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    Minecraft When players die in hardcore mode, there should play a small credits scene of the players achievements and stuff

    Minecraft When players die in hardcore mode, there should play a small credits scene of the players achievements and stuff

    When players die in hardcore mode, there should play a small credits scene of the players achievements and stuff

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 01:47 AM PST

    Like so when you die in hardcore and click quit to title, it should show some of the statistics, like time played, distance swimmed, and only the good ones, and then show the advancements, and if it is possible, scenes where the player almost died. An interesting feature for people playing hardcore mode to see how far they come.

    submitted by /u/reedit1332
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    Wolves reunited with their owner get excited.

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 02:47 AM PST

    Basically the idea is that if you spend a long time away from your wolf, when they see you again they would wag their tail. The wagging would increase in speed the longer you are away, so if you are seperated for 1 ingame day, the wolf would wag it's tail slowely, 2 ingame days and the speed of the wagging would increase, 3 - 5 days would increase the wagging again, and finally for 6 and above days when the wolf is reunited and allowed to walk, they would start trying to jump on you.

    submitted by /u/The-Most-Sour-Lemon
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    You should be able to breed fish

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 07:46 AM PST

    Seriously, why can you farm ground animals like cows or chicken but can't farm fish? It could give a nice secondary use to kelp

    submitted by /u/Frankaos333
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    Curse of imutability

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 11:48 AM PST

    Affected item can't interact with anvil or grindstone

    submitted by /u/mcupdatewanter
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    Enderpearls should forget their owner when the player dies

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 10:08 AM PST

    Enderpearls should forget their owner when the player dies Currently, when a player dies, any enderpearls which "belong" to the player, remain associated with that player.

    This is a problem for minigames, as it means that for example: in a minigame, when a player dies and is teleported back to a starting location, an enderpearl of theirs may later land, bringing them back to their original location. This becomes especially problematic on large maps, where the original enderpearl may be in an unloaded chunk.

    This issue has "always" been present, but has become more-obvious now that the DoImmediateRespawn rule exists, as this makes it more-likely for a player to respawn prior to their thrown enderpearl landing.

    This issue could be mitigated by having enderpearls belong to a player's life, rather than to the player alone. ie, the association would be: [<player>, <number of deaths>], rather than <player>

    As some players create "stasis chambers" to intentionally teleport far-away players using enderpearls, and an obvious use of such chambers would be to teleport players "back" to an area after they die, this should probable be controlled via a GameRule (eg: "KeepEnderpearlOwnerOnDeath"), defaulting to true, but allowing minigame creators to disable the rule.

    submitted by /u/skztr
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    Curse of greed

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 11:31 AM PST

    When an item with curse of greed has reached durability 1, It will start consuming durability of random other item in your inventory, but it will repair 1 durability for more than 1 durability of the other item. This could be abused by having a diamond sword with curse of greed and a lot of other wooden swords but the choosing of the curse is random and the destroying of the other items will be faster and faster (at first it will be 1:2, later 1:3 and so on)

    submitted by /u/mcupdatewanter
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    Coat of Arms to wear over armor

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 05:20 AM PST

    A Coat of Arms is a literal coat that had specific designs and patterns that knights wore in the medevil times to signify what house they were fighting under during combat. I think this would be a cool esthetic and would be interesting to see in things like pvp faction servers. Designs could take after banners and be worn in a fashion that doesn't completely cover the armor.

    submitted by /u/Tobiah497
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    A use for zombie flesh.

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 10:19 AM PST

    Zombie flesh could be crafted into a wearable armor. No defense bonus at all except that zombies will no longer attack you. Deteriorates over time from wearing/use. Kinda like in the walking dead when they smear zombie smell on themselves to escape a zombie horde. Open to suggestions.

    submitted by /u/PM_ME_UR_HONEYHOLE
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    Dyable nether portals

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 11:51 AM PST

    Pretty simple actually, just make it so that you can dye nether portals other colors. It would be purely aesthetic and would work similarly to dying signs. I think this could help out to make nether portals blend in more with builds. This would fit in well with the new nether update that coming.

    submitted by /u/VachSupreme
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    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 10:36 AM PST

    My idea is a fog. I do not have any subfeatures like rarity or biomes but I got inspired by render distance

    When your render distance is really low you can see a fog. I think this would be a cool adition maybe to jungles(or anywhere else) to make them more mysterious

    submitted by /u/mcupdatewanter
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    How would you feel about a new villager/illager type species, specifically one that is related to the previous two?

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 06:27 AM PST

     Basically, I see them as being the neutral variant of the Villager and Illager. I particularly thought of this as a way to explain why the villagers are pretty much extreme pacifists and the pillagers are absolute aggressors. I think of them working in game in two ways. 

    1: They exist in the world, and can be found wondering or seen on there own respective homesteads. In terms of interaction, pillagers will of course attempt to kill them on sight, though the said mob won't attack until attacked by the pillager. As for villagers, most will run and hide except for black smiths and armorers which are the only villagers they trade with, along with the traveling trader. Also if you attack them in front of a iron golem, the golem will treat the situation as though you attacked any other villager. The mob will also attack the player if provoked.

    2: Their an extinct species, and zombified variants of them can be found at the ruins of their kingdom, except for the last survivor, the lord/ruler, who turned his own people into pillagers and villagers by upsetting the balance of creativity and destruction, and has been alive for hundreds of years waiting for someone to bring him to justice for the harm and division he brought onto his own people. He can be found on top of a ruined tower like structure you'll need to fight your way up, and in the tower, you can find paintings dedicated to the history of this said civilization.

    submitted by /u/Tobiah497
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    Corrupted leaping potion

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 09:03 AM PST

    I think that corrupting a leaping potion should make a potion that reduces your jump high. Level I(regular) should make your jumps 0.5 block high and level II(enhanced) should make you not being able to jump

    Since I know that a certain level of levitation makes your jumps impossible too but it also makes you not being able to fall plus you can only achieve it in creative

    Note: the name of this potion isn't set

    submitted by /u/mcupdatewanter
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    Allow lava to push nether mobs like water pushes regular mobs.

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 06:33 PM PST

    This would simplify nether mob farms and would make a lot of sense.

    submitted by /u/minpapowner
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    Sounds as breath and hunger deplete

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 11:27 PM PST

    I thought this is a simple idea. A tummy-rumbling sound for each bar of hunger gone (the rumbling gets longer the lower the bar is). I sometimes forget I'm hungry honestly.

    A gargling sound (similar to that of a Drowned's, but not too similar for people to think there's a Drowned near by) every two bars, that gets louder the more bars are lost.

    I just think it's a bit helpful as players should be able to approximate their dive length with the regular intervals of the gargles. And also kind of immersive?

    submitted by /u/ZephyrFlewAway
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    More ambient noise

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 01:51 AM PST

    Why is there only ambient noise in the water, and not with different biomes?

    I would like it if there are bird sounds or other sounds that belong to the biome.

    Like, Frog sounds in a swamp. Owls or wolves in a Taiga.

    You understand what I mean.

    submitted by /u/LeeJowReddit
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    Splitting, spawning and explosive spiders

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 02:28 AM PST

    I think spiders are currently underpowered, compared to other hostile mobs (I know, you are just dying to say they're half neutral, aren't you? Well, that's not the point I'm trying to make here), like zombie sieges, skeletons with their accuracy, range and fire rate, as well as creepers (especially in the early game). So, I think there should be a chance for spiders to be splitting, spawning or explosive types (10% in normal, 15% in hard) in order to make them more of a challenge to face. Let me explain.

    When a splitting spider is killed, it splits into 2 new spiders or cave spiders. Both are automatically hostile to whatever killed them. Spawning spiders repeatedly spawn new spiders once they become hostile. These are also immediately hostile. Explosive spiders explode on death, dealing damage to nearby mobs and players, but not a 1-hit KO. I also think they shouldn't destroy blocks, or their blast radii should be really small.

    On hard difficulty, the newly formed spiders also have a 5% chance of being one of these 3 types!

    A splitting spider perhaps has green eyes if you really want to differentiate them from normal spiders, and a spawning one has blue eyes. An explosive spider is bright orange. However, I myself am kind of lukewarm to this because I'm not sure they should be distinguishable.

    Now, I'm not sure how much of an effect this would have on gameplay, and for all I know, could just be a nuisance at best. However, I would still welcome the addition of this into the game.

    Thanks for reading :)

    submitted by /u/GustoBoy
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    Light armor mechanic (leather and chainmail armor minor buff)

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 11:20 PM PST

    This is some sort of buff for the "light armors" in Minecraft By light armors, I mean the flimsy leather armor and the flexible chainmail armor. The turtle shell will also be considered a light armor.

    Mechanic: When wearing any piece of those armors or wearing nothing:

    * The player's sneaking speed will be increased (from 1.3m/s to 2m/s). This will allow a new stealth playstyle for those who like to play more passive or carefully.

    * The player's speed when drawing a bow will also be increased from 1.3m/s to 2m/s

    \ The player's *speed when swimming** will be increased from 2.2m/s to 2.7m/s (I mean, who swims with clothes on anyways)

    * If you wear any piece of a heavy armor (iron, gold or diamond), this "light armored" effect will be removed.

    This will make leather armor a bit more useful (as almost no one ever needs to craft it), and also make chainmail armor more valuable (as it can't be crafted). Archers will make a good use of these armors.

    I decided not to include Walking and Sprinting speed, as increasing them will make these "light armors" a bit overpowered.

    submitted by /u/NekonataM
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    New boss for Pillager raids

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 03:50 PM PST

    We can all agree that raids are very fun to tackle down, yet after repeated tries, it tends to get a little boring. I suggest that Mojang should add a mini boss at the end which can serve as an exciting finish to the raid.

    "The Killager" (For those arguing about this name, let me explain. If you think it sounds lame, sure you can say that. But I believe that it's better than "Arch-Illager" like the one in Minecraft dungeons. For the moderators seeing this, I'm sure my idea doesn't come from any mods.)

    At the end of a raid, it would spawn and a boss bar would appear at the top. It will have 150 hp, as it will be a mini boss not like the wither. It wields a diamond axe and can conjure evoker fangs in several patterns, such as surrounding him or a direct line towards you. With its axe it'll take more than just a shield as it will disable it. When it dies, it can either drop its axe(may be enchanted) and a lot of xp (if you want this to be specific, I do not know how the xp system works). The whole point of this is to not add another exhausting boss battle but rather a nice finish to a raid.

    Suggestions? Did I break a rule? Criticism? All of it is welcome.

    submitted by /u/jonathanchoe161
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    New Amour Type: Heavy Wool Armor

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 04:47 AM PST

    As we know, the new goat mobs were announced to be added to the mountains. And a cool use for them would be to have them drop a new type of wool: Heavy Wool! Heavy Wool can also be crafted by putting 9 pieces of wool in a crafting table. Heavy Wool can be used to make armor that is as good as gold with the durability of Iron. Heavy Wool armor can also be died like leather armor and can reduce fall damage

    submitted by /u/Greatnite
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    Cave fish

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 03:06 PM PST

    Small water pools could spawn within caves and a new fish could spawn within them. The models of these little fish would have no eyes to show that they are blind (like real cave fish). Really these mobs would exist mostly for ambiance and immersion while also acting as a food source, allowing people to be within caves for longer periods of time.

    submitted by /u/TycoonQuarrel
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    Add pocket dimensions

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 01:32 PM PST

    A pocket dimension is something like the TARDIS--it's a structure that's bigger on the inside than on the outside.

    Pocket dimensions would need to be naturally occurring.

    From the outside it would look like any other naturally-occurring terrain, a hole in the ground.

    The actual entrance would be a 2x2x2 stationary cube (normally occupied by air). into which the pocket dimension could only be accessed while standing inside the cube and stepping outside of that cube in a specific direction (north, south, east, west, up, or down). So there would be a 4x4 plane that would act as the entryway.

    From inside the cube, you would be able to see the interior of the pocket dimension. From outside the cube, the plane of the entrance could appear as dim fuzz like a gravel block, but would morph or have constantly changing "noise" like a broadcast TV turned to a dead channel (and only then if it is not blocked by anything opaque). This would be the only way in or out of the pocket dimension. But looking at the entrance of the pocket dimension from the wrong direction, you wouldn't be able to see anything at all unusual. Nor should there be any way to see what's inside the pocket dimension from the outside, or vice versa. Sound would never cross the boundary, so no one would be able to hear rain outside.

    The pocket dimension itself would consist entirely of material native to the biome in which it appears. So if the native biome is plains, then the pocket dimension would have dirt, graystone, granite, diorite, etc. If the native biome was badlands then the pocket dimension would have red sand and terracotta.

    A generated pocket dimension would have a random interior central air space of an ellipsoid having a random but open-ended length, width, and height, but no generated tunnel network. (An example of open-ended would be using 2d20 to determine X, Y, or Z, plus a 10% chance to roll again and add another 1d20, ad infinitum). The entryway into the pocket dimension would be somewhere along the boundary between solid and air. The pocket dimension would ultimately be surrounded on all sides by a perfect cube of bedrock whose size would be about 2 to 3 times the largest XYZ dimension of the air ellipsoid.

    Compasses, locator maps, and nether portals would not work in a pocket dimension, nor anything similar to these items including ender pearls, ender chests, etc. Displayed coordinates in the HUD and reported player positions remain fixed on the last location of the Overworld.

    I am not sure if pocket dimensions ought to be able to exist over water or in an ocean biome. That would be weird. But there should be no way whatsoever to create one from scratch, or to move one from one location to another.

    You would be able to place any block in the 4x4 entrance plane of the pocket dimension. If it's water or ice, it would just warp the static "fuzz". If you put dirt blocks over it then it would be completely concealed. If you put doors over the entrance of the pocket dimension you'd be able to see the static "fuzz" through the windows of the door, and the doors could still open and reveal the entire surface of the entrance plane.

    For application purposes, discovering a pocket dimension would be a good precursor to building a base around and making it a safe room that would be tough to penetrate, since there's no way to dig into it from alternate directions.

    There might be a 5% chance of any pocket dimension to generate with an illager patrol inside or maybe one or two witches, an enderman, or something else. (1/1000 chance of a wither, eh?)

    submitted by /u/aqua_zesty_man
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    The real adventure

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 01:26 AM PST

    You did it! You completed all the advancements!

    submitted by /u/FlyDownG_ames
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    Wearable bearskin items plus Potion of Berserk

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 04:48 AM PST

    (I did a search and looked in the FPS and saw that nobody had suggested bearskin armors as far as I could see and that only one other person has suggested a Potion of Berserk. I'm also legitimately unaware of a mod that does any of this stuff already, so if I turn out to be mod copying, I apologize)

    Since Turtle helms and Potion of the Turtle Master exists I'm gonna assume this is KINDA okay? Plus we probably could use a few more "alt" weapons/armors besides the Turtle helm and the Elytra-

    • Bears (polar or otherwise- But maybe preferably Brown bears or Grizzlies if Minecraft adds them?) will drop Bearskin and Bear claws on death

    • Bearskin can be formed into armor like Leather/Iron/Gold/Diamond.

    • It will give you the ability to go Berserk for short periods of time (with either a heavy cooldown or by inflicting very heavy Fatigue once the Berserk wears off)

    • During Berserk the screen goes red and you move and do buffed attacks semi-automatically, just barely able to steer yourself. Needless to say, avoid cliffs.

    • Bear claws can be used to brew Potions of Berserk that do the same, but can also be used with the aforementioned pelts/bearskin to make a unique "gauntlet" weapon that allows you to claw/maul/clobber enemies with bear (haw) hands

    • I understand Capes/cloaks aren't allowed to be a thing in Minecraft because reasons but if they weren't verboten I'd have suggested that a bearskin item be a cloak or something that would presumably go on top of your armor

    • Likewise I propose allowing us to wear animal skulls from cows and horses because it just looks cool- also Wolf and Rabbit pelt/skin based items that offer speed or jumping boosts when equipped (and maybe a Fox skin that basically lets you shapeshift because of Foxes' classical status as tricksters in folklore and myths??)

    fun fact#1: the word "Berserk" and thus "Berserker" comes from a Norse word meaning "bear shirt"- as in a coat made from bear fur

    fun fact#2: the only thing stopping Pandas from being carnivores like other bears is the fact that their umami receptors are turned off

    submitted by /u/n0sh0re
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