• Breaking News

    Minecraft Servers OceanV [SMP]{Economy}{McMMO}{Crates}{1.15.2}{Claim}{ChestShop}{RandomTeleport}

    Minecraft Servers OceanV [SMP]{Economy}{McMMO}{Crates}{1.15.2}{Claim}{ChestShop}{RandomTeleport}

    OceanV [SMP]{Economy}{McMMO}{Crates}{1.15.2}{Claim}{ChestShop}{RandomTeleport}

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 07:03 AM PDT

    YOU WON'T REGRET JOINING! (IP: oceanv-mc.com)

    The OceanV minecraft server is a survival server with pvp enabled. You can go out in the wild, claim your land and start building your house safely. This server gives the classic survival feel that has been lost by many other survival servers, as they are drained in plugins to make them look fun and complicated. The server has balanced optimized plugins, simple to understand in order to give the player a relaxed gameplay session or a pvp-based challenging gameplay. Our server has a simple, classic, yet beautiful spawn area with lots of places to explore and spend time having fun with the different activities that can be found in the area. The PvP Arena is nicely built, with lots of cover, parkour challenges, towers and defense points, and even a secret OP Shop. The server has just been made public, therefore it's at the beginning of it's journey. Come onboard on this awesome adventure and Join now at this IP: oceanv-mc.com

    Server rules: Do not use hacks! Do not disrespect others! No religious hate/racism! Do not abuse game glitches/bugs! Do not ask staff for items/money etc.! Have fun!

    Server IP: oceanv-mc.com

    submitted by /u/CaptainSweetPie
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    “The Precinct” Bedrock Server {1.16} {Vanilla} {Survival}

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 07:03 AM PDT

    We are a brand new server looking to build a small community. Fully updated to 1.16 and ready to explore the new nether.




    We are just starting out and have only a few members. If you are looking for a close-knit community then "The Precinct" is exactly what you need. The server is currently 1 day old and growing everyday.

    To join, simply join our discord and add your gamer tag to the waiting-list channel. You will be added to the whitelist and allowed to join. Hope to see you there!


    submitted by /u/Quimchiii
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    Hey guys, we're a small community looking for more players for our server! we just created a new world to celebrate the new 1.16 update! [VANILLA] [PVE] {Whitelist}

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 10:55 AM PDT

    Good day !

    yesterday we created a new fresh world for players to start on and want more players to join us on this journey.

    Information about the server :

    The original purpose of the server was to play on a serious vanilla minecraft world with friends.


    As more players has joined it has changed the server to a more plugin friendly server. If you disagree with any datapacks do not be afraid to ask to vote for it, but this should be done through op.

    We also want players from both eu and na regional time.

    It's preffered that you use discord as this is where we will have discussions, suggestions, votes, projects and information about the server.

    - The server is played on patch 1.16 (nether update)

    - The world was created yesterday

    - No plugins as of yet (Vanilla)


    1. no griefing
    2. respect everyone
    3. 18 +. Minors can join but, you have to be aware that there may be mature content on the server
    4. Do not ask op for favors! (Example: Hey i lagged out and lost all my stuff, can i have it back? pls)
    5. Any type of hacking, duplicating or glitch abuse is strictly forbidden !


    - This is where most of the information about the realm will be posted.

    - We have a channel for rules and faq, announcements and roles.

    - You can Choose between these roles on the server; builder explorer farmer warrior tedstone engineer . The only purpose of roles are to highlight your interests/expertise in minecraft. (not finished yet)

    - We have 4 server related channels for ; projects, suggestions, marketplace and screenshots.

    Feel free to write your ign and add me on discord!

    My discord name is:


    If you have any questions regarding the realm or the discord server just pm me!

    submitted by /u/Ploupse
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    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 08:33 AM PDT

    Determinacy is just a fun old anarchy server owned by down to earth admins, they even play regularly

    Like true anarchy anything is allowed in game

    But messing with the server such as botting or lag machines may result in a ban

    ALSO NO DOXXING, It's anarchy in game not irl

    JOIN JOIN JOIN IP: Determinacy.net

    On a serious note, we really just want more players to join, this server can be great we just need more players.

    submitted by /u/ayyitsmecam
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    SealCraft [Semi-vanilla] {SMP} {1.15.2}

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 09:43 PM PDT

    SealCraft is a minecraft survival server that takes the game back to its roots. Its a simple server with very few plugins and very few rules. SealCraft also has a great community! Just outside of spawn are hundreds of builds built by the community for the community. If you wanna be a part of a close knit community where you can get to know all the players, join SealCraft.

    - No griefing

    - No hacking

    - No Toxicitiy


    submitted by /u/Yoyoboy4
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    Chill, Friendly Server {Hard Mode}{McMMO}{1.16}

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 10:23 AM PDT

    I started a small server to play with my friends from college during quarantine but it's gotten a bit dead. I was wondering if anyone here would be interested in joining. There is only one rank so it's fair, with access to 1 home, tpa, and spawn. There's not much there yet but overall it's pretty chill with no rules regarding swearing or language, and it's on hard mode to make it less boring and mcmmo to enhance it. Although there is no rule layout, just use common sense. Don't be mean, respect people's wishes, don't go out of your way to cause trouble when asked not to. Try to keep the sense of community :)

    Here's this discord! Although it's a bit of a mess and not only for Minecraft: discord :)

    submitted by /u/sarahhmu
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    Ketchup Anarchy [Vanilla] {1.16.1} {Leader Board} {Anarchy} {Discord} {Forums} {West Europe}

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 06:53 AM PDT

    Basic Information

    Connection address: anarchy.serv.onl

    Categories: PVP, PVE, Survival, Vanilla, Anarchy, Hard Difficulty

    Version: 1.16.1

    Website: https://ketchup.games/

    Discord: https://discord.gg/W9QNRmB

    Contact: [info@ketchup.games](mailto:info@ketchup.games)

    Full Description

    Ketchup Anarchy is a PVP survival Minecraft sever open to all. It has no rules so griefers, robbers and spammers are welcome to do their worst. Honest players looking for a challenge are recommended to bury their bases deep, and their valuables even deeper.

    No OPs or moderators means that players will not be silenced or banned. Additionally I am dead against abuse of administrator privileges such as the spawning of items in the game. Don't bother asking for resources, you won't get them. Don't bother asking for a TP, it won't happen. Don't bother asking for OP status, I will never consider it. Players are welcome to use hacked clients to cheat, but will not be assisted in doing so, therefore flying is also disabled, though you can push it as far as the vanilla server will allow you to if you so wish.

    Being Vanilla means the server delivers the true survival experience. There are no commands to help you move around, no controls to stop creepers blowing up in your face, and no pay-to-win donation features to complicate gameplay.

    We feature a leader board on our web page. The leader board is based off player XP and is intended to give players something to compete over if they wish. The leader board is updated every 6 hours, at 0300, 0900, 1500 and 2100 UTC.

    We have community forums on our site where players are encouraged to connect and share information, and also where players will be queried before we make decisions on any changes proposed for the server. We also have a community moderated Discord server at https://discord.gg/W9QNRmB for players that want to connect on a more personal level.

    Server information, leader boards and community forums will be kept up to date at https://ketchup.games/

    Want to rise to the challenge and try and survive in a world where your neighbour might ruin everything you've worked on?

    Join us by connecting to anarchy.serv.onl

    Additional Notes

    Nether Highway

    To assist players wishing to distance themselves from spawn, which is very much recommended on anarchy servers such as this one, players in "Team dmesg" have built and maintain a nether highway that can take players up to 20,000 blocks out in the nether in each cardinal direction, landing you 160,000 blocks out in the overworld. The portal leading to this highway can be found by heading to 0X, 94Y, 0X in the overworld, by spawn. Though travelling down this highway greatly reduces your risk of being griefed, players should still distance themselves from the portals leading to the nether highway once they are back in the overworld if they wish to avoid griefers.


    Many players joining this server use some sort of modded Minecraft client that delivers them hacks such as x-ray, basic flight, immunity from fall damage, attack crits on every hit, and so on. Though we can't promote any clients ourselves due to the risks of running third party binaries, we recommend players consider looking into modded clients if they wish to be on a level playing field with those already using mods. We also feature a board on our forums dedicated to discussion on mods and hacks at https://ketchup.games/forums/cheats.

    Those wishing to help support the server, financially or otherwise can see details on doing so on our site. You can also do us a huge favour by voting daily on the server listings linked on our website!

    submitted by /u/KetchupAnarchy
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    Ádhamh [SMP] {Whitelist} {Vanilla} {Java} {1.16.1} {Discord} {Mature}

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 10:41 AM PDT

    *IF YOU DONT JOIN, YOU'RE MISSING OUT!* (IP = mc.adhamh.me)

    Ádhamh is a brand new vanilla Java 1.16.1 server created on the 15th of June 2020. We are focused on bringing the most enjoyable and best vanilla experience possible with a whitelist. We are very small currently, but we are looking to making this a big, long term server where memories are made and battles are fought. Inspired by servers like SMP-Live and Hermitcraft, we aim to provide an experience that cannot be forgotten. If you have anywhere we can improve, we gladly take feedback. The server community is very small (2-5 people) and are very active, supportive and very helpful.

    The server features:

    -Most Vanilla Tweaks Datapacks, which creates a true SMP experience for our players...

    -An active and small community where you can make good friends and have fun...

    -A new Untouched World, nobody has full diamond yet!

    -A Nice Spawn on top of a hill, with great potential.

    -A Great Mod Team who all know each other.

    We would love for you to join us in making this server the best that it can be! We unfortunately are not a 24/7 server, but the server is up on most daylight hours of the GMT Timezone and we are looking to upgrade the server soon. We only launched a week ago, and yet we have formed a great and welcoming community! All our rules are on our Discord. To join, send an application in the applications channel!


    We can't wait to meet you there!

    submitted by /u/ricemangos
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    The Community Chest [SMP] [Semi-Vanilla] {1.16} {whitelist}

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 04:55 AM PDT

    Hello all, I am looking for some people to join TCC. Currently we have a community of around 15 people but are looking for a few more active members to join our tight knit community. The server will be ran very similar to how the Hermitcraft server is. We would prefer that you have a microphone but if not, no big deal. If you are interested you can add me in discord McMillipede#7148

    submitted by /u/McMillipede
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    AusWorld [SMP] {1.15.2-1.16.1} {McMMO} {Jobs} {Australian}

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 06:15 AM PDT

    Welcome to AusWorld Survival!

    Here you will find everything you need to know about the server and it's fantastic community! The server is hosted in Sydney, Australia and welcomes all! We have great Staff Members and amazing players who pull the server together well!

    We offer a bunch of unique features, systems and experiences that everyone is bound to enjoy!

    Want to know more about our great server and it's amazing community?

    Server IP Address: play.ausworld.net

    Server Website: https://www.ausworld.net/

    Server Discord: discord.ausworld.net

    submitted by /u/AusWorldMC
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    Polearth [PvP] {Whitelist} {Movecraft} {VR} {Dynmap} {Political} {Earthmap}

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 08:00 AM PDT

    This is a political server with nations, wars, trade and diplomacy based on a 1:2000 scale map of Earth

    We do have a working Movecraft plugin meaning you'll be able to build ships, planes and airships to fuel your thirst for world domination

    Griefing and stealing should not be an issue since we have a handy plugin known as CoreProtect which logs blocks and items.

    We do, however, allow stealing and some cases of block destruction within wars.

    The link to the dynmap is the following:

    All politics and whitelist applications are handled on the discord server https://discord.gg/JEJsgAv

    please make sure you read #rules-info and submit an application after

    More info can be found on the discord server, have a good day :)

    The rules for the server are the following:
    No griefing There is some leeway around this in terms of walls, ships and land you have authority over but in general we would say the purposeful disorientation of land and builds is our definition of griefing. Burning down buildings, blowing up buildings, destroying land for the sake of ruining it all count as griefing.

    No stealing outside of war If you steal and it is an act of war then it is your responsibility to make it very clear that it is an act of war. Announce it, PM someone about it don't use it as an excuse when you're caught

    Being purposefully toxic or rude to other players

    Do not mine through walls meant for defensive use in any sort of conflict. Using TNT cannons to go through walls is acceptable but simply mining through them is not

    No hacking

    No duping

    No book banning

    Don't take it too seriously In game betrayals and rivalries are common place and shouldn't really be taken seriously. At the end of the day it's a game

    Do not combat log We do have a combat log plugin that kills you if you leave after a certain amount of time after being hit, however that doesn't justify you leaving before you are hit to avoid combat. If you leave tactically to either give yourself an advantage in combat or a war then it counts as combat logging. If you leave before being hit to avoid combat then that too counts as combat logging

    Don't use x-ray

    submitted by /u/Nick-Urban
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    LapisLakeSMP {1.15.2} {SMP}

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 02:46 AM PDT

    LapisLake is a brand new server created earlier today. There are no members but I'm looking for some teenagers who want to play on a simple, safe, minecraft server. This server has a shop located at spawn where you can buy minecraft heads. When you join I will get your head and add it onto the welcome board. I will be doing this until it feels up so join quick. I made a discord server for applications to join because I want to make sure whoever joins can be trusted.

    Rules are located in the discord server. Send in an application and I will review it as soon as possible. I'm hoping to build this server up with some new people and friends. Hope to see you soon <3

    Discord Server

    submitted by /u/LilNekoSempai
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    TLS Survival With Friends Just Updated to 1.16! [SMP] {Crates} {ClaimLand}

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 11:09 AM PDT

    This server is the perfect place for you to go to play Minecraft with your friends without paying for an expensive server or hosting a laggy one on your own computer. We tried to keep it as vanilla as possible to ensure the most "survival" like experience possible. The only changes we added were grief prevention, anti-cheat, and shops to eliminate bad players trying to ruin your day trust me you wont regret joining! IP: TLSminecraft.us.to



    -/Home Commands

    -Grief Prevention

    -Player Shops

    -Plots For Shops

    -Item Based Economy

    -VIP and VIP+ Ranks


    submitted by /u/mattpursuit
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    MuckyCraft [Semi-Vanilla] {PremiumPlugins} {SinglePersonSleep} {Economy} {Jobs} {Survival} {1.16.1}

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 06:39 AM PDT


    NOW RUNNING 1.16.1

    I would like to invite you to play on our new Survival Minecraft server. It's still very new and only a handful of players at different times of the day. This is what makes it good though, starting out in a world and seeing it grow with other users!

    I mostly implement premium plugins as I find it offers a better experience and GUIs etc.

    Some features:

    1. Custom GUIs (getting all them commands you need to run into a nice custom GUI)
    2. Single Person Sleep (no more waiting for all those people to sleep!)
    3. Job Roles (Get up to three jobs and make money just for breaking / building / exploring) those are just to name a few)
    4. Ultimate Fishing (Now you can fish and get rewarded for it, simply enter the Shop and sell all your fish from the lake, you can also get critical casts which allows multiple fish of all different sizes, the bigger the fish, the more money you can make)
    5. VoteParty (If we get 50 votes on the server a special party happens where you can get custom rewards)
    6. Shopping District (Still being built and shops to be decided upon)
    7. Citizens (Spot the various NPC's around and interact with them to see what they do)

    Those are just a few of the features currently available. As I say this is still a new world so please don't join and expect to be blown away :) The fun part about Minecraft is the building!

    Server Address: muckycraft.com

    Discord: https://discord.gg/yUtkTWE

    I hope to see you on the server sometime soon! Hopefully you will want to call this place home.

    Server Rules: Can be found in Discord, or listed below.

    1. Try and not cause any server lag! Other people are playing so try and spread out your AFK farms and don't make them too large.
    2. Don't just AFK for the sake of it, if you aren't going to be playing for a while please disconnect from the server.
    3. No in game chat abuse.
    4. No Spamming the chat.
    5. No Griefing
    6. PVP only when both parties agrees. If this isn't obeyed it will result in an instant ban.
    7. No Stealing from other players.
    submitted by /u/MuckyRat
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    Royal Realms [Vanilla][SMP]{Whitelist}{1.16}

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 01:01 PM PDT

    Royal Realms a tightly knit community of gamers who enjoy Minecraft and many other games. The goal of this server is to have a community similar to Mindcrack/Hermitcraft. Most of the community is 18+ however, anyone can be mature if they choose to. Royal Realms is looking to expand to modded as well, so if you're not into vanilla, there is always a spot for you. The server developer has 6+ years of experience of hosting game servers so any down time should be minimal/nonexistent. Currently the server has 5GB of dedicated ram but Royal Realms has 30GB of ram available at its disposal at anytime.

    Apply for Whitelist Here

    submitted by /u/ExternalEstate
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    TatoIQ [SMP] {1.16.1} {Survival} {Creative} {NeverResetMap} {LandClaiming} {Mature Community} {McMMO} {Economy} {SignShops} {RentableShops} {PVP optional} {CustomPlugins}

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 05:34 AM PDT

    Everyone is welcome! from all regions and all languages!Server is running in the UK, 1.16.1 Java Minecraft.

    Server IP: tatoiq.apexmc.co Discord: https://discord.gg/Pp3gwBQ

    • We have spawn, a safe place where you can meet other people and buy/sell to server shops
    • We have normal vanilla survival world, creative world and a Survival Fantasy world which has custom biomes.
    • Monthly fun events.
    • Teleport to players and to player warps
    • Protect your lands, and choose permissions for your land, you can choose who can build in your land
    • Ability to make a town, you can make plots in your main land to make a town or a mall or where ever your creativity takes you
    • PVP is togglable, you can turn on or off pvp, and even when it is on you are not allowed to kill anyone without their permission to fight
    • Ability to chat between discord and minecraft server! so you can talk to your friends in game while you are away, from discord!
    • And much more!

    Our Rules:

    You can find our rules in this discord channel: https://discord.gg/Qk8cYA2

    submitted by /u/TatoIQ
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    Anarchy Bedrock [vanilla] {1.16}{Bedrock Edition}{Win10}

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 05:11 AM PDT

    I just started hosting an anarchy server on the bedrock edition of the game.
    Of course giving that it is an anarchy server that means that there are no rules whatsoever.

    So if you are interested here is the link to the server page:https://minecraftpocket-servers.com/server/99637
    and here is the ip anarchy.BauwenDR.com // default port so leave that field unchanged

    submitted by /u/BauwenDR
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    SocitiCraft SMP [Semi-Vanilla] {Whitelist} {Java} {Discord} {1.16.1}

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 01:20 AM PDT

    Hello redditors! I want to invite you all to sign up for SocitiCraft. We're a vanilla server built around a tight nit community and while the current world we're playing on has been active for a month the original set of players have been playing together for about 6 months altogether. We think now is the right time to invite more to join!

    The server is heavily based upon the setup hermitcraft. We love the simplicity and community that comes from such a setup. In addition, we have an optional factions system to be utilized later on for server-wide events.

    We just updated to 1.16.1. Our community is supportive and interactive and will always help with your projects.


    • Multiplayer sleep
    • Silence mobs
    • More mob heads
    • Double shulker shells
    • Player heads
    • Player stats
    • Armor stands
    • Dragon drops elytra
    • Wood stone cutter
    • Sponge recipe
    • Coordinates HUD

    Server rules:

    • No harassment
    • No NSFW content
    • No griefing
    • No scamming
    • No farms at spawn

    Seed: -763922862008843532

    If you wish to join us here is the application link!


    submitted by /u/hybrid1017
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    RedBlock Survival [Semi-vanilla][SMP] {Discord}{Survival}{1.16.1}

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 02:05 AM PDT

    Looking for a fresh server to play on now that 1.16.1 is here? If so, RedBlock could be the one for you!

    RedBlock Survival is a new and growing 70 slot Minecraft server with quality of life upgrades from the base game. We are a friendly and welcoming community with a small, but friendly staff team and we have regular community interaction events on our Discord as well as regular giveaways that you don't need to be on the server to enter!

    Our Discord: https://discord.gg/fBtEjFh

    Our Server Domain: redblocksurvival.xyz

    The features of our server!

    • /sethome and /home commands, so you'll never get lost mining again!
    • /tpa commands so you can teleport to your friends!
    • Starter kits!
    • /spawn command so you're able to easily get back to spawn for events and for meeting new players!
    • Regular events and competitions!

    Our rules can be found on our Discord, where we also host regular competitions! - https://discord.gg/fBtEjFh

    Come and celebrate 4th of July with us! Further information coming soon!

    submitted by /u/redblocksurvival
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    [Wanted] [PvE] Looking for a Cozy, Otaku-Friendly Server to Socialize in. (´。• ω •。`)

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 02:03 AM PDT

    Needless to say, I've been playing minecraft since I was very small. It wasn't until more recently that I've gotten into joining multiplayer servers, but in the time spent, it just seems like I can't find any place very welcoming for someone like me. (๑・△・๑)⁾⁾

    Even the few Anime inspired public servers seemed overrun with trolls and less savory players. In going through many places, I've found a couple nice places, but then came the issue that the communities were very close knit, and it wasn't easy for an outsider to join in. Some especially populated servers were surprisingly void of conversation, and I found them to shockingly be quite lonely, in the end. (๑•́ ∀ •̀๑)

    So, learning about this subreddit, I thought to ask the members here if there was a relaxing little place, with people similar to myself, who I could play with and get to know. I don't have any friends of my own that play, so making my own server isn't really an option...

    submitted by /u/Haruki_Shiyo
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    GC Survival [PvP] {1.15.2} {Land Claiming} {Player Shops} {Discord}

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 11:57 AM PDT

    IP: gcsurvival.net

    EDIT: Yes! We will update to 1.16! The nether will be reset to regen in 1.16, and nether claims will be enabled. Until then, we are currently on 1.15.2

    GC Survival is a (new!) hard-mode survival server with PVP enabled. We feature dynamic player shops, professional anti-cheat, land claims (shareable), mcmmo, custom plugins, and more to make your multiplayer experience better.

    Right now, we average 5-20 players at all times.

    We're looking for dedicated players to build a stronger community.

    You may:

    • Sell items to claim land!
    • PVP
    • Steal from unprotected Land
    • Buy/Sell in player shops!
    • Teleport to a random location
    • TPA/Sethome & More!
    • Team up with some buddies or run solo!


    IP: gcsurvival.net

    Come play with us!


    submitted by /u/The_Supreme_Dude
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    queerhaven [Semi-vanilla] {1.15.2}

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 05:34 AM PDT

    queerhaven is a lgbtq+ minecraft bending/survial server. Here is a small list of the plugins we have on our server:

    • KorraProject
    • GreifProtection and many more!

    Come and Play with us! Server IP: play.queerhaven.net

    Server Rules:

    • Respect everyone in the server
    • Be Ethical
    • Use Common sense
    • Do not aruge with staff or other players
    • Keep chat SFW
    • No lag machines

    Come and join us on Discord: https://discord.gg/BZhBkDh

    submitted by /u/queerhaven
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    Pesky Birds [Semi-Vanilla] [SMP] {Whitelist} {1.15.2} {UK & Europe}

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 04:21 PM PDT

    (I am not the owner, but have been given permission to advertise)

    We're a whitelisted community that hosts a semi-vanilla survival Minecraft Java Edition server (currently on 1.15.2) for our members to play on. Our community is aimed towards English-speaking members located within the UK and Europe. This is a server where you will be able to build large, long-term projects with other community members without fear of a world-reset. We will be upgrading to 1.16 as soon as it's stable, and at that time we will reset the nether dimension to be able to explore all the new nether biomes. Our shopping district has come along well, we have a variety of shops established by our members selling all kinds of books, shulker-boxes, Elytras and a lot of resources! We've hosted a few in-game community events over Easter, including an Egg Hunt as well as a "Secret Bunnies" event where everyone secretly exchanged gifts, set up pranks, and even treasure hunts. Our community is creating more mini-games, improving our shopping district, working on a quad-witch farm and are looking to set up travel hubs, and more community builds in the near future! We're specifically looking for more builder-oriented players that would like to contribute to future community builds (spawn, travel hubs, etc), in a survival setting. As well as those that like to make their own pretty base builds, towns, etc.

    About our Server

    We pay for and self-manage our own dedicated hardware to ensure our server runs performantly and without lag for all of our members.

    • Dedicated Hardware: 32GB RAM, i7-4770k CPU, 2x240GB SSDs
    • Bandwidth: 1 Gbit/s
    • Remote Backups: Automated backups on & off-site
    • Server Location: Germany (Great for players in Europe and the UK)

    Map: https://map.peskybirds.com/ Our server members have already set up a lot of shops close to spawn (on the adjacent mushroom island). We'll be organising community projects over the coming weeks to help improve our spawn further, set up travel hubs, and potentially roads/railways to connect major points of interest. Data packs: We use a variety of data packs (mostly similar to those used on the Hermitcraft server): AFK Display - Armour Statues - Coordinates HUD - Double Shulker Shells - Dragon Drops Elytra - More Mob Heads - Multiplayer Sleep - Nether Portal Coords - Player Head Drops - Silence Mobs - Track Raw Statistics - Track Statistics - Villager Workstation Highlights - Wandering Trades Plugins: We have a few plugins to aid with grief prevention, moderation and permission management. However, we aim to keep the experience as close to vanilla as possible so that it doesn't feel immersion-breaking - and aren't going to introduce significant gameplay altering plugins.

    Rules and Applications

    We respect and trust each other in the community, and expect all our members to be kind to each other. We don't condone the use of significant exploits (duping) or hacking (fly, X-ray, auto-mine, etc). No one will be given the ability to spawn in items or use creative mode for building (including admins and mods). Use of Optifine/Fabric/Forge, Resource Packs, Shaders, and UI/UX improving mods for your client is allowed - unless it conflicts with the above rule. PvP is enabled on this SMP server, but its primary purpose is for mini-games or duels between players that all consent to it. We will not tolerate open-world player killing, stealing or looting from other players (unless they've previously consented in a mini-game / duel setting). Our full list of rules and application process is on our community Discord: https://discord.gg/uvH53dn

    My Discord: BadUsernameCreator#5045

    Owner's Discord: Aurayu#6567

    submitted by /u/ShadowWolf0727
    [link] [comments]

    Crystal Cave [SMP] {Whitelisted} {16+} {1.16} {Semi-Vanilla}

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 08:15 PM PDT

    Quick Info

    • 1.16
    • Data Packs: (As soon as they are updated)
      -One Player Sleep -Shulkers Respawn -Dragon Drops Elytra -Proper Stair Math -Logical Uncrafting
    • Plugins: (As soon as updated)
      -DiscordSRV -DynMap -Mob Head Drops
    • Long Term Map
    • World Border
    • Community Oriented

    About The Community
    We are a combined group of two discord servers. We have started on a new map, meaning you'll be able to start fresh with everyone and build the server from the ground up.

    We're looking to expand our community by adding active players who are willing to contribute and be involved. Ideally, you would be willing to help out with community projects and are going to stick with the server long term. If you are not looking for a permanent place to play, our server isn't right for you.

    About The Server
    The server is currently running 1.16. Nothing game-changing added with plugins. We have decided not to give out the seed of the world to promote adventure and exploring to find certain biomes, spawners, slime chunks, etc. We currently have a world border set at 10,000 blocks centered around spawn, 0,0. This is to maintain a close community environment.

    We will be adding a few "quality of life" data packs including, customizable armour stands, proper stair math, logical uncrafting, shulkers respawn, dragon drops elytra, and one player sleep. If you'd like other data packs or plugins to be added, you can suggest it on our discord.

    The server has been up since 6/19/20. We have a starter village at spawn, a budding shopping district and a bunch of community farms. If you are a community oriented player, looking to build up long term map and make some friends along the way, read our rules and apply.

    Come to k4gan with any issues.

    • 16+
    • Be good to each other
    • no bigotry, racism or sexism
    • no griefing, hacking or stealing
    • End farms are public
    • PVP must be agreed on

    Here is how you apply:

    Minecraft Username:
    Discord Username:
    Favorite thing to do in-game:
    Your Minecraft Specialty :
    Please also attach a picture of a build of yours if possible:

    submitted by /u/k4gan
    [link] [comments]


