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    Minecraft Villagers with professions will kick Nitwits out of bed if they need to sleep.

    Minecraft Villagers with professions will kick Nitwits out of bed if they need to sleep.

    Villagers with professions will kick Nitwits out of bed if they need to sleep.

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 07:03 AM PST

    When you walk trough a village, you will see friendly villagers going about their business and working for the good of the village. This is not the case for Nitwits who don't have jobs and don't go to their work-buildings daily, why they don't is up to you to imagine. It would make sense that working villagers would not be fond of Nitwits, since Nitwits don't do anything and still live in the safety of the village while they have to work. This frustration does not turn into open hostility since villagers are pacifists, but is evident in their behavior such as Nitwits being kicked out of bed when professionalized villagers need to sleep.

    submitted by /u/creprobrin
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    The bee's point of view should be accurate in spectator mode.

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 01:19 PM PST

    In real life, bees have a panoramic point of view, they can see around them, like flies.

    In Minecraft, there is an option in the setting to get your view more focused or more behind, and it feels like a panoramic point of view.

    When you click on a bee on spectator mode, this setting should instantly be true, and when you leave it, it become false.

    Also: Bees can't see the color red. And most of what they see is neon-purple.

    submitted by /u/Tekstar_XD
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    50% chance for arrows to go through iron bars

    Posted: 21 Dec 2019 04:55 PM PST

    Arrows should have a chance to go through iron bars, this could also be used for random number generation

    Edit: People have suggested fences too.

    submitted by /u/BiC_MC
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    Nitwit Vilagers Randomly sleep during the day

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 09:54 AM PST

    When you have no job you have nothing to do but sleep. Small change but would be neat.

    submitted by /u/BeanOftheWild
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    Shipwrecks are more common in coral reefs

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 12:47 PM PST

    It's a small change, but it actually makes sense. Reefs have been the causes of many shipwrecks in the past, as running into a reef can easily tear a hole in a ship, sinking it. The Kenns Reefs, for example, are notorious for shipwrecks, and are known to have at least eight shipwrecks, if not more.

    This could also result in artificial reefs, the ships actually being overtaken by the coral and becoming part of the reef.

    It's small, and it's simple, but it would be very interesting, and add more life to coral reefs.

    submitted by /u/Awryl
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    Next to spawning a new golem, villages should also have a chance to heal damaged previously spawned in golems.

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 03:52 AM PST

    It seems odd that villagers would be capable of creating new golems, yet would not maintain them after in any way.

    submitted by /u/ch3zter
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    Circular Shapes and Spheres via /Fill Command

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 02:46 PM PST

    You know that the /Fill command can create boxes of blocks whether is fillied or the wireframe. How about you can create circles with that command.
    | You can type "Cubic" "Circular" or Spherical" somewhere after the block type. | Leaving it blank will be "Cubic" by default like how it currently is. | You can make the circle face a direction by inserting the coordinate axis, you can make cylinder this way. | Making circles can be a pain in Vanilla and checking references. I spent a lot of time just figuring out the circle in pixels. | There is some commands like that on Java but thats a lot more steps.

    submitted by /u/RICKY_CRAFT
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    the plant color in the nether should be a dark gray ashy sort of color.

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 12:06 PM PST

    so, leaves, grass, vines, etc would look burned, rather than just the brownish color they are now.

    submitted by /u/frightened-inmate-2
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    Lava and rain

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 06:13 AM PST

    I feel that when it rains and there is some exposed lava it sould turn into obsidian randomly

    submitted by /u/Stricker20
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    A suggestion for shield enchantments. I was told it would get recognition here

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 12:32 PM PST

    Minecraft could do so much with shield enchantments. Shields are one of the most useful offhand objects, and yet we can't complete our enchanted diamond gear with any sort of upgrade for it, except for banners. I think it would be cool if we shields could have their own unique enchantments. I have a few ideas, feel free to critique or just tear them apart in the coments (It's not like you need my permission though)

    Deflecting I - V

    Shields already deflect arrows a little, but the deflecting enchantment would deflect them back in the direction you are looking. The higher the enchantment level, the more damage they do and the futher they go in that direction. At level 5, the arrows do 100% of damage, and deflect

    Healing I - III

    Blocking damage with the shield heals you, but takes more durability. Each level heals it's respectful number of hearts, but regardless of level takes the same amount of durability.

    Bouncy I - II

    Blocking incoming damage applies knockback to the attacker


    Incoming arrows stick in the shield and are collected when the shield is de-equipped. Doesn't stack with deflecting, and doesn't keep potion effects or enchantments.

    submitted by /u/DredgenLore
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    Coffee beans

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 06:51 AM PST

    Can be smelted in the furnace. Once smelted, becomes a cooked coffee bean, which then can be crafted with a water bottle to make a bottle of coffee.

    When drank, gives the drinker Speed I and Haste I for 3 minutes, but the user can't sleep in a bed until the effects are clear (but can still set respawn point). Useful for escaping mobs in a pinch if the drinker didn't have a Swiftness potion. Can be traded with Journeyman-level Farmer at 2 emeralds for 10 of them.

    When planted and ready to be harvested, becomes a coffee bush and need to be harvested with a pair of shears. Each harvest yields 3-4 coffee beans.

    submitted by /u/8bit95
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    Truffle hunting pigs

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 07:21 AM PST

    Pigs are one of the most underused farm animals in Minecraft. You might as well farm cows because they give more meat and leather. Sure, you can ride pigs, but why? There needs to be a new reason to farm pigs.

    I think pigs should be able to hunt for truffles. After you feed a pig a few golden carrots, the pig will create love particles and will take you to a grass block with a truffle in it. (Similar to taming a wolf with bones). Truffles would give the player speed, jump boost, haste, and absorption for 3 minutes when eaten.

    submitted by /u/dankmemer_69_420
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    Rice crop

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 01:19 AM PST

    The rice crop would be very useful, as there is currently no fully automatically farmable crop in the game. The crop requires being near more water than the average crop, and if water is streamed over the plant, it will remove the rice with the plant still there. It can be used to make new types of soups and stews and can be combined with kelp to make sushi. Although those ideas probably won't be used often, the rice can be eaten on its own as a food source. It would be a small but useful addition to the game, bringing new elements in food and farming with it.

    submitted by /u/Katsumey12
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    (Advancement UI) Add Display Filter Parameter or Alphabetize Combative Advancements

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 11:46 AM PST

    Combative Advancements = When two or more advancements branch off of one, they are ordered by OS load order (bad, preceivably inconsistent, ugly) every time.

    Problem: This makes it borderline impossible to line things up nicely and it breaks any attempt at creating a pattern that uses Combative Advancements.

    Easy Solution: Add another parameter in the advancement jsons ("hierarchy ":"1", for example) so that players may manually order them above one another, or simply alphabetize them in these scenarios. Either method would solve the biggest design issue with advancements right now.

    Thank you. I adore advancements, and it's always nice to see this (mostly) player friendly system get some love <3

    Edit: Vote for this on the Official Minecraft Feedback Website !


    submitted by /u/Niknokinater
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    A harder end fight

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 11:02 AM PST

    So, the ender dragon is pretty much a cakewalk. Getting to the stronghold and getting the eyes is a lot harder.

    You need to explore the treacherous nether in search of a fortress, then kill te blazes within, and kill enough enderman to get around 15-16 ender eyes.

    By the time you've done that, unless you're speedrunning, you've got good enough gear that you can pretty much cheese through the ender dragon fight.

    In my opinion it should be harder, and here are some suggestions:

    • Phantoms spawn in the end. Not only do they fit the aesthetic, this would make towering up the pillars a lot more dangerous, as you would have to be weary of phantoms knocking you down. In addition, travelling the end islands would be harder, and you would have a source of phantom membrane in the end shoud you need to repair an elytra. (Edit: I know this is in the fps list, but I was going for more of an overhaul type thing here, so I included it)

    • Water/lava don't work it the end. The explanation for this could be something dimension related, not to sure. Gameplay wise, it would be much better. It would make towering much riskier, requiring some slow fall potions or other methods for preventing fall damage. It would also make the enderman harder to deal with, because now you can just flood the island and get rid of endermen and fall damage, as well as making it easier to swim back up the edge with a few waterfalls.

    • A more aggressive ender dragon. Right now he flies around and shoots enderballs at you, and occasionally charges you, only to get repelled by an arrow. The only time he's dangerous is if you try to melee him when he's stationary. l couldn't say exactly what would change, so suggestions would be nice, but if he could just shoot and charge more often, that would be nice. I wouldn't give him a health buff. We want the fight to be challenging, not tedious, like it is now.

    That's pretty much it, if you have any other suggestions, please comment!

    submitted by /u/Sim-Jong-Un
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    there should be a new type of illager: the impostor

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 02:15 AM PST

    regular illagers attack villagers on sight, the impostor doesnt: he would look like a regular villager, but with the illager's angry face or maybe tired eyes, something subtle that takes one or two looks to know that guy is messed up. just like nitwits they would stay up at night and cause trouble for other villagers: destroying crops, killing/letting animals out, leaving doors open and attracting pillagers to the village at night, not a full raid but just a group of about 3, without a captain

    they would have a small chance of spawning inside a village and of generating from a baby villager that doesnt play with the other baby villagers

    probably they could get a job? I'm thinking impostors should work the opposite way regular villagers do: the lower the player's popularity is the cheaper his prices are, or even he could, for instance, sell rotten potatoes as a farmer or cursed armor/items as other professions. or even he sells you a regular potato only for you to find out it was rotten

    during the daytime impostors should also act grumpy and annoyed at the other villagers, maybe pushing the others away, staying home all day and even having a lot of cats

    killing one should still decrease your popularity, but not as much as killing a nitwit does

    submitted by /u/cheatsykoopa98
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    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 02:58 AM PST

    This food is found in hot biomes and hot biome villages. When you destroy fully grown chili, it yields 1-2 chili, 1-2 chili seeds. Chili seeds are a black seed which can be grown in farmland and soulsand, and grows twice as fast in the Nether than in the Overworld, cause chili is HOT!

    Chili can be put into a firework star recipe to create a flame shaped firework. It can also be made into Chili Soup. Villagers will trade Chili for 1 emerald or sell it to you for 1 emerald.

    Be careful when eating chili, as eating too much causes you to breathe fire, and take damage. Fire damage inflicted from this food lasts for 5 seconds.

    Chili refills 4 hunger points.

    Chili takes around a 1/5 days to grow in the Overworld. This time is cut to 0.5 days in the Nether, cause chili is hot to the taste. The hotter the biome, the faster it grows.

    submitted by /u/SnowBallEarth43
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    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 01:30 AM PST

    Lassos would be longer, throwable leads and be crafted like this

    Lassos would have a similar trajectory to splash potions but slightly faster. They would be able to leash anything they hit, including players.

    Unleashing an entity hit with the lasso would cause them to get pulled towards you.

    submitted by /u/The-Most-Sour-Lemon
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    Add the option to play in borderless window

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 12:52 AM PST

    I have two monitors and I'd like to be able to play in a full screen window on my main monitor and be able to seamlessly switch to whatever I'm doing on my secondary monitor, just like I can with every other modern game. I don't know why this feature hasn't been added but it would be a great addition.

    submitted by /u/lyyingcat
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    An enchantment that increases range of tools

    Posted: 21 Dec 2019 05:34 PM PST

    Have you ever been mining out a farm and your picaxe won't reach that one extra block? This is where the range buff will come in handy.

    This should be a decently rare enchantment and should increase by one block in every level it is upgraded.

    submitted by /u/FaucetPics
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    More break stages

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 02:03 AM PST

    Change the break stages to an animation or allow resource pack creators to have more than 10 break stages. Increasing that number would allow for much smoother block breaking animations. This isn't really a problem late game because you break most blocks relatively fast so its not that noticeable but at the start of the game or when mining obsidian its very visible that the break animation is slow and ugly. Increasing the amount of break stages would make the break animation much smoother.


    (The smooth one runs a bit slower but that's because i couldn't get the frame rate right)

    submitted by /u/Sevosc
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    Pollen collectors

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 02:46 AM PST

    I think it makes sense to add a block that can collect pollen. They collect pollen when bees fly over them. When they're full, you can collect pollen as an item. The pollen item can be used as a fertilizer. And since it's cheap, you'll need 6 pollen to grow a crop when needing 3 bonemeal to do the same thing.

    If a pollen collector is placed directly over a.hopper, the hopper will collect the pollen.

    I had this idea because I was sick of using bonemeal as a fertilizer because I like building with bone blocks.

    What do you think of this idea?

    submitted by /u/Katze10-0-10
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    More mobs should have health indication (similar to iron golems)

    Posted: 21 Dec 2019 04:50 PM PST

    More mobs should have texture or model changes based on health similar to golems and dogs.

    Edit, examples: Spiders lose legs, zombies clothes become more ripped, skeletons lose rib bones and creepers become discolored.

    submitted by /u/BiC_MC
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