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    Minecraft Nether stars should survive anything until a player has picked it up

    Minecraft Nether stars should survive anything until a player has picked it up

    Nether stars should survive anything until a player has picked it up

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 12:59 AM PDT

    Considering how rare, hard to get and useful this item is, it shouldn't despawn at all. Even though it is immune to explosions, it's not enough in my eyes. It should:

    1. Float in lava and water and not burn

    2. Never despawn

    3. Not possibly be picked up by any other mobs

    4. Be easier to spot, maybe having a faint glow

    Edit: Also make this count for the dragon egg

    Edit 2: After a player has picked it up it should be able to despawn, but it should still be fire resistant.

    Feedback site

    submitted by /u/ShinyStache
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    You should be able to craft slabs back into blocks.

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 09:39 AM PDT

    Please. I'm actually begging for this feature.

    submitted by /u/Runn12
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    Ravagers should drop chains

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 02:56 AM PDT

    I mean, chains aren't that expensive but considering the amount needed for a lot of people i think making ravagers a source of them would be a good idea. They literally have visible chains on their body and their footsteps make chain shaking sounds.

    submitted by /u/The-Most-Sour-Lemon
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    While we're working on nether generation, isn't it a good time to raise the nether ceiling?

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 10:23 AM PDT

    The nether is currently 128 blocks tall. This is because when the nether was designed, the build limit was only half what it is now. Overworld generation didn't have to change, but in order to increase the build limit in the nether, Mojang would have had to change nether generation to extend it up to a new nether roof. So instead, they allowed space above the nether roof in Java and left the nether build limit at 128 in Bedrock.

    Now that we have vertical biomes and a whole update focused on updating the dimension, I think it's a perfect time to abolish the nether roof and make the nether twice as tall. It would really make vertical biomes relevant and noticeable, and there would be tons of space for new, radical biomes with no overworld equivalent in the future, and for features like lavafalls and spleotherms (those pillars of basalt which spill down from the ceiling). There could be more room underground beneath the lava oceans as well, so that caves could become more interesting commonplace (perhaps that will be worked on in the mountain update).

    Another thing this change will do, as previously mentioned, is get rid of the nether roof in java. There will still be a bedrock sheet on top of the world, but now there will be nothing up there to break the illusion of the nether literally being below the overworld. The space above the nether roof isn't intended to be accessed, and it isn't really part of the game - it's only available via exploits.

    TL;DR: Expand the nether up to y=256, allowing for a much larger space to appreciate the new vertical biomes.

    submitted by /u/orendorff
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    Elytra: Holding shift lets you look around like being in a boat

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 09:28 AM PDT

    I remember when boats used to be like the Elytra, you use your mouse to steer

    submitted by /u/Fat-Cow-187
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    Holding shift while using an elytra should flare out the wings

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 12:49 PM PDT

    When you hold shift while using an elytra the wings should flare out, rapidly decelerating you to a complete stop.

    While the wings are flared out you lose altitude slower then normally flying with the elytra.

    This would make pvp with elytra more interesting, or just fighting mobs in general.

    submitted by /u/Claw262
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    Pillager outpost "targets"/"scarecrows" now spawn with target blocks instead of hay bales sometimes

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 10:43 AM PDT

    Basically just add an alternate copy of the substructure with target blocks instead of hay bales and have the generator choose randomly between the two.

    submitted by /u/smallhotpocket
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    Mobs should have a bit of “randomness” when they chase the player

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 12:39 PM PDT

    Normally, when a horde of, for example, zombies chase the player, they clump up, making them easier to kill. Adding a bit of random/"erratic" movements into their AI would make them harder to defeat.

    submitted by /u/Claw262
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    Ceiling bells should be attached with a small chain

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 12:00 PM PDT

    That would prevent the newly-added chains to only be limited to the purpose of lanterns.

    submitted by /u/Nouche_
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    Now that we have a fully fleshed out Nether, why not a Nether Chest?

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 06:28 AM PDT

    Completely immune to explosions and fire damage, and has 1.66x storage space and can make spooky sounds, they could be found in Bastions or crafted using 8x Gilded Blackstone and 1x Ghast Tear in the centre. Would be nice for a themed build, and to go with the theme of Normal and Ender Chest.

    Note, I am trash at photoshop, so here's a draft mockup: https://i.imgur.com/859jtlZ.png and here's the crafting recipe: https://i.imgur.com/Irp6ZNN.png

    submitted by /u/gagep932
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    Mysterious Blueprints

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 04:43 AM PDT

    The new update has brought us many great things that will all change the game forever. However, there is one change that I believe will devalue other features of the game. This change is the Ruined Nether Portals.
    I believe that the ruined nether portals are beneficial to allow new players to learn how to build and light a portal and to progress the game. But, there are some flaws. First of all, some ruined portals can spawn almost fully complete and have the materials to create the entire portal. This means that newer players might miss other features before going to the nether, like obtaining a diamond pickaxe or otherwise.

    My solution is to add a mysterious blueprint into the game. This piece of paper has vague instructions on how to build and light a nether portal in Minecraft (as seen in the images provided). These will spawn exclusively in Pillager Outposts because the outposts will finally have an important part in the game. Before, outposts were only used for raid farms and other farms, but with the blueprint, they can now have a purpose to be in the game.

    One last suggestion is that the spawn rate for ruined nether portals is considerably decreased and they only spawn within a 100 block radius of a pillager outpost. This will also add some kind of lore that the Pillagers attempted to create a nether portal for whatever evil decisions they desire. Hopefully you had a good time reading this and feel inspired. Feel free to comment your thoughts and opinions.


    submitted by /u/KrazyBales
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    My Nether Update Achievements

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 01:01 PM PDT

    Explorer of Bastions - 10 G - Enter a Piglin Bastion

    Ancient Miner - 10 G - Mine a piece of Ancient Debris

    Stronger Than Diamond - 25 G - Craft a Netherite Ingot

    Striding In Style - 15 G - Ride a Strider

    A Deep Awakening - 15 G - Set a Respawn Point in The Nether (edited)

    Deepest Gold Miner - 10 G - Mine Nether Gold Ore

    (Edit ((New Achievement))- Checkpoint! - 10 G - Set a Loadstone

    submitted by /u/DaddySauceKing
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    Cracked bricks in Bastion tunnels indicate a secret passage/room

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 05:20 AM PDT

    I've been flying in spectator around the Bastions for a while and I noticed there are quite a few rooms that share a wall, some isolated completely.

    I think it'd be cool if shared walls were made of cracked brick (and reducing it's use elsewhere in the blackstone tunnels) which will give a player an indication as to where to dig if they want to find a secret room.

    I'd love to see this in caves too, but that's for another update ;)

    submitted by /u/saymanem
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    Render distance fog should be circular around the player

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 02:05 PM PDT

    At the moment, it's kind of a flat line, which means the player can see farther in his peripheral vision than if he looks straight ahead. Try it out yourself.

    If this fog formed in a circle around the player, looking around the world would feel much more natural, especially at short render distances.

    submitted by /u/lltelliot
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    Make mining in the nether more intresting

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 01:20 PM PDT

    Netherite is amazing, but there aren't any other significant things to get while you are mining for it, so it's kind of boring. This could be fixed by adding a material that can be used commonly used late in the game (mabye gunpoweder/sulfer to provide a non mob farming way to get access to lots of fireworks), or by creating caves that spawn difficult but rewarding enimes that could drop a weapon or tool(simmilar to the drowned).

    submitted by /u/deleteyeetplz
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    A New Artifact found in Bastions

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 01:20 PM PDT

    Adding any loot in bastions could completely break the balance, being a mid game structure it shouldn't give something too strong or at least not at a high rate, but at the same time it should be worth the time and risk, so I came up with this idea;

    Totem of Unburning / Totem of Extinguishment

    This new totem should be less common than netherite tools, and having one in your hand will anger piglings wether or not the player is wearing golden armor. (Since they would realize they've been robbed of it).

    It would absorb all the burning damage the player receives converting it into durability loss, once it runs out of durability it would burn away and emit a yellow/black smoke, giving the player 4 seconds of fire resistance.

    It would be possible to repair it before it runs out, maybe from an anvil by converting EXP into durability or maybe it just slowly repairs itself overtime after X minutes from the last fire damage absorbtion.

    It could have 40 durability (Damage and dur loss scaled 1:1) giving enough time to escape an accidentall fall in a lava ocean at the cost of more than half of the durability. It would be like having 20 extra hearts that absorb fire damage for you.

    submitted by /u/Jackspaccatore
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    Lodestone Compass should be coloured differently depending on the dimension where it was created

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 12:48 AM PDT

    All lodestone compasses glow in the same enchantment colour. This should be changed so the lodestone compasses glow in different colours depending on the dimension where it was created.

    • Green: Overworld
    • Red: Nether
    • Purple: The End (the current enchantment glow can be used here)
    submitted by /u/bdm68
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    Villagers should jump if needed

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 02:04 PM PDT

    We all see villagers as humans as much as the player is, yet they are so dumb that they dont even know how to j u m p If a illager is chasing a villager, and the villager is near a hole, he should jump 1-3 jumps to avoid them! This will make minecraft feel more alive and make villagers easier to protect!

    submitted by /u/Milk_Is_white
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    Add "soundproof blocks" to the "Blocks" category of the FPS list for clarity

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 08:44 AM PDT

    Soundproofing suggestions is currently covered only in the "Mobs" category, and while "other" covers blocks, it doesn't specifically say that soundproofing blocks aren't allowed. I've seen this trip up a few people recently, myself included.

    submitted by /u/orendorff
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    Increase transparency of rain

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 03:26 PM PDT

    Minecraft rain is hated by most players, which is a shame since it's a common thing in the basic survival MC. Simply ramping up the transparency goes a long way, here's an image of Transparent vs. Normal: https://i.postimg.cc/1tTdqbfw/image.png.

    It's possible to get half-transparent rain like this by doing /weather rain and then shortly running a clock that clears the weather and then makes it rain again every tick. This makes the rain stay in its "starting phase". The problem is that this stops when you leave the world and then return.

    submitted by /u/Mew_Pur_Pur
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    Idea for a New Super Late-Game Dungeon

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 01:23 PM PDT

    NOTE: I don't have all of the ideas for this, this is more of a concept

    • The Basalt Delta is a super cool Biome that looks like the perfect place for some evil dark lord to set up base, so here's the Idea. A Castle dungeon that spawns in the Basalt Deltas. This Castle would consist of two layers. A Part of the Castle that any player can just walk into, and loot. And the Second part would be made of some brick that player's cant just mine, and would only be accessible through a locked door.
    • "How do you open said door?" You have to find the fragments of the key, hidden in the four other big dungeons of the game. One piece is in the Ocean Monument, One piece is in the Woodland Mansion, One piece is in the Nether Fortress, and one in the End City. Once the Player Crafts the Key they can enter the second part of the Castle.
    • The First Part of the the Castle Would Contain mediocre loot with nothing too difficult for the player when it comes to enemies. However the second part would contain enemies tough enough to give unenchanted diamond armor players trouble, and the loot would be super valuable items and new tools to help all types of players. I'm not quite sure what these special tools should be, but they should help with exploring, mining, building, and combat.

    if you have any suggestions to further this idea, please say so, I'd love to hear it.

    submitted by /u/Nail_Head
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    Get book back from combining

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 10:49 AM PDT

    When you combine a book with something else (maybe another book) in an anvil, the enchantments are transferred, but the book remains.

    If you are combining two books, the third output slot must have another book, as if not, the anvil will turn into an infinite book farm.

    for example:

    (Enchanted Book with Unbreaking III) + (Enchanted Book with Mending) → (Book)

    Will give you:

    (Book) + (Book) → (Enchanted Book with Unbreaking III and Mending)

    another example:

    (Enchanted Book with Mending) + (Diamond Sword) → ()

    Will give you:

    (Book) + () → (Diamond Sword with Mending)

    Any suggestions are welcome.

    Suggestion add-ons:

    u/orendorff commented:

    Hybrid books could keep the unused enchantments.


    (Enchanted Book with Protection IV and Silk Touch) + (Diamond Pickaxe) → ()

    Gives you:

    (Enchanted Book with Protection IV) + () → (Diamond Pickaxe with Silk Touch)

    submitted by /u/xX-SuperShot-Xx
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    Note blocks change octave by having the item in the item frame on top of them rotated.

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 12:31 PM PDT

    That's pretty much it. The angle of the item in an item frame placed on top of a note block will change the octave it's playing at.

    Without an item frame, or with an empty item frame, you get the default octave that we've had for years.

    Octaves would either be based on the original angle the item was placed at, or on its direction relative to NSEW.

    There'd be at least 3 higher octaves and 3 lower octaves, though I don't know whether it'd be better for the last octave to be higher or lower.

    submitted by /u/4DimensionalToilet
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    Mobs should run away from creeper that is about to explode

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 10:20 PM PDT

    I mean, every single mobs except for hostile mobs, because there are players who use creeper to kill other hostile mobs.

    If our pets are sitting and they see a creeper near them is about to explode, they should run away from that creeper instead of just sitting there, waiting for their own deaths.

    If we are holding food to lure specific mobs, then the same thing happen (a creeper comes out and about to explode), the mobs that we are luring should still run away but towards us, who is holding the food so that we don't lose them. Also same with leashed mobs.

    Edit : I didn't know this was a feature but was removed due to some reason. I thought that there could be an alternative way to avoid the same thing happen. An idea from u/HPSpacecraft suggesting that instead of making the mobs run away, creepers are those who suppose to trigger the "run away" mob behaviour.

    submitted by /u/La_Paperbag
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