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    Minecraft Leads should be allowed to connect fence posts

    Minecraft Leads should be allowed to connect fence posts

    Leads should be allowed to connect fence posts

    Posted: 11 May 2019 11:56 AM PDT

    Currently if you want to place leads decoratively, you have to use entities in some way. I propose that leads should connect fences, to allow cool builds with power lines, or bridge suspension, or ship rigging, without the need for hidden chickens to connect the leads.

    submitted by /u/firegodjr
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    Dye mixing should be applicable to green, brown, and black.

    Posted: 11 May 2019 04:11 AM PDT

    Blue Dye + Yellow Dye = Green Dye

    Orange Dye + Green Dye + Purple Dye = 3 Black Dye

    Red Dye + Blue Dye + Yellow Dye = 3 Black Dye

    Mixing complementary colors gives 2 Brown Dye

    Another possible one:

    Cyan Dye + Yellow Dye + Magenta Dye = Black Dye

    submitted by /u/Takama12
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    Why do we have all those colours of cats, but only one type of dog?

    Posted: 11 May 2019 02:35 PM PDT

    Give me some other breeds!!

    submitted by /u/jahnfartedlol
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    Volcano Biome

    Posted: 11 May 2019 02:37 PM PDT

    The Volcano Biome has the same rarity as a Mushroom Islands Biome. Volcano Biomes contain a lot of Volcanoes made from Basalt. The Volcano Biome should look like this: https://i.imgur.com/TWvbSPT.png

    submitted by /u/mikailafridi
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    In creative mode, Suspicious Stew's potion effect should be visible when hovered over in the inventory

    Posted: 11 May 2019 06:25 AM PDT

    Maybe it could show up if Advanced Tooltips is on or cheats is enabled, too

    submitted by /u/bushi_the_log
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    Parrots to stop imitating tamed wolves.

    Posted: 11 May 2019 08:20 AM PDT

    Simply put, the way it is now, parrots, are a bit too... Annoying as soon as you have at least one tamed wolf nearby. It's constantly barking more than the wolves themselves. I think parrots should be able to recognize if a wolf has been tamed and not imitate it.

    submitted by /u/Reaper8U
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    Bring cave (atmospheric) sounds to Bedrock Edition

    Posted: 11 May 2019 12:38 PM PDT

    I really miss the atmospheric sounds you'd get when roaming around the world in legacy and java. Anyone know why these are missing? I can't be the only one that misses them from other editions.

    submitted by /u/SirUndertree
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    Beds, Signs and Torches Should be used as Fuel

    Posted: 10 May 2019 07:09 PM PDT

    Why? The Blocks mentioned in the title are all made of Fuelable Blocks.

    submitted by /u/CreeperCraftTNT
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    Like foxes, other animals must hunt for their prey and eat them.

    Posted: 11 May 2019 06:35 AM PDT

    Iron ore should be second most common to gold in Mesa biomes

    Posted: 11 May 2019 02:29 AM PDT

    Because red sand is coloured from iron.

    Mars is red due to Iron oxide (rust) in its soil

    submitted by /u/SnowBallEarth43
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    Traveling villagers should resettle villages

    Posted: 11 May 2019 09:43 AM PDT

    If all the villagers are killed, then traveling merchants should have a chance of moving in and restarting the dead village.

    submitted by /u/HeaterTheYeeter
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    Add the banner map marker feature to Bedrock Edition

    Posted: 11 May 2019 12:26 PM PDT

    In java edition, you can right-click a banner with a map, and a marker of the same colour as the banner will be added to the map. You can also rename the banner, and under the map icon, the entered text will appear. I'm sure this is coming in an update soon, along with banner shields, but I thought it might be worth mentioning anyway.

    submitted by /u/SirUndertree
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    Giant Chorus Forests.

    Posted: 11 May 2019 06:09 AM PDT

    Giant Chorus Forests should be a new biome in Minecraft.

    Giant Chorus Forests generate in large islands in the End Outer Islands. They are just like normal Chorus Forests but larger, taking up space, slightly rarer than the Mushroom Islands biome, with taller and bigger Chorus Trees taller than a Woodland Mansion. Those Giant Chorus Forests can be home to a lot of new End mobs including Endermites.

    submitted by /u/mikailafridi
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    Roof tiles or dark stone bricks or something.

    Posted: 11 May 2019 09:04 AM PDT

    It'd make it so people could make roof tiles or something

    submitted by /u/callmebaguette
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    (READ BEFORE VOTING) Africonised honeybees and regular honeybees

    Posted: 11 May 2019 02:23 AM PDT

    Type 1:

    Regular bees or just bees, reside in beehives in the trees. Bees do not swarm unless provoked, but they need like 2 provokes to really swarm on you. If bees swarm on you, well, good luck. Bees may also cause blindness (small chance) because of stings being randomly injected everywhere, like the eyes. Bees have only like 5 HP, due to their small size. They hate rain, and will die very quickly in rain. Bees are attracted to flowers. They do not chase anything as far as type 2 does, and are not so deadly like type 2. If a mob attacks the beehive, the bees will chase that mob. If a bee is attacked, it's eyes will go red. Bees are neutral mobs, but do not attack at night.

    Type 2:

    These wild africonised honeybees can chase anything for miles and miles. They also share traits with the above type 1. Their hives are affected by gravity, and split open with a cracking noise and an angry swarm of bees cone out. These bees are very aggressive, and a swarm can reduce a players health to half a heart or worse, death. On peaceful mode, these bees still attack, but do not chase the player, and cannot gradually kill the player like in Easy and Hard modes. In Creative, the bees will not attack or swarm the player. Africonised beehives are redder than normal beehives, conveying danger. If a mob attacks the beehive, the bees will chase that mob.

    Attacking the bee swarm has a chance of making it dissipate, but the swarm will disappear after a few seconds.

    Armour that is made of iron, gold, and diamond will protect you from bee stings, even if not enchanted. Shields will not protect you from bees. It is nearly impossible to hit them with an arrow in a swarm due to a swarm having 8 bees.

    Bee numbers in swarms are limited to around 8 bees.

    Africonised beehives and regular beehives can be found in the following biomes:

    Plains (Occasionally)

    Flower fields (Occasionally)

    Sunflower fields (Occasionally)

    Some villages if on plains and flower fields

    Taiga (Frequent)


    Roofed Forest biome (Extremely frequent)

    Forest (Frequent)

    Birch Forest (Frequent)

    Savanna (Frequent)

    (Rare) Snowy Taiga

    (Very Rare) Mountains

    Africonised honeybee hives cannot be found in:



    Ice Spikes





    All ocean biomes

    When it's raining

    Rivers (unless trees generate there)


    Bees and africonised honey bees will drop 0-2 honey upon death. Honey is high in nutrition. Can be used in making cakes and honey flavoured food. Use 9 honey to make a Honeycomb block, which can either be used as decoration or for attracting bears or as food (like a cake) Use 6 Honeycomb blocks and 3 wood of any colour to make a Beehive.

    Beekeepers can be found in villages, which you can trade for beehives, honey and Honeycomb blocks.

    submitted by /u/SnowBallEarth43
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    Open-source the JavaScript version of Minecraft Classic

    Posted: 11 May 2019 08:18 AM PDT

    This is unlikely to happen, but I'd love to see Minecraft Classic (the 10th anniversary reimplementation) to be open-sourced on Mojang's GitHub organization. The game is already free and the code can be easily prettified. However, seeing the code in all its hopefully commented glory can benefit people learning Node.js/JavaScript and developing games.

    submitted by /u/haykam821
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    The Flourish: Antithesis of the Wither

    Posted: 11 May 2019 04:36 PM PDT

    Does anyone remember the Friendly Wither from Java Edition 2.0? No? Well here's a picture of her to jog your memory.

    Remember now? Good, let's continue.

    The Friendly Wither (Now called the Flourish) would be brought back to Minecraft as a new Utility Mob, much like Snow Golems and Iron Golems. She would be built similar to the Wither, but with more positive materials. Its body would be made out of four Pink Glazed Terracotta in the same shape as the body of a Wither or Iron Golem, and a Potted Red Tulip on the top middle Pink Glazed Terracotta.

    When spawned in (Which doesn't involve an explosion), the Flourish will only have one head. At this point, the Flourish will only be able to apply Bone Meal to nearby Grass Blocks. This is all the Flourish can do unless players feed it a new block; the Sugar Cube!

    A Sugar Cube can be crafted with nine Sugar in a Crafting Table. Sugar Cubes can be fed to Horses, Donkeys, and Mules to heal 15 hearts. They also serve as a compact way to store sugar, and they can be used to improve the Flourish's abilities.

    After feeding the Flourish a Sugar Cube, another head will spout from its body. This head will become larger and larger with each Sugar Cube fed to it. Ten Sugar Cubes are required to get the head to its full size. Once the second head has achieved max size, the Flourish will then be able to fire "Love Bombs" a pink recolor of the Dragon Fireball. Love Bombs apply Instant Healing to any mob they hit, but they will only fire them at players, tamed Mobs, and Utility Mobs.

    Feeding a Flourish another ten Sugar Cubes will cause it to grow a third head. With this final upgrade, it can grant a unique status effect on nearby players, tamed mobs, and Utility mobs; Flourish's Blessing. This effect causes the aforementioned classes of mobs to regenerate faster, their Hunger doesn't deplete, and they are given the Strength and Haste status effects as long as they are close enough to the Flourish.

    The Flourish is passive to all Mobs in its first phase. Once it has two or more heads it will attack Undead Mobs (Including the Wither) by firing its Love Bombs at them. Undead are hurt by Instant Healing after all.

    If you'd like to see this friendly pink thingy in Minecraft, be sure to vote on the feedback page!

    submitted by /u/Toxinz1181
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    Merchant and pirate ships.

    Posted: 11 May 2019 04:33 PM PDT

    It doesn't make sense how there are shipwrecks but no ships, so these would be kind of rare and spawn in any kind of ocean.

    The merchant ship would have a new kind of villager, the "sailer". The block required to make a villager a sailer would be a crate. The crate would be 1 block, but have the capacity of a double chest. However, to balance this, they would only be able to store 1 kind of item. (so like 56 stacks of dirt). The sailer would trade things like wheat. The ship itself would have a chest in the captains quarters with a zoomed out map of the area, (filled in), as well as emeralds. Below decks would be crates that are empty.

    The pirate ship would be rarer than the merchant ship. It would have a new variety of the pillager, as well as a new mob. The new pillager would be the pirate, and it would be passive, but if you hit 1, they will all attach you. The mob would be the captain, with a pirate hat and a hook, and would sell a treasure map, like a villager. The ship itself would bee the same as the merchant ship, but the sails would be black with, if possible, a skull and cross bones. If you kill all of the pirates on a ship without killing the captain, you would get the achievement "You and what Crew?" (You and what army)

    It would also be cool to sometimes see a pirate ship boarding a merchant ship.

    I think I got everything. (As far as I know, I am the first to do it like this)

    submitted by /u/Gunpowder77
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    AI change for villagers

    Posted: 11 May 2019 04:28 PM PDT

    I think that when night comes or a pillager raid happens that villagers should favor house near golems or maybe if there being chased they head to a golem for protection.

    submitted by /u/plague692
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    Banner ring and big circle patterns!

    Posted: 11 May 2019 06:32 AM PDT

    I think with the new loom that we should have a ring pattern and a big circle pattern. Both are the same but the ring variant is not filled in. these patterns will be put at the center of the banner.

    submitted by /u/I-DotIdea
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    Boss idea: The Bandit

    Posted: 11 May 2019 05:18 AM PDT

    TLDR Version: The Bandit steals your stuff and fights with it.

    In 1.0, the Ender Dragon was released to the world. 1 year later, the Wither was released in the 1.4.2 update. As for bosses, that's it. Some may consider the Elder Guardian or the Evokers to be bosses, but I don't, as they don't have a health bar displayed on the screen, and are not very challenging. Raids could also be considered a boss, and, while it certainly has the intricacies of one, it really is just a bunch of Illagers all together in a group. When I hear Boss, I think of a challenging enemy. Something or someone that will keep you on your toes, and will require a strategy to defeat. So for that, I introduce, the Bandit.

    The Bandit is a lowly thief that has amassed a load of items that have been stolen from loot chests contained within villages to end cities. The Bandit has harassed the Wandering Trader and has even stolen weapons right from the hands of mobs. The Bandit will even go through your chests and steal as much as they can. All of his loot will be transported back to his campsite, set up in a mountain biome. It could be any old mountain biome, just so long as there is a flat plain for him to set up on. The campsite would have a tent, campfire, and some lanterns, melons, and pumpkins sprinkled around the place. Some more interactions with the environment such as Iron Golems and Trader Llamas going after them would help to add to the ambiance of the Minecraft.

    Now, onto the Bandit. They are designed to be a boss that you can fight at any level of the game, it doesn't matter if you have full diamond armor or just survived your first night. "How does the Bandit do this?" you may be asking. They will steal your equipment, and use it against you. However, to keep it fair, the game will check your inventory and will split the gear half and half. So, don't think you can just cheese your way through this by giving him a bunch of leather armor, while you have fully enchanted diamond gear. Also, if you give him some stuff, then take some diamond armor out of a chest, he will attack you again, and steal again!

    Upon death, they will drop everything they have stolen from you, other mobs, and then some other loot. The loot will be dependant on what you had in your inventory. If you had fully enchanted diamond armor and elytra, they would probably drop some loot found in an end city. If you had Iron gear, they may drop some loot found in an abandoned mineshaft. If you had leather armor, they would give you loot from a typical dungeon on death.

    Overall, the Bandit is meant to be an alternative for getting loot from chests if you don't feel like adventuring thousands of blocks to find a specific building, and would rather just beat up some mobs.

    submitted by /u/Gravity-15
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    Explosive barrels

    Posted: 11 May 2019 08:17 AM PDT

    Barrel+TNT=Explosive Barrel. Top is open and top side of tnt is exposed, if show with bow will explode

    submitted by /u/BeanyEcho
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    You can place and name markers on maps using Cartography Tables. This could be a good alternative to marking points of interest with banners. Markers can be customisable as well!

    Posted: 10 May 2019 11:40 PM PDT

    Leave a comment saying how you thought of my idea!

    submitted by /u/Wolfmatic0101
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    Concept for new Ostrich mob

    Posted: 11 May 2019 02:15 PM PDT

    Appearance: Ostriches would be three blocks tall, they have black and white feathers and they have pink necks, heads and legs. https://mcpedl.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/ostrich-addon-2.jpg

    Spawning: Ostriches spawn in Savannah biomes.

    Behaviour: Adult Ostriches are neutral mobs (adult ostriches are sometimes passive. baby ostriches are always passive). They deal 2 damage in Easy mode, 3 on Normal mode and 4 on Hard mode. If a passive adult Ostrich or baby Ostrich is provoked, it will stick it's head into the ground. They can run up to high speeds.

    Health: Ostriches have 15 (x7.5) hearts of health.

    Riding: You can ride an adult Ostrich, however you can't control it.

    Drops: Ostriches drop 1-3 XP when killed by player or tamed wolf. They will also drop 1 Raw Ostrich and 0-4 feathers.

    Raw Ostrich: Raw Ostrich can restore 2 hunger points. Raw Ostrich can be cooked into Cooked Ostrich. Cooked Ostrich can restore 6 hunger points.

    Breeding: To breed Ostriches, you need 2 adult Ostriches. Feed both ostriches any seeds. They will breed and lay an Ostrich Egg. Like an Egg it can be thrown and can hatch a baby Ostrich.

    submitted by /u/mikailafridi
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    Posted: 11 May 2019 01:33 PM PDT

    Can we have the old official mingames like battles and tumble back?

    submitted by /u/GameSeeker040411
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