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    Minecraft Cricket noises?

    Minecraft Cricket noises?

    Cricket noises?

    Posted: 11 Jul 2019 06:02 AM PDT

    I was thinking maybe a small, additional sound to the game like cricket noises to make the atmosphere more realistic

    submitted by /u/EmmA-XXXX
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    Better shipwrecks

    Posted: 11 Jul 2019 05:56 AM PDT

    The shipwrecks in Minecraft are very very very cool, but needs a rework.

    Different sizes and models of the ships. Maybe some ships are small boats only containing a chest with some fish and iron, or a giant viking ship with armor gold and weapons (These would of course be very rare and only spawns in ice berg biomes). Maybe a pirate ship wich has the best loot out of all the different ships and barrels instead off chests, but is guarded by Drowned wielding axes, swords and pickaxes (maybe even a eye patch haha).

    My point is that shipwrecks could be a challenge but more rewarding...

    submitted by /u/joboms
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    Just a small cute addition

    Posted: 11 Jul 2019 11:30 AM PDT

    It would be great if there was a chance for any slime with the size above 0 if a size 0 slime could spawn riding top of it, same goes for magma cubes...

    submitted by /u/recordingmouse
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    Magma should emit light due to heat

    Posted: 11 Jul 2019 12:14 PM PDT

    I mean, look at it! Doesn't the texture tell you something? It needs to emit light (approx. 8 or 5 or 13) because it's very hot.

    submitted by /u/SnowBallEarth43
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    Make Villagers actually work and horrible people are punished.

    Posted: 11 Jul 2019 01:49 PM PDT

    Fletchers wander around the outskirts of the village and shoot animals and go collect the meat. They also shoot the player if they are found attacking another Villager or attack the fletcher.

    Fishermen have watering holes connected to their houses and fish with an actual fishing rod.

    Nitwits can be seen acting clumsy: tripping, falling on their face, other Villagers try to avoid interacting with them besides other nitwits. Perhaps in the rare event that non-nitwits interact with them they may get annoyed and may get into a "fight" (involving occasional punches from both sides until one Villager is below a certain amount of health (50% maybe) Villagers watch the fight if they are nearby. Priests try to break up the fight by walking in between the Villagers fighting.

    Farmers already work, but maybe they can use the composters and when they have bonemeal in their inventory they use it on nearby crops that are not fully grown.

    Unemployed Villagers often go to working Villagers to talk as if they're asking for advice and trying to get a job.

    Priests play with their Brewing Stands, placing things in them and taking them out and occasionally brewing potions. They occasionally go to the plaza (place with the bell) to "preach" and break up fights between nitwits and other Villagers.

    Weaponsmiths can be seen spinning their grinding stones with swords and axes.

    Wandering Traders outside of villages, walk forwards as if they have somewhere to go until they are near a player, then they stop walking. When in villages if it is night and there is an unoccupied bed in the village they will sleep in it rather then using an Invisibility potion (they drink them at night, which is currently in the game, though mobs still target them). They interact with nearby Villagers and maybe trade with them before passing the village and continuing to walk.

    Children may be seen tripping much like nitwits do.

    Armourers Are seen near their blast furnaces holding any piece of armour higher then leather. They may occasionally smelt small amounts of iron ore in the furnace and put coal in it when needed.

    Butchers cook meat in the smokers and add coal when needed. They will continue to cook until there is no more raw meat in their inventory.

    Cartographers can be seen holding feathers (as if they're quills), maps, paper and compasses near their tables. They also wander around the outskirts of the village holding paper or a map as if mapping the area.

    Leatherworkers fill and empty cauldrons, often holding dyes and leather clothing.

    Librarians "check" bookshelves by walking up to them (which they already do in the current version of the game) and also place written books (with 1 or 2 tips for survival Minecraft or very short stories or poems) on the lectern and take them off after "reading them" (standing in front of them looking down at the lectern).

    Masons place and break stone related blocks on the blocks on top of their stone cutters. Villagers cannot be employed by a stone cutter with a block directly above it.

    Shephards sheer nearby sheep and hold wool and string near looms.

    Toolsmiths hold tools near their tables.

    Theft: If a player takes something from something that a Villager is using, like a potion out of a brewing stand that is being used by a priest, then bad gossip will be spread of the player and they will be given higher prices on trades.

    Fights: If the player is so hated by villagers (killed multiple villagers, punches them, steals from them) then Villagers will refuse to trade until a few days of no negative activity from the player when they will allow trading again with very high prices. If the player continues to abuse the Villagers they will attack the player. Iron Golems owned by villagers will attack the player, fletchers will shoot the player with bows, weaponsmiths will use swords and act like a Vindicator, butchers will use axes much like Vindicators, priests will throw potions like a witch and other Villagers will punch the player. The Hero of the Village buff will be lost if the Villagers cease trading. Nitwits will run away from the player if the player is at the point that they are no longer welcome in the Village.

    Fight back: Fletchers, butchers, weaponsmiths and priests will fight Illagers if they hurt them, the player (if they have a good reputation or Hero of the Village buff or another Villager.

    Church: On some days, in Villages with a church, all the Villagers exept for nitwits will go to the nearest church and gather inside it for the day instead of working.

    submitted by /u/AmISteve
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    When you hold a Clock in your Hand, or in an Item Frame it should make ticking noises

    Posted: 11 Jul 2019 09:05 AM PDT

    More mini bosses

    Posted: 11 Jul 2019 01:26 PM PDT

    So, i consider the elder guardian a mini boss and i think there should be more of them. Like, one for every major biome (plains, desert, savahna, taiga, snow biome, mooshroom islands, jungle...)

    Where they could appear:

    For the dark forest, desert and jungle there are already a mansion and pyramids where the bosses could appear. In the snow biome there could be like a giant igloo or something where the boss could spawn. For the mooshroom islands maybe like a giant mushroom house or idk. And i`m not really sure abour the forest, taiga, savahna, plains, swamp...

    What could the bosses be:

    Desert - Pharaoh Mummy

    Jungle - Some kind of stone statue or something

    Snow biome - Giant snow golem thing

    Mooshroom Islands - Giant mushroom

    Plains - The giant zombie

    The Dark Forest - Illusioner (maybe buffed a bit)

    Taiga, savahna, forest... - Giant tree monster

    Smamp - Slime king

    That`s all i have

    submitted by /u/ChocoFu
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    Posted: 11 Jul 2019 12:23 PM PDT

    Just look them up in images. Would be beautiful to see venus comb shells and conches like irl. Conch shells could be used as trumpets as well as decoration. These blocky seashells are small like their real counterparts, and can be picked up by breaking them (instant break time)

    submitted by /u/SnowBallEarth43
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    Mariana Trench

    Posted: 11 Jul 2019 12:18 PM PDT

    A deeper than normal trench underwater. It contains more magma blocks than normal, and has lots of drowned. Light levels are close to zero, and you may see bedrock at times in the seafloor. Soulsand generates in this trench.

    submitted by /u/SnowBallEarth43
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    Make shipwrecks in cold biomes look like longboats.

    Posted: 10 Jul 2019 04:34 PM PDT

    I just think it'd be really cool if the shipwrecks in cold places looked like viking longboats.

    submitted by /u/Your_Boy_Mr19045
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    Crafting logs and/or leave into paper

    Posted: 11 Jul 2019 02:03 PM PDT

    It happens in real life, so why not in Minecraft? Also makes the hassle of starting a new sugarcane farm just for paper non existent

    submitted by /u/Siebiscut
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    Nether Gold ore & The Nether Mines

    Posted: 11 Jul 2019 12:34 PM PDT

    There should be a nether version of the gold ore. That'd explain where the Pigmen get all their gold from. They would get angry if you try to mine it in front of them.

    The first part isn't that original of an idea, but there's also a second part:

    Nether Mines:

    The Nether Mine would be a new structure in the Nether. It's a giant crater with stairs and walkways going all around it.

    It would be based on the IRL open-pit style mines.

    The walls of the mine are full of gold ore, and sometimes even gold blocks. Maybe you would even see the Pigmen mining it with their gold pickaxes (which could just be an animation, but they would't actually mine it, like in Skyrim).

    There's also buff looking 2.5 blocks high Pigman guards that have full golden armor, and they are constantly patrolling the area.

    Also vote on feedback.minecraft if you like this idea

    submitted by /u/Mac_Rat
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    Posted: 11 Jul 2019 02:37 PM PDT

    Oysters should be very rare mobs that spawn in the Deep Ocean Ravines with no natural predators. They produce pearls every 10 in-game days. Pearls can be used to trade with villagers, or you can craft Pearl Blocks with them, they produce light and look like white Sea Lanterns. Standing near one (3 block radius) will give you Speed I. Killing a Oyster will give you XP and some random corals.

    submitted by /u/GameProPie
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    Charms that can be equipped similar to the aether

    Posted: 11 Jul 2019 11:44 AM PDT

    Here me out, before shields were added I'm sure on would argue "oh that's stupid we already have enough slots" if someone talked about an offhand slot.

    This is the same at heart. It'd take getting used to but it would overall be positive

    You can put on different charms that can be obtained from different dungeons which effect the frequency of drops and random events, for instance maybe pillager bases have a rare chance of having charms that would ranomly start raids when you enter villages, or guardians have charms that attract drowned and make trident drops more common

    The charms do not provide protection but take damage just like armor whenever you get hit. They cannot be repaired. Perhaps the totem of undying can take up a charm spot

    submitted by /u/steakandwater
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    Smoke Grenades

    Posted: 11 Jul 2019 01:53 PM PDT

    I think Minecraft should have a way of temporarily blinding your opponents for a few seconds. This could be in the form of some kind of smoke grenade or flashbang. These could be crafted using one of the items that come in the form of a dust or powder, for example, glowstone dust could be used to make a small flashbang which upon being thrown, it gives the player blindness but instead of blackness in the areas that players could not see, it could be white-ness. These could also be launched from crossbows, but with a large amount of drop as a result of their weight.

    Edit: King Prageegee says that 'smoke grenade' or 'flashbang' are names that sound to modern. Any suggestions?

    submitted by /u/General-Dragonfly
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    Fix Zombie Raids

    Posted: 11 Jul 2019 06:07 AM PDT

    First of all stop them from spawning in light randomly. There is no way to defend against them, they are often enough to overwhelm iron golems. It is simply ridiculous to encourage players to build up and protect villages and the villagers within them with the new update. The addition of predictable, controllable and fair(ish) raids are a stark contrast to the random, uncontrollable and unfair "zombie sieges." The zombie sieges are a half-baked feature that currently acts as if it is designed to punish players who decide to keep a natural-ish village, instead of bricking off villagers.

    At the very least the zombie siege should be light dependent, or have a specific trigger like the bad omen status. A step further could be to develop the zombie sieges to be more similar to an actual siege, i.e having the player willingly call forth the zombie siege at great effort to the player when they and the village are ready, and have the zombies attempt to trap and cut off the players, perhaps with sheer numbers and more weapons/armour. The zombies could even have zombie horses.

    TLDR: Zombie sieges are unfair and need to be fixed, developed or removed.

    submitted by /u/nawor_animal
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    Fix the absolutely destroyed villager AI

    Posted: 10 Jul 2019 09:41 PM PDT

    Okay, so Minecraft got a real improvement to the AI of villagers in the new update, right? Well, not exactly. See, Java Minecraft got an improvement.

    But over here in Bedrock... well, let's just say that calling it Artificial Intelligence is a MASSIVE stretch.

    Why? Well, the reason I'm making this post is that the villagers I've bred and cured in my longhouse (worked for 30 hours+ on this project) have finally done it. They've pushed me over the edge of rage quitting. How have they done this? Simple. They can't do anything pertaining to jobs correctly.

    Want to find a way to a job station? Oops, looks like there's no perfectly straight path with only air in the way to the station. Guess it's just impossible to get there!

    Want to keep your profession? Well too bad, cause the new guy decided it's his now. This is a bigger problem, as it completely prevents the higher level villagers (yes, it prioritizes the lowest possible level villager when they both want one station cause somebody was probably drunk while coding) from ever refreshing their trades.

    Also, villagers will never accept when they don't have a job. Even when I BREAK THEIR STATION FOR AN ENTIRE DAY. I have NEVER traded with them, just to be clear. On the topic of not accepting the fact you don't have a job, they'll get angry at the player when they can't reach the job station... that's not for their profession... and is 60 blocks underground... even though they already have perfect access to an unoccupied (but when did occupation ever stop them) station fitting their job... WTF?!

    Finally, they have started stealing my house. They swam across the river, got past the bamboo and berries, and started coming in and spawning golems when zombies came nearby. Now there are over ten villagers clogging up my once beautiful house, getting pissed because they can't reach the floating smithing table and cook their fish on it, and making bodyguards so I can't kill them.

    Whoever wrote the code for this needs to be fired immediately. I'm serious. This is huge incompetence. Is it a bug? Well, then that should've been fixed before. I'd honestly be not too hurt if they just removed villagers for a few months while the devs fill in the hole they dug themselves into.

    Now somebody better fix these damn testificates before I burn my whole house down.

    submitted by /u/RockHopperSSM
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    A bat should spawn upon a witch's death.

    Posted: 10 Jul 2019 04:53 PM PDT

    The title is self explanatory. If you kill a witch, a bat will spawn on it's 'corpse'. It adds that dark magic feel to it and would be pretty cool.

    submitted by /u/DarkPandaLord
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    Wasteland Biome

    Posted: 10 Jul 2019 06:49 PM PDT

    A roughly flat Biome decorated with leafless charred oak trees, dead bushes/shrubs, and a top layer of coarse dirt, with podzol patches and clumps of monster stone lying on the surface.

    Charred Oak These new logs could be made into Charred Oak Planks, Fences, Fence Gates, Stairs, Slabs, trapdoors, signs, and doors. They would be 25% weaker and easier to break than normal wood, wither flowers could be placed on these, and no matter the light level, mushrooms as well.

    Decorations Scattered throughout the Biome will be dead bushes, monster stone clumps similar to mega taiga, occasional charred oak trees, lakes, and Wells.

    Mobs Husks, donkeys, and some livestock will be found throughout the Biome, along with the monsters at night.

    Cave Systems. Like mesas, abandoned mineshafts will be more common, and you will find redstone in more veins at a closer to the surface, you'll commonly find crevices and exposed caves. Teardrop caves will be less common.

    submitted by /u/tesAbstrakt
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    Death Indicatoin thingy

    Posted: 11 Jul 2019 06:17 AM PDT

    Hi r/minecraftsuggestions Im sure Im not the only one who dies in minecraft, especially in hard to navigate, or dense environments (Jungles, Forests) and I want the glorious devs to add one simple thing...

    Some sort of death indication, By this I mean that when you die, the place where you last died is marked by somthing, maybe a temporary beacon beam, or marker on a map...

    IK this isn't a original idea but I just died, and I can't find my loot, and its 1AM and I want to blow my brains out. Anyways, I believe mimecraft needs somthing like this

    -A sort-of angry minecraft player..

    (You could argue that I could of been more cautious with my inventory, but sometimes you make misakes)

    submitted by /u/edgy_bat
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    Portable Jukeboxes

    Posted: 11 Jul 2019 01:55 AM PDT

    As the title suggests, portable jukeboxes would make a great addition. The audio range on a standard jukebox is very small, so you cannot travel while listening to the disc. However, like a fishing rod, if you are holding a portable jukebox and have a disc loaded, then you can play the associated song on the go.

    submitted by /u/Segoe_
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    Even more ambient sounds.

    Posted: 11 Jul 2019 03:47 PM PDT

    The last couple of days the idea of cricket sounds at night has gotten quite popular. I've come up with a few suggestions of my own, which will add to the feel of minecraft

    -Owl making owlsounds (hoothoot) at night in the forest biomes, and youll hear little tweets throughout the day

    -When there is a thunderstorm happening and you're in a snow biome you'll hear an icey wind, like some sort of blizzard

    -General jungle sounds in junglebiomes, like cracklink twigs, birds, and ever so often a monkey/snakesound

    -Sometimes, on the savana, youll hear a bug crawling

    -In the desert an eagle screaching from time to time

    Still a bit unsure about the monkeys though, they would be quite big and would be better as a mob.

    submitted by /u/henkdemegatank
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    A bigger pot for taller flowers

    Posted: 10 Jul 2019 10:29 PM PDT

    It would look like a composter (many no fully block-sized tho) but with same texture as normal pots and filled with dirt. Right-clicking on it with a tall flower (peony, rose, etc...) will plant it just like a regular pot.

    submitted by /u/Ornithorink
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