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    Minecraft There should be Elytra-specific enchants.

    Minecraft There should be Elytra-specific enchants.

    There should be Elytra-specific enchants.

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 10:01 AM PDT

    I find it a tad surprising that one of the most sought after pieces of equipment in the game has no enchantments of its own. Sure, it has Unbreaking and Mending, but why not give the Elytra some specific enchants? For example:

    Mach (1-3): Increases air speed as you'd imagine.

    Updraft: Keep more air speed when you dive and fly back up on Elytra.

    Lift: Stay in the air longer if you're looking up.

    submitted by /u/MeargleSchmeargle
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    Make it so that hostile mobs which have been named do not disappear when in Peaceful Mode.

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 01:06 AM PDT

    That's it. i just think its annoying that if you have a mob collection, your friend joins and puts the world into peaceful mode, then all your hard work is gone (speaking from personal experience).

    submitted by /u/Isaa2008
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    Piglins should drop rare Mob Heads that doubles as a disguise for Piglin Brutes.

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 10:36 AM PDT

    Not sure if this suggestion counts under Items or AI behaviour.

    Suggested item is a Piglin Mob Head which would have unique effects when being worn. The suggestion is essentially a counter to Piglin Brutes automatically aggro-ing to players trying to peacefully explore bastions. The head would function similar to Gold Armour with Piglins, keeping the player neutral as long as they don't break blocks in the bastion, allowing players to explore the bastion and trade freely but also maintain the function of the Piglin Brute in stopping the player from being able to easily loot the bastion. Another function to add to the balance of the item would be counter of automatically making Zombified Piglins aggro to the player, providing a more balanced trade-off.


    New Piglin Mob Head with unique effects.
    -Piglin Brutes no longer automatically aggro (Following same rules as Piglins and turning hostile on block breaks)
    -Zombified Piglins will automatically aggro on players using this item

    submitted by /u/Demonic_Cucumber
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    Make butchers actually kill animals and fishermen actual fish

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 10:12 AM PDT

    I dont know why we have butchers when they just sit there and eat their thumbs and somehow pull meat out of their butt. Honestly butchers should kill the animals in pens and breed them too, if you kill the animals the butcher would leave his job. Fishermen should only occur in places near rivers and oceans and should take out a fishing rod and fish. They should also give villagers cooked food after cooking.

    submitted by /u/JaysonOnReddit
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    If they ever add a new "best armor" make it equal to the already best but make you choose.

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 12:58 PM PDT

    Let me explain, the only #1 armor in the game is Netherite, and when you get far into the game you most likely will wear netherite and nothing else.

    I want variety, the ability to choose a armor set equal in durability/armor points to the best (netherite armor) but has a new ability or tweak so I get to choose which best armor I want/prefer

    For example, Netherite Armor has the ability to not burn in lava, if they ever add a new armor set I want them to make it equal in durability, strength, etc to netherite armour but instead of not burning in lava, it makes you faster, stronger, or something unique like allowing you to teleport in a 1-30 block range or something, the list of ideas goes on and on.

    This will actually make you choose and give variety to which "best best" armor you want instead of making your way to the ONLY best right now, which is Netherite.

    submitted by /u/Craftixal
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    "Ice Aspect" enchantment

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 09:40 AM PDT

    As the name suggests, weapons with this enchantment freeze whoever they hit in ice. A frozen mob has the same model as a normal one, but stuck in the pose it was in when it got frozen and with an ice texture overlayed on top of it's normal one.

    When frozen in ice, a mob will try to bust out of it. Stronger mobs bust out faster than weaker mobs, and big mobs bust out slower than small mobs. If a player gets frozen, they don't automatically bust out, instead having to mash the controls to do so.

    The speed at which a frozen mob busts out of the ice is also determined by heat. The hotter the biome, the faster they can bust out. Being in a snowy biome doesn't affect the ice (since it's literally below freezing), while being in a warmer biome causes the ice to melt over time, meaning that a frozen player could just wait for the ice to melt rather than busting out. The ice a mob is frozen in also melts almost instantly if the mob touches fire or lava.

    If a mob dies while frozen, it breaks apart into shards of ice, rather than turning red, falling over and vanishing into a cloud of steam. The ice shards are purely cosmetic; they can't be interacted with and melt after a little while.

    The Ice Aspect enchantment obviously wouldn't be compatible with Fire Aspect. It would be able to be applied to any weapon Fire Aspect can be applied to, and like Fire Aspect, it would have two levels (the higher the level, the harder it is to bust out of the ice and the more opaque the ice texture is). It also wouldn't be able to freeze Blazes (because they're literally fire), Vexes (because they're intangible), and bosses (because of course).

    submitted by /u/xXx_LI_xXx
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    Have dogs be able to locate the X/Z position of certain underground blocks by using said blocks on them.

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 09:33 AM PDT

    As dogs are known for their sense of smell that they often use to find things, perhaps we could have Minecraft dogs be able to sense certain blocks that are underground if you allow them to smell the same block (letting a dog smell a bone block will get the dog to locate an underground fossil, perhaps showing them mossy cobblestone will have them locate dungeons, etc). Right now, fossils are a royal pain to find in the Overworld and dogs, while cute, are not very useful outside of combat in and of themselves. With something like this implemented both problems could be remedied (and perhaps it could also allow for some hidden underground bases through the use of certain block types in its construction).

    submitted by /u/MeargleSchmeargle
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    Vex should have a size data value

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 10:57 AM PDT

    Think about it. The vex are one of the more interesting mobs of the bunch, and honestly are pretty scary. They are small, fast, do a decent bit of damage, and can fly around through blocks to hit the player.

    Now imagine them being bigger. With boosted damage and health, and with a intimidating presence, a larger vex could be a very difficult mob to take down.

    This would be potentially a fantastic addition for adventure maps. Add a sizing data value for vex, and bam, you got yourself a decent mini boss. Add in some datapack and command block magic, and you could have a fairly interesting and challenging fight.

    As some of you may or may not know, some mobs have such a parameter that scales their size (mainly slimes and I assume magma cubes, though I think phantoms also might). With a similar addition to vex, the mob could be more interesting in adventure maps and datapacks

    submitted by /u/coderDude69
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    I think the End should get more love.

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 01:59 PM PDT

    The End is my favorite dimension and I think it deserves more. One thing I think Mojang should add is, as you get closer to the dragon from the end cities, there should be ruined and toppled towers and crashed boats. The dragon is obviously not the natural ruler of the endermen as they attack it during the fight. So, what if it destroyed the cities and boats as it took over rule over the End. Also I think they should add more buildings and more mobs, such as maybe different types of endermen or more mobs, such as end cows or more flora. Also maybe more biomes, like end plateaus and endstone caves. The Nether got some love and I think the End should get the same treatment.

    submitted by /u/KWTIII
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    Being able to hit arrows out of the air mid air with your sword.

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 05:46 AM PDT

    So, we have shields which are great! But wouldn't it be cool for the more skilled players to hit arrows shot by skeletons or another player out of the air with their sword, kinda like the fire balls shot by ghasts, but you won't fire them back, they just fall out of the air.

    I think this won't be really OP as arrows travel quiet fast and you really have to pay attention to do this trick.

    This definitely won't be a replacement for the shields, but more of a backup plan when you don't carry a shield.

    Let me know what you think, have a good day.

    Edit: forgot to mention. This trick will only work when you have fully charged your sword, you can't just spam your sword and always hit the arrows. :)

    submitted by /u/UrLostDad
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    Naturally generated spawners should have their own special block models, and activation animations and sounds

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 01:34 PM PDT

    Naturally generated spawners: Zombie, Skeleton, Spider, Cave Spider, Silverfish, Blaze, Magma Cube.

    Giving them their own special block model would help spice up the game more than just a spinning monster in a cage. (Which also gives the wrong impression for players thinking they can move it around) Also, special activation animations and sounds for a modern feel.

    Some block model ideas, to help support the idea:

    • Zombie, Similar to fan made concepts of a rotten flesh block, maybe some veins on it. When activated, will pulsate like a heart. (along with the sound)

    • Skeleton, A pile of bones, skeleton skulls and arrows. Will vibrate and clank together when activated.

    • Spider, A large silky spider egg sack. Medium size mini-spiders (1/4 of block face) can be seen crawling around the block face while activated.

    • Cave Spider, Multiple smaller spider egg sacks stuck together with some silk. Small size mini-spiders (1/8 of block face) can be seen crawling around the block face while activated in a frenzy.

    • Silverfish, Stony version similar to the dragon egg, but more square on all edges. Has some frills similar to the mob on the block. Will appear to be constantly cracking to pieces like an egg while activated.

    • Blaze, A clutter of mini blaze rods swirl around in an inferno. More chaotic and fast swirling while activated. Will also emit a light level of 8 while activated. (Which also clues into players blazes can spawn at higher light levels) A roaring fire can be heard while activated.

    • Magma Cube, a ball of orange goo, similar to lava, that drips and swirls. Will pulsate physically and dip faster while activated.

    submitted by /u/CataclysmSolace
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    Dragon Attack Timer

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 12:27 PM PDT

    Pretty Simple. It is terrible and really annonying/frustating when you just get in the end and immdeadly get sweeped off by the Dragon.

    So: When entering the End for the first time there is a timer of say 30 seconds where the Dragon doesnt see and attack you. This should be enough Time to reach the Main Island.

    And when entering the end for the 2nd+ Time and the Dragon still lives/got respawned there is a 15s Timer.

    This also accounts for getting teleported in the End.

    This is just a simple Quality of Life Improvement.

    submitted by /u/City-scraper
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    Color coded compasses

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 07:17 AM PDT

    With the addition of the lodestone, we can now locate our houses, builds, farms, etc. However, it can get confusing when having more compasses, because they all look the same. Being able to change the color of the red bit, or needle (I don't know how to call it) would make it easier to know which compasses point towards certain locations.

    submitted by /u/LucsBalfs
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    Fade out sounds with /stopsound

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 02:42 PM PDT

    One thing holding back the /stopsound command is the fact that it abruptly ends the sound you're stopping. A fadeout option would make things sounds a lot better when transitioning sounds or just ending one.

    Current syntax: stopsound <targets> [<source>] [<sound>]

    Suggested syntax: stopsound <targets> [<source>] [<sound>] [<fadeTime>]

    Example w/ fade: stopsound @a * <sound> 5.4
    Example w/o fade: stopsound @a * <sound>

    Notice that the fadeTime is a float value (with allows for decimals).

    submitted by /u/Flashee
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    Summoning a Wither in Hard mode starts a thunderstorm

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 10:18 PM PDT

    TL;DR literally the title.

    This suggestion would fit on Mob and Weather flair, tbh.

    Currently, thunderstorms aren't impossible to get but are quite rare on their own. According to the thunderstorm article at Gamepedia's wiki:

    Sleeping in a bed will also reset the in-game thunderstorm timer, making a thunderstorm right after sleeping unlikely, even if it was just to skip nighttime. This means the best way to wait for a thunderstorm would be to go without sleeping for several days, as sleeping every minecraft day would make a thunderstorm occurring very improbable.

    So, you can only get a thunderstorm if you don't sleep. But if you don't sleep, Phantoms may come to annoy (you don't have any guarantee that you will get a thunderstorm in three days). Maybe that's not too much of an issue, but since thunderstorms are random, you may need many in-game days.

    Now this is worse if you play in a realm/server. If you use a command so nights are passed if anyone sleeps, you need to ask everybody to not sleep for an undefined time (which may not be possible at all, they all have their own projects); if you keep it totally vanilla and nights don't pass unless everybody sleeps (including you), you may earn your friends' hate if you refuse to sleep too often (it would be selfish). This is a real issue; on YouTube, a Bedrock Edition SMP (Truly Bedrock), they even had to use a command to allow players to summon thunderstorms because silentwisperer had waited too many days looking for a thunderstorm but it never happened. Thunderstorms aren't rare, but hard to get, and even more in multi-player because sleeping resets the chances.

    I thought about introducing a new item or thing that would allow you to start a thunderstorm, but then remembered we have the incarnation of despair in the game already. Withers are pure chaos, and let's remember their cry is heard all across the world when it's summoned, no matter the distance. So, it's not too crazy to think about it summoning a thunderstorm on the entire world.

    This could make it riskier if summoned on the surface, since other mobs could spawn; you can't just light the area because the wither explosions will blow everything. However, since there will be spawning mobs, the Wither may try to attack them, and it will spawn Wither Roses. Not every player may know about this rare item since its conditions are unique, so this would be a good way to introduce the feature to those who don't know about it! And let's be honest, if you don't know about Wither Roses, you may be the kind of person who tries to fight the wither on the surface; most people don't really fight it there, but underground or locking it in Bedrock (either under the End's portal or right below the Nether's roof), where a thunderstorm wouldn't change anything.

    A thunderstorm during the Wither fight would add an excellent ambient and fit in the lore, in my honest opinion. However, maybe to keep it balanced, it should summon a thunderstorm only in hard mode; this distinction isn't new, in Bedrock Edition the Wither spawns 4 Wither Skeletons in Hard mode when summoned. Maybe the Wither Skeletons should spawn from Normal difficulty and up, and Thunderstorms on Hard.

    Why would we want a thunderstorm, some may be wondering. Many versions ago, Charged Creepers were one of the most rare mobs, since you needed a lightning to hit a Creeper. You couldn't predict where would a lightning hit, so it was pure randomness. With Tridents, we got the Channeling enchantment, which makes it far easier to get Charged Creepers, but you don't really have use for it because, going back to the beginning of this suggestion, you don't have the chance too often because it only works during thunderstorms, and thunderstorms are rare.

    So, that's it. A Wither should cover the world in darkness during its fight by summoning a thunderstorm. The duration of the thunderstorm would follow the standard rules and not just end right after defeating the wither. Maybe it should only happen if summoned in the overworld? I'm not sure if its cry is heard across dimensions.

    submitted by /u/Bitomic
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    Shields should have a “rushing” ability

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 01:31 PM PDT

    When you use a shield with you regular hand, you should be able to "rush" at enemies.

    Rushing would allow for you to charge up and rush at enemies doing a small amount of damage, but pushing them back. This would also mean that you would do the same amount of damage to a group of enemies, knocking them all back a couple blocks.

    This should also allow for enchantments for the shield, including knockback, bashing (which would do more damage to the enemies hit), and possibly something that would make it so the more damage your shield absorbs, would then be used to launch your targets back further.

    submitted by /u/revenge_for_greedo
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    More structures for new players

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 11:22 PM PDT

    Now that we have igloos to teach about curing zombie villagers and ruined portals to teach people about the nether, why not add more of these educational structures? Maybe pumpkin patches can spawn with carved pumpkins and/or 2 block tall pillars of snow blocks, or apiaries with beekeepers can be added to villages.

    submitted by /u/CJGamr01
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    Overworld ambience particles

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 12:56 PM PDT

    The nether and ocean have particles that really create a beautiful atmosphere. It's so simple too. Bubbles, ashes, etc.

    The overworld has been lacking this for a long time. Each biome or climate type should have its own particles that make sense and add that level of immersion.

    For example, swamps should have firefly particles at night or all the time. Very unique and beautiful for a biome that has so much potential. Check out the Betweenlands mod. It does an amazing job of this.

    Forest biomes should have bug particles. That can consist of little black dots scurrying around the ground or in the air. Butterflies could be particles (if not it's own mob.) Mix that with new sounds and the overworld would be transformed.

    Feel free to add ideas!

    submitted by /u/phillyphan19
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    Drinking a potion of Night Vision should remove fog

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 11:51 PM PDT

    Right now it's pretty hard to see in the nether because of all the nether fog, and the potion of night vision doesn't have very much uses.

    submitted by /u/1AsianPanda
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    A Better Way To Get Home (revamp)

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 01:06 PM PDT

    this item is called a rift it is obtainable by chests from a dungeon, strong hold, and a end city, it only can be used once, it can only be used when the player hasnt been in combat with an entity for 5 seconds, and when it is used it will hover above the player for 10 seconds then teleport the player to the players spawnpoint (it doesnt madder if the player is in another dimension) but it will damage the player for 4 hearts and it will damage all items in the players inventory that are damagable by 20%, if the player has a shulker box the rift will damagable all items in there too, same for ender chests.

    submitted by /u/Immma-_-block
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    Reduce the amount of lakes in an overworld-preset superflat world.

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 04:56 AM PDT

    Whenever I open a superflat world with the Overworld preset, the amount of lakes drives me nuts. It's impossible to play in a world like that where every 10 blocks there's a lake. It should be reduced massively, to the point where it matches with a normal world.

    submitted by /u/FifteenCentimeters
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    Mobs will spawn in peaceful but they won’t attack you

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 05:40 AM PDT

    I understand some people are not as good at fighting mobs than others, others are scared, so they play in peaceful mode. But that limits a lot of items, and stuff like the end. You need blazes to go to the end but they don't spawn in peaceful.

    So there's an easy fix, mobs will spawn but they can't damage you. This would make a lot more items and accessible for those who don't like PVE.

    Examples of items: rockets for elytras, bones for taming dogs, blaze powder for eyes of ender, a lot of potions, etc.

    This would also make some farms accessible/ more efficient

    Examples: creeper farm for rockets, iron farms requires hostile mobs, blaze farm, mob grinder, general mob farms, with farms, better villager trading halls, ender ender, etc.

    Edit: you could also turn mobs spawning off with a gamerule and the menu when creating the world

    submitted by /u/point5_
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    Armour infusion

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 03:32 PM PDT

    Mojang should add the ability to infuse a piece of iron armour with another item on a smithing table to have (blank) infused armour. Wearing a full set of armour infused with a certain item gives the player a set bonus. For example: Infusing with a hostile mob drop (rotten flesh etc) makes that mob passive so you. Infusing with a slime ball grants no fall damage however will damage armour more. Infusing with a feather will let you glide like elytra but you can't use anything to propel yourself. Infusing with seed prevents you from trampling crop.

    I've got more ideas for infusions if you want to hear them.

    Also you can only infuse iron armour as I think diamond or netherite would be too op and this means infused armour is more for specific situations instead of a full on armour replacement. I was also thinking that you could infuse with literally any item so there could be a lot of meme infusions.

    submitted by /u/LegendInMaking24
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    Make the barrel a moveable block

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 03:32 PM PDT

    By itself the barrel isn't a very good storage item, it only can be used in builds selective to its style. If it were a moveable block then there would be much more reason to use it in builds, as it can be used to create moveable storage systems and hidden rooms.

    submitted by /u/Sythosz
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