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    Minecraft Buff the bosses

    Minecraft Buff the bosses

    Buff the bosses

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 05:25 AM PDT

    Most bosses are fairly easy to kill except for the bedrock Wither. I propose adding new attacks for the bosses and better rewards.

    1.) For the wither I suggest changing the java wither to act like the bedrock on

    2.) For the ender dragon I would suggest a dragon egg for every kill and maeby an elytra and make the dragons breath do massive damage

    3.) For the elder guardian it should to more thorns damage along with dropping more sponges also it should have the mineing fatigue effect mane you drown faster

    4.) Raids should always spawn on the surface and their ai should try to avoid caves. And ravagers should drop like 10 leather and have more health and damage

    Edit: to those of you saying it could be to hard or impact speed running I think this could only be on hard difficulty or possibly medium so for those who want a challange can get one

    submitted by /u/pickle_flavored_frog
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    Lightning in a Bottle

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 07:49 AM PDT

    If you are holding an empty bottle in either hand and happen to get struck by lightning, the lightning will be captured in the bottle, creating "Lightning in a Bottle". Lightning in a bottle is also a figurative saying, meaning "on occurrence that is incredibly rare". This feature will match the saying both figuratively and literally, as this occurrence will be incredibly rare and will also literally be lightning in a bottle.

    It could be used as sort of a splash potion, where if you throw the bottle, lightning will strike the spot it lands. It would only be able to be used once. Also, an advancment titled "Lightning in a Bottle" could be added, which you would get once the rare occurrence happens.

    submitted by /u/DeferredFuture
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    Due to being completely made of iron and pumpkin, iron golems will be more likely to be struck by lightning, and when they are, their eyes give a jackolantern effect

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 09:18 AM PDT

    The iron of the golem is scorched, and his eyes will give a light level 3 power

    submitted by /u/Maritow3rd
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    Keys for Iron Doors

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 11:50 AM PDT

    Players should have keys to open an iron door, instead of always relying on redstone to power it. It's a simple and fun addition :)

    submitted by /u/clapclapdie
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    New Mob Concept: Treasure Beetle

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 03:54 AM PDT

    The Treasure Beetle is a unique enemy in several ways.


    This mob is about 2.5 blocks long, 2 blocks wide, and 1.25 blocks tall not including its horn. Its horn brings it up to 1.5 blocks tall, and has a hammerhead-like structure with two spikes on the end of it. It has no eyes, and uses its horn to sense you instead. It will also have a bright, glowing spot in the back of its shell that varies in color.


    It will of course have armor, and a lot of it. It can move around at 1.5 blocks per second, or 4 blocks per second if it's charging at you. It has 30 health, and its armor reduces 90% of damage dealt to it. The glowing spot on the back of its shell will take 2x damage if it's hit with a sword, but is entirely immune to projectiles.


    These mobs can only be found in caves below Y=40, with the "Light Blue" variant only being found below Y=20. They will only spawn in the complete absence of light (light level 0, as opposed to the usual 7) and only in large caves (requiring at least 10 blocks of air on all sides, and 5 above it.) They can only spawn alone, and only if players are exploring nearby caves.


    Whenever it hears a sound, be it from an enemy or a player, it will charge at the source of the sound. This includes walking, placing or breaking blocks, and any noises mobs make. If it hits a block, it will bounce off the block and become stunned for a few seconds. If it hits an entity, it can do one of two things:

    First, it will launch you backwards and upwards, dealing damage not only from the initial hit but also if you hit a wall. After doing this a few times, it will pick you up on its horn and deal constant damage to you. During this time, you can see its glowing spot from above, and must hit it to make it release you. This will also cause it to run away in fear before turning around to come at you again.

    It will have a unique fighting style depending on the color of the spot on its back:

    Blue: it will hit you 2-3 times before picking you up.

    Red: it will move at an increased speed of 7 blocks per second when charging at you, but will be unable to stop itself, and will go running underneath you into the nearest wall.

    Green: it will launch you much further away, almost guaranteeing you'll be flung into a wall, but will only do this once or twice before picking you up.

    Light Blue: prepare for a long battle with this rare variant! It is much more defensive, usually choosing not to charge at you, and launching you back 5-8 times before picking you up. Once it picks you up, it won't hold you there forever, throwing you off after just 2 seconds.


    As you may have guessed by the different colors on its shell, these are not just indicative of how they fight, but also what you'll get for killing them.

    Blue = Lapis Lazuli (3-7 pieces)

    Red = Redstone Dust (4-9 pieces)

    Green = Emeralds (1-4 pieces)

    Light Blue = Diamond (1-2 pieces)

    These mobs will also, of course, be effected by Bane of Arthropods, and can be avoided by crouch walking by them. However, they will sense you if they bump into you, so keep your distance if you're not looking for a fight. You can also redirect them by placing a block in a different area, but if they damage you or you damage them they will know what's you and what's not, choosing to go after you no matter what.

    I feel these would make a great addition to caves, add a fun new mechanic to play with, and be rewarding enough to go seeking out.

    Edit: made adjustments to spawning mechanics and rewards, so they can't be easily farmed and are more rewarding to kill.

    submitted by /u/ZachTheInsaneOne
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    Nether Themed Foods

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 07:41 AM PDT

    The Nether got a nice source of food in the form of Hoglins dropping pork, but there's people such as my girlfriend that don't like to kill animals so they eat a vegetarian minecraft diet.

    This is why I'm suggesting a few Nether foods that can be alternatives to pork.

    Fungal Stew - Made with Warped Fungus and Crimson Fungus and a bowl. Will refill as many food points as a regular mushroom stew, with the added benefit of 3 minutes of fire resistance. The downside, however, is 30 seconds of nausea.

    Spicy Wart Soup - Created from a bowl, Nether Wart and Blaze Powder, this spicy delicacy will heal 8 hunger points(same as steak). It will also set you on fire upon eating it, and give you the "Glowing" effect for 1 minute.

    Necther - A word play on "Nectar", crafting it grants the advancement "I'm not so sure if I should eat this..." It is crafted from a Ghast tear, 4 glowstone dust and 4 Spicy Wart Soups. Eating it will fully heal your hunger. It will also set you on fire, give you nausea for 1 minute, give you glowing for 4 minutes, and give you weakness for a minute. Only use in dire situations.

    That is all!

    submitted by /u/ligmaenigma
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    New structure: Witch circles

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 10:26 AM PDT

    Witch circles would spawn in roofed forests. It would be a circle of brown mushrooms. Near the circle would be random stains of redstone. In the middle is a two-block high structure of stripped dark oak logs with a campfire on top. At night, witches spawn here and walk in circles around the structure. Its just a small addition, but i hope people like it.

    submitted by /u/Rat_Of_A_Brat
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    Pillagers drop arrows when they are killed.

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 08:09 AM PDT

    Logically they should drop arrows when you kill one knowing they use crossbows.

    Even if it saids apparently in the wiki they can drop arrows, this is very rare or it never happens. About my experience i kill a lot of pillagers around their outpost or during a raid, and not a single one of them drop a single arrow. This is why make them drop their arrows like the skeletons.

    submitted by /u/EfficientProduct0
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    You can edit signs using black dye

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 12:59 PM PDT

    This would make sense and would give a new function to the ink sac

    submitted by /u/Iam4leph
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    Drowning Potion Effect

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 07:56 AM PDT

    Name probably needs some work but basically an effect that Drowneds could give you that would make you lose oxygen faster. Elder Guardians could give this effect too. It could be brewed with the item that turns positive potions into negative ones (don't remember which one was it) and Water Breathing potions

    submitted by /u/lettuceboi04
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    Herding sheep, sheep dogs

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 03:14 PM PDT

    Sheep should naturally spawn in hill biomes with a shepherd villager in a herd, and dogs should have sheep herding abilities, despite AI programming difficulties.

    submitted by /u/clapclapdie
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    Oil Lakes: A New Nether Biome, and "water"

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 07:07 PM PDT

    I felt like 1.16 could've used a few new biomes, so here's one I just thought of.

    This biome will spawn in lakes, mostly in the Nether Wastes. This introduces oil, which is the Nether's water. It acts like safe lava. You move through it the same as lava. But, here's the catch. It's flammable. If you set fire, or if the world generation sets fire to the lakes, the entire thing will be engulfed in flames. (If you think this is too much, there are forest fires.)

    Another unique property is how it interacts with water. It will flow on top of water like it is solid. You can't place water on top of oil. If you do, the water will be pushed down to the bottom of the oil. This creates water source blocks which could be useful.

    You can also use oil as a really good fuel source. It doesn't go away for a very long time. You could cook 200 of steak with an oil bucket before it runs out. Once it does run out, the bucket will still retrievable.

    submitted by /u/Mr_Mudkip_420
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    Craftable Trophies

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 02:57 PM PDT

    What? Why?

    One thing I really enjoy about Minecraft is holding competitions and playing mini-games with friends.

    Craftable Trophies would be a neat way to reward the victors of these games, and allow players to show off their accomplishments in a visually pleasing way.

    Crafting Trophies

    There could be different types of Trophies - for example, Gold (1st place), Iron (2nd place) and Wood / Clay (3rd place).

    I leave the recipe to your imagination.

    Inscribing Trophies

    Much like Books, Trophies can be inscribed with a short message and "signed".


    Arena Champion 2020

    awarded by Danjb

    Displaying Trophies

    Trophies can be placed in the world, a bit like flowers. Players can then display their Trophies in their houses, e.g. on a shelf or in a cabinet.

    P.S. Mojang if you're reading this, I completed your technical assessment for a Gameplay Developer role 3 months ago and I am still awaiting feedback :(

    submitted by /u/DanjbGames
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    Book and Quill, jump to page number

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 11:09 AM PDT

    i'm currently using a book to write down what items i want to sort in my storage system and i have an index on page 2 with all the categories, like

    6 - Blocks
    8 - Wood
    10 - Valuable Items

    and so on, and on that page number i start listing blocks that fit the category and i deem worth sorting.

    it would be nice if we had a way to jump to these pages. maybe clicking on italic numbers could bring you directly to that page number. people could divide their books by category or make pick your own adventure books with this.

    submitted by /u/simpson409
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    Tall Grass can be sheared and dropped as an item. We should be able to feed that to cows and sheep.

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 09:10 PM PDT

    It makes sense. They eat grass.

    Now I don't think it should allow them to breed, but rather two things.

    Feeding baby sheep and baby cows tall grass makes them grow up a bit faster, but not as much as wheat would. (It's a mechanic that's already in the game for all passive animal mobs that can be bred)

    For sheep specifically, if you feed them enough tall grass (say 8, for example) their wool instantly regrows. What with the ability to shear sheep via dispensers loaded with shears, it would be a way to speed up automated wool production for the impatient, at the cost of iron for shears, time for collecting, and possibly bone meal for re-growing the grass.

    For cows I would have suggested that feeding them grass recharges their milk for harvesting (and that they'd eat grass off of blocks on their own like sheep) but they already have infinite milk. Given how uncommonly milk is used, (really it's only good for stopping Poison or Wither effects, and most players don't run into those too often) I doubt that how it's collected will change.

    submitted by /u/Swordkirby9999
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    Change to Saturation: Food Groups

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 09:05 AM PDT

    Instead of having one saturation bar, the player has 3 saturation bars, with different foods filling different bars. These values would still be hidden from the player, as usual. The three bars would be Grains and Starch(G+S), fruits and veggies(F+V), and meats.

    I'll link a spread sheet with all the food data at the end of the post. First I'd like to describe how the 2 current functions of saturation would change.

    The first function is how long it takes before you have to eat again. This would function the same, but the player could potentially have up to 3x more saturation, so this is quite a buff. However, balancing your meals to get more saturation will take some planning, so in most cases this will function the exact same way it does now.

    Alright, onto the main topic: Saturation regen(SR). As a bench mark, currently when the player is getting SR they heal 1 HP/0.5 seconds. Without SR, you heal 1HP/4 seconds.

    I propose that the rate at which you regen health would be increased depending on how many different kinds of saturation bars are filled.

    If you have only hunger above 18, you would heal at the same rate without SR, 1HP/4 seconds. You would lose one hunger every 4 seconds.

    If you have one kind of saturation, and have 18 or more hunger, you heal at a rate of 1HP/2 seconds. You would lose 1 of that saturation every 2 seconds, but no hunger.

    If you have 2 kinds of saturation, and have 18 or more hunger, you heal at a rate of 1HP/second. You would lose 1 saturation of both kinds every 1 second, but no hunger.

    If you have all 3 kinds of saturation, and have 18 or more hunger, you would heal at the current 1HP/0.5 seconds. You would lose 1 saturation of all 3 kinds every 0.5 seconds, but no hunger.

    Heres the spreadsheet with food data. I tweaked some values from what are are currently, mostly to just get them to all be multiples of 0.5.


    Let me know what you think. I want to make saturation regen weaker, and I feel like this is a more fleshed out and unique idea than a blanket nerf.

    submitted by /u/Sheet_Varlerie
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    Add the enchanter from Minecraft dungeons.

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 10:06 PM PDT

    Adding an enchanter would mix up combat because it would change how you target mobs. You would want to kill the enchanter first to stop mobs from getting stronger. The enchanter is a mob which would give other mobs potions effects. These would include things like resistance, strength etc. They could also add new enchantments in this update which enchanters drop or maybe higher-level enchantments (sharpness 6 etc).

    submitted by /u/THP67
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    Upgraded nether portals

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 01:27 PM PDT

    Okay imagine this, survival Minecraft nether portals that work like creative mode ones. Instantly go through. I mean that's how portals usually work in film and stuff or at least that's how I imagine it. Maybe something along the lines of making your portal with crying obsidian instead. Or some other block. Think of the possibilities, all the cool giant nether portals that you can fly into with your elytra just to fly out the other side at same spread. God that'd be sweet. Plus you already instantly go into the end I don't see why it wouldn't work for the nether.

    submitted by /u/420poogasm69
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    Lanterns should be placed on the side of a block

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 12:30 PM PDT

    It is very useful to have this feature. Can also work with chains.

    submitted by /u/rober283829
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    Players with creative mode or */ability mayfly true* should be able to give piggyback rides to survival players

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 08:39 AM PDT

    Basically the title, for any Java players, /ability mayfly true is a bedrock edition command that lets you give survival mode players flight

    submitted by /u/realvolker1
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    Gilded warped fungi (on a stick) is a warped fungi that when fed to a strider will give it a major speed boost, but only lasts for 4 seconds

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 08:35 AM PDT

    It can be crafted by placing one golden ingot next to a warped fungi in either your crafting table, or inventory. The materials required to craft it are all obtainable in the nether. This is a nether friendly item, which can help for crossing large lava lakes with ease

    submitted by /u/Maritow3rd
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    "Null" a new enchant for the crossbow

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 06:23 PM PDT

    Null is a powerful lvl 30 enchantment that ignores player protection and enchantment protection.

    Knowing that crossbow are still more weak than bow in enchantement, i thought about a powerful enchantment that will make crossbow rivalize the bow power V enchantment.

    Note : Null enchant is not compatible with Quick Charge and Multishot, like that he will be a slow deadly weapon, he will be like a sniper rifle in PvP.

    submitted by /u/EfficientProduct0
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    Riptide Tridents need a little change (Java)

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 03:40 PM PDT

    As we all know, Minecraft 1.13 brought a new weapon to the game, the Trident. The Trident has an enchantment named riptide that propels you in the water, but there's a con, if you use it in java, it will take durability of the weapon, which seems kind of illogical, I mean, it is not dealing damage to a mob. What I suggest what Minecraft Bedrock has with riptide Tridents, they don't take durability unless it deals damage to a mob, player or an entity in general.

    submitted by /u/Hmmmmikyu
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