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    Minecraft Using bonemeal on lillypad creates more lillypads

    Minecraft Using bonemeal on lillypad creates more lillypads

    Using bonemeal on lillypad creates more lillypads

    Posted: 07 May 2019 03:32 AM PDT

    Between 2-5 extra lillypads will spawn around the original one (if there are enough free water source blocks attached to the one it is sat on). We should have this already!

    submitted by /u/Tedmilk
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    When Villagers die, they should have a memorial sign/upset villagers

    Posted: 07 May 2019 02:30 PM PDT

    When Villagers die, there should be a stone wall that has names and dates of death in it for each villager. On the day a Villager dies and possibly a few after, Villagers will drop flowers in front of the house of the deceased villager. A "funeral" would be held in the church as a gathering of some villagers.

    submitted by /u/JTAMan
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    Allow Pets to free roam and not follow player

    Posted: 07 May 2019 06:34 AM PDT

    I would like a feature there can set pets to free roam instead of following. i personally self often wanted Dogs and cats to have the ability.

    Cats and dogs there can walk around a fenced in area and not needing me to be there.

    it would allow a lot more life instead of just the pets sitting still or chasing their owner around.

    imagine dogs walking around the yard while you are busy crafting or cats walking around the house, doing it's own things.

    submitted by /u/MithrilChu
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    The Lance and Halberd: An Introduction To Horseback Weapons

    Posted: 07 May 2019 11:54 AM PDT

    Now that we've got the Trident and Crossbow, it seems like we've done all we can for unique Weaponry, right? No, we still have many more types of Weaponry, Transportation Weapons! What do I mean? Weaponry meant to be used on specific vehicles, like Minecarts, Boats, Horseback, and Elytra! I'll do Elytra next time, and Minecarts and Boats after that!

    Let me explain their mechanics first. They would be used on Horseback and deal their maximum damage when ramming into an entity. For example, the Lance deals little amount of damage and is very slow in attack speed, but on Horseback, you don't even need to click, just ram into things!

    The Lance is the most basic of Horseback Weaponry. It has an Iron and Diamond Form and Recipe, and Iron does 7 Ramming Damage, and Diamond has 8. It is crafted with a Stick, Wool, and the material like this: (S = Stick, W = Wool, M = Material)

    • M -
    • M - W S W

    The Halberd is the most powerful of the two weapons. When used not on Horseback, it's okay, having 0.8 Attack Speed and 8 Damage. On Horseback, however, it deals 9 Ramming Damage as Iron and 10 Ramming Damage as Diamond. It is crafted like this:

    M M M M S - S - -

    Another thing about these weapons: When Ramming into a player who's blocking with a Shield, your Lance Or Halberd will be disabled for 5 Seconds, along with their shield. This is useful, as you can then just switch to a Bow and shoot them!

    These Weapons also have their own special Enchantments, along with Unbreaking and Mending. I'll list them down below.

    Jouster: You do extra Knockback when ramming.

    Armor Cutter: You deal some of your damage through Armor. If your opponent is not wearing armor, you just deal extra damage.

    Long-spike: You can hit multiple entities at once.

    Now that we've gotten through the important parts, let's talk miscellaneous.

    One, can a Trident be used like these weapons? I say no, they shouldn't be used on Horseback, the way these weapons are at least. The Trident is supposed to be a Tool/Ranged and Melee Weapon, not a Horseback Weapon.

    What about pros and cons? Well one Pro of these Weapons is that they introduce more options. Another Pro is that these have a chance to improve Combat. One con however is that these could be too powerful.

    Now, tell me what you think. How can these be improved? Is this a good idea? Should I put it on the Feedback Site? Please let me know in that comment section!

    submitted by /u/Tomdaninja
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    Ports for villages!

    Posted: 07 May 2019 08:09 AM PDT

    When a village has a beach, it should have a port with ships where you will find the Sailor merchant!

    submitted by /u/Firec0in
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    Curse of Binding should bind items to Foxes mouths

    Posted: 06 May 2019 06:17 PM PDT

    In the 1.14 update, Foxes were introduced to the game. These mobs have a strange ability where they can pick up dropped items in their mouths. If they carry a weapon with enchants, they can actually use said weapon and enchants when attacking an enemy. If the positive enchants work on them, why not the negative?

    If a Fox picks up an item with a Curse of Binding enchantment, the item should be stuck in their mouth until either they die or the item loses all durability and dies. This would allow for some creative ways to make deadly Fox traps and machines and such.

    (It's not animal cruelty shhhhhhhhh)

    submitted by /u/_DrDerp_
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    Using lead on a boat so you can tie it to a fence or another boat

    Posted: 07 May 2019 03:17 PM PDT

    You should be able to use shift-right click a boat with lead, and tie it to another boat, or a fence.

    This would be useful to

    1. Keep the boats in place in docks, and it looks neater.

    2. You can lead multiple boats along with you (or at least one more, if it would have a limit)

    Related feedback.minecraft post number 1

    Related feedback.minecraft post number 2

    submitted by /u/Mac_Rat
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    New Structure and its Loot

    Posted: 07 May 2019 01:43 PM PDT

    Illusioners should be in the normal game! They have such a cool concept and while Pillagers are already the ranged Illager, they are unique enough to be implemented (IMO). I got this idea on how to implement them:

    My first feature idea is a new structure group. The Witch Coven. It would be like a small swamp village with strange huts (including witch huts) and potion cauldrons hanging over campfires. It would also have treehouses in the surrounding mangroves. As soon as a player enters, however, an Illusioner standing guard at the bell fires an arrow and rings it, alerting up to six other witches and four other Illusioners (which jump out of the trees after casting spells). The loot would be entirely mob drops and tipped arrows. That is unless you mine under the trees that the Illusioner huts are on. One of the trees will have a chest below it that contains emeralds, potions, tipped arrows, outpost loot, and finally, the totem of detection.

    About the totem of detection: while in your offhand, it would increase your hunger usage by quite a bit but would grant the following buffs: night vision, immunity to sight-inhibiting debuffs, and immunity to the Illusioner's fake clones. On top of this, right-clicking while holding it in your main hand would give the glowing effect to all hostile mobs and other players for 3 minutes. This, however, would deactivate the totem until it is fed (crafted together with) an eye of ender or a night vision potion (the potion would only reactivate it for as long as its effect lasts). The totem would appear like a totem of undying with Illusioner clothing on and an eye of ender for a head. Its eye would turn to an ender pearl when inactive.

    submitted by /u/RockHopperSSM
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    Free-look with elytra + alternative controls

    Posted: 07 May 2019 12:38 PM PDT

    We can all agree that one of the biggest issues with the elytra is the fact you can't look at something without flying straight at it, which is especially annoying when you want to look down.

    This is why I propose adding the ability to free-look, which comes with an alternate way to control your elytra: with the keyboard.

    I'll be writing this kinda in reverse, starting with the options, then the alternate controls and free-look.

    The Options

    There would be 2 new options:

    • Default flight controls: <mouse/keyboard>
      • This would define whether you control the elytra with the mouse (current) or with the keyboard (WASD keys, similar to boat controls)
    • Flight mode change: <toggle/hold>
      • Changing between mouse or keyboard would require you to press Ctrl once or hold Ctrl for as long as you want to use the other method, going back to the default when you release it.

    Flight modes

    As mentioned above, you would now have the option to either fly with the mouse or with the keyboard.

    While in mouse mode, everything would be the same as now. When you want to free-look, press Ctrl (or whatever your sprint key is). While in free-look, you control the elytra with your movement keys (WASD) like in a boat, except W would angle downward and S would angle upwards.

    Also, while in keyboard mode, you wouldn't be able to do turns as sharp as normally (so, no instant 180's or 360's), but flying would feel more natural.


    Please share your thoughts and remember rule 7 when voting.

    submitted by /u/TitaniumBrain
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    The Decimator (Boss)

    Posted: 07 May 2019 01:18 PM PDT

    This Idea I'm not so sure about, but here goes. It would be called the Decimator. It would look like a massive, more detailed Ravager with a kind of hut and five saddles on its back. Pillagers with fireworks would be riding on these saddles and in the hut. It would be summoned by completing wave 10 of a raid (yes, more raid levels) and then taking the item Grey Horn and right clicking while in a village.


    Stomp: It would rear up like a horse (but much slower), stay up for a few seconds, and then come crashing back down, causing a shockwave with a 15 block radius. It would deal (against a player with no armor or buffs) 8.5 hearts of damage and send all entities around it flying backward.

    Ram: It would extend its neck like a normal Ravager and send everything it hits flying backward 10 blocks. This attack would deal 7 hearts of damage.

    Throw: It would look downwards, then extend its neck and buck its head upwards, doing only 3 hearts of damage but sending any entities unlucky enough to get hit by it 14 blocks into the air.

    Thrash: It would start out as a normal ram, but the Decimator would then thrash its head back and forth, destroying all blocks its head touches. Thrash would only work against blocks inside and around the village that it's attacking. For this reason, it would be a very bad idea to fight the Decimator around a village you've worked hard on improving.

    Breath: The Decimator's ultimate attack would not be thrash, but fire breath. It would open its jaws, extend its neck, start creating fire particles from its mouth, and finally, it would thrash its head back and forth, spewing a spray of fire charges (non-explosive) at everything in sight. Each fireball would do a heart and a half of damage and set fire to its target for 10 seconds.


    The Decimator would be immune to any ranged weapons aside from tridents with Impaling V, Bows with Power V and Punch II, and Crossbows with Piercing IV.

    The Decimator can spawn different Illagers by starting up various raid levels (up to level 3 on easy, 4 on normal, 5 on hard). This means it can distract the player and/or kill all the villagers, therefore ending the fight in a defeat.

    Even when beaten, the Pillagers (6) and Evokers (2) riding it will dismount and attack the player. This effectively adds one final stand to the boss fight, and these Pillagers can finish off a low health player. Healing potions and golden apples could easily get around this, though.


    Though the Decimator is very tanky and resistant to most projectiles, it would still be distracted by anything that hits it with a projectile, regardless of the damage (or lack thereof). It would just be quite distractable in general, retargeting whenever something new hits it (with a five second cooldown, of course).

    The Decimator takes double damage if its neck is hit, and its neck has none of the protection present in the rest of its body. Its neck is only available to be hit when it's extended, though.

    The Decimator, while faster than a zombie, is still quite slow and can be easily outpaced by sprinting. The only way for it to hit a player that's running is to use its stomp or breath. This means that players with powerful ranged weapons can effectively outrun and shoot the boss until it backs down.


    If all the villagers die or the player dies 5 times during the fight, it will end with a defeat, where the Decimator will become invincible, destroy the village, and finally, the Evokers will cause it to turn into a stone statue in the former village center. This means it will not be possible to retry with the same village after a defeat.


    However, many great rewards will await a victorious player. The greatest being the Decimator itself. It will act as a mount for up to 8 players, and players can put a map on it to set a destination for it to travel to. It will only travel if all players sleep, though. You may be wondering how it can bring players around if they have to sleep. Well, they can sleep while riding it. This allows for instant traveling (teleportation, actually). The biggest danger of having the Decimator is that it will regenerate 25 health every time the players sleep unless it is affected with weakness. If it gets above 300 health, it will start shooting fire everywhere in an attempt to reach the nearest village. So always remember those fermented spider eyes! Or, if you feel like rebuilding your base every day, just deal 75 damage to it to make it submit again.

    Alright, thank you for reading this absolute wall of text. I would love if people could reply and help me fine tune the ideas I already made.

    submitted by /u/RockHopperSSM
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    Remove Advancements and Recipe Popups in Creative Mode

    Posted: 07 May 2019 07:51 AM PDT

    I think it's annoying to get an advancement for every block or item you get from the menu or for doing something in Creative. If you are not familiar, when you get basically anything, there's always a "New Recipe!" popup getting in the way of the screen. I think it's best to stop them getting in your Creative Mode, because for my opinion, they're only for Survival Mode, because in Creative Mode you have unlimited supply of literally anything so why even feature any popups if you already know that you have everything in the first place???

    If you are worrying that the new crafting recipes will not be there, no, it's not going to affect any in-game recipes, it's just going to prevent you from getting interrupted while you are building and doing Creative stuff. This must be toggle-able in the options menu, so you can choose whether you want it or not.

    Quick disclaimer, I know that you can pop in the command "/advancement grant @p everything" and the "/recipe give @p *" to get all of the advancements and recipes but I just think that it could be way simpler than going in a new world, entering a command and waiting for all of the stuff to load in. Just add a new button or toggle called "Advencements/Recipes yes/no" and you just find it in the options menu and click it, boom.

    If you have any questions, opinions, ideas or criticism, tell me down below. Am I right or am I wrong?

    submitted by /u/DanielTheRedditor
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    Pillager/Raid Changes

    Posted: 07 May 2019 01:32 PM PDT

    Firstly, Pillagers should be able to place and steal boats, which could allow them to raid swamp villages (if they come in the future) without having to encounter any AI-breaking seagrass. It would also make for a good chase if the village has been destroyed and the player tries to escape.

    Secondly, Villagers should need to hear the bell before they run inside during a raid. Iron Golems would automatically ring it loud enough for the whole village to immediately run.

    That's all for now. Look for my other suggestions if you liked this for some reason :)

    submitted by /u/RockHopperSSM
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    A special "wood saw block" same like the stone cutter to yield more from wood

    Posted: 07 May 2019 05:00 AM PDT

    The same as the stone cutter yields more then the crafting table

    But for wood

    submitted by /u/kootje555
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    Mossy Wood Logs and Planks

    Posted: 07 May 2019 02:02 PM PDT

    I feel like mossy logs and planks would be an excelent aestheitc block for aesthetic purposes. My ideal scenario that if these were added Tree blocks would randomly spawn with 1-3 blocks of the tree mossy, and mossy planks could also be randomly thrown into builds like Villages, Outpost towers or the Woodland Mansion. It could also give a slight variety with Swamp Oak trees perhaps being comprised of only moss logs. And idealy it would come in all pre existing wood varieties

    submitted by /u/CynfulEntity
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    How mobs should react to campfires

    Posted: 07 May 2019 01:49 AM PDT

    Zombies and skeletons (and all their variants) should generally stay out of the way of campfires, but would still come in if they see the player

    Phantoms are afraid of campfires, they wouldn't go near them, but the safe zone is pretty small

    Wandering Traders huddle around campfires, but would not get too close

    Villagers usually ignore campfires, occasionally stopping to "warp up". They would not get too close, to avoid getting burnt

    Iron & snow golems avoid campfires as if they are normal fire blocks

    Boss mobs ignore campfires

    Pillagers & vindicators from outposts & mansions huddle around campfires at night

    Evokers usually ignore campfires, occasionally stopping to stare at it

    Ravagers ignore campfires, although they sometimes stare at it

    All other mobs completely ignore campfires

    submitted by /u/lolbit_511
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    Gyroscope controls for Bedrock on Switch and Mobile

    Posted: 07 May 2019 05:21 AM PDT

    I really feel that motion controls would really help gameplay on the Switch and mobile since the Switch's sticks are so short and mobile limited movement.

    submitted by /u/Pagore
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    A “Poppy Plains” biome

    Posted: 07 May 2019 04:17 AM PDT

    This biome would be a plains biome but with a huge amount of poppies growing everywhere. It would be nice to see to respect the people who have died in war. - like the poppy fields that we have in real life.

    submitted by /u/RossTMK
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    “Blank Records” should be added

    Posted: 07 May 2019 02:37 PM PDT

    Blank records should be added as customizable records. You would upload an audio file to the record and add a name to it. One you do that, you could play your audio on a jukebox.

    submitted by /u/JTAMan
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    The Illusioner should be implemented as the leader of the Pillagers and should spawn at the top of every outpost to serve as a miniboss. Defeating him "conquers" the tower preventing any more Pillagers from spawning there.

    Posted: 06 May 2019 07:44 PM PDT

    I know a lot of people like to turn Pillager Outposts into farms so that they can farm for Crossbows. And that's cool. But I got to thinking that there should also be a way to conquer the tower so that you could have make the Pillagers stop spawning in that area and use it as your own base.

    The first idea I immediately thought of was for Mojang to add in a Pillager Commander/Leader/You get it to reside at the top of the tower to act at the leader of the Pillagers, because it also struck me that while they have captains, they don't have a former leader. And they should! After all sombodies gotta be sending them after the villagers. But WHO could it be?

    And then it hit me like a ton of bricks. We don't need a new mob for this roll because there's already a mob in the game that fits the bill PERFECTLY!


    This is the PERFECT way to implement him! Think about it!

    The Illusioner is basically an evil wizard, hell he's even dressed like one. Where do wizards typically live? In a TOWER. The Pillager Outposts are towers. So what better place for the Illusioner to be then at the very top level (which is already a pretty decently sized battle area) as the evil wizard in his tower that sends his Pillager cronies out to sack the villages! Nothing has to be changed about his stats or abilities. Nothing about how Pillager raids or the Hero of the Village/Bad Omen effects work would have to be changed. All Mojang would have to do is put him up there so you could fight him. However, if you defeat him, the tower will be conquered, no other Pillagers will spawn around it, the chance for a Pillager raid on the nearby village would decrease significantly (but not completely because of course there's other Pillagers out there), and you'll receive an achievement, the name of which I'll leave up for discussion because I can't think of any off the top of my head right now.

    Also, because the idea involves implementing the Illusioner as a miniboss, I think it fitting that he would also come with own little unique drop: his wizard hat!

    It wouldn't give you any extra perks or abilities. It's basically just a trophy, but one you could wear on your head as an actual hat. . .and one that could come with an easter egg. If you swing the Illusioner's Hat in your hand there is a very rare chance that it would spawn a white rabbit. Only once, and only one.

    If you can make it happen you're rewarded with the special challenge achievement,

    "And now, for my next trick. . .": Pull a rabbit out of a hat.

    So that's basically it. What do you think? If you have ideas to make this idea better do not hesitate to share them!

    submitted by /u/caferreri11
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    Smoke signals or fireworks to attract villagers?

    Posted: 07 May 2019 12:29 PM PDT

    How about if the use of smoke signals or a specialized firework created a small chance of either a villager or an illager patrol showing up? This would allow you to found or more rapidly expand villages.

    submitted by /u/chthonical
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    Zombies to open trapdoors and fence gates.

    Posted: 07 May 2019 01:43 PM PDT

    Zombies are already smart enough to break down wooden doors, so I think they should be able to break down trapdoors and fence gates, or at the very least open them since their undead brains should understand that better than what would be, in theory, turning a doorknob. I think it's a tad silly that you can bypass zombies busting down your doors if you use other forms of door, so... yeah.

    Side-note: Considered the idea of crouching zombies that will try to get into a 1.5 block tall space, just like players can do now. If zombies could also crouch to fit into these spaces where they can see a player, that would be cool AI-wise.

    submitted by /u/Corndog53
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    Fence recipe = 6 fences

    Posted: 06 May 2019 05:17 PM PDT

    (Please, read the community rules. So much disobedience has occured, even though these rules are simple and should be common knowledge to every user.)

    Annoyingly, using fences is less cost-effective than the equivalence in slabs. To solve this, simply increase recipe yield. It's quite simple, but I think it makes sense, because there's a visible volume ratio between planks/sticks and fence posts.

    submitted by /u/SavingsNewspaper2
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