• Breaking News

    Minecraft Horseshoes, makes the horse faster when equipped ranges from iron, gold, to diamond. Can be enchanted with frost walker to cross bodies of water without dismounting.

    Minecraft Horseshoes, makes the horse faster when equipped ranges from iron, gold, to diamond. Can be enchanted with frost walker to cross bodies of water without dismounting.

    Horseshoes, makes the horse faster when equipped ranges from iron, gold, to diamond. Can be enchanted with frost walker to cross bodies of water without dismounting.

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 08:00 AM PDT

    Horses are fast but water hinders them, with the addition of horseshoes, horses would be really reliable traversing oceans, rivers and lakes. If this could be true horse armor should be enchantable aswell same with player armor enchants to become tougher an damage resistant.

    submitted by /u/PanzerFaust101
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    Give cows 3D snouts as well

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 03:15 AM PDT

    Since pigs have been updated with snouts long ago, I suggest that the good old cow gets a model update as well. It's face just look too bland and doesn't blend as well with newer mobs. I mean, the horns are already 3D, so why not the snouts too.

    submitted by /u/YaBoy68
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    When a Ravager is killed by an illager's bolt, it drops C418 - Dog

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 06:05 AM PDT

    Dog, the forgotten track: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sMOcqXM_d8o

    I'm surprised I didn't see anything about this track on the FPS; do people even know it exists?

    submitted by /u/OREOSTUFFER
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    Suggesting things based purely on "because Mat Pat said it's true" is stupid and you should stop doing it.

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 06:48 PM PDT

    EDIT: TLDR: Since Minecraft's lore is whatever you interperate it to be by design (with very few exceptions), suggesting something that requires your own or somebody else's lore to make sense is wrong. All suggestions should work without the need for any fan theories to be true.

    Mat Pat isn't a Mojang employee and he doesn't dictate the lore. Everything he says is neither wrong or right as Minecraft is designed specifically to have very little lore. Lore is reserved for seperate games like Story Mode and Dungeons. The most official lore we have is that Villagers exiled Illagers and Illagers want revenge and that killing the Enderdragon somehow "frees the End". All and any other lore is not official so please stop treating it like it is.

    Minecraft isn't a game about story and it never has been and just that some guy is really good at convincing people that he's right doesn't mean he actually is right. That's exactly why he's always ended his videos with "but that's just a theory! A ____theory!"

    submitted by /u/AmISteve
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    New Structure - Quarry

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 07:38 AM PDT

    A rare structure that can be located with a Cartographer's Map.

    Consists of a huge hole in the earth, with lots and lots of Minecart Rails supported by wooden bridges.

    Lots of Ore Clusters spawn here.

    Can be above or below ground.

    You shouldn't start mining immediately tho, as something is watching.

    That something is a new mob exclusive to the Quarry: the Spelunky.

    It has a Humanoid body, but thin, Skeleton-like arms and legs.

    It looks like it's made of Stone and has a Creeper-like face.

    It wields an Iron Pickaxe that it uses for attacking.

    It spawns inside a Minecart that it can control freely.

    If any block is broken in the Quarry, they'll quickly move to your location and either mine you to death or run you over with their carts.

    Once killed, they drop Cobblestone, XP and, sometimes, their Iron Pick.

    There's a chance they'll spawn 1-3 Silverfish on death, 25% on Easy, 50% on Normal and 100% on Hard

    Quarries are the most common of the 'Map Structures'.

    Finding a Quarry grants the Advancement "The Earthen Chasm" and angering a Spelunky grants the Advancement "Don't Pick a Fight".


    submitted by /u/pamafa3
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    Repair Music Disc "11" gives "Eleven"

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 09:05 AM PDT

    First, here is the link to the previous post that roughly suggests this, 6 months ago. There were also a few other suggestions that ask for the disc to be added to the game, whether making it a rare disc, replacing creeper with ravager and skeleton with pillager, or even outright replacing the current 11 disc. I'm personally going with the repair idea, inspired by some youtube comments.

    In case if you don't know, 'Eleven' is a track from Minecraft Volume Beta, with its track number of 25, it is located between Strad (24) and Ward (26), both music disc tracks. It also has ties to music disc 11, both name (11 and eleven) and length (both are 1 minute and 11 seconds long). It seems pretty obvious to me that this track is, or was, meant to be related to disc 11 somehow. As you all probably know, 11's disc appears to be broken, so Eleven could be the result of the repair of disc 11.

    I don't really have any idea about what item(s) one needs for the repair, but I believe the repair should become possible at 'the end' of the game; I mean, the music does give off the feeling of 'the end'. Perhaps the items required could be found in the Outer End Islands, perhaps in the End City/Ship. One thing though, if 11 has any lore that the player can solve (which I doubt, given Minecraft's nature), then the repair of Eleven should become possible after that's been cleared.

    submitted by /u/EarthSolar
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    Naming a tool "dinnerbone" makes the player hold it upside-down

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 11:47 AM PDT

    This is just an expansion of the already-existing easter egg.

    submitted by /u/OREOSTUFFER
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    Use Hoe to mine Mushroom Blocks

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 12:56 PM PDT

    Because the hoe is now the tool for mining fungal blocks like wart blocks and shroomlight, I suggest making it mine mushroom blocks of the giant mushrooms in the overworld too.

    That would also give enchanting a hoe with silk touch an actual use, as so far it's used for blocks that drop themselves anyway.

    submitted by /u/Theverylowkey666
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    Fire Vision

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 01:55 PM PDT

    Fire Vision is an effect that:

    • lets you see through lava
    • makes the fire overlay (when you are on fire) transparent
    • makes Nether Wastes and other darker Nether biomes more bright similar to Night Vision.

    This effect could be obtained through a potion, by brewing a Fire Resistance potion with a Fermented Spider Eye.

    submitted by /u/PhantomMembrane102
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    Carpets can be given patterns in the loom.

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 10:51 AM PDT

    I think carpets could become more useful decoratively if players could give them a design in the loom, just like banners. Not all of the designs would work, for example gradients, symbols or very detailed designs would not fit very well on the carpet. You could even have some new designs exclusively for the carpet. This would give players a lot of room for creativity, in decoration, mini-games, and more.

    Maybe a select few other wool items could be used in the loom too (not wool blocks, that would be weird).

    submitted by /u/Evergreen_Forest
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    Fool's Gold and a new status effect

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 12:46 PM PDT

    So here was an idea I'm sure we've said before: Fool's Gold.


    Usage #1: Tricking Piglins

    A fun but simple idea; giving one to a Piglin will still make them barter... but upon realizing that its not actual Gold, all the nearby Piglins will become hostile. Not necessarily useful but moreso funny.

    Usage #2: Brewing

    How about a new potion effect? Ignorance. Take an Awkward Potion (Or Thick Potion to finally make them useful) and brew it with a thing of Fool's Gold.

    Ignorance is a double-edged sword status effect as it lets you ignore status effects. Its partially inspired by the Unaware ability from Pokemon.

    Positives include...

    -Having Bad Omen but not triggering Raids upon entering villages

    -Not being affected by negative effects like Poison, Wither, Weakness, Slowness, Blindness, Nausea, Instant Damage, Mining Fatigue, etc

    -Ignoring enemies under the Resistance effect

    -Overall, making Witches kind of a joke

    Negatives include...

    -Not being affected by positive effects like Regeneration, Strength, Speed, Night Vision, Instant Health, Haste, Resistance, Fire Resistance, etc

    -Ignoring Beacon effects overall

    Overall, even if you disagree with the existence of Fool's Gold, I'd at least say Ignorance would be a fun effect in game to have.


    I think a crafting recipe of 4 Warped Wart (Warped Wart could be grown like Nether Wart and would be a new, farmable item) surrounding 1 Gold Ingot would be good. It makes sense as Piglins hate 'Warped' type of items.

    If you disagree with the Crafting Recipe idea, let me know another idea.

    submitted by /u/The-Myth-Of-Legends
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    Arrows have a small chance of passing through iron bars

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 09:22 AM PDT

    Consider it a lucky shot. Actually, how about this - arrows that would be considered "critical hit" shots are the ones which pass through? Or would that make it too common? I think bows have a 25% native crit chance if I'm not mistaken. That's a lot

    submitted by /u/OREOSTUFFER
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    Crimson Fungus shouldn't grow Netherwart as part of itself...

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 11:13 AM PDT

    As the Nether Update chugs along, its extremely hard to ignore all of the weird inconsistencies in the update. And one of them that has been consistently overlooked is the relationship between Netherwart and Crimson Fungi.

    Netherwart can be crafted into Netherwart Blocks. While Crimson Fungi generates Netherwart as part of itself. Warped Wart doesn't have a Blue Netherwart counterpart. And it probably shouldn't because all of these are separate plants anyways.

    The rest of the update is a banger but its kind of Jarring that Mojang has consistently overlooked such a massive hiccup in continuity and still hasn't fixed it.

    We are still on the earlier side of the development cycle I think. And I hope that Mojang at least intents to fix this and tie up the rest of this update's loose ends.

    submitted by /u/Axoladdy
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    There should be a way to keep piglins alive in the overworld

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 03:07 PM PDT

    Title, maybe by keeping them warm, maybe by not allowing them sunlight, maybe a combination? But there should be a way

    submitted by /u/Canine8_YT
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    New Status Effect - Normalize

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 01:08 PM PDT

    Normalize nullifies all of your Enchamtents for its duration.

    I was thinking a new Illager replacing Evokers in Raids might cast it upon you.


    submitted by /u/pamafa3
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    Villagers sway near active jukeboxes

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 05:44 AM PDT

    ...Illagers headbang

    Thanks u/samsamura1 for the inspiration!

    Just imagine a bunch of headbanging Illagers in the middle of a raid

    submitted by /u/OREOSTUFFER
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    Naming a pig "Notch" swaps the orientation of its torso

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 10:42 AM PDT

    In other words, the long side is now the front and the short side is now where the legs attach. This is in reference to how Notch came up with the idea for creepers. Here's a picture I found of a mod which illustrates the glitch I am trying to reference:


    • UPDATE - I forgot that Microsoft themselves have made a point of distancing themselves from Notch. As such, the nametag could simply be "creeper" or something of the sort to reference the original bug that led to creepers' additions to the game.
    submitted by /u/OREOSTUFFER
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    Nitwits will sneakily follow you if you're holding emeralds in your hand

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 12:02 PM PDT

    If you stand in place for a while, they'll try to steal the emeralds and run away with them. If you're holding more than one, they'll only steal one of the emeralds. Punching them will make them drop the emeralds they stole, but don't worry, it won't decrease your reputation as it normally would.

    submitted by /u/The_Evil_King_Bowser
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    Void Scavengers- A way to retrieve items lost in the End. (And Sapphires!

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 12:01 PM PDT

    Have you ever fallen off of the shattered world of the End and lost all your items? Or maybe you just dropped them down there for some reason? Well I have an idea for a way to get those things back.


    The Void Scavenger

    They look like Endermen but with a slight hunch and and a backpack strapped to their back. They're a little rarer then spiders.

    By interacting with them, you can trade ender pearls and sapphires to get back items that you dropped into the void. You can only buy each item once. And the better the item, the higher the cost.


    Sapphires would be a blue-purple ore unique to the End. They cannot be crafted into armor or weapons, similar to Emeralds, but they can be used to make Sapphire blocks and to trade with Void Scavengers.

    This is a short post ik but what do you think?

    submitted by /u/ConsumerOfRamen
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    Fixing the EnderDragon

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 09:47 AM PDT

    The Enderdragon as the final boss is boring. Don't get me wrong the concept is really cool but fighting the Enderdragon feels like trying to kill that one annoying bat in a giant cave. Barely any of the attacks of the Dragon are dangerous if you only attack with the bow and keep distance your easily quite safe: his attacks are way too passiv. So the Dragon needs new attackpatterns maybe even switch bettwen Walking and flying,way more aggressive to the Players, maybe even a new design as he Right now Looks too plane (no teeth, feet are just a block , no claws on the wings, Spikes dont seem sharp..) Please upvote my Suggestion on minecraft.net if you like it as they want our ideas for the upcoming updates:https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/community/posts/360058406851-Fixing-the-Enderdragon

    submitted by /u/I-Maser
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    Variants of Existing Nether Biomes

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 03:35 PM PDT

    There should be different variants of the current nether biomes in the recent Minecraft snapshots
    for example;
    The badlands has multiple-altered biomes within in it, such as the Badlands Wooded Plateau, Badlands Plateau, Badlands, ect, so a warped forest could have a biome where trees grow taller, life is more dead or more active, and maybe lava pools are more frequent, this can add a lot to the biomes by just changing already existing features within it.

    submitted by /u/Craftixal
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    The Blighted (New Blaze Variant)

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 02:45 PM PDT

    I've started a post for this idea already on the Feedback website. However, here is the info anyway:

    The Blighted

    The Blighted or Blight is a Blaze variant that spawns the Crimson Forest. It is red and have a Crimson Fungi on its head. It does more more damage than a blaze and when one of its fireballs touches a block, 4-6 blocks are ignited. When killed it will drop either Blaze Powder or Blaze Rods and will always drop a Crimson Fungi. It will also rarely spawn and it will always spawn by itself, since it is stronger than its other counterpart.

    Name Meaning

    Blight is a plant disease that is caused by fungi. However, Crimson Fungi could be strong enough to infect creatures, a Blaze, instead of plants.

    Crimson Fungi and Blazes

    Whenever a Blaze goes into a Crimson Forest or is spawned in it, it will turn into a Blighted. If this is too controversial or not wanted by the developers, an alternate option is to have Blazes turn into Blighted when they are near Crimson Fungi.

    Possible New Item Drop: The Crimson Rod is a new item that is dropped by the Blighted. It can be used to turn Cows into Mooshrooms and can burn enemies that are hit by it.

    Either way if you like the idea please consider upvoting it on the link below (also the post has a picture of the mob.) Blighted (Blaze, Nether Update)

    submitted by /u/FrixUnknown
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    Soul Sand/Soil underneath a Campfire should emit the "Soul" particle all the way up the smoke plume

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 02:40 PM PDT

    So, I posted this over on the feedback site. I think it's a pretty cool idea and one that I forsure would use if it was implemented. If you'd like to pop over and vote for this, or just comment here if you like, then feel free!

    Title pretty much says it all. You know how you can put a Haybale underneath the campfire and it will alter the size of the smoke plume? Well, I think we should be able to place Soul Sand and/or Soil underneath of the campfire. Then we could have the new and amazing particle "Soul" - that only is seen when walking over soul sand/soil - as part of our new builds! Heck, maybe it could even turn the campfire blue as well.


    submitted by /u/WowSuchJosh
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    Dyeing Written Books

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 09:27 AM PDT

    Right now, written books only come in one color: red brown with enchantment glints.

    What I'm suggesting is that you're able to dye them with different colors. It can be sorted by color, and it actually fits to several themes (red for books about redstone, blue for magic, green for farming, etc). You can also sort it by author if each author uses their independent book colors.

    Now, I don't really know if the enchantment glint should be removed. Honestly I think it should after you dye it for you to see the color better, but you might disagree on that.

    submitted by /u/8bit95
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    Villagers Appreciate Art

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 09:46 PM PDT

    If one is present, villagers will occasionally stop and stare at a painting for a few seconds before resuming their routine. They may even occasionally elicit one of their small "huh"s as though deep in thought.

    They will do the same for the dragon egg.

    Illagers and witches can be observed doing the same thing when they are not aggro'd (i.e. the player is invisible or in the wrong game mode) (This is a repost of my own suggestion from 280+ days ago)

    submitted by /u/OREOSTUFFER
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