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    Minecraft A defined pillager Captain texture

    Minecraft A defined pillager Captain texture

    A defined pillager Captain texture

    Posted: 25 Aug 2019 06:16 AM PDT

    I think the pillager Captain should have a defined texture (I know they have the banner) like mabye an eyepatch or longer sleeves

    submitted by /u/DARE200Dave
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    Hunger bar should show even when riding a horse

    Posted: 25 Aug 2019 07:35 AM PDT

    It's just logical so that you don't have to dismount the horse everytime to check it. The bar should appear at it's normal place and the horse hearts above.

    Vote on the feedback site!

    submitted by /u/malkratta
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    Honeycomb should be used to make a new honeycomb banner pattern.

    Posted: 25 Aug 2019 10:22 AM PDT

    Everyone loves more customization right? The new honeycomb item should be crafted with a piece of paper to make a new honeycomb banner pattern, (called Banner Pattern Hexagonal Tiling in the game), that you can apply to banners. Combining this banner pattern with your choice of dye will make the banner have a honeycomb pattern, (like hexagonal tiling to be clear), throughout the entire banner. This is similar to the brick pattern, (technically called Banner Pattern Field Masoned), but with honeycomb! I think this new pattern has potential for some really cool banners! :)

    In addition to this, the Field Masonry and Bordure Indented patterns should become Banner Patterns on the Java Edition. They can be used on the Java Edition, but you do not need to make a Banner Pattern item to use them. The Bedrock Edition has them as Banner Patterns, which I feel makes more sense.

    submitted by /u/KKiss11
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    A new enchantments called friendly fire

    Posted: 25 Aug 2019 08:30 AM PDT

    It makes it so you can't hit and kill your pets, including horses, dogs, cats, parrots, and any mob named by you. Level one can be where it still hits them but won't kill them, level two is where it will only hit them some of the time, and like level three will be you won't hit them at all. This can work on any weapon.

    submitted by /u/thesamenull
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    Villager's Character

    Posted: 25 Aug 2019 02:53 AM PDT

    I'd suggest to add characters to villagers, which they receive randomly upon birth/generation/spawn OR only some of them can be naturally generated, while others can be only obtained through breeding, or the child will have characters depending on his parents, e.g., intelligent and dump will produce neutral, while both dump villagers will almost always produce dump baby.

    For example: * Neutral - the same as villagers now * Aggressive - immediately spawns an iron golem if he's attacked * Worried - goes home early right after sun starts to set, doesn't go out in rain or thunder, cranks up prices more harshly * Shy - when sees player runs away to his home, usually they will give price cuts to get rid of you * Lazy - restocks up to 1 time a day, usually misses work wandering around village * Charismatic - always goes to player flashing out his great deals, always have price cuts and has +1 more deal per tier * Romantic - requires less food to breed and more eager to be "willing" * Shady - has "illegal" stuff for sell that he will show you only in the night (he doesn't sleep that much), usually, by high prices * Hard Worker - restocks up to 4 times per day, almost always works around his station * Loner - usually almost all day hangs out near end of the village * Stalker - will follow you until you buy something from him * Glutton - requires more food to be "willing" * Altruistic - always shares food with others * Intelligent - requires less experience to level up * Dump - requires more experience to level up * Scrooge - his prices are always too hight, never drops prices

    Or something like that, it'll be nice if you suggest something as well!

    These characters do not intend to be literall, I just think that we could have something like that, so the villagers feel more "alive" and it will change how we interact with them, which is fun.


    Edit: Formatting, spelling Edit 2: More info

    submitted by /u/stroibot
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    Make wheat occur naturally in plains biomes - “amber waves of grain”

    Posted: 25 Aug 2019 02:58 PM PDT

    Saying as you can get wheat seeds from grass, it would look much more stunning and give plains biomes a unique look if wheat were to grow naturally as itself instead of as grass and fill the biome with "amber waves of grain".

    Balance issues: The wheat would grow off of grass blocks for part of the look, but if replanted on grass would be significantly less productive than wheat grown by tilling (for balance) and would not grow on grass at all in any other biome.

    This would create a much more aesthetic environment and give a nice new color to occur naturally other than green, while also making sense both in terms of Minecraft and the real world.

    A second idea would be to make it part of a new biome and fill that biome with even more wheat than would be suggested otherwise; I am neutral to that specifically and would like to see how others feel

    submitted by /u/integralpython
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    The ability to place up to four flowers of the same type on the same block like sea pickles.

    Posted: 24 Aug 2019 04:43 PM PDT

    Flower beds in minecraft can't look as majestic as this because of the spacing. Maximum of one flower per 1m2.

    With the addition of bees, I feel it's time we had the ability to really go full jam on how amazing or floral gardens can look, and this addition would go a long way.

    submitted by /u/PaintTheFuture
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    Default Alex head in creative inventory

    Posted: 25 Aug 2019 09:23 AM PDT

    There's the Steve one, so why not Alex as well! That's all I have to say. :)

    submitted by /u/polarbearoo
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    Give normal furnaces their own animated texture

    Posted: 25 Aug 2019 03:07 PM PDT

    Since the smoker and blast furnace have their own animated textures when active, why not give a set of animated textures to the normal furnace? This would be a good way to slightly reduce lag, as well as make the furnace block itself feel cleaner.

    submitted by /u/MerlinGrandCaster
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    Mandrake Onions

    Posted: 25 Aug 2019 01:09 PM PDT

    A crop that is naturally found in large patches in the Nether.

    When harvested, the onion will pop out from the ground. But this is no normal onion.

    It's a mandrake onion, a mob with limbs and a horrific face, that aimlessly runs around like a punched cow. As it lives, it will constantly scream.

    The shockwaves from the screams will damage any surrounding nearby mobs. The frequency is so high, mobs will take damage every split second if they are within scream range.

    It won't stop its miniature rampage until it dies. Kill it swiftly to obtain 2 - 3 mandrake onion items. These items are edible. Upon consumption, the onions give 8 seconds of the Resistance effect and restore 2 hunger. It has low saturation.

    Mandrake onions in item form can also be planted on netherrack. They grow faster in the Nether.

    Similar to other crops, a premature harvest will give back an onion. Mandrake onion mobs will only spawn if the planted onion is fully mature.

    submitted by /u/Takama12
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    Hear me out, Woodlice (like Silverfish)

    Posted: 25 Aug 2019 08:06 AM PDT

    I recently came across a post by u/Dicemuan, which talked about a silverfish variant of Woodlice. While I don't entirely disagree, I think there could be some changes with the idea.


    First of all, I think they should have a slightly different model, being more rounded and much smaller. Second of all, I believe they only spawn in dying and fallen trees (https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Tree#Dying\trees)), which should also be added to the Java Edition of Minecraft, but then spread by walking from tree to tree slowly when the player is nearby after the first 10-20 days, making wood-chopping a bit more interesting and making it necessary to cut down the dying and fallen trees. They should come out when cutting or stipping a log, and maybe even spread to player-placed blocks (tell me in the comments). There should be a visual indication of what blocks are infested, which should break when you stand on them, in a way similar to frosted ice. They should maybe drop sticks, planks, logs or saplings of the type of wood they have most recently hidden in, obviously also with some experience points. I also agree that they should have a lower chance of coming out with better axes. They would be neutral until they or their block is attacked, and fight as a group, similar to pigmen. I would also like to note that they would probably be similar to Termites, maybe even a bit like white foxes, but not in savannas, and without nests.

    In order for them to be helpful, they should maybe make poisonous potatoes even rarer if nearby and drop some kind of egg that could be used to add an NBT effect to a composter that would triple the output for a period of time (maybe 2 or 3 in-game days). They could also maybe drop some sort of totem or something that when in the inventory or an item frame, it would scare away creepers. Woodlice could also infest creepers, as Notch once said he likes to imagine that creepers would be made of leaves or similar, causing them to have some kind of effect where they are slower, have less health, have a 50% chance of not exploding and just dying, and walk towards composters to try and remove the woodlouse, which would give the same composter NBT effect that I talked about earlier. Creepers would also be scared of infested composters, but heal from clear ones.

    In general, this should add more life to the forest, give us a better silverfish variant than the Endermite, and give Bane of Arthropods a new use (which is greatly needed).

    Also, I think that in order for them not to be annoying, they should have a better use, like a drop or something, or help crops like Bees, so please comment if you have any suggestions!

    Thank you to u/PolarMammoth3 and u/FeralBoi10 for their suggestions so far!

    submitted by /u/Bryzerse
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    3rd Person Animation for looking at a map or book

    Posted: 25 Aug 2019 08:28 AM PDT

    When a player looks at his map or is reading a book, it should render that in 3rd person view too.

    So for other players it looks like you are holding a map or a book open in your hands.

    >Vote this on feedback.minecraft.net<

    submitted by /u/Mac_Rat
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    Primitive Hunting Spears

    Posted: 25 Aug 2019 01:36 PM PDT


    The primitive spear is an early game weapon used primarily for hunting and spear fishing. While I added the spear fishing in for fun, its simply to make hunting animals down easier in the beginning, before you even have bows, and tridents. It can be pretty annoying to try and kill anything up close other than chickens when they run all over the place after the first hit.


    Crafting Recipe

    Wooden Spear: Place two sticks diagonally like a fishing rod and put cobblestone or a stone block at the top.

    Bamboo Spear: Place two bamboo sticks diagonally like a fishing rod and put cobblestone or a stone block at the top.



    The most important thing to know about the primitive spear is that its best used on passive animals. It can attack in melee range and it can be thrown like a trident. One major difference is the primitive spear can only be thrown one time and once it lands, it can't be picked up again even if it misses. When thrown, the spear is visibly stuck in the mob similar to arrows. They are stackable up to 16 and when you use a melee attack, one spear just separates from the stack; similar to when you collect water with a stack of bottles. It can not be enchanted.


    The Hunting Effect

    When one of these passive mobs (cows, mooshrooms, pigs, sheep, rabbits, foxes, and squid) are hit by a thrown primitive spear, they will suffer from what I call the hunting effect. Upon being hit, it will take three hit points of damage (like with other mobs) but after two seconds, the animal dies. After death, the animal will have a chance to drop one stick/bamboo and an even lower chance to drop two (in addition to whatever they normally drop). Players, neutral mobs and hostile mobs are immune to this effect.



    Wooden Spear: Durability (Melee Hits): 35 | Melee Damage: 4 Hit Points | Ranged (Thrown) Damage: 3 Hit Points

    Bamboo Spear: Durability (Melee Hits): 65 | Melee Damage: 5 Hit Points | Ranged (Thrown) Damage: 3 Hit Points

    The Original Trident: Durability: 251 | Melee Damage: 9 Hit Points | Ranged (Thrown) Damage: 8 Hit Points


    Is it Overpowered?

    I personally don't think so. The hunting effect only works on the animals listed, not all passive mobs or hostile mobs. Those animals don't have that much health to begin with so you could hardly call it too powerful. When it comes to fighting hostile mobs it's easily outclassed by iron weapons and above. You can forget about it once you start enchanting. Outside of damage, it's durability is minimal. Even the better bamboo version only has half the durability of a stone sword so it's not a good replacement. Finally, the attack speed is still slower that the stone sword, considering the fact that it has the trident's attack speed. The only good things about it outside of the hunting effect are that you get a longer reach weapon early and the ranged attack it provides.

    submitted by /u/xJustincase
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    New Totems?

    Posted: 25 Aug 2019 03:40 PM PDT

    I was thinking that at the moment there isn't much value to raids other then the odd totem of undying and the hero of the village buff. This isn't really that interesting considering the benefits of some of the other game mechanics. You can also no longer obtain "God Armor" in survival mode as this was seen as too over-powered.

    I had the idea of adding other types of totems as a sort of "mega potion". A rare drop from raids that give players a unique buff. They would be quite powerful buffs like the current totem of undying but also be quite difficult to obtain, also like the totem of undying. I've also come up with a few ideas of new totems below that I think would be a good addition.

    The Totem of Enchanting: a totem that allows a player to add one additional enchantment to a piece of armor/ tool/ weapon. This would allow players to still be able to obtain "god armor" in survival whilst still be hard to achieve. This means that these tools/ weapons/ armor pieces won't be come over-powered like before.

    The Totem of Unbreaking: a totem similar to the totem of undying but for tools and weapons; if you have good tool or weapon with a lot of good enchantments on it, you don't want it to break. But sometimes your mining away mindlessly and forget to check the durability and break your prized possession. This totem would stop your tool from breaking and give it a small bit of durability back so that you can go back to your base and repair it fully without losing your best diamond sword or pick-axe. It would act as a reminder to repair your items as particles effects would appear when used similar to those that appear when you use a totem of undying.

    Please comment your ideas for new totems if you have any, I would love to here them.

    Texture Idea: the current totem of undying has green eyes, I suggest that these new totems could have a similar texture to this but with different coloured eyes. Maybe red, blue, purple etc.

    I feel like this would be a great way to add some more features to endgame play-throughs and add a new fun challenge to the game whilst rewarding the player's efforts. It will also add more value to successfully defending a village from a raid.

    Let me know what you think?

    submitted by /u/CamLennon
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    Flower Farming

    Posted: 25 Aug 2019 01:35 PM PDT

    Flowers could have a little rework. First of all they would bloom every few days in game (bees could make it faster) and have texture that shows it maybe with some tiny particles. When right clicked they would switch to non-bloomed version and drop their seeds. The seeds could be planted on farmland and when fully grown harvested into a flower. You could then put it on normal grass or in a pot. Flowers could also work similar to pickles, putting 4 of flowers on one block. They would also spawn in these groups in flower plains and other Biomes with lots of flowers

    submitted by /u/Creep440
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    An option to allow translucent blocks to affect the player's vision (Screen tint)

    Posted: 25 Aug 2019 01:11 PM PDT

    So as you may, or likely may not know, you can use translucent pixels on your minecraft skin on the overlay of your skin. but what if there was an option to "turn on translucent vision" to give your screen a tint of the pixels on your face layer? this'd be an interesting feature, as it'd allow for things such as 3d glasses, space helmets, and glasses to actually be looked through, and help make minecraft feel even more immersive. when turned on, if you have translucent pixels on the hat layer, on the face of your skin, your screen would be split into an 8x8 grid, and each pixel would correspond to a pixel on the face of your skin, and would give each pixel a tint based on the pixel of the face.

    sorry if i described this awfully, but im hoping you understand the general idea of what im trying to ask, thanks for reading

    submitted by /u/Byrocynical
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    More intense music for boss fights

    Posted: 25 Aug 2019 03:46 PM PDT

    I think this will add depth the the game. Imagine spawning the wither, and having some intense guitar riffs echo around you, then followed by fast violin, piano and bass drum music. I'll put an example of this right here: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vzjBzYjkrTI Maybe for the Ender Dragon I will leave to the commenters. I know this is a wishful thinking, but I think it would be cool.

    submitted by /u/raspberrypieboi18
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    New job for villagers and more sweet food with new work-table, for v1.15. Honey colleсtors.

    Posted: 25 Aug 2019 11:57 AM PDT

    Their home will be placed with little honey yard. They will trade some sweets and honey pancakes and other new food.

    This food you can make by yourself. Food examples

    Honey sweet (made with honey in a bottle in new work-table -- honey oven ) - gives speed effect and instantly healing 5 health, but gives you only 2 hunger

    honey pancakes (made with weat and honey in honey oven ) - gives you fast health regeneration and gives you 5 hunger. Very tasty.

    honey pie (made with more weat and honey) - gives you 6 hunger unit, but slow regeneration.

    honey donut (made with berries weat and honey) - gives you regeneration and fast mining effect, gives 4 hunger and instantly restores 2 health.

    To get a villager with the honey collector job you must place honey oven and at least 2 bee-hives right to his house( like with farmer job, but oven in his house).

    submitted by /u/PixelBrawlMaker
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    More realistic lightning

    Posted: 25 Aug 2019 02:46 AM PDT

    Normally I expect epic lightning like irl. I'm talking about this:

    Lightning should look more like real lightning with sharp contrast and extremely opaque, and it turns black for 1-2 game tick to imitate an afterimage when looking at it.

    If the lightning strike does not kill the player, it will momentarily electrocute the player (not on sand), and may cause items in the hand/offhand to drop. Iron/Gold armour will conduct lightning, and deal more damage.

    Lightning will conduct to metal and gold blocks/pressure plates, unless if there is a block above it.

    Lightning changes colour based on biome (mesa biome is red to white, most biomes is bluish to white, in desert is yellow to white) to make it look better.

    Lightning should have a delay to the thunder (light travels faster than sound!).

    Water will conduct electricity (except rain). Don't swim during storms!

    Lightning will prime tnt in a radius of 3 blocks.

    Animals will run away from lightning (horses, cows, dogs, etc) as they hate it.

    Bees may transform upon being struck to an Electrobee, which is white-black in colour (sharp contrast), hostile, and will sting with deadly paralysis. A beehive struck by lightning will spawn Electrobees and change to a beehive texture with a thunderbolt pattern on it.

    Glass hit by lightning may create Plasma (Only with Education Edition chem enabled!)

    Redstone struck by lightning will overload and shut off (overvoltage) with spark particles.

    Ice struck by lightning will hiss and turn to steam.

    Lightning should have a more epic appearance with more branches spreading out that may set other blocks on fire.

    It should be possible to summon lightning with a custom colour in Creative, which would be awesome, and have sound as an option. Not filling in the options of the command (RGB, sound), will create normal lightning.

    Lightning ONLY lights up the sky at night, increasing the light level to 15 momentarily at night.

    The majority of this applies to Java and Bedrock editions, but the parts about Mesa lightning and desert lightning are Bedrock exclusive due to the fact that Bedrock Edition is the only version that has dry lightning in it.

    The Electrobee is a bee variant that is only created when a lightning bolt strikes a bee. If a beehive is struck, it will produce only Electrobees and have a classic thunderbolt symbol in the middle of the texture, indicating it is an electric beehive. Electrobees emit light (4), and are hostile, and can also attack pets, most notably dogs. Electrobees are immune to their own sting, and produce Electrified Honey, which may drop upon defeat. They also have slightly higher health and XP. It is basically an electrified version of the Killer Bee we have irl, and can exist almost anywhere but deserts and mesas. Electrobees are attracted to metal, and will swarm onto any metal in their line of sight. Design a lightning farm if you want an Electrobee farm. Breaking the Electrobee hive will anger the bees, who will not stop chasing you unless you go inside. You cannot sleep when bees are swarming/giving chase to you. Electrobees can also power redstone.

    submitted by /u/SnowBallEarth43
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    Bee Hive Box Perks

    Posted: 25 Aug 2019 09:32 AM PDT

    The only perk of using a bee box over a bee hive is that you can pick it up and move it. Thats great but it could do a little more. It should have it's own interface when you right click it with an empty hand and here is what I think it should show.

    Bee Population: It shows how many bees call this specific hive home.

    Honey Level: It would show a progress bar indicating the level of honey.

    Honeycomb Availability: It will show whether a honeycomb can be harvested or not.

    Crops in Range: It will show how many crops are in range.

    Flowers in Range: It will show how many flowers are in range.

    Visual Changes (KKiss11's Suggestion)

    When you interact with the bee hive box, the lid disappears similar to the barrel when opened. It looks full of honey or empty depending on whether it has honey to collect or not.


    When interacting with the hive box's interface, it should have a cracking sound and the sound of wood sliding against wood. It would be a cracking sound because the bees make honey combs on the lid and bee glue around it? I don't know the proper terminology.

    submitted by /u/xJustincase
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    Zombies can turn into husks

    Posted: 25 Aug 2019 08:45 AM PDT

    so zombies can turn into drowned if they drown so what if theres a 5% chance that when a zombie burns to death it actually turns into a husk? making it immune to sunlight this would make husks a bit more common and also would just be a fun mechanic. this could even change depending on difficulty

    Easy: Zombies can't turn into husks

    Normal: 5-7% chance

    hard: 15%

    hardcore: 20%

    this would make minecraft a lot harder and i think it needs that as minecraft feels a bit too easy with all the new stuff that is over all just making things easier for new players which is fine but i and many more would like a challenge and to feel that old minecraft feeling of having to build a dirt hut because of how scared of the night you are.

    submitted by /u/devonthecreator
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    Sleeping bags

    Posted: 25 Aug 2019 03:12 AM PDT

    Sleeping bags would work like beds, but they wouldn't change your spawn point.

    •They would be crafted with three carpet of any color

    •walking / jumping on them would sound like snow

    • they wouldn't work with villagers

    • so long as they're the same color, they would be stackable

    •while in a sleeping bag, only your head is visible and therefore only your head can get hit by other players

    • on a multiplayer game / server, if a player is sleeping in a sleeping bag and another in a bed, the night will still pass.

    •(possibly) be able to be placed in boats

    Edit: forget about the last one

    submitted by /u/2SmoakMan
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    If you are wearing armor with the Thorns enchant, you should automatically harvest berry bushes by walking through them

    Posted: 24 Aug 2019 09:12 PM PDT

    I mean, it does damage you, why doesn't the Thorns armor damage it back?

    This would allow for one to adventure more carelessly without annoyances as a matter of progression.

    submitted by /u/PM_ME_INFLATION_PORN
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    I think a lava plains type biome would be cool in the over world

    Posted: 25 Aug 2019 10:54 AM PDT

    So It would be like a plains biome with burnt grass blocks and a type of new tree maby. and mini lava pools every where . There can also be some new mobs like lava snakes or something like that. Now this biome would be rare and one cool feature you could do is when you throw raw food on the ground of the biome it will sear your food so seared chicken , seared beef ,etc .there could also be mobs like burned zombie , magma cube ,etc. I feel like there Is a lot of potential for this concept . Feed back welcome

    submitted by /u/mrpanwaffle72
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    Wandering trader improvements

    Posted: 25 Aug 2019 06:26 AM PDT

    I think that wandering traders on death should have a rare drop ...a Satchel like we see on the texture it would have 5 slots and would be kept in your inventory .

    Wandering trader llamas should drop the carpet pattern as a rare drop (no effect on gameplay) .

    Trader huts and zombie traders (pretty self explanatory) the hut spawns naturally and the very rare chance a trader gets killed by a zombie would spawn a zombie wandering trader.

    That's all thx

    submitted by /u/DARE200Dave
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