• Breaking News

    Minecraft Servers Cursed Skyblock [Anarchy] {Lucky Blocks} {Skyblock} {1.14.4-1.15.2}

    Minecraft Servers Cursed Skyblock [Anarchy] {Lucky Blocks} {Skyblock} {1.14.4-1.15.2}

    Cursed Skyblock [Anarchy] {Lucky Blocks} {Skyblock} {1.14.4-1.15.2}

    Posted: 12 Mar 2020 06:55 AM PDT

    Cursed Skyblock is a hectic skyblock server running various randomization datapacks. Loot tables and crafting recipes have been randomized. Command blocks now have a purpose. Use generators to get any item in the game faster. Dupe items with item dupers. Take a gamble with lucky blocks. Have some fun in our hell hole of a skyblock! https://imgur.com/a/dlkHqeV


    Current stats:

    • 5614 unique players have spawned in at least once

    • 7 month old world

    • 30GB world file


    The IP is cursedskyblock.com and you can connect with 1.14.4 through 1.15.2

    submitted by /u/Fizzelo
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    Minecraft+ [Semi-vanilla] {1.16 Snapshot}

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 11:29 PM PDT

    Minecraft+ is a 1.16 Minecraft survival server that has lots of new mechanics to enhance the gameplay.

    IP: minecraftplus.ddns.net

    Discord: discord.gg/jXPYspe

    Owner: Myyoyo

    • Golden helmet shines bright in the dark (night vision)
    • Golden chestplace attracts items from further away (item magnetization)
    • Golden leggings allows the player to swim significantly faster
    • Golden boots adds a spring to your step (2.5 block jump boost)
    • Mobs drop heads when killed using a golden axe
    • TreeCapitator (If you cut a log block from a tree using a golden axe, all the logs above will drop as well!)
    • Store mobs in spawn eggs (Hook an animal with a fishing hook. The egg retains all traits of the targeted mob including name, sheep wool color, horse stats, inventory, etc.)
    • Animals can eat food thrown at them (Allows for farm automation using dispensers, droppers, water streams etc.)
    • Dragon drop 1 elytra and 1 dragon egg upon death
    • Shulkers always drop 2 shells
    • Elder guardian is able to respawn
    • Craftable chainmail armor [​recipes]
    • Craftable saddle [​recipe]/horse armors [​recipe]
    • Craftable mushroom blocks [​recipe]
    • Craftable bell [​recipe]
    • Cheaper rail crafting [​recipes]
    • Cobblestone walls can be smelt into stone brick walls
    • More blast furanace recipes (The material smelting recipes that a normal furnace has.)
    • More stonecutter (sawblade) recipes (Can be used on wood!) [​recipe]
    • Stonecutter deals damage to anything that stands on it
    • Movable cake slices (Cake drop itself when you break cake block and it also contain information about the number of slices too.)
    • Dyeable item frames (Sneak right click with dye on item frame. Sneak right click with water bucket on item frame to clear the color.)
    • Dyeing with cauldrons [​resource pack]
    • Washable wools (Throw any wool related blocks or items into a filled cauldron and they will shine in a clean white again.)
    • Fixed tripwire (Player can now trigger tripwire hook block instead of just tripwire.)
    • Carpets can be placed on stairs and slabs [​resource pack]
    • Chairs (Throw a saddle on any stair block to turn it into a chair, which you can sit on.)
    • Automatic sapling planting (Saplings that fall from trees plants a few seconds after them dropping.)
    • Useful composter (Feeds crops like bone meal in radius 4. Put composter on crops level and fill it.)
    • Rope ladder (Sneak + place a ladder and the mechanic will continuously place ladders down in a chain until it can't anymore.)
    • Suspended monorails
    • Waterproof redstone
    • Longer day
    • Skip the night if 20% of players are sleeping
    • New plains village structures
    • Different variations of the pillager outpost for the different biomes
    • Custom woodland mansions
    • The fossil structures are replaced with custom dungeons
    • Custom cold ocean ruins
    • And more...
    submitted by /u/AlexSkullUterna
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    Craftland [Modded][SMP] {Aether}{Events}{Custom GUI}{No Griefing}{No Resets}{Discord}

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 09:36 PM PDT

    Craftland is an incredibly custom modded, optimized and regularly updated Minecraft server with its own custom client that you can download from the official Craftland.org website. However, if you'd rather download the required mods through a different client, no worries! You can also download the mod on the Technic Launcher!

    Rules: Our rules can be viewed here!

    Discord: Our Discord can be accessed here!

    Mention-able Modifications

    • Aether 1.9 (With thousands of resetting dungeons!)

    • Little Blocks Mod (With Quarter Blocks!)

    • Smart Moving Mod with custom Emotes!

    • Hats! (Satisfy the TF2 inside of you :P)

    • Armourer's Workshop (Including models from the base mod plus 100's of custom made models from our players!)

    • Chest Shop (custom) - A unique economy experience, craft a shop chest with 8 endstone.

    • Shadow Skylands (custom) - One of our many custom worlds... A dark and shadowy version of the Aether with custom dungeons and new mobs.

    • Boss Arena (custom) - An arena where players contribute items to summon one of the 9 custom made bosses to win loot!

    • Leveled Mobs (custom) - Greycliff and Shadow Skylands offer mobs with their stats multiplied and hugified based on level.

    • Infusement Altar (custom) - A new complex, mid-late game crafting station.

    • Fish! (custom) - Dozens and Dozens of unique fish, collectible in certain biomes and events, only available on Craftland!

    Mention-able Plugins

    • McMMO - With many visual modifications made to improve your experience! Maximum level for each skill is 5,000!

    • WorldGuard - With toggleable graphics to show region boundaries, ask a member of staff to region your builds!

    • LWC - Protect your goodies outside of protected areas!

    • Monster Hunt - Hunt the mobs at night to win goodies!

    Worlds to Explore:

    • Old World (A soon to be protected world generated back in 2011)

    • New World (A vanilla world generated with the code of Minecraft Release 1.0)

    • Greycliff (A world generated using the extreme biomes mod)

    • Deepvale (A world with dungeons, biomes using the extreme biomes mod and lootable prefabricated structures generated with Armourer's Workshop blocks)

    • Mining World (A resetting world with plenty of ores)

    • Nether (The PVP world)

    • The End (Fight endlessly respawning Ender Dragons!)

    • Aether (The Aether with it's thousands of resetting dungeons!)

    • Shadow Skylands (A difficult and perma-night version of the Aether with custom mobs, blocks, items, ores and resetting dungeons!)

    We also have: RGB Wool (Custom colored wool), Pickupable Mob Spawners (Mine a spawner with any pickaxe to keep it for yourself!), Item Inbox (If you purchase something from the credit store or recieve something and your inventory is full, it will be sent here so you don't lose it!), Custom Achievements (over 250 achievements with plenty of rewards for completion!), Highscores (viewable on the website and ingame, compete with other players!), Custom GUI (Interactive GUI that is openable in game by using the [U] key), Events that occur on almost every national holiday and so much more!

    • A side note; Craftland has been optimized far more than the main game, Minecraft! Compare your FPS! Craftland has at least doubled, if not tripled, the frame-rate for MOST users, even with its custom model blocks! It was also made back in 2011! Wow!

    So, what are you waiting for? Come visit the land of Craftland.org! If you ever need help, our staff team is willing to help you out whenever, and we mean that! And if you need more information on what exists on Craftland.org, check out our community-made wiki!

    Thank you for spending some of your time reading about our server, and we hope to see you there soon!

    submitted by /u/_Beandon_
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    Ironclad Vanilla [SMP]{Whitelist}{Custom Advancements}{1200+ Discord}{No Griefing}{HermitCraft Style}{No Map Resets/Spawned items}{DynMap}

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 04:31 PM PDT

    --Important Links-- Join our discord: https://discord.io/ironclad

    Join our subreddit: /r/ironcladnetwork/

    Check out our Live Map:

    --Recent Updates-- Ironclad Vanilla is now available is glorious Minecraft version 1.15.2!

    Join us and bring your friends along for an amazing adventure!

    --About Ironclad Vanilla-- Minecraft Version: 1.15.2

    Ironclad Vanilla is a whitelisted Semi-Vanilla server that strives to maintain a thriving community. Our staff works non-stop providing grief/theft prevention as well as technical and community support. We deal with issues professionally and do not abuse our powers. Never worry about your progress being lost due to some griefer ever again!

    Ironclad Vanilla follows a trust system for trading, and players usually use diamonds as money. The spawn has a few public trading post that you can set your own trades up in, or you can make a shop with all kinds of merchandise!

    Ironclad Vanilla is more appropriately known as a Semi-Vanilla server because we allow access to some commands, but we do so in a more balanced way. All commands that give you any kind of advantage cost in-game money. Players must earn money through playtime, chat-games, or voting.

    We don't give our donators items, and in all actuality we don't give anyone items. Everything you see on Ironclad Vanilla was made with resources collected on our maps. Nothing is spawned in. Donators however get cool commands that allow them to glow, ride pets, and chat in color!

    The map will never, ever, be reset. This means that you have all the imaginative freedom that you want in creating the most amazing builds and structures without ever worrying about it being lost. Map downloads become available every few months, so you will have forever access to your builds!

    --Server Rules-- [1] GRIEFING/STEALING - ANY destructive behavior will NOT be tolerated! You are given ONE warning and that warning is the rules you agreed to when you joined the server. Our wonderful staff will catch any player that steals and/or griefs.

    [2] CHEATING - Use of any resource pack, mod, or hack client such as (Nodus, and auto clicker) that gives you an unfair advantage on the other players are NOT allowed! If you are unsure if a mod is allowed ask! Using the world seed to find ores or spawners is considered x-raying here and is not allowed. Duping and Exploiting server bugs is considered cheating.

    [3] LANGUAGE - Excessive swearing; abusive, sexual, or otherwise inappropriate language is simply not acceptable. Links to inappropriate sites is not allowed. We have a diverse demographic on our server, including some younger players and we intend on making this a place everyone feels comfortable.

    [4] PVP - PvP is disabled by default. To PvP use /pvp on & /pvp off. Purposefully killing players who have not agreed to PvP is not allowed.

    [5] SPAMMING/ADVERTISING - Spamming chat is unacceptable, take it easy. Advertising other servers in our chat is not allowed, you will be banned.

    --How to Join our Community-- To join our whitelist, you must complete a short application. Please follow the format and send this application through Discord #whitelist-inquiry (Fastest Response) or the comment section below.

    Whitelist Application Template




    Your reason for wanting to join the server?

    Have you read the rules?

    Have you joined our discord server for server updates?

    --Staff-- As of Feb 2020

    [Owner] Turtle - turtleguy123456

    [Admin] Pixels - ClearPixels

    [Mod] Blertz

    [Mod] box - boxwells

    [Mod] Koro - Korossant

    [Mod] Mayor - Vouule

    [Mod] Thanatos - ThanatosAW

    [Mod] Water - Watergust44

    [Mod] Vendetta - VendettaBaretta

    [Mod] vTroll - vTrollFlowz

    submitted by /u/TheChewyTurtle
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    TauMC [SMP] {Towny} {McMMO} {Economy}

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 06:36 PM PDT

    Tau MC is an up-and-coming Version 1.15.2 Towny server with a unique gameplay style. Brew drinks, build cannons, and pilot movable ships or make it big as a merchant selling your wares. Towns can choose to go to war and assert their dominance or work together to form nations. We very recently went public and are looking to create an unrestrictive, community-oriented server suitable for anyone.
    Other notable plugins are as follows...

    • McMMO
    • ChestShop
    • Timber
    • Graves
    • Citizens
    • MythicMobs (will be used for dungeon events and in mob arenas)

    If you are interested in giving it a shot, hop on the Discord or join the server!
    Discord: https://discord.gg/VSqvVn5
    Server IP: towny.taumc.com (Refresh servers to load)

    submitted by /u/Hans_Hammerzeit
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    Savage Knights [Modded] {Sky Factory 4} {Whitelist}

    Posted: 12 Mar 2020 08:00 AM PDT

    Greetings future Knights,

    Savage Knights is a close knit community that provides a fun space for gamers from all different genres to come together. We host multiple servers across many games and have members that play many more.

    We also provide a great place for streamers of all games to come together to brain storm, promote and grow.

    We have branched in to Minecraft servers and current have a SF4 server live.

    Come check us out, we would love to have you!

    Savage Knights Discord

    submitted by /u/Boudreaux777
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    A buddy, and I just launched our new, fully custom Viking themed {Towny} server; EastHaven! {1.15.2}

    Posted: 12 Mar 2020 07:53 AM PDT

    You can check out our new video trailer here!

    Server IP: play.easthaven.me

    Website: easthaven.me

    EastHaven is a fully custom Towny server. Set in a brand new settlement called EastHaven in the realm of Jotunheim (the land of Giants); you are reincarnated (respawned) into your new life in the wake of Ragnarok to carry out the settling of a vast new, and untamed land for humankind. The battle between the gods spilled out of the heavens, and into the human realm of Midgard, completely destroying everything.

    Current features:

    - Beautiful custom spawn!

    - Towny / Anti-Grief

    - Custom Enchants

    - PvP and PvE content

    - Custom Ranks, unlocking new perks!

    - Jobs, Economy, and MCMMO

    - Voting

    - Custom Crates

    - Very active Staff

    Server Roadmap (In development / launching this year):

    - The PvP Update: Totally custom PvP realm, with Capture Point (a.k.a KoTH), Envoy, and more!

    - The PvE Update: Dungeons, and Norse themed Custom OP Armor sets! Ever wanted to wield Thor's hammer, Mjollnir? How about Odin's Spear, Gungnir? Coming soon...

    - Quests

    Come and start your town on a fresh, new Towny world with big plans! Claim your land while the gettin' is good! We'd love to have you.

    submitted by /u/Sean_Connor
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    DieCraft [Semi-Vanilla] {Whitelist} {15.2}

    Posted: 12 Mar 2020 09:25 AM PDT

    Diecraft is a new java server looking to recruit 6-10 players for casual play.

    It is an amplified world with a pre-made spawn to help get the ball rolling.

    Server Features:

    Dynamp - Online Map Viewer

    ExtendViewRange - See past server chunk rendering

    FastLeafDecay - Leaves decay instantly

    LWCX - Toggle Chest Protection

    SaveSpawner - Silk Touch Mob Spawners

    AntiCropTrample - Crops don't get trampled

    General Quality of Life Vanilla Tweaks Mentioned in Discord

    Feel free to join discord at https://discord.gg/waFp645 to request white list.

    My discord is OpenYin#2578

    submitted by /u/Justpaypey
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    RATCRAFT [Semi-vanilla] [SMP]

    Posted: 12 Mar 2020 09:23 AM PDT

    Vanilla, hard-mode survival with a twist... 🍦

    only at rc.badrats.org

    Ratcraft (rc.badrats.org) is currently seeking out seasoned and mature players for our unique, survival multiplayer experience. While minimal, our core features re-imagine the traditional notions of SMP, while adding a pinch of realism and making the open world seem more like an actual "open world". Thankfully, we've got no ranks, no essentials, and no unnecessary plugins. Other than our core features it's pure vanilla. 🙏

    Our 3 core features include:


    When you join for the first time you'll spawn in a random location in the world. This can be anywhere from +29,999,981 to -29,999,981 x/z. When you die you'll also respawn in another random location in the world, unless of course you've slept in a bed. So try not to die without a bed! Players don't have to worry about being found or griefed by others if they stay put. Other players are very likely many millions of blocks away.


    The debug screen (F3) info is greatly reduced, and your XYZ coordinates aren't displayed. Neither you nor anyone else knows where you are. Having no coordinates makes people lose their bearing on the world. Players will have to rely on maps, compasses, landmarks, and their sense of direction in order to navigate.


    As is, there'd be no feasible way for players to find one another, therefore we've introduced Rat Portals. Based off SnowGear's Color Portals, these are buildable structures similar to Nether portals, which allow players to connect one distant location to another. Rat Portals give players the ability to easily interact with others if they so choose, and allow for communities to exist even across great distances. Learn how to build them here!

    Anyway that's about it… here's some stuf 📜

    • We're a small community that's pretty chill • The server is over 1 year old • We've been visited by over 800 different players • World resets are out of the question • We do cloud backups regularly • Yeah that's about it I guess. 

    If you're interested, you can find the rules, FAQ's, gallery, and other important info at: badrats.org/ratcraft 💻

    Also you can join our discord here! 📞

    Again, the IP is rc.badrats.org, hope to see you there!

    submitted by /u/Boosh511
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    NoRule [Vanilla] {Snapshots}

    Posted: 12 Mar 2020 08:58 AM PDT

    A Server which is always updated to the newest Version!

    No Admins! No Rules!

    You start at a random Spawn around 0,0 (1000 Blocks Radius)

    No help from Admins!

    Lag-Machines and Lag-creating Farms will be removed


    What can I expect?

    When you join the Server you will spawn at a random location within an radius of 1000 blocks around 0,0.

    Than you are on your own!

    There are no rules how you interact with others!

    You can grief, destroy and kill everyone and everything!

    Admins won't interact into player actions!

    Only Premium Accounts, NO cracked Server!

    This server is also an experiment, I want to see how players interact with each other.

    Also I want to see how the Minecraft Performance will improve in the Future!

    Expect minor Server Problems at peak hours, because there are no FreeLag-Plugins which can be provided!

    // Followed: Post in another language //

    Ein Server nur aus Spaß, keine Zwänge keine Ränge oder Regeln!
    Der Server wird nicht administriert!

    Es wird versucht den Server, sobald ein neuer Snapshot erscheint, sofort zu updaten.

    Warum so ein Server?
    Zum einen um Spielern die Möglichkeit zu bieten zusammen zu Spielen ohne selbst einen Server zu kaufen.
    Diese Spieler sollten natürlich das Bedürfnis haben im Survival zu spielen und damit rechnen, falls es im Falle von serverseitigen Problemen kommt, keine Gegenstände ersetzt werden und werden können, da Admins nicht auf den Server sind (zum größten Teil).
    Des Weitern liegt es in meiner Interesse mir ein Bild von den aktuellen Versionen, im Bezug auf die Performance zu machen, auch ist es immer schön mit anzusehen wie fremde Spieler untereinander agieren und vor allem aufeinander reagieren.
    Falls sich Spieler entscheiden diesen Server aktiv zu nutzen soll gesagt sein, der Server ist von finanzieller Seite gedeckt und wird nicht über nach weg sein!

    Die Server IP:
    Nur Premium Minecraft Accounts
    Es gibt keine Befehle!
    Man startet auf einer frischen World und kann von dort an starten. (Erstellung der World: 10.03.2020)!
    Die Welt wird unter keinen Umständen gelöscht, nie! Niemals!
    Der Spawnpunkt ist immer unterschiedlich (1000 Blöcke Radius um den 0,0 Punkt), hiermit wird versucht das zubauen vom Spawnpunkt zu erschweren. (Habt Verständnis dafür, wenn ihr ein bisschen länger braucht euren Kollegen zu finden)

    Abschließende Worte
    An alle die sich dafür interessieren sei folgendes gesagt:
    Ich wünsche allen Spielern viel Spaß, vertraut nicht jeden den ihr trefft!

    submitted by /u/Dunder1231
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    Oxeye [SMP] {Whitelist} {Dynmap} {1.15.2}

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 01:13 PM PDT

    We are small white listed community server of chill players who are looking for others to become a part of our community!
    We have a dedicated staff team who are frequently active on the server, along with a small player base spanning all around the world. If this seems like a server for you, then feel free to check out the application form down below and we look forward to seeing you on the server😄


    • CoordinatesHUD
    • CoreProtect
    • EssentialsX
    • PermissionsEx
    • TrophyHeads
    • BetterSleeping
    • Dynmap
    • LimitPillagers
    • Player Particles
    • Votifier
    • DiscordSRV
    • Pet Master

    (We even have the BAC Advancements Datapack for those after a challenge in all aspects of the game)

    Basic Rules:

    1: Don't be an ass (Yes this includes chat spam and advertising)

    2: No Greifing or Stealing

    3: No Cheats, Hacks or Xray of any kind (Minimap, Optifine and Shaders mods are allowed)

    4: No building in the spawn area without permission.

    5: No building right up on someone else unless both parties agree

    6: Have fun! (Hope to see you on the server 😊)


    To apply click the link below!


    (Once accepted, you will also be invited into the server discord)

    submitted by /u/ededude
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    Through the Ages [Semi-Vanilla] {Vehicles} {Missiles} {Spaceships} {Guns} {Factions} {1.15.2} {Whitelist}

    Posted: 12 Mar 2020 05:27 AM PDT

    Through the Ages

    1.15.2 Spigot Server - No mods required!


    TTA is a Minecraft 1.15 server inspired from SMP Earth where one starts from a caveman with minimal resources to eventually become a space colonizer!

    Will you conquer the world or develop peace treaties?

    Will you venture to outer space or explore the deep oceans?

    Will you develop technologies or use it to destroy your foes?

    Features implemented:

    1.) Over 300+ custom items with textures!

    2.) New mobs with different models!

    3.) Factions

    4.) 1:2000 scaled Earth Map!

    5.) Dynmap to view the map!

    6.) Hunger, Thirst, Energy, and other player attributes!

    7.) Guns! Shoot down your foes!

    8.) Tanks, Planes, Helicopters that can be used to blast your enemies away!

    9.) Missiles! Use them to remotely destroy your enemies from the other side of the planet!

    10.) Spaceships! Blast off to the moon and conquer the moon!

    11.) Mechanization! Develop awesome machines to further advance your civilization! Over hundreds of items and tons of machines!

    12.) Natural disasters! Tornadoes, Storms, Meteors, and ultra-rare volcanoes spawn in the world!

    13.) Turrets! Defend your base against mobs and enemies using turrets!


    1.) No offensive messages or nicknames - Anything that a reasonable person might find offensive.

    2.) No spam - This includes but is not limited too, loud/obnoxious noises in voice, spam, character spam, image spam, and message spam.

    3.) No Gorey, Sexual, or scary content - Screamer links, porn, nudity, death.

    4.) No harassment - Including sexual harassment or encouraging harassment.

    5.) Use the appropriate channels.

    6.) No hacking, inappropriate modded clients

    7.) Swearing is allowed so long as it isn't directed at another member.

    8.) There may be situations not covered by the rules or times where the rule may not fit the situation. If this happens the moderators are trusted to handle the situation appropriately

    Whitelist access:

    To join the whitelistjoin our discord and leave your name in the #whitelist-request channel.

    Discord: https://discord.gg/6u9fe9J

    Allow for up to 24 hours.

    submitted by /u/Tricrystallite
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    LOTR mod/modpack based server [Modded] {The War of the Ring MC}

    Posted: 12 Mar 2020 04:24 AM PDT

    Are you looking for a small and friendly community? A community just about to begin and which you can easily take part in? A community centered around the LOTR mod, and a server based in Middle-Earth including a factions/kingdoms system together with light rp? If so, then you are definitely at the right place. But if you aren't looking for this specific type of server but are still interested, be sure to stop by. We are very small, and just starting out, and this brings both good and bad things. The bad things? Well, we aren't very experienced, and we do not have many players as we are still starting out. The good things? Well, because we are so small, we are open to suggestions from any of our players and are very open. We are also looking for more mods and leaders to lead the many people's of Middle-Earth, so rising through the ranks won't be that hard.

    But as for my conclusion, I will be honest with you all. This server is purely a passion project, and I am merely looking for people to share this project with. It might fail, it might flourish, I don't know, but I hope there are others who want to work on this together and build a community and a world that we will never forget. But I understand if that's not a very attractive idea, but it's worth a try! Thank you for your time if you read all of this, and I wish everyone a nice rest of their day!

    (To get into the server, please join the discord first.) https://disboard.org/nl/server/686553659882209319

    submitted by /u/FroggerTheTurtle
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    ParadiseMC [SMP] {1.15.2} {Survival} {Skyblock} {Creative} {Economy}

    Posted: 12 Mar 2020 04:12 AM PDT

    IP: play.paradisemc.net

    Website: https://www.paradisemc.net

    Version: 1.15.2

    ParadiseMC is a new server which currently features Survival, Skyblock, Creative Plots and Paintball worlds.

    The Survival world has a beautifully built medieval themed spawn, which in itself is more than worth checking out.

    The server uses GriefPrevention, CoreProtect and LWC to protect players from grief and theft.

    We also have a Clans plugin, allowing players to group together, and PvP against other clans (if they chose to).

    The server has a Discord, to keep our users connected.

    We are a small community that is beginning to build, and would love to have you join us!

    submitted by /u/SupasneakyRS
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    TerraMC [SMP] {Economy} {Events} {Non-P2W}

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 10:54 AM PDT

    TerraMC is a small Survival Multiplayer server with a well-balanced economy, monthly events, and a non-Pay2Win system.

    We have a variety of features such as:

    - MobArena
    - mcMMO
    - PlayerShops
    - Rank hierarchy
    - And more!

    We're out to have a great time and relax, and we hope you enjoy our community! We have friendly staff, and will not tolerate griefers. If you ever have a problem, we'll help fix it right away!

    Thank you for checking out our listing, and have a great day!
    Note: Server rules are displayed in-game and in the Discord #rules channel.

    TerraMC Discord: https://discord.gg/8YAzmsQ

    IP: terramc.my.pebble.host

    Server Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=usWQMcyvS84

    submitted by /u/prototype464
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    A little "kingdom" styled server on [Vanilla] {20w10a} {Whitelisted}

    Posted: 12 Mar 2020 02:45 AM PDT

    A little server on snapshot 20w10a that will update to 20w12a skipping 11. Its a server where we make own towns and try to keep some relations between them or wage war and conquer the land. We need more people there are currently 3 kingdoms but you can invite people and make your own!

    The only rules are Dont grief Dont steal Dont cheat

    If you want to join message me on discord qetnaf#2145

    submitted by /u/FanTeQQ
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    VulcanCraft {1.15.2}{Survival}{Coming soon<Factions}{New Server}{Discord}{LF Staff/Players}

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 08:30 PM PDT

    VulcanCraft is a new server that has a really small player base. We currently have a website setup for our fully functional Rank system. We plan on creating Factions next but are currently working on Survival.

    VulcanCraft is looking for Staff as well as players because so far everything that is seen on my server is created by AdenW (Myself).

    All our current players are mature and friendly and are very welcoming to new players. We are a Children friendly server as well as a Mature reputation.

    If you're interested use the following links; Server-ip; -VulcanCraft.ddns.net Server Discord; -https://discord.gg/Aa2HZnh Server Website; -https://vulcancrafts.enjin.com

    submitted by /u/BradenW1234
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    SMP Station [Semi-Vanilla] {Whitelist} {1.14.4} {Dynmap}

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 01:27 PM PDT


    We are a new SMP Community starting from scratch, I am a semi-experienced server owner, We want a dedicated playerbase, All ages allowed. Must have discord to apply.




    Trust shops


    Dedicated Server

    Server Specs

    12 GB of Ram

    Intel® Core™ i9-9900K Processor

    Unlimted SSD

    200 Player Slots

    Hosted in Virginia, United States

    Join the discord and tell us about yourself to apply


    submitted by /u/Eastie_
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    WANTED ASPIRING YOUTUBERS AND STREAMERS [SMP] [Semi-Vanilla] {Whitelist} {1.16} {JAVA}

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 03:10 PM PDT

    Looking for mature, aspiring Youtubers and streamers, primarily YouTubers. We're creating a Hermitcraft type community and server. We're currently still in the recruitment stage with a few more spots available. Once we have enough qualified applicants, we'll talk about server prep, vote on a few things and then we will begin. We even have a website in the works! Currently, there is a sample SMP server using snapshot 20w10a people can play on, IP is in the discord. The final server will run 1.15.2 and we will reset the nether upon 1.16 release.

    Discord link: https://discord.gg/Vhv6f3S

    The discord code is "Vhv6f3S" If you dont know how to use the code, open discord, look at the bottom left, hit the plus at the bottom of the server list, hit join a server and paste that code inside.

    submitted by /u/IronPerish
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    Blazing Furnace [SMP] [Semi-vanilla] {1.15.2} {Discord}

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 04:47 PM PDT

    Server IP: blazingfurnace.ddns.net

    This is a semi-vanilla Minecraft server, running a small number of plugins for maintenance purposes to prevent griefing, etc.

    If you want, you can join the discord server! https://discord.gg/WJn6wm2

    We also have some simple rules:

    • No harassment
    • No griefing
    • Please chill with large redstone builds
    • The staff's decision is final
    • Use common sense

    And last, but most certainly not least, have fun!

    submitted by /u/mrbros35
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    SmallMinecraftServer [Vanilla]{Whitelist}

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 08:16 PM PDT

    So I have a local server running in my home with the following specs:

    Core i5 6500

    8GB RAM

    Any version you guys want (I can run anything since this is a docker image for the minecraft server)

    I want some friends to play Minecraft with. Only rules I will have for now is to have less than 10 people and only survival, no mods. PM me so we can create a Discord and start playing :)

    submitted by /u/karatekid1510
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    E-Craft [SMP] [Vanilla] {Whitelist}

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 05:52 PM PDT

    E-Craft SMP

    Welcome to the world of E-Craft! A private SMP server on Java Edition for only YouTubers/Streamers, attempting to gain more members. The realm is like Truly Bedrock or Hermitcraft for reference. We are currently in Season 1 started 03.14.20. Sadly, there are some requirements to join. They are as follow:

    1. You must be active
    2. You must have a YouTube channel or other platforms
    3. You must be able to upload/stream at least once a week

    If failing to qualify, you MIGHT not enter. It depends on what the members think of you. In this realm, we mostly mess around, build, and record. We build farms, we build massive builds, and so on.

    Server Rules are as follows:

    1. Stay Kind
    2. No stealing
    3. No griefing
    4. You may do pranks, as long as it doesn't cause harm
    5. No hacking
    6. No Xraying
    7. No duping
    8. No killing without consent or if its a special event
    9. You must upload weekly

    For swearing, we are entirely strict on it but we would rather you not swear because some other members might accidentally get it in their videos/streams. However this is still a mature server that all want to get on with building and stuff.

    The server is Vanilla with just some quality of life changes

    But, we have about 5 members currently and we would like more!

    We are planning for this season to last a few more weeks then season 1 will start up properly

    We have our own discord, and everything! To apply though, message our admin on discord, and request for an interview. His name is "KaianSoKewl#9286"

    submitted by /u/KaianSoKewl
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