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    Minecraft Elytra durability indicator

    Minecraft Elytra durability indicator

    Elytra durability indicator

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 03:16 PM PST

    Elytra durability indicator

    Today my elytra broke while i was flying above a lava lake in the nether and i lost a lot of stuff and i think this would prevent that from happening to any other minecraft player.

    Possible designs:

    Option 1

    Option 2

    Option 3

    submitted by /u/Fettstein
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    There should be an achievement when you sleep in the Nether called "Nether gonna give you up"

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 12:47 PM PST

    We already have a song pun achievement named "Country lode take me home" this wouldn't be out of place

    submitted by /u/kleidis
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    Spawner Dungeons should be designed to suit the mob they spawn - Skeleton dungeon concept

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 12:21 PM PST

    Spawner Dungeons should be designed to suit the mob they spawn - Skeleton dungeon concept

    The current mob spawner dungeons are pretty boring. They are all identical and do not provide interesting challenges to the player. Spawner dungeons should accomodate the mobs that spawn in them and be designed in a way that gives them advantage over the player.

    To fix this, I made a concept for skeleton spawner dungeon based on these principles. The general idea is that this dungeon provides skeletons with safe spots for shooting the player from afar while being hard to reach.

    Overview of the duneon layout. The area in the middle is lower than the surrounding walkways to make the player an easy target.

    The main danger is being exposed in the middle area but the slim corridors around it also pose a threat since there is no real place to take cover when approaching the spawner itself.

    The player will have to enter the danger zone in order to access the loot chests. While down here, the skeletons can freely shoot through the arched openings.

    The niches in the wall are supposed to resemble catacomb shelves, fitting for a skeleton dungeon.

    The loot chests are stored away in niches in the wall to force the player to go down into the middle in order to get the loot (Or just cheese it by breaking the blocks, I guess). Unlit candles can also be found here to increase the spooky ambience. Lighting the candles will not be sufficient to disable the spawner but could make it easier for players to navigate.

    Here's how the dungeon looks without NV and with lit candles. Ominous isn't it?

    So yeah, I think the dungeons in general could really need a facelift that makes each of them more unique. This was just one example of how it could be done, I'll probably make some concepts for spiders and zombies too, along the way.

    Feedback appreaciated

    submitted by /u/Chris_The_Alligator
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    When the player uses the goat horn, it will cause the player's tamed horse to come back to them.

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 11:28 PM PST

    This will help the player find their horse if it has wandered off, and it gives the goat horn a unique use.

    submitted by /u/Fishy4444
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    Rusted iron bars

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 01:18 PM PST

    So with 1.17 we got the feature of aging stuff, like the copper stuff. So my suggestion is rusted iron bars. The player would make the iron bars and place them in water and in a few minutes it would turn into rusted iron bars. These can only be picked up using a silk touch pick, coz rust makes materials weak and stuff. You can't change them back to normal iron bars, the change is irreversible like concrete power to concrete. I feel like it would look pretty cool in builds that are meant to look really old and dilapidated since the normal iron bars are just too shiny and bright.

    submitted by /u/XxsuryabxX
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    Make Item Frames Dye-able

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 12:04 PM PST

    Since leather armor can be dyed, why should item frames be left out? The way it works is simple; you put a dye in the crafting table with the item frame and the background changes color to that certain dye instead of the boring and vanilla leather background. This will be a great substitute for vertical slabs and customizing will be a lot more unique.

    submitted by /u/alpinellj
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    Archeology Item: Enchanted Book - Legacy

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 11:08 AM PST

    This enchant is strictly for lore. When applied to an item the item permanently retains the enchantment. The item now remembers who all owners of the item were and what the owner's highest level was while the item was in the player's inventory. Legacy also remembers any death messages experienced by the player when the enchanted item was in the inventory. It also retains how much xp in total across all players was gained while the item was in the inventory of any player. And lastly, the Legacy enchantment should also retain all name tags applied to the item.

    The idea is that the item itself has lore.

    submitted by /u/RocketTwitch
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    Make candles have random rotation

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 11:08 AM PST

    It would be a great little detail if candles had random directional rotation like some other blocks (i.e. grass blocks). This would make them appear less grid-like when you place many of them together

    submitted by /u/Chris_The_Alligator
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    Carpets under Fences

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 11:47 AM PST

    You should definitely be able to place carpets or snow under fences. This would make for great interior decoration. How many times have you made stair post and couldn't place carpet under it. Or building a tent village on top of a mountain and can't place snow under the fences. Please Mojang consider adding this as I think it would be a great addition and help many people with their builds. Sorry if I didn't search well enough and this has been posted before.

    submitted by /u/Leafy122
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    Allow bundles to be used as saddle bags.

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 03:03 PM PST


    Make the empty space (red) in the horse GUI into a slot for a bundle. The unused space (blue) could be used to display the contents of the bundle.

    Players would be able remove the bundle and the contents therein, which would make sense for it being a bag tied to your horse.

    One bundle slot per horse would prevent it from being an over-powered feature; users would have to find, tame, make leads for, and protect many horses if they wanted a large amount of mobile storage space.

    If the horse is killed it would drop the bundle just like the saddle and armor.

    Implementing this would:

    1) Finally "finish" the horse GUI.

    2) Encourage players to wander further from their bases and into the huge world of minecraft.

    3) Make a nomadic game playthrough more feasible.

    4) Make horses more useful in combat; they could store extra arrows, potions and other weapons that are accessible while riding.

    submitted by /u/K-guy
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    Blast Resistant Netherite

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 03:11 PM PST

    I was fighting the wither with my netherite gear, and I died. After I came back, all my gear was gone. From this, I learned that netherite is not blast resistant. I think this is weird for two reasons:

    (1) Netherite comes from ancient debris. Ancient debris is blast resistant, so netherite should also be blast resistant.

    (2) Netherite is a strong metal. Explosions cannot destroy it, because most metals in real-life are blast-resistant to some degree.

    Thus, netherite should be blast resistant.

    submitted by /u/Evening-Cash-4183
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    Make night vision a beacon effect option

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 02:37 PM PST

    Night vision should be added as one of the effects you can choose for a beacon. It isn't overpowered by any means, but it would be convenient for mining and just being around your base in general.

    submitted by /u/Dannyboi437
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    /gamerule doPiglinProvocation true-false

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 12:10 PM PST

    When set to false, piglins will not attack players opening chests, destroying gold blocks, nether gold ore, etc. In survival, it is default set to true.

    submitted by /u/Evening-Cash-4183
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    Holding a lightning rod in off hand during thunderstorm makes you far more likely to be struck by lightning

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 09:00 PM PST

    Holding a lightning rod outside in the player's hand during thunderstorm makes the player far more likely to be struck by lightning.

    If you like this idea be sure to upvote on official feedback site:


    submitted by /u/RocketTwitch
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    Ender Chests, Trapped Chests, Shulker Boxes, and Barrels should all get unique wrapping paper textures in December.

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 05:57 PM PST

    Currently, there are 2 present box textures in December. A red one for small chests, small trapped chests, and ender chests, and a green one for large chests and large trapped chests. But wouldn't it be nice if they were all different colored presents, with a couple different patterns?

    I also think these seasonal storage device textures should be toggleable in Video Settings, as some people don't want the Christmas Present chests.

    submitted by /u/HeroWither123546
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    Three different types of mob spawners, three different types of dungeons

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 07:35 AM PST

    As many have pointed out, mobs spawners are a very old structure and need an update, and I think this is a fairly obvious way to do it.

    There's 3 different types of mob spawners in dungeons: spider, skeletons, and zombies. Why are they in rooms that look identical?

    Zombie dungeons should be in rooms that are shaped like tombs, a somewhat rectangular room with a square box in the middle containing the spawner and the chests by the box. The box could be made of a hard block that an iron pickaxe mines slowly or several blocks thick, to make taking control of the spawner difficult since you have to mine as zombies spawn.

    Skeleton dungeons should be found inside a large and somewhat hollow skull shaped structure made of bones. So skeletons could be spawning in mid air and falling down on you, and they could be spawning on the random ledges and make shift platforms created by the uneven terrain of the inside of a bony structure.

    Spider dungeons could have lots of cobwebs, but to differentiate them from mineshaft cave spawners, we could have the cobwebs arranged in the shape of a proper spider nest, and just like real spider nests, they could be located in very inconvenient places and appear to be suspended by being stuck to the walls. The spawner could be smack in the middle of the webs.

    submitted by /u/wielderofFire1051
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    A potion that restores hunger

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 12:39 PM PST

    I had an idea pop up in my head of a potion that can restore hunger (i googled it and i believe there isnt any at the moment) It would be a tedious process probably and i dont know what it would be called, but, would be a cool/unique flex.

    submitted by /u/bruh_captain
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    Players under the freezing effect hit with potions of slowness act even slower

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 12:25 PM PST

    Normal potion of slowness stacks with the freezing effect from powdered snow. The slowness wouldn't be as bad as potion of slowness IV but it would be slower than regular potion of slowness.

    submitted by /u/RocketTwitch
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    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 12:14 PM PST

    Dig deep in the specific biomes (probably desert) to find fossils. Like ores but they drop bones, and a new item -skulls. They can be used to ward off skeletons , and fossils can only be mine with iron pickaxe or higher.

    submitted by /u/Epic_Red_Tomato
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    Shine Powder

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 12:37 PM PST

    Obtaining: Golden Carrot -> Furnace -> Shine Powder


    Item frame + 4 SP = Invisible Frame;

    (Gunpowder + SP) + Gunpowder + Paper = Rocket (gives 3 secs of blindness);

    Bundle + 4SP = Invisible Bundle (like a cursed item, but can't be found until five minutes pass and shows when pass);

    SP -> Brewing Stand with Nether Wart -> Potion of Glowing.

    submitted by /u/Embebeber
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    A simple anti-cheese for the Warden

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 03:11 PM PST

    I've seen people suggest all sorts of things to avoid cheesing of the warden, from jumping high to breaking blocks. I recently thought of a very simple one. It has two components:

    1. The warden has the same reach distance as the player. This way, if the player is close enough to the warden to hit it, they are also close enough to get hit. Players having a much longer reach than most mobs is what allows for most cheesing in the first place.

    2. The warden takes significantly less projectile damage. This means it would take 75-100 arrows to kill the warden, which would incentivize using more risky melee attacks if you wanted to fight it.

    Let me know what your thoughts are!

    submitted by /u/Legoman1342
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    Piglins have a hunger bar

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 06:43 PM PST

    The only source of the piglins' food is the hoglins. That is why they hunt hoglins. Piglins are living mobs like players, so they need food to survive. My suggestion is to give piglins a hunger bar. The hunger bar is not visible to the player, and will decrease when the piglins move around.

    When the piglins' hunger bar is low, they will hunt hoglins for food. And when piglins' hunger bar is zero, they take starvation damage and eventually die.

    submitted by /u/Evening-Cash-4183
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    Indirect axe nerf

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 06:25 PM PST

    Axes are to op 1.9 pvp in combination with shields so I propose getting 2 crits with a sword wil stun the shield for mabye 1 second it wouldn't be nearly as long as the shiel but enough to get a swing in to get the edge or should I say the sweeping edge. Hilarious jokes aside this would make swords much more viable just because it isn't so easily taken down by shield you can try to go around but they'll follow you. I guess you could go inside them but it feels clunky and the last thing you want pvp to feel like is clunky. As an axe player you could reset this by switching your shield in or out of the offhand and back creating a sort of complexity that 1.9 severely needs ( so basically Doyle tapping f)

    submitted by /u/LightningKicker76
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    Beaches? Bigger expansions of sand, maybe with palm trees, and could appear in also every biome. Criticism Welcome.

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 02:20 AM PST

    Coconuts, but wouldn't be able to spawn desert villages or temples there.

    submitted by /u/Epic_Red_Tomato
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