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    Minecraft New Decorative Item/Tool: Chalk!

    Minecraft New Decorative Item/Tool: Chalk!

    New Decorative Item/Tool: Chalk!

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 05:39 AM PST

    Chalk is something that I think could be interesting in builds. Specifically, it is an item that can be used to "draw" (i.e. place a block that looks similarly to redstone dust but in a different color) on top of blocks. It could also be dyed, too, with the red variant being a different shade of red to differentiate it from redstone.

    The "placed chalk" would have similar properties to redstone in terms of how the block itself acts, it won't actually transmit redstone signals. What I mean is that it needs to be placed on a block, it will automatically link to adjacent chalk lines, and it can be removed with water, a block entering the space (whether it be by a falling sand or a piston), or just with a single left-click.

    In terms of uses, I can see chalk being useful as a "marker", like using different types of chalk to more easily keep track of how many blocks are in an area, or to mark out the center of a shape. It could also be useful for builds imo, like using a bit of colored chalk to make it look like a potion spilled there, a "magic circle" for fantasy-themed builds, etc.

    submitted by /u/RomanFlour24
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    In 1.17 tinted glass should make beacon beams invisible

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 10:43 AM PST

    Currently in game there is no way to have beacon effects without the beam. This can be annoying as sometimes the beam may look bad or be difficult to incorporate into a build.

    My suggestion is that tinted glass from the 1.17 update would act similarly to the current coloured glass but would make the beam invisible. The beacon would still need access to the sky for this to work.

    submitted by /u/flappyducky
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    New Chalk Block

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 09:05 AM PST

    ===== this suggestion is inspired by this post by u/RomanFlour24. =====

    Chalk blocks spawn in river beds like clay. Chalk will also spawn in the "Chalk pit" biome, which is basically a plains biome but with lots of chalk, and very little water.

    Chalk requires a shovel to mine, and breaking it will drop chalk dust in similar quantities to clay. 4 chalk dust will form a block of chalk.

    EDIT: Calcite is the mineral form of chalk so maybe we can scrap chalk blocks in favour of calcite.

    Daub can be created by combining wheat, chalk and clay in any shape.

    Ashlar can be made by putting chalk blocks into a stonecutter. It has walls, stairs, slabs, and cut variants.

    === this part is from this post by u/RomanFlour24 ===

    Chalk dust can be dyed by combining it with any dye in a crafting table. You can place chalk dust on any block face, and on multiple faces in the same block space. It will function like redstone in aesthetic, connecting to adjacent pieces, however it will be purely decorative.

    ==== reasons and thoughts ====

    I loved the chalk idea by u/RomanFlour24 and I wanted to expand this and give it some proper love and attention. Chalk pits are very common where I'm from, so it'd be nice to see them in game.

    Daub comes about because wheat farms are a bit useless right now, and they're supposed to be the iconic thing. Additionally, Daub is one of the oldest proper building materials in the world. Lots of people emulate it with white concrete, but it just doesn't have the rough homely vibe that I think a daub texture would provide.

    Ashlar is here because I want a smoother brick texture. Ashlar is the finest kind of bricks and I think it would fit in well as foundation or roads.

    submitted by /u/D3Digi
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    Blizzards for 1.17

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 11:24 AM PST

    I have found that in snowy Biomes storms are far less dangerous, as lightning doesn't strike, so- since 1.17 is introducing frost damage, what if during a storm, a blizzard occurs where when you are caught outside, or away from heat, (say torch, or campfire) you begin to take frost damage?

    submitted by /u/Fyrun
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    being able to load ender pearls to the crossbow

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 02:56 AM PST

    more fatser travel and for convenience.

    also this extends the pearls range to make it different from a normal pearl

    submitted by /u/big-nicks-dick-muget
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    Every update needs a ‘trophy item’

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 04:03 AM PST

    In 1.16, pigstep was added and I think all updates need something like this.

    I'm not saying they all need a music disc but rather something that can be displayed to represent each update.

    For example, the cave and cliffs update could have a new painting showing a mountain landscape or a painting of the warden. Others could be banner patterns or rare animal variants.

    There could also be an achievement for collecting them all.

    submitted by /u/SqueezyLemons1234
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    A very rare kind of flower that spawns on top of extreme mountains that gives you new abilities.

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 08:38 AM PST

    A very very rare kind of flower that spawns only on mountains that match a specific hight limit, which is obviously very high, and still there would be a chance for them to not spawn.

    Player would be able to craft a soup with it that gives snow durability, regen 2, age very slight slow falling.

    This would actually enable players to wander on the top of giant mountains that will spawn after caves and cliff update.

    submitted by /u/Grandawg24
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    Rainbows and maybe double rainbows

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 05:28 AM PST

    It would be a nice feature wouldn't really affect anything it would be purely visual And maybe when you see a double rainbow you could get an achievement. Hey cow look at that thats a double rainbow

    submitted by /u/ppman6942069
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    Their should be an achievement for breeding every colour of sheep called double rainbows

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 10:10 AM PST

    Just like the achievement (a complete catolouge) where you breed all cat variants this would make players more "motivated" to get every colour of sheep

    submitted by /u/beanmAn11
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    Netherite Armor should have custom enchantment glow.

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 10:27 AM PST

    The current enchantment glow is a horrible shade of dark purple that just makes the netherite armor feel disgusting. I feel mojang should give it a custom glow.

    submitted by /u/EnderFlyingLizard
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    3 block long paintings

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 09:04 AM PST

    Often times when I want to use a large painting in a build I will have an odd number of blocks to put it in. This means that I either have to use a small painting or have the painting be off centered. People have recently been asking for more paintings so it would be nice if a new painting could be made 3 blocks long.

    submitted by /u/BigGreenMan_
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    Salt deposits

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 03:22 PM PST

    Salt deposits

    Hello Minecraftees,

    I think that the ocean could definitely use a few more ores. One of these ores could be found in the depths in "deposits." This ore (or mineral) would be salt. This salt would be find in clumps, and when mined, would look like the other powders (gunpowder; redstone; sugar; etc.) Salt would have several interesting uses:

    1. Jerky. You could take any piece of raw meat (i.e. raw chicken) and a piece of salt to make two strips of jerky (i.e. chicken jerky strips) at a crafting table. Eating both of the pieces would provide a little more food than the cooked alternative, making this food source worth it if you have the time to traverse the ocean.

    Chicken jerky (I know it doesn't look good but bear with me.)

    1. Trading value. You could trade salt to certain types of villagers (like the butcher and fisherman.)

    2. Salting blocks. You could salt certain blocks to prevent snow falling on them. This could be
      useful for making certain pathways in the middle of a snowy place.

    Those are some ideas I had for salt. Please tell me what ideas you have for this new mineral!

    submitted by /u/YaBoyJenkinz
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    New food and decorative block: Gingerbread!

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 01:28 PM PST

    After building a gingerbread house last night, I thought it could be cool to bring this tradition into Minecraft!

    Gingerbread in real life is made with sugar, eggs, molasses and flour. Most of these ingredients are already in Minecraft, with wheat replacing flour. In real life, molasses is made from sugar cane, so in Minecraft it could be created by smelting sugar cane.

    Now, doing this would craft a gingerbread cookie, likely shaped like a classic gingerbread man. Crafting 9 of these together would create a gingerbread block. Perhaps there could be different variations of the gingerbread block as well, ie crafting it with sugar to create a "frosted" variation.

    With these gingerbread blocks in the game, a rare gingerbread house structure could be added to snowy biomes. Maybe it could even spawn witches as a reference to Hansel and Gretel.

    Anyways, that's my idea, thank you for your consideration!

    submitted by /u/grrrreatscott
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    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 10:57 AM PST


    Velocity would be an enchantment which can be put on a crossbow to increase the arrow velocity. This enchantment would be extremely usefull if they add the fabled scoped crossbow. It can go up to level III. It also owns some other good pros too.

    This enchantment would be mutually exclusive with quick charge (you cant have both); making it usefull for long-range combat due to its slow reload. In addition, this enchantment would increase the damage by 1hp per level. This enchantment would also have a unique pro of being able to hit endermen; it can hit endermen because of its high speed which means endermen cant react in time.

    Velocity 1 would increase velocity by 95%, velocity 2 would increase by 175% while velocity 3 would increase by 300%.

    The velocity enchantment also makes fireworks go faster too but does not increase damage.

    submitted by /u/JaysonOnReddit
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    Chorus Pearl: A safer way to travel

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 12:27 PM PST

    New Item: Chorus Pearl - combining 4 chrous fruit and one enderpearl in a crafting table creates a Chrous Pearl

    Chorus pearls work identical to ender pearls except they can not teleport you to the side of a block. If the Chorus Pearl hits the side of a block, it will teleport you on top of the nearest block with two blocks of air above it (similar to how chorus fruit work when you eat them)

    Why? - Traveling in the end is very dangerous, especially when you have good gear such as netherite. Unless you want to bridge your way across all the gaps in between nether islands, pearls are your best way of travel (before you get an elytra). There's nothing worse than accidently hitting the side of an island and falling to your death. The Chorus Pearl would make enderpearl travel much safer and less frustraing aswell as adding a new use to Chorus Fruit.

    submitted by /u/EclipticMind
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    Snowy Dirt

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 02:13 PM PST

    Snowy Dirt

    I think a snowy grass block should exist as it's own block like the dirt path and farm land (only in the creative menu.) This would just be a small QOL feature for fellow builders and would be really useful for my Christmas map I'm making, as the snowy grass turns back to normal grass when the top snow is removed and just ends up looking kinda ugly when it's surrounded by snow.

    This stuff.

    submitted by /u/YaBoyJenkinz
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    Poison darts, landmines, and Chorus bomb

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 06:45 AM PST

    In the end highlands, chorus plants will grow high into the sky, with chorus fruit ripe for breaking, however, this is not beneficial for chorus plants, being broken almost always means certain death.

    Chorus plants have developed a weapon to discourage the player from breaking them, even if it slightly does the opposite.

    The Chorus bomb is a new semi-block that generates on top of some chorus fruit, and if the fruit gets broken, they explode. Now, this explosion doesn't do much damage, to entities or to blocks, but it does release poison darts.

    At least 16 of these darts fly up into the sky, not effected by gravity and all in slightly different directions. Once these darts spread out to 2 per block, they slow down quickly and drop.

    If these darts hit you, they will give you poison 2, and deal 2 hearts to 1/2 heart if wearing a helmet, but you get the poison either way.

    If you avoid these darts, they will stick into the ground like arrows, where you can pick them up and use them, when being thrown by a player, they act like they did but just with no gravity, and won't fall eventually as they did.

    You can put these into a brewing stand like potions to make them apply different effects as well.

    Lastly, back to the chorus bombs. You can disarm and collect these bombs by breaking them directly, where they will drop as a chorus bomb. These can be placed down and will also naturally explode if stepped on or the block under them broken, and trust me, if you step on one of these, 16 darts in you will hurt a lot, especially coupled with that small explosion.

    submitted by /u/The-Real-Radar
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    Stabilized Chorus Fruits

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 08:10 AM PST

    The teleportation effect of a chorus fruit seems more like a nuisance than anything really interesting, so I propose that you can, with a crafting recipe, "stabilize" a chorus fruit, making it so that it will, instead of randomly teleport you, teleport you a set distance in the direction you're looking. This won't really conflict with ender pearls that much, as the teleportation would not be too many blocks, but could potentially let you teleport through blocks, or even onto air, making it supplement the ender pearl rather than conflict with it.

    submitted by /u/RomanFlour24
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    Cauldrons full of water should act like infinite water sources for potion bottles.

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 02:34 PM PST

    I think that it's kinda defeats the point of having a cauldron in the first place if you need to refill it after only 3 uses, so I thought a more convenient way could be that the water inside the cauldron would be usable infinitely as long as you use potion bottles on it.

    submitted by /u/12DOMKQsCOMING4U
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    Holidays and events

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 03:14 PM PST

    I'll be going in order of months. Please note these are week long events (ex: the week of Christmas, placeholder happens).

    February: Valentine's day. • The timer for cool down for mob breeding is shorter. • the witch and evoker have a 25% chance of dropping regeneration potions. • foxes have a 10% chance of spawning holding a health potion.

    April: Easter. • Rabbits will spawn more often, will spawn in every overworld biome, and have a higher chance of dropping their foot. • Eggs have a higher chance of spawning a chicken when thrown.

    April: Earth day. • Zombies will drop dirt, Husks drop sand, and drowns drop gravel (10% chance)

    May: Minecraft's anniversary. (May 17th) • Creepers will drop cake (10% chance) and candles (20% chance, post cave update). • All mobs drop 15% more xp.

    October: Halloween. • 50% chance any zombie or skeleton variant spawns wearing pumpkin. • endermen spawn holding a pumpkin (25% chance).

    December: Christmas. • 50% higher chance of a tool or armour a mob spawns with will drop. Applies to all mobs who hold/wear things. • mob ore drops (zombies drop iron, drowns drop gold, etc.) are increases 25%. • all rain is now snow.

    Thank you for reading! Should I post this to the suggestions site? Do you have any ideas? Post in the comments please! I like a good conversation.

    submitted by /u/Zzeethe1st
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    A rarer tree which the player can only find the sapling of in chest, which when grown, produces wood better than regular trees (maybe more fuel power, some extra crafting recipes, etc.)

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 06:12 AM PST

    I find it interesting how you can basically make an entire forest by going somewhere where there are no trees like a plains biome or desert, growing a tree from a sapling, collecting all of the saplings from that tree, planting all of the saplings again, etc. And also placing many torches on the ground to help the saplings grow quickly.

    However, Mojang has never really done much interesting with this feature. Maybe starting a population of a certain special tree would be quite nice.

    submitted by /u/HardAlmond
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    A hoe enchantment that automatically replants crops

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 02:51 PM PST

    This would give you more reasons to use a hoe and also just make things a bit easier when you're farming.

    submitted by /u/SonnyD73
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    We need ideas

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 02:50 PM PST

    so, I would like all your best ideas for a Minecraft food update. I would like people to look at this post take some of the ideas and post them on Minecraft sugestions and if we get alot of people they might just consider it.


    submitted by /u/starburst364
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    Custom paintings using 1.17 brushes

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 12:36 PM PST

    Right clicking (any) painting will allow you to customize it. This works for all painting sizes.

    Options: -Fill with solid color -Fill with gradient colors -Dot by dot drawing -Eraser -Slide drawing

    (You would be able to use dyes to paint, all 16 colors) (Painting like this will damage the brush, obviously)

    Also, if you think this will be terrible because people will "grief" your paintings all the time, fear no more. Use honeycomb on the painting to coat it in wax, preventing people from modifying it

    Optional: Add a palette item for holding dyes Being able to do this with banners

    How the dye works:

    A singular dye can be used for 32 pixels. Two dyes for 64 pixels. And so on

    submitted by /u/NameTaken-TryAgain
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