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    Minecraft Using Soulsand in place of Sand in the TNT recipe crafts "Unstable TNT" that explodes when mined.

    Minecraft Using Soulsand in place of Sand in the TNT recipe crafts "Unstable TNT" that explodes when mined.

    Using Soulsand in place of Sand in the TNT recipe crafts "Unstable TNT" that explodes when mined.

    Posted: 14 Jul 2019 05:33 AM PDT

    TNT used to explode when mined. The game even has Block Id's that allow for this. So why not fully add it to the game?

    Imgur Album

    Crafting Recipe

    submitted by /u/AlexSteckline
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    Trident Obtaining Change

    Posted: 14 Jul 2019 11:30 AM PDT

    Currently, Tridents exist solely as a simple drop from Drowned, a variation of the Zombie mob. This is quite weird, as at the time it was introduced structures known as Ocean Monuments existed. Housing difficult mobs, the only reward you get for finishing them is 4 gold blocks and some sponge. *sponge.* It would make a lot more sense that the reward for finishing such big and rare dungeon would be the Trident. It even matches the color theme of it. The weapon could be found in a vault in the heart of the Mounument, or drop in 3 parts from each Elder Guardian.

    submitted by /u/EnvyAv
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    When lightning strikes sand it should create glass in the surrounding area

    Posted: 14 Jul 2019 10:56 AM PDT

    Maybe it could be a special variant that drops quartz when mined.

    submitted by /u/proatomic
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    'Mediterranean' biome and Olive Trees

    Posted: 13 Jul 2019 06:12 PM PDT

    This suggestion encompasses a few things: a new wood and tree type; a new village type; and a special treasure, all in a new biome.

    Firstly, the Olive Tree. This would only generate in the Mediterranean (probably under a different name) biome, which would have a variety of flowers and trees, and, if possible, would generate primarily by the ocean. The bottom of the trunk could be thicker (2 blocks), maybe gnarled if it wouldn't take up too much space, as real olive trees are like this. Olive trees could maybe grow in groves without other trees.

    Here are some possible textures for the logs and planks: http://imgur.com/gallery/MACXo1i

    The olive tree would also grow olives on its leaves, similar to a berry bush, but at a slower rate. When fully grown, these olives can be picked (maybe 1-3 per leaf block?) and eaten, for 1-1.5 full hunger-legs. Their saturation would be higher than sweet berries. After eating olives, they would become a separate item called Olive Pits. These would be planted like saplings, and after about a day, they would become a two block tall Olive Sapling. However, if the pits are planted in a non-temperate biome, they will grow into a Dead Bush instead, encouraging players to travel more. It would also make the Olive Tree unique.

    Here are some possible textures for these things: http://imgur.com/gallery/CBLkNIW

    Villages would also spawn in this biome. They would probably be ancient Phoenician/Greek/Roman themed, with pale brick-roofed houses, something like this: http://imgur.com/gallery/TF7crSb. These villages could also have larger than usual church structures, built like an ancient Greek temple. There could be multiple priests in these temples, and they could contain chests with gold and food (as a sacrifice). If possible, villagers in these villages would also give food to the priests every now and again to sacrifice in the temple. Villagers in these villages would wear things like chitons and togas.

    Shipwrecks in the sea near this biome (maybe a 'Mediterranean Sea' biome?) would be shaped like triremes, perhaps made of oak logs and olive planks. The chief treasure of these triremes would be the Plumed Helmet, which would only spawn in some ships. It could possibly come in red, blue, and gold-plumed varieties, and when put on, would have 'cheek' and 'nose' guards in their respective places, as well as a visible protruding plume. To add a choice in the progression of the game, this would have a durability of about 120 (because it's old), and an armour value of 1 or 2 points out of twenty, but would also be able to prevent arrow damage or all projectile damage (or maybe one of these but only to the head?). Here are some possible textures (the helmet is based off the ancient Greek Chalcidian Helmet):

    Style one: http://imgur.com/gallery/dyDUo6Y

    Style two, more square: http://imgur.com/gallery/imyQxL2

    Finally, something else: in the Mediterranean biome, structures made of a new Marble block would spawn. This would be white, and it would also spawn underground like the other stones (andesite, etc.), but only in this biome.

    TL;DR: a new Mediterranean-style biome with a new village style, an Olive Tree, and a unique helmet, and marble.

    Constructive criticism is welcome, even if it's just saying 'no'.

    u/TheGamerEmerald came up with the trireme part several days ago.

    Edit: Marble could spawn in large chunks, but more spread-out than the other stones. This way, it would be a nice thing to find some, but when you do, you don't have to look for more when you want to build something relatively small.

    Edit 2: u/JoeWehnert said a unique banner pattern could come with it. Maybe the olives can make a tree pattern and the helmet could create a lightning bolt or helmet pattern?

    submitted by /u/SpaceMinecrafter
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    New Fruits based on the biome you're in.

    Posted: 14 Jul 2019 09:55 AM PDT

    These are just some examples . The textures were made by me. They could all be similar to apples, but be found in different biomes. Bananas could be in jungles, and oranges and lemons could be near beaches. A recent post brought up a Meditterranean biome, where you could find grapes.

    submitted by /u/WendayThePotato01
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    Endermen and Teleporting

    Posted: 14 Jul 2019 09:38 AM PDT

    When endermen teleport, it is often rather clunky and looking more like they ran extremely fast to their destination instead of teleporting. My suggestion would be to apply invisibility to endermen in the time it takes for them to reach their destination after leaving their original spot. Also, a small line of end particles could indicate their new whereabouts.

    submitted by /u/Xerinsi
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    Biome Music

    Posted: 14 Jul 2019 08:37 AM PDT

    The idea is simple add a fitting music for every biome in the game. I imagine it would be adjustable
    in the settings. (sry if you are seeing this for the second time, first post got deleted)

    submitted by /u/I_am_toastt
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    Fountain of youth structures and skeleton pirates

    Posted: 14 Jul 2019 10:01 AM PDT

    The fountain of youth would have liquid that looks like water but behaves fundamentally different

    1. When drank/drunk (whatever it is) from a bottle you get regeneration for 10 seconds

    2. Throwing splash potions will return mobs to baby states

    3. Throwing it on mobs that already are babies will keep them babies for 10x as long

    4. You cannot pick it up with water buckets, perhaps the explanation is that anything besides the blocks containing the water will taint it from it's magical properties

    5. Zombies that get hit by it will die, zombie villagers hit by it will have a 20% chance of turning into villagers

    6. You can't spam click with bottles, if you click too much without giving time to regenerate, the source block will turn into regular water

    7. Fountains look like this with only one source block at the very top, clicking the source block is the only way to obtain bottles of it but if you or a mob bathes in the non-source blocks you still get the effects

    8. They're protected by skeleton pirates, skeleton captains have little pirate hats that protect them from burning, but most of them don't and only have eye patches and have to hide in shade. They're totally inactive until you get close. Skeleton pirates also protect buried treasure sometimes

    9. Skeleton pirates with hates can also be found randomly at sea in a boat and they'll start chasing you. Both skeleton pirates can be found in shipwrecks.

    10. The captains with hats have enchanted stone, iron, or gold swords with a chance of dropping. The crew, IE the ones with eyepatches just have crossbows or stone swords that aren't enchanted

    11. The Captain has a chance to drop a treasure map or a signed book that says something corny like "Arrrrgh, yo ho ho" -Captain Bones

    12. The captain and crew are hostile to other groups of pirates if they somehow come into contact with each other, and are hostile to other undead.

    13. Captain can drop their hats about as rarely as wither skeletons drop their skulls. They have the protection of iron helmets, unlimited durability, and cause you to be treated as a pillager. Meaning pillagers won't attack you if you wear one, and you can trade with them, but villagers will run from you and iron golems will attack you.

    14. Crew can drop eye patches slightly more frequently than that, eye patches let you look enderman in the eye without consequence, but do not have any armor protection

    15. Very rarely you can see pirate skeletons with banners and peg legs, these drop a stick when killed (obviously) and their banner. Their banner will has a design that's normally unobtainable, and scares away normal skeletons.

    submitted by /u/steakandwater
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    Charcoal is black dye.

    Posted: 14 Jul 2019 09:26 AM PDT

    Black coloring is just crushed charcoal in real life, so why do we need a weird "wither rose" for black dye?

    Just add charcoal powder. It's simple.

    submitted by /u/PurpleQuartz
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    Soul sand has actual souls in it

    Posted: 14 Jul 2019 01:15 PM PDT

    If you run to fast on it you can hear tiny shrieks if tortured souls. If you put an edible sacrifice on it, it will sink into the soul sand and heart particles will appear. If you kill villagers on it, more particles will appear, if you throw healing potions on it, you can cleans the soul sand until it stops emitting particles.

    Souls are basically tiny face particles that float off of it. By default they rarely show souls.

    You can grief by just filling up souls sand with souls and annoying people while jumping on it, the sound is feint and creepy. Like a ghast scream with the volume turned down

    submitted by /u/steakandwater
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    A unique take on the popular "Curse of Decay":

    Posted: 13 Jul 2019 07:49 PM PDT

    So, there's been a massive amount of posts about a curse that does nothing other than slowly and passively destroying your armor, which I personally find reeeaaally boring.

    So I thought, what if there was some other bit to this curse?

    And that's how I came up with the Curse of Rust.

    It's still a passive decay curse, but it only takes effect in water or rain. This makes it different in one big way:

    It doesn't make the armor completely useless and unreliable.

    Well, that's all I got on that.

    submitted by /u/RockHopperSSM
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    We need way more motivation to have big farms that directly affects the course of the game

    Posted: 14 Jul 2019 09:20 AM PDT

    The problem with most of the crops at this point is that the majority of them are completely useless in large amounts, and/or because useless after achieving a goal (ie enchanting room).

    There needs to be more mechanics that DEMAND the growth of varied crops besides villager trades, because even those can be unnecessary besides getting some good armor.

    Since Minecraft is a fantasy game, I don't think it would be that crazy to introduce new mobs/bosses revolving around farming.

    In the same way that beacons take a ridiculous amount of ores to work at full capacity, there could also be foods or potions that require insane amounts of crops. Maybe a Compactor block that accepts crops and compacts them together into blocks that somehow get utilized later?

    I'm just throwing ideas out there, y'all can brainstorm some more if you want to.

    submitted by /u/TheY0ungButterfly
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    The Conduit damaging things should have better particle effects.

    Posted: 14 Jul 2019 08:38 AM PDT

    The little particles that currently swirl into the conduit look strange, and could benefit from a cooler looking particle effect. The damaging particles for the conduit should also have the white swirls around the conduit, or even have beams shoot from the conduit.

    submitted by /u/nawor_animal
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    Summonable Ghost Nautilus Boss that drops supercharged conduit.

    Posted: 14 Jul 2019 08:37 AM PDT

    Reason for Existing/Foreward

    The ghost nautilus adds more uses to the nautilus shell and by extension the conduit for people who don't want to build sea bases. The ghost nautilus boss would serve as the third boss with a proper boss bar in the game. Neither the wither or ender dragon are common mythological creatures, being original creations for minecraft. Same goes for the ghost nautilus. The charged conduit would allow sky bases or even any land base to benefit from a more powerful conduit.


    Surrounding a conduit with 26 (a full 3*3, with the conduit in the middle) glowstone (or purpur, for a later-game boss) on land would summon the nautilus ghost boss. (This summoning ritual is meant to be like making the nautilus shells in the conduit a new, ghostly shell.)


    It would appear as a transparent nautilus, and would be able to fly through blocks in the overworld, allowing it to be large without having to destroy blocks to move around. It would appear to shimmer like the overlay on a charged creeper. The heart of the sea/conduit would be visible in the center of it.

    The Fight

    The ghost nautilus would be focused only on attacking players, allowing people to fight it in their base without worry of having their base destroyed. The battle against it would be split into 3 stages.

    At stage 1 it would be just a nautilus shell, and would charge at the player and do medium-high damage and knockback.

    At stage 2 it would poke it's head out of it's shell, revealing it's tentacles and eyes. At this stage it would keep it's distance and fire ghostly tentacles that would act alot like tridents, doing similar damage. It would also summon smaller nautilus ghosts, that would fly through the player and deal damage. The mini ghost nautilus would have 5 hearts of health.

    It's 3rd and last stage would have the nautilus shell open even further than a real nautilus, revealing even more tentacles and eyes. At this stage it fires even more tentacles and goes back to charging straight at the player, dealing more damage. On death the ethereal form of the nautilus is sucked back into the conduit at it's core, and the conduit drops to the floor, glowing.


    The ghost nautilus would drop a charged conduit, infused with spectral energy. The charged conduit would be yellow, and glow. The charged conduit could be used to give the player buffs related to the air, perhaps preventing fall damage and giving jump boost in a radius. The charged conduit would need to be surrounded in a fairly expensive block, mabye glowstone again, or even purpur.

    submitted by /u/nawor_animal
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    Slime overhaul

    Posted: 14 Jul 2019 12:40 PM PDT

    Slimes are really annoying and boring as it is so I have some suggestions.

    New combat abilities

    If you get too close to a giant slime, it will absorb you into it slowly at the speed it takes for a player to walk through cobwebs

    When inside the slime the player will get oxygen bubbles and when they run out they suffocate.

    In addition, slimes have a chance to randomly split from full size into many many tiny slimes without going through all the center features

    Lastly, there's a slime slightly larger than big slimes


    There's now slime biomes where water is green. There's random slime blocks and slimes are about as common as they are on super flat worlds.

    These biomes are really rare, like as rare as mushroom biomes

    King slimes

    On the slime biome slimes will merge together very rapidly if the player kills lots of slimes, this will eventually cause slimes to merge past the normal max size which will cause a gigantic slime with a crown hat.

    King slimes have 400 health and fire slime balls at you. They turn water into slime blocks, and will turn into a big slime trying to suffocate you if they hit you, in addition to dealing 1 base health. The slime balls fired will randomly rotate between inflicting slowness, blindness, or weakness.

    Slowness will cause your player model to have a thick transparent green around their legs

    Weakness causes that same thing around the arms

    Blindness around the head

    They jump super high and don't take fall damage and try to avoid you, while shooting at you from afar and when they take damage they shrink a tiny bit, however they heal by smaller slimes jumping into them.

    When killed they turn back into a bunch of regular slimes, drop their crown, and drop a bunch of golden slime balls.

    Golden slime balls

    These slime balls can be crafted into slime armor, slime armor is as durable as gold and can't receive the mending or feather falling enchant, but it's as protective as iron and comes with mending dynamics even though it doesn't have the enchant with the added bonus of never taking fall damage.

    Wearing it gives you jump boost II after you walk in water for 10 seconds, or as a permanent jump boost I effect if you're in a swamp or slime biome

    The slime helmet looks like your head is encased in a baby slime and gives you similar functionality to a turtle shell.

    You'd need either the full set or the full set with a crown instead of the golden slime hat in order to get the fall damage negation.

    If thrown you can target the head, legs, or torso to give the same effect as the king slimes balls to other players

    This is the main reason to kill the slime boss, much like sponges for oceans or hero of the village for raids.

    It's not objectively better than diamond but it has its uses, a lot like how the trident is borderline OP but still doesn't replace diamond.

    The armor exists to provide alternatives without fully replacing it. Plus it's a flex that you beat a super rare boss.


    The crown is mainly a flex item but does have its uses. It makes it so that slimes don't attack your and yield to you look wolves. Once again, this is mainly useless because slimes are weak and rare so it's not like using it anywhere besides a slime biome will be useful but it is a pretty cool flex.

    Almost necessary too because all the other bosses have useless trophy flex items. Guardians have prismarine blocks, withers have beacons (face it, they suck), dragons have eggs, pillager raids have banners.

    The crown is just as good as an iron crown, but unbreakable, just as enchantable as gold. So if you wanna flex your can do it and it's by no means bad, but it's not good enough to replace diamonds


    In a previous post I talked about a flex system, where if you stunt on villagers by wearing some nice dyed Gucci or some gold or something villagers will try to trade with you. The crown and the golden slime armor are super flexy and would give sizeable discounts for flexing on villagers with it.

    submitted by /u/steakandwater
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    Some of my decorative ideas!

    Posted: 14 Jul 2019 09:48 AM PDT

    1) Pebbles

    Pebbles can be crafted using stone (and sandstone) and they don't naturally spawn (maybe in villages?). They work in a similar way to sea pickles and turtle eggs, you can place 1 to 4 pebbles in a block. Would be great for decorating gardens or caves!

    2) Crystals

    Crystals are rare, light emiting blocks that can be found in caves. They can have different types such as turquoise, moonstone or rose quartz. They can be used to get special enchantments that you can't get using lapis (speed for boots, etc.).

    3) Stone walls

    Why did Mojang not add stone walls in 1.14?!

    submitted by /u/keith43895
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    Abandoned Castle

    Posted: 14 Jul 2019 10:35 AM PDT

    The Abandoned Castle would be an Overworld structure found exclusively in colder biomes (Iceberg, Tundra, Snowy Taiga, and whatever may be added later). The Castle would have multiple parts generated together at random. Parts include the following: The Dungeon, Infested Staircase, Hallway, Spider Hallway, Castle Tower, Guard Tower, and Hidden Loot Room. The Dungeon is an area that is not visible from the surface. Skeleton spawners can be found here with the occasional chest. The Infested Staircase is just a staircase with Silver Fish (NOTE: this may be very annoying to players that hate being swarmed). The Hallway is just a Hallway. The Spider Hallway is just the Abandoned Mineshaft spider area placed in a Castle. The Castle Tower is your standard watch tower connected to the Castle. The Guard Tower is The Castle Tower but it's not connected to the Castle (Note: This may be a good place for Skeletons/Strays). The Loot Room Is protected by simple redstone (TNT Mine, Arrow Dispenser, etc). The room contains 3 chests(one is a trap), emeralds, diamonds and other valuable items. Vexes, Zombies, and the occasional Pillager squad may spawn throughout the Castle. Creepers, Endermen, and other mobs that may destroy the castle should not be allowed to spawn.

    submitted by /u/TitaniumShadow2187
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    A few small structures to make the world feel lived in

    Posted: 13 Jul 2019 08:42 PM PDT

    Here they are!

    Feel free to suggest more

    submitted by /u/Ronnoc67
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    To make forests more lively there should be a "fallen leaves" block

    Posted: 13 Jul 2019 05:28 PM PDT

    It would work like snow, where you could stack a bunch of them. It would spawn on forest floors in layers of 1 - 3.

    submitted by /u/Ronnoc67
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    Upgrades to Flint & Steel

    Posted: 14 Jul 2019 01:38 PM PDT

    Flint and steel has been around for a long time. It's used in every playthrough, but is mostly forgotten about afterwards. How can we fix that?

    I present to you the newest additions to the Flint & Steel family: Obsidian & Steel and Quartz & Diamond. Both of which work IRL, if you try to start a fire with flint and steel but have no flint, obsidian and quartz also work.

    Both items would be created similarly to Flint & Steel with the upgraded item replacing the flint in the 4x4 crafting grid with Iron (Or a diamond in Quartz & Diamond) diagonally upwards to it.

    I feel as if this would be a good edition because it would turn Flint & Steel into a viable choice for a weapon. Allow me to elaborate on what would make them unique;

    Flint & Steel - We all know it, we all love it, we all find it pretty situational. This would come before the other upgrades. Because all 3 variants would be able to be crafted so close together in a playthrough, every variant will have a unique gimmick making all 3 viable. For Flint & Steel that would be setting Players and Mobs alite directly without having to have them walk into placed fire (Like igniting creepers, but they will be instantly set on fire). Other than that, Flint & Steel would work exactly the same as it does now.

    Obsidian & Steel - This would be the upgrade that comes before Quartz & Diamond but after Flint & Steel. Because all 3 variants would be able to be crafted so close together in a playthrough, every variant will have a unique gimmick making all 3 viable. For Obsidian & Steel, that would be the best durability and the ability to create a 3x3 area of fire. If you click on a block, the 8 blocks around it would also be set alite. This would be a great choice for burning down buildings or creating a large field of fire, but the weight of the rock makes it hard to set Players and Mobs on fire directly.

    Quartz & Diamond - The final upgrade, and coming from the Nether, the most destructive. Because all 3 variants would be able to be crafted so close together in a playthrough, every variant will have a unique gimmick making all 3 viable. For Quartz & Diamond this would be an unstable yet very destructive flame. What do I mean by that? Let me elaborate. When clicked on the ground, the item would create a 1 block fire with a blue tip that cannot be extinguished without water. This applies to players and mobs who walk into the fire, who would burn until they die unless a fire resistance potion is active or they jump into water. To balance this, a diamond would be used in place of Iron and the item would have a 10% chance to set the Player using the item on fire with the same effects (Hence 'unstable'). It is very risky to use, but could win you a pvp battle if luck is on your side.

    Optional - Gas Veins - To fit with the possibility of 1.15 being a cave and combat update, gas veins could be an interesting mechanic to add to caves which would have a relationship with Flint & Steel (And the new variants). When mining, Gas Veins can spawn at Y-30 and below and would look like cracked stone with a particle effect. If mined, the gas veins would release a toxic gas that suffocates the player as if in water that would fill up a 6 block area around it. This gas would disappear if given time, but could be used to kill several mobs in the area if ignited by a Flint & Steel, it's new siblings, or flame arrows. (Use Quartz & Diamond at your own risk). Monsters would be immune to this gas, but if ignited it would explode dealing damage to all mobs inside the gas cloud but not destroying the terrain. Respiration helmets, water breathing potions and turtle shells could protect you from the gas. A silk touch pickaxe could mine the Gas veins with no ill effects. This is just an added bonus, not required for the Flint & Steel variants!

    submitted by /u/WreckWrack
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    Posted: 14 Jul 2019 10:43 AM PDT

    Tungsten irl is the metal with the highest melting point and it's the hardest metal. Like almost as hard as diamonds. It's not the STRONGEST much like how you can break diamonds irl with a hammer, but mojang seems to have no concern about the difference between hardness and strength. So much in the same way diamonds being unscratchable translates into them being good armor in Minecraft, tungsten would be the same way

    So anyway what I think is tungsten should be a nether ore. It would make sense because the nether has next to nothing new besides fortresses all those years ago and then magma blocks. Plus you know, it doesn't melt easy

    How it would work is you can tungsten plate iron or gold equipment to make it more durable, as well as making it half a tier better. For instance tungsten plated iron armor is half way between iron and diamond

    Additionally, it behaves like fire protection right off the bat passively

    Tungsten plated equipment does not burn when put in fire.

    Additionally, tungsten can make blocks that are as hard as obsidian to mine, giving another option for building materials in explosion proof bases.

    Both tungsten ore and block requires a diamond pickaxe to mine and takes 25% longer than obsidian to mine, it generally spawns in small veins

    Last feature is tungsten armor and weapons are a thing too, almost as good as diamond in durability, better in efficiency, and fire resistant. However much like chainmail they can only be obtained in chests or rarely by wither skeletons wearing a piece of it


    Tungsten actually is the strongest naturally occurring metal, and one of the strongest but not the strongest. I had it wrong.

    The only more durable metal is titanium, because although it's not as strong it can bend more before it snaps, titanium is also known for its ridiculous heat resistance and durability so I would have no problem with titanium being in the game rather than tungsten.

    I just feel tungsten makes more sense because mojang like adding obscure things to the game that mod makers aren't adding, for instance they decide they'll add tridents rather than something like the 100s of mods that add daggers

    Tungsten being harder and more obscure just makes sense

    submitted by /u/steakandwater
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    Naming a dog jeb_ should give it a rainbow collar.

    Posted: 14 Jul 2019 04:33 PM PDT

    Since sheep's have the ability to have rainbow wool if you name it jeb_. I just think it's fitting to do the same for dogs but instead of their wool, it's their collar. Just a thought.

    submitted by /u/BastionMains
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    Trader Camps

    Posted: 14 Jul 2019 09:59 AM PDT

    The wandering trader should spawn small camps (a bed in a tent and a campfire) temporarily more than 30/40 blocks away

    from any blocks the player has placed and sleep in his tent (built from blue wool with blue bed) at night instead of using an invis potion and milk (or maybe both?).

    And also they could have stronger and better stuff each time they spawn

    (2-3 times = half iron, 4th time = full iron, 5-9 times = Gold helmet & diamond leggings, 15th time = full diamond)

    and also they will use an invisibilty potion and run away if you hit them

    submitted by /u/TrickerTroll
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    Snow changes

    Posted: 14 Jul 2019 03:20 PM PDT

    In java edition snow is affected by gravity like in bedrock edition, also each snow layer makes the player slower.

    submitted by /u/CIARRAPUNGI
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