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    Minecraft Extreme valley biome

    Minecraft Extreme valley biome

    Extreme valley biome

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 11:01 AM PST

    So ive been seeing more and more reddit pics of chunks disappearing or rather just completely hollowed out and i thought itd be cool if there was a biome that was y coordinate specific instead of a new biome type. Itd be like the reverse of extreme world where its indented.

    So sea level is 62 if i do remember, my suggestion entails that a biome is drastically reduced to level 30. Diamonds are much scarcer but iron and coal deposits are much more frequent. Redstone and gold spawn in their regular amount however it is also able to spawn emeralds with the same rarity as mountains.

    Itd be a valley like biome and i feel like itd be a great addition with the mountain update winning.

    submitted by /u/ridiculous2me
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    Stone should be shaded depending on the biome.

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 08:02 AM PST

    In a desert it could be sandy, and in a jungle it could be mossy.

    submitted by /u/thegamergeeks
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    Dead Forest biome

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 08:50 AM PST

    Dead forest biome is like typical spooky looking forest you see on tv. It has dark leafless trees, less visibility due to sunlight not being able to reach inside, presenting few evokers. With a sweet present containing in the chest in the middle of forest.

    New tree type: Leafless tree(like dark oak but with blackish textures) Medium height with many branches.

    Mobs: Small chances of evokers

    Chest in the middle of biome containing cakes and emereld.

    Not a huge biome but definitely something.

    No water body present.

    Trees casts dark shadows over the entire biome which can spawn general mobs.

    Pls mention any more suggestions in comments

    EDIT: Bats will spawn and general increase in pumpkins.

    Spiders can be found randomly near trees with cobwebs

    submitted by /u/Krustyy_Krab
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    More shattered biomes

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 12:30 PM PST

    I LOVE the shattered Savannah biome, it's a really cool way to introduce amplified features, so I though it would be cool if we had more of that, so a shattered mountains? Shattered jungle? Shattered Mesa? Definitely rate biomes and only the rarer ones.

    submitted by /u/ReactionRD
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    Pickaxes Damaging Armor

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 05:44 AM PST

    Pickaxes should make armor lose durability twice as fast. This would not apply to leather armor.

    submitted by /u/Creep440
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    Named pets should drop a special item after they die

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 07:59 AM PST

    For example if my pet named "Ollie" died, it could drop an item called "Ollie's ashes". This item could simply be a reminder of a pet that was lost

    submitted by /u/acup48
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    Campfire charcoal removal

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 09:19 AM PST

    If you right click an unlit campfire with a shovel, the coals (or charcoal) texture will be removed. Once you light it again, it will take a few moments to put the texture back. The reason why it takes a few moments is because its like the fire is slowly burning the logs and is working up the coals (it also adds another block state that builders can use).

    submitted by /u/Epicness250
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    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 05:57 AM PST

    Coffins would be the perfect way to set your spawn point in the Nether. You could get this new block two ways you could craft it with 6 wood and 3 wool. The other is finding it in a structure in the Nether called the graveyard. If you sleep in the coffin in the Nether it sets your spawn point but if you sleep in it in the overworld it would do the opposite of the bed you could only sleep in it in the day time and it would skip straight to night.

    It would be a great decorative block and would be the answer to setting your spawn point in the Nether and would be good in the overworld for skipping to night if you want to grind mobs. I like the bed but it doesn't work in the Nether and should stay that way if you ask me.1

    submitted by /u/fishycoper
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    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 08:10 AM PST

    Farmers, even after village and pillage, are still quite dull. Sure, they have new trades, but is that all? They seem like they don't do much aside from break crops. They should be able to break pumpkins and melons. They wouldn't plant anything where the pumpkins or melons would grow, either. This would allow them to grow. They already buy both of these, so it would be cool if they could farm them.

    I've also been seeing a lot of beekeeper suggestions. I don't really like this idea as there's not enough trades for it. I think farmers should be able to get honey from beehives. They could spawn periodically in plains villages surrounded by 8 flowers, sort of like campfires. Farmers would also buy honeycombs and sell honey bottles.

    submitted by /u/thegamergeeks
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    Everyone seems to be posting about new biomes, so I’ll throw my hat into the ring! Introducing: Tropical Islands

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 02:10 PM PST

    Oceans are currently quite barren of unique island biomes, which is a real shame. I think that an official island biome would be really interesting for exploration.

    They would generate only in warm oceans, with a low chance of coral reefs generating around the island. They'd be relatively large, about 100-200 blocks wide and tall, so not overly intrusive but a nice area to discover.

    There would be small jungle trees all over the island, and towards the center large trees could grow. All over the island could be tiny ruins, similar to the small cobble pillars in giant spruce forests.

    The island could also have a cliff variation, being much higher off of the sea.

    submitted by /u/HairClippingJesus
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    Wattle fences!

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 01:22 PM PST

    Wattle is basically a new fence; it uses the same model as iron bars but appears as, well, a wattle fence; a very basic fence made of sticks and tree branches like this. They would be great for gardens and rustic builds and could be used to make thinner poles then regular fences allow. I'm not sure about a crafting recipe that would make sense but also allow different wood types so I'd love ideas.

    submitted by /u/AmISteve
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    There is one big dungeon with mummies, a boss and a big treasure in each Minecraft World.

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 12:52 AM PST

    Mummys :

    Mummys would be more powerful than zombies and would inflict curse, which is a negative effect that inflicts a lot of nefast effects (3 or 4 maximum).

    Pharaoh (boss) :

    The boss would be the Pharaoh who would cast a lot of powerful spells. Like the evoker he can summon, mummy and vex.

    His health would be similar to the Wither and he would be as powerful as him with a phase 1 or he sends powerful magic spells with a summoning sequence in the temple and a phase 2 or he teleports himself outside the temple where he uses the lightning, fireballs and a magic stick. To eliminate it permanently the player will have to use his bow.

    As a reward we would have his mask and his magic stick and the clef of the big treasures in his room.

    Big treasures :

    The player can not break the chest or see what is inside,unless he has beaten the boss, to avoid cheating.

    The big treasures would contain many gems,undying totems and enchanted books much more rewards than the chests that would be found using a map in the ocean.

    Dungeon :

    Outside :


    Inside :


    Boss room :


    Mummys :


    Pharaoh :


    Big treasure :


    submitted by /u/survivor98xx
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    Fungiants- Titans of The Mushroom Islands

    Posted: 10 Nov 2019 11:11 PM PST

    These large beasts of the mushroom islands are slightly bigger than ravagers, but unlike ravagers they are more like these outdated reconstructed Megalosaurus ( https://c8.alamy.com/comp/CPC9D9/iguanodont-dinosaur-model-crystal-palace-parks-prehistoric-monster-CPC9D9.jpg ) The only difference is that they are brown with a giant horn on the nostril, hooves and 1 giant brown mushroom on it's back.

    Ambient Behavior: These beast move gently across these islands spawning in 1-3, they will sleep during the night under large mushrooms and no Fungiants can sleep by themselves. During the day they will eat, play with each other, sit and nap. How they play is they run after each other. 1 interesting behavior is they go to the sea and dive to eat the sea plants, they can only be under water for 3 minutes before resurfacing.

    Another thing is when 1 of their kind is killed they surround their drop and bow their head for 15 seconds before swaying for another 15 seconds, then after that they cry and make mournful noise before going towards what killed their comrade with a damage boost.

    When theirs a thunderstorm babies rush to their mothers and stay close while shaking and shivering, the parent will lie down and snuggle with their child. If a parent and child meet once grown they will play and snuggle, also when young the babies don't know how to attack so their parent teach them. After watching the baby will attempt to attack being weak, after 15 tries they know how to attack. They are hostile to hostile mobs like drowned and ravagers

    When babies get separated from mom's they constantly wail and panic and if not accompanied by another Fungiant they would go to the nearest mob and follow them resulting in the calves not knowing to attack and be passive once grown.

    Combat Behavior: They are neutral which means they're chill unless you attack them. When you attack them they all charge at you, they have 3 attacks: Normal, Mushroom, and Slice. They have 150 health.

    Normal: Standard launching dealing 6 hearts of dmg.

    Mushroom: It's a very interesting attack, when you're too far they hit the ground and after 1 second a giant mushroom appears suffocating and slowing you down so they can attack, the mushroom disappears after 5 minutes.

    Slice: The lift their head very high then coming in a swooping action dealing 8.5 dmg you if not in diamond amour, It goes past amour and lowers durability by 25% and shields by 35%.

    When killed, the others mourn and if you try to take it they become angry and deal more damage.

    Drops: Why would you kill this beast? Well they wield good loot like 5-7 bone, a few pieces of rotten flesh and it's horns,

    It's horns can be place able or used to craft spiked horse Armour.

    Crafting Recipe: H=Horn, A= Horse Armour, S= String, N=Nothing

    N H N

    S A S

    N N N

    This increase it's durability and passive ability if any mob tries to attack it by hand they take 0.5 hearts of damage and a slight knock-back.

    Taming: Well if you don't wan't to kill then you can tame (Warning: If u killed a Fungiant in front of another Fungiant and escape, do not tame it as they never forget.) Taming one is a difficult task, you need to capture one as a baby and that angers parents. If you kill the parent the baby is untamable and when grown will attack, so a peaceful way is to find a lone orphan as they have a 0.20% chance spawning. You have to teach them or make them watch an adult in attack to learn

    You have the child but how do you tame it? Feed it giant mushroom blocks, once fed it will be yours. Though they seem op they are not perfect, if you attack a wild Fungiant in front of your tame one the tame one will be aggressive towards you. They are useful for long underwater travel but unlike the skeleton horse they can actually swim in levers and of the seafloor. They also destroy leaves and when space is hold the ram into what's in front of you and can destroy blocks like wood and stone making it excellent for mountain excavation and and deforestation.

    That's it! How was it? Any problems? Let me know!

    submitted by /u/Zachay4
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    Ability to apply banners to shulker boxes

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 04:03 PM PST

    With 16 (17?) colors available for the shulker box, I believe there is more than enough variety for a single player. However, on multiplayer servers when people collaborate, everyone's color schemes intermix and it can make organization chaotic.

    On larger builds, as chest monsters form, 17 colors can also result in confusion. Personally, I've noticed I tend to group by color regardless of contents and have to open several boxes before finding the desired contents.

    Standard chests and barrels can be labeled with signs or item frames because, feasibly, it will remain in that location for quite some time. We have no equivalent for a shulker box since our standard labeling system is always broken when opening them or picking them up unless they are placed on an adjacent block.

    Applying a banner design to the face of a shulker would make each shulker box even more distinguishable in our inventory and when placed in the world. Similar to how we can apply a banner to a shield, we can put the design on the top face of the box. A general consensus would have to be made on what to do about the difference in aspect ratio (rectangular vs square) but it could be shrunk, wrapped, or cropped.

    All in all, it could be a spectacular way to expand the usefulness of banners. I feel like they aren't utilized to the maximum potential that comes from a user customizable texture. I'd love to see what designs and ideas would stem from different players' creativity and sorting schemes. Ideas?

    submitted by /u/Viridis_Coy
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    Biome #13 - Things are definitely not going the way you want. Part 1

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 11:37 AM PST

    • Biome #13: is named due to the ominous music playing and very slow changes that make your mind go nuts

    • Biome features:

    • Upon entering, music disc 13 starts playing

    • Mob swap times. Every 5 minutes. Block swap times. Every 3 minutes. Only happens when player has entered the biome. Music and random changes stop when leaving.

    • Mobs and blocks randomly swap to other blocks at very slow rate but just enough to make you mad. Stone blocks will swap to other stone blocks. Ore blocks will swap to other ore blocks. Sometimes, a very slim chance a diamond block or emerald block will replace grass. Once replaced, they can be randomly replaced again.

    • You are walking and you see a chicken. You turn around and bam, creeper blows up. So mobs will also be randomly replaced with other mobs. You running from a creeper. You take a break and turn around, it's now just a cow.

    • Mobs affected by this biome

    • Creeper to chicken. Chicken to creeper. Skeleton to husk. Husk to skeleton. Spider to cave spider. Cave spider to spider. Cow to sheep. Sheep to cow.

    • Blocks affected by this bione

    • Grass to dirt. Dirt to other dirt and back to grass or mycelium. Stone to other stone variants. Cobblestone to mossy cobblestone and back. All ores swap between other ores, making it really hard getting the specific ore you want. Lava to water and water to lava. Ice to obsidian and obsidian to ice. Diamond block, emerald block, iron rock, and heavy blocks swap with any block but for every 10 minutes. Trees get their blocks swapped and rotated with other tree blocks or themselves.

    • Biome Appearance

    • Gold dust sprinkled in grass and random areas that look like redstone sparkling.

    • Golden Grass that shines in the darkest of days. (Grass that has a light level of 1)

    • Golden dirt that shines in the darkest of days (Dirt that has a light level of 1)

    • All tree varieties are found here.

    • Biome colors; Pitch black. Results in black tree leaves and no light at all.

    • light level. 0.

    • Pitch Black Tree is also found here. Has all it's wood variants. It gives more charcoal when smelted by 2.

    • Ghost mobs: A transparent figure of mobs that had died in the past float here. They don't hurt you or anything, just float around making their mob noises. They will tend to dissapear and reappear at random.

    • Reasons to visit:

    • a dungeon that is booby trapped with lore books explaining about the music disc number 13 and why it exists

    • a tier 3 loot for braving the unknown.

    • Golden stone bricks and it's varieties found here. Crafted from 1 gold dust + 1 stone block.

    • Gold dust: Gold bar in anvil with anvil in other slot. Receive 1 gold dust and anvil back. Anvil durability gets used up by 1.

    • Sythteen: A ghostly like creature that carries a scythe. It has 10 hearts of health, 2 heart attack damage. It hunts for spiders for food. It drops either a nether star, Golden ingot, or bones, or Golden dust.

    • You can create a scythe, a new weapon by crafting it using pitch black sticks, nether star, and bones in scythe shape. A scythe will do 2 extra damage than the sword. But it will also take longer to recharge. It is primarily used to harvest crops faster and more efficient. It loses 3 durability on crops

    • It loses 5 durability if used for attacking. When swung at fully grown crops, it will harvest all in a 10by10 area.

    • Anything built here will not be randomly swapped.

    • If you build an enchantment room here, you will only need half of the books to reach level 30.

    • if you bring the dragon egg here, it will start to crack. It won't do anything else, just be cracked. (Part 2 will explain more)

    • Part 2 will come if you actually like this idea.

    submitted by /u/CosmicLightning
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    Acid nether weather biome with hard pyrite blocks to encourage visits

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 02:10 AM PST

    Weather: Acid rain that must be sheltered from to avoid lost hearts and armor damage.

    Weather: High-level acid clouds that must be dodged, or gone under/over to avoid heart and armor damage.

    Block: Ghast-resistant pyrite (fools gold) block found only in Acid Nether Weather biome, only on areas exposed to acid rain and acid clouds.

    MOB: Wandering acid devils (similar size to blaze). Drop pyrite dust.

    Acid rain and acid clouds slowly break exposed overworld/end blocks, requiring builds of nether materials.

    Nether mobs immune from effects.

    Having pyrite only in the dangerous areas of Acid Weather Biome encourages visits to this deadly biome.

    submitted by /u/goteth
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    Iron Golems should dent and puncture instead of cracking.

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 08:04 AM PST

    In update 1.15, Iron Golems will crack when low on health, and can be healed with iron ingots. Considering the blunt force most mobs use, it would make more sense if the golems would dent, bend and puncture at low health.

    submitted by /u/chromacorn
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    Ideas Surrounding The Dragon

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 01:30 PM PST

    The dragon egg currently has a limited use, if any at all. Many players will get it and display it somewhere, and never touch it again. And with the community as old as it is now, many players already know to bring a piston to the end to snag it, which I would think to be illogical if I didn't already know it was one of the only actual methods for getting it. And why is it that when resummoning the dragon, we don't use the egg? It would be understandable that it is meant to be a trophy, which it is, and that if it were needed to respawn the dragon it might be stuck in a bit of a loop where you can't display an egg and summon the dragon at the same time, but I have a fix for that along with the many ideas I have compiled here, so enjoy!

    Obtaining The Egg

    Getting the egg should be more difficult if we are to give it more use, so I propose that to obtain the egg you MUST be wearing a dragon head and use a diamond pickaxe. This would require players to explore further into the end to pick up the egg, which the majority of players are already going to do anyway. This would mean that all the ways we have currently to get the egg would need to be removed, so that for example trying to get the egg with a piston would simply make it teleport away. My reasoning behind this is along the lines of psychic abilities, which the egg may possess that would allow it to see who is attempting to touch it, it sees it's momma('s severed head) and doesn't jump away from her.

    Potion Of Acid Breath

    And while we are on the subject of the head, it could use some more purpose, considering multiple can be found. I think that the head should be used to brew a potion, a very longlasting potion, more than just a potion really... I like the term "Enchantment". See, I believe that once this potion is brewed, (I think that it should make use of the lingering Thick Potion as well, to give another fundamentally useless item some function) and it is used to coat a player's helmet, it would give said helmet a type of enchantment, an augmentation if you will, that will allow said player to cast forth purple acidic dragon's breath. Now of course, it would need to be toggled and to stop it being too overpowered I suggest that it can only be activated with an empty hand and the use button. When you activate it, it would blast for a few seconds then cooldown would begin. This breath would not linger, but would rather be like a flamethrower. It would of course damage enemies, likely doing the same amount of damage as the real dragon's breath. There would be a reasonable cooldown, but for all intents and purposes it is a permanent enchantment on the helmet, lost only when the helmet is lost, broken, used in a grindstone or any other thing that would cause either the helmet, it's enchantments, or both to go away. This enchantment, "Acid Breath", and Mending would be mutually exclusive.

    Potion Of Flight

    This potion is more along the lines of an augmentation as well, at this point I'm not afraid of suggesting things that may be a tad op, because at this stage in the game you have a bow and a sword (Or axe, #AxeGang) with every conceivable enchantment and nothing is getting in your way if you can kill a presumably ancient dragon. This would be a lingering Mundane Potion plus dragon egg shards (Don't worry, I have more on this later!), I'm most proud of these ideas because of the thick and mundane potions, I think it's just cool for them to have a purpose! This potion would allow you to double tap the jump button, which would soar you into the air (I'm thinking the vertical distance here would be dependent on the armor type, diamond of course giving you the highest, but maybe incentives to put the augmentation on chainmail and gold?) and automatically start the gliding sequence you double tap to trigger with elytra. The main difference here would be that you aren't just falling with style, you are propelling yourself forward and flying, almost like using fireworks but slightly more stable and not as fast. This potion would be applied to chestplates and NOT elytra, the base wings that you would get would be folded up behind your armor and spread while falling, gliding, flying etc. and would take on the appearance of the dragon's wings, but having the potion applied to armor opens up a new spot in your inventory, allowing you to equip your own elytra to take it's place. This is effectively the solution to wearing all four pieces of armor, and having wings. If somehow your chestplate breaks in midair, you can keep the wings until touchdown. I think however, that the ability to fly with this enchantment will be done with cost to exp, and naturally it would be mutually exclusive with mending. Similar to if the chestplate breaks, when you run out of exp, or get down to a certain level, you will just be gliding, then after touchdown you will basically have a regular pair of elytra. Hitting the exp limit, does not however take away your ability to wear wings with a chestplate, it only revokes stable flight and soaring up.

    Rebirthing The Dragon

    I believe the resummoning of the dragon is fine, except for one thing - I think the egg needs to be used. Placing the egg on any of the bedrock blocks on the fountain along with the end crystals will summon the dragon, and on the block where you placed the egg, there will be another block which can be mined regularly, it is the dragon egg remains. It is essentially the egg, but broken open and some chunks missing out the top, with cracks running throughout. This block will drop the dragon egg shards when mined and these shards will have a few different uses. Firstly, as said above, it would be the main ingredient in the Potion Of Flight. Second, 4 pieces would be used surrounding a chicken egg in a crafting table to make a fertilized dragon egg (After every fight with the dragon you get another egg which can be used to summon him, this is just that but say you fight him 4 times and then you lose the egg, well not to fear, you can make another! Just be careful). And third, 8 shards can be used surrounding an end crystal in the crafting grid to make a special dormant version of the egg, which glows ominously from it's core and would make a way better trophy than the standard egg. Normally the remains would only give one shard, and while fortune would work with the remains, you can only ever receive 2 shards from them.

    Now, for the potions I can see 2 routes to take, either the easily accessible mundane and thick potions combined with dragon's breath, or possibly a more balanced idea - bottles 'o enchanting instead. I personally like both options, but BoE are rarer so it's probably the right way to go, despite my pity for thick and mundane.

    I don't really know how to wrap up here, so uhh, tell me what you think and I hope I didn't waste your time. Upvotes appreciated lol

    submitted by /u/ZinaalKriid
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    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 02:30 AM PST

    Ralliers are special mobs that sole purpose is to form monster hoards to attack players.

    They are a villager/illager subtype, however, they are not at all affiliated with raids. They are fully wandering outcasts.


    They have grey-ish skin, as they are dark magic users (like evokers). They wield a weapon (choices below) on their right hand and a Rallying Banner, a completely new magical item that allows them to rally mobs onto their side.

    The banner would be radiating with magic (enchantment glow)

    the banner pattern would always be one of the mob head pattern charges (creeper face, skeleton skull, zombie's head)


    Ralliers will wander around the world, they have a sight range of 40 (same as a zombie). When they see a mob, they would walk towards them and cast a spell (raising their banner while magic green and blue sparks emit from it) and then the mob would follow them.



    this one's obvious, but they can't rally all types of monsters. They would only rally a few mob types:

    1. zombie (drowned & husk)
    2. skeleton (skeleton, skeleton horseman, stray and wither skeleton)
    3. untamed horse/donkey (will tame them until the rallier dies, they would ride on these horses themselves or give them to his/her followers
    4. spiders & cave spiders

    on low difficulty levels, the spell attempt may fail and the target mob would just die


    This mob is actually fairly weak on its own, so when on low hp the rallier would cast a spell that gives them speed III for 5 seconds and run away


    All mobs under his/her control would heal up for 2 hearts and gain regeneration I for 5 seconds


    1. 30 EXP
    2. Rallying banners

    Rallying banners cannot be used in the same way as to how ralliers (mob) use them, When placed, they would passivity mobs in a radius. Rallying banners can still be decorated like normal banners

    submitted by /u/lolbit_511
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    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 12:22 AM PST

    When pick-blocking a block that you do not have in your inventory, it should put the best appropriate tool in your hand.
    This would be more quality of life improvement than anything. For instance, if you already have a pickaxe in your inventory and you pick-block a block of stone, then the pickaxe would go to your hand. It would work the same for shovels, axes, and pickaxes. It would be toggle-able in the settings, where it would be assigned to the same button as pick-block.

    submitted by /u/Monstruken
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    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 07:33 AM PST

    What if they added diseases into the game that could be cured if you got enough of a certain resource. They could maybe do it so doing certain things like eating rotten flesh or just raw meat in general would give you some disease. Or maybe they could do it so a new mob or plant or something else would be able to infect players and mobs. Certain diseases could be more lethal than others like in real life. Idk but it sounds cool in my opinion

    submitted by /u/KingFazbear42
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    Augmenting weapons

    Posted: 10 Nov 2019 11:34 PM PST

    So this idea would basically be like an early game enchantment system that doesn't use XP

    So you could use like maybe a blaze rod for flame aspect, after lets just say 32 hits and the blaze rod breaks meaning the enchantment is gone

    You could add another one of the materials that built the sword to add a temporary sharpness effect

    I thought it was a good idea, what do y'all think?

    submitted by /u/TribalTransfusion311
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