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    Minecraft You get bigger trees if you grow them in their natural habitat.

    Minecraft You get bigger trees if you grow them in their natural habitat.

    You get bigger trees if you grow them in their natural habitat.

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 05:08 AM PDT

    What the title says.

    submitted by /u/Hairy_Potato_222
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    Everybody's been saying "vertical slabs!", but the actual thing we need are sideways stairs.

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 08:52 AM PDT

    What I mean with this is: when you have 2 pillars, one diagonal block away from one another, you'd be able to connect those two pillars wit two new pillars of stairs. The crafting recipe might be another one, or Mojang would add into vanilla a rotating tool, that you can aquire in survival.

    submitted by /u/not_dannyjesden
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    A tired argument in favor of vertical slabs.

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 05:20 PM PDT

    I know, I know, it's a stale discussion I'm sure, but hear me out.

    I've been playing Minecraft for about a decade now, and I think it's safe to say it's been an amazing creative outlet and coping mechanism for me. One thing that always bothered me though, was the lack of vertical slabs. I noticed this before I even knew it was already a highly spoken topic.

    I stumbled upon Mojang's official statement on the feedback website regarding slabs, stairs, and other partial blocks, and let me say, its bulls**t.

    The common argument against them is just a simple "It's not Minecraft." Which is ridiculous to say for sure. Look at how far Minecraft has grown since the Alpha days. I guarantee you if you showed the modern version to a Minecraft player in 2011, they would say "It's not Minecraft." as well.

    Some say it inhibits creativity, which is Mojang's reasoning, which doesn't make sense either. Adding to the mountain of a block palate only widens the playing field for creativity to thrive. It's not like it's a revolutionary idea either, horizontal slabs already exist, it would be a game-changer for builders but it would not tarnish the gameplay in any way. If vertical slabs would really so harmful for the low-definition style of Minecraft, then why do stairs and horizontal slabs still exist?

    Mojang also claims that vertical slabs are already possible (Using trapdoors, walls, etc.) but those clearly aren't at all what we've been looking for. We know those alternatives exist, but that's exactly what they are, alternatives to a feature that should have existed from the start.

    Finally, there are the slippery slope arguments, claiming that if Mojang added vertical slabs, the players would only push for half-quarter blocks, or 256th blocks, which is obviously where the line can be drawn. We just want an already existing block to be rotated. It's not that wild of an idea.

    Mojang, I doubt you're reading this, as vertical slabs are likely a term you're tired of hearing by now, but please. It's a feature the majority of players have been wanting for so long. It's not furniture, it's not guns, it's not bodily fluids. Its a block split down the middle. That's all I'm asking for.

    Sorry for the rant, Reddit.

    submitted by /u/user_NULL_04
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    Make ghasts undead

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 01:10 PM PDT

    They are ghost-like creatures, so why aren't they undead?

    submitted by /u/Ugo_Flickerman
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    If you fall into the End void with a totem of undying, the totem should teleport the player back up to the surface

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 09:37 AM PDT

    The biggest danger of the end is falling into the void. In my opinion, the void is actually overpowered for many reasons:

    • Unless you have a Pair of Elytra, you basically cannot escape the void unless you are really skilled (and quick) with Ender Pearls
    • Unlike just about every other form of death, if you fall into the void, you have no hope WHATSOEVER of getting your items back
    • It is very easily to accidentally fall into the void when using Ender Pearls to travel between islands. I know that it is supposed to be difficult, but I feel like it is unfair to players to kill them just for throwing their pearl a few pixels off, especially since falling into the void is the worst possible death in the game because of the previous reason

    Because of this, I would propose allowing players to have a limited way of escaping the void: having a Totem of Undying. This would work be having the totem activate when the player would have died into the void, and in addition to this, teleport them to the closest solid block on the surface of the end.

    That way, the void is still dangerous, but not all is lost for falling in. I feel like this would make the void more balanced, especially since literally every death in the game, except void, can be escaped with a Totem of Undying.

    submitted by /u/Tovitik
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    Ability to use a command to see which song is playing

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 10:35 AM PDT

    We've all been there a jamming tune is playing in the nether or somewhere and you want to listen to it later but you don't want to look through all of the music. So you should be able to do something like /track and it will tell you which song it is.

    submitted by /u/stinkyfart23
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    Strongholds need updating!

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 01:20 AM PDT

    So I'm noticing some biomes and places getting updates such as the ocean and nether but strongholds, one of the most important structures of the game, have been overlooked! I think they should be heavily updated as they really aren't that good, all they are is stone bricks with no decorations, I made a prototype updated stronghold (here ) and I think if Mojang just spent a little bit of time on strongholds they could make them really good. I hope somebody sees this

    submitted by /u/god_oh_war
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    New End Advancements

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 12:14 PM PDT

    With the end being quite end game (if you'll pardon the pun) Id expect there to be a lot to do, and thankfully I'm right. There's a lot to explore and find but what makes Minecraft the fun-loving game it is isn't the grindy exploring, it's usually its silly nature which can be seen best in their Advancements. The end has quite an embarrassing amount of them when looking at its tab (Honestly, the whole game has quite a low number) So I thought id share some ideas for some fun advancements. I also try to include my reasoning for them and why they are a good idea!

    [The End... of That!] - Complete the Ender Dragon 20 times

    This is a play on more of "The End" advancements in the game and would show that there is some form of stopping point with the ender dragon.

    [Dont Look Down!] - Travel to the outer islands without the help of the portal

    I imagine that a lot of new players don't actually know this is possible, this could be a hidden advancement and would be a nice surprise for daring people.

    [Mary Poppins Yall] - Have a Shulker hit any mob and watch them soar!

    Just a funny idea and something that you could maybe get on accident, as well as being a pop culture reference to both Mary Poppins and Guardians of the Galaxy.

    [Packed Tight] - Have a full Shulker Box in your inventory

    This advancement could show newer players the benefit of how much you can actually fit into one Shulker box, showing them its more viable than they might think.

    [All the Rage] - Have one of every dyed Shulker Box

    Another thing newer players might not know is that you can dye Shulker boxes, this also encourages newer players to collect a large amount and as the last one said: "show them it's more viable than they might think".

    [Taste of Teleportation] - Is that all there is to eat?

    Teach players about the large food source in the end but also its properties.

    [Pop goes the Chorus] - Hit a bullseye on a Chorus Flower

    You can use a bow and arrow to shoot off the chorus fruit instead of having to pillar up to it, bit more fun in my opinion but could be news to new players.

    submitted by /u/JustAnyGamer
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    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 09:57 AM PDT

    You know how if you bonemeal either small mushrooms to make larger ones, like saplings? What if putting four in 2X2 would make a larger more detailed mushroom? Like spruce and dark oak. This could also be another way to obtain shroomlight, or an overworld equivalent

    submitted by /u/EequalsMCscared
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    Subtitles allows more accessibility for deaf/HoH players

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 12:24 PM PDT

    Subtitles allows more accessibility for deaf/HoH players

    As a HoH player myself, I had to turn on cheats and play on Easy because I kept dying repeatedly from not hearing the mobs in the caves or swarms outside at night. I can handle the easy mobs but when it comes to witches or spiders that has poison abilities on top of usual mobs nearby, it turns into an useless gauntlet of trying to get away to recover before succumbing. Java Edition having this feature was a game changer for me. I was able to explore the mineshafts as tended and keep caving like I used to love.

    When I got a free laptop, I was disappointed that java barely ran optimally on it. I wanted to play this again, so I've bought the Bedrock/Win10 edition and was happy to see it running smoothly. However I was in for a massive shock to see this glaring omission in the list of accessibility for the disabled.

    Here's what I don't understand. Microsoft is serious about disabled customer accessibility with their technology. https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/accessibility And Minecraft is now owned by Microsoft and this edition is nearly 9 years old. Where are the subtitles? Should I try escalation to Microsoft itself or through Mojang? Please tell me why this is not part of Microsoft's initiative.


    submitted by /u/Philiaravon
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    Patchkin mob suggestion

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 05:01 AM PDT

    Patchkin is a scarecrow mob that lives in villages and abandoned villages. It will become active at mostly night. It's used as another security force to alert the iron golems of pillagers, zombies or any other kind of threat. Patchkins will also attack players at night if provoked or the player commits a crime. (Looting or harming the inhabitants) The Patchkin has 25 hp and inflicts nausea on its victim. Upon death, it will drop a carved pumpkin and some wheat. The Patchkin is extremely vulnerable to fire and hoes. This suggestion was inspired by the Villains skin pack.

    submitted by /u/Angry_Memist
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    Fungi soup craftable from Crimson and Warped Fungi

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 07:14 AM PDT

    This would be a soup made from crimson and warped fungi with a bowl. The soup would give you a slight fire resistance (because of the crimson fungi) for about a minute, the fire resistance would lower lava/fire damage by 33%. The soup itself would give 7 hunger points with some slight saturation. It wouldent be stackable. A unique ability for this stew, is that when you get set down too a heart by a mob you will get randomly teleported, it would be like you ate a chorus fruit (this is because of the warped fungi)

    submitted by /u/JaysonOnReddit
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    shift slabs

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 08:52 AM PDT

    when placing a slab on top of another slab while crouching (shift) it will place on the lower side of the block above it, instead of the upper side of the same block turning that slab into a double slab

    submitted by /u/KingEngland1
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    Milk potion?

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 05:09 AM PDT

    This would be a potion that removes both negative and positive effects and prevents the target from getting affected by them.

    The potion would be made with milk

    Example: a player drinks the milk potion and eats an enchanted apple, he wouldn't get affected by its buffs as the potion prevents this, it could also prevent wither and poison effects.

    The throwable potion would be useful against witches, preventing them from using speed or fire resistance potions.

    Endermen and shulkers wouldn't be able to teleport and the shulker projectile wouldn't inflict levitation

    submitted by /u/Cabra117
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    Crafting 8 stairs instead of 4

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 11:06 AM PDT

    When you craft stairs, you use 6 blocks, but you only get 4 stairs. A stair is just a block with 1/4 of it taken away, so if you take a 1/4 away from each those 6 blocks you are using, you would get 6 stairs, which is already more than they give you. But you still have 6 1/4 pieces left over, which you can make into 2 more stairs, so right now, you are just losing half of your materials when making stairs. We should be getting 8 stairs instead of 4.

    submitted by /u/LucusTheGuy
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    Tropical Fish Variants in Jungle Biomes

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 10:20 AM PDT

    Hey guys, I've been a fishkeeper for a while who's played Minecraft since 2013. I was surprised that it took almost 10 years to add fish mobs to the game and it was still rather exciting when they were added to the game finally. I think that there are also many fishkeepers who were excited at the thought of finally having an aquarium in Minecraft. So here's one thing I thought about: why not add to the game some freshwater tropical fish that everyone knows and loves?

    The term "tropical fish" is commonly used to refer to both freshwater and saltwater fish. In the aquarium hobby, most fish commonly kept are considered tropical fish. These fish include Neon Tetras, Angelfish and most small fish in freshwater aquariums for that matter.

    Hence, I propose that tropical fish be added to jungle biomes with new variants. These tropical fish will functionally be the same as those in coral reefs in terms of behavior and hitpoints. In fact, they all use the same models as their saltwater variants (Tropical fish A and Tropical fish B).

    Here is a list of the variants below, listed by their model.

    Fish A:

    Neon Tetra

    Rummy-nose tetra

    German ram


    Guppy (Comes in colored variants)

    Fish B:

    Angelfish (Comes in colored variants)

    Discus (Comes in colored variants)

    Ember Tetra


    "but mojang said no piranhaassss!!!1!!11! go check the fps list!!!!!"

    The reason why Mojang doesn't want piranhas is because if they're hostile they'll gain a bad rep amongst kids who can't reason properly. But if they're peaceful, they'll just be treated as any common tropical fish. And to be honest with you, captive piranhas are very peaceful and are in fact as shy as a 6 year old kid at an adult party. The excuse for sharks (if they're peaceful kids will walk up to and hug a shark) does not work because a) see above and b) the odds of someone who is exposed to wild, actually aggressive piranhas having the privilege of a working computer that can run Minecraft are astronomically low, since for that to happen you need to live in the Amazon jungle.

    TLDR: Add tropical freshwater fish and peaceful piranhas.

    "how does this benefit or change the game in any way?"

    It doesn't, which is why it's worth suggesting. Because it's simple and doesn't take up months of coding just to work. And I'm sure if it does the devs will work around it and do it in a week or a few days. It's just a neat little addition that would make the game feel more real.

    Oh, did I forget to mention they won't have to make models for the new fish? Cause I've covered that part for them. Here's the image: https://imgur.com/Q7HS5Ho

    Pictured are (left to right, up to down) Neon Tetra, Red-Blue Striped Discus, Black-White Striped Angelfish and the Piranha.

    Thanks for reading and have a good day ahead!

    submitted by /u/wet_breadlord
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    Grates and flow grates.

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 02:27 AM PDT

    I think a nice block for decoration and redstone would be grates, and I decided to make a concept for how they would work.

    Grates would be a placable item than can be placed on a block in any way a trapdoor can. They would have a unique ability being that they will let water pass through them when activated with redstone, and will cut off water when deactivated. This would be a simple, but cool feature that when combined with this next one will be amazing for redstone.

    Flow grates will be a different type of grate, they would be placed on a block simalarily, but would go in the middle of a block like panes or iron bars, except they can be placed vertically like this aswell. These grates would always allow liquid to pass through, and would give off a redstone signal when one does.

    (Also, grates shouldn't be the color of iron doors, they should be a bit darker than iron bars.)

    I really think these would be amazing for both redstoners and builders, and I'd like to know what you think as well,so let me know.

    I've posted this to the feedback website!

    submitted by /u/MothThatLuvsLamps
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    If we can't have a voice chat, then a chat bubble would do.

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 03:38 PM PDT

    If we can't have a voice chat, then a chat bubble would do.

    Just saw someone's video through recommendations and I thought this looks quite neat. I have posted prior about using a voice-chat in-game, but there were suggestions that it may not be possible. However, I think having a chat bubble would fit the theme. You could still have the classic chat at the bottom of the screen as before, so that for longer messages the chat bubble could display the message partially, but the player can then read rest of it at the bottom (it will still be needed for using commands and such).

    I realise that there could be overlaps in busy server hubs, this can be fixed simply by bringing the message forward for whichever player is closest.


    submitted by /u/L15032015
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    Time stamp information stored into chunks when you unload them.

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 11:45 AM PDT

    I am not sure how realistic it is and how big of an impact it would be on the performance but here we go.

    I imagined it like this: Whenever you unload the chunk (leave the area) the time you left the chunk is recorded and when you go back to the same chunk the time that passed is taken into consideration on how the chunk will be generated again, only if you modified it (the chunk) of course.

    Like for example, if you leave a wheat field to grow and go to a far away chunk and when you go back to your wheat field it should've made progress in the mean time. Same thing for smelting stuff. Now, I am not sure how will forest fires play out since they are not static? The burning block is randomly chosen? Correct me if I am wrong.

    As for how this will work, I imagined it like this: Whenever a new chunk is generated it gets its own ID which contains those "time stamps".

    submitted by /u/_freedom98
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    Bee in a Bottle

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 01:51 PM PDT

    You can use a bottle to catch a bee in it. When you click with it, it will drop the bee. This would be an alternative too using a silk touch pick. If you destroy the bottle then the bee will escape.

    submitted by /u/JaysonOnReddit
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    dont show ips in /banip

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 12:36 PM PDT

    When doing /banip dont show the ip after banning them.

    Why? Well I got ddossed recently from this feature, theres also the idea that a little kid can be playing and they can get there ip tracked to there house, its also not really needed information for a server owner to need.


    As said by u/Pengwin0 : It publicly says the ip unless you add silentban meaning random players can see it as well.

    submitted by /u/QuestionAll_XD
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    Ideas for improving mansions

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 03:18 PM PDT

    Well, I'm presenting an idea about how Mansions can be improved.

    First, their walls need to be a combination between Dark Oak and Spruce, to be more a mansion, and not a dark brown cube.

    Second, they have so many cobblestone, which can be replaced in some places with Andesite, Smooth Stone, Stone Bricks, Stone Bricks Slabs.

    Third, the loot isn't specific, nor reward the travel to find one. I would change it. For example, its chests (except the ones from storage rooms) would always have (with probabilities, not with guaranteed loot):

    -(Rarely) Diamond Blocks (2 max per chest)
    -Iron axes
    -Iron Ingots
    -Iron Blocks
    -Iron Nuggets
    -Obsidian (4 blocks max per chest)
    -Dark Oak Logs
    -Enchanted Books
    -(Rarely) A Saddle (1 max per chest)
    -Crosbows (damaged, and with probability of being enchanted)
    -Potions of Regeneration (1 max per chest)
    -Potions of Instant Health (1 max per chest)

    Fourth, its mobs are currently good, and fit well its purpose, but there can be done more things to improve them. For example (please don't interrupt):

    Illusioners, they fit completely this place. Also, there are 2 models: Minecraft Java one and Minecraft: Dungeons one. What I would do: Give the Illusioner the MC: Dungeons model and texture, and rename it to "Illusionist", to be similar to the Dungeons one. And I would create a new entity that generates commonly on the mansion: Magician Apprentice, which would be an Illager with the current blue robe of Illusioners.

    Now, for abilities, health, drops, etc.:
    Illusionist: 50 health, 3 armor points, attacks with magic or arrows. How it would attack:
    *)They would summon an entity (not a mob, an entity), called Flying Book. If it gets to you, you get X damage (please decide the amount).
    *)Another attack would be that they would shoot arrows from its bows. To do that, they would generate illusions surrounding you. To be exact, 10 illusion entities, from which only one is real.
    Why those attacks? Well, they would generate on a large room, similar to an office and to an arena, with many bookshelves..

    Magician Apprentice: 25 health, no armor points, attacks with magic or with a sword. How would attack:
    *) They would do also illusions to surround you, but only would generate 6. Then all of them at the same time would approach you and the real one would attack you with its sword.
    *)Another attack, but a rare one, would be that they would spell blindess effects to all non-ilager mobs near, and throw instant damage potions.

    The loot:
    *)Illusionist: Rarely their bows, and always an illusionist robe, which would be an item which give you speed I and night vision, for 6 minutes, and it go on the chesplate slot.
    *)Magician apprentice: Their iron swords (always with an aleatory enchantment), and rarely gunpowder or emeralds.

    submitted by /u/thejoaqui777
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    There should be an exclusive music disc in a woodland mansion.

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 05:42 PM PDT

    Woodland mansions are pretty useless because you can easily get totems of undying in raid farms. But there should be a music disc that can only be found in the mansion just like finding pigstep in a bastion. There would only be 1 in every mansion and inside a chest guarded by an evoker. The music disc could be that villager music used in the 1.14 trailer!

    submitted by /u/LabradorDuck2
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    Make fireworks shootable while not in the offhand.

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 08:22 AM PDT

    It is always a pain organizing the hotbar otherwise, not to talk about the constant risk of lighting some by mistake. They dont even make people catch fire like power 5 bows can do when they have flame...

    submitted by /u/Ugo_Flickerman
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