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    Minecraft Add Alexs Head to the creative invintory.

    Minecraft Add Alexs Head to the creative invintory.

    Add Alexs Head to the creative invintory.

    Posted: 10 Jul 2019 06:38 AM PDT

    We Already have Steves head but why not add Alexs too? Name them both as "Player Head"

    submitted by /u/Traincraze
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    Mobs at night that will add aesthetic for night time in Minecraft

    Posted: 10 Jul 2019 08:06 AM PDT

    I've been thinking about these mobs for too long and it would be cool incase it would be added to the game. Some may be impossible to be implemented but I'll try to elaborate my ideas to make it more plausible and acceptable into the game.

    I had a lot of mob suggestions but I'll start with my favorite ones which are mobs that will make nighttime in Minecraft more fun and exciting!

    So here are my suggestions:

    1.) Fireflies

    • these mobs would be cool and will develop the aesthetic of the night time of the game. Gosh, just imagine fireflies lighting up the fields and lurking around. it would be sooo darn cute and epic. They should usually spawn at nearby trees and provides minimal lighting. Fireflies will naturally emit fiery lighting (orange and yellow). They may randomly follow and fly around the player and flies away once you swoosh out your sword.

    2.) Wisps

    -another variant of fireflies but is very rare to be spawned and only at certain conditions. They will be color blue. Unlike fireflies, the wisps will have a unique use. Just like in the disney movie Brave, following wisps may guide you to safety or to any place when you are lost or wandering around the lands for long, such as leading you to a nearby village or nearby buried treasures and such.

    3.) Owls

    • At night, owls would be awake and spawn. They hoot and stare at players (plus the fireflies, it would darn be a beautiful nighttime moment). They can be tamed which if they do, they'll carry a mini inventory wherein you can use it to store and deliver items to other players if in case it's multiplayer. It flies when it is your companion but sits at trees if the player stops walking.

    4.) Frogs

    • Well what are the lily pads for in Minecraft? Of course it must be for the frogs! Of course, a night time experience would not be complete without the sound of the frogs! Frogs of course will spawn at lily pad lakes. They always croak and are of course, amphibians that can travel on both land and water. They also have a similar breeding style to turtles but their eggs are not on sand but floating in the water instead. Frogs can be also a source in making potion of leaping.

    5.) Crickets (or just the sound!)

    • Just like the frogs, a night time experience will not be complete without the sounds we always here at night. Especially the CRICKETS OF COURSE. As for crickets, possibility is that, it may not be possible be implemented on the game, because insect mobs would be too small in the eyes of the player, but would be rather be used as a sound effect at night.

    6.) Ghosts

    • this may be creepy and unfit but wandering souls at night is kind of, eeriely wonderful to me. To make it less creepy, ghosts will be a neutral mob. They wander and spawn at forests, or at graveyards (if ever there'll be one as a generated structure). They have this transparent, glowing skin and simultaneously appears and disappears. They also have a breathy, eerie sound effect. But it will have a unique offense ability. When attacked, ghosts will possess you and will trigger a 'possession effect' in you for a few minutes. In this effect, you will not be able to control your player, and will move around on its own. If your in a nearby village, if possessed, it will make your player attack the villagers on its own. The ghost will leave after the effect is done or when morning has come. The only way that will kill this mob is through a Holy Water item from a cleric villager.

    These are the only mobs I want to suggest for now. I know I could add more suggestions but these are the most plausible ones that I thought so far. So tell me guys what you think! Feel free to comment!

    submitted by /u/gemumeku
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    Allow fish to be hung from tripwire hooks (for decoration)

    Posted: 09 Jul 2019 11:17 PM PDT

    Right now for my fishing shack (that I build in every world) I have the tripwire hooks as hooks, AND the fish hanging on the wall in item frames. This is wrong and bad, as seen here: https://imgur.com/a/7xJLbay. I think that the fish with the thin tail part going through the hole in the tripwire hook would look really cool and add slightly more functionality to the tripwire hook, a block with not many uses.

    submitted by /u/nawor_animal
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    More unique Death Messages for mobs!

    Posted: 10 Jul 2019 11:04 AM PDT


    - [player] was poisoned by a pufferfish

    - [player] was being cruel to dolphins

    - [player] was being cruel to pandas

    - [player] was slobbered to death by a llama

    - [player] was mauled by a polar bear

    - [player] was bitten by a spider

    - [player] succumbed to spider venom (cave spider)

    - [player] had their life ended by an enderman

    - [player] betrayed the zombie pigmen

    - [player] was banished by the iron golem

    - [player] got in the way of some wolves


    - [player] got torched by a blaze

    - [player] tried to hug a creeper

    - [player] was cast out to sea by a drowned

    - [player] was starved by a husk

    - [player] was eaten by zombie/zombie villager/baby zombie

    - [player] lost a staring contest with a guardian/elder guardian

    - [player] was swarmed by sliverfish/endermites

    - [player] was trapped in a magma cube

    - [player] was spooked by a phantom

    - [player] was engulfed by a slime

    - [player] was led astray (stray)

    - Skeleton/Wither Skeleton had a bone to pick with [player]


    - [player] was dissolved by the ender dragon (ender acid)

    - [player] was crushed by the ender dragon (melee damage)

    - [player] stood too close to the wither (initial explosion)

    - [player] got skulled by the wither (black skull)

    - [player] got super skulled by the wither (blue skull)

    submitted by /u/AlexSteckline
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    Add more fishable items.

    Posted: 10 Jul 2019 03:24 AM PDT

    There are a fair few items that can be fished, but a few seem to be missing from the pattern.

    For example bows and fishing rods can be fished up, presumably because the hook grabs the string part, so logically it should be possible to fish up crossbows as well.

    Other "junk" items that could be added to expand the range of trash to trawl could be arrows, kelp, sea pickles, leads and spider eyes. These items are fairly useless but new items for fishing competitions are always welcome.

    Other items that should be fishable include a rare chance for coral blocks, to make them renewable, and prismarine shards and prismarine crystals.

    There should also be more biome-dependant items, such as the gold nuggets in mesa biomes suggested here: https://www.reddit.com/r/minecraftsuggestions/comments/bxumps/when_you_use_a_fishing_rod_in_a_mesa_biome_there/

    submitted by /u/nawor_animal
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    Give small exp from harvesting crops

    Posted: 10 Jul 2019 07:56 AM PDT

    Pretty self explanatory, exp can be gained from other methods that don't require killing mobs such as mining ores, fishing, trading, or smelting things. This change would add to the list of "peaceful friendly" exp methods. It would have to be a small amount of exp so it couldn't be abused too heavily. Perhaps to balance it, make it to where bonemeal'd crops won't produce exp or maybe just less exp than letting it grow naturally. Additionally, I think that it should only grant exp if the player themselves harvests the crop, not from a farmer villager or water breaking it. I think this would be a simple change that could give a little more incentive to tend to your crops regularly.

    submitted by /u/WookiesOnWheels
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    On hard mode, items should loose durability whilst your character is on fire

    Posted: 10 Jul 2019 12:05 PM PDT

    Shield Enchantment Ideas and Changes

    Posted: 10 Jul 2019 08:52 AM PDT

    1. Reflectivity: Allows more powerful reflection of arrows to the shield, sending them flying with more force towards where they came from as the levels go higher. Could also block guarding beams effectively (they are laser beams and the enchant is called reflectivity?) At highest levels could make the arrows nearly always return to sender.
    2. Optimized: Allows the player to move faster while blocking.
    3. Steady Hold: Allows weapons to be used at 1/3 the regular speed while the shield is up. (Rare, not compatible with Spiked)
    4. Reinforced: Allows the shield to block more damage, and to absorb fall damage if used while looking down while falling.
    5. Spiked: Allows the shield to be left-clicked with while blocking, inflicting mild knock-back and damage. Knock-back increases with higher levels. (Very rare, not compatible with Steady Hold)

    These enchants are designed around how the shields currently work, but they could use a nerf. Currently it is nearly necessary to use a shield, and they are very powerful for how much they cost. Shields should block little more than arrows and non-critical melee attacks when unenchanted. If they were nerfed then reinforced could bring it up to it's current level of power.

    submitted by /u/nawor_animal
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    Wax candles

    Posted: 10 Jul 2019 02:08 PM PDT

    Similar to sea pickles, but used on land. Crafted with a torch and wax (which can be add as well).

    Like sea pickles, 4 wax candles can be placed in one block, increasing the light level with each candle.

    submitted by /u/knotawz123
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    Breaking crops with a hoe increases the yield. Enchant with fortune for even more yield.

    Posted: 10 Jul 2019 08:10 AM PDT

    Pretty simple. Currently hoes have a very limited use case as all they're good for is tilling the land. I know that making hoes yield more crops doesn't quite make sense from an irl standpoint but I think it fits in reasonably well for Minecraft especially with how fortune can "create" more of something.

    Essentially it would work like this:

    (using carrots as example)

    By hand: 1-2 carrots

    With hoe: default yield (1-4)

    Hoe with fortune: default yield + fortune bonus chance dependant on level of fortune.

    This would be a subtle change but would make hoes much more useful as a farming tool.

    submitted by /u/WookiesOnWheels
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    Spider temple + raid

    Posted: 10 Jul 2019 10:46 AM PDT

    Id like to have a huge web temple or something similar to the temples found in jungles, but will look like the pillager's tower. (most likely found in jungles) and have the "raid" situation whenever you get closer to the temple. When the raid starts, just like the village raid, a-lot of spiders will come for you for about 3 or 4 rounds. Because theres no further types of spiders, the first round can be normal spiders and the second one can be spiders with skeletons riding them (or zombies) the third one can be poisonous spiders, and the last round can have a new special spider hopefully created for this kind of raid (will be ether bigger then the normal spider or be extremely effective.), id love for it (the new spider) to spawn only in the spider temples OR rarely in places in distant biomes. The temple will be very difficult to ether get in or find things inside because of the web. Just like jungle temples id love for it to have traps too but i do feel like traps AND web might get very annoying to the player. Maybe the traps can include arrows/poisonous arrows only and not TNT. The sound of the spiders will eventually get ether louder or scarier (new spider sounds, temple will include deep cave sounds or new scary sounds created specifically for this specific temple). The temple will include 3 chests in three different places in it but there will be no need to DIG actual blocks, only to remove traps and web. A nice thing that i would like to have as an option is a crafting table, a lantern , a furnace somewhere in the temple to show as if there were people in the temple before the player searched it. A secret thing id like to have as well is that in one of the chests OR together with the abandoned things that I've talked about before, is a book that has something written in it from the previous "survivor" it will include a short sentence, that will be something similar to a persons last words before he eventually dies. Example, "My days are slowly coming to an end, i cant leave the temple because of the cruel spiders. Im so hungry, i hope help will eventually come..." something a but dark or not as dark, just interesting. Another option is to have a treasure map instead of the book. But i feel like the book will add much more to the experience of raiding the temple, and each temple should have a different writing in the books.

    The temple will be made out of "chiseled stone bricks, cobblestone, cob web, cracked stone bricks, infested mossy stone bricks, infested stone bricks," (for now.)

    future additions might be added soon.

    Example of the temple will be posted soon as well.

    submitted by /u/Blakes191
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    Stonecutter Should Turn Stone Block Into a Multiple Buttons

    Posted: 10 Jul 2019 02:22 PM PDT

    Just upgraded. Was surprised 1 stone block = 1 button on the new stonecutter. I don't really care how many it gives so long as it's several of them. Like, 4 or 6 at least.

    I mean, 1 stone = 2 slabs or 1 stair but 1 stone only = 1 button? Nah.

    Sorry if this has been suggested before but I looked through the first and second page and FPS and didn't see it.

    submitted by /u/RPG_dude
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    One ship per map should have a wheel at the helm that you can pick up and use as decoration in your home/base.

    Posted: 10 Jul 2019 08:49 AM PDT

    It would be a great achievement to find this and you could show it off to all your friends!

    submitted by /u/sailorlun
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    Posted: 10 Jul 2019 08:51 AM PDT

    Eagles would be new bird-mobs. I think they would add this because Minecraft doesn't have much birds in the game (they only have Parrots and Chickens right now).

    Spawning: In the wild, Eagles will spawn in Extreme Hills biomes.

    Variations: There would be 2 variations of Eagles, Bald Eagles and Golden Eagles.

    Behaviour: Eagles are neutral mobs, if you hurt an Eagle, it will attack you. Eagles will deal about 1.5 hearts of damage on Normal difficulty. Eagles will mostly attack Cod, Salmon, and small mammal-mobs, but at other times they can attack other mobs like Llamas and Creepers. Eagles will mostly fly and soar through the sky (using the same flying animation as a Phantom), but sometimes they can walk on the floor or sit down.

    Taming: You can tame Eagles with Raw Cod, Raw Salmon and other raw meat (except for Tropical Fish and Pufferfish). When you tame an Eagle you get the advancement 'Falconer'. You can make a tamed Eagle sit or stand. Tamed Eagles will sometimes perch on your shoulder like a Parrot. Tamed Eagles will protect their owner from monsters.

    Drops: Eagles will drop 1-2 Feathers on death, and will also drop 1-3XP (only when killed by a Player or tamed Wolf).

    submitted by /u/mikailafridi
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    Quick question

    Posted: 10 Jul 2019 11:56 AM PDT

    Is this an official subreddit? Does mojang look through this? If not do any of you know one where they do(if there is one) Thanks

    submitted by /u/YuB-Fan1
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    Typhoons, cloudy skies, and heavenly phenomenas

    Posted: 09 Jul 2019 11:31 PM PDT

    Hey guys! I just wanna share you my suggestions, this time, for the weather system of the game. I know some of these maybe impossible but you can discuss with me how will this may or may not be implemented in the game and talk about what certain adjustments to be made to make it acceptible to Mojang. I'm kinda wanting to contribute to the game too you know, since we all love Minecraft.

    So here are my suggestions:

    1.) Typhoons

    • a natural phenomena that cause heavy rains, winds and thunderstorms. It can cause animals and villagers and such to fly away or get pushed unless it is sheltered inside a strong structure. It also causes crops to disappear as well, which can add some challenge into the game. I am not sure tho how Mojang might implement this but I am eager to add the game another type of weather condition to make it more exciting.

    2.) Winds

    • this one can be a bit hard since winds can be quite contradictory to how the sturdy and unmoving things are in Minecraft. But I just wanted them to add like a windy type of weather where it can make certain things move in the game such as trees, grass, and mobs (just like how the sea grass is animated and moving in the water). If not, maybe just some windy animation to it like leaves flying around and some wind curl animations plus windy sounds to make it appear windy. Plus, I wish winds would also cause some phenomena at the mobs, for example:

    a.) sheeps losing their wool and become naked which would be soo funny

    b.)shooing off phantoms and make them fly away if it becomes windy at night

    c.) causes villager to become immobile and would hardly move unless inside the house.

    3.) Cloudy skies

    • cloudy skies do exist in Minecraft already but only when it rains. What if it only gets cloudy only first before raining to give the player a sign that it will rain? Or maybe there's no reason to add this at all? But skies getting dim for a while can be quite realistic and exciting tho.

    4.) Shooting stars and meteor showers

    • would be sooo adorable if it does happen! To make it more interesting, this phenomena will only happen at certain times if a player did something that will trigger this.

    5.) Moon halos

    • would love to see something like this too! It would be sooo cool even if it only happens at a very rare moment.

    6.) Red moon

    • just like what we always wanted to see in reality, I wish they'd implement this too in the game. Only at a rare occurence, the skies will be kinda red as well to add some eerie effect to it.

    So that's what I can only suggest for now when it comes to weather. I thought of this because seeing phenomenas like this adds some beauty in the weather system of the game. I was thinking of adding seasons too but I know this is too impossible for Minecraft. Tell me guys what you think!

    submitted by /u/gemumeku
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    There should be an item like the redstone lamp that uses a different colored texture depending on the strength of the redstone current it’s receiving.

    Posted: 10 Jul 2019 11:51 AM PDT

    Perhaps it could be crafted with quartz or colored glass in a variation of the normal redstone lamps recipe, or by surrounding one with quartz

    submitted by /u/HeaterTheYeeter
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    Skeletons Mage, Swordman, and skeleton Lord

    Posted: 10 Jul 2019 09:54 AM PDT

    About skeleton, it's quiet boring having only skeleton archer, so it would be cooler to add new skeleton class:

    The mage skeleton can hurl an explosion near the player and give strength II and Speed II to nearby skeletons.

    The swordman skeleton have commonly stone sword and a leather hat to an upgraded version to have an iron sword, a shield and a full iron armor pack, and their attack is to stun the player with their sword.

    The skeleton Lord Is the rarest, he can spawn in alone guiding a folks of skeleton (from 10 to 30) his folk has 4 mages in total, 3 or 10 archer in the back and the other made of swordmens, about The lord, he is bigger (the same size as a wither skeleton) and have as a weapon, the dragonbane (a weapon that can be found held by the lord ONLY that deals 10 damage and give the burn effect for 10 seconds) and he wear a full iron armor and isn't scared of wolves, and if you kill the lord, you can choose to give mercy or death to the skeleton

    Mercy: you can now trade with them, command them, and order them to build a village.

    Death: now all the skeletons will fear you, like you were a wolf.

    submitted by /u/BetaArmageno
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    New feature about zombies

    Posted: 10 Jul 2019 11:17 AM PDT

    This new feature is about zombie and its variants. The baby zombie, husk, and drowned can grow and become adult. Instead of ride a chicken the husk ride a rabbit and the drowned ride a fish. When they grow, the zombie crush to death his chicken. The husk do the same thing with his rabbit. The fish of the drowned would sink because of the weight of his rider.

    submitted by /u/AzurusXXVIII
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    Short stories in books

    Posted: 09 Jul 2019 11:08 PM PDT

    I think it would be cute/cool if there were random books you could find in chests in the game that have short stories written in them that pertain to Minecraft.

    It would be awesome if every month there was a contest and the top 10 get to rotate in as random books for that month.

    submitted by /u/TheDerpofYork
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    Journals and Journeys

    Posted: 10 Jul 2019 07:07 AM PDT

    While the concept of treasure maps are quite fun, there's a lot that needs to be improved.

    To make treasure chests more satisfying to find, they should have little setpieces based off where they're found. Nothing to big or fantastical, but just a small bit of decoration.


    A similar idea to the Treasure Map which could be added is "The Journal" which would spawn special mobs which have spawning properties like the Wandering Trader. These mobs can range anywhere from ghast sized dragons which are neutral to hostile giants which are around double the size of endermen.

    These journals can be found in the same places as treasure maps. Journals can be opened and contain a picture of a mob and enchantment table text.

    The Journal's possible Texture


    Finally, to take old structures which don't have much of a purpose anymore and breathe new life into them, both treasure maps and journals should be found in structures like igloos, desert wells, and witch huts.

    submitted by /u/howlinginkfires
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    Dispenser in minecart

    Posted: 10 Jul 2019 02:38 PM PDT

    A minecart with a dispenser. When activated by a powered activater rail, it will act like a normal dispenser. It can shoot arrows, drop items,and can place water, lava and primed tnt.

    submitted by /u/knotawz123
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    Cat and dog armor

    Posted: 10 Jul 2019 04:04 AM PDT

    Minecraft should add armor for cats and dogs

    submitted by /u/SomaliaMan48
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    Moon Cycle

    Posted: 09 Jul 2019 10:11 PM PDT

    This is my first post, so I hope I'm using the right flair. Basically, I thought that the moon cycle was due for a update. We already have new and full moons that affect spawn rates, so why not take it a step farther? For example:

    Blood Moon: Every 7 cycles of the moon, the moon will go red, indicating a blood moon event. During these events hostile mobs would have higher detection rates, attack damage, and health. I was thinking their eyes would go red, and they would spawn more frequently.

    Harvest Moon: Every 5 cycles the moon would tint orange, signalling the harvest moon. During this period all crops yield more, and hostile mobs are all neutral.

    Eclipse: Every 10 cycles the sun will blot out, meaning that an eclipse has started. During these events, mobs will spawn, and 4 minutes of daytime will be lost to the event.

    New Item: I was thinking that this mechanic would bring around either a calendar, or an almanac. They would both function similarly, telling when things would happen.

    New Villager: This could also bring around a new villager, The Astronomer! He would trade the monthly almanac, clocks, calendars, and compasses.

    Tell me what you think in the comments!

    submitted by /u/ConfusedMan148
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