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    Minecraft New Nether Mob: Lost Soul

    Minecraft New Nether Mob: Lost Soul

    New Nether Mob: Lost Soul

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 01:35 PM PST

    A Lost Soul would be the ghostly of a figure of a Player, without legs. They would be completely white, transparent, with two holes where the eyes would be. Mojang could probably come up with a better appearance than I can, but it's all I've got right now.

    They would be a neutral mob, and will behave like Pigmen; If you attack one, any others nearby will swarm you. They would drop nothing useful, and they would be able to fly.

    Lost Souls would spawn rarely anywhere in the Nether, even in the air, regardless of light level (About as common at Witches), and spawn more commonly on above of Soul Sand. They will always fade away and despawn after a while.

    Now here is the main point of the Lost Soul: If a Nether Portal is present, and they're not attacking anything, they will slowly fly towards the coordinates of the nearest Nether Portal, no matter how far it is. It is supposed to be used as a way to find your way back to the Overworld if you lose your portal and get lost. If there are no Nether Portals AT ALL in the world, they will just wander randomly like any other flying mob.


    • If the Player dies at all in the Nether, a Lost soul will spawn where they died.
    • If the Lost Souls are close enough to a Nether Portal, they will fly into the Nether Portal, and despawn immediately upon touching it.

    NOTE: For those if you who say that you should just write down the Coordinates of the Nether Portal from the Debug menu, You shouldn't have to rely on the Debug Menu to play the game. That's why it's called a Debug menu... It's supposed to help with what it's name suggests: debugging.

    Edit: Posted this suggestion on the Feedback site, If you like this suggestion be sure to go here and vote for it!

    submitted by /u/yummymario64
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    Bees should pollinate saplings, saplings that grow from bees should have a chance to grow bee nests

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 07:50 PM PST

    As the title suggests, saplings should be able to pollinated just as any crop. While I understand the difference and can see why it may have not been included I think it makes sense. I would also welcome fruit / apple trees but I digress

    Also currently bee nests are non renewable. While bee HIVES are I don't love the texture. I appreciate the realism they tried to emulate I would like renewable bee nests for older worlds that make bee nests fairly difficult to find

    submitted by /u/Reddragonking4
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    [Immersion] Suggestions for the Behaviour of Animal Mobs

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 09:31 AM PST

    Now, it's not that Minecraft animals are particularly unrealistic, it's just that there's some stuff that can improve some of them and provide more depth to them and make them cuter.

    1. CATS: When cats are left alone, they scratch stuff. This should include anything from smooth stone to chests or furnaces. The scratch is purely aesthetic, and perhaps fades away after 5 minutes.
      1. Tamed wolves fetch drops which the mobs that they kill drop. For example, if they kill a zombie, they return to the owner with rotten flesh.
      2. When you throw sticks anywhere except lava or water, tamed wolves go and fetch them.
      3. They play with baby villagers when there are no hostile mobs around. This could include jumping on/around them, wagging their tails and following them around, within a certain radius of the player.
      4. When reunited with their owner after a long time, they wag their tail with enthusiasm proportional to the time elapsed, as suggested elsewhere on this Sub.
    3. PARROTS: They should occasionally mimic villagers minutes after going out of a village, but perhaps more shrilly. Could work for other mobs too. They should also eat apples that are lying around below trees.
    4. BATS: They fly out at night, like in real life. They proceed to drink nectar from flowers, and eat a bee now and then. They then return to caves/their spawn point during sunrise. They also flee rains and thunderstorms. This could perhaps be exploited by players to find their way out of large caves.
    5. CHICKENS: Chickens rush towards an area when a player throws out seeds, and frequently peck at them. I'm not sure whether this should consume the seeds or not though.

    Thanks for reading :)

    submitted by /u/WhiteLantern_Flash
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    Bee nests should show the amount of bees in it when its in your hotbar

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 04:23 AM PST

    it'll be like the shulker box

    submitted by /u/A_Girrafe
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    Chorus Flowers and Bees

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 07:21 AM PST

    Chorus Flowers should have a special effect on bees.

    If a bees nest or hive is near Overworld flowers and Chorus Plants, bees will ignore Chorus Plants and pollinate the regular flowers like normal. If there are no Overworld flowers nearby, but there are Chorus Plants with live flowers, they will pollinate the Chorus Flowers. The plants will stop growing at a normal time, but the flowers will not die unlike normal. If a bee has pollinated a Chorus Plant 1-3 times, their eyes will turn white and they will not agro when hit, when arriving at the hive/nest with white eyes all other bees at that hive/nest will also get white eyes. I will be calling this an Infection from now on. Bees will go inside Chorus Flowers briefly when pollinating them, before exiting. Infected bees will fly take the shortest possible route from flower to flower. When Chorus Plants are hit, damaged, or shot with an arrow or firework from a bow or crossbow, the bees will become agro and attack whatever hit the Plant. If it's an inanimate object like a dispenser, they will attempt to attack the block anyways and will loose their stingers and die without doing any actual damage to the block. Infected bees will kill Overworld flowers introduced to them after being infected: rose bushes, lilacs and peonies and sunflowers may turn into dead bushes, 1-block flowers except for Wither Roses will either disappear or, on rare occasions, turn into Wither Roses. Both Infected and healthy bees will ignore dead Chorus Flowers. Infected bees make Chorus Plants grow faster. It may be possible to make Chorus Plant farms by separating bees from the Plants before harvesting so they may not attack the player.

    Basically, bees don't care for Chorus Plants until they get desperate from a lack of regular flowers. When bees pollinate Chorus Flowers, they become infected and become mindless slaves to the Plants and focus entirely on helping them grow, thrive and survive.

    On why this is useful; I posted the second part, but I can't seem to get the link at the moment for some reason so I'll add the link later when I can. I want to avoid breaking Rule 5 which is why it's separated into 2 parts. You should be able to find it in my post history for the time being.

    submitted by /u/CouldBeSteve
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    The Magma plains

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 05:19 AM PST

    This is an idea for a new biome to the nether. The Magma plains are a biome covered in magma blocks and they are a home of magma cubes. Magma cubes grow here a little bit bigger than in the rest of the nether and there are also no ghasts. This biome isn't easy because you need to build your way over the magma or just crouch all the time.

    submitted by /u/mcupdatewanter
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    Bouncy Chorus Jelly: Continuing Infected Bees

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 08:00 AM PST

    Unfortunately, I can't seem to copy the link for whatever reason. I'll fix this later when I can use a computer. This is a continuation of another post I just made here about "Bees and Chorus Flowers". I'm making another post to avoid breaking Rule 5.

    Basically: Chorus Plants make bees their "Infected" slaves and they only pollinate and protect Chorus Plants.

    Instead of producing honey and honeycombs at when coming home to their nests/hives; Infected bees produce purple Chorus Jelly that is bouncy. Honey is only sticky, slime is bouncy and sticky, and Chorus Jelly is only bouncy.

    Chorus Jelly can be harvested from nests with bare hands (if you missed the last post; Infected bees remain indifferent to the player unless they attempt to harm a Chorus Plant). This produces Chorus Jelly balls which can be thrown and bounce off objects, blocks, players and mobs a few times before splatting. This could be used to make mini games and probably some Redstone stuff I don't understand.

    You might know that when a block like sand, gravel or anvils that can fall is placed on a Slime Block with a piston placed under it, when the piston pushes the slime up it flings the block into the air. Jelly would fling it almost twice as high. When a mob, player or entity is pushed by Jelly placed on a piston it bounces them in the direction they were pushed. When falling onto it, Chorus Jelly is more bouncy the slime. Arrows cannot stick in Jelly blocks, they will bounce off them, if they fall on top of them, then they will fall over on the block instead of sticking in it. Similarily fireworks, snowballs, eggs, etc. launched at Chorus Jelly blocks will also deflect off of them instead of breaking.

    Bees will not produce a counterpart to honeycomb and using sheers on a hive or nest with Jelly in it will not do anything.

    Basically, bees pollinate Chorus Plants and then come back to the hive or nest and make Chorus Jelly which is purple, super bouncy, and fun.

    submitted by /u/CouldBeSteve
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    Falling water should summon particle effects based on how far it drops

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 05:03 AM PST

    This would make waterfalls look much more natural and cool in the game. Depending on how high the source is and how low the bottom is, you can get more splash effects.

    submitted by /u/dankmemer_69_420
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    Wandering traders sell discs for high prices, and rarely too

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 11:59 AM PST

    Discs are acquirable alright. But for lazy people, they may not want to go through the effort of hunting and taking time to collect discs. Perhaps wandering traders can sell a disc for a very high price, and this trade should also be particularly rare too.

    submitted by /u/GameSeeker040411
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    Dog House

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 11:40 AM PST

    My idea is to add a dog house to Minecraft that can hold one dog in it. You put your dog in it by right clicking the dog you want (making it stand) and then right clicking the dog house. The dog will run into the dog house and lie down there, with it's head poking out a little bit (the inside is hollow so if you looked in you could see the dog's entire body). If you want your dog to leave the house, you can just right click the house again and the dog will come out. If you have multiple dogs standing up at the same time and you right click a dog house, one dog will be selected at random to go inside it.

    The crafting recipe would consist of three wooden planks and three wooden slabs. Depending on what type of wood you use, it'll change the color of the dog house. Here is a picture of the recipe:

    Here is an example of what I imagine it'd look like ingame.

    If you have any feedback or suggestions, I'd love to hear it all!

    submitted by /u/AtomikTheory
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    New Enchantments: Blessings

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 11:57 AM PST

    The Blessing enchantments include ultra rare enchantments similar to mending that all complete powerful and good tasks. None of them are compatible with each other however. Each Blessing book is about as rare as Mending. This also renames mending to be a blessing. The possibility of getting a Blessing book from fishing is 0.0001%. Here is a list of some examples of Blessings:

    Blessing of Mending: Items consume EXP to gain durability.

    Blessing of Saviority: The item will stop working once it is at 1 durability so it does not break. In the case of armor it will go into the players inventory.

    Blessing of the Dragon: You are immune to dragon's breath and you can look at enderman without angering them.

    Blessing of the Totem: The item stays in your inventory when you die, but the enchantment is single-use and removes itself once used.

    Blessing of Health: Negative potions have a 10% chance of being ignored

    Blessing of Stealth: Mobs notice you from 20% less far away.

    Blessing of the Dungeons: Spiders are always passive and your brightness is 50% higher when below Y=60.

    submitted by /u/-DCPT-
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    Honeycomb should be edible

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 04:56 AM PST

    Isn't edible IRL? And honeycombs are pretty much decorational rn

    submitted by /u/ZhanderDrake
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    Horses should move in groups with leader like in real life.

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 01:55 AM PST

    Horses already spawn in groups like any other passive mobs, but what if they will move to different locations together?

    Most strong horse (best stats in speed, health and jump combined) will be leader and always move first

    Good horses with decent stats will follow leader with best stats and all other horses will follow them

    If player tame most strong horse in pack all other horses will still follow their leader (like in real life)

    If two different packs of horses meets in same location, they will regroup and create new pack with new most stronger leader.

    This suggestion will reward players who can notice details in horses behavior to always tame best horses without playing guessing game.

    submitted by /u/HellFireBro
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    Mansions should be moved closer to spawn.

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 12:08 AM PST

    Making mansions spawn away from spawn is a nice idea but it's way too far, spawning approximately 10K blocks away from spawn (results below). This is roughly 10 minutes of Elytra travel in the overworld, or about 3 minutes of Elytra travel in the Nether - and that's at maximum speed and if you know the exact coordinates of the structure.

    • Currently, people searching for mansions will blow their world file size way up. And the loot and challenge offered by the mansions isn't grand enough to justify a journey that long. This is especially true since the Village and Pillage update, which grants you totems without having to travel to the mansion.

    • Since traveling to the Mansion is basically infeasible without an Elytra, the mansion should feel like end-game content. But this isn't the case, it makes more sense for the mansion to be midgame content given its loot and difficulty.

    • Mansions are incredibly far apart from each other too, there's little incentive to conquer more than one if you can be bothered to do one let alone two.

    For these reasons, I believe the closest mansion should spawn about no less than 1.5K and no more than 3K blocks from spawn, rather than 1K - 60K as some have reported. Example1. Example2.

    Some examples worlds - try some worlds for yourself and see for yourself how long it takes to get to the mansion with and without the elytra. World 1 (seed = 4116523257777854771): 12,600 blocks away.

    World 2 (seed = -5543615408063148735): 9,400 blocks away.

    World 3 (seed = 7938828127884978236): 10,800 blocks away.

    World 4 (seed = -4176695635589568637): 4,500 blocks away.

    World 5 (seed = 1417895564830066788): 10,300 blocks away.

    feedback.minecraft link.

    submitted by /u/Camcamcam753
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    Ravager horns that are used for non raid summoning related purposes

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 11:23 AM PST

    The ravagers horns would be a very common drop from ravagers, they could be blown 75 times before breaking, take 3 seconds to finish blowing it and can be repaired with other horns or nautilus shells. They would buff you and nearby passive mobs with strength speed and a new effect called intimidation which only applies to the user for 1 minute, any of the passive mobs buffed would follow you unless they're scared off, like villagers getting scared off by zombies or foxxes getting scared off by wolves. Intimidation would cause any nearby hostile or provoked mobs to start trying to run away from you, there a few exceptions however. These would be mini bosses, bosses, iron golems and ravagers. These affects would also apply to players who you haven't attacked and haven't been attacked by for 5 minutes.

    submitted by /u/The-Most-Sour-Lemon
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    Make water connected.

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 04:17 AM PST

    In real life, the ocean makes a river, and the river gives a little lake, and the little lake makes EVEN MORE rivers.

    In Minecraft: Water spawns for no reason, and is absolutely random.

    I would like to follow a water trail, and actually find an ocean or a lake, not getting blocked by two blocks of grass.

    Make boats usefull.

    submitted by /u/Tekstar_XD
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    Let PS4 users restore DLC purchases

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 02:50 PM PST

    Why isn't there an option to restore purchases? Plenty of users have spent money on ps4 console Minecraft skins/textures, and a majority of those items are already on PS4 Bedrock. So will there be a way to transfer these purchases over?

    submitted by /u/thelegendtwentee7
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    A way to dye coloured beds for java edition

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 12:26 PM PST

    I am playing on a friend's whitelisted survival server, and decided to change my bed from orange (which I dyed it to for halloween) to green for christmas. I tried using a crafting table to do so, nothing happened. Looked on the wiki, said only white beds can be dyed, and that bleach can be used to revert coloured items back to white, but I looked at that and its currently exclusive to bedrock edition. Any chance we could get bleach in java? Or have the ability to dye beds of any colour by right-clicking on them w/ a dye in our hand while crouching?

    submitted by /u/Koi_YTP
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    Animal pelts

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 07:50 AM PST

    Could be a nice decorative touch to a house as a rug. It would also be cool if you could use them to mount "heads" on walls by maybe placing the pelt into a frame. Adding a hunter/trapper villager to trade with would be another cool thing.

    submitted by /u/FeedTheWolf207
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    2 new birds

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 04:51 AM PST

    Hey everyone! It's me again. This time I'm presenting an idea for 2 new birds because for now we only have a parrot and a hen.


    Black, with white feathers and blue gloss, birds slightly larger than a parrot. It has 3 hearts and occurs in taiga and ordinary forests. If the forests are on the border with the plains it sometimes flies over the meadows but will return to the woods. These birds are passive and will be they took items from the player when they drop! The list of these items includes: iron pickaxes, axes, shovels, swords but also iron and gold bars and all other gold and diamond items.Magpie can create its nest in which it places objects. If you collect the nest with your hand, the sticks will fall out and if you want to get the whole nest use a silk touch. After death, he drops 1-2 feathers and the item she took from you. She also gives 1-3 xp.



    They look like that but in Minecraft style.


    These birds live in the woods. Like magpies, they have 3 hearts. They often knock on wood as they do in real life. They are quite shy because they run away from the player. Like I wrote above, they knock on wood because it is their favorite occupation.Woodpeckers can also create logs in which they will nest. Logs can be collected by the player. They can also fly! They are less more the size of a magpie, after death they drop 0-2 feathers and 1-3 xp.

    What do you think about this idea?

    submitted by /u/Neonek675
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    Cats,tamed wolves,ocelots and dolphins should not drop xp when you kill them.

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 10:39 AM PST

    This is animal cruelty.

    submitted by /u/adnandakbb
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    Revamp the Skin System.

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 06:32 AM PST

    First of all, this applies to both Java and Bedrock. So first things first, remove the character creator. It's a bad cash grab. Minecraft shouldn't be like that. Skins can be costume just like in Java Edition through your account and a computer. There's a good chance it won't be possible because of console policies but let's pretend that it is possible. Next, each player can hold up to 16 Skins in their account. You can easily change your skin through the main menu in Bedrock or through your account on Java. You can also simply choose Steve or Alex like you do now, and they won't take extra slots. So, Minecraft should really reward you for playing. Here's the main part of the suggestion. Players will obtain equipabble Hats and Capes from doing different tasks. Examples include: - A Pirate Hat for raiding 10 sunken ships - A cone party hat on the Player's Birthday, randomly chosen each year from a bunch of different color patterns. - A straw hat for harvesting 200 crops in-game - A Creeper cape for killing 1000 creepers. -A Diamond cape for mining 20 Diamonds -A Santa hat for giving a player Diamonds between December 15th-30th. -An Eggplant cape given to randomly chosen player each year for absolutely no reason at all -A Fedora, differently colored Baseball Caps, etc. And more capes Obtained by other means

    In order to achieve rewards for completing missions, the missions have to be done in Survival, and the missions need to completed in the same world, so for example, you can't kill 500 Creepers on one world and then 500 Creepers in another world and get a Creeper cape. Also, if you create a Survival world with cheats enabled, you won't be able to obtain rewards, and if you use "Open to LAN" or anything else and the game detects a command being used, any player in that world won't be able to obtain rewards. The rewards you get can be added to your skins and will even appear on different worlds and not just the one you obtained them in.

    submitted by /u/CyberKitten05
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    Educational addition

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 03:39 PM PST

    When you run with shears, swords, axes, pickaxes, and arrows, any fall damage taken is an instant death.

    This would be very educational since if you run with sharp objects in real life and you fall it could kill you, it would be very good to have this as minecraft may influence kids in real life.

    submitted by /u/GingfulGlider
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    Sieged Villages

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 05:19 PM PST

    As the title suggests, Villages under siege by Illagers.

    Building generation would have a few differences:

    The villages would be 50% larger. You have to fight to reach them, so there should be more reward.

    Farms would be less common. Food is supposed to be scarce in a siege.

    Blacksmiths and Weaponsmiths would be three times as common. The villagers are preparing for the constant battle.

    Iron Golems would be three times as common as well, and the village generates with 4-5 of them.

    Wood plank blocks have a 20% chance to be replaced with Packed Sawdust blocks, crafted using 9 Sawdust, which has a 50% chance to drop when turning wood logs into planks.

    There is a large wall around the village, made of 40% dirt, 20% coarse dirt, 20% cobblestone, 10% gravel, and 10% Packed Sawdust Blocks. The wall is 8 blocks high, 3 blocks thick, and breached in 4-7 places.

    For each building in the village, there is a siege structure outside.

    Siege structures include:

    -Pillager barracks. 11-block-wide, 4-block-high structures made of wood, with a hay roof. Contains 5-6 Vindicators, 10% chance of an Evoker, and 2 Pillager spawners.

    -Armory. Made of fence poles supporting a cobblestone roof. Firepit and furnaces in the center. 8 Chests containing coal, iron, and 5-6 iron tools or weapons, as well as 9 crossbows.

    -Siege tower. 5 blocks wide, 12 blocks high. Made of fence. Ladder going up the inside. 2 pairs of 2-piston extenders, presses against the village wall.

    -Command center. 15-block-wide, 5-block-high roughly round building made of smooth stone. Contains chests with gold and maps of nearby areas. 3*3 map on the wall. Contains 1 Vindicator spawner, 1 Pillager spawner, 2 Evokers, and one Vindicator with iron armor and a diamond axe with low-level enchantments.

    submitted by /u/flufferwings
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    Baby villagers run away from bees

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 08:01 PM PST

    it could be a cool little detail and someone could probably be used in some way for villager breeders.

    Edit:ive got no excuse that grammers just awfull

    submitted by /u/pokefire44
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