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    Minecraft The /kill command should let you make custom death messages

    Minecraft The /kill command should let you make custom death messages

    The /kill command should let you make custom death messages

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 05:57 AM PST

    My idea is adding a new modifier for the /kill command that changes the death message that displays in chat along with its color. Here's an example of how it would look

    /kill playername "custom death message"

    The game will display the player name followed by the custom death message in the quotations.

    If there's no custom death message, the message will be "Player died suddenly and mysteriously."

    submitted by /u/-DCPT-
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    If the Warden kills you, the death message should display "[PlayerName] wandered too deep"

    Posted: 22 Nov 2020 05:00 PM PST

    This would make the Deep Dark biome and the Warden feel even more ominous.

    submitted by /u/MAGGOTINFESTEDCUNT
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    We NEED Sawmills

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 09:31 AM PST

    I'm so tired of having to use so much logs for my cool wooden houses. Well, I don't know if this has been suggested before, but I'm still going to suggest it because it needs to be a thing. We need Sawmills. In basic terms, it's the same thing as a stonecutter but for wood. It would be really usefull for saving wood and could possibly make a perfect introduction for vertical slabs. Hopefully you can all agree that we NEED this.

    submitted by /u/CreepDaGaMe
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    Reworking beacons (new level system, new effects, a new use for amethyst and more!)

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 01:05 PM PST

    Reworking beacons (new level system, new effects, a new use for amethyst and more!)

    Kind of a long post... TL;DR at the end.

    The first thing that comes to the mind of many of you when reading that title is probably 'Why? Why do beacons need a rework and what could be improved from the current ones?'
    Well allow me to elaborate:

    Right now, I'd say there are about 3 main issues with the current beacons (arguably more, but indirect stuff like getting the minerals or killing the wither should be left for different posts). So what are the 3 main issues I'm referring to?

    Introduction: What's wrong with the current beacons?

    Poor range: There have been countless suggestions and requests for an increase in the beacon's range, like no less than one of the top posts in this subreddit. With only a max of 50-block radius when you have all the 164 mineral blocks... it seems like it really does need an upgrade.

    Weak effects = Useless effects: The problem with the beacon right now, is that if you don't use farms or exploits or anything, you don't wanna waste any of your resources since they took you a lot of work to get. Most beacon effects right now are weak and they can't be combined. Which means that people that play without exploits will only be getting the ones that can actually be useful to have for that incredibly high price (Haste II for mining, Resistance II / Speed II for your base).
    What do you want Strength and Regen for when you're safe at your base, if Resistance can already overcome them for stuff like raids? And don't even get me started on the weakness of Jump Boost.

    Price-performance ratio not satisfied, game-stages and needs are unbalanced: Beacons right now cost not only a wither star to make, but also 164 mineral blocks to fully power. Which, if you don't have farms nor use any exploits, is quite a lot of resources. And for what? As I said before, more than half the effects aren't even worth it, it's really unbalanced + even the effects that are somewhat decent can simply be not enough, Haste has to be countered by the time you spend repairing your tools after (specially if you don't use exploit-based xp farms, since even with spawner farms it takes a while to repair) and Resistance won't be incredibly useful unless you're constantly spawning withers or fighting raids for some reason. Even though they could be easily defeated with the gear most people have after having reached the beacon with 164 blocks point.
    The beacon is presented as an ideal endgame item. But when you have reached the stage of having a beacon with 164 mineral blocks, most of what the beacon does is almost useless.

    Upgrading beacon range... with amethyst shards!

    You heard that right, as mentioned before, there have been a lot of complaints about the beacon's short range. But I think that simply upgrading its default range plain and simple just like that isn't really the best and most creative way to do it...

    Amethyst is a new material introduced for the 1.17 Caves & Cliffs update, for the sake of the reader I'm not gonna go into much detail about amethyst here, all you need to know is that right now, amethyst seems a bit useless.
    You can use it to craft a telescope that allows you to zoom a bit, or an opaque glass that doesn't let light come through... and that's about it. To be honest, they don't seem like incredibly useful items/blocks, so I thought of a nice way to make amethyst more useful in a different aspect, specially for endgame stage: Beacon range improvement!

    How this would work: My idea is that there will be a slot for the player to place amethyst in the beacon GUI + a bar showing how much the range has increased, like so:

    Concept design of the empty amethyst slot with the empty bar, made by u/ThatOneKirbyMain2568

    So you place amethyst in the slot, every amethyst fills the bar a bit.
    For every 5 amethyst placed, the bar will reach 1 extra level (as shown in the image below).

    More detailed bar for the amethyst: Example of how it would look like if you filled it until you reach level 2 (10 shards). For demonstration purposes, 1 shard is shown at the right to show what it would look like. Made by u/ThatOneKirbyMain2568 and edited by me

    Each level will grant 10 extra blocks of radius to the beacon range.
    But you can only reach as many levels as the amount of pyramids you have.
    (for eg. If your beacon has 3 pyramids, you can't get more than 3 levels of range increase).

    The amount of pyramids is capped at the ones that the beacon does count, right now is 4 (meaning a max of +40 = 90 blocks of radius), though in this same post (as you will see later) I suggest, for multiple reasons, the number be increased to 5.

    Also, same as the ingot, the amethyst shards will disappear (and apply the extra range) once the beacon is activated. If something wants to be changed, the amethyst shards (same as the ingot) will have to be re-applied to increase the range again

    New effects!

    (To understand how these effects will be balanced, it's important to also read the 'New levels system' section of the post, shown below this 'New Effects' section).

    Luck: If you feel like fishing near your house, while relaxing and talking with friends or something. Or simply to enjoy the calmness of Minecraft... or to just get some strong loot without having to go too far away, why not place an ingot on your beacon and activate this effect?

    Health Boost: Always feels better and more confident to have a health increase. Relax and start forgetting about those one-shot dangers threatening you... specially fall damage.

    Invisibility: No need to worry so much about mobs when building or just walking around and stuff.
    We're talking a reduction of mob detection of up to 7% without armor (that's less than 1.5 blocks of distance for most mobs to detect you!)

    Fire Resistance: Lava? What lava? I haven't heard that name in a long time... and it's not only about the lava. If you're gonna tell me that there is something more pleasant than hitting as many mobs as you want with Fire Aspect and not taking fire damage after... then you gotta try this right now, you can thank me later.

    Night Vision: No need to skip every night. You can also use this while mining (together with Haste if you want). Let's be honest, who doesn't love having a constant clear vision? Sometimes I get into water to have a conduit effect and get out quickly, just so that I can have the night vision for a few seconds. Always feels nice.

    New levels system and the 5th pyramid!

    Points: The new level system I propose is based on points. Every pyramid you add to the beacon will give you points, and these points can be used to select and upgrade the levels of the effects you want for your beacon.
    Maybe an image of how the GUI would look can help understand this a bit better:

    New beacon GUI. Diamond pyramid under 'selected powers' represents the amount of points you have, in this case it's 15 (the maximum). Made by u/ThatOneKirbyMain2568

    So every pyramid will give you as many points as the respective layer of the pyramid is (in other words, pyramid 1 will give you 1 point, pyramid 4 will give you 4 points, etc.)
    With a maximum of 15 points (1+2+3+4+5 = 15).

    And you can use those points to choose your effects the following way:

    • Effects in the pyramid 1 cost 1 point per level and have a max of level 5 per effect.
    • Effects in the pyramid 2 cost 2 points per level and have a max of level 4 per effect
    • Effects in the pyramid 3 cost 3 points per level and have a max of level 4 per effect
    • Effects in the pyramid 4 cost 4 points per level and have a max of level 3 per effect
    • Effects on the 'bonus powers' (5th pyramid) are free once you unlock them (by getting the fifth pyramid). They are not upgrade-able and you can only choose 1 of the 3 at a time. (You can't have multiple bonus powers active in the same beacon at the same time).

    Of course, the unlocking of pyramids remains similar to the current system. In which you unlock the 2nd row of effects of effects when you have 2 pyramids, the 3rdrow when you have 3 pyramids, etc.

    So for example, if you had 2 pyramids, you'd have 3 points (1+2) and 2 rows unlocked. And you could use something like the following display (just an example):

    • Jump Boost I + Haste I (1x1 + 1x2 = 3)

    And if you were to have 5 pyramids, you'd have 15 points (1+2+3+4+5) and all rows unlocked + bonus powers. And you could use something like the following display (just an example):

    • Luck V + Speed I + Resistance II + Invisibility (5x1 + 1x2 + 2x4 + 0 [free bonus] = 15)

    The GUI would also have small arrows for when you select a power, for you to adjust its level based on your points as shown in this image:

    New beacon GUI. Includes 2 effects as an example, the darkness in the speed effect level-up arrow represents that it has been upgraded to its limit, and so can not be further leveled-up. Made by u/ThatOneKirbyMain2568

    The current level the effect has at the moment would show when you hover over it (same as enchantments in the enchanting table and in items do).

    Also, since the 'raw' effects are represented with gold and emerald blocks, I thought that maybe the selected could be represented with diamond and iron (diamond for available, iron for already used, dark diamond for unavailable).

    And lastly, in case it isn't already clear, the 5th pyramid will be an 11x11 layer (following the 3x3, 5x5, 7x7 and 9x9 tendency).

    Yes, it will be expensive, but with it, you can get a lot more levels in effects + some cool bonus effects that come for free, it will actually be worth it, unlike the current one which only allows for 2 extra level 1 effects with most layers, and +1 level and 1 (not free) effect with layer 4.

    This system would encourage people to go all the way, not just because of Haste II, but because every layer allows for both new effects and new levels for every effect, together with new display distributions for you to have fun arranging your beacon's set-up.


    • Amethysts can be used to increase beacon range (radius increases by 10 blocks for every 5 amethyst shards placed)
    • New effects, 5th pyramid and new distribution (check the images of the GUI to understand a bit better without having to read almost anything)
    • Pyramids now give points, points can be used to pick certain effects and level them up. Effects unlocked first are cheaper, latest effects with latest pyramids are more expensive. First pyramids give less points, later and more advanced pyramids give more points.

    Conclusion and credits

    And that would be all of the idea, I think that with the cave update, it's a good opportunity to upgrade beacons and the rewards you get from powering them with minerals (incentivizing more people to go check out these new and improved caves). And also including one of the new 1.17 cave-exclusive elements: Amethyst.

    Also, before you go, I wanna give a big thank you to u/ThatOneKirbyMain2568 for helping so much with this post, making all of the GUI changes shown in the images + helping brainstorm a lot of ideas, like some of the new effects, and the pyramid-point giving values.
    I really recommend you check his profile, this guy is the OP of some of my favorite MCS posts, he always thinks everything through, prepares assets and always ends up posting amazing content.
    Like new fruits with new eating and obtaining mechanics for diversity in the flower forests or, probably my personal favorite, a new awesome underwater cave mob he calls 'the celary plant' with very original and awesome ideas. It's all very good stuff, so I really suggest you go check it out.

    Also I wanna thank u/Planemaster3000 for helping brainstorm some ideas too, like the effect tiers and the amethyst-radius proportion ratio. This guy, is literally a bottomless jar of incredible ideas. He always thinks everything through and elaborates on every single aspect to give the most complete versions possible. And no matter what wild thought you may come up with, he never, ever runs out of ideas.
    Seriously, brainstorming with him feels like an honor.

    And if you wanna brainstorm with ThatOneKirbyMain, Planemaster or a lot of other suggesters just like you and me, I recommend you join the MCS Discord server. It's an awesome place for people to present, elaborate on and give feedback to tons of ideas + also for relaxing and just chatting or playing with others.

    And that would be all for today. Please let me know what you think in the comments, feedback is always appreciated. This is not just about my idea, this is about us, the community, building ideas together. With everyone's thoughts on how to improve and refine ideas. So I insist, if you have any constructive criticism to give, please let me know.

    Thank you all for reading and have a good day ;)

    submitted by /u/TheDragonWarrior2284
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    If the player is typing a message when they die, the game should send the message even though it might not be complete with a dash at the end

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 12:46 PM PST

    If the player is typing a message when they die, the game should send the message even though it might not be complete with a dash at the end


    Wouldn't change much, I just think it would be kind of funny

    <playerA> stop killi-

    playerA was shot by playerB

    submitted by /u/ekra8154
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    Map markers have spectral outline if you look through a spyglass while holding a map

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 01:42 PM PST

    Map markers have spectral outline if you look through a spyglass while holding a map

    Someone else commented about map markers under my suggestion about seeing glowing things through a spyglass on the feedback site and I liked it so I wanted to share it here (or my version of that idea at least):

    I didnt bother adding the hotbar and stuff. Also if the map markers had names, they should show up too

    Spectral arrows inflict a status effect called Glowing that lets you see its outline through blocks. If a banner is used as a map marker on the map you're holding, it will get the same Glowing effect but you can only see it through your spyglass. If the banner isn't in view, an icon will show up somewhere around the glass pointing you in its direction so you can find them easily.

    It would make the spyglass useful for wayfinding because all the marked locations would be highlighted for you. You could see where all the map markers are around you and how far away they are.


    Link to their comment on the feedback site:


    submitted by /u/n4rwhal_
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    The Argentavis

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 10:16 AM PST

    A large bird mob that picks up creatures and players, flys up serval blocks then drops them. The drop shouldn't be enough to kill a player with no armour but should take a large chunk of their health.

    It'll spawn in bad lands, deserts and mountain biomes.

    It'll have 8 and a half hearts and when killed drops 2-4 feathers (30% chance for each feather going up from 2), 0-2 bones (50% chance for each), 1 Argentavis meat (it fills 7 hunger points (3 and a half legs)) and a 5% chance to drop an Argentavis skull which will allow you to tame it.

    To tame an Argentavis you must do a few things:

    1. Wear an Argentavis skull.
    2. Wait for the bird to land.
    3. Sneak up to the bird.
    4. Feed it meat (any other than Argentavis meat) until hearts show.
    5. Put a saddle on it.

    Now you can fly around and pick up animals such as a cow or a horse and land with them.

    Some may say that this is "Too much like an elytra, no one would use it" but this wouldn't use resources to fly, wouldn't break mid flight, adds a new challenge and can move living creatures.

    submitted by /u/Isaduckapredator
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    Have The Warden React to different music discs

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 09:28 AM PST

    Obviously if the warden is chasing you, you cant stop it with the music, but if you haven't angered it then if the player places down a jukebox and then puts in a music disc, then the warden could dance to the music. Also, depending on what type of disc it is, that could determine what dance it does. For example, if you play pigstep, then the warden would do the piglin victory dance. I think that this would be a funny little addition to the warden, and also make it a little bit more goofy. 😂

    submitted by /u/RobotRiot2112
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    A Use for Fired Clay Pots (don’t judge me to harshly)

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 01:55 PM PST

    In the upcoming Caves and Cliffs Update, we are getting clay pots, which includes their fired and unfired variants. Currently, they are only used for decoration, but I have an idea of how they could have a use. You should be able to put a few items in a fired clay pot, maybe 9 inventory slots. You could break the pot and release its contents by attacking it or even shooting it with a projectile, just like in some dungeon crawlers. The main use for this feature is mainly for puzzles or even archery challenges.

    submitted by /u/HappyGav123
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    Getting more out of Bamboo - Shredded, Dried, and Paneled Bamboo

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 09:24 AM PST

    Originally supposed to be a simple idea stemming from my failure to compost bamboo, I started thinking about just how few uses bamboo actually has outside of crafting scaffolding and sticks.

    Shredded Bamboo

    Placing 1 Bamboo on a crafting table would create 3 Shredded Bamboo, which could be composted or used to create green dye or smelted into a fuel (normal bamboo would no longer be a fuel).

    Dried Bamboo

    Dried bamboo could be found rarely in bamboo forests, as well as smelted from bamboo, and would be placeable like normal bamboo but would be unable to grow. Maybe it could also be placed vertically, but there would need to be more control over its initial placement orientation. I believe dried bamboo should be used in the scaffolding and stick recipes instead, maybe using one dried bamboo to make a stick as two seems disproportionate for a single stick. Besides updating the existing recipes, I would love to see bamboo paneling, doors, and bamboo wood. It would also be possible to use it as a fuel, but given the altered stick recipe, it would also smelt 0.5 blocks.

    Bamboo Paneling and Doors

    This would be a transparent partial block that takes up the same amount of space as a trap door and is placeable on all 6 sides, but would not open like a trapdoor, nor would it be movable by a piston. Additionally, it could have various block states that allow up to 6 panels to be placed in a single-block-space. This would allow us to create corner walls with floors and ceilings, which could be used to partially conceal compact Redstone machines that would otherwise be fully exposed.

    Bamboo doors and trapdoors would have similar, transparent textures to bamboo paneling, allowing for matching doors and somewhat hidden trapdoors (somewhat because it's still transparent, so while the entrance would be hard to spot the space on the other side would not be).

    Bamboo Wood, and other forms of Paneling

    Bamboo wood would be a non-transparent full block, in all ways functioning like other wood blocks, but having a unique texture with thinner planks than other wood blocks. This is not really a key feature of this idea, but I would like to see this implemented. As well as this, I would like to see the bamboo paneling applied to the other woods, so we could have non-transparent coverings to compact Redstone machines, as well as hidden paths between two panels, sharing a one block-space that is indistinguishable from a normal wood block on either side. And just to be clear, these panellings would not have door/trapdoor equivalents.

    What are your thoughts on this, are there specific elements you like or dislike? Regardless, thanks for reading my simple-idea-turned-essay!

    submitted by /u/DeadMiner
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    When killed by a Phantom under normal circumstances, the death message should read "[playername] collapsed from exhaustion. "

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 11:44 AM PST

    Self explanatory, really. Makes sense because they only come out if you don't sleep. If a real human went so long without sleep, they would collapse, and may have adverse health effects if they held out long enough.

    But say you fell in lava while running away from a Phantom or something irregular. Then the death message would be the same as it would. In this case, "[playername] tried to swim in lava whilst trying to escape Phantom."

    submitted by /u/Swordkirby9999
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    Glow squid ideas

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 08:27 AM PST

    If you look at glow squid for too long, you will get a nausea effect for 30 seconds. When killed drops glow ink, and with it you can make glow block (maybe even with different colors).

    submitted by /u/MagmaBro357
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    Name Tag of Immortality

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 02:08 AM PST

    Motivation: If players actually care for a wolf, they are inclined to keep the wolf locked away deep inside a safe base and never to take it with them. This holds true for pretty much every other mob. As a result, mobs in Minecraft become unpersonal. With this new functionality, they can be actively used, wolves possibly permanently staying at the side of the player.

    Functionality: A creature tagged with a Name Tag of Immortality can't die. When it is reduced to zero health, it will enter a "defeated" status in which it can't act, until it somehow gets health again. Also, the name of the mob gets a distinctive color (maybe the cyan of Minecraft diamonds).

    Rarity: The Name Tag of Immortality is a very rare item, and possibly the goal of a whole treasure hunt. They can only be found in limited numbers, never to be dropped.

    Option 1: Mobs that would teleport to the player retain that ability. This way, you don't have to leave a defeated wolf somewhere in the wilderness.

    Option 2: After being defeated, one has to wait X minutes until the mob can get health again.

    Option 3: To undo the defeated status, the player has to use up some precious resource, possibly diamonds.

    Option 4: The defeated status can't be undone while a boss mob like the Wither is present.

    (Options 2-4 are to counter this being abused to defeat boss mobs with giant packs of immortal wolves.)

    Option 5: The player can craft the Name Tag of Immortality from a regular Name Tag and a very rare resource, possibly netherite.


    Option 6: As people requested, one option would be to have this only be applicable to tamable mobs, or at least neutral mobs, but not to hostile ones. I personally do not really care, I don't see problems with this being applied to the Wither, for example, but as the item is meant mostly for the wolf, I do not have strong feelings in either way.

    submitted by /u/Ksorkrax
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    An advancement for assembling a conduit, and getting a conduit to its max power level.

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 11:00 AM PST

    ok so basically everything needed is in the title, because a beacon has an advancement for making it and adding all levels to it, a conduit should get one too. i don't quite have a name for the 2 that's in stone but here's the names and descriptions and everything:

    Under Husbandry, after "Tactical Fishing":
    [A picture of a heart of the sea] Name: We Conduit!
    Description: assemble a conduit.
    (we all know what this references to.)

    Under Husbandry, after "we Conduit!" awards the player 100 xp when the advancement is completed:
    [A picture of the eye of a level 3 conduit] Name: "All eyes on you" or "All I's on you"
    Description: Get a conduit to its highest possible power level.
    (this is a reference to the joke "what's a fish without the eye/I? a fsh.")

    i couldn't think of a good name for the second one so any suggestions on changes in the comments would be nice!

    submitted by /u/InsertValidUserHere
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    Replacing Punch with Knockback (and others)

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 09:26 AM PST

    This suggestion is about getting rid of needlessly specific enchantments and expanding others. This might sound controversial at first, but the game mechanics would barely change.

    The Punch enchantment is the best example. It should be removed, and Knockback could be applied to bows instead. Regarding the updating of pre-existing worlds, all the Punch enchantments on all items and trades could just change to Knockback. I know that programming is never as easy as it seems, but I'm sure it wouldn't be insanely difficult to do.

    The same could be done with Flame and Fire aspect. Their maximum levels are different (Fire aspect is II, and Flame is I), so in order to avoid making bows overpowered, Fire aspect II on a bow should have the same effect as Flame I now, and Fire aspect I should become weaker.

    Otherwise, we don't have many similar enchantments, but there's still potential in combining them. Maybe Power could be paired with Impaling, and Infinity with Multishot, even though they have different effects. These expanded enchantments could have their names changed to fit both functions, like Infinity/Multishot to "Arrow multiplier", or something.

    These are all just examples, my overall point is that it's annoying to have so many item specific Enchanted books piling up after a book enchanting sessions. Nobody needs 6 Impaling books.

    submitted by /u/David_Umann
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    Potion of Perception (Brewed with Amethyst)

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 01:54 PM PST

    Its base could be the traditional Awkward Potion, but I feel that Night Vision might be an appropriate alternative.

    What I envision is a status effect giving everything a purple hue except entities, while also revealing invisible entities.

    Invisible entities (in this case I mean players) could be given the same purple hue as their surroundings to give them a chance to escape.

    Vote on the Feedback Site

    submitted by /u/RazeSpear
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    Wardens should be able to shoot a projectile from their chest, to prevent players from hiding in 2 block high holes.

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 11:03 AM PST

    The warden is super powerful but if it can be cheesed from something like that, I think it needs a special ability to help it with being cheesed

    submitted by /u/iiGalacticBeast
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    When wearing the dragon head, hostile mobs run away from you.

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 03:41 PM PST

    The dragon head has practically no purpose right now, asides from decoration. I think this you be a fun idea and reward for beating the game. I imagine that zombies skeletons and other hostile mobs (Asides from the wither, endermen, and maybe the warden) would be absolutely terrified of the ender dragon, thus making them run away from you.

    submitted by /u/Yum-Yum-inc
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    Renewable Lava via Cauldrons

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 03:09 PM PST

    Okay, hear me out. What if placing a cauldron below dripping lava (from a block with lava directly above it - but not glass since it prevents dripping particles from appearing in the first place) could allow the cauldron to very slowly fill with lava. Of course, you'd need to allow lava cauldrons to have 3 fluid levels like water and powder snow does, but I can't imagine that being very difficult to implement.

    I'm just thinking since I've observed cauldrons filling with water when it's raining, my mind went to "what if it rained lava in the nether?", but quickly came to the conclusion that lava rain would be stupid, but then it occurred to me that lava drips when above a solid block!

    I'd like to hear everyone's opinions on this, since it's just an idea after all.

    submitted by /u/Anihillator1
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    New cave item to create TNT or Fireworks or Gunpowder itself.

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 09:42 AM PST

    There should be a new ore out there that will mine like red stone and such Not in ore form, but it will come out as dust and would be named Nitre; what Nitre could do is act in a way Peaceful Gunpowder or Create Gunpowder by combining it. The way you make Gunpowder would be combining with charcoal, not coal, charcoal in the real-life way of making Black powder, which is medieval Gunpowder. We would have a way to get a lot of TNT and Fireworks, even in peaceful mode.

    submitted by /u/Dogsteeves
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    Toxic Caves, Diffusers, and Diffuser blocks

    Posted: 22 Nov 2020 09:53 PM PST

    Since 1.17 is focused on improving caves and making them more realistic, an interesting addidion would be the addition of Toxic caves.

    These caves (Separate Biome) would have something called Diffuser blocks, which is a block that spawns on the surface of these caves (surrounded by gravel) and gives cave-related effects like Poison, Night Vision, and Hunger.

    These could be of different colors based on their strength, radius, and the effect they give off.[The night vision would be of a warm kind like you are a walking light source, and not everything lit at once.

    They can also only be mined with a Silk Touched pick (Iron and higher) and drop nothing when done without.

    When placed on anything other than gravel, these blocks would become useless except for decor.

    When placed on and surrounded by gravel however, these blocks resume diffusing the same effect they did before they were mined.

    These blocks could be crafted into something called a diffuser, that has its own GUI. [This could potentially use the new Amethyst, thereby giving it a new use.]

    A diffuser is used for spreading potion effects in a 7x7 radius, for a limited time.[Up to 2 potion effects]

    This is useful for having an area where you could get one particular effect, without using a beacon.

    These could last for a maximum of 2-3 hours (200k ticks) before being refilled [with lingering potions and fuel]. The potion effects last as long as the fuel burns out , up to 3 hours.

    There could be a progress bar to show the amount of potion left in the bottle.

    Toxic caves would also have pools where the effect/radius of Diffuser blocks increases.

    [These blocks could do with a better name]

    submitted by /u/lightninglynx2
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    Right-clicking a cave spider with an empty bottle would make it a poison potion.

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 04:12 AM PST

    Once a cave spider is "milked" with the bottle, it can't be "milked" again, because it would probably be too OP. Also to avoid it being too OP it would be Poison I and the short version of it, so you could still upgrade it with a brewing stand.

    submitted by /u/Demolicious51
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