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    Minecraft If a player in creative is holding a tool, they should get the "hyper break" you get from using that tool in survival

    Minecraft If a player in creative is holding a tool, they should get the "hyper break" you get from using that tool in survival

    If a player in creative is holding a tool, they should get the "hyper break" you get from using that tool in survival

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 07:54 AM PST

    If a player in creative is holding a pickaxe, they should be able to break blocks as fast as a player in survival would with that tool type with efficiency V with a haste beacon. This would allow players to clear small areas a lot faster.

    submitted by /u/BiC_MC
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    My suggestion got taken down cuz a moderator thought it was stupid and outrageous...then it got added��

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 07:46 AM PST

    I suggested that a cape slot be added to Minecraft, and that everyone have access to capes.

    A moderator took it down and told me how there's no way Mojang would add something like that, and that capes are a special reward for special people. And that everyone shouldn't just have access to capes. And he said that my idea had no place in Minecraft.

    Well, here we are. And Minecraft has a cape slot. And everyone got free capes. 👏👏👏

    submitted by /u/alphawolfG99
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    To remember them.

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 06:05 PM PST

    When a tamed wolf dies I think they should drop some form of item to remember them. Like a collar or something along those lines.

    submitted by /u/Mr_A14
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    Piranhas in jungle water

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 05:00 AM PST

    I think that piranhas would be a cool thing to add if and when they do an underwater update. Maybe they could even make the pufferfish attack and poison you?

    submitted by /u/dgpzdlt
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    Armour enchanted with fire protection shouldn't burn up in fire or lava when dropped

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 08:35 AM PST

    They should float in lava, so you can go to the edge to pick them up. It could also scale, so maybe each level of fire protection adds a minute of time before the item burns. Maybe there'd be a way to add fire protection to other stuff (like elytra and your pick), where it would provide this, but wouldn't increase the player level of fire protection.

    submitted by /u/RoastKrill
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    Liquid Honey

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 11:36 AM PST

    Since we have Honey Blocks now, why not add a fluid version of Honey.

    This fluid behaves rather oddly, the source block will turn into a Honey Block when in a cold biome/touching cold blocks like ice, but when exposed to a normal biome, it flows about 3 blocks and is just as viscous as lava, if not a bit less. If liquid honey is in a hot biome, it will spread out faster and further up to a maximum of 6 blocks in desert biomes. Liquid honey will spread around 8 blocks in the Nether and behave identically to water. Honey shares the physics of both lava and water, as it is neither a solid or liquid. If liquid honey is placed in the Nether, it will have a bubbly appearance as if it's boiling and damage the player, but not as rapidly as lava, and will not slow down the player as much.

    Viscosity of liquid honey depends on biome like this example:

    Cold biome - Lava viscosity and swimming movement is very slow

    Icy biome - Solid, no swimming is possible

    Normal biome - Viscosity is between that of water and lava. Swimming speed is moderate

    Warm biome - Water viscosity, swimming is just like being in water, sprint swimming is possible (although slower)

    While under the honey surface, the mist will turn the colour of Honey, as if you were inside it, just a bit darker. Light levels will always be close to zero inside the honey starting at 8 for near the surface, going down to 0. Despite this, mobs cannot spawn under the honey as it is too sticky.

    It is not possible to create infinite liquid honey sources. However, you can always make honey blocks and set them on fire/set them down in any biome that is not cold to melt them and create liquid honey. This can then be scooped up in a bucket. Liquid honey cannot be set on fire, and if it meets lava, it will simply disappear, and stop the lava flow without making any blocks.

    submitted by /u/SnowBallEarth43
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    Life finds a way

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 09:53 AM PST

    Hatch a chicken by throwing an egg on the ground.

    submitted by /u/mcupdatewanter
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    Villagers hold lanterns when they're outside and it's nighttime

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 04:49 AM PST

    The lanterns would have a light glow, not enough to light anything though, just as some sort of asthetic addition to the game, I just think that it would make the villages more interesting and full of life.

    While some villagers sleep, others (like the mason, the librarian or the cleric) wonder around the village, working or doing whatever villagers do.

    submitted by /u/dgpzdlt
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    Add an F3 keybind to switch between survival and creative.

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 11:31 AM PST

    Similar to how minecraft has a built in F3 keybind to switch between creative and spectator (F3 + N), there should be a keybind to switch to survival so map makers could be able to easily test without having to use a command.

    >>>Alternatively, the keybind could switch between survival and adventure instead.<<<

    submitted by /u/BiC_MC
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    Hats/Helmets on Snow Golems so they don't melt in the sunlight.

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 01:12 PM PST

    You can add helmets to you're Snow Golems soy that they don't melt in the sunlight, they have to be leather helmets though, so that it's not to OP. I'm thinking that maybe you'd have to remove there pumpkin head first, because it would look a bit ridiculous to have the helmet on top of it.

    You right-click on the headless Snow Golem with a leather helmet (you can obviously choose the colour of said helmet) and it equips it. Simple enough.

    submitted by /u/dgpzdlt
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    New idea: Infected snowballs

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 01:02 PM PST

    Infected snowballs are crafted with one potion of any kind surrounded by 8 snowballs. This gives 8 snowballs that have only 50% of the initial effect of the potion. You're basically giving out half of the effectiveness for more range. Moreover infect snowballs differ from splash potions due to the fact that splash potions do...well splash and on the other hand infected snowballs are single targeting with way more range.

    Bonus: Furthermore you can use infected snowballs to make infected snow blocks which afterwards can be used to create snow golems that have certain potion effects. For example you can craft a snow golem with a pumpkin and 2 fire resistants snow blocks which are made with all together 8 fire resistant infected snowballs. As a result the snow golem will be able to survive fire damage, lava and living in the nether. In addition an optional or maybe even better a hardcore features could be making the golems also throw the same kind of infected snowballs.

    submitted by /u/Blackangel466
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    Change redstone dust’s placing and breaking noises

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 07:21 AM PST

    Some of the sounds in minecraft don't make a lot of sense, like redstone dust, when broken and placed, makes the same sound as stone. I'd be better if it sounded like actual DUST.

    submitted by /u/Noatee
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    Campfires and Soul Sand

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 09:02 AM PST

    With 1.16, we get blue fire. So why can't we get blue campfires as well, in a way that involves soul sand.

    submitted by /u/TheBlackHoleOfDoom
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    Bedrock Edition should have in-game voice chat

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 02:14 PM PST

    Now that PlayStation can cross play with Xbox, it would make sense to add in game voice chat yet there isn't any. With in game voice chat we would actually be able to talk with friends cross platform with good quality mics/audio instead of having to use apps like discord on our phones

    submitted by /u/commandblock
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    Chili peppers: A new unique food source.

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 03:58 AM PST

    This suggestion is not in the fps or rejected list, I checked it.


    Chili should naturally generate in plains, savannahs, and maybe beside rivers in deserts as bushes, and Savanah and desert villages. Chili bushes when broken drop 2 to 4 chilis, and each chili crafts 1 chili seed. They should generate in groups of 5 to 6 bushes, and rather commonly, to make for a good starter food source.


    Chili should take maybe around the same time as sweet berry bushes to grow, preserving their aspect as a good starter food source. They also, like sweet berries, don't need water to grow, as a bonus.


    Chilis when eaten raw restore half a bar of hunger, and when eaten cooked restore 3 bars of hunger. However, as a downside, cooked or raw, like when an ender pearl is consumed there would be a cooldown bar on all food items that lasts 1 second because the chili would make you very spicy. There is a 10 percent chance for the chili to take half a heart of damage but you can't take fatal damage from chilis. This can be a make up for the goodness of chilis.

    I know irl chilis are very small but minecraft chilis can be the very large peppers.

    Chilis can be traded to farmer villagers at 20 chilis for 1 emerald.

    What other uses could chili have and what do you feel?

    submitted by /u/reedit1332
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    Faster minecarts

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 12:49 AM PST

    I'm sure I'm not the only one that thinks minecarts are too slow compared to other means of transportation. At top speed on a straight track they move at 8 m/s, the same speed as the rowboat, which I think it's ridiculous.

    They are considerable slower than most other transportation means, they can only be used in 2 directions, and a good rail system requires a lot of iron and redstone.

    Using a boat and ice is x5 faster than using a minecart.

    So my suggestion is increasing minecarts top speed to 20m/s. Yes, that much, 'cause they're really slow. Yet this will only be half the speed of iceboating with regular ice.

    If you want a slower scenic ride, just don't use powered rails and it won't go faster than 10 or 12m/s. The fastest horse breed will still be faster (14m/s), and it can move in any direction.

    As you can see, I don't want minecarts to be faster than elytras, iceboating or even horses. I just want them to compete or to stand a chance. Currently, they're too slow and the rails are too expensive, making them too impractical.

    submitted by /u/NekonataM
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    Glass Slabs

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 03:44 PM PST

    So you want to block water and see what's above you. Introducing Glass Slabs, built like other slabs but with Glass. Cannot be made with Stonecutters.

    submitted by /u/TheOutcast06
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    Blue fire should do more damage.

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 04:22 PM PST

    Pretty much title. The blue fire you can get from soul soil being lit should do more damage than regular fire. Blue fire is hotter, after all. Not double, but maybe 50% more.

    submitted by /u/IASIPFL
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    Ghoul - Rare Zombie variant with Vampirism and ability to burrow underground

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 09:04 PM PST

    Basic Stats:

    Health: 20

    Damage: 6 to player | 4 per second for passive creatures

    Armor Points: 3

    Experience: 12

    Unique abilities:

    Vampirism - Can attack any passive mobs like cows, sheeps or villagers by stunning them and trasfering their health to this monster (4 damage to 2 health). Villagers killed by this ability will not turn into zombies.

    Underground Burrowing - if standing on any dirt, gravel, sand or clay this mob can burrow underground to slowly regain lost health or hide from sun. This mob always spawn in burrowed state (unless spawned underground) and unburrow once player approach its position.

    Ghoul will have 2.5% / 5% / 10% chance to replace any zombie at night, depending on difficulty. His Vampiric abilities make him dangerous for player mob farms and borrowing ability can catch unprepared player offguard. Once killed, Ghoul can drop anything normal zombie will drop.

    submitted by /u/HellFireBro
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    Chalkboards in Java and Bedrock Edition

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 08:48 AM PST

    (Part of a planned series of posts about implementing Education Edition features into normal Java/Bedrock Edition Minecraft, insert link to main post here when done)

    Chalkboards are available in the Education Edition of Minecraft, but are unavailable in normal Bedrock and do not exist in Java Edition. However, I think that Chalkboards do have a niche which cannot be met by signs, so I think they should be added into the game as a later-game upgrade to signs.

    Chalkboards in real life are made out of slate stone, which is made out of metamorphized shale, a sedimentary rock made of clay and volcanic ash. White chalk sticks are made out of chalk rock or limestone, both of which are the remains of the shells of ancient microorganisms. Chalk is commonly found on ocean floors, where the pressure exerted by the ocean transformed the microscopic shells into rocks. Colored chalks are made by dying white chalk with various chemicals. (All this info is from Wikipedia, so sorry if it's wrong)

    Given this information, none of the existing stone variants would work as substitutes for slate. To resolve this, the best solution would be the addition of slate in some form. Given the nature of how slate is formed, I think the best way to introduce it into the game is either as a product of smelting gravel, or if you wish to gate it to the Nether, by smelting an ash of some sort (details are out of my scope, but smelted Soul Sand could work unless something better is introduced in 1.16).

    As for Chalk itself, that would likely require the addition of a new drop by Guardians, or the addition of a new chalk block. Although chalk can be found underground, for progression reasons I believe it should be restricted to deep oceans, and so having it as a Guardian drop is justified. If you don't want to add new drops, perhaps it could be obtainable by smelting Prismarine Shards. (Crafting wouldn't make sense, so this is the only other alternative I could think of that semi-makes sense.) Nautilus shells, although technically more accurate scientifically, are far too rare to work in gameplay (I always understood Prismarine shards to be loose Guardian scales, which are largely the same material as shells are made of, so the process would be similar). Although it is possible to have the chalk dyed at this stage, I think it makes more sense to dye chalk the same way text on signs is dyed.

    Now that we have Slate and Chalk available in the game, I think Chalkboards could be crafted with three slate, two planks, and a piece of chalk. (middle row is slate, bottom corners are planks, chalk can go anywhere else). For efficiency purposes, this should create three chalkboards.

    Now what advantage would Chalkboards provide over signs? They would have more space to write things down since Chalkboards can take multiple blocks, and the chalk could be made brighter than what is possible on normal signs. Remember the bug in early 1.15 snapshots where sign text was immune to lighting? It doesn't make sense on signs, but I think it could be implemented here with relative ease, giving Chalkboards a unique niche that would justify them being gated to later in the game.

    This whole post is rather stream-of-consciousness, but I think it's important to explain why I made the decisions I made.

    TL;DR: Chalkboards function largely the same as in Education edition, but also can have text that ignores the lighting around them. This makes them an improved version of signs, but in exchange they are more expensive and gated to later in the game. They are made of Slate, which can be made by smelting Soul Sand or a new 1.16 block, Chalk, which can be taken from deep ocean floors or made by smelting Prismarine shards, and wooden planks.

    submitted by /u/DekZek
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    A piston's push limit should be based on the strength of the redstone

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 11:28 AM PST

    A pistons push limit should be affected by the strength of the redstone dust / comparator input.

    submitted by /u/BiC_MC
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    All blocks should be able to be made sticky

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 11:39 AM PST

    How much easier would builds be if you could ad slime to any block.

    submitted by /u/awholelotofnoyes
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