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    Minecraft Enderman are passive towards Snow Golems unless their pumpkins are shaved.

    Minecraft Enderman are passive towards Snow Golems unless their pumpkins are shaved.

    Enderman are passive towards Snow Golems unless their pumpkins are shaved.

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 11:00 PM PDT

    I just thought since players get protection from enderman wearing pumpkins, so should snow golems.

    submitted by /u/FluffalBoy
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    You Should Be Able To Make Horses Back-Kick

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 01:13 PM PDT

    Now that u/jeb_ is back to work on the combat tests, (really excited for being able to stack potions up to 16!) I think it would only be fitting to give horses more of a use in combat.

    Right now, they only increase your speed in combat. A good way to fix this would be to enable players to make their mount kick back at the enemy with their hind legs, dealing damage and knockback damage. It would be great for battles, and giving horses more late-game use. This would probably have to have a cooldown, and maybe only work for horses with horse armor, to show that they don't have to be beasts of war. And mobs would now attack the horse the player's riding to balance it, which we need anyway.

    Enchantable horse armor and, yes, Netherite horse armor would also be nice.

    submitted by /u/SquashImportant6189
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    A new attack for the ender dragon: Dropping the player

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 12:34 PM PDT

    We can all agree the ender dragon fight is a little bit boring, right? The last time it was updated was 1.9, a few years ago. I suggest a new attack for the dragon, which is it grabbing and dropping the player.

    How it works is simple. The dragon may swoop down to the ground of the island, straight towards the player, and pick them up. While picked up, the player is always directly under the dragon, cannot damage the dragon, and also cannot use movement (this includes swimming, crawling, crouching, jumping, and taunts on bedrock edition). After grabbing the player, the dragon will fly up high into the air, around the height of the tallest ender towers, and drop the player, with them plummeting. The player will usually survive this attack, but only if they are at least 3/4 health and with good armour. The attack may also be completely negated if the player uses water, twisting vines, lava, or a cobweb to break their fall. The attack also has the basic fall damage rules, which means the player is launched if they land on a slime block, and takes less damage if they land on a bed, hay bale, or honey block. If the player doesn't want to be dropped, they can attack the dragon while it's swooping (but before it's picked them up) to cause it to fly through them and deal a little damage instead of picking them up. The player may also attack them while picked up, and if attacked enough, the dragon will drop them early (which means less fall damage). Note though that while this enough attacking causes the dragon to drop them early, it doesn't actually damage the dragon (the attacks). However, when the dragon does drop them early, it will take a little bit of damage. To prevent the player easily dying to this attack, after the dragon uses the attack (and either succeeds, drops them early, or doesn't get to grab them), there is a cooldown where for 30 seconds the dragon cannot use the attack again.

    submitted by /u/MaeBeaInTheWoods
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    If you die, the music playing will cut off with a record scratch sound effect.

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 05:00 AM PDT

    It'd certainly add a bit of humour to what would otherwise be a frustrating moment.

    submitted by /u/ispaamd
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    "Pick tool" like pick block but for quick tool selection

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 01:14 PM PDT

    I find it odd that there's a pick block ability in the game but no pick tool (and I don't mean a pickaxe)

    The "pick tool" button would be like pick block but it selects the best tool you have to mine the block you want. For example, if you're holding a shovel and try to mine stone, your pickaxe is not on your hotbar so you don't want to have to go into your inventory. You use "pick tool" and it automatically takes out your pickaxe for you.

    How it prioritizes tools: the fastest mining speed and durability are added together, whichever is highest is the tool chosen (it still chooses the right tool type regardless). And when used on ore/leaves, fortune is prioritized. When used on something like ice, grass block, or stone, silk touch is prioritized, since it's assumed you want that block. All it means by prioritizing is that if you have multiple tools on you, it picks a certain one out of them. So my netherite pickaxe would be picked most often since it's the best I have.

    submitted by /u/Tactical-Kitten-117
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    The Abyssal Expansion™

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 11:02 AM PDT

    This is a master plan, covering every aspect of my proposed idea, and how I came up with it. Naturally, it'll be incredibly long, so mods pls don ban ;-; (Note: all the art provided came from my friend cucumber#4940 since I suck dong at drawing)

    TLDR at bottom

    I'm suggesting a void update, but not in the way you might think. Instead of a new dimension of nothingness, I thought we could simply add on to the already existing voids. There could be an overworld void, a nether void, and an end void. In short, the void would act more as a biome, starting at y=0 and continuing down to the death plane in its respective dimension. Additionally, to keep the emptiness that the void is so known for, I propose that the "no building below y=0" rule is kept, so players will have to fly down with elytra to explore it. I also suggest we extend the death plane down some more, maybe up to y=-100 (you'll see why later)

    Now you're probably thinking, "this just sounds like the current void with extra steps", and I agree. So let's move on to the real meat of this post.

    I've established that the void is an ethereal plane, an expanse of darkness laying just below your feet. So I propose we add something equally as mysterious and terrifying to wander about the abyss.

    Introducing: The Void Worm (Name subject to change cuz it sounds REEEALLY stupid. Suggestions welcome.)

    Ok before you cringe and exit the post, imagine this scenario: You're in the end, walking around one of the end islands gathering chorus, staying on relatively good terms with the native endermen.

    You glance down and see THIS swimming in the emptiness just below you.

    Now imagine how terrifying that would be.

    So yeah, basically my idea for a new boss is a massive extradimensional worm that lurks in the shadows.

    Here's a full sketch of the entire creature

    As well as a blockified Minecraft version

    The worm will be at least 15 blocks in diameter (so much bigger than the ender dragon) and at least 50 blocks in length. It has to be big enough that it'll scare people based on size alone.

    This will be an incredibly tough boss battle. Due to the fact that you can't build under y=0, the only way to fight the worm is to fly down with an elytra, so make sure you have plenty of rockets. This also means you'll have to multitask: maintaining altitude AND fighting the boss. But I thought it would be cool to finally have something you fight in the air, so here we are.


    Unlike the other two bosses of Minecraft, the Void Worm WILL spawn naturally, albeit very rarely. You'll most likely find it swimming peacefully under the end islands, emitting loud roars every now and again. But if you're too impatient to wait for one to spawn, you can summon one with Worm Food (Yes I know it's ripped straight out of Terraria lol I can't come up with anything else to call it).


    HP: 500 (250 x ❤️) 2x that of the ender dragon

    It will have a similar mechanic as a shulker. Shooting it from the outside will deal significantly less damage. When it exposes its weak point, then the bow will do the full damage.

    The ectoplasm circling around the worm will also act as a shield, repelling arrows fired at it. But the shield doesn't cover the entire worm, so you can still hit the worm with a good shot.

    General Behavior

    As it's an ethereal mob and having little footing in our world, the Void Worm is constrained to its habitat below y=0. There's basically an invisible barrier keeping it confined. This means that as long as you don't bother it, it won't bother you. This also means that if you DO agro it and realized you're not prepared, you can quickly fly back above y=0, and it can't chase you. To prevent the potential cheese method of flying above y=0 and just shooting down at it, the second you fly to somewhere it can't pursue, the worm will begin swimming away and despawn.

    The Worm will, as stated above, emit "roars" at set intervals, about 20 seconds or so. These roars can be heard almost 50 blocks away, and will likely scare the bejeezus out of an unsuspecting player. As the worm can spawn even in the overworld and nether voids, it'll provide quite a scare to casual miners who are near bedrock, even though they aren't in actual danger. These roars help establish the terror and mystery I'm hoping this mob will induce.

    When aggroed, it'll probably circle the player like a snake, occasionally throwing out the ectoplasm attack until it decides on another attack.

    Attacks :D

    Lunge: The Void Worm will let out an enraged scream and start swimming at the player at breakneck speed. All the while, it will snap its "mandibles" (the spines around its mouth and eyes) at the player. It will most likely be as fast as the player going full speed with rockets, so when you see it start charging you, your only hope is to fly away from it as fast as you can.

    Attack Strength: 20 ( (10 × ❤️)

    Note: since this is by far the hardest to avoid and the most deadly attack, it'll open a period of vulnerability afterward. Once the attack ends, the worm will stop, like it's catching its breath. From there you can turn around and attack the 3 eyes, its weak point. You can either shoot them with a bow, which will do 2x damage, OR, get this, throw an eye of ender at it.

    I thought it was fitting since, once you get to the end, ender eyes become kinda useless besides resummoning the dragon. Using it as a weapon will breathe some new life into this now mundane object. The ender eye will naturally float in its wobbly path towards the worm's eyes, so you don't have to aim, just turn around and yeet it. This attack will effectively knock out 5% of the boss's health bar if it connects, so definitely go for it.

    Mirage: Somewhat of a psychological attack. The mirage will make the player hallucinate an image of the Void Worm swimming towards them head-on with fangs at the ready. The hallucination will be much more transparent compared to the real worm, kind of like the elder guardian mirage. The attack does nothing physically to the player. But given the size of the worm, even those expecting it will probably still flinch. If you're unlucky enough to have the worm use both Lunge AND Mirage, there's a high likelihood you'll flinch to avoid the oncoming fake Worm... and straight into the jaws of the real Worm.

    Ectoplasm Stream: The Void Worm excretes bolts of ectoplasm from the glowing spines running down its sides. These streams home in on the player like shulker bullets except with a much smoother flight path. If it misses the player the first time, it'll lose its homing ability and continue traveling in a straight path.

    The attack will also inflict Disorientation, a new debuff. This debuff desyncs the player's POV and the direction they're actually facing, skewing it by 5-15 degrees in a random direction. This is extra annoying because it means the direction the player thinks he's flying will be JUST off from the direction he's actually flying. And with the death plane right below you... well you get the picture.

    Attack Strength: 6 (3 x ❤️)

    Note: The player can catch these bolts of ectoplasm in a bottle like dragon's breath, and it can be used as crafting material. We'll get to that later.

    Lazer: The Worm will stop. Its 3 tail spikes will snap together. There will be a charging up sound as energy builds up in the tail. It will then fire a blue laser starting below the player and sweeping up to above the player in a wide arc. Pretty self-explanatory

    Attack Strength: 10 (5 x ❤️)


    Worm Tooth: On death, one of the Void Worm's mandibles shrinks down and becomes an obtainable item. The tooth can be used to craft a new pickaxe that can BREAK BEDROCK. Yes, you heard that right. We'll finally have a canon, dev intended way to access the nether ceiling or mine below bedrock instead of glitches. I think its a great progression step and solves the glitch laden feat of breaking bedrock. Since many farms and stuff are best built above the nether ceiling, this would likely be a highly sought after item, which makes for a great progression step as it drops from an endgame boss.

    Of course, to make this worthwhile we would have to patch the piston bedrock glitch that we know and love. (I know I'm sad to see it go too).

    Ectoplasm: Due to its innate ability to act as a shield for the worm and block oncoming arrows, it should do something similar for the player. If you infuse ectoplasm into your armor with a crafting table, that armor piece will now have a chance to deflect arrows. I'd give it a 10% chance, not too overpowered but still worth it for fighting skeletons or something. Alternatively, you could just use a crossbow with piercing to ignore the deflecting property completely, an indirect buff for the redundant weapon.

    You could also drink it straight from the bottle like a potion for Disorientation?... I guess?

    TLDR: But... But I worked so hard on this. ;-;




    • Made the void an official biome, only accessible with elytra
    • Extended the death barrier down 100 blocks
    • Added a new mob: The Void Worm!
      • New Endgame Boss
      • Massive worm that can be found swimming in the void
      • Comes with a couple brand new attacks for a thrilling and terrifying flight-based battle
    • New Items:
      • Worm Tooth
      • Ectoplasm

    Thank you all for coming to my Ted Talk.

    submitted by /u/WueyWu75
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    The bottom part of a soul campfire should be soul sand instead of Charcoal.

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 01:44 PM PDT

    When you put out a regular campfire and a soul campfire they look identical. I think it would be cool if the coal part was actually soul sand.

    submitted by /u/Jmememan
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    Colorblind support and simulation in Minecraft

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 09:04 AM PDT

    When you think of Minecraft, and the success it made. It's hard to believe the game has no support for colorblindness. Which also contributes for more reasons to the "Accessibility" Menu being flawed.

    I suggest Mojang adds Colorblind support for those who are colorblind. And add a Colorblind Simulation that will affect people that are not Colorblind. So they can see how is it like. It should affect the GUI, Gameplay and all the rest of the visuals in-game if the option is toggled.

    The Accessibility menu is slowly evolving, getting more and more improved just like in 1.16.2.

    So i say. This is a feature that the players NEED, for colorblind people to play the game properly, and for those with normal vision, to experience what is it like to have colorblindness. IMO It should include ALL of the types of colorblindness. Please upvote if you agree.

    submitted by /u/rickyybrez
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    Don’t despawn renamed items.

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 11:18 AM PDT

    Basically the title. If you rename an item, it won't despawn.

    submitted by /u/TheTagOfHash_
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    When entering the end, any containers that would be deleted as part of the platform region should drop their contents as items.

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 10:13 AM PDT

    I'll start this with something that happened yesterday. I was playing Minecraft with my friend, who is pretty new to the game. I was showing them how to defeat the ender dragon, during which they died and had to come back to the end. I picked up their stuff and put it in a shulker box. I had given them full diamond and an elytra to make the game a bit easier for a beginner (the world was on hard, too). Now you probably know where this is going. Without thinking, I placed the shulker box on the obsidian platform. Seconds later, my friend entered the end, and those items were lost. Thankfully, the diamond armor was pretty cheap from villagers. But I'm a bit salty about losing an elytra.

    I'm a fairly experienced player, and I made this mistake. A beginner might not even know that the blocks above the platform get deleted. I think it's a bit unfair to delete people's possibly valuable items just because they're unaware of a weird, unique game mechanic. So chests, shulker boxes, etc should drop their contents when deleted in this manner.

    submitted by /u/JustinTimeCuber
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    Bottles of ink (Now with official feedback post)

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 12:46 PM PDT

    Bottles of ink would be unstackable items obtained by right-clicking a squid with an empty bottle.

    They would be projectiles, similar to xp bottles, and would have a pretty limited range. If a player or entity is hit with the projectile it bursts into squid ink particles, inflicting blindnes and making whoever is hit to slide as if they were standing in ice for a short ammount of time.

    If the bottle ends up hitting a block, it will leave a temporary puddle of ink particles that whenever stteped on would only inflict the sliding effect.

    This item has no offensive capabilities by itself, rather it's a tool to disorient other players in combat in order to gain strategic advantages, wich is why i think something like this would possibly make combat more interesting.

    If you like the idea, and would like for it to get attention from people at mojang, please consider voting for it in the official feedback post: https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/community/posts/360072556071-Bottles-of-ink

    submitted by /u/Thanimat_Tenebris
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    Lingering Water Bottles need a better use.

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 12:12 AM PDT

    They just, exist! For no reason. Here's what they should do:

    They act like a splash bottle, extinguishing fire and that's it. It should prevent fire from being placed in its radius until it runs out. It should also act like a instant harming lingering potion when blazes or other water damaged mob touches it.

    submitted by /u/GameProPie
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    Enderman Behavior Change

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 10:36 PM PDT

    I don't necessarily think this is a good idea, but I think it might be, so I wanted to throw it out there. This is actually inspired by how I thought Endermen worked way back before I started playing Minecraft.

    The idea is that once you look at an Enderman, it will stand still and look back at you, until you move your cursor off of it, and then it will become aggravated. You can avoid aggravating it by preventing it from continuing to look at you. For example, slowly moving in front of a tree to block the Enderman's sight of you would disengage it from the "staring contest" without you actually looking away, so you'd be fine. However, Endermen that disengage from "staring contests" with the player without being aggravated will begin to move towards the location they last saw the player in, curious of where they went.

    Another additional idea is that perhaps the player is inflicted with slowness or nausea or something, while looking at an Enderman.

    I honestly think this would help give Endermen much more of a creep factor, as players would have to work a little harder to avoid getting into fights they can't win against them early-game. It's pretty hard to accidentally look at an Enderman's head and aggrivate it normally, and most players only do that when they're looking for a fight, so for the people who want to fight an Enderman, it wouldn't be much harder than it is to aggrivate it, they can just look at it and then look away. But for those who do slip up and accidentally look at an Enderman, there's a whole extra layer of intimidation with the stare-down, but also a chance to get away if they're clever enough.

    submitted by /u/Emerald-JAM
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    You can repair anvils with iron.

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 12:41 PM PDT

    It doesn't make sense at first, but you wont need to keep making new ones, you can have 2 at all times and use one to repair the other and vice versa.

    submitted by /u/HARLEYQUINNHAMMER
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    Collar Me Impressed

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 02:33 PM PDT

    Have 16 tamed dogs, each with its collar being from the 16 colors of dye. Saw this on r/Minecraft and made a pun out of it.

    submitted by /u/GangrenePeen
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    How to balance stackable potions

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 01:16 PM PDT

    There has been question on how stackable potions would be balanced for certain potions especially instant health so I suggest that there be a cool down between using the same types of potions similar to Ender pearls but this cool down would be 10 to 15 seconds. This would have little effect on potions that have a long duration such as fire resistance or night vision or such but balance instant health. I also suggest a new potion be added if they add stackable potions such as milk bottles or a potion made by milk buckets so you can stack clear affects or use milk tipped arrows to take the positive effects from your opponent.

    submitted by /u/NVETRANO14
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    polished end stone, cracked end bricks and chiseled bricks.

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 03:09 AM PDT

    generic stone has the smooth variant and bricks. blackstone has polished variant and bricks. yet end stone has only brick variant. i think end stone should have a new polished like looking block.

    i think polished end stone could look like smooth stone but all yellow.

    end stone bricks should get cracked and chiseled variants as well, so this way end stone brick could get all new possible combinations for building and to keep up with nether and overworld stone variants.

    perhaps with new end blocks mojang could update end cities as well with cracked and chiseled bricks somewhere.

    what do you think?

    submitted by /u/Pingas9999
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    Having a Channeling Enchanted Book in your inventory makes you more likely to be struck by lightning.

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 09:34 AM PDT

    Disclaimer: If this is a bad idea, then sorry

    Some don't know but currently, the Silk Touch enchanted book can be used to 'silk mine' blocks that don't require tools to get, such as Dirt -> Grass for example. I think it would be cool if they had these little other details that you might not notice with certain items. If you read the title you would get basically all the context.

    submitted by /u/RealSnqwy
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    there should be an advancement for using tnt.

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 02:32 PM PDT

    tnt is kinda useful and hard to come by and one of a kind even in the vast world of minecraft. its only fitting there should be an advancement for it. i mean theres literally an advancement for getting cobblestone but there isnt for blowing stuff up.

    submitted by /u/doctorgringo
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    Smelting TNT explodes the furnace.

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 11:33 AM PDT

    It would be good for many reasons: Having a 10 second warning instead of 4 An easy way to destroy bases and super smelters It makes sense You can put 64 TNT in furnaces, which can be useful for making craters and perimeters

    submitted by /u/LairOfAnarchy
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    Copper ore and its uses

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 10:29 AM PDT

    Copper ore can be found anywhere under y level 60 and can be with veins up to 10 and is more common then iron but less common than coal. It can be used to make armor and tools that is better than chain armor but worse than iron. The main use of copper is with redstone. Redstone can usually reach up to Copper ore can be found anywhere under y level 60 and can be with veins up to 14 and is more common then iron but less common than coal. It can be used to make air or and tools that is better than chain armor but worse than iron. The main use of copper is with redstone.

    Put one copper ore in the middle of the crafting table and 8 redstone dust around it. This makes copper dust, the alternative redstone dust.

    This works in the same as slime and honey blocks in the way that they don't connect w eachother making farms that slight more efficient and compact.

    Please share ur thoughts on this and I'll try to respond.

    submitted by /u/Jarkels
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    Potion of Disorganization

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 03:56 AM PDT

    Maybe there should be a potion that mixes up your inventory but not your hot bar . It might be to overpower for pvp so maybe it is difficult to craft. Disorganization ll can even mess up your hot bar. Inspired by my desk

    submitted by /u/ProProing
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    Christmas Snow

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 07:50 AM PDT

    I love when its Christmas time and its snowing outside,but when I log into Minecraft I lose the spirit. My suggestion is to snow across the entire world(or atleast the area around spawn) when its Christmas(or couple of days before Christmas and a couple after). I see this as a small but good change. What do you think? Im not the best at writing but I hope you understand what I mean :)

    submitted by /u/Fl4me_K4M1
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    there should be an advancement for finding a pillager outpost.

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 03:44 PM PDT

    the structures are quite rare and really can help the player in many ways as well as introduce new players to the pillagers and their structures. there should be an advancement/achievement for finding or entering one.

    submitted by /u/doctorgringo
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