• Breaking News

    Minecraft People like to talk a lot about how the Wandering Trader is useless. Let's actually fix that.

    Minecraft People like to talk a lot about how the Wandering Trader is useless. Let's actually fix that.

    People like to talk a lot about how the Wandering Trader is useless. Let's actually fix that.

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 09:46 AM PST

    First, wandering traders should have a tier system like other villagers. As you level him up, he gives you more offers at a time. This is globally shared between all wandering traders, so if your WT despawns as a journeyman, the next will spawn as a journeyman with the same amount of progression. If you kill it, it will retain its rank but lose any progress towards the next.

    Second, wandering traders should offer "rare treasures", replacing one (only one) of their trades. This could include a lot of stuff that the wandering trader doesn't normally offer but players would love to get their hands on, like diamonds, ender pearls, etc. The catch is that the WT would sell them for a good price but can only trade it a very low number of times before the trade locks. Any wandering trader could do this, but the likelihood would increase as the WT levels up, both because the base chance increases and because there are more slots for it to potentially replace.

    Third, wandering traders should offer "village deals". It works in much the same way as the rare treasures, only the WT just offers any villager trade from any profession (even if no villager has that trade yet), with the exception that the WT will only sell items for emeralds and not buy them. This could replace up to 2 of the WTs trades. Again, the chance that this happens increases with rank.

    Hopefully (with a few tweaks if necessary) these would make the wandering trader more valuable and more of a "wild card" villager.

    submitted by /u/SmithyLK
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    Potion Idea: Void

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 04:18 PM PST

    Have you ever gone strip mining and just gotten so much stone, diorite, andesite, and granite then you know what do with? Introducing the Void effect!

    Brewed in a brewing stand with an ender pearl, drinking this instantly deletes all repetitive blocks you destroy while mining. Besides this, your tools also take less durability while destroying common types of blocks, which allows for even longer mining sessions without having to replenish the tool's durability. The blocks that this potion voids are:

    - Stone

    - Diorite

    - Andesite

    - Granite

    - Gravel

    - Sand

    - Dirt

    Other Ideas:

    Hitting control will toggle this potion effect on and off, however the effect will still count down so make sure to use it wisely! I think this could also be an enchantment that is tool based, so for shovels it would void dirt, sand and gravel (don't know why you would do this, but I guess if you are clearing out a large area its fine).

    This idea could also be applied to beacons, so all the block that you mine in that area don't drop. It could also work as an idea for a coal beacon idea I had a while ago.

    Even though its less vanilla, there could just straight up be a config option so you chose which blocks are voided, if you wanted to void redstone and iron ore blocks as well.

    Original Idea by Javisel, I am just putting it here for feedback. And yes this is being put in a mod.

    submitted by /u/MotorGorilla1
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    Banners need to somehow be able to be attached to backs like how the Illagers do it, as well as a few other things! [Repost]

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 04:17 PM PST

    Like the title says, we all know that Pillager captains or even Vindicators and Evokers sometimes will wear the ominous flag on their Backs. Wouldn't it be rad if we could do it too on survival mode?

    I have some good ideas for ways It can be used:

    • To simply wear it on your back
    • To attach it to Villagers so you can define your Villagers another way (A banner with a purple lozenge could notify your diamond tier priest)
    • Wearing an Illager banner on your back and walking into a Pillager Outpost or Mansion could let you get an achievement "Undercover Cop; sneak into a pillager outpost or Mansion with their banner on your own back"

      • The Ominous banner will make illagers neutral to you unless you provoke them or a raid is happening
    • You can place banners on armor stands as normal or even in the look of a Cape

    A few additional Ideas as well I would like to throw in:

    • If you wear an Elytra whilst wearing a banner, you can get the same unique thing a cape does by showing the pattern through the elytra
    • A hard Idea that could work in Minecraft terms but unsure, I thought that maybe you could somehow wear the banner like a cape. Or when wearing the banner when you have a cape ON could get you that banner pattern on the cape.

    I hope you enjoyed my ideas! Please upvote and comment, or don't, It's your choice!

    [reason I reposted it, is because I wanted it on general, not Gameplay category]

    submitted by /u/Paper_klip
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    Health bars and option to disable/enable it.

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 01:48 AM PST

    What if not only bosses/raids that have a health bar?

    This option will help newcomers who aren't familiar with the game. The health bar will appear directly above the mob the crosshair is touching, and only in the range of a sword. If the crosshair isn't touching the mob, the health bar won't appear.

    For example, the zombie have 20 health, so hitting it with a diamond sword will make it display the number 13/20, it means it only has 13 HP left.

    This can be disabled in the options menu, in the accessibility settings under the name "Show Health Bar". Can also be disabled or enabled by pressing F3+J.

    Note: it won't disable boss/raid health bars.

    submitted by /u/8bit95
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    Let me draw skins with different heights in bedrock.

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 09:09 AM PST

    I don't play pocket edition very much, but I noticed that the 3 extra height options are exclusive to the character creator and skins imported from apps or images can only be the same height with the option of thick or thin arms. Why not let us create custom skins with different heights, too?

    I'm not asking for 3D parts though, as they are probably left for the character creator for profit's sake, but all heights are unlocked by default anyways.

    submitted by /u/CouldBeSteve
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    Diffused TNT

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 02:36 AM PST

    Using Shears on an activated TNT would give a 50-50 chance of getting a Diffused TNT.

    If the player is unlucky, the TNT might explode (50% of times)

    But if the player is able to get Diffused TNT, it can be used for other things.

    In the Crafting Table, a Potion should be placed in a 'U' of 5 DTNT and a string above the Potion to get TNT of Instant Damage (for example)

    The Potion used must be a SPLASH POTION

    DTNT will behave as a normal TNT but all the Mobs/Players affected by the TNT will get the Potion effect

    submitted by /u/FlarePhoenix5604
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    Amplified Jupebox

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 09:17 PM PST

    I'll start with saying, there's a lot that could be done with the jukebox and CDs to make it more useful.

    One thing I'd like to see, despite perhaps being annoying in large servers, is amplified jukeboxes. The block would remain the same, however, encasing it inside wood planks or iron blocks (material is up for debate) would amplify the music being played so that it can be heard from further away.

    submitted by /u/Fortunate_Fowl
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    Music during raids

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 04:27 PM PST

    I was just thinking whenever a raid happens shouldn't there be some unsettling music that sends chills down your spine. Even during the short period of time between raids there should be a tune that builds up before the next wave comes.

    submitted by /u/ATHECR
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    Illager Sieges

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 09:18 PM PST

    Now we all now about the raids right. They were really fun at first but now it's gotten just a tad bit stale. So I've come with an idea called illager sieges and what it does and other stuff with it.

    How to activate

    To activate an illager siege, you need a few things to happen. First, you need to have bad omen, you also need to have done at least 1 normal illager raid before, you need a good reputation with the villagers, and you need to be in a large village with a population of at least 35 villagers minimum. If you just have bad omen, you'll only get a regular raid

    how the siege works

    Now there are 5 waves in a siege (7 on hard mode) with difficulty of course going higher as the waves increases. The illagers will surround the village and patrol the border areas so you don't escape. Unless you decide to run past the illagers or have an elytra you can leave and let the villagers die. But the illagers will try to trap you in the village as best they can. The illagers will destroy as much as possible and force the villagers out of there homes to be killed or captured. If a villager is captured and gets taken away and the wave ends, that villager is gone forever. If you lose a siege (aka all the villagers die or are captured, the illagers will actually move into the village and you can either run away or try to force them back out.

    the siege itself part 1

    The illager siege starts off like a normal raid (except the raid bar is replaced with a siege bar). But right around the second wave things start to get interesting. New illager types (more on them later) appear and the illagers will have an attack pattern and strategy. First vindicators run up to villagers and will attempt to put a lead on them and essentially take them prisoner. Once the vindicator puts a lead on the villager, they'll try to run out of the village or kill the villager. Evokers will always target iron golems first if they don't see the player and prioritizes summoning in vexes. Speaking of vexes, they will try to force villagers out of their houses and kill them. Regular pillagers are generally the same

    the siege itself part 2

    Now pillager riding ravagers will appear with their crossbows and these guys will partake in as much destruction as possible. If a pillager is knocked off a ravager they'll try to find the nearest ravager with no pillager on it and try to mount it. The ravagers will now crash through and destroy more blocks (on normal and easy mode less blocks break), they now have an attack where the fling you 4 blocks into the air, and they prioritize breaking blocks and targeting iron golems and players.

    the siege itself part 3 now with new mobs

    4 new mobs exclusive to the sieges will appear. Those being the crow, the summoner, the assassinator, and the Siege king.

    •The crow is a passive mob and only has 10 hp and drops nothing. The crow only shows up to signify the start of a siege, the next wave, and the end of a siege. If you put a lead on it or put a name tag on it I guess you can keep it as a pet or something

    •The summoner is a hooded illager. They wear a hood and robe that conceals part of there face but you ran still see their nose and glowing eyes. The summoners have the ability to summon in either a husk, a skeleton, and when they goof up, a pig. If they summon in a husk or a skeleton, they're loyal to the summoner and will die after 5 minutes. Summoners can only create new mobs after the ones they summon die or despawn. They also have another attack which they use on villagers and buildings. They'll summon in the blaze's attack and shoot 3 fire balls (on hard mode they have a tiny explosion). Unlike the blaze, their fire attacks are slower and do less damage (3 hearts of health). Summoners are of course hostile and have 20 hp and drop 0-3 books and 0-1 raw pork chop

    •The assassinator is disguised as a regular villager. You can only tell the difference by looking at the eyes and seeing the tip of an iron sword poking out of the back of their robe. Being an illager armed with an iron sword, they're surprisingly fast. They have slightly less hp then their illager brothers but to make up for that, they run as fast as baby zombies. Basically vindicators but speedy. They prioritize hiding inside villager houses and killing the inhabitants. On low hp, they'll actually run away from the player if being chased by them. They're hostile (except if they're at 5 hp) and have 15 hp and have a small chance to drop an iron sword

    •The siege king is the guy in charge and only shows up on the last wave and is a mini boss. The siege king wields a diamond sword and a shield. He also has a crown and crossbow on his back (but doesn't actually use the crossbow, purely for looks). You'll see him ride in a ravager first and target first any iron golems remaining. The king will block melee attacks with his shield but won't with projectiles. His shield has its own little heath bar being 50 hp so if you plan on killing him with melee attacks, destroy the shield first. Once the shield is destroyed, he'll become enraged and charge at you with his sword and swing it. If the swing misses and hits a block, the block will have the breaking texture but won't actually break. On 20 hp, the siege king will surrender and an animation of him putting away his sword and putting his hands up will play. If you choose to kill him, the siege ends and you win. Although all remaining illagers will be fueled with a rage to avenge their leader and become extra strong. If you kill a siege king, the reward you get will be better. If you let the siege king surrender (just leave him there for a 20 seconds), he and all remaining illagers will run away really fast. Although the reward you get won't be as good, the next time a raid or siege activates it won't be as hard.

    siege rewards

    Beating a siege gives a pretty good reward. Not only will you get a hero of the village effect that lasts for 7 Minecraft days, but depending on what you did with the king impacts the reward. Killing a siege king gets you hero of the village, villagers lowering the prices by a lot, and will toss you emeralds and items for free but the next siege and raid you do will be slightly harder. Letting a siege king surrender gets you hero of the village, lowered prices (though not as much), free items thrown at you, iron golems trust you (iron golems won't kill you if you accidentally hit a villager but only attacks you if you hit them 3 times), and the next raid or siege will be easier.

    Achievements for sieges are:

    •This Means War: start a siege

    •Conquest is Ours: beat a siege

    •Merciful Resolve: Let a siege king surrender

    •The Revolution: Kill a siege king

    •Right Back at Cha!: Kill an assassinator

    •Friends 'til the End: Make sure every iron golem and villager survives a siege

    •Vengeful Fire: Reclaim a village after being captured by illagers in a siege

    Couldn't think of new blocks or items for sieges. So basically that's my idea. A few things could be changed here and there so if you have any ideas to add on to this, feel free to talk about it

    Edit: autocorrect errors

    submitted by /u/DarkNix975
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