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    Minecraft Pouring lava on concrete powder turns it into the same colour glass

    Minecraft Pouring lava on concrete powder turns it into the same colour glass

    Pouring lava on concrete powder turns it into the same colour glass

    Posted: 08 Jul 2019 11:52 AM PDT

    Think about it for a second, right? When you pour water it solidifies so why wouldn't lava melt/ turn it into glass, Same with pouring lava on sand turns it into clear glass

    Sorry if this has been posted I didn't bother checking

    submitted by /u/StarlexYT
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    A Roaming option for pets

    Posted: 08 Jul 2019 08:02 AM PDT

    As it currently stands, we have the option for pets to either follow us around, or sit in one place.

    I think it would be nice to have a third option, which allows the pet to wander around and explore, like they do when they are wild. It would make houses a bit more lively, and give the pets something to do instead of effectively just being statues 90% of the time.

    It might be a good idea to restrict their area of movement though, so they don't wander away and get lost. Like maybe make it so they never travel more than 30 blocks from where you set them to roam.

    submitted by /u/Silveruchu
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    Old Man in the Sea

    Posted: 08 Jul 2019 10:26 AM PDT

    A half baked idea I had where basically in the water you could find a villager in a boat fishing by himself. He'd offer simple trades and you could kill him for some fish. Not very useful but I think it'd add nice flavor.

    submitted by /u/tom51turkey
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    Change the death message ‘Player was slain by an Evoker Fang using magic’ to ‘Player was bitten by an Evoker Fang’.

    Posted: 08 Jul 2019 03:51 AM PDT

    Evoker Fangs can't do magic! So I want this death message changed.

    submitted by /u/mikailafridi
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    When concrete powder (item) is dropped into water it should turn into concrete

    Posted: 08 Jul 2019 07:28 AM PDT

    instead of having to place down powder it should be turned into concrete once it touches water, like how raw meat used to turn into cooked meat when dropped in fire (doesn't work anymore)

    submitted by /u/hatul_adom
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    Some swamp stuff

    Posted: 07 Jul 2019 10:10 PM PDT

    1. Light sources placed in a Swamp biome and variants will emit unique particle effects at night, resembling insects swarming around it.

    2. Fireflies spawn at night, which can be collected into bottles for a new decorative light source.

    3. Ambient sounds like frogs croaking and crickets chirping can be heard at night.

    4. Lily pads have stems that extend down into the water, and must be planted there to grow. They also spread similar to mushrooms.

    submitted by /u/LordSaltious
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    Shooting an arrow through a nether portal should light the arrow on fire.

    Posted: 08 Jul 2019 01:42 PM PDT


    submitted by /u/Corndog53
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    Flying Banner by Hand

    Posted: 08 Jul 2019 12:48 PM PDT

    I simply though that it would be nice for banners to appear full-size and forward facing when held by a player, so that it can be seen be other players, not unlike the way a military flag bearer may hold his country's flag in a parade or an international exercise.

    Also, MutantOctopus has suggested that one should be place it in the helmet slot to wear it on his/her head, like a pillage patrol leader.

    submitted by /u/General-Dragonfly
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    Soundtracks determined by the events happening

    Posted: 08 Jul 2019 08:24 AM PDT

    Sounds right now are really out of place, you could be fighting a horde of zombies then all of a sudden a pillager raid happens at the same time and someone nearby summons the wither. Then all of a sudden the most peaceful music comes on. It's in fact really annoying

    I think different environments should play different music, and they'd fade into different songs over the course of 10 seconds. For instance you're in a Forrest at night, spooky music will be playing like maybe that one cracked disc, but if you leave to enter the desert, maybe the music would be more Egyptian themed, if you enter a desert temple it'll become straight up sounding like something scary is about to happen, and if you enter a Mesa maybe it'll play old western music

    You catch where I'm going with this? Such a mechanic would really spice up the game. But let's take this a step further

    You can hear different ambient noises at different times of day depending on the mobs and blocks nearby. For instance maybe if you have lots of chickens near your house you could hear roosters crowing a couple seconds after you wake up, or if you are in a forest you can hear birds chirping. In an abandoned mineshaft you can hear mining which really make it feel haunted

    submitted by /u/steakandwater
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    White concrete shouldn't require dye

    Posted: 08 Jul 2019 09:44 AM PDT

    In real life, you don't need to dye concrete to get it somewhat white. So what's the deal? I don't want to have to make a mob farm just for concrete...

    submitted by /u/Y1ff
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    More mobs should be able to drop their heads.

    Posted: 08 Jul 2019 11:48 AM PDT

    Here's the list of new heads:

    • Husk Head
    • Drowned Head
    • Zombie Pigman Head
    • Zombie Pigman Skull
    • Stray Skull
    • Enderman Head
    • Snow Golem Head
    • Wither Head
    • Spider Head
    • Cave Spider Head
    • Blaze Head

    Zombie Pigmen can drop a head if an adult, or a skull if a baby. Withers can drop up to all 3 of their heads.

    I think the head behavior for these mobs should be the same as Wither Skeletons, where they have a 2.5% chance of dropping their head if killed by a player, or a 100% chance of dropping it if blown up by a Charged Creeper.

    submitted by /u/xXx_LI_xXx
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    "Player Structure of the Month"

    Posted: 08 Jul 2019 12:13 PM PDT

    Every month, a player-made structure is selected for official, but temporary, update to the game.

    The structures generate randomly, much like every other structure.

    The update lasts for a week before the feature is removed and the process is repeated.

    It will be like an event sort of thing, to give builders a challenge and incentive to build more.

    submitted by /u/Takama12
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    The one thing they missed in minecraft 1.14

    Posted: 08 Jul 2019 03:27 PM PDT

    In Minecraft 1.14 We got a LOT of new features, but the ones I'm focusing on, are the new blocks, specifically, the new slabs and stairs. We got diorite, granite, and andesite stairs and slabs. But I think we need stone brick variants of each block. Think of how beautiful a diorite brick underground base would look! Or how epic andesite bricks would look on a castle! Or how nice granite bricks would look in a kitchen! This would be an AMAZING thing to see in 1.15. I would also like if there were stair, slab, and wall variants of these bricks. Maybe even polished and unpolished bricks. These bricks should have a stone brick type texture, not normal brick texture

    submitted by /u/MrBread009
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    A simple animal feeding mechanic (e.g. grass removed when eating and more)

    Posted: 08 Jul 2019 08:26 AM PDT

    This mechanic would make animals physically eat items they feed on:

    • Horses, cows & sheep: When feeding, each animal removes the grass (item) from the grass block
    • Pigs & chicken: Grass block -> dirt block (seeds)
    • Wolves & foxes: Hunting
    • Polar bears: open water source (fish)
    • Domesticated animals: Depending on the space available, the player would need to secure food for them (placing haystack or composter blocks or an having an open area for them to feed on grass and seeds
    • In case of pets (dogs, parrots), the player feeds them manually, dropping them food, putting the item in a feeding bowl (or block that could fufill that purpose) or letting them out to hunt

    Animals would usually feed 3 times a day, surviving 7 days without food before despawning.


    Minecraft doesn't quite give an adequate representation of the farming experience. Real animals need space and they seek fresh grass when feeding.


    • Won't this break automated farms!?
    • To an extent, yes, but those would probably just have to be tweaked a bit (e.g. more space and having food nearby). The new farms would resemble real automated farms more and be less exploitative of animals
    • But Minecraft isn't supposed to be "realistic"!
    • Minecraft is realistic in a lot of aspects of the game, some are underdeveloped and some are altered to make the experience more fun! You have realistic villager interactions from the new 1.14 update, needing to hold your breath underwater, requiring to eat to stay alive, sand and gravel dropping etc. But there are also blocks in mid air, infinite water and countless other examples. It also has to be taken into account Minecraft is a fantasy game.


    • Wouldn't be hard to implement and would impact the gameplay in a meaningful way
    • A better farming experience
    • It would add more depth to the farming aspect of Minecraft. The player would take care of his animals by securing them food, taking them out on a plane and similar. This process could still be automated, even indoors.
    • A positive lesson to the players
    • Mojang has shown in the past they care about the impact the game has on its (younger) audience (parrots and cookies) and I think this change would in the same vein, have a positive impact, teaching them to take care of their real pets.
    submitted by /u/saymanem
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    Posted: 08 Jul 2019 06:57 AM PDT

    The slingshot would be crafted with 4 sticks and 1 string and it would do 2 hearts of damage (or 4 damage points). The ammo would be flint w/or fire charges.

    submitted by /u/Trooper8341
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    Wandering traders

    Posted: 08 Jul 2019 05:20 AM PDT

    I think that wandering traders need improvements. They show up at my house every few days, they never have anything I want to buy and I can't sell them anything. Right now, at least to me, they're just a source of leads and leather. So, I've thought of a few things that could be done to improve the wandering trader:

    -They should sell rare items that you cant find in your game easily, because right now everything they sell is trash. That way you'll look forward to the trader's visits.

    -There should be a system for them coming to your house. For example, if you kill every trader that comes near you, you'll get a status effect and they'll stop showing up until it ends. But if you trade with them a bunch, they'll come to your house often because profit.

    -You should be able to sell stuff to them. They use invisibility potions and buckets of milk regularly, so you should be able to sell them that. They should also buy wheat and meat from you so they can feed themselves and their llamas.

    I think that these things would make wandering traders way better because it would make you feel like they're actual traders: they'll want to buy things they need, they'll come more often to regular buyers and will avoid players who kill them.

    What do you guys think?

    Edit: Here's another post that covers improvements to wandering traders: https://www.reddit.com/r/minecraftsuggestions/comments/caiurl/wandering_trader_hut_and_wandering_trader_overhaul/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app

    submitted by /u/not_originalusername
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    Nether Isle

    Posted: 08 Jul 2019 02:27 PM PDT

    Rarely in the large lava lakes of the nether where usually no soul exists but the looming fireballing ghasts of the nether there exists a sort of nether isle. Their is a entrance that leads into the large cascading halls of a structure similar to the overworlds stronghold. There are "soul mobs" that exist their that attack anything on site. They take the forms of demented overworld creatures and drop soul dew. Their is a large amount of great loot and in the final room of the labyrinth is a wither structure missing only a single head. This labyrinth will be extremely large, hard but at the same time. Rewarding. Only the best can conquer it, but one would need an ender dragon egg to enter or need to teleport in with a chorus fruit to make sure that only experience players can enter it.

    submitted by /u/ColonelColl
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    Make end rods into directional lights.

    Posted: 08 Jul 2019 12:04 PM PDT

    In the direction an end rod is pointing, it releases 3 times a torch's range.

    On the sides, it releases 1.5 times a torch's range, and behind releases half of a torch's worth.

    This felt like a good idea, and would make end rods even cooler/more useful than they already are.

    submitted by /u/TeamSyringe
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    Wandering Miner Villagers!

    Posted: 08 Jul 2019 03:49 PM PDT

    One day, you decide to go spelunking in an old Mineshaft, then suddenly, BOOM! You see a lone villager holding a pick axe wandering the ancient cave systems of Minecraft !

    This boye acts like a normal villager, but with mining-related trades

    E.G you can buy torches, pickaxes, some tnt if you're lucky, and sometimes, just sometimes, a diamond!

    This villager accepts normal emeralds like any other villager, but he/she/it can also accept food & supplies for trade! You can trade tools with them too! (Iron pick for iron shovel, stone sword for stone axe, etc etc)

    And if you wander far enough, they'll disappear like wandering traders.

    And no, they don't drop anything(why'd you wanna kill em anyways?)

    submitted by /u/HeemiLheemey
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    A Climbing pick!

    Posted: 08 Jul 2019 05:57 AM PDT

    These things will allow you to climb up & down on steep walls with ease, and can be used on almost all blocks(netherrack being the block you can't climb on)

    They need 4 iron and 2 sticks to be crafted, and can also be used to mine things too(albeit at a slower speed)

    For every 1 block you climb up, the climbing pick will lose 1 point of durability. 2 points if you used it for mining.

    And to use it, you walk up to a steep wall(E.G giant walls, deep ravines, etc etc) and hold right-click. Doing these will allow you to climb the wall like it's a ladder

    submitted by /u/HeemiLheemey
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    We should add more nether mobs

    Posted: 07 Jul 2019 09:09 PM PDT

    Let's be real. The only reason you go to the nether is for a select few things. I think we should reward players for taking the time to explore the nether more thoroughly. The new mobs could be things like: quartz creature; quartz is a great ore that can be gathered with nothing really stopping you. These mobs will guard it and hit like an iron golem if a player touches it and would drop 2-3 quartz blocks when killed.: alpha ghast; a ghast that has double the health of a regular one, and soots 3 ghast fireballs just like a blaze, they usually travel with at least 2 other ghast, and drop 1 fire charge, and 1 ghast egg. A ghast egg will eventually hatch out a friendly baby ghast the will help you fight by shooting basic fireballs, similar to a blaze.: and finally, Magma Sludge: a very large magma cube like enemy, that would come out of the lava lakes at the bottom of the nether when the player draws near. It will be a boss enemy with the same amount of hit points as the wither. It's attacks include; staying still in the lava for a few seconds and shoot hurtful lava balls, that can be evaded with a fire resist potion; summoning 10 small magma cubes; hopping at the player relentlessly like a normal magma cube. These mobs I feel will bring more purpose to the nether other than just hunting blazes and wither skeletons.

    submitted by /u/raspberrypieboi18
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    /nocheat command

    Posted: 08 Jul 2019 03:49 PM PDT

    The /nocheat command would allow you to turn cheats off once you've turned them on. It would be useful for situations where you teleport yourself to a place and/or give yourself items before you officially start but you don't want to go power hungry with commands afterwards. Alternatively, let us deop ourselves in singleplayer.

    (Yes, I know the L.A.N. method but that's very roundabout an unnecessarily complicated)

    submitted by /u/pac2005
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    Endermen can move blocks if you are hiding

    Posted: 08 Jul 2019 03:03 PM PDT

    If you are hiding under a 2-block high area where the Endermen have no access to, they should be able to move the blocks out of the way to attack you.

    Maybe only blocks they are normally able to pick up, so dirt, clay, gravel and netherrack.

    This would nerf the common cheesing tactic, and make Endermen more challenging in general.

    Vote on feedback.minecraft

    submitted by /u/Mac_Rat
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    Thoughts about changing milk mechanics

    Posted: 08 Jul 2019 09:02 AM PDT

    I've recently figured out that some changes would make the game closer to real life than it is now. And this changes are about milk.

    1. Don't you feel like humiliating a cow when milking her 20 times in 5 seconds? My guess is that cows can only be milked once a gameday, maybe twice if fed up with wheat. Also, you should be able to milk Llamas and sheep, but this will result in less milk (I'll explain below). I think thus animals need some indicators of whether they are ready to be milked or not; maybe their tails, just like the wolves?
    2. Bucket of milk should be divided into 3 stages: full, 2/3 and 1/3. You should not be able to drink the whole bucket - that's too much. Instead, you empty a bucket by 1/3 everytime you combine it with an empty bottle, and this bottle is now filled with milk. You can drink only those, and they are used for crafting cakes (I feel like you should use milk/eggs/both for crafting bread and cookies too, but that's optional). Drinking milk should also refill hunger, like, say, 1 full point. Also, milking sheep and llamas gives you 1/3 of bucket instead of the whole one.
    submitted by /u/mrseemsgood
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