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    Minecraft Blaze rods shouldn't get destroyed by fire.

    Minecraft Blaze rods shouldn't get destroyed by fire.

    Blaze rods shouldn't get destroyed by fire.

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 11:23 AM PDT

    Blaze rods are a drop of a mob that is literally on fire most of the time, they should be immune to fire damage. Currently it's too easy too lose some drops when fighting or farming them.

    submitted by /u/Constellation16
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    Parrots not falling off your shoulder as quickly

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 03:54 AM PDT

    We all know that parrots can sit on your shoulder. But we also know how annoying it is that every time you jump, they fall off.

    So I suggest that the only way to take them of is by crouching. It's gonna be so much better as you'll be able to actually walk around with it.

    As always, feel free to give opinion. As well as upvotes and downvotes!

    submitted by /u/IcePopcorn_
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    Chorus Fruit Stew; drink the first half to set a location, drink the rest to warp back there.

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 10:29 AM PDT

    Similar to mushroom and rabbit stew, you would make Chorus Fruit Stew with two chorus fruits and a bowl.

    This dish enhances the effects of the chorus fruit and allows you to create a full on teleportation item, it would be drunk in two helpings with a sprite for the full stew and half stew, when you drink the stew for the first time the item tooltip will have the coordinates listed and say something like '1/2 helpings', whereas before it's drunk it would say '2/2 helpings'. Drinking the second helping causes the player to warp to where the first was drunk, even working interdimensionally.

    This wouldn't be overpowered because chorus fruit is an endgame item anyway. To insure that players don't use it to avoid taking damage from a boss or mobs, perhaps you can only drink it when you would be able to use a bed similar to "You may not rest, there are monsters nearby" a line of text reading "You may not teleport, there are monsters nearby" would appear.

    Practically, I imagine in an established world you would have a shulker box full of half drunk stews renamed with an anvil to allow you to warp around, also, I imagine minigames and puzzles may emerge with this item, with the player warping around to different areas trying to accomplish some task.

    What are your thoughts on the matter?

    EDIT: as u/assassin10 suggests, perhaps half eaten stews without the coordinates listed could spawn rarely in chests that would lead you to structures (or maybe just somewhere random too, to make a good stew a rarer occasion), maybe in a pillager tower you could find a stew that leads you to the woodland mansion, or maybe in the buried treasure you would find stew that leads you to a monument. As of 1.14, maybe piglins will trade you a stew that leads you to a nether fortress, which would be great especially since they're rarer now since they only generate in nether wastes.

    EDIT2: see u/assassin10 's comment about chorus cake; that could work as well, I think they should be crafted by putting the half eaten chorus stew where the egg would go in the cake recipe.

    submitted by /u/Strobro3
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    A new structure: The Fallen Outpost

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 01:58 PM PDT

    This structure will be in the new Soul Sand Valley, it will be very rare and will contain a Respawn Anchor in the middle (which can have 1 change 100% of the time, 2 charges at 50%, 3 charges 12.5% of the time and will be full charged 1.25% of the time). Here's a picture of it: clicketyclack

    This building also "teaches" the player how to use the Respawn Anchor, with the glowstone at the top it kinda tells the player to put some glowstone inside the Anchor and see what happens!

    This "Outpost" will also have a more common variation which contains a crying obsidian block: Decayed Fallen Outpost

    I'm not a great builder but this is at least a concept :)

    submitted by /u/TheSoulKeeper_48
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    /math command

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 10:27 AM PDT

    The idea would be simple, you have a /math command that would run mathematical equations in a non idiotic way, I'd imagine the command would work like so:

    /math 1+1 would return 2

    /math exampleScore * 5.3 would return the value of the score named exampleScore multiplied by 5.3 without changing the score itself

    Before someone says it, yes I do know about the /scoreboard players operation command but its finicky and overlong to use and cannot function without changing at least one of the operands.

    The command itself could be used with /execute store result to greatly shorten the amount of commands needed for math heavy operations.

    submitted by /u/Random_Deslime
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    Have an option to re-generate your world's nether when the new update comes out.

    Posted: 23 Mar 2020 07:50 PM PDT

    With the massive nether update coming out, it'd be nice to allow players to re-generate the nether. This could easily be an option when loading a save.

    Example text: "Our devs have been hard at work recrafting the nether; it has received a complete overhaul. Would you like to re-generate your nether realm? NOTE: This will COMPLETELY ERASE anything you have in the nether!" I'd be willing to make that sacrifice, rather than having to hike a long way to find the cool new features.

    I suppose you can delve into the files to do this, but a built-in option would be ideal and not difficult to implement.

    submitted by /u/Ardin_Catish
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    Enable the old void fog through a command

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 02:01 AM PDT

    The void fog that used to be in the game and the particles that were with it I found enjoyable as ambients. If this could be added with a command or perhaps as a setting in the video settings tab. This feature would be nice as I've noticed a lot of builds used to use this feature in old adventure maps.

    I'm aware it would have been removed for a reason but having some way to enable it would be nice.

    submitted by /u/MrPancake6000
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    A new ore and a new mob to the End dimension

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 03:39 AM PDT

    The End dimension hasn't gotten an update since the 1.9 update. And I think that the End should at least look better. The End is just a bunch of floating islands that are made of only one block, and I think I deserves more.

    My idea is an ore called Topaz. This ore is going to be mined without the needs to smelt it. It'll be able to make your tools/armor better when attached to it. It will attach to any kind of tool/armor and it will for example; make an iron sword stronger. The topaz ore will have its own block of topaz and it will activate beacons.

    Now, because its kinda dangerous to get a large quantity of it, there will be also a new mob called the the Troll, it will be a one-block high mob and it will be purple. Kinda the opposite of the ender men but still match the End theme. It will have a 2%-3% percent chance of dropping a Topaz ingot and it's normal drop will be a troll's ear and it will be used to make a luck potion (the luck potion are in the game already) it Will be neutral and if you attack one, the whole group comes to attack you. But they will only deal 1-2 hearts a hit.

    Only a suggestion (a big one tho) Feel free to give your opinions in the comments!

    submitted by /u/IcePopcorn_
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    Dash enchantment for leggings

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 01:17 PM PDT

    Leggings currently don't have any primary enchants, so I think they should get some love.

    Dash is a dodging focused enchantment, it activates when the player double taps any direction. This enchantment makes the player quickly move two blocks to the direction they tap to, and I mean quickly. This can be used to dodge arrows, get out of sticky situations, and even mid air to clear a large gap. Dashing has a 2 second cool down, and the dash ability only refreshes when the player touches the ground.

    This enchantment has 2 levels. A level 2 dash allows the player to dash twice before the cool down, and the cool down is reduced to a second.

    This enchantment can be used for parkour, pvp, pve, exploration and really anything else that requires fast movement.

    submitted by /u/ligmaenigma
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    Flame Runner: An enchantment that will make you look really cool.

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 12:05 PM PDT

    This is kind of a sequel to Ice Aspect & Frost, but it still holds up as its own post.

    Max Level: 2

    Effect: When you run, a trail of fire is generated behind you. At Level 1, fire only shows up on every other block, but at level 2, it traces your full trail.

    RNG Weight: 2

    Primary Items: Boots

    Secondary Items: N/A

    Incompatible With: Frost Walker

    Metagame Tactics: This could work as a sort of Tron or TNT Run, but with fire

    submitted by /u/pac2005
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    Piglins treat players with Netherite armor better than with gold armor.

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 11:22 AM PDT

    Some people would love to build hamlets for the piglins, but their innate hostility towards gold meddlers will surely be a problem. How can you build with golden centerpieces if they won't let you move the valuable blocks? How will you live among the porcine folk if you can't access your storage systems? Piglins can tolerate only so much from gold-garbed overworlders.

    But they don't care if you're wearing Netherite. I think that should change.

    The piglins appear to be a primitive race -- they have tattered garbs, act upon barbaric impulses, and harbor an obsession with a visually-pleasing metal. However, they lack one of the first things a society develops: religious worship. And a society living in a literal hellscape would naturally believe in a war god that defends their worshipers from the beasts of hell.

    So if a warrior came from over the Nether's distorted horizon, wandering the wastes wearing armor forged from the precious element worth living for and the weapons of their forefathers, for the piglins it would be as if Mars himself had descended from the heavens to walk among the Romans.

    With Netherite "God" armor, the piglins' reverence would allow you to do what you couldn't with just normal gold armor:

    • You can build with gold-related blocks
    • You can mine gold ore
    • You can open chests, barrels, etc.

    \+1 Salt Grain]) Maybe if you had a full suit of Netherite armor or a rare enchantment on a piece, the Piglin tribe would fight for you like a pack of wolves. IDK, might be to OP, I'm not a diehard PvP player.

    submitted by /u/Dsfoletta7
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    If you give a Piglin a nether fortress item, it'll point to the nearest nether portal.

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 01:14 PM PDT

    Pretty simple. If you have traded at least once so you are on good terms with them and give them a NF item (nether wart, nether brick, nether brick stairs, nether brick fence, blaze rods, wither skeleton skulls), they will pick up the item, inspect it for a little bit, and then point in any of the 8 directions towards the nearest Nether Fortress. That way it isn't too overpowered. They don't say where it is, just which direction the nearest one would be found in.

    submitted by /u/MaeBeaInTheWoods
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    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 01:07 PM PDT

    The Crimlily is a variation of the lily Pad that spawns in lava in the Nether, but only in and near crimson forests. Piglins, Zombified Piglins, and Wither Skeletons are capable of using it as a boat. They stand on it and suddenly freeze as it moves in the lava. This is used to chase after players, meaning you aren't safe by drinking fire resistance and diving in the lava. Mobs on it do not move and only will attack or use bows. Crimlilies summon a bubble column moving downward in the lava or water block they are on. Crimlilies can also be harvested. They can be crafted into Nether Wart block with 9 of them. Crimlilies can be utilized by players, but only if you are wearing a Netherite helmet or wither skeleton skull. Occasionally, Piglins will spawn in lava riding one. When a mob riding a Crimlily hits land, it will get out. Stealing a Piglin's Crimlily will cause all nearby to turn hostile at you for thieving it. Crimlilies do not burn in fire or lava and aren't destroyed when in item form either.

    submitted by /u/MaeBeaInTheWoods
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    The Lirium, Warped Piglins and more: A slightly interesting Warped Forest

    Posted: 23 Mar 2020 09:43 PM PDT

    I get it, the Warped Forest is meant to be a pacific place in the middle of the dangerzone that is the Nether. But, its a tad stalen, there is nothing really remarkable in there. Its pretty much just a boring recolor of the Crimson Forest.

    So here: https://imgur.com/a/dhTqvxT is my idea to make it interesting.

    The Lirium

    So, first of all, the core of it all, the lirium. Ever found it strange how Nether mobs dont seem to get near this place? The liriums would explain it, they "infected" the forest. They would be flowers that grow in big numbers inside of the forest and drop a Lirium Bulb when rightclickled. Unlike Berry Bushes, they only generate a Lirium Bulb once.

    Lirium Bulb

    Lirium Bulbs on the other hand are an easy food to get that fills your hunger bar much like a cooked steak, but with very little saturation. It would also give you the Delirium effect for 5 minutes every time you eat it and Weakness II for 20 seconds.

    Edit: In addition, you can use them to craft Warped Wart Blocks (which would have to be renamed Lirium Bulb blocks) and to plant more Liriums. Doing so on Crimson Nylium would have a 5% chance of turning it into Warped Nylium.


    What does Delirium do? Well it makes it so you can only eat Lirium Bulbs for the duration of the effect, any other food will not work and will give you nausea. On top of that it also messes with your health bar and hunger bar, changing it every 30 seconds so that you never know how much you actually have left.

    This means that eating this would give you a nice rest, but couldn't work as an easy food for a escape or a battle in the Nether as it forces you to rest and would keep you on a resting loop if tou keep eating it.

    On top of that, you could also apply it to potions to use in battle and inconvenience your enemies.

    Warped Piglins/Phleglins

    So how to Warped Piglins, better called Phleglins, fit into all of this? Well, they are Piglins who ventured into the Warped Forest and have lost all will to fight in favour of an easy and relaxing life eating Lirium Bulbs all day. To the point in which they don't react to gold, a sin for Piglin society, making them the Illagers of the Nether.

    Edit: Alternatively, they could also get mad when you pluck one of their Liriums and very weakly punch you to get you out of their plantations. But only lasting for 10 seconds before they give up if you are still there, unless you do it again.

    You would occasionaly see them in little huts in which they store even more bulbs and some leftover gold from their glory days.


    While not much, I think something like this would serve to make the Warped Forest more interesting. I'm well aware that its very unlikely that any of this will go into the game, but I hope for something akin to this.

    submitted by /u/Nimporian
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    Difficulty overhaul (not the actual difficulty, just the settings)

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 09:03 AM PDT

    Every aspect of difficulty should have a gamerule, including respawning. In the world creation menu instead of simply choosing if cheats are enabled, you can choose between

    • The normal Peaceful, Easy, Normal, and Hard
    • Hardcore, which would no longer be a separate gamemode
    • Custom, where you can adjust gamerules to your liking before starting the game
    • Flexible, with cheats enabled

    Also the Respawn Anchor could be used in hardcore, or maybe add a gamerule setting for that.

    submitted by /u/JetZflare25
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    Every single item in the game shouldn't be instantly destroyed by a cactus.

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 11:56 AM PDT

    This feature is useless and only a burden for if you drop your item accidentally in the dessert. A diamond is the strongest material on earth, on cactus prick shouldn't be able to instantly destroy it. And I know Minecraft is often unrealistic but this is just a useless and annoying feature.

    submitted by /u/LtPharo
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    Enchanter mob and Enchanter's Tower

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 06:17 AM PDT

    This idea is for a new villager-like mob -- the enchanter, and a new generated structure for it to spawn in -- the enchanter's tower.

    The enchanter would be a new mob similar in appearance to the librarian villager. Here's a quick mock-up I made. The enchanter would drop experience orbs, lapis and/or emeralds upon death. The enchanter would be a neutral mob, attacking the player when attacked by them (or a tamed wolf) or if the player looks inside a chest (like piglins) because it thinks the player is stealing its books. The enchanter isn't hostile towards villagers, but they will try to avoid it (I see the enchanter as a kind of outcast from villager society due to their magic).

    Instead of actually fighting the player, the enchanter summons iron golems (one at any one time) and puts up a magical barrier around itself, which absorbs 75% of damage dealt to the enchanter. The barrier has 40 health points and a cool down time of one minute. The barrier would have an appearance similar to the aura around a charged creeper, but being purple instead of blue. I want it to be a somewhat difficult fight. The enchanter itself has 20 health points, like most humanoid mobs.

    Now, onto the tower. The enchanter's tower would be a new structure which the enchanter spawn in (exclusively, on the top floor). It would have three floors. The first floor wouldn't be too exciting - just cobblestone/mossy cobblestone floor and no furniture. There would be stairs up to the next level which houses the library. In the library, there are lots of bookshelves and a chest, as well as a ladder up to the top floor, which is open. The top floor is where the enchanter is to be found, by its lectern and bookshelves. There is also a chest to be found on the bookshelves.

    The chests in the tower would have a much higher chance of generating books and enchanted books than other chests, with no treasure items other than these. Junk items would still be found in them though.

    Here's a gallery showing some screenshots of the tower.

    What do you think? I think it would add a nice new way to get enchanted books, as well as adding a bit of a mini-boss fight.

    submitted by /u/Ninesquared81
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    Cherry Blossom/Ghostly Blossom

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 01:31 AM PDT

    I found out that the variety of trees isn't that big and almost all cherry blossoms are artificially built, so here's an idea for Cherry Blossom!

    Cherry Blossom

    Cherry Blossom's wood texture looks like a black-brown log with beige stripes on it. It's leaves are green with a mix of pink and white. It drops petals that can be crafted into the decorative petal block. All woodstuffs can be made.

    Ghostly Blossom

    Ghostly Blossom is a Cherry Blossom variant without leaves and it's wood is darker. No leaves is grown until you finish a specific challenge and it's wood cannot be harvested until said challenge is finished. It spawns in Plains only.

    Ghostly Blossom Challenge

    The challenge is indicated when Plains are covered in snow. You then reach the tree and an indicator similar to a Raid appears. Ghostly mobs start appearing and you need to beat all waves before the challenge is finished. (3 waves with 5 enemies in Easy, 5 waves with 7 enemies in Normal, 7 waves with 9 enemies in Hard, 9 waves with 11 enemies in Hardcore) Beating the tree will give you the Advancement "Perfect Cherry Blossom".

    submitted by /u/TheOutcast06
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    When tree leaves are broken or decay, they drop individual leaves that you can craft into full blocks.

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 01:27 AM PDT

    Usually in Minecraft, to get a block of leaves, you have to use shears. I feel like you should be able to pick individual leaves up off the ground after a tree decays or the leaves are broken. I imagine it working like saplings and apples, where they have a certain chance to drop, but I feel like it should work differently, where depending on how you break the leaves, it gives you a different chance of getting a leaf. Maybe a 15% to 20% chance if you let the leaves decay, a 5% to 10% chance if you break them with anything other than shears, and maybe a 1% to 2% chance of them just randomly spawning on the ground below a tree. You can also, of course, craft these into full blocks. The leaves would be compostable, but since it's a common resource, it wouldn't do much. They could also be used as mediocre furnace fuel, since leaves are flammable in real life but kind of just burn up after about 5 to 10 seconds, but if you're in a pinch for smelting and can't find coal, you've got an easy source of fuel. This seems like a concept that should have been implemented already. It just doesn't make sense how we have full blocks of leaves but not individual leaves.

    submitted by /u/CrazyComedyKid
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    Lava Axelotl Senses Gems

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 03:44 AM PDT

    A black and red axelotl that spawns near lava underground. A player can gain its trust by feeding it a gem (either lapis, emerald, diamond, or quartz). It will then move towards gem ore blocks in an 8 block diameter, even if they are behind other blocks. If the axelotl collides with a wall while looking for gems it will just sit there and turn to face the player all coy like uWu. It can walk across lava without taking damage. It will pick up gems from the ground and run off with them away from the player, even across lava ponds. If left alone for a while, it will eat the gem and poop out a coal.

    Concept Image

    I hope you like this idea. Give us some feedback if you can think of anything.

    submitted by /u/SpawnOfNyx
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    Hanging sings/sideways fences

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 03:02 PM PDT

    it would let you put fences on walls and hang sings upside down and if you put a sing under a sideways fence it will hang with two sticks and will swing if it is raining/thundering

    submitted by /u/slenderender64
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    I dunno if this is an ocd thing but what about a boat retexture!

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 03:01 PM PDT



    You see when a player holds a Sword, Shovel, Pickaxe any item its pixelated (it's square like how the item is in inventory) and that's inconsistent with boats and tridents and other items held by the player for one Minecraft is Minecraft and I don't want the boat to seem different so how about the shovels on the boat are the same as player held shovels kinda a weird suggestion but hope you like it

    submitted by /u/TheJakester04
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    "Easter Egg Hunts"

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 02:33 PM PDT

    Someone should setup a giant easter egg hunt if the quarantining lasts until/past Easter. Dunno. It'd be cool for the kids I guess.

    submitted by /u/SacredMilk_OG
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    Add an option to update biomes

    Posted: 23 Mar 2020 07:10 PM PDT

    I'm the type of person who plays on ONE seed forever. I also massively enjoy exploring and mapping out my world. (See picture) Whenever an update comes out, I feel like I'm missing out.

    Since Minecraft is always evolving, it would be stellar to have an option to update your world with new features. The way this could work is that it would re-generate any biomes that you haven't modified. (i.e. If: No player-place items, then: re-generate biome.)

    Perhaps a couple options to customize the updating process would be good.


    submitted by /u/Ardin_Catish
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