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    Minecraft There should be an achievement for collecting all the music discs

    Minecraft There should be an achievement for collecting all the music discs

    There should be an achievement for collecting all the music discs

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 09:08 AM PDT

    When I collected all the music discs in my bedrock world it was kinda disappointing and anticlimactic. There needs the be some sort of achievement for the dedicated players who go out and do this.

    submitted by /u/Paulie6988
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    Respawn Anchor should prioritize crying obsidian as a spawning block over 3 block radius.

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 10:37 AM PDT

    Basically, if there's a crying obsidian near a Respawn Anchor in a 3 block radius; you'll respawn on top of that crying obsidian over other blocks. (If there's multiple, the crying obsidian that you'll spawn on is randomized).

    This is basically a tribute to the old intended function of crying obsidian back in the day and general uses for the crying obsidian itself.

    submitted by /u/ZhanderDrake
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    Please stop trying to make the Nether into the Overworld

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 10:21 PM PDT

    The nether is not the overworld.

    Every since the Nether update happened this subreddit has been spammed with suggestions that all sound a little like this:

    "Lets bring THIS from the overworld into the Nether so we can make is more livable!"

    Sure the nether could use some bare essentials and Mojang have done an a fabulous job implementing them so far. I've seen a lot of great suggestions on things that could be further added, BUT please stop saying things like "we need chickens in the nether because theres no way to get feathers".

    Just cause you cant get it in the nether doesnt mean you have to make it available in the nether.

    For gods sake just use a damn portal and go grab it.

    I've seen post suggesting everything from adding iron, dirt, wool, glass, diamonds, redstone, etc.. into the nether just for the simple reason of "its not available in the nether".

    The Nether should be a hellish dimension that is harder to live in. There SHOULD be a lot of things you CANT do. It doesn't make sense to strip away the feature that make it a unique dimension.

    TL;DR: just cause its not in the nether doesn't mean it needs to be in the nether

    submitted by /u/llaughm
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    Passive mobs react to music disk 11

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 05:44 AM PDT

    When you play music disk 11 ( the broken one) all passive mobs within a short radius run out of that radius as if they were scared. When the track ends the mobs can come back into the area. It would make the game more detailed and raise new players' superstitions about the disk.

    In conclusion, it would add something to the game at no compromise.

    Feedback in comments.

    submitted by /u/like_nicememebro
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    Frost walker boots should extinguish flames

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 05:39 AM PDT

    Frost walker boots should extinguish flames when they are stood on with frostwalker 1 and maybe flames in a 3 by 3 area with frostwalker 2.

    submitted by /u/cactus489
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    Hoe should be the "proper tool" for cactus, honeycomb blocks, and cake.

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 07:07 AM PDT

    They are some of the only blocks left that don't yet have an assigned tool to break them faster, and they seem to fit with the other blocks that the hoe is used for. Actually using a hoe to break a cake would be pointless and a waste of both the cake and the hoe, but I think it still sort of fits so why not.

    I think cactus and cake should also have their sounds changed, since the cloth sounds seem less fitting than some of the sounds more recently added to the game.

    I thought maybe dragon egg might fit the hoe as well (even though you can only "break" it in special circumstances like if you put it at the bottom of the ocean). But there are no other blocks in the game you can compare it to, so I can't really say that it would or wouldn't "fit" unless they go and assign it to the hoe arbitrarily. It would be funny at least.

    submitted by /u/BrickenBlock
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    Blackstone Lever

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 10:31 AM PDT

    Buttons got their variant, time for levers. Some interfaces look cooler with levers, and I think they deserve some polishing because the cobblestony texture we're forced to use doesn't always compliment the decoration.

    submitted by /u/Nouche_
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    Ruined Portals tweak

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 11:31 AM PDT

    Ruined portals in the Nether should be surrounded by dirt, stone, andesite, diorite, granite, and gravel to represent the Overworld spilling and leaking into the Nether, just as Overworld ruined portals do with netherrack, magma blocks, etc. Just makes sense to me.

    submitted by /u/Dague-Pirate-Dad
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    Red Dye obtainable from Sweet Berries

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 04:04 AM PDT

    Place Sweet Berries in crafting to get Red Dye

    submitted by /u/JoshyNewbould
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    Pillagers and Zombies should be hostile to eachother

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 11:53 AM PDT

    This would create an interesting dynamic where pillager raids become even more chaotic if there happen to be zombies in the area, not only would this make for an entertaining series of events but it would also lighten the load on the player and on the villagers. (The same would apply to Vindicators and Evokers in woodland mansions.)

    It just makes sense logically, zombies infect villagers and humans so why would they shy away from lighter-skinned, angrier villagers?

    submitted by /u/ifSucondese
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    You can dye sheep using a dispenser.

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 08:35 AM PDT

    As of current, you can manually dye a sheep by right-clicking on a sheep with dye in your hands. Mojang has, as of late, been really catering to dispensers and giving them more abilities. I think that dispensers should be able to automatically dye sheep.

    Using a dispenser with dye in it on a sheep will ultimately dye said sheep.

    submitted by /u/DarkPandaLord
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    Soul light prevents passive mobs from spawning

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 02:44 AM PDT

    Basically what it says on the title.

    There is currently no way in the game to prevent passive mobs from spawning, except physically removing the types of blocks they spawn in. Soul Torches, Soul Lanterns, Soul Fire and Soul Campfire, in addition to the normal light level they produce, could have the effect of preventing passive mobs from spawning, much like normal light prevents most hostile mobs from spawning in that region. Mobs could also not be able to breed when exposed to Soul light.

    EDIT: As reworking the lighting engine to accommodate this change would be very difficult, the same effect could be replicated independently of the lighting engine. I suggest using in a spherical radius around each block, with size equal in number to the light level each produces (for all the currently existing Soul light sources that value is 10 blocks), where inside passive mob spawning could be negated and passive mobs could not be bred. Also, just to be clear, "Soul light" doesn't actually exist; the light emitted by these blocks is the same as any other in the game. That's I term I used to refer to this group of blocks because of the size limit on the post title of the feedback site.

    The lore behind this could be that soul light snuffs out the soul of the living, or consumes it before it could even pop into existence.

    Link to the feedback site.

    submitted by /u/TyagoHexagon
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    Cocoa Beans Overhaul

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 07:33 AM PDT

    While they're used for Cookies, Brown Dye as well as a great item to Compost, Cocoa Beans do not really have so much uses. You can easily win Minecraft without them, and while this overhaul doesn't aim to make them almost required, this does aim to make Cocoa Beans something people are going to go, "Cool! Cocoa Beans! Let's harvest & farm them!"

    1. Chocolate

    I mean, I had to. You craft it with two cocoa beans, sugar and a milk bucket in any formation. And they give back a kind 4 hunger points or 2 chicken legs. (Which is what I think they are.) They also give you some Saturation Points.

    But another use is with baby villagers, like kids in real life, they ravage for that stuff. The adults make sure they don't leave the village so you don't lead them out the village, although you can give it to them to gain slightly cheaper trades for the baby's parents as well as more plus better villager gossip. Also the baby you fed will give you cheaper trades when it grows up. Useful for Villager Breeders.

    Speaking of villages,

    1. Farmers

    Not too much, but Farmers might have a single jungle log just to grow some of the stuff. They don't wanna miss out on some easy emeralds from the baby villagers.

    1. Chocolate Cake/Chocolate Milk

    (Ok this is in the FPS list but still it's only a part of the overhaul not the entire suggestion) Chocolate can be used for an even more great food source, Chocolate Cake and Chocolate Milk. Chocolate Cake is basically just regular cake but it gives you one more hunger point and also attracts Baby Villagers except you're rewarded much more kindly. It's crafted by by surrounding cake with 4 pieces of chocolate. Chocolate Milk is made with a piece of chocolate and a milk bucket. It dilutes potion effects instead of removing them but gives you the same amount of saturation as a honey bottle. You can give it to Baby Villagers for the same rewards, with a bigger amount than regular Chocolate but smaller than Chocolate Cake.

    1. Hyperactivity (I got the idea after reading u/eggycarrot 's comment as well as the reply from u/SlushBucket03. 1st Edit.

    Just like how chocolate affects kids in real life, after you eat half a stack, (good luck with that) you get Swiftness 1, Strength 1 and Haste 1 until the end of the day, next time it's sunrise or after you sleep, you get Mining Fatigue, Weakness and Slowness until noon.


    Cocoa Beans are pretty cool for what they are, but... again, it can be a lot more. Little upgrades like this is what Minecraft needs, and they're always fun! I hope you enjoyed my ideas and if you have any yourself please mention them as I will edit them in. Whether it's a tweak or an entire new use. Thanks for reading till the end! :)

    submitted by /u/DestructorMC12
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    If a Villagers child dies the parents make the storm particles above their head

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 10:10 AM PDT

    This would signify grief and would be a nice addition to their character.

    submitted by /u/queefextraordinare
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    Some foods could be faster to eat, like sweet berries.

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 10:11 AM PDT

    It would be less constraining than some low-nutrition foods could be eaten more quickly !

    submitted by /u/Venatorem
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    Fish Stew

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 10:32 AM PDT

    We all know the four stews. (Beetroot, Mushroom, Rabbit, and Suspicious Stew), but why not add another?

    Fish stew would be made by four ingredients. One Cooked Cod, one Cooked Salmon, a bowl, and Kelp.

    Fish stew would fill up five hunger bars, just like the Rabbit Stew. It would also be, unstackable, like all the other stews.

    submitted by /u/enyal18
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    Add slight variation in mob sizes

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 12:44 PM PDT

    Think about how cool it would be too occasionally find a huge squid, or like how in real life dogs and cats are all different sizes, it would be cool to find a big dog or cat or something. It would be pretty scary to see a 3 block tall creeper in a cave, health and damage should be scaled with size. Breeding two mobs will pass on their size data to offspring.

    Everything would have a minimum and maximum, and this wouldn't be super common, but I'm not sure what it should be for each mob. Think it works best for squid.

    submitted by /u/DonutPoweh
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    Cows should also eat grass.

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 02:12 PM PDT

    It seems kinda ironic that an animal known for eating copious amounts of grass doesn't actually eat any in Minecraft. So as a simple quality of life fix, cows should also eat grass. (Maybe they could be bred with it too?)

    submitted by /u/TheAverageRedditor23
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    Looting for bows

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 08:44 AM PDT

    Title says it all. It just popped into my head while playing, could be cool

    submitted by /u/ShinyStache
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    Villagers Dislike Theft

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 12:28 PM PDT

    When a player destroys or steals naturally generated chests, hay bales, and crops. It lowers his reputation in the village. If the player steals enough the iron golems in the village will attack them. Waking a villager or breaking its bed if it's naturally generated will also lower village reputation. This would make it more difficult for players to loot villages early game and get stacked with food, gear, and a bed. This would not apply when the difficulty is on peaceful. Stealing would also be less tolerated on hard and hardcore.

    submitted by /u/andythelord
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    Stonehenge Structure

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 08:03 AM PDT

    The Stonehenge is one of the very best naturally generated structures in the real world, so why not add it to Minecraft?

    In real life, the Stonehenge is quite rare, there's only one in existence, but in Minecraft they'd be more common than one in a world.

    It's just a very nice structure, and would fit quite nicely into Minecraft(Probably in the plains biome)

    It could have a chest in the middle of the circle of stones, there could be a chest with quite valuable loot inside it. Only one chest, but with the chance of maybe emeralds or enchanted books?

    It just seems like a nice thing you could stumble upon in your worlds.

    submitted by /u/GoodDayYouAll
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    Villager activity based on profession

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 11:46 AM PDT

    Farmer villagers do stuff besides just interacting with their job post. They plant and harvest crops and it helps them breed without the player throwing food. So how about some other professions have these kind of actions?

    Butcher - Gets crops from farmers and breeds 2 pigs, sheeps or cows around if all the beds in the village are taken. (Killing the animals would be somewhat broken)

    Cleric - Rarely throws a healing potion at damaged iron golems and villagers.

    Armorer - Repairs a damaged iron golem if it has a iron ingot in it's inventory. It can only get iron if the player gives it.

    submitted by /u/y3aboi
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    Chains with interesting building abilities

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 10:35 AM PDT

    I think with the new chains block it could have more uses than just a new iron bar, it could be used for many things but how about the ability to place it? what if it could have the same property of end rods where you can place it sideways and what if you can place it not only in the middle but how about placing it in different block sides. Example : placing the chain block abit right from the middle for completely on the edge and so one. This would make the chain block have this unique feature which could add so many unique designs for buildings.

    submitted by /u/Qweraws
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    Spore Beetles: a Nether bee equivalent and addition to the Warped Forest

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 01:51 AM PDT

    Let's face it, the Warped Forest biome is woefully empty. I know that it is intended to be peaceful, with a lack of ghasts and hoglins and such, but literally the only mob around are enderman (which to be honest feel like a placeholder addition). It feels surprisingly barren for the lush alien jungle aesthetic it's going for. Warped Forests can seriously benefit from the addition of 1 or 2 new mobs, even if they are strictly peaceful or neutral. And on that note, I present such a mob here today, The Spore Beetle:

    Spore Beetles are neutral flying mobs that spawn in the Warped Forest biome (though that part was obvious lol). They appear as almost a mix between bees and silverfish, with a bulky body, a smaller distinct head, and both a set of bee-like wings and hard elytra (no relation to the elytra tool). Their head thorax and elytra are deep lavender dotted with vertical splotches of dark cyan, and their legs and abdomen are near-black.

    They appear in groups of 1-3, spawning from greyish purple nests that generate occasionally on Warped Fungus trunks. Like bees they are flying mobs, hovering slowly wherever they go. They patrol the surrounding forest for mushrooms, which they proceed to collect spores from, like bees getting pollen from flowers. When they are fully loaded with spores, they return to their nest and convert the spores into stacks of spore jelly.

    A fully stacked beetle nest can be harvested of its jelly in a similar manner to honey from hives. Like bees, when you harvest jelly from a nest, any nearby spore beetles will become aggressive and descend upon a player to attack them. Unlike bees however, beetles can attack repeatedly, and will chase a player far faster than a bee can.

    Spore jelly is actually a food item in a similar vein to golden apples, capable of both filling hunger and heart points, and is thus incredibly valuable. However a full stack of jelly takes a long time to make, beetle nests are not easily moved, the beetles themselves are hard to breed, and campfires don't calm them. This means that players will have to routinely make long treks into the nether, and repeatedly risk dying to angry beetles, in order to have a continuous supply of jelly. Being able to farm them as easily as bees would make them utterly broken.

    submitted by /u/Talenkauen
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