitwits: (green robes)

    Hate books, never go to the library. That's why they are called nitwits. Librarians sometimes chase them around trying to get them to read, and sometimes it works and the Nitwit would convert into an unemployed villager

    submitted by /u/lolbit_511
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    When using an inappropriate tool to break a block, the breaking animation is red.

    Posted: 14 May 2019 02:10 AM PDT

    The breaking animation will be red if:

    • You use the wrong tool, like an axe to break dirt.
    • You wrong a tool that's too low-tier, like a stone pickaxe to break gold ore.
    • You're breaking an ender chest without silk touch.

    link to feedback.minecraft.net

    submitted by /u/PaintTheFuture
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    Banners inside buildings do not wave

    Posted: 14 May 2019 02:10 PM PDT

    First,it's completely logic, without a constant air flow, they can't move Second,it will help for some indoor designs,like a mirror in a bathroom,that looks great,but the little wiggle Annoy a Little

    submitted by /u/DonFurlan
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    Bringing back the classic alpha grass color for Flower Forests

    Posted: 14 May 2019 02:54 PM PDT

    A visual demonstration of what it could look like.

    This could be a pretty cool easter egg, especially since we are nearing the 10th anniversary of Minecraft soon - and don't tell anyone else, but I really like how saturated and bright the original grass textures looked.

    Perhaps if the color is too much for such a common biome, there could instead be a rare variant of the Flower Forests that have the special bright color - a "vibrant flower forest" if you will.

    submitted by /u/TrustyGun
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    Frogs in Swamps

    Posted: 14 May 2019 01:01 AM PDT

    Frog, an ambient mob that spawns in swamps.

    Like in real life, frogs will croak.

    They spawn in groups of 3 on lily pads, groups of 1 on land.

    Naming a frog "Rana" will give that frog a frog hat.

    submitted by /u/Takama12
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    Infinite lava sources, but only in the nether

    Posted: 13 May 2019 09:35 PM PDT

    Since you're in the nether, you have access to basically infinite lava, why not make it truly infinite for convenience sake? Additionally, I feel like to help prevent automation (I want this to be convenient, not a factory) it should require lava on all 4 sides, instead of just 2, and also lava below, and that should remove any potential ways of automating it, as if you put the bucket-filled dispenser above, there's no way to put a hopper underneath to export the lava, and there's no way to put the dispenser below or to the sides because for it to be a valid infinite source it needs lava there

    Edit: Posted this idea on the feedback website: https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/community/posts/360043494031-Infinite-lava-sources-but-only-in-the-nether

    submitted by /u/I_Pancake
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    i should be able to stand atop turtles and let them carry me from place to place by training them where to go (here's how)

    Posted: 14 May 2019 01:00 PM PDT

    by feeding a kelp block to a turtle it will mark its current location as a "food rich" spot and return there often, you can do this with multiple spots so the turtle will constantly travel between these locations like a boat (it needs to be in the water)

    you can stand atop the turtle and ride it slowly from place to place like a train that arrives and leaves on its own schedule

    it could also carry items dropped ontop of it making for a nifty conveyer belt

    to stop this behavior throw something at the turtle

    submitted by /u/ohhofro
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    Foods with effects - a fix to Minecraft's oldest problem

    Posted: 14 May 2019 09:23 AM PDT

    As we all know, there are a couple of really useless foods in Minecraft (note: useless for eating, some of these may have other uses). These are:

    • Rabbit Stew
    • Mushroom Stew
    • Beetroot Soup
    • Dried Kelp
    • Cake
    • Pumpkin Pie
    • Bread
    • Sweet Berries
    • Cookies
    • Raw Foods
    • Trash Foods (foods that give you negative effects)
    • Crafting Component Foods (Beetroot, Melon, Carrot, Apple)

    Now obviously trash foods have other uses such as in brewing, crafting foods are used in some very good recipes, berries/raw meat/rotten flesh can be used to tame pets, and raw foods are meant to be cooked, but soups/stews, cake, pumpkin pie, bread, cookies, and the much-memed dried kelp are all useless. So here's how I'd fix each:

    • Rabbit Stew now gives Jump Boost I for 2 minutes.
    • Mushroom Stew now gives Strength I for 2 minutes.
    • Beetroot Soup now gives Speed I for 2 minutes.
    • Dried Kelp takes 90% less time to eat. Holding the right click button allows you to spam-eat it (not have to restart eating animation every time).
    • Each slice of Cake gives Regeneration II for 10 seconds.
    • Pumpkin Pie takes 50% longer to eat, but directly restores your HP bar for 2.5 hearts.
    • Bread immediately restores 1 ham and causes your hunger bar to regenerate for 4 hams over 8 seconds.
    • Cookies take 50% less time to eat, but do not slow you down while eating. They give you Nausea and Speed IV for 10 seconds.
    submitted by /u/Karimo101
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    Packed Slime Blocks

    Posted: 14 May 2019 01:57 PM PDT

    By placing 3 slime in the crafting table with a slime block will pack that part of the slime. Top, bottom, east, or north. This packed side will not stick to anything but the rest will. You can also use 6 slimes to pack two sides. If you surround the entire block, you receive a packed Slime block that is no longer sticky. For the two remaining sides, Top: "Air,"Slime, Air Middle: Slime ball, Slime Block, Slime ball Bottom: Air Than reverse above for south side

    EDITED: Messed up clarifying, change sides on recipes so they make sense. Will edit Thursday/Friday if I can.

    submitted by /u/CosmicLightning
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    Sole Sandals Enchantment

    Posted: 14 May 2019 04:38 PM PDT

    It needs a better name (yes, that's a shoe and a sand pun), but it's a simple enchant for your boots that makes you move slightly faster on soul sand, and helps you in bubble columns

    Level I- Erases the normal speed penalty for walking on soul sand, and makes it so that if you hold shift while in a upward bubble column you don't rise. If the soul sand is on ice or another block that amplifies it's slowing effect it increases your speed up to the normal soul sand level.

    Level II- Erases even the penalty for soul sand on ice and other amplifier blocks. Holding shift in a upward bubble column makes you go down (slowly, half the speed you'd go in normal water).

    Great for moving around netherwart farms, useful for going 'the wrong way' on bubble elevators, and it would even have some defensive combat abilities if laid out some soul sand areas. It shouldn't combine with frost walker and I'm not sure about depth strider (open to opinions).

    submitted by /u/Nacoran
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    Tropical island update

    Posted: 14 May 2019 04:20 PM PDT

    So I had an idea for an update. Its called the tropical island update, what they add is coconuts, pineapples, and bananas which you can eat. A new weapon called the spear, which is used like a trident but less damage, less durable and can pierce through 2 mobs at once. It is crafted with 2 sticks and 1 flint. Theres also a new biome which is the tropical island biome, it is warm and sunny and has many palm trees that grow the bananas, coconuts, and pineapples. Last, they add a hammock you can sleep in and is crafted with 2 wool and 2 sticks. That's my idea, I hope you like it.

    submitted by /u/Lookadoggo
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    Mushroom Field biome update!

    Posted: 14 May 2019 03:49 PM PDT

    First, why does this biome need an update? It is really unique already, but I think that we need more mushroom themed content. This would benefit the game because it's a change of pace from all the other styles of object.

    Here are my suggestions:

    Biome rarity: We all know that this biome is really hard to come by, so if we are going to update it, we need to make it less rare. This would help find the new objects.

    New mobs: As it stands, there is only one mushroom mob (Mooshroom), which has two variants. I'd say we need a new, completely original mob. I think that some sort of Mushroom mole would make sense. They would look like normal mushrooms but then when they pop out of the ground, they reveal their head, similar to Wrench moles in Super Mario games. They would run around when hit, and drop a mushroom, which could be red if they looked like red mushrooms or brown if they looked like brown mushrooms.

    Structures: I think the Mushroom Field biome doesn't need to get an exclusive structure, but rather a village and villager type. They would use giant mushroom blocks, and also...

    New blocks: First, I think we should get slabs and stairs for mushroom blocks. Apart from that, a new mushroom type (Maybe blue) would be really neat. Some sort of mushroom liquid that surrounds the biome would be a great addition, maybe some sort of water mixed with the density of lava? And last but not least, Coarse micelium!

    A new boss: Minecraft needs a new boss. There are only two bosses, and that number is really low when you compare it to all of the other things that are in the game. Some sort of mushroom boss would keep things fresh.

    It would be summoned by collecting a new item that could be found around the world, mushroom souls. If you put 4 Mushroom souls and 4 red/brown/new mushrooms, they would make a mushroom altar. Then, by crafting a soul container (4 empty bottles + 1 Mushroom soul) you would have all the neccesary equipment to summon the boss. Now you should make a 3x3 mycelium floor, put the altar in the middle, click it with the container and BOOM! new boss. But what would the boss be?

    I would make it a giant mushroom with a long neck that it can use to smack you. It would also punch you and kick you. It would be a medium difficulty boss. Upon death, it will drop 5 Sacred Mushrooms, which upon consumption, would heal you fully, give you buffs like strength and absorption. Upon consumtion it would have a 25% change of yeilding a mushroom soul.

    And that's it! I hoped you liked my suggestion!

    submitted by /u/IvanCoHe
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    Uhh... Guys...?

    Posted: 14 May 2019 03:16 PM PDT

    You guys do realize mojang has a feedback site, right? You guys should really be posting your ideas over there so that they have a better chance of being seen and considered by them. Otherwise, they're just being left here to rot. Here's the link to the site in case you can't find it: https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us

    submitted by /u/Wizardkid11
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    Powering lit TNT with a comparator defuses the TNT and drops it as an item

    Posted: 14 May 2019 06:32 AM PDT

    might make for some fun maps

    submitted by /u/mrlm1105
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    mining towns

    Posted: 13 May 2019 07:41 PM PDT

    basically villages with mines, these mines are like abandoned mines but with villagers and more loot. these mining towns are bigger are more fortified and have more golems.

    submitted by /u/Mr-Foundation
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    Nether Star Block

    Posted: 14 May 2019 01:54 PM PDT

    This will either get a lot of hate, or love.

    Lets say you have everything in your survival, and you start farming the Wither cause your bored. Lets say you have 9 Nether Stars. Craft a nether star block. This item should give of the most light with a decent distance, and do damage to near-by mobs in a 4 block radius. You can only pick it up using Silk Touch, using a normal Diamond Pickaxe will make it drop into 2-4 Nether Stars, and Iron Pickaxes- Don't work. Or it can just be a creative only item, but I feel like either works.

    submitted by /u/GameProPie
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    The Immunity Enchantment

    Posted: 13 May 2019 07:48 PM PDT

    Note:This Enchantment is already renamed to Steady Grip

    The Steady Grip Enchantment can reduce the chance your Shield is going to be disabled by an Axe. This enchantment is good for fighting Vindicators and Mobs with an Axe. It has a Max Level of 3 and unlike the rest of the Shield Enchantments, This Enchantment can be Obtainable via both Enchanting Table and Enchanted Books and Anvil

    Enchantment Level Disabling Shield Chance*
    Steady Grip 1 65%
    Steady Grip 2 50%
    Steady Grip 3 35%

    *This is Used By a Normal Unenchanted Axe

    submitted by /u/CreeperCraftTNT
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    Rainbow Slimes

    Posted: 13 May 2019 04:02 PM PDT

    "Those awful, ravenous rainbows."
    i wOndER whAT gAme iNspIRed tHis IdeA

    Basically colorful slimes that spawn in Flower Forests. They are very rare and only have 2 sizes, medium and small. Smalls do around A heart and a half while Medium slimes do 3 hearts per 1 hit! They should drop slimeballs, (3-5) 2 of 2 random dyes (lets say 2 blue and 2 red.) and a lot of XP. And I mean a lot. 20 points for the medium slimes and 12 for the baby slimes. They spawn in groups of 1-3 medium slimes and 2-3 small slimes.

    submitted by /u/GameProPie
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