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    Minecraft Cartographers should sell Jungle Explorer Maps

    Minecraft Cartographers should sell Jungle Explorer Maps

    Cartographers should sell Jungle Explorer Maps

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 09:03 PM PST

    Think about it. when's the last time you've ever legitimately found a jungle temple in survival? personally, i'm pretty sure it's the only structure i've never found or explored. jungles are even rarer biomes, and while exploration is a vital part of the game, it would be nice to have a solution that lets you have a way to know where a jungle and jungle temple is. especially because jungles are home to parrots, bamboo, melons, and other things that can't be found anywhere else, it's not fair that players have to travel tens of thousands of blocks just to have a hope of finding one.

    submitted by /u/notgoodatmath5228
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    New enchantment: Gravitation/Magnetism

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 11:57 AM PST

    I got the idea from playing Stardew Valley.

    So, helmets and boots have special enchantments such as respiration and aqua affinity for the helmet; and feather falling, depth strider and frost walker for boots.

    Chest plates and leggings do not, that's where this idea comes in.

    Gravitation/Magnetism will be an enchantment you can put onto chest plates, its power; the player will be able to collect items from further away.

    There will be 4 levels.

    Level I will increase the item pick-up by half a block

    Level II will increase the item pick-up by 1 block

    Level III will increase the item pick-up by 1 and a half blocks

    Level IV will increase the item pick-up by 2 blocks.

    I see this being a useful feature if something lands very close to a large drop, or to keep you from having to run back and forth to pick up missed carrots from a farm.

    So, what are your thoughts? Great idea? Terrible idea? Too powerful? Not powerful enough? Should it be an enchantment for something else? If you downvote, please explain why.

    submitted by /u/AlphaWolfKane
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    A campfire on soulsand makes blue fire.

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 02:01 AM PST

    Campfires are already capable of changing their property depending on the block below them (hay bales). So this should be fairly easy to implement. Ways this could further differ from regular campfire:

    • Sparkle particles instead of smoke. Unaffected by light, so even at night the sparkles would be clearly visible, making them good landmarks at night. Great for magical builds.

    • Alternatively, ghost/soul shaped clouds.

    • Can actually UNBAKE items. Mostly an easter egg but useful if you baked all your potatoes without planting new ones.

    • Alternatively, smelt ores rather than food.

    • Alternatively, don't cook at all so there's still a reason to use regular campfires.

    submitted by /u/gamtosthegreat
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    Make all of the End blocks immune to the Ender Dragon

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 05:37 AM PST

    Currently, the Ender Dragon will simply destroy most blocks when flying through them, but there are some exceptions: all unbreakable blocks (obviously), obsidian, iron bars, end stone, and in the next update (at least on Java), end stone bricks. This is because they are found in its natural habitat, so the dragon would simply destroy them otherwise.

    I believe all blocks native to the End should be immune to dragon damage, because they are found in the same dimension as its home, so it just makes sense, and would also mean that if you want to make an End-themed home on the central End island, but still want to resummon the dragon every so often, you wouldn't be prevented from including purpur-type blocks and the like from the build.

    Here's a full list of the End blocks currently destroyed by dragon attacks, that I believe shouldn't be: all purpur variants, end rod, chorus plant, chorus flower, ender chest, shulker box, dragon head, and dragon egg.

    I also believe a few other blocks should be immune, though I can see the argument for these not being included on the list: water and lava, because they're immune to most damage already, they make obsidian (which itself is immune), and water in particular can be very useful in the End; beacons and enchantment tables, because they are at least partially made of obsidian (which, as said before, is immune); and glass, as purple stained glass is found in End ships, and can look quite pleasant in End builds, and it would make sense to include the other forms of glass, simply for consistency. Maybe also mineral blocks, because that would mean beacons could actually have a full use on the central End island if you plan on resummoning the dragon, however, it could only be diammond blocks, so you really have to work toward it, plus it finally gives at least somewhat of a use to the most expensive beacon, as right now they all act identically.

    Edit: Minor grammar changes, and making the post a bit more concise.

    submitted by /u/Coomow
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    Bowl with Honey

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 01:15 PM PST

    We have Honey Bottle, let's add and Honey Bowl! Don't have a bottle but you have a bowl? Just use your bowl. Bees will follow you if you have in your hand a Honey Bowl and you can use to make a Baby Bees in grown ups.

    submitted by /u/CristianLN
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    Fish should spawn in the fishing ponds in villages.

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 07:28 AM PST

    The ponds don't seem like they fit in, as although you can fish there, they wouldn't realistically have any fish. I think they should spawn with 2-3 fish inside to seem like a stock pond.

    submitted by /u/thegamergeeks
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    Minecraft should add chalk blocks and a new cliffs biome

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 02:58 PM PST

    I've seen chalk cliffs in dover and all across europe so i think they should add proper cliffs and not these slopes. Near oceans they should make the chances of cliffs about a 20 percent chance and they need to be near beaches to have the chalk block which can be crafted int9 chalk frsgments which you can combine with a water bottle tto create wet chalk which you apply tto paintings to change their look to another painting but dry chalk can be applied to dyes if their chalk blocks they do not dyee vlocks around them but if chalk fragments sre dyed they can be used in crsfting tsbles with blocks to dye certain block's.

    submitted by /u/KnegKnyesai
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    Honeycomb banner pattern

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 03:15 PM PST

    A honey comb hexagonal pattern on the banner, it would be crafted with a honeycomb and paper in any crafting menu and it would make a Honeycomb Banner pattern design much like how other ones are made, and it can be any color and would be reusable as they all are

    submitted by /u/BeanOftheWild
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    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 01:57 PM PST

    I have a few suggestions that I feel would make a good addition to the game :)

    • Have the ability to add catflaps/dogflaps into doors • Have placable water bowls • Make parrots 'tameable' as pets; add a bird cage?? • Add a small-scale fish tank (two variants: 1x1x1 or 1x1x2, etc) • Add dog or cat beds • Dog or cat toys???!!

    Can't think of much else but if I come up with any more I'll be sure to update this post :))

    submitted by /u/will_cottam
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    beep beep beep ALARM CLOCK beep beep beep

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 12:42 PM PST

    daylight sensor + clock?

    when you sleep in a bed to pass the night you typically wake up with most of the morning already burned off. it's like 10am when you wake up, the sun is already bright in the sky.

    how about an alarm clock so you can sleep in the bed and wake up around 6-7am --- the sun is just starting to rise, there is still a little darkness in the sky. maybe there are a few mobs spawning but they are slowly starting to despawn/burn.

    this would be ideal for working in your base/home village. often times i go to bed when the sun sets because i want to prevent mobs from spawning and get rid of my insomnia. but i would prefer to wake up earlier and have a longer day ahead of me. i don't mind a small number of mobs spawning --- i can deal with that. and again, it's an option. maybe some days i set an alarm, other days i don't.

    but the main point is that i feel like sleeping in a bed burns off way too much of the morning. it feels like the days are too short. i wouldn't mind getting some work done while watching the sun rise and turn into morning and afternoon. it's the prettiest time of day.

    submitted by /u/doc_shades
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    There needs to be better Realm control

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 12:05 PM PST

    I have a huge bedrock city world that I want people to explore, but as of now I can either have them in adventure but not able to open any doors or chests, or set them to creative and watch my city get destroyed.

    I just want to be able to set a custom permission setting across the board for all members. You can already set custom permissions for players on a regular world, so this should be easy to implement.

    Ideally I want my members to be in creative mode so they can fly and around and explore, but unable to break or place blocks. Instead they aren't getting the full experience and are often getting stuck or dying by hunger, which is not how I want them to experience my countless hours of work on the world.

    submitted by /u/Kebiky
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    Fishing a fish entity out of the water would bring it all the way towards you.

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 07:29 AM PST

    Currently it just sorta moves a little and goes along. It's not realistic considering you can fish an invisible fish out of the water quite easily.

    submitted by /u/thegamergeeks
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    Godrays in the dark

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 07:55 AM PST

    If sunlight shines down into a darker area (Light level 10 or lower?) the edges of the sunlight would be highlighted like a godray. It would add a bit of beauty to the usually dark and gloomy caves.

    submitted by /u/Cyskir
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    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 10:32 AM PST

    Maybe they could add a griffen that is hostile if you get to close but if you hold raw beef you can get close and tame it . You would be able to ride it if you put a saddle on it but it would be a special saddle that you could make by surrounding a normal saddle with iron. They would be slower than a horse to ride but they have a triple jump and glide down after finishing the three jumps. It would attack all hostile mobs that get in a 4 block radius of it and it would chase cows and grab them with its claws fly up and drop them to there death.They would spawn in plains very rarely and would mostly spawn on mountains. They could come in brown colours silver and redish brown.sorry for making it so long if you took the time to read.

    submitted by /u/poetpeppermint
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    Spiders n’ Stuff

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 11:53 AM PST

    So I had a couple of ideas for spiders. A new.... sub-biome? called a Spider Nest. Essentially it would be a large area full of webs, similar to the spider spawners in mine shafts, though more large and labyrinthine. In the center of these nests would be a large "open" space with a structure in the middle coated in webbing. Mining to the middle of this would expose a core, of which once destroyed, would summon a new boss known as the Spider Queen. Essentially a larger spider, it would attack via leaping at the player and poisonous bites. When placed below certain health thresholds, it would release Baby Spiders from the egg sac it carries. These baby spiders are essentially weaker cave spiders. Once the Spider Queen was defeated, players would be able to pick up an item known as the "Spider Egg", which would function similarly to Turtle Eggs, though once hatched, would yield a "Tamed" spider. (I haven't exactly got a name for these yet). Characterised by purple eyes, these spiders, once fully grown, could be mountable, perhaps, functioning essentially like skeleton jockeys, for example. Anyway, feel free to leave suggestions and criticism in the comments. . Edits: 1: These would spawn underground.

    2: I believe this could be a good idea as it would freshen up spiders a bit, and add something new to caves.

    submitted by /u/k0mmi5arD3im05
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    Wandering Traders sometimes appear in Villages for short amounts of time.

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 03:17 PM PST

    Wandering Traders have many wares. Maybe once a minecraft season, you will see one at a Village.

    These ones only try to buy items from other villagers and will actually occupy villagers. While they trade, you cannot trade with villagers. They only trade with one villager per visit, and each villager will raise prices temporarily after trading.

    If you name a wandering villager here, the next one that spawns may have the same nametag.

    This is mainly to make wandering villagers seem more continuous. They are your rival and you seem a little more surprised to see one.

    submitted by /u/Duytune
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    A gate

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 10:11 AM PST

    A 4x4 gate, i dont think this need much explaining but its like placing 2 doors next to each other, but its one big door, and you can apply patterns to it

    submitted by /u/A_H_S
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    Whenever it gets cloudy in a desert there is a 5% chance of rain

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 01:23 AM PST

    While deserts in real life are extremely dry, it still rains occasionally. This can be applied to Minecraft where when it tries to rain in a desert (and only gets cloudy) there is a 5% chance of it actually raining.

    submitted by /u/-DCPT-
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    When you cut down trees and if you break the dirt block, it should give you sticks/buttons.

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 10:17 AM PST

    Kinda like how the dirt under a tree has all the roots, having a stick or two drop from the dirt block would be kinda cool.

    submitted by /u/RLG2523
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    Wither skeleton horses

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 07:28 PM PST

    The wither skeleton horse spawns in the soul sand valley in groups of up to 10 horses. The wither skeleton horse is fire proof and will kick piglins. Their is a rare chance that a wither skeleton horse will spawn with a wither skeleton on it and their is a chance that skeleton will a bow that shoots arrows on blue fire. The wither skeleton horse would be the perfect mob for the soul sand valley and be a great way to get around the Nether.

    submitted by /u/fishycoper
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