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    Minecraft Daylight Sensors should go haywire in The Nether.

    Minecraft Daylight Sensors should go haywire in The Nether.

    Daylight Sensors should go haywire in The Nether.

    Posted: 06 Jun 2019 12:20 PM PDT

    Just like how clocks and compasses go haywire in The Nether, daylight sensors should too. Maybe they send a pulse every few seconds like a redstone clock? I'm not sure, feel free to elaborate.

    submitted by /u/AngooseTheC00t
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    Give Rotten Flesh a brewing use

    Posted: 06 Jun 2019 12:38 PM PDT

    The only uses for Rotten Flesh is a risky source of food only eaten when despserate, to feed your pet Dog, or trade about 30 of them for 1 Emerald. Rotten Flesh is basically that one item you throw out first if your inventory is full. Rotten Flesh should be used to brew a potion of Food Poisoning, which gives you the Hunger effect for 3:00 on default, but can be enhanced to Hunger II with 1:30 or Hunger with 8:00 using Glowstone and Redstone respectively. I think it would be a good use for PVP combat but not something to overpowered.

    submitted by /u/GeoThePoly
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    "Teching" a fall in Minecraft (Crouching to reduce fall damage.)

    Posted: 06 Jun 2019 10:53 AM PDT

    There's a similar post about this, but I'd like to build on it.

    As u/mothnrust stated, you should be able to reduce fall damage by bracing yourself at the right moment.

    However, I think it should give different reductions based on how close you time it, relying on the skill of the player to potentially save their life.

    For example, if a player crouches 40ms before they hit the ground, they will have damaged reduced by 15%. However, if they hit the button 10ms before they hit the ground, they'll get up to 50% damage reduction. If they're too late or too early, then they'll just take the damage.

    Only the first crouch will work (or there'll be a cooldown period) to prevent players from just spamming the crouch key.

    For every block fallen down, the effectiveness of the crouch will decrease by 5-10%.

    submitted by /u/Wixardboy1
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    Multiple skins for our doggos

    Posted: 06 Jun 2019 11:43 AM PDT


    Multiple skins for the Wolf! Cats now have quite a number of skins, and wolves have always had the one original skin, which seems kinda unfair?

    The picture linked (turns out you simply can't use pictures on this subreddit?) shows, from left to right a husky, a black labrador, a german shepherd dog, and a spaniel.

    This requires optifine, but looks really good in game!

    submitted by /u/Skaliber
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    A Potion of silence should be added.

    Posted: 05 Jun 2019 09:05 PM PDT

    The effect of the potion would make the mob you throw it at being silence indefinitely, making farms much quieter. If you throw it at yourself or drink it, you don't make any footstep sounds at all.

    submitted by /u/_Derpy_Dino_
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    Cats should not breed with raw fish.

    Posted: 06 Jun 2019 01:06 PM PDT

    When parrots were introduced, they originaly were breed with cookies. But a few snapshots later, that was changed because in real life feeding cookies to a parrot can kill them.

    But also, in real life, feeding any kind of raw meat (like fish) to a cat it's bad for it's health. Also, from a gameplay perspective, is kinda annoying to have cooked fish and not being able to use it to breed cats.

    So my suggestion is to change the breeding food from uncooked fish to cooked.

    submitted by /u/Chicken_McFly_
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    Multishot Enchantment Buff

    Posted: 06 Jun 2019 01:50 PM PDT

    Having the arrows spread is nice, and 10 degree spread might seem small. However, since crossbows aren't used at close range, the 10 degrees makes a difference and the arrows tend to miss their targets.

    When mobs gang up on a player, the shape of their formation is similar to a triangle, which thins down to a single line. Since Multishot crossbows fire with a 20 degree spread, the left and right arrows miss the horde, and only the center arrow hits.

    The advantage is very insignificant.

    Here are my suggestions to buff the enchantment:

    • Decrease the angle of the spread, allowing enemies to be more likely to get hit.


    • Allow all three arrows to connect with the target. Currently, mobs have invincibility frames, so firing the Multishot crossbow at point-blank makes two of the arrows bounce off and only one connect.
    submitted by /u/Takama12
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    [META] Can people please actually read the upvote and downvote rules?

    Posted: 06 Jun 2019 09:26 AM PDT

    It might not seem like a problem at first, because a lot of people do. But from a lot of recent experiences, I can say a lot of new suggesters on this subreddit are not actually following them.

    If this sounds like, a "YOU TOOK AWAY MY KARMA I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU" post, this post is made for everybody going through this problem and not just me. Karma is also now needed for a lot of things on Reddit, whether it be a barrier for posting on a sub or giving your comment a chance to be seen by anybody.

    If you haven't actually read the rules, they are basically:

    You can upvote and downvote a post to your liking. You can upvote it if you would like to see it in the game/subreddit and downvote it if you don't.

    For comments, however, it's a different story- but as simple to figure out. You can upvote and downvote based on whether or not the comment is contributing to the discussion. If it is, then you can upvote it, but if it isn't, you can downvote it.

    Now, the other really big problem with this. Many times a moderator comes by and cancels out the downvotes. To me, at-least, I feel like by them coming in, most likely having to read my post/comment to see if it is contributing and fixing the problem based off of that information- I am wasting their time. Now obviously this subreddit picks good moderators, ones who want to help in the first place. I am not saying they are unwilling to help. What I am saying is that I think that there are other problems they could be solving besides the dumbest problem at all, caused by people who just didn't read the rules at all.

    Another big problem about moderators coming in and helping is that most of the time, unless the downvoter announced themselves and stated that they downvoted, the downvoter can get away with it because to my understanding there is no way to identify truly who left the downvote.

    How can we fix this problem? By people just reading the rules. There are some rules I can understand when people break them accidentally- whether it be the FPS list or whatnot. But the upvoting and downvoting system here is a really great system this subreddit has put into place, and the fact that people don't even know about it (which means they didn't read the rules or they are just careless) irritates me.

    TL;DR- If you haven't yet, please read the upvoting and downvoting rules to save the moderators' time and to make this place more of a fair place to share our suggestions because it seems like a rule that every new person on this subreddit is not following.

    submitted by /u/Minecart64
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    Ominous banner in villages scares off patrols

    Posted: 06 Jun 2019 03:03 PM PDT

    Basically what if you placed an ominous banner near a village it would decrease the percentage in which patrols spawn? The more you have the less they spawn.

    submitted by /u/TerriblePillager
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    Gameplay update to the Woodland Mansion & Underwater Monument

    Posted: 06 Jun 2019 03:55 AM PDT

    Personally, I think that gameplay associated with these structures are not to a high enough standard. One should leave, after conquering these structures, with a sense of accomplishment and reward. The totem of undying, was very so so, but at least it was a unique item. Though that has been taken away, which I agree with, however we need some reward to take its place. I'm not gonna suggest huge changes as I do not think that Mojang would even consider a huge change to these structures, so I'm gonna try to keep it a minimal as possible.

    Woodland Mansion:

    The Woodland mansion has never been up to par in my eyes. It had a unique item, The totem of undying, but the adventure aspect of the mansion was really poor in my opinion. Hence, here is my suggestion.

    The Woodland mansion always spawns with 3 Gatekeeper evokers. They are similar to evokers in raids (though slightly stronger, since one is able to just rush them down with a stone sword in the current state). The Gatekeeper evokers are spawned randomly in the mansion in order to force exploration of the building from the player.

    When the 3 Gatekeeper evokers have been killed, a new illager type mob called the "Landlord" will spawn in a specific room that will always exist in every mansion. It is a boss like mob that would mean that the players has to come well prepared with a good setup, or perhaps team up with friends. I'm not sure what the abilities would be, but would probably be able to summon temporary vindicators / evokers etc.

    Once killed, the Landlord would drop emeralds, but also some unique item. (I'm not sure what yet, so I would like some suggestions in the comments. However, some ideas include "Hero of the villager coupons" that can be used for any trade with villagers or a new type of totem, "The totem of control" that means that a player won't drop their item when killed.

    Before the Landlord has been killed (even before he is summoned), players nearby the mansion will be cursed with a debuff called "Sleep paralysis"

    Sleep Paralysis: Breaking any block has a 60% chance of spawning a Vex

    Underwater Monument:

    While I would prefer a complete visual update to the monument, I will not gonna base my suggestion off of that since I do not think that Mojang will necessarily change the Monument to that extent. Hence, here is my official suggestion:

    Not much will change at its current state, except for the fact that there will always be 3 Elder Guardians that spawns in the monument. Killing an Elder Guardian will drop an "Eye Shard". 3 Eye shards can be crafted together with a Heart of the sea, to craft a pearl called the "Eye of the Storm"

    "Eye of the Storm:"

    • The Eye of the Storm has a permanent storm raging inside of the pearl which gives it a set of unique uses.
    • When held in the off hand, all of the trident's abilities will work despite not being in direct connection to water.
    • An update to the Elytra would mean that flying in a Storm has a higher chance of targeting the lightnig strike on the player and briefly stunning the player, causing them to fall from the air. However, since a Lightning strike never hits the same place twice, the pearl would mean that a player is safe from any lightning strike, and would therefore work very well with the elytra.
    • Water mobs are terrified on the pearl and will try to move as far away from a player who is holding the pearl.
    • Villagers however, are enchanted by the pearl, and will follow any player holding the pearl like they were cows following a player holding wheat.
    submitted by /u/Lolthatssoyou
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    Polished Andesite, Diorite and Granite walls

    Posted: 05 Jun 2019 09:20 PM PDT

    I have a build but I really wish I had some polished versions of these walls so they would look nicer.

    submitted by /u/robux4mayor
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    'Chilling' enchantment

    Posted: 06 Jun 2019 09:32 AM PDT

    Chilling would be a new enchantment for swords, and is mutually exclusive with Fire Aspect and Knockback.

    Chilling works similarly to Fire Aspect, except it applies Slowness I to any attacked mob.

    Chilling can only go up to level II. Level I applies Slowness I for 1-2 seconds, and level II applies Slowness I for 1-4 seconds.

    submitted by /u/mcplano
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    Slime paste

    Posted: 06 Jun 2019 08:47 AM PDT

    Slime paste would be made by clicking a slime ball onto a block. It would only affect the side of the block you clicked. This would have 2 purposes.

    The first one would be with pistons. A block with slime paste would work like a slime block with pistons, but only on the sides the paste is on. This would be great for flying machines that need to be surrounded by blocks. However, it would not bounce entities if it is pushed into the entity.

    The second one would be that it would slow you down if you walk on it. It would give you slowness 2 for 3 seconds,so even if you walk off, you still have it for 3 seconds because it is on your shoes.

    submitted by /u/Gunpowder77
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    Item-Displaying Boats

    Posted: 06 Jun 2019 10:52 AM PDT

    In my current singleplayer world, I'm working on creating a 1:16 map of the area around my base, which has a heavy amount of ocean. However, in order to check my progress on the map, I have to stop rowing so that I can see it. In my opinion, this makes exploration and cartography much more tedious than it needs to be. I have to continually stop and check the map to ensure that I'm not retreading areas I've already been to.

    I propose that, similarly to an item frame, boats should be able to hold an item in front of the player. This can be achieved through an inventory such as those on horses, donkeys, and llamas. It can either be implemented as a new feature for standard boats, or as a new type of boat created through the combination of a normal boat and an item frame. The item shown would act as if the player were holding it (for example, lacking the transparency behind the map and instead showing the paper texture), but would not be able to be actively used such as a weapon or tool.

    This may be useful for other items than maps, as well. Most obviously, a compass or clock could be placed inside. Other items might be able to have a use, too, such as:

    • Banners could be displayed at full size to show ownership, akin to flags on sails of older real-world boats
    • Fishing rods could be used to lure fish towards the boat (same for carrot on a stick and pigs, if they're swimming for whatever reason)
    • Written books could be displayed like a lectern
    • Shields could give the boat more health, making it less susceptible to being broken by attacks
    • Possibly many more! (open to suggestions from comments)

    I understand that this addition would make boats much more useful, and possibly unbalanced in such. In order to prevent that outcome, any item displayed in the boat should be destroyed upon the boat breaking. To retrieve it, it must be manually removed before breaking the boat. This makes it very risky to place important items inside. As a safe practice, any item that can be copied (maps, banners, books, etc.) should be before use in the boat.

    Let me know what you think of this concept below. I feel that it would cause boat gameplay to be much more interesting and fun.

    submitted by /u/BlueDude35
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    Bamboo rafts

    Posted: 05 Jun 2019 11:52 PM PDT

    Not sure if this has been done before, but with the addition of bamboo, we should be able to craft a raft that will move across the ocean in 1 direction (N, E, S, W) until it hits an obstacle.

    The Crafting recipe could be 9x bamboo for a raft foundation, then for an actual raft, 6 foundations down the sides of the Crafting interface, and 3 string down the middle to have a raft

    Then you could have a sail, made from bamboo and wool, of course, the colour of the wool would change the colour of the sail accordingly.

    The crafted raft would be placed down as a 3x3 area, but you could place things on it, being an ocean hermit the entire game.

    And you can increase the size of your raft by surrounding it in bamboo in the Crafting table, to make it 4x4, up to a max size of 16x16.

    Any questions may be answer in 30 mins or so, or maybe 6 hours depending on school

    submitted by /u/PulseBladeyBoi
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    The Noctwatch - A modified clock for the moon and related things

    Posted: 05 Jun 2019 07:22 PM PDT

    (note: name is dumb, this is a placeholder)

    The Noctwatch is a clock-like item that keeps track of Slime spawn rates, when phantoms will spawn, and the phase of the moon.

    It has two main sections:

    • The top part tracks phantoms and is divided into three parts - one part for each night you've stayed up in a row. One section lights up green for each night, and all three parts are lit up when you've stayed up for 3+ nights. Phantoms spawn only when all three sections are lit up.
    • The green core in the middle (a slimeball) tracks the moon and slimes. Different parts of it light up depending on the moon phase. (note: it tracks what moon phase it's gonna be for the entire day cycle, from sun-up to the next morning, making it not completely useless).

    Just something I've been thinking about for a while, not much. :)


    submitted by /u/Bonhomhongon
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    Posted: 06 Jun 2019 04:46 AM PDT

    It's a marble-andesite like block that is yellow-white in colour, and is found mostly in mountains, and at the bottom of the sea, but may be seen occasionally in flat plains. This is an indicator that the area you're in used to be part of the seafloor a long, long time ago. Mount Everest has limestone in it, meaning it was once part of the seafloor. Put four of limestone together in a crafting table to create a polished version of it. It is mostly used as decoration. Limestone also generates a LOT around and near fossils/bottom of the sea/mountain sides

    submitted by /u/SnowBallEarth43
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    Biome-Based Ore Generation

    Posted: 05 Jun 2019 04:32 PM PDT

    My idea is for there to be more variety on the distribution, generation and rarity of the different types of ores.

    This already kind of exists in Badlands biomes where Gold Ore is common near the surface or in Mountain biomes which is the only place where Emerald Ore can be found. These biomes are some of the most fun and sought-after to mine in due to these reasons, so why not take it a step further and apply this to more biomes? This will give more reason to mine in certain biomes for a certain type of ore.

    For example, want more Iron Ore? Maybe Iron Ore is more common in Savanna biomes.

    While some ore types could be more common in certain biomes, at the same time, some different ore types could be less common in these biomes, although not so much such that it makes starting a new world in these biomes too difficult of course. For example, if Iron Ore is more common in Savanna biomes, maybe Coal and Gold Ore should become less common than what they are in Savanna biomes. But not so much such that it becomes too difficult to obtain these ores for a new player who is starting out in a Savanna biome.

    Here is a full list of every biome and some ideas of how I think ore rarity could be different in these biomes to make mining more dynamic. Of course, these ideas can be tweaked.

    Forest, Birch Forest, Plains, Taiga, Snowy Taiga: Stays the same

    Roofed Forest, Swamp: More Coal at layer 32 and above. However, all other ores all decrease very slightly.

    Desert: More Iron. Decreased Diamonds, Lapis Lazuli and Redstone.

    Badlands: As current, lots of extra Gold at 32-79. To balance this perhaps Coal and Iron should be greatly reduced, and Diamonds and Lapis Lazuli also slightly reduced.

    Savanna: Can generate with Iron on all levels (so also above layer 64 up to 256, but still at the same rarity). This would make mining into Shattered Savannas worthwhile (I've always thought those giant mountains and plateaus that can generate look so cool and the ability to mine into them for Iron could provide a neat challenge). To balance this, Coal and Gold should be reduced.

    Jungle: Increased Coal. Diamond is slightly more common too and can generate up to layer 24 ;) Also why not add Emerald ore to a few other biomes besides Mountains? Iron, Gold, Lapis Lazuli and Redstone is reduced.

    Mountains: As current, Emerald Ore can be found up to layer 32. Redstone and Lapis Lazuli can be found above layer 80 to encourage mining into mountains above ground level (but they are slightly rarer than what they are underground)

    Giant Tree Taiga: Redstone can be found in slightly larger quantities and up to layer 32. Reduced Lapis Lazuli and Gold.

    Snowy Tundra: Lapis Lazuli can be found up to layer 64, being more common between 24-40. Reduced Redstone and Gold.

    Regular, Cold and Frozen Oceans: Lapis Lazuli, Diamonds and Emeralds can be found up to layer 40 (although diamonds are half as common above 16).

    Warm and Lukewarm Oceans: Redstone, Gold and Emeralds are found up to layer 40.

    (Note: I don't think any ores should be decreased in ocean biomes since mining in ocean biomes is pretty difficult due to it being underwater and due to a lot of caves being filled with water. Hence just having ores increased in these biomes will encourage underwater mining)

    Let me know of any other ideas or suggestions!

    Also please support on the Minecraft Feedback website: https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/community/posts/360046250911-Biome-Based-Ore-Generation

    submitted by /u/Cavinator1
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    New nether boss: Ghast King

    Posted: 05 Jun 2019 10:43 PM PDT

    (not sure if this is mobs or dimensions)

    My idea for a nether update: a new boss fight sort of mob, the Ghast King.

    This guy would look sort of like a mix between a ghast, a snake, and a centipede, and be a VERY big mob

    It would fly through the air and it's body would twist through the air behind it like some sort of Chinese dragon.

    The Ghast king has lots of health and can spawn in ghasts to attack the player. He can also shoot fire balls similar to normal ghasts, only he would shoot three at a time before a short cooldown. Alternatively, he could also just shoot one at a time with a special attack consisting of a barrage of many fireballs. (he also has his own creepy scream)

    This boss would only spawn near nether temples, a new building similar to ocean monument, but larger, more open, and with tall towers build of nether brick. nether temples are very rare and are found inside of big soulsand deserts.

    When a player is not around the ghast king just flies around the temple. If it attacks a player, it will follow and attack them unless the player gets far enough away, and he will return to the temple.

    this guy would be a rather tricky boss to beat and should drop some neat stuff and lots o exp

    submitted by /u/k00ji
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    Instead of having phantoms damage you, make them purely aesthetic.

    Posted: 06 Jun 2019 09:01 AM PDT

    Basically, everyone I've talked to hates phantoms. They're a stupid addition they say. I think if the devs wanted to punish players for not sleeping, the phantoms should appear as ghosts/hallucinations that just annoy you instead of damaging you and pushing you off cliffs. This way it can actually be passed off as insomnia-- you've been up for three days and are now hallucinating that there are things out to get you.

    submitted by /u/-hx
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    The Nether should feature biomes other than hell that allude to Dante's Inferno

    Posted: 05 Jun 2019 09:18 PM PDT

    I just think this idea is great, obviously it would need to be PG, but come on, it speaks for itself

    submitted by /u/jacha2k
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    Armour additions (Things to attach to armour)

    Posted: 06 Jun 2019 07:06 AM PDT

    What do you think about there maybe being different variation on the look of armour?

    I think armour just looks very plain and I don't wear half the time because it does not look good.

    An example would be that there could be a block that you could add things to like a helmet such as Horns or a visor.

    This block could also maybe allow you to add a tabard by just putting a banner on the chest plate.

    What do you think?

    submitted by /u/Bubble_Wrap_Ninja
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