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    Minecraft Advanced geology in caves and cliffs to compliment the archaeology feature

    Minecraft Advanced geology in caves and cliffs to compliment the archaeology feature

    Advanced geology in caves and cliffs to compliment the archaeology feature

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 10:27 AM PDT

    During the reveals, Mojang devs said they wanted A) to let players learn about their world's past and tell a story, and B) add strategy to mining. Geology would solve both of these. I think players should be allowed to look at rocks and say "Hey, there's a lot of sedimentary rocks in this small valley, this might have been a river once that dried". Essentially, players should be able to deduce what the ANCIENT terrain may have been like based on the arrangement of rock types. I also think they should benefit from knowing what different types of rock mean, so each zone can be a part of your mining strategy. These zones should not be totally controlled by the current biome, but they should have a greater chance to spawn in some biomes. They can be as small as a patch of rocks around a small valley or multiple biomes wide.

    Sedimentary "Zones"

    These zones are often found near or in river and swamp biomes-essentially wet places where masses of dirt get pushed together and dry to become (mostly) solid masses. You can find silt in this biome, as well as more coal than usual. Silt has a 100% chance to drop multiple materials other than itself if you don't use silk touch and often drops bones, blocks of bones or rarely skulls, but can drop more mundane things like flint or coal.

    Metamorphic "Zones"

    Fairly common in oceans, this place has rocks created by high pressures. Geodes and diamonds are more common here (because of the increase in pressure that gave the zone its rock type). Coal may be rarer.

    Igneous "Zones"

    The rocks here are made of cooled lava. Underground lava lakes are very common here, and sometimes mountains can be volcanos (essentially just a lava shaft, no extra effects). You can find a new source of gunpowder here: Sulphur ore drops 2-3 gunpowder when mined, only spawns in igneous biomes and is extremely unstable. Even torches can set them off. So the game may have to remove deposits too close to lava or else loading chunks will involve kabooms.

    Anyway, that's about it.

    submitted by /u/Brawley-Radish
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    Void Crawler- A New Arthropod (Name Needs Work?)

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 08:50 AM PDT

    At the moment bane of arthropods is kinda... not an enchantment most get excited to roll. With the cave update this should be changed. My solution? I'd like to present what I could only describe as a void crawler (name pending).


    It would be an end-themed centipede based creature with an aesthetic similar to that of the warden. This means it would give off a tone of "don't mess with me" while not nessesarily looking evil in the same way wither based mobs do. Body wise it would be 1/2 block tall, 1~ block wide, and 2-3 blocks long (couldn't decide on which). It also wouldn't be a literal centipede, instead only having 10 legs spread evenly across its body. This was because any more than 10 would just be too many legs and polygons for a mob in this game. The legs would also be kinda stumpy seeing as it's very low to the ground. When walking a sort of 'wave' would form with the legs where the legs lift linearly one after another. It would also have twitchy antenna to help it detect nearby prey.


    These would spawn on the lower y-axis values of the world in all sort of general cave biomes. Why? Because at the moment you fight the same mobs underground from top to bottom. I think there should be something lurking in the deep underground as you try to get better gear like diamonds. I also think it shouldn't be found in the more niche biomes where mobs like the warden can be found or the lush cave because not having a more general danger in that biome would help with the uniqueness of the biome.


    Crawling around looking for food the void crawler makes its way around the deeper underground, looking for meat to eat. While rather short sighted and forgetful of where its prey went its anntenea help bridge the gap, sense any louder sounds in the area. It finds something: a groaning sound accompanied by the imagery of rotting flesh. The hunt begins. I'd like to propose this mob be portrayed as the predator centipedes really are. Not only would it attack the player but also fleshier mobs in the underground. This includes zombies, types of spiders, and maybe even slimes. Then when it makes its kill it eats the rotten flesh, spider eye, etc the same way a fox eats chicken. This eating sound would help the player hear it nearby. Occasionally to help it hunt it would also make a faint sort of clicking sound, similar to the noise of cave 19. Not only would this make the ambient cave sound even creepier it would finally tie the noise to an in game mob. Combat wise it would deal around 5-6 damage. I want this to be something not unkillable but a real challenge for those in iron armour trying to make their way towards diamond. It would have around 24~ health points, making it beefy but not terrible. Remember: this is a predator that feeds on things like zombies, so if anything my stats probably need to be slightly higher? I'm not great at that kind of stuff yet though.

    Edit: sound based stuff was mainly to emulate it smelling the air with the currently announced mechanics instead of a new mechanic. However instead maybe it has a short radius it will always smell the player in, then a wider radius for zombies (which smell bad) and players with the hunger debuff (because that means you've been eating rotten flesh and probably smell putrid)

    What Makes It Unique?

    I have several points for this, some more.. contentious than others.

    Firstly when dealing damage it would inflict mining fatigue, for around or less than a minute. This is to help ensure the prey has a harder time escaping while also simulating a sort of poison without actually poisoning the player.

    Next it would be fairly fast. Not as fast as a player sprinting but enough to require the player to sprint to get away. It has a lot of legs and is much more used to getting around caves and hunting than you are. You can bet your butt itll give you a run for your money.

    The most contensious issue is the coolest one. When the world is generating caves it would pick two cave walls and create a 1/2 to 1 block tunnel between them. This allows the void crawler to traverse caves in a unique way other mobs can't. It would also allow things like sound through to alert it if it's in a nearby portion of cave, so it would then scuttle through the tunnel and surprise the player. However I don't know how feesable this is with how minecraft generates worlds. I also dont know how people feel about things like stone slabs being naturally spawning (this is an entire suggestion in itself).

    Just a neat idea I had while stocking shelves at work, what do you guys think?

    Vote for it on the feedback site here (Ill have a working link when it's no longer pending approval)

    submitted by /u/Sushimus
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    Can we PLEASE up the beacon radius

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 09:15 AM PDT

    The beacon radius as it is right now, just doesn't work. If anybody wants to make a moderately large base they have to spend way more time than should be necessary collecting multiple beacons. The beacon length right now, is supposedly around 70 meters. A max beacon should around 120 AT LEAST, because right now. Beacons hardly work.

    note u/LordTrython said:
    How about using more expensive blocks gives you more effects and increases the range? Like full beacon of Iron= 70 Gold= 100 Emerald= 128 Diamond= 180 Netherite= 256 And more effects to choose, and use at the same time, and higher levels of the effects?

    submitted by /u/professorOVreddit
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    Blast furnace smoke

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 12:26 AM PDT

    When a blast furnace is active, it should produce steam particles.

    submitted by /u/sjThame
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    Curse of Clumsiness

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 08:29 AM PDT

    To cut straight to it, this would make mobs drop no loot items, though still xp, when killed.

    I feel this fits perfectly with the other two curses, being negative at first glance, but useful in situations. I'm sure many can relate to just trying to build but being swarmed by random mobs that you kill, and ending up with rotten flesh, arrows, spider eyes etc that you just don't want clogging your inventory, only ending up throwing away anyway.

    If used on a mining tool instead of a weapon, perhaps it could destroy the block and make it drop nothing, useful for clearing out large areas of blocks that you don't want or need.

    submitted by /u/david_this_isnt_weed
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    After the Caves and Cliffs Update, the surface desperately needs an overhaul

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 12:39 PM PDT

    Sorry if this seems kinda early, but I've been thinking about this for a while now. Caves and Cliffs hasn't technically started yet, but it seems like the single biggest update we've gotten yet. The amount of new features from Minecraft Live is genuinely overwhelming, and they didn't even acknowledge a few features, like the candles and what I assume is supposed to be marble. This is all great and I'm sure the developers are working tirelessly to perfect themselves.

    At the same time, I feel like it's a tad too much. I don't mean we're getting too many features or that they should remove anything, not at all. When you really break it down, most Minecraft biomes are relatively simple, with only a handful having a specific gimmick. Taigas, for instance, have foxes, wolves, a lot of ferns, sweet berries, villages, boulders, spruce and... that's it. Here is everything we already know are coming to lush caves.

    1. Azalea Trees (not part of the caves, but still part of the biome)

    2. Azalea Leaves

    3. Azalea Roots

    4. Azalea Roots in Dirt

    5. Glow Berry Vines

    6. Glow Berries

    7. Spore Blossoms

    8. Dripleafs

    9. A separate plant that may or may not be tied to dripleafs

    10. Moss(?) blocks

    11. Moss(?) carpets(?)

    12. Some weird, 3D tree thing that might be an azalea sapling or bush

    13. Axolotls

    And presumably more. This is a lot of content, even ignoring existing blocks and mobs that can/might spawn here. In my opinion, this kind of diversity should be the default for biomes. Obviously Minecraft is supposed to have a sort of minimalist feel (to an extent), but most biomes as they are right now lack a real incentive to explore them. A lot of them don't feel as different as they should be, and others feel kinda redundant. Before foxes were added, I legit forgot taigas even counted as a biome.

    Every biome should have something unique about it to incentivize exploration. Trees are a great start, but as time goes on they'll become more and more demanding to add, and most biomes currently only use a single kind of tree. Flowers are pretty visually interesting, but there's only so much you can do with them, and they don't really add them on a regular basis like wood blocks. Structures are a good way to flesh out biomes, but I feel like temples specifically should be updated separately.

    An easy way to flesh out biomes more would be by diversifying mobs. Most biomes in the Overworld have practically the same inhabitants, with an occasional exclusion or addition, like strays in tundras. Not all of them need a specific gimmick like husks, but anything would be better than just seeing the same few animals everywhere, even in places where it doesn't make sense. Earth already has a lot of great mob variants, and some actually serve specific purposes. For example, woolly cows are basically a mix between sheep and cows, thus giving sheep an excuse to not spawn in tundras or mountains.

    Even then, I don't think we should have only mob variants. As much as I like them, I can understand why they might get repetitive after a while. Like I said before, it can be kinda annoying seeing the same few animals everywhere, so why not add more? Deer could spawn in place of cows in forests, being afraid of artificial light sources, but dropping venison as good as beef, maybe with some kind of buff. Crocodiles could be a defensive mob, ala pufferfish, respecting your boundaries if you respect theirs, spending most of their time relaxing and arguing with each other. So on and so forth.

    A full on biome update would also be the perfect place to add the remaining features announced through the biome vote. They've been pretty insistent about them still coming eventually, albeit not as a top priority, so since we're finally getting the single most requested update in the game's history, I think it'd be a wise move to do them next. A lot of people consider them practically dead due to the wait, and only doing one of them would probably leave a bad taste in people's mouths, so it'd be best to just do them all at once. Even then, this shouldn't be the only thing that comes in a biome update.

    Biomes are more than just mobs. I do think we could use a lot more animals for both ambience and gameplay, but I think an easier way to enhance biomes would be to prioritize new blocks and items. Every biome should have something distinct and interesting in them to make them stand out, and Caves and Cliffs already shows the kind of content I think other biomes could use. Blueberries and pinecones could spawn in regular forests, alongside some kind of spore blossom-like block to generate leaf particles. Clovers could be a new kind of flora native to plains, allowing you to finally brew lucky potions, while deserts could get more types of sandstone and sand layers. There's a lot of potential here.

    submitted by /u/Realshow
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    Add more birds

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 08:36 AM PDT

    I think the skies are a tad empty. I think more mobs in the sky would help it look nicer. So here are some ideas.

    Hawks These are essentially sky dogs. Their AI prioritizes phantoms, as dogs and players have difficulties killing them. If there aren't phantoms, they will dive bomb any mobs that the player attacks. They are tamed with rabbit meat. They also will attack rabbits if there are no mobs around.

    Crows Crows are tamed with seeds. They will usually bring the player an item every 1 to 2 days. Some items include iron nuggets, gold nuggets, emeralds, and occasionally will bring you items that were dropped on your previous death. Pigeons Pigeons are tamed with seeds. They can be used to send items to other players in a world, or in the case of singleplayer, go to the bed that the player has most recently slept in and put items in the nearest chest. They only have 3 slots.

    submitted by /u/AccioComedy
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    Red sand should generate in more layers in Mesas

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 12:35 AM PDT

    At the moment, red sand generates in a layer of 1. Just one, no more, unlike regular deserts where I can get stacks mining off a small square of sand.

    It's ridiculous, I'm trying to build with this and I'm struggling to find areas in my Mesa where it wouldn't make the terrain look ugly to get an even passable amount of red sandstone blocks. Red sand is way too hard to get and I am forces to completely deface my mesa biome to get any usable amount. Compared to a desert, where you cna simply mine out a 32x square of sand and have a huge amount of sand at your disposal, and you can cover it as you have multiple blocks per column of sand. Meanwhile in the mesas you not only get way less red sand but you can't even cover your tracks!

    So my solution is to make it so red sand generates in more than freaking one layer. Even with no red sandstone under it, this would vastly increase the amount of red sand I get and make much smaller areas required and I'd be able to actually build with red sandstone.

    submitted by /u/Roadhog360
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    Eating glow berries gives a few seconds of “glowing”

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 06:20 AM PDT

    Eating glow berries from the new 1.17 lush caves gives a few seconds of the glowing effect

    submitted by /u/airgo32
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    Add a purpose for the cauldron.

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 10:34 AM PDT

    My idea would to be able to boil water under a fire/campfire. When it's boiled, it should be clearer. You can bottle it and drink it to get 1 hunger point, and a status effect, "Refreshed". If you drink another bottle while affected, you get a longer one. If you drink another, you get nothing. The Refreshed effect would regenerate health faster and make hunger drain a little slower. So think Saturation and Regeneration but really weak. You could also add ingredients to Boiled Water like Carrots, Potatoes, any raw fish, raw beef, raw porkchop, and raw chicken. You have to leave it for 3 minutes to cook. After cooking, it will be either a light or dark brown. You can scoop with a bowl. There would be 5 servings in 1 cauldron. All of the ingredients you added would have their hunger points added up and the saturation would be doubled. If there is anything wrong with this suggestion, please tell me but please don't be mean.

    submitted by /u/Dickbutt209
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    Pirates - Ocean pillagers riding boats, some with parrot companions and some dropping telescopes.

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 11:38 AM PDT

    I have a bunch of villagers on an island in the middle of the ocean, and it's really boring without the threat of pillages. It would be cool for some pillagers to spawn in regular boats in the ocean, then have them exit their boats when arriving on land and beginning a pillage. Maybe they could drop the new telescope as well, with some having swords and others having parrots?

    Edit: instead of or in addition to banners, maybe some could have big fancy pirate hats?

    submitted by /u/StTheo
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    End Crystals require amethyst crystals instead of ghast tears

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 04:08 AM PDT

    Both are crystals that have pink/violet color, and End crystals being made of ghast tears does not make that much sense. This would make amethyst crystals desirable for farm, because it allows you to refight the Ender Dragon. This would not be the only use for the crystal of course.

    submitted by /u/ShrekLeftTesticle1
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    Making mounts useful again.

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 12:22 PM PDT

    It goes without saying that nowadays with elytra and shulker boxes horses are entirely useless. The elytra are a far more effective way of travel and the donkey's storage is too small. So I believe it's time to make some changes.

    The first change needed is making horse armor craftable, you can already craft leather horse armor so not adding the others is a huge inconsistency. Additionally as horse armor is now craftable it needs durability. A huge part of the reasoning for this is that horse armor is a rare chest loot and is ultimately useless. You go adventuring and the majority of the time you leave hundreds of sets behind. You never find horse armor and think "YES!" finally my horse will be strong, you think "ugh, another useless set of horse armor." This would of course mean that netherite horse armor would be added. I personally believe saddles should also be craftable, but that would take away the benefit of killing a ravager so it would need a new loot drop along the saddle to compensate for that loss. (saddles do not need to have durability in fact its better they remain unbreakable)

    Secondly it is impossible to fight on a horse, your own horses hitbox gets in the way of arrows and sword swings making pvp and pve impossible, as a way to negate this the hit box needs to be changed when you are riding a horse to make it easier to shoot and attack. Typically your attacks bounce of the neck of the horse so I feel a change is needed there.

    Third is enchantments to horse armor and saddles. This would greatly improve the possibilities of mounted combat. Some obvious examples are the different protection enchantments and unbreaking as an armor enchantment and things like feather falling and frost walker being saddle enchantments. The reason that you have enchants exclusive to armor and saddles is that horses are the only ones to get armor. Where as saddle enchantments could help pigs, striders, donkeys, and mules. Some new enchantment ideas would be appreciated in the comments.

    Fourth is saddle bags, a replacement to the chests you put on donkeys and mules and lamas. The reason I feel that a switch is needed is because of certain enchantments that wouldn't make sense on a saddle for these two. It doesn't make much sense to enchant a chest so a new item is needed. As is the saddlebags could be made using leather and string though there are likely better recipes. They would hold the same amount that chests on donkeys do now. However they have one major difference, and that is the enchantment: "Burden". This enchantment would increase the size of the saddle bags to that of a double chest and would give donkeys and mules HUGE use in large projects that require excavating, such as digging up a dessert or stripping away a mountain.

    Some minor improvements I'd like to see as well is two people ridding a horse, and skeleton horses gaining the ability to wear armor. Right now skeleton horses are good for underwater travel because they don't drown however they have much less health than a horse and can't wear armor or use a chest. So I believe they should keep their low heath but in exchange gain the ability to wear armor so they aren't useless in combat only weaker than horses. Another minor thing is the final implementation of the zombie horse, a mob that has been long forgotten, there are many ways to implement it but I won't go into that here.

    submitted by /u/Cyndashine
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    Add Glass Trapdoors

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 07:56 AM PDT

    It might seem unrealistic(or even bad lol) but a Glass Trapdoor could help look out for mobs from a safe place and attack them from the same spot.

    Acacia Trapdoors are kinda transparent, but a completely transparent Trapdoor would be even better.

    submitted by /u/spandanspace
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    Make music more accessible, controllable, and fun!

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 01:23 PM PDT

    As of now, jukeboxes are only useful for 2 things: 1: playing records, 2: emitting redstone signals based on what record is playing.

    These are good, but not sufficient enough for the cost of a diamond. The current functions can stay, but it needs more. For one, the jukebox should have a UI that allows you to place discs into a slot and play them. The current track playing can then have its name viewed in the UI, as well as be set to loop, and can also be sped up, slowed down, and can skip parts with a button that skips ahead 5 seconds, and another that goes back 5 seconds. This would give the player more control over their listening experience, and would make discs a bit more of a tool rather than a trophy.

    The jukebox could also be used to make another item: a Radio! Using a combination of wood, a jukebox, amethyst, and copper, you can make a radio! They will be placeable, and will be about the size of a mob head, but they also have more functions that I will get to later.

    One thing radios should be able to do is play normal tracks from the game. Any track that you've previously heard in the current world in-game will be added to a list of tracks you can select from. The same functionality from the jukeboxes applies to the radio, where you can change playback speed, skip or go back to certain parts, pause, or set to loop. Any time you begin hearing an ambient song, it will be added to the playlist, and you can play it anytime. Playing a song with a radio, or jukebox for that matter, should stop any background tracks from playing so it doesn't overlap. Jukebox songs will not work for the radio, so records don't become meaningless.

    Another thing radios should be able to do is be mobile! Making a radio play a track, and picking up the radio will make the radio continue playing that track. The current track will be displayed on the item tooltip. However, you will need to place the radio back down to make changes to the song. Any changes you made to the track will be saved when you pick it up.

    Improving jukeboxes, as well as having mobile radios will be subtle features, and have no bearing on ability, but they will be enjoyable, and will give players that sense of control over their listening experience that they've wanted for while. Since Minecraft has an amazing soundtrack, there will obviously be tracks that people will like best, and there is almost no reason it shouldn't be at least considered.

    submitted by /u/raspberrypieboi18
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    A Librarian that buys any unwanted Enchantment Books!

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 01:58 PM PDT

    If you are an insane librarian farmer or Enchantment goon like me surely you have a big steaming pile of useless lvl 1 books🤣

    What if a librarian has a chance to buy ANY books? They could be a lvl 2 librarian and buy for 1-2 emeralds. Whatcha think?

    submitted by /u/foxinthesack
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    Stone Signs

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 02:44 PM PDT

    Why not? Stone signs, cobblestone signs, good for decorations, maybe some graveyards idk sounds kinda cool to me opinions?

    submitted by /u/caos998
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    Add formations to the ceilings of basalt deltas

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 04:36 AM PDT

    Have you ever been to a basalt delta? (If so, you probably hate them just as much as I do, stupid magma cubes and pit traps). Yeah, probably, if you've played 1.16. However, have you ever looked up in a basalt delta, to the ceiling? It's almost completely flat, only a small cave or ravine here and there to spice it up. They suck.

    I'm saying that similar terrain features to the columns on the ground (these ones), except upside down, should generate on the ceilings, as it would spice it up, look a lot cooler, and give it more of a "ruined volcanic cavern" feel. Perhaps basalt pillars (these ones) could also generate, as they'd blend in with the terrain well (not looking too out of place) while still adding more depth to the biomes.

    submitted by /u/EpicNecromancer
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    "Tracking" ability for dogs

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 01:29 PM PDT

    Don't know if this has been posted before, and this is a dumb suggestions, but like what if dogs had the ability to find certain mobs? Like, If you present them (dropping the item on the ground) with a piece of meat or item exclusive to the mob you want to track, they will come up, sniff it then begin wandering in a general direction where the mob is. This would be restricted to a certain radius. Hypothetically, this could be also applied to players. Idk, don't know how they'd implement this, but since they're adding a blind monster who moves based on sound... Any criticism is welcome and encouraged

    submitted by /u/Meemesfourdayz
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    Condors need to be in the new super mountains

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 03:48 PM PDT

    The new mountains look amazing, and I was pleasantly surprised with the goats, but I noticed that there isn't any reason for climbing the mountains besides maybe the view. This, as well as 4 other problems, can be solved with adding condors.

    Condors will rarely spawn at the top of the new mountains in a condor nest. From there they will circle around the local area, where the will some times swoop down and pick up dropped items (like foxes). They will carry these items back to their nest, which will naturally spawn with a condor egg and one treasure (iron, gold, emerald, diamond). Only a condor can place an item in it's nest, which can only have 5 items in it. Once a nest is full, the condor will take a random item, fly around, and eventually dropping it from the air. (This is one method that condors in real life use to break bones.)

    The Condor egg, along with any other items in the nest, can be taken by left clicking the nest, or with a hopper. The egg can then be taken home and placed in a new nest, which is crafted like a camp fire but with feathers, sticks, and a hay bale. Condors can't be tamed, but once the have grown up they will fly around the area surrounding their nest, bringing back dropped items as normal, which could be collected with a hopper. In addition, Condors scare away phantoms in the same way dogs and cats do, which is something that many players have said they wanted.

    If a condor nest is broken, it will circle farther away until it finds a new abandoned nest, (probably player made.) Condors can be bred using rotten flesh, matching their real life counterparts who are scavengers.

    Condors should have about the same health as a phantom. It's important to note that condors are not hostile, and will instead fly away if attacked. On death, (which should be discouraged, as they are very rare) they drop feathers and bones.

    In total, condors would solve these problems:

    1-more reason to climb mountains

    2-more flying creatures

    3-more birds

    4-way to stop phantoms besides beds

    5-bringing awareness to condors, who are extremely endangered, with a population of just about three hundred.

    submitted by /u/Biggest-Ja
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    Gravity goes Wonky in the Reverse Caves biome

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 02:48 PM PDT

    Gravity goes Wonky in the Reverse Caves biome

    Hey everybody! Second post this week!

    This one is really...weird. It was inspired by u/Dinnerbone, as well as a video that I can't seem to find again on YouTube.

    This biome would be like a forest within a cave, except the trees are growing from the ceiling, water flows upwards in this biome, and gravity blocks also would fall upwards. You would have to try your luck jumping from treetop to treetop (the undersides of them, that is), or you could test the heavy mist that sits on the bottom of this cavern, making it virtually impossible to see. Very few creatures make their homes here, where any block you mine's drop falls upward, and where you can either fall towards the mists, or climb up to the ground. This biome is also lit up with the same cycle as the surface of the overworld, but the light comes from the cave floor, within the mists. Also, the fall to the "sky" would kill you if you started on the "ground", no matter what kind of armor you wore.

    Within the mists there would be a creeper variant called the Geist, which would be white with grey flecks all over it, nearly impossible to see within the mists. They would silently sneak up on you and then explode in your face. If you survived the explosion, the Geist's blast would give you levitation like a shulker bullet, floating you up and then dropping you.

    The next mob would be the Leafer, a mob that could tuck into itself and look like a leaf block, but when not tucked in, it would look something like the image that I posted below.

    Remember: This is a very rough sketch, just to get the basic idea.

    It is typically covered in a green, leaf-like pattern, and has long legs, a short tail, and protruding eyes. Is passive, and will run away from player. It's feet have developed enough to stick to the "tops" of the trees, walking there to get away from enemies. I am currently unsure of it's drops.

    I am unsure about this part, but you might be able to find typically spawning on the surface creatures in the Reverse caves, upside down to you, with gravity mechanics as if the "ground" was right-side up.

    That's all I got! Let me know what you guys think in the comments below!

    submitted by /u/TwilightWings21
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    Mountains of Fiery Glory: Volcanoes in Minecraft

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 01:51 PM PDT

    Okay, so right off the bat, I am going to tell you that this has nothing to do with natural disasters. The volcanoes that I am proposing here will either have not yet erupted(and never will), or already erupted sometime in the past.

    With that out of the way, welcome everybody to my fourth post this week! I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy sharing it.

    Also, the volcano types and basic mechanics were originally posted here by slenderender64.

    With volcanoes, there will be five types of volcanoes, three non-erupted ones, and two erupted. The first three are cinder cones, composite volcanoes, and shield volcanoes. The last two are lava domes and volcanogenic lakes.

    Cinder cones are the stereotypical cone shaped volcano with the top open with a lake of lava inside, but if you find a dormant one (which all variants have) it would basically be a life time supply of obsidian and if you manage to dig down to the bottom you can also find large veins of diamonds.

    Composite volcanoes would be similar to the cinder cones but with some vents that let rivers of lava flow out of them, and if you find a dormant version in and around those vents you can find basalt.

    Shield volcanoes would look similar to today's (before 1.17) mountain but with a a lake of lava in the middle of them, and in dormant ones there would also be a lot of obsidian,but there also could be a higher chance of finding amethyst geodes in them.

    Lava domes would basically be the abandoned village of volcanoes where it all ready erupted and all that left if a lake of lava and around them would be full forests of burned trees, ash blocks and burned leaves and grass. There would also occasionally be "meteors". In these you would find magma, as well as new blocks called heat stone and melted cobble, with an occasional new ore called volcanite, which can rarely be found in any kind of volcano. More on that later.

    Volcanogenic Lakes would be erupted volcanoes, dormant ones, whose top, instead of being filled with lava, is filled with a type of water that is like a hot springs, maybe giving mild regeneration. Here there would be, within the water, two new mobs, the steam fish and the lava shrimp. The water is too hot for other mobs, and if a player stayed in too long, instead of getting healed, they would begin to take damage.

    For all of these biomes, ravines would generate more commonly around them, both above and below ground, there would be a new mob called the pyrosalamander (fire salamander) scurrying about, and there would be a new kind of ore that rarely would generate, called volcanite ore.

    Okay, so here is some information on the features that would be added.


    Passive mobs that are immune to lava or fire damage, they are harmed by water, are extremely fast, and if a player steps on them by accident the player takes a little damage.

    Steam fish:

    Just a new kind of fish, faster than other fish with steam particles coming out of it's gills, drops itself, when eaten gives a short speed boost effect. Can be put in a bucket.

    Lava shrimp:

    They are just as happy in volcanogenic water as they are in lava, but will die if put in anything else. Are a purely ambient mob. Can be put in a bucket.

    Compression table:

    This table is a new function added to the game, able to compress certain things down into others. If something new can be compressed it says so in it's description. Crafted using three pistons and six wood planks.


    Can be used to make an ash block, or can be thrown to make a temporary particle cloud.

    Ash blocks:

    Made with nine ash, when stepped on it disappears in a cloud of particles, dropping nothing. It is a gravity block, but it breaks directly after hitting the ground, dropping nothing. Can only be gathered with silk touch. When placed into a compression table, it can be compressed into a piece of charcoal.

    Heat stone:

    Just a stone variant for the volcanic biomes.

    Melted cobble:

    Just a cobblestone variant for the volcanic biomes.

    Burned logs:

    They would be like all other wood, but always, when mind, have a chance of dissolving into ash particles when mined, instead of dropping. Found around volcanoes, or can be formed when a tree is set on fire.

    Burned leaves:

    Burned leaves would drop ash, and would be the main way to get ash. Can only be gathered with silk touch. Found around volcanoes, it can form when a tree sets on fire.

    Burned grass:

    Just a grass variant, drops dirt, can be gathered with silk touch, it forms when a grass block is set on fire. Does not spread.


    Volcanite would be a new kind of ore, about the strength of iron, and would have an ingot, a nugget, a block, and a plate variant. Volcanite plates are made by compressing a volcanite ingot in the compression table. A very rare ore. This would also float on lava like netherite.

    Volcanite tools:

    These tools would be about iron in strength, but would have innate fire aspect on them, giving the reason why this ore is so rare.

    Volcanite arrows:

    Made by surrounding an arrow with volcanite nuggets, when fired out of any bow or crossbow, even without any enchantments on it, the arrow would light on fire like an arrow out of a bow with flame on it. This only happens with volcanite arrows, not with any other arrows.

    Volcanite armor:

    This armor would be about the strength of iron, but would innately have a new enchantment, Flamecatcher.

    Flamecatcher enchantment:

    This enchantment would be like thorns, making it so that any time anything with this enchantment on it's armor would catch on fire, as if they had just stepped in lava.

    Volcanite plated boats:

    These would be crafted by surrounding a boat in volcanite plates. This would be a heavily armored, but slow, boat, making it harder to break and a lot more durable. This boat would also be able to traverse lava in the overworld. Now, I know that lava boats are on the FPS list, but hear me out. The boats would have durability, and the durability would significantly decrease every time it is used on lava, and if a player attempts to use it in the nether, the boat would immediately evaporate, having melted. So, super rare materials, hard to get, and extreme limitations.

    Tell me what you guys think in the comments below!

    submitted by /u/TwilightWings21
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    Crossbow enchantment: Siege Mode

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 12:45 PM PDT

    Siege Mode is obtained from nether loot or Poglin trades. When holding the crossbow and standing still for 5 seconds, you deal 50% extra damage. And when both staying still AND not moving your cursor at all for 7 seconds, you deal an additional 200% damage on the next shot.

    This makes crossbows excellent defensive weapons, such as for a fortified castle, which is exactly what they were once used for.

    submitted by /u/Tactical-Kitten-117
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    Pirate Ships

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 11:56 AM PDT

    Just as we can find sunken ships in the sea, I think we should have a chance of coming across ships structures floating in the sea with illagers/pillagers on it. Maybe a new variant of illagers that look like pirates. The ships would be the same as the sunken ones only intact with maybe a crossbones flag or something.

    Maybe there could be a really rare KING PIRATE ship that's bigger, more decorated, and with multiple flags showing there's more pirates on board with a captain, which when killed gives the same affect for killing a pillager leader only this time "pirates" will raid your village and you can even loot their ships after you fight them off.

    The Nether could also have this but for piglins, and killing their leader spawns a portal instead for them to come out of to raid a village which you can take back to their ship and loot after.

    submitted by /u/vickidarude
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    Lightning Rods, like walls, should change its appearance when something is placed on top of it

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 05:30 AM PDT

    If you place a block or another Lightning Rod on a Lightning Rod, it should lose the "ball" at the top. This can make it look like the Lightning rod is taller, or that a person is using copper poles. It won't change if a slab or a stair is placed on top instead, and barrier blocks can be used to get this change.

    submitted by /u/WardenWatcher
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