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    Minecraft Items dropped from mobs killed by a loyalty trident should be brought back along with the trident

    Minecraft Items dropped from mobs killed by a loyalty trident should be brought back along with the trident

    Items dropped from mobs killed by a loyalty trident should be brought back along with the trident

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 01:13 PM PDT

    Loyalty is a great enchantment since you can get your trident back after you throw it deep into the watery abyss, further than you can find it. Since tridents are meant for fighting underwater mobs, it's hard to get the trident back without loyalty, but what would be the point of throwing it at some fish in the distance and get your trident back if you're just gonna have to go over there anyway to collect the drops from the fish?

    Loyalty should, in addition to bringing your trident back, bring any items it gets from killing mobs back to you as well.

    submitted by /u/OmniC4t
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    Shift clicking a spawn egg into a boat or minecart places the mob inside it.

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 06:16 AM PDT

    So you don't have to go through the trouble of pushing them in

    submitted by /u/dyranry
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    Empty Shulker Boxes occasionally spawn at End Cities

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 12:36 PM PDT

    Along with the alive Shulkers, a few empty normal Shulker Boxes will also spawn. Sort of like a hermit crabShulker that went to get itself a new shell.

    submitted by /u/MaeBeaInTheWoods
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    Reputation in villages should be raised if the player repairs the village's iron golem

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 11:39 PM PDT

    In 1.15 the ability to repair iron golems was introduced. In my opinion, when naturally-spawned golems (whether via village generation or via gossip) are repaired in a village, the player's reputation should be raised. After all, you're repairing the village guardian, aren't you? However, if player-made golems are repaired in a village, that will NOT raise your reputation.

    Edit: For damaging naturally-spawned iron golems your reputation will be lowered.

    Edit 2: Thanks to u/Institutionation for the idea, repairs on an iron golem will increase popularity till a certain limit, maximum full repair per day.

    submitted by /u/Jarl_Penguin
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    Rare chance to spawn soul fire blazes!

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 08:18 AM PDT

    I don't have any cool ideas about this, just perhaps a rare chance to spawn a blue blaze

    submitted by /u/SAVchips
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    There should be a lava-vision potion.

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 12:47 PM PDT

    If you go lava, you can't see anything. So I say there should be a lava seeing potion. Probably made from bassalt or the new blackstone.

    (There should be a potion flair)

    submitted by /u/the_big_small_brain
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    The amount of gold armour that you wear should affect the rarity of items you receive from Piglins.

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 01:54 PM PDT

    (I put this in the Piglin feedback megathread, but I'll put it here too, with expanded ideas)

    Has the Nether update given gold armour a use? Well yes, but actually no. In fact, you only need a gold helmet or something, then the piglins are cool with you. So I suggest that the amount of gold armour that you wear will vary the quality of loot you receive from piglins. Bit like the Luck Of The Sea enchantment. Perhaps something like:

    • 1 piece of golden armour = You're probably gonna get bad loot.
    • 2 pieces of golden armour = Your items are a bit bad, but it's ok.
    • 3 pieces of golden armour = The loot table's not looking too bad!
    • 4 pieces of gold armour = You're feeling lucky.

    Well, you could just wear gold armour all the time, you say. But then there's obviously the risk of hoglins and ghasts nearby. Are you willing to risk taking off all your diamond armour for your precious loot?

    Another thing I thought of with this mechanic is that if you're wearing full gold armour, piglins don't attack you even if you mine gold ore nearby, as they think you're pretty chill with all that shiny clothes. Although I think gold armour still shouldn't work for opening their chests, as that is their loot.

    Thanks for reading; what do you think?

    submitted by /u/solar_powered_noob42
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    A few changes to carpets

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 01:26 PM PDT

    1) Carpets can be stacked like snow layers (this could be one type of carpet or a variety)

    2) You should be able to use a loom to add patterns to a carpet to turn it into a rug.

    submitted by /u/RoastKrill
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    The Hermits - "good counterparts" of the Witches. Live in mountain hideouts and provide a limited way to get a few potions without Blaze - hunting.

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 03:23 PM PDT

    Appearance: A Hermit looks like an Illager (sic!) wearing something which looks like an old, tattered, dirty robe. Despite looking like Illagers, they are initiallly neutral towards players.

    Spawning: Hermits can spawn two ways:

    -One Hermit spawns inside each of hermit hideouts (see below) during chunk generation.

    -When Evoker, Pillager or Vindicator is struck by lighting, they have a 10% chance to be instantly transformed into a Hermit.

    Hermit hideouts: Structures which serve as homes for Hermits. They generate in mountains and look like a small artifical cave carved in the mountainside. From inside, walls of the hideout are revetted with mossy cobblestone. Objects that generate inside hideout include a chest (contains only some food items, and Hermit would aggro on players trying to open it), a furnace, a crafting table, a brewing stand and a "bed" made from two upside-down stone stairs (NOT a real bed). Besides all of this, nearly from a hideout outside always generates a little "field" (few blocks of farmland) with carrots and potatoes growing on it.


    Hermits who are spawned without a hideout (from lightings or though commands) wander randomly drinking invisibility potions to avoid hostile mobs until they despawn naturally. Hermits in hideouts never despawn, similar to Witches in swamp huts.

    When left alone, Hermit living in hideout spends most of their day tending to their carrots and potatoes(see above) in the manner similar to a farmer Villager. When they are not doing so, they can wander around a little(but not too far from their home) or be seen standing besides their crafting table or brewing stand. During sunset, Hermit stands on the top of their "bed" and then drinks invisibility potion, staying invisible on the "bed " until dawn.

    Hermits react by drinking invisibility potion and walking away when they see any hostile mob, Iron Golem or Villager. Villagers also try to avoid Hermits, Iron Golems and most other mobs just ignore them, while Illagers and undead mobs try attack them.

    Hermits know that the player is ...something different from both Illagers and Villagers, so they allow the player to approach them and even trade with them. Like with Wandering Traders, you cannot sell items to Hermits and can only buy. But unlike Traders, Hermits sell potions. Their trades look like this:

    3 emerald and 1 sugar for 1 Potion of Swiftness

    3 emerald and 1 rabbit foot for 1 Potion of Leaping

    3 emerald and 1 Glistering Melon for 1 Potion of Healing


    After selling 3 potions (any), all of Hermit's trades became disabled for 20 real-time minutes (1 in-game day).


    Make no mistake, Hermits are not passive mobs. After all, they are former Illagers.

    Player can aggro them if they:

    -attack the Hermit;

    -try to open a chest inside their hideout;

    -try to sleep/set a spawn point inside their hideout(Hermits see it as a violation of their privacy);

    In combat, Hermits are almost identical to Witches and use all potions and tactics Witches use, but also potion of invisibility, making them pretty formiddable opponents.

    submitted by /u/Arventur1996
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    Dark Mode

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 01:26 PM PDT

    Middle of the night and you want to play, but not burn your eyes? There's an answer.

    There is a switch in settings for Light and Dark mode. The default is Light, which is what it is currently in the game. In Dark Mode:

    • All the menus, buttons, and inventory slots are dark grey instead of light grey.

    • The brightness is automatically set to 50% if the brightness is higher and the highest it can go is locked at 50% instead of 100%.

    • The sun is a light yellow colour instead of pure white. The same applies to lightning, fire, lit furnaces, and campfirrs. A very similar effect happens to soul fire and soul campfires, only light blue instead of light yellow.

    • Text is a grey in-between light grey and dark grey instead of white.

    • Explosion particles are dark grey instead of white.

    • All effects of light levels are downgraded by 3 levels and the first 3 levels are removed.

    • Less light is given off fire and lava.

    • All white and light blue is made more light grey.

    • All cyan is made more of the grey that text becomes.

    • All light grey and blue is made more dark grey.

    • The Night Vision effect is changed and makes the darkness and the night sky a light green instead of white.

    • The void is pure black instead of pure white.

    • Clouds are now light grey instead of white.

    Keep in mind all of these changes are purely asthetic and don't effect gameplay in any way.

    submitted by /u/MaeBeaInTheWoods
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    Elder Guardian “Raid” Bar

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 08:15 AM PDT

    It would be nice when entering an Ocean Monument and receiving the Elder Guardian's de-buff to also receive a health bar showing how many Elder Guardians remain in the monument. Everytime an Elder is slain the bar decreases by a third. I see the bar being red seeing as how I view it as more raid-like than boss-like.

    submitted by /u/noonyeyz
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    You should be able to turn stairs into slabs via a Stonecutter

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 06:55 AM PDT

    That would just be logical. And logical considering the loss of turning a block into stairs and then into a slab, because you get 1 instead of 2.

    submitted by /u/Nouche_
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    Blaze rods, wither skulls, and magma cream don't burn in fire

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 05:12 AM PDT

    Since the mobs that they drop from are fire resistant, wouldn't it make sense if their loot is also fire resistant? The blaze rod is literally a fire stick and magma cream makes fire resistance potions too, I'm surprised they don't survive getting burnt by fire as a dropped item.

    submitted by /u/HgForMercury
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    Alter the soul torch recipe

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 09:46 AM PDT

    Simply put, soul torches should work the same way that soul campfires do, with the soul soil replacing coal rather than being used in addition to it. The logic is two fold, firstly, just for logical consistency, but secondly and more importantly, it incentivizes making them over regular torches in certain situations, as coal is relatively rare in the nether. There isn't much reason one would want to spend more resources on a worse torch after all.

    submitted by /u/derborgus3333
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    [Potions] Lava Vision

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 01:47 PM PDT

    So basically, this potion would allow you to see under lava!

    Is it overpowered?

    Considering you would need fire resistance in order to not burn up and die, no!


    With the new Nether Update being worked on, this concept seems like it would fit in quite nicely! The Nether is getting a complete overhaul! In fact, there's even the new Netherrite item! Since Netherrite cannot be burned in lava, having lava vision would allow for a player to be able to find where their Netherrite items went if/when they are dropped into lava.

    Additionally, being able to see under lava would allow players to build "stuff" under lava in the nether! Just think about it! Players making entire lava bases! I mean, this can technically already be done. But with lava vision, this process would be much less infuriating! You would be able to actually see where you placed your blocks.

    How to craft?

    I would imagine something on par with taking a night vision potion and adding a magma cream item. Or perhaps a blaze rod? Of course, it would be something related to the nether and fire-based potions!

    How long would it last?

    The same duration as a night vision potion. By default, 3 minutes (I think?). And, with added Redstone, 8 minutes.

    Does it give Fire Resistance?

    No. That's what Fire Resistance potions are for...

    What if you run out of Fire Resistance before the Lava Vision runs out?

    Uh... you burn? Sorry!

    Can it be found anywhere?

    Sure! In a brewing stand... when you brew it... Where else would it be found?

    Could it be found in the upcoming Nether structures?

    Eh... Maybe?

    Who would use this?

    I would! And you might too!

    Anything else?


    submitted by /u/Danese_
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    Nether Mob - Burrowers

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 08:05 PM PDT

    image: https://imgur.com/a/yDKymXp


    - ant/termite-like creature that lives in the nether. they are organic mining turtles, aka will automate mining quarries for you.

    - get their own unique biome, the nether hives, where soul soil/blackstone/basalt fills the entire nether from the bedrock floor to bedrock ceiling (lots of digging). burrowers dig out colonies in these biomes, making systems of tunnels. ancient debris spawns at all y-levels in this biome, as do gold and quartz

    - burrower workers dig out tunnels, bringing ore back to the queen. if one sees you it'll run away and call a soldier

    - burrower soldiers kill intruders and are immune to lava and fire and have armor. they will try and flank you and have an armor shredding attack that deals 200 durability damage to one of your armor pieces if it connects. good luck fighting in an enclosed space

    - burrower queens make more workers and soldiers, provided they have enough ore. hives will not expand beyond a 250 block spherical radius of the queen and will continue until all the resources are depleted, in which case the queen will move to a new location. burrowers have an owner/queen tag - if they run into burrowers that come from another queen they will fight

    - there could be more ideas and more complexity but the primary intent is if they are introduced to the overworld they could 1. mine blocks for you (you can intercept workers bringing ores to the queen) and function as organic mining turtles but 2. be considered an invasive species/grief your world if you're not careful (which is why they start in the nether and not the overworld)

    submitted by /u/greenmajesti
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    Hoglin Dens!

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 09:36 AM PDT

    First post, so apologies for any mistakes I make. Please leave constructive criticism in the replies!

    So, Hoglins. You've met 'em. I've met 'em. We know they exist. But where do they come from? Well, I propose the Hoglin Den.

    The Hoglin Den generate in the Crimson Forest biome, They're small holes, either in the wall or in the ground. They will also have a large amount of Crimson Fungi, the Hoglin's favourite food. Two adult Hoglins and one baby Hoglin spawn in these holes. Just a fun little addition to the Nether.

    submitted by /u/guyperson2
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    A Nether biome idea: the Mantle, and everything else about it

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 01:44 AM PDT

    Ever wonder what a Basalt Delta would've looked like before it became a massive clump of rocks? The Mantle would answer that question.

    The Mantle is an extremely hot biome, overriden with enormous lavafalls and other odd lava formations. Very little land in the Mantle is not touched by lava or fire. If you manage to drain lava in the Mantle, you'll only discover magma blocks and a couple specks of blackstone and obsidian. Fog is yellow-orange, and the ecosystem is covered with particles of lava, flame, and smoke.

    Adding to the heat of the biome, if an entity doesn't have proper protective gear, it will combust immediately as soon as it's inside the biome, regardless if it touched the lava or not. Holding wooden tools while in the biome will cause it to gradually lose durability. Holding a stack of sticks in the Mantle automatically turns them into torches. Fire spread is cranked up to the max in this biome (kinda like Alpha fire spread!).

    Another danger of the Mantle are fire sprays. Fire sprays are crater-like terrain features that occasionally release a jet of fire. Getting caught in sprays also launches you into the air, and deals damage, of course.

    To make exploring a Mantle biome worth it, Mantles will contain islands consisting only of ore. All kinds of Nether ores (except for one) will generate in a Mantle in huge abundance. Ancient debris is not affected. As per u/Pytark, ancient debris is more common in the Mantle, although it will generate separately from ore deposits. The smallest debris vein is now 2, and the largest is 4.

    Assuming Mojang won't make Piglins fire resistant, I suggest that the Mantle generates with a tube-like passageway structure, made up of nether bricks. These passageways are utilized by the Piglins to travel through Mantles without having to deal with the extreme heat. Certain passageways will connect to districts - large rooms where Piglins take a break from travel. Districts are also home to passive Piglins who only want to barter.

    The lava, fire sprays, and instant combustion isn't enough of a threat for me, so I'll also make up a new hostile mob for the Mantle - the Phlogiston. The Phlogiston is composed of lava, and looks like a melting iron golem with bigger limbs and a smaller body. Phlogistons have two melee attacks and one ranged attack. For their melee attacks, they have a simple close-range punch, and one where they retract their arm then stretch to reach out to pull you towards them. For their ranged attack, they collect a lump of lava and toss it towards you. Killing a Phlogiston grants 5-10 experience, 0-1 magma blocks, and has a 3% chance to drop lava crystals (more on this on the next paragraph).

    A lava crystal is a combination of furnace fuel and flint and steel. Lava crystals set a plus-shape area on fire. It can also be used as furnace fuel, and will lose durability if used as such. Lava crystals have around 144 durability. You can repair a lava crystal by combining it with fire charges, which replenish 12 durability.

    State your criticisms!

    submitted by /u/HgForMercury
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    [META] Add lava vision potion to the FPS alongside the already-in-the-FPS lava vision enchantment.

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 01:59 PM PDT

    I'm not sure why a potion variant isn't included, but I'm pretty sure it should, as I'm seeing a fluctuation of it.

    submitted by /u/solar_powered_noob42
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    Strider turning into stone if its touching water

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 06:11 AM PDT

    Since the Striders is so attracted to lava I feel like when it touches water it should turn into stone and completely freeze, and when you punch it it shatters into pieces and drop cobblestone

    submitted by /u/Mortimerer
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    Snow that's generated through snow falling should melt over time.

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 05:29 AM PDT

    Pretty much just the title. To clarify, i don't mean naturally generated snow, i mean snow that's generated through snowy weather. This snow would melt by 1 layer every 10 minutes. This is mainly for snow not piling up over time and making the terrain look awful.

    submitted by /u/The-Most-Sour-Lemon
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    Improving Raids

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 11:57 AM PDT

    Raids are a great feature in a game that provide a mid-game combat challenge to players which brings great loot and buffs. However, I think they're actually too easy. If you build a wall or fence around your village and construct a tower, you can snipe all the illagers from out of harm's reach and drop down to collect the loot between waves if you have a good arrow supply. Here are some suggestions to make raid defenses a bit weaker and raid mobs a bit stronger to make the raids more challenging whilst also buffing the loot and not breaking raid farms.

    • Raiders target and try to pathfind to villagers but if they can't reach them they don't do anything. here are some suggestions on how illagers can try and breakthrough barriers in order to reach villagers:
    1. Vindicators could chop down wood blocks in their way
    2. Ravagers' charge mechanic should be changed. currently, ravagers charge at plants and crops and break them during raids. instead, I think if they walk over any flower, crop or plant it should be destroyed due to their hooves instead of charging at them awkwardly. I think ravagers could also have a chance of dropping their hooves which if combined with boots on a smithing table would allow the user to trample on crops like ravagers and deal damage to mobs they land on. ravagers now only charge at walls blocking their paths to villagers and depending on the blast resistance of the block it would take a certain amount of charges to break blocks (some like obsidian, bedrock etc. would be unbreakable).
    • An evoker or witch would occasionally have a vindicator bodyguard depending on difficulty in order to make it tougher to take out these powerful ranged attackers
    • Pillagers may sometimes carry small shields depending on the difficulty to make them an actual threat
    • Witches may give more potion effects to raiders like enchanters due to other hostile mobs in Minecraft dungeons instead of just healing. maybe speed or strength I'm not sure. the player could try and get in the vicinity of the witch's splash potion and gain the buffs too for the risk of getting up close to multiple foes.

    Yeah, so these are my thoughts please give some feedback in the comments I don't know much about mob mechanics so i hope these suggestions wouldn't break raids.

    submitted by /u/IFOUNDAHAZARD7
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    Use Cauldrons to store Potions

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 01:23 PM PDT

    Right clicking with any potion would put one level of the liquid similar to water bottles (only one type per cauldron picked back up by right clicking with a bottle ) inside a cauldron similar to water you can put three levels inside , however you would not be able to pick it up with buckets as that would add unnecessary liquids. The purpose of this would be that, if right click with an open hand or maybe any item besides a bottle you would get the effect instantly and lower the level of liquid by one

    submitted by /u/starfrd
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    More basalt

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 12:22 PM PDT

    basalt and polished basalt stairs and slabs

    submitted by /u/Knezzo
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    Delta temples/towers (credit to WitherTV on YouTube for concept)

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 01:48 PM PDT

    As the nether only has one type of naturally generated structures (as of writing this), and the new basalt deltas biome is a bit barren, it would be interesting if there were something there made out of the blocks in the environment. WitherTV made a video on his YouTube channel about this concept with his design of the structure and I have made my own design which I have taken screenshots of. (I forgot to put in chests in my design until after I took the screenshots). In essence, the temple/tower would be a structure primarily made of polished Blackstone bricks with a few chests containing loot (loot demonstrations in WitherTV's video). WitherTV's design has the extra reward of two blast furnaces and some gilded Blackstone whereas mine hinges more on the side of being useful as a defendable base with a ranged weapon.

    submitted by /u/FutureFe
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