• Breaking News

    Minecraft [Brainstorm] Top Monthly Suggestions For May 2019! This/Last Month's Theme is "Overworld Terrain"!

    Minecraft [Brainstorm] Top Monthly Suggestions For May 2019! This/Last Month's Theme is "Overworld Terrain"!

    [Brainstorm] Top Monthly Suggestions For May 2019! This/Last Month's Theme is "Overworld Terrain"!

    Posted: 17 Jun 2019 01:18 PM PDT

    Your monthly reminder that yes, there are suggestions that do get over 100 upvotes from the Minecraft Community. Truly crazy, innit?

    In this post are showcased all the suggestions for the past month that have achieved an upvote notoriety beyond 100, as well as the 10 closest stragglers that were just shy of making the choice 3-digit beauty mark.

    Yeah yeah, we're late again, you don't need to remind us. We've already gotten enough flak for that as it is...

    But there's a silver lining! Thanks to one of our newest moderators, u/TitaniumBrain, we now have a bot that automagically does the Top Monthly Posts post for us (or most of it, anyway)! It should start working July 1st, and we'll finally be back on schedule.

    Yeah, you've heard us say that before but this time with the bot on our side we will keep our word. Truth be told, few of us actually had the time (or the will) to sort through and pull together dozens upon dozens of links each month in order to make these reports, but now that a bot does it for us, it cuts down our posting time by about...80% I'd say.

    So yeah, the previous plan didn't work, but this one will! It's absolutely fool-proof! (Then again, so were all the plans made by Pinky and the Brain, sooo...)

    SOOOO, this month is very, very special: we have a grand total of 96 (no, not kidding) beautiful suggestions that broke the 100 upvote mark, with 24 of those being Super Luminous, passing the 200+, 24 becoming Enlightened at 300+, and 8 becoming Ascended at 400+! But wait, there's MORE! In an astonishing move, 1 idea passed the outstanding level of 500+ upvotes and has become Legendary, and 1 grand post passed a whopping 700+ upvotes to become quite possibly the first-ever Godlike suggestion!

    That's just...unreal. This means that there are a lot of quality suggestions compared to the past few months, and I hope we can keep this up! You guys are so great!

    But special congratulations go to /u/MushirMickeyJoe for his fantastic 700+ post. He's the real MVP of the month of May!

    And here's a look into what types of suggestions made it onto this list:

    • Gameplay: 1
    • AI Behaviour: 0
    • Blocks & Items: 12
    • Mobs: 9
    • Plants & Food: 2
    • Sounds: 3
    • Terrain: 2
    • Magic: 0
    • Structures: 3
    • Combat: 2
    • Controls: 0
    • Redstone: 1
    • User interface: 0
    • General: 33
    • Weather: 1
    • Commands: 0
    • Dimensions: 0
    • Bedrock Edition: 0
    • Java Edition: 0
    • [META]: 0

    Looks like General, Blocks & Items, and Mobs are the most popular topics, and Gameplay, Redstone, and Weather being the least popular topics.

    Mobs seem to be on more people's minds nowadays it seems. I agree, we could really use some nice fantasy-inspired mobs in the game again. :)

    THEME: Overworld Terrain

    (What's this? What's this? There's terrain features everywhere! Suggest new things that can be added to spice up the Overworld terrain so that it's not always the same-old ho-hum biomes we know now!) Every month, we ask the community for suggestions on a specific theme so we can all brainstorm together. This month's theme is "Overworld Terrain"! Please use the comments & give all your ideas, big or small, that have to do with the terrain in the Overworld! Do you think boulders or cairns should generate in forests and plains? Or how about fallen trees in forests? Oh, or maybe even more natural-looking lakes and ponds with cattails? Put on your thinking caps everyone!


    We've got some news for you folks! /u/TitaniumBrain and /u/SendineisTheParadox have both joined the moderator team. Both of them were also instrumental for helping out with this TMS report, as Titanium made the bot and Sendine helped out with all the raw text and links while the bot was being completed. Thank you both! :D

    (Also, even more special thanks to /u/MysticKoko, who helped format and write this post.)

    And now, I will actually give the floor to Sendine to deliver some more news to you all. He has prepared some words for you:

    As some of you may know, my name is SendineisTheParadox, and I am a moderator of the /r/minecraftabnormals community, and also the newest addition to the r/minecraftsuggestions moderator team! And with this brief introduction out of the way, I'd like to announce something rather exciting involving MCS and MCA.

    Recently, our two communities have been corresponding with each other through Discord (by the way, shameless advertisement time, you can find MCS' and MCA's respective Discord servers through our subreddits, which should have links in the sidebars). During these sorts of "meetings," we've come to the decision to strike a bit of a deal with each other.

    How does this affect you, dear reader?

    You see, as part of this deal we've decided to specialize the both of our communities' goals a bit more. Specifically, from this point forward, larger posts with multiple complex components will belong over at /r/minecraftabnormals. This means any post with at least three well-connected, "complex" parts (by which we mean unique mobs, structures, blocks with new mechanics, etcetera). We've decided this so that the smaller-scale, more specified suggestions remain on the official MCS subreddit, whereas the more elaborate and complex posts can be placed in a more specialized subreddit (MCA) for easy viewing of more "conceptual" ideas for the purposes of inspiration, or just casual food for thought.

    Or, as u/Axoladdy summarized:

    MCS Posts:

    One feature. Block, mob, item, or mechanic and the few items related to it.

    IE: Birds and birdcages.

    MCA Posts:

    Multiple features. Connected or interconnected that all fall under one main theme.

    IE:Something akin to Axo's UUAU or Endergy's Soul Wastes.

    This does NOT mean that "larger" suggestions are:

    a) any less valuable than smaller ones, or

    b) not allowed under any circumstance on MCS.

    Instead, any posts you put on MCA can be crossposted back over to Minecraft Suggestions, should you choose to do so.

    Additionally, you can choose to post individual parts of your idea to MCS, either before the MCA post (to gauge how strong an individual concept is) or after (to break the post up into more bite-sized chunks). In the latter case, just make sure to link back to the full post for context.

    The Minecraft Abnormals and Minecraft Suggestions communities are both very happy to make these changes, and we hope they can benefit the Minecraft community at large.



    Note: Just a reminder that both communities have their own respective quality standards—if your post doesn't meet the standards of either, you should probably rethink it. I wanted to fit this into the proper post above, but I couldn't make it sound very natural (hence the footnote).

    Thank you Sendine!

    And now, for another reminder for everyone, please read over the FPS list before making any suggestions, just to be sure that you're idea hasn't already been covered.

    Also, if you have a Discord account, we'd also like to invite you over to our official MCS Discord server if you ever feel like doing some real-time brainstorming. Or, you know, just put up some memes, we have those too (just keep them SFW and in the proper channels). ;)


    <>If there was a suggestion that was missed, please let us know below. Despite our best efforts, we haven't yet reached infallible perfection just yet (we're still trying, impossible as it might be), so some mistakes are still within the realm of possibility.<>

    ♦ Beautiful Suggestions 100 and Beyond:

    Once again, special congrats to u/MushirMickeyJoe for reaching 700+ upvotes. We're very proud to have you on our subreddit, and I'm looking forward to seeing more of your godlike posts :D

    Honorable 10 Suggestions

    <> All Monthly Suggestion Posts are cataloged on the subreddit's TMS Catalog Wikipage.<>

    Note: The comments are not for posing ideas unless they pertain to the feedback theme. If an idea crops up in a discussion, then that's fine, but for posting a suggestion for the community and the developers, that is what the "submit" button at the top right is for.

    Also also, you can eyeball some suggestions that have actually been implemented on the Successful Suggestions Wikipage! Maybe one of these will make it on there someday! If you have a suggestion from 1.14 that actually has been implemented in some form or another, please let us know so that we can update the list. Thanks!

    Until next time folks, have a fantastic day/night, and take care! :D

    submitted by /u/GreasyTroll4
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    The bonus chest should contain a random assortment of leather and chain armor.

    Posted: 17 Jun 2019 08:00 AM PDT

    Because of the way the progression system works in Minecraft, its impractical to craft leather armor before crafting iron armor.

    It's also way more impractical to obtain chain armor for obvious reasons.

    But I think that these armor types should have a place ingame. So I think that the bonus chest you get at the start of the world should contain one or two pieces of leather or chain armor.

    The whole purpose of the bonus chest is to make the first day or two in a world a little easier. So why not throw in a few pieces of very weak armor for a little protection?

    submitted by /u/Axoladdy
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    Anvils falling from 2 blocks or higher onto glass blocks should break them

    Posted: 17 Jun 2019 08:33 AM PDT

    Nether Upgrade

    Posted: 17 Jun 2019 11:04 AM PDT

    Rather than creating a new dimension it may be time to dust off an existing one that is lacking. We wouldn't want to overshadow current content with a new contender. let's just be honest, it just wouldn't be fair to do so nor would it do The Nether justice. Intro aside, I happen to absolutely love the concept of The Nether. It brings a thrill to the game in a rather simple and beautiful manner. That is that this world expands past the borders of one plane and if you dare you can conquer the next and become an interdimensional traveler. So now you explore this hellscape forsaken land ready learn and collect it's bounty. Except what you learn is the threats aren't very threatening, the landscape is very repetitive, one nether fortress is enough to visit and your next visit is like taking out the trash. Plan and simple you don't come to The Nether and experience other aspects you find fun in the game as of 1.14. So what can we do to improve this and bring the attention The Nether deserves. Before we start I want to stress I don't want to state absolute concepts such as mob names, items, structures with full completed functions but rather loose interpretations that draw inspiration, that said anything I say can be subject to change. Now lets format what we know.

    The Nether Currently:

    |Arguably safer than The Overworld|

    Seeing as is the only thing you need to worry about is not mistakenly hitting a zombie pigman and avoiding ghast (considering they aren't as common) I would have to agree. This changes once you find a fortress and are then posed to more threats.

    |Repetitive landscape|

    In some ways I can see this being an intended feature as a means to disorient players to increase difficulty, but ultimately you pay the price by bringing a sense of detachment to a place that should bring awe and amusement

    |One Nether Fortress is all you need|

    The loot is average, most times they are tools to help you cross to The Overworld. You get essentials such as nether wart, blaze rods and wither skulls. After that there's no real sense in looking for another

    |Let's do our chores|

    Basically you're only coming back into the nether again to enter the fortress for more blaze rods or wither skulls, maybe some gold or nether quartz, rinse and repeat

    Okay now that I got that out the way, let me take a moment and apologize, Mojang I love your game and I'm sorry If I sound "ranty" In no way do intend to come off as knowing the solution to these issues but this moment allows me relieve us from a dangerously tl;dr post (scroll to the bottom for shortened version) and the perfect segue to possible solutions. Love you guys <3 so here we go, Boom!

    Possible Solutions:

    |More fiendish hostile mobs|

    Bring at least three different types of fiends, if you want more, awesome! Function: fiends can only be hurt by weapons with smite or gold weapons (or resistant to non-gold weapons), they can drop ash, gunpowder or another rare drop called fractals(read further about this item). This might be a stretch but they become hostile to zombie pigmen or maybe just one of fiendish mobs does. They are scared of priest villager. These fiends should probably spawn as often as endermen do in the nether if not a tad bit more. I don't think we need another undead creature.

    Fiend types:

    • Brimlings- 1 block tall creatures that has a chance of spreading fire as it walks. Very rare chance will drop Brimstone (read further about this item)
    • Woads- Pale blue 3 block tall creatures that look like the classic depiction of devils. they corrupt blocks when aggro such as; stone,cobblestone,dirt,grass block,sand and log/planks. Stone,cobblestone, dirt and grass blocks can become netherrack, sand becomes soulsand and log/planks becomes ashwood log/planks a unburning wood. Summon vex if eye contact is created
    • Latchers- 1 block tall stationary creatures that grab a hold of any creature/item that gets close to them. when you drop an item on it it triggers its grab until its next cool down. If caught wait till release or attack it take a small portion of damage
    • Warthogs- netherwart can grow off their backs, unaffected by the slowing of soulsand, can be ridden.
    • Vex- we know what they do, i just think they'll be a great addition to The Nether.

    |Fun exploration|

    I was thinking about the fun the that 1.13 had brought us with the oceans. why not mimic that feature of exploration, I see no shame in that. Add other structures to locate that bring unique functions apart from nether fortresses. As it stands I don't believe it is possible to use maps or compasses in The Nether but that's completely fine! We can introduce an item called a "Nexus" (or some other brilliant name) It'll behave as a compass would but will respond to the closest point of interest. If it were brought to The Overworld it should behave as a compass would in The Nether. This item possibly could be found inside a nether fortress, maybe it needs to be crafted out of fractal drops from fiends. It could use a blaze rod as its focal point and if you face the right direction It glows its normal blaze rod color we're all used to. The material that surrounds the blaze rod should change color in how close you are to the structures, obsidian=far magma=near and a gradient for everything in between the two. I'm going to name other items now for the purpose fluidity and function.


    • Fractals- These are dropped by fiends, they can be used to craft various items. Alone it can used to make a Fractal block that looks similar to obsidian in color but more decorative bringing a nice complement to each block. Other forms of it could include, bricks, stairs, slabs and walls.(same resistance as obsidian?)
    • Nexus- as already mentioned it can be used to locate various structures. To craft you can use fractals and a blaze rod
    • Brimstone- this item when crafted with fractals will become a Hellforge core(please come up with a better name than me).Much like the conduit it will be the core when building a Hellforge.
    • Hellforge- Once you create a Hellforge core you can create a Hellforge. The Hellforge allows you to convert various items to their sinister counterparts. The hellforge also doubles in usefulness as it serves as protection from fire damage within an effective area. Much like the conduit you can increase the range the more spires you build around it. These can be constructed with the fractal blocks.
    • Pitchfork(make a better name please)- take your trident to a Hellforge, shoot the Hellforge core with the trident, watch it crumble away transforming into a pitchfork. This uses some fractal blocks around the hellforge maybe even the core as a component in the process. Or if you'd like to be less dramatic, open the hellforge gui craft it using appropriate amount of fractals. Alone the pitchfork shoots fire using fire charges and loses its ability to be thrown.
    • Fractal armors- created using the hellforge, take your diamond armor pieces and use 8 fractals to obtain the appropriate fractal armor piece. Wearing full Fractal in unison with the pitchfork allows you to shoot fire charges exactly as a ghast would(yay explosions). Fractal armors can not be enchanted. When using an enchanted armor in the creation process, fractal armors will be disenchanted. If no one likes that, then only certain enchantments can be allowed on Fractal armor. I don't believe it should be as good diamond armor but since is uses it as a component maybe it can be just as protective as diamond armor with no enchantments.
    • Fractal sword- This weapon can be crafted using a diamond sword and 8 fractals. It has no attack cool down, no enchantments can be added or a very limited range of enchantments

    Structure types can include:

    • Portal ruins- A mess of decrepit obsidian portal frames
    • Fiendish ruins- A haunting structure smaller than the nether fortress made of Fractal blocks. Priority to spawn fiends here.
    • Abandoned fiendish ruins- Smaller chance of loot found with no priority to spawn fiends
    • Nether throne- Ominous structure hanging over lava lake with nether portals in various rooms, may encounter The Blaze King
    • Nether fortress- The same one we're used to but now with the possible Brimstone loot. It could be found in the room holds lava, it could float above the lava, be submerged in lava whatever you like

    Now what to find in these structures. Higher spawn rates for these fiends but amongst the loot this may be the order of rarity for each:

    • Items that help bring you to The Overworld: flint, iron, iron nuggets, obsidian
    • Emeralds
    • Diamonds
    • Fractals

    Feel free to add more items, possibly new enchantments that can be added to the fractal weapons/armor


    With drive to find these structures you also create the opportunity to discover different biomes in The Nether, these biomes may include but are not limited to:

    • Chaotic caverns- This is The Nether we are used to. Here in this biome you can find nether quartz more frequently and netherrack generates from the floor to ceiling meeting as a pillar.This biome would generate 15% of the time. Fiends don't spawn here.
    • Barrens- much like the plains in The Overworld this biome is relatively long and flat with stalagmites and stalactites scattered across, you can find pockets of lava, tiny approximately 5 blocks tall volcanoes spewing lava and rarely ashwood trees. This biome would generate 30% of the time.
    • Lava oceans- exactly that nothing but lava with a couple of islands few far inbetween. This biome would generate 20% of the time.
    • Soulsand desert- Not much to describe it's like a desert but with soulsand. Warthogs can spawn here.This biome would generate 15% of the time.
    • Ash lands- Huge volcanoes and very difficult rigid terrain, ashwood trees generate here as well as gold. This biome would generate 20% of the time.

    After much deliberation I would like to conclude that adding some aspects of these features in my opinion would greatly improve the nether and also immerse players to this fiery land of sinister treacherous monsters. I would like to stress that a lot of structural features updated so far have been focused on the overworld and the end. And if this pattern continues the nether will continue to feel lack luster by comparison. I urge you to consider these ideas or even better use this as an inspiration to create something even better than I imagined. Thanks for sticking around and thank you for the wonderful game.


    Include mob type fiends. Can only be hurt by weapons with smite or gold/fractal weapons

    • Brimlings- 1block tall spread fire occasionally as it walks
    • Woads- Pale blue 3block tall devil corrupts blocks when aggro such as cobblestone and sand. Cobblestone to netherrack, sand to soulsand
    • Latchers- Grabs anything that gets too close mob/player/items
    • Warthogs- Can grow netherwart on back, unaffected by soulsand, can be ridden
    • Vex

    Fun exploration like what 1.13 brought us with such items:

    • Fractal- dropped by fiends, craft alone for fractal block.Includes bricks,stairs,slabs, walls(same color as obsidian)
    • Nexus- made with Blazerod and Fractals, acts similar to compass to lead to generated structures, blazerod glows when facing right direction. fractal around it becomes closer to magma color when close by (acts crazy in overworld)
    • Brimstone- used to craft hellforge core, found in netherfort, rarely dropped by brimling
    • Hellforge core- crafted using fractal and brimstone, used to make hellforge structure
    • pitchfork- crafted in hellforge using fractals and trident, cant be thrown, shoot firecharges (when wearing full fractal shoots firecharge like ghast)
    • Fractal armors/weapons- crafted in hellforge using fractals and diamond equipment (as good as diamond can't be enchanted or limited enchantments can be applied such as mending)
    • Fractal sword- No attack cool-down(No enchantments or limited)

    Structures types:

    • Hellforge- similar to conduit, aoe fire resistance
    • portal ruins- broken nether portals
    • fiendish ruins- only spawns fiends within borders, loot
    • abandoned fiendish ruins- no fiends spawn, less loot
    • nether throne- generates over lava ocean, Blaze king


    • Chaotic caverns- current nether, netherrack from floor to ceiling, no fiends spawn here
    • Barrens- similar to plains biome long and empty from floor to ceiling
    • lava oceans
    • soulsand deserts
    • ashlands- Large volcanoes floor and ceiling, gold ores, ashwood trees(cant burn)
    submitted by /u/Amagedon70
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    A new use for shields.

    Posted: 17 Jun 2019 09:14 AM PDT

    So I've seen a lot of people commenting about how shields should be enchanted with some kind of reflecting enchantment that bounces arrows back, and I've seen a lot of these saying the same thing over and over. I figured I would take the idea of "Reflection" and make it a bit more... literal.

    By crafting three iron ingots with three glass blocks, you would get a new Mirror item. Now hold on before you downvote, I know mirrors have already been rejected by Mojang. This wouldn't be a block you would place, but rather a crafting item.

    Making an H pattern in a crafting grid with six mirrors and a shield would create a Reflective Shield, which would look like a normal shield with a bit of a glass texture over the wood. Now, Reflective Shields would have less durability than normal shields, but they have a special ability: With this raised, the distance that you can approach mobs with is increased by quite a bit, even more so if you have a mob head on.

    The big benefit of this is that as long as the shield is up, you don't need to worry about looking Endermen in the eye, even if you aren't wearing a Jack 'o' Lantern. This would then be a good tool to bring with you to fight the dragon since you wouldn't need to worry so much about accidentally staring at an Enderman, and you don't sacrifice any armor.

    submitted by /u/PJDemigod85
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    Villager jobs and bed locations should be based on range

    Posted: 17 Jun 2019 05:20 AM PDT

    It's so annoying when you're trying to create a village with specific villagers in specific houses and you spawn them inside a house right next to a job table and bed but they decide that their job should be something else completely and their bed should be YOUR bed 50 blocks away underground.

    Basically, I want villagers to get a job based on the closest "job block".

    Edit: more detail

    submitted by /u/Lillebo77
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    Crafting a banner and a bed together will put the banner pattern on the bed

    Posted: 16 Jun 2019 07:43 PM PDT

    If you like this suggestion, vote for it on the Minecraft Feedback Site

    The banner design would go on the top part of the bed and be adjusted to fit properly, and the side of the bed would be colored the same as the banner's base. After crafted the bed could be called something like "patterned bed"

    submitted by /u/GamerTurtle5
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    Add a Milky Way to the night skies

    Posted: 17 Jun 2019 04:42 AM PDT

    It feels boring just to look up into the night sky and see nothing but the stars and moon. What about a Milky Way? And making the stars twinkle with some faint colours? In Creative, there could be a command to set the colour of the stars. You should be able to turn it off in the Options under Video settings. The rate of twinkling (speed) can be adjusted via a slider from 0 (no twinkle) to 10 (super fast). Default is 1.

    submitted by /u/SnowBallEarth43
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    Illager Captians have better AI

    Posted: 17 Jun 2019 06:43 AM PDT

    Illager leaders and normal illagers have nothing different, aside from the fact they give bad omen and a fancy looking banner. Mojang once mentioned by normal pillagers are dumb and are only strong cause their sheer numbers. But doesn't really make sense that their leaders are just as dumb.

    Different tiers of leaders

    You know how the leaders wear banners on their heads? Well, depending on their tiers, their illager banners would have a different colored trim

    Their tier would depend on the wave, tier1=wave 1, tier 2=wave 2, etc

    Tier 1---black trimmed banners (just like what the illager banner likes right now)

    Tier 2---yellow trimmed banners

    Tier 3---orange trimmed banners

    Tier 4---Green trimmed banners

    Tier 5 (later waves would all use tier 5 leaders****) --- gold trimmed banners

    Pillager leader AI

    Note: These AI features stack, meaning that a tier two would also do everything a tier one does

    Tier 1---Would run away from player/iron golem when recharging

    Tier 2---Skeleton aim level accuracy (basically more chance of hitting the player)

    Tier 3---Starts strafing left and right when aiming at the player

    Tier 4---Very high chance of getting a quick charge or multishot enchantment

    Tier 5 --- Can order all nearby illagers to focus on the player

    Vindicator leader AI

    Note: These AI features stack, meaning that a tier two would also do everything a tier one does

    Tier 1---High chance of getting an enchanted axe

    Tier 2---Would land a hit, then retreat. And then go for another attack

    Tier 3---When at low health, would order all nearby illagers to focus on you

    Tier 4---Has a ~70% chance of going into battle with speed/health boost/strength or regen

    Tier 5 --- 100% diamond enchanted axe

    Evoker leader AI

    Note: These AI features stack, meaning that a tier two would also do everything a tier one does

    Tier 1---Deals half a heart more damage

    Tier 2---Sometimes summons 1/2 more vexes

    Tier 3---Can order all illagers to focus on one target

    Tier 4---Fangs can reach further away

    Tier 5 --- summoned vexes have a high chance of having a diamond sword/axe

    submitted by /u/lolbit_511
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    Add more support for right-to-left languages (such as Hebrew and Arabic).

    Posted: 17 Jun 2019 04:12 AM PDT

    Even though I play the game in English—mostly because I am used to it after so much playing, but also because it needs more support.

    Text in Hebrew has a few bugs in showing attack damage / armor information (shows some English and unknown characters, parentheses are incorrect), and shows the text left-to-right in the chat while playing in English. I must say though, the new font added in 1.14 is amazing and much better than the previous one.

    Same goes with Arabic, in addition to having a hard to read font and not connecting letters in the chat while you are playing in English.

    submitted by /u/YeruhamTheGoldfish
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    Nether and End update

    Posted: 17 Jun 2019 10:23 AM PDT

    Hi, I know I'm suggesting a lot in such a short time, but I really have a shit load of ideas in my head so I post them before I forget them.

    So for both dimensions, I would add new villager types, and I would actually even want to add more ores and crops. It's just kinda a rough idea I have.

    So for the end, I would add Tele Ore and Ender Dragon Teeth and claws. It's an ore that can be smelted into Tele Ingots. With these, you can craft the Tele Sword using Enderdragon teeth or claws instead of sticks. With this sword you can rightclick an NPC to either teleport it away or close to you. If you want to teleport it away, move your sword upwards after rightclicking it. If you move yout Tele Sword downwards, you teleport the npc closer to you.

    With the Tele Ingots, you can also craft Tele Armor. If you wear the full set, you can leftclick to a block far away from you and you'll get teleported to that block causing a shockwave that damages all NPCs in a one block radius, however you loose 2 hearts yourself.

    The crops for the end would be Endnion, an end variant of Onion. You can collect them and either plant them to get more or throw them at other npcs like grenades. These NPCs will take damage from them. If you kill an animal with them, they'll drop spiced raw meat of each of their species, and if you cook it, you'll get spicy beef, cooked porkchop or whatever animal this meat is from. When you eat it, it'll give you a regeneration buff for 4 seconds, per piece of spiced meat. You can grill it to get Grilled Endnion which will giveyou 1.5 hunger bar and 2 seconds of regeneration. If you try to kill any Nethermob with it, they won't die, the Endnions would just turn into Grilled Endnions.

    Idk what the End Villager should sell tho, maybe Endstuff, Enchantments for the Tele Gear or Enchanted Tele Gear.

    I also suggest to add End Clouds into the end, like a cloud that you can mine and shear with shears, any entity can walk through them but can be damaged with it. If you die from this cloud, you get the message "player was killed with magic", as if you were killed by the balls from the Ender Dragon.

    As well as two kinds of other clouds: the enter and exit cloud. If you go through an enter cloud, you'll be teleported to the nearest exit cloud. This could be used for shortcuts. If you name an enter and an exit cloud in the same way, you bind them to each other and can create a teleporter.

    Now to the Nether. I suggest adding bloodstone ore. With them, you can create a blood chain and if you combine it with two iron ingots, you get a throwing chain. If you throw it at NPCs or Players, they get a slowness V, Blindness IV and Wither effect. These effects last 3 seconds.

    Also, you can craft a bloodstone armor. If an NPC attacks you while you wear this armor, you do get damaged but the NPC gets just as damaged as it damaged you. For example an NPC has 100 hearts and can deal 4 hearts of damage with one hit, if it hits you, it loses 40 hearts of it's own. If you then heal, the NPC won't be able to restore it's hearts.

    The Nethercrop that I would add is the Glowing Chilli. If you eat it, you get a speed boost, haste and strenght of 4 for 10 seconds but continuously miss 2 hearts (a reference to the chilli being too hot).

    The Nether Villager is going to sell enchanted Throwing Chains and Enchanted Bloodstone Armor.

    I know this idea has a load of gaps, it was quite a random idea I had. I decided to post it so I don't forget it entirely.

    Edit, why is it NSFW?

    Next edit: Mojang, if any of these words are considered nsfw, they can be still renamed, I guess, can't they?

    submitted by /u/Katze10-0-10
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    A new item called the double saddle

    Posted: 17 Jun 2019 01:56 PM PDT

    This will be crafted by simply combining two saddles in the crafting table. The double saddle will be used so instead of only one player being able to ride the horse there is now an option for a second player. This double saddle will work like boats where only the front person can control the horse whilst the other can sit there as the front player takes them somewhere or they can attack mobs as well. Like with boats only the front player can control the horse whilst the other player can shoot and attack freely.

    submitted by /u/JetTheBabyCat
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    More cakes.

    Posted: 17 Jun 2019 11:25 AM PDT

    If you don't know, the cake was added after Minecraft won the 2010 Indie of the Year Awards. Notch stated that he would add if Minecraft won, and so it did, giving us the cake.

    Recently, Minecraft had it's 10 Year Old Anniversary, and became the most sold game of all time, which is an achievement, if i do say so myself.

    So, what's a better way to celebrate than with the food of all celebrations, cake?

    New cakes added, so you can celebrate the 10 Year Old Anniversary in more than one way.


    Berry Cake. A new use for the Sweet Berries. It can restore up to 3 of Hunger. The Berry Cake can be crafted with two (2) Milk Bucket, one (1) Sweet Berry and the rest of the items on the normal cake recipe. It has a pink-ish frosting, different from the normal white one.

    Chocolate Cake. Who doesn't love Cocoa Beans? It can be used as a dye, it can be used for cookies, but there's not much more about it. What if we give it another use, being possible to be made on everyone's favorite, the Chocolate Cake! Restores up to 5 Hunger, and has a bright brown frosting. Can be crafted with only one (1) Milk Bucket and two (2) Cocoa Beans, and the rest of the normal ingredients.

    Carrot Cake. Bet you weren't expecting this one! The Carrot Cake will leave you hopping like a bunny. It can restore up to 4 Hunger. It has a yellow/orange coloration onto it. Can be crafted with two (2) Wheat, one (1) Carrot and the other normal ingredients.

    Pumpkin Cake. Hey, remember the Pumpkin Pie? Well, here comes a new challenger, the Pumpkin Cake! It can restore up to 5 Hunger, and has an orange coloration. Can be made with two (2) Pumpkins, one (1) Wheat and the other normal ingredients.

    Unfortunately, these are all the ideas i have for now. I hope you liked them, and see you soon!

    submitted by /u/Evidaent
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    More horses and horse features, +carriages and mining ponies

    Posted: 17 Jun 2019 06:50 AM PDT

    Guys, I don't know if my suggestion would be successful, but it's worth a shot. If it seems flawed to you, plz correct me.

    Just in case it's important, I'm playing MCPE so I can place double chests right next to each other.

    So, my suggestion is, as said in the title, is to add more horse breeds. Of course you have the normal horse, that I would rename into "warmblood horse".

    Then I would add the "coldblood horse" which is twice as tall and muscular as the default horse and can drag carriages that I'll explain later in this post. It spawns naturally on plains and whenever there's a spawn attempt of a horse, there's a 10% chance that it's gonna be a coldblood horse.

    Also, I would add the "fullblood horse". It has either the best speed or jumping stat, the other stat won't be that high but still high. They would have a 2.5% spawn rate. If they're bred with coldblood horses, they'll spawn a "warmblood horse". If they're bred with donkeys, they'll give you a faster or higher jumping mule depending on the stat the parent fullblood horse had. They are as big as the "warmblood horse" horse, but skinnier.

    Then I would add mining ponies. They are smaller than the "warmblood horse" , and don't spawn in the overworld. They spawn in mineshafts where they are kept in boxes. Their stats are quite random and they can pull minecarts. Their spawn rate is 5%. If the mining ponies are put in front of one or several minecarts, they will follow the rails.

    What is needed to get the coldblood horses and mining ponies to pull their stuff are harnesses, that can be found either in dungeons or purchased from the tanner just like saddles.

    Also, I would add another item which is the chain. It's needed to build carriages, connect minecarts and connect horses to their vehicles.

    The carriage itself can't be crafted as a whole piece, but the pieces can be crafted and connected with chains, since the carriage would take up several blocks of space. On the carriage itself, you can decide wether to put four double chests or 6 entities on it. You need 2 coldblood horses to pull a carriage.

    In order to signalize the horse to go, I'd add another item, which is the whip. If you use it on the horse only if it slows down, it's gonna go faster, but you'll need to let it slow down sometimes, because the endurance of the horse is not eternal.

    I hope you guys like the idea, please leave a comment if you gotta say something about it. I apologize if I screwed up the names for the horses because I'm not a native speaker. See ya in the comments below.^

    submitted by /u/Katze10-0-10
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    Animals in several colors

    Posted: 17 Jun 2019 10:37 AM PDT

    I mean that for example, cows are now avaiable in plain colors and variations of these colors. As well as brown, white, black, grey and chicken thar are dotted in these colors, I mean it was possible with Llamas and Horses, so I don't see the reason on why not to do the same thing with other animals.

    submitted by /u/Katze10-0-10
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    Patting animals

    Posted: 17 Jun 2019 12:00 PM PDT

    What I really miss in Minecraft is patting animals. I think that Minecraft would feel so much more alive if you could rightclick an animal with an empty hand and elict a cute reaction from it like purring from a cat, a soft mooing from a cow etc.

    submitted by /u/Katze10-0-10
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    Prioritize Apprentice and higher when assigning JOBSTATIONS!

    Posted: 17 Jun 2019 06:55 AM PDT

    If im too close to a village they steal my bed, so i build my house far away. but now it seems i cant get to keep my most traded with villagers because other jobless villagers steal their workstations! and ii doesnt seem like i can give it back because only jobless villagers seemingly claim new jobblocks.

    i really feel like any villager above novice needs to be prioritized in getting a jobblock? but that doesnt seem to be the case.

    I think the issue is that when i go too far away from the village the game reassigns the worktables to whoevers closest, wouldnt be a problem if the already traded with villagers were prioritized.

    Does anyone else get this issue or am i doing something wrong in the game?

    submitted by /u/pandaladie
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    Soaked Dirt/Mud - Block/Building Block

    Posted: 17 Jun 2019 06:55 AM PDT

    The idea of soaked dirt / Mud is basically when there's water next to / on top of a bunch of dirt blocks, the dirt therefore becomes wet.. I am thinking about this block from a building point of view as Soaked Dirt / Mud should get affected by gravity. I mean if there was Normal floating dirt blocks and water hits it, It turns into soaked dirt / mud and is affected by gravity and start falling. This can be cool for parkour maps / puzzles / minigames / maybe even normal survival minecraft builds.. It could finally add the opportunity of having a block that can get triggered into gaining the gravity falling effect. Also could add a more natural fun feel to the game.

    This is a very very very small suggestion and i know it's nothing big. I just thought i'd share it and this is also my very first post here.

    Thanks for reading.

    submitted by /u/nadereb
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    A dyeable crystal lamp

    Posted: 17 Jun 2019 12:20 PM PDT

    So I liked the idea of dyeable lamps, but I highly doubt that Glowstone, Endrods and Sea Lanterns would be made dyeable, so I came up with this: in the End, Crystal ore spawns in the endstone as frequently as Glowstone does in the nether. One Crystal ore drops 8 Chrystal Shards. Surrounding 1 dye with 8 Crystal Shards would make 1 stained Crystal Lamp. The color of the light it gives off depends on the color it's been dyed in. I just liked the idea of dyeable lamps. I hope it makes it into an update.

    submitted by /u/Katze10-0-10
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    Leaves reduce fall damage if landed upon.

    Posted: 17 Jun 2019 03:55 PM PDT

    Like wool and hay bales.

    submitted by /u/Corndog53
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    Brick and pillar forms of Granite, Andesite and Diorite

    Posted: 17 Jun 2019 12:06 PM PDT

    I've actually always wished for that option. It would add so much more opportunities to build, at least for me. I hope this can.be added. I don't see a reason why not.

    submitted by /u/Katze10-0-10
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    Posted: 17 Jun 2019 01:37 PM PDT

    Currently, Minecraft leaves have few uses. You can farm sticks, make trees, decorate. But what if there was a new block using leaves? I present Thatch.

    1: Crafting. The recipe for Thatch would be like this: (L for leaves and X for nothing)

    L L L

    L X L

    L L L

    Each leaf type would produce different types. Oak and Birch would produce regular Thatch. Spruce would produce Needle Thatch, which applies 1 half-heart of damage. Finally, Acacia and Jungle (+ Palm and Baobab when they get added) would produce Fire Thatch, which would burn slower than wood and the other 2 types of thatch.

    2: Uses. Thatch would look like Haybales, but without the band. When broken, it would drop Thatch Layer, which you could place like snow on the floor. It also could be crafted into Stairs and Slabs, which would not drop Thatch Layer. 9 TL would make 1 block.

    submitted by /u/Canadafornia_Craft
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    Weather icon

    Posted: 17 Jun 2019 04:36 AM PDT

    It simply does nothing beside show the current weather. Clear is represented by a smiling sun with aqua blue (or smiling moon at night and black with stars), rain is represented by a teardrop and a grey sky, and a thunderstorm is represented by a thunderbolt and a darker grey. Snowy weather is represented by a snowflake and icy blue.

    It should be noted that this is just an icon to look at. It's of no use in the nether, as it will have a cross on it, or ! on it, meaning there is no weather/daynight cycle. It can be turned off in the Video settings.

    submitted by /u/SnowBallEarth43
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    Shulker Boots reworked

    Posted: 17 Jun 2019 06:48 AM PDT

    This is my take on a recently sugested item, "The Shulker Boots". Please check the original sugestion.

    My problem with the shulker boots is that they are definitely OP, at least the way they are presented. So I decided to show how I think they should work.

    The shulker boots would be uncraftable and only spawn in the end boats. They offer the same protection has leather boots and the only enchantments they have are mending and unbreaking.

    Wearing them makes you fall at about half the speed (works with elytra) and allows you to run in the air. Fall damage isn't a thing with these bad boys.

    They have 100 durability and can be fixed with chorus fruit (1 chorus fruit restores 10 durability). They loose durability when you are running in the air and when you take damage.

    submitted by /u/XxBom_diaxX
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