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    Minecraft Using Bone Meal on Mossy Cobblestone should spread to nearby Cobblestone

    Minecraft Using Bone Meal on Mossy Cobblestone should spread to nearby Cobblestone

    Using Bone Meal on Mossy Cobblestone should spread to nearby Cobblestone

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 12:57 AM PST

    When you use Bone Meal on Mossy Cobblestone the moss spreads to nearby Cobblestone.

    Adds another way to obtain Mossy Cobblestone and another use to Bone Meal.

    Vote the idea on the feedback site! https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/community/posts/360058102032-Cobblestone-becomes-Mossy-Cobblestone-when-you-use-Bone-Meal-on-it

    submitted by /u/GreenclawTehWolf
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    An underground civilization: Goblins

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 06:35 AM PST

    TLDR Version: An underground civilization that, instead of trading goods, provides services in exchange for various minerals.

    Underground villages are a popular suggestion but typically only modify the villager's professions. I wanted to expand on the idea while adding a twist.

    Goblins are reclusive mobs that live in "Citadels" carved into ravines. Small mushroom farms dot the townscape. A minecart track cuts through the streets. A vast treasury is the grandest edifice and is where the Goblin's loot is stored. Should you enter their home, they would tolerate you, but not interact with you. They guard their home vigilantly from undead mobs and hostile players. To anger them, you can steal from their farms or treasuries, or attack them. Goblins will not offer services until you prove you're trustworthy. You can earn their trust by protecting them from mobs, or gifting tools, armor, or weapons(They keep gifts in the treasury). Goblins have their variation of a villager score.

    Increase Score Decrease Score
    Give items that can't be found underground (+1) Steal from the treasury (-1.25x the number of points you gave from giving a gift)
    Give Iron/Gold tier gifts (+3) Steal from a farm (-1)
    Give Diamond tier gifts (+6)
    Give Netherite tier gifts (+8) Attack a Goblin (-5)
    Kill A Zombie(+2) Kill a Goblin (-10)

    Should the Goblins trust you, they will offer their services as guards for hire. You can hire one using minerals that you can make equipment out of (Iron, Gold, Diamond, & Netherite). Should you hire one, they will follow you around the caves and protect you until their service time is up. A Goblin's profession will determine how they defend you. Despite the trade, they all follow basic patterns. They naturally regenerate, will follow you until you tell them to guard one spot, can give Mushroom Stew, and can teleport to you. Also, should you die, the Goblins will take your items and place them in the treasury. You can repurchase them for a few minerals, but they'll keep anything that can be made into battle equipment(however, you can steal them back). Profession traits are listed below:

    Swordsman: Protects you using an enchanted iron sword, and wears iron gear.

    Archer: Protects you using an enchanted bow and spectral arrows.

    Healer: Heals you, and gives status buffs to aid you in a fight, or against the environment(For example, they'll give fire resistance when you're on fire). They will not fight.

    Goblins are supposed to be your bodyguards when you're deep in the caves. A Goblin having your back may be the difference between living or dying in the mines. If you have any ideas as to how I can make my suggestion better, please suggest them.

    submitted by /u/Gravity-15
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    Folders in world selection

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 11:53 AM PST

    It would be nice to have the ability to organize the worlds in the game by adding folders instead of everything just being a huge dropdown list.

    Same thing can be applied to server selection as well.

    submitted by /u/Araraura
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    Endermites should spawn in warped forests naturally

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 09:46 AM PST

    Imo this change would make sense, given the overall aesthetic of the warped forests as well as the high Enderman spawn rates.

    I also think it would be a good addition gameplay wise, because it would add a little bit of a challenge to the otherwise peaceful biome, no matter how tiny is. It would be a step in the right direction I guess.

    Thanks for reading! :)

    submitted by /u/RazorNemesis
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    Wearing a zombie head as a player should scare villagers into running away from you

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 01:49 PM PST

    A lot of players seem to struggle with getting villagers from one place to another, so when a player puts on a zombie mob head, they could effectively move them. It would add function to an already existing item and could also be a reason for players to try and get charged creepers (using tridents and their enchantments). If you're not looking to move villagers, it could also just be a neat detail to the game!

    submitted by /u/OfficialMSPainter
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    Gamerule: BlockGravity

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 06:44 AM PST

    This is coming directly from someone trying to build in an amplified world who keeos running into deserts: please, we really need an easy way to turn block gravity off. I don't want an entire sand drift falling and ruining everything.

    Sand, Concrete Powder, Gravel, Anvils, literally everything that falls when a solid block is under it will not fall with this gamerule set to true. It is a simple quality of life thing, but it makes a huge difference for creative builders

    submitted by /u/EUOS_the_cat
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    Give Soul Fire An Extra Effect.

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 09:03 PM PST

    Soul Fire really should have some sort of functionality aside being just re-skinned fire. Having it not spread is a really great start but I think we can do better.

    This is my personal favorite idea for this:

    Soul fire only damages 'living' mobs. This means that undead creatures (Skeletons, Zombies, Phantoms) can move through it unharmed. This fits really well with the soul sand valley being filled with skeletons and since undead creatures lack souls, it would make sense! Plus seeing skeletons constantly setting themselves on fire isn't very spooky.

    A few other ideas include having it cleanse positive status effects from the player, having it ignore fire resistance, or making it set the player alight with blue fire that cannot be put out by water but has to burn out on its own.

    If you have any other suggestions I'd love to hear them!

    EDIT: Obviously these would not all be implemented, likely only one would be necessary.

    Here is the link to the minecraft feedback page. Send it a vote if you want!


    submitted by /u/kathca
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    Basalt could be used to create Statues.

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 01:19 PM PST

    Basalt is one of the new blocks found in the nether, and will presumably be the Nether's equivalent of Stone that can be turned into Cobblestone in the future. But what if it has some more decorative uses?

    I propose that Basalt to additionally be used to create Statues, just like how they are used in real life. These would be similar to Armor Stands in terms of proportions (unless it's an enderman, which could be taller), but it'd instead create a statue of a mob, or even the player. They would also be heavier, and like the anvil, would deal damage when dropped onto someone. Exclusive Statues also have a rare chance to spawn in Desert and Jungle Temples. Additionally, Woodland Mansions would also have a chance to contain statues, but with a twist. They would be haunted or cursed, meaning they would attack the player when they enter a certain radius.

    To craft a statue base, one would need an armor stand, 4 blocks of basalt, and either three blocks of iron, iron ingots, or netherite scrap (I'm not sure which). To create the statue based on a particular mob, I propose either or both of these options:

    1) Add some purchasable Mob Statue Schematics to the Mason Villagers or

    2) Make these Schematics craftable similar to Banner Patterns. But because Statues often require a lot of planning, replace the paper with a book, and add 3 drops by the mob around it (not sure what the player's schematic recipe would be though).

    I just think small statues similar to armor stands have a lot of potential for decorative builds, as well as give Basalt another purpose without being too cheap.

    Feel free to add additional suggestions.

    submitted by /u/JJFreshMemes
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    Add a new liquid made from ghast tears.

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 04:10 AM PST

    It would be able to hydrate crops without fissing away in the nether. It could flow as fast as water, and be as transparent, but maybe they shouldn't be renewable the way water is? That might make it very hard to obtain in large quantities though.

    Edit: It should not convert lava into obsidian, and instead, the tear block touching the lava would dissapear. It also would not put out fire, maybe fire could become "tearlogged"? It would not negate fire damage from any entities.

    submitted by /u/CactusPunching
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    Pumpkins, Carved Pumpkins and Jack-O-Lanterns placed on Soul Soil will have a spooky White Texture.

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 12:46 PM PST

    This would act both as a new way to use Pumpkins while decorating and as a reference to Minecraft: Story Mode.

    The 'White Pumpkin' is not obtainable, as it is not a new block, but a new state the block can be in, similar to the Snowy version of the Grass Block.


    submitted by /u/pamafa3
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    What I want frogs to be like after their eventual addition to the game

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 12:38 PM PST

    Frogs will be added eventually after losing the biome vote to the mountains and the goat (sadly) but nothing has been said yet so here are my ideas:

    Basic facts and behaviour

    Frogs are 1 and a bit blocks tall and has 8 HP. They are passive and spawn in swamps and in jungles near water. there are three variants. Green frogs spawn in swamps and red and blue frogs in jungles. All frogs can be bred (please suggest down below for what the breeding food should be). Jungle frogs give mobs 3 seconds of poison if they touch them. Darts (a new projectile crafted with sticks and feathers for a bamboo blowgun weapon) can be rubbed on jungle frogs to make poisoned ammunition. They have increased vertical jumping ability. Baby frogs will jump around on lily pads.


    frogs would drop 0-1 slimeballs of their colour which can be used to craft pistons and slime blocks that only stick to their own colour. this would add more Redstone contraptions using different slime and honey blocks. this drop would be a bit rare to provide an early game peaceful alternative to obtaining slime but wouldn't be as efficient as building slime farms. very rarely, the frog would drop frogs legs and frog tongues. the first would be used to brew potions of leaping instead of rabbit's foot which I think should be used to brew potions of luck (a status effect that increases the quality of loot from loot chests) and can be corrupted to make potions of bad lucks. the latter can be used to upgrade tools (excluding weapons) on a smithing table and increase the reach of the tool (e.g. allow you to break blocks, strip logs and till land from further).

    submitted by /u/IFOUNDAHAZARD7
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    Add Studded Armor

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 02:23 AM PST

    It'd be crafted by putting chainmail and leather armor into the smithing table.

    It'd be stronger than chainmail and slightly stronger/weaker than iron. It'd also be dyable.

    It'd also have a slight projectile protection like how netherite has knockback resistance.

    This would also go hand in hand with the recent addition of old features like lecterns, lanterns and crying obsidian since this item was planned for indev.

    submitted by /u/emercraft573
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    New unique hoe enchant " harvesting"

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 01:02 PM PST

    A unique enchant for hoes that works like fortune but for all crops that are planted on hoed ground

    Currently the fortune enchant works on crops , like carrots and potatoes, but only for seeds with beetroot and wheat. Harvesting would increase the amount of wheat, potatoes, carrots, and beetroot gained, harvesting would also replace the fortune enchants effects for carrot and potatoes making it no longer increase the yield of breaking crops with a fortune pickaxe.

    submitted by /u/jopmacaroni
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    [REPOST] You can Shave Iron Golems to make 'em look 'clean'!

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 12:52 PM PST

    Original Post

    Feedback Site

    The Feedback Post finally got approved, so if you liked the original suggestion, be sure to vote there for a chance of this being implemented!

    submitted by /u/pamafa3
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    Desert nomad vellyth again with more desert improvement ideas! Two new cacti, one which is a food source!

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 01:11 AM PST

    Ok. So, here goes. (Mobile user...sorry about formatting issues, trying to figure it out)

    1) prickly pear cactus.

    • Adds life to the desert by adding another plant

    • Grows on sand, red sand, and coarse dirt

    • Produces the prickly pear fruit, which grows in three stages

      • Flower, can not be harvested
      • Green fruit, if harvested plants another cactus
      • Magenta fruit, fully grown, see below.
    • Prickly pears are harvestable, leaving the cactus to keep growing more

    • Harvesting causes no damage, touching a prickly pear will damage you just like the regular cacti do

    • Prickly pears alone can be eaten for 1.5 hunger points

    • With a glass bottle, 1 sugar, and three prickly pears, you can create prickly pear jelly which provides 3 hunger points, and a 5 second speed boost

    • Prickly pears can be turned directly into magenta dye

    • Prickly pears are used to plant more prickly pear cacti

    2) Saguaro cactus.

    • Taller than the other cacti by two blocks or more has arms on the sides, adding more life to the desert

    • (Edit) Grows on sand or coarse dirt

    • Grows little pink or yellow flowers on it, they bloom at night, and have a soft, redstone level glow to them

    • When cooked in a furnace, it becomes grey dye

    • Could serve as a roost for a new animal, the owl (but that is for another post later)

    • The flowers could be visited by desert dwelling bees, if that ever becomes a thing

    As someone who grew up in a desert, I would like to see more life within the deserts in Minecraft. I understand the premise. I do. But you can add some life to the desert, without it losing that desert feel. So I came up with these ideas from home, because deserts are harsh sure, but they can also be beautiful.

    submitted by /u/Vellyth
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    My idea for a use for Smithing Table - Mineral Coated Items

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 06:11 AM PST

    I think it would be amazing if we could upgrade any type of gear by coating them with minerals like Redstone, Lapis, Emerald and Gold. It would be a very good update that would make these minerals much more useful.

    First of all, let's start with Redstone. It would be awesome if we could apply a Redstone coating for our armor. This would make the wearer activate Redstone related blocks when standing on/next to them, the more Redstone Coated armor pieces you wear, the stronger the signal.

    Now as for the Lapis, coating a/an: - Sword and Bow/XBow would make you get more XP for killing mobs - Pickaxe would make you get more XP for mining XP dropping minerals. - Armor would make you lose less XP after dying, the more pieces you wear, the less XP you'll lose.

    Now, I've gotta say I've had a hard time thinking on what buff should I give for Emerald coated items. But then I thought that emeralds represent opulence and greed, so here's my idea: - Swords and Bows/XBows make mobs drop more items after killing them. - Pickaxes make ores drop more minerals - Wearing the Armor would give you a small chance of keeping one item from your inventory after death. The more armor pieces you wear, the higher the chance.

    Last but not least, Golden coated items. Coating a/an: - Sword would make it deal a little bit more damage - Tool (Pickaxe, Axe and Shovel) would make it mine a little faster. - Armor would make Piglins not attack you (You would need to coat a full set of armor for it to work) It would be cool because you wouldn't need to wear a piece of golden armor which is very vulnerable.

    So what do you think? Lme know what would you like me to change in my concept.

    Cheers! Keep mining, but don't dig straight down.

    submitted by /u/StuntFox
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    Make the turtle helmet obtained by combining an iron helmet and a scute in the smithing table.

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 09:33 AM PST

    So far, the smiting table is only used for upgrading diamond things into.netherite things. And making a turtle helmet can take almost an in game week. Aside from their water breathing, turtle helmets have the exact same stats as an iron helmet, so it would make sense to be able to upgrade an iron helmet into a turtle one.

    submitted by /u/Okibdoki
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    Cave spiders should have a small chance to spawn in caves

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 03:23 PM PST

    Cave spiders being called cave spiders should... spawn in caves. It's literally in their name. Now obviously they can't spawn too often because that would make mining early game quite punishing especially for newer players however they should still have a low spawn chance.

    How would you set the spawn to be caves? I'd imagine it to be hard to do perfectly right with caves being a hard thing to define in game however I think if they could only spawn on stone blocks with no skylight access it would get the needed effect quite nicely, seeing as to how that only naturally occures in caves.

    submitted by /u/Sushimus
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    All of the nether stuff should have its own section in the creative menu

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 09:18 AM PST

    I feel like all of the nether stuff is cool, but in the snapshots when I'm scrolling through the creative inventory, all of the new stuff kind of stands out in a bad way. It just looks kind of unnatural, so putting it in its own section would be the best thing to do. This would also benefit players who don't want anything to do with all of the new nether stuff (I know a few...🙄). This way, it won't get in their way.

    What do you guys think? Comment below!

    submitted by /u/Ctef2015
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    Novice Librarians Should Not Offer Mending

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 12:46 AM PST

    Mending is the ultimate enchantment in the game for all items and armour (except for infinity and fortune III). Not only does it reduce the amount of materials spent on repairing, it also increases the amount of time you can spend adventuring. It is understandable that this enchantment is impossible to get through normal means.

    It is not understandable that a Novice level Librarian can offer the ultimate enchantment for 10 emerald the second they get their hands on a lectern!

    Villager professions have 5 ranks from Novice to Master. I recommend that the Librarian offer enchanted books with a level weighted around their rank, where treasure enchantments are only offered past rank 3, Journeyman and offered more frequently at rank 5, Master.

    submitted by /u/SpawnOfNyx
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    New achievement called ow paper cut

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 02:08 PM PST

    When you flip through 19 pages in book fast you get achievement

    submitted by /u/Ma090709
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    Biome Specific Wandering Traders

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 01:40 PM PST

    Depending on the biome a Wandering Trader spawns in they should have a different, biome appropriate skin.

    For example if they spawn in a desert, they should have a ghutra and light colored, loose, robes.

    If they spawn in a snowy biome they should be wearing a parka.

    If they spawn in a mountain...what they have now is fine for that actually.

    I think it would make the world seem more alive, and make the Wandering Traders seem smarter and more diverse.

    submitted by /u/Pasta-hobo
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    More Enchanted books

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 01:29 PM PST

    The current enchanted books only have 1 level or are just too basic, so I made a suggestion to fix that(sorry for the text wall)

    Mending 2========like mending l, mending ll would auto repair any armor and tools applied to the item using XP, but twice as fast as mending l, to balance this the armor or tools would have a faster durability, making it break twice as fast as the armor would if it didn't have any enchantments

    Looting 4=====like it's predecessors, the previous 3 looting books, looting 4 would increase the chances of getting uncommon or rare mob drops, only looting 4 would also increase the chances of getting mob heads on the first few tries

    Fire aspect 3=====Like fire aspect 1 and 2, this enchantment would ignite any mob the player attacked, except it would last longer than both enchantments, it would also be twice as effective against frozen mobs like the stray and the polar bear, and it would have a small chance of burning wool or string

    submitted by /u/Shadowbros_proOG
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