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    Minecraft New rooms in the Stronghold

    Minecraft New rooms in the Stronghold

    New rooms in the Stronghold

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 06:16 AM PST

    As of now, Strongholds are relatively bland. It only has the library, prison and the end portal room as main features. But I suggest we add some new rooms such as:

    Armory: A room with armor stands, some of which have iron/gold armor.

    Brewery: A room dedicated to potions. It doesn't necessarily have potions, just some brewing stands and potion materials.

    Smelter: A room dedicated to smelting and crafting. It has a blast furnace and a chest with small amounts of coal and iron.

    Living Quarters: A room with one or two beds and a chest with leather armor.

    I chose these rooms in particular because it fits the aesthetic of the word "Stronghold". It makes it appear as though the building was used as a last stand against attackers (such as the wither as many people have hypothesized).

    In all reality, the main reason I want to see this change is because exploring strongholds after travelling 1000-2000 blocks is so underwhelming.

    submitted by /u/SpectreSeed
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    Wearing Mod Heads should give the same visual effects as Spectating them

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 01:14 PM PST


    Creeper vision makes everything look green, Spider vision has the weird 8-eyes thing going on, Enderman vision inverts colors. Something unique could be done for the Enderdragon, since you can't currently spectate her.

    They could also take this opportunity to add more vision effects:

    Useful: Drowneds could have better water vision. Slime vision could be used for detecting slime chunks in some way, although it'd be a bit weird since slimes don't really have heads. Spider vision could also let you see in the dark, since I think this'd be balanced by the wonky vision.

    Useless: Bees could have some weird hexagon segment thing going on. Zombie Piglins only have one good eye, maybe they can only see one side of the screen.

    I'd like to hear any other suggestions!

    (This would, of course, mean adding Spider/Enderman/maybe more heads. I know "New mob heads" is on the FPS list, but I thought this was a unique spin on it.)

    submitted by /u/ItsaMeHibob24
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    Baby Axolotls should have no legs

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 02:36 PM PST

    Baby axolotls in real life are born without legs like a tadpole. They then develop their legs later. I think it'd be a really nice detail if axolotls were born without legs in Minecraft.

    submitted by /u/SquidySpecifications
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    Mushroom variety

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 03:47 AM PST

    Basic idea: increase the amount of mushroom types. Introduce a (small) selection of additional mushrooms, such as morels, chanterelles and puffballs. (The existing brown mushroom will be considered to be a penny bun.)

    Goal: make forests look prettier. Especially when combined with the moss carpets from the upcoming update.

    This can be done without introducing new blocks. My concept would be that the data values in the two existing mushrooms would be used for this variety, separated in two categories (poisonous mushrooms and edible mushrooms, depending on whether hold by the existing red or brown mushroom). When spawning other mushrooms, this value would be overtaken. In terms of recipes, they work just as before, with it being irrelevant which variety you use (just whether you use edible or poisonous).

    (For the basic concept, I will ignore giant mushrooms. They can stay just as they are, limited to their two existing varieties.)

    submitted by /u/Ksorkrax
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    Bells should "stun" sculk sensors to defuse traps

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 01:07 PM PST

    Title covers the pretty basic idea, and addresses two points: Sculk traps are pretty terrifying in how hard they are to defuse, and (last I checked) ringing bells doesn't trigger them, due to it not being a block state change.

    With the idea of sculk sensors being hypersensitive to vibration, it makes sense that something loud and vibrating like a ringing bells would give a strong response. An interesting use for this special case would be a "stun" effect on sculk sensors around a ringing bell -- a short time of inactivity, with maybe a sound effect indicating that you overloaded one if them. Ideally, this would have a larger radius than normal, so placing the bell doesn't just trigger the sensor, and the "stun" from ringing the bell still wouldn't cause a redstone output. With the addition of a sound effect on stun, you could slowly approach a suspected sculk trap, placing closer and closer bells during the downtime to locate and disarm it.

    Note: I've never posted before, so, if you think this has merit, please let me know if I'm doing anything wrong! I'm aware of an actual suggestions page, but I've never interacted with it.

    submitted by /u/LostMyOldLogin
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    Curse of Mediocrity (boring but realistic)

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 02:04 PM PST

    Mediocrity simply prevents any other enchantments from being added, cursing a tool to be boring.

    This would be super easy to implement, and it could be somewhat useful to map-makers.

    Mediocrity has a cheaper villager price: a diamond tool with mediocrity is cheaper than a regular one.

    submitted by /u/cookedporkbacon
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    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 08:22 AM PST

    With half of 1.17 being focused on cliffs, there should be a new way to get around. So what if they added ziplines?


    For a zipwire, which is essentially the rail of the zipline:




    I being iron ingot and s being rope (credits to u/JonathanStardew for the rope recipe, their post for it is in the comments).

    Powered Zipwire:




    R being redstone dust, g for gold ingot, and s for rope.

    And for the harness:




    I being iron ingot and c being chain (same as above, I can change the recipe if you want).

    You get 3 zipwires per craft.


    In order to place it, you would first need to place a fence down, and then you can start placing. Since ziplines cannot turn, you would need to place fences on the spots where you want to stop, and then you can turn. You would place this similar to scaffolding, except sideways, meaning that placing a zipwire on the base will extend it out. Jumping and placing one will cause it to be angled upwards. Sneaking and placing one will cause it to be angled downwards. By constantly placing it, it will only stop placing when it hits another block.


    To use it, place a harness somewhere on the line and right-click it. When the line is flat, you will need to manually go forwards, but at a decent pace, similar to a minecart. When the line is sloping downwards, you do not need to manually go forward, it will automatically go down. Going upwards will be done manually, but at a much slower speed than normal. Using powered zipwires will be automatic always, but the speed may vary. Sneaking will stop the harness from going at all.

    The harness, when traveling at a fast enough speed, will do damage to other mobs caught in the vicinity, and hitting a block while moving fast enough can deal damage to you. Sneaking and right-clicking a harness with a sword in hand will put the sword on the harness, dealing extra damage to mobs in the way. Sneaking and right-clicking with a shield will equip the harness with a shield, which will tank some of the damage taken when crashing into a block. Each use of the sword or shield will take durability.

    This would be a really fun way to traverse the taller mountains, and even would be fun to use in the drastically expanded caves.


    - new zipwires and harness

    - used similar to minecarts except suspended in the air

    - fun new way to travel around mountains

    Credits to u/JonathanStardew for the fence placement idea.

    submitted by /u/nonexistnt
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    A new idea for copper buttons

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 02:12 PM PST

    I've seen a few copper button suggestions here, but I haven't seen any suggestions that include this idea so far.

    So I'm thinking that you should be able to set the duration and power of the redstone output for the copper button. Maybe when you place it, a small interface will come up where you can set the activation time and strength of the button.
    So that's my little idea.

    This might have been posted earlier, and if so, I'm sorry.

    submitted by /u/Alex2s8
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    New Stronghold Mob: The Infested

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 10:58 AM PST

    New Stronghold Mob: The Infested

    The infested is an iron golem that has been infested by silverfish that spawns only in strongholds. Iron golems and silverfish are now hostile towards each other, and if you get enough silverfish to attack an iron golem, it will become the infested, which could look similar to this (sorry if it looks ugly I'm not a good modeler):

    The infested mob

    The infested is hostile towards the player, and acts as a miniboss for the stronghold. In battle, its attacks are similar to a normal iron golem, but it will also routinely summon silverfish, too. Nearby silverfish will attach to the infested and will increase its health by a 2 hearts per with a max health of 100 hearts. It starts at 50 health. The infested is hostile towards normal iron golems.

    What do you think?

    submitted by /u/nonexistnt
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    More Bricks!

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 08:57 AM PST

    For years now, I've been wanting to see more brick types and some of my ideas definitely seem plausible. Most of which I got from r/QuarkMod tho some are original to me.

    1. Obsidian bricks would have a texture similar to the stone bricks in that the bricks themselves would be bigger than in the normal bricks texture (hard to describe).

    2. Cobblestone bricks would be just like stone bricks, but more rustic looking with a similar design to the new quartz bricks. It would also come in a mossy variant. Would be perfect for the cave update. (Original to r/QuarkMod)

    3. Sandstone bricks would have a similar texture to normal bricks and netherbricks. Same would be said for red sandstone and any other sandstone that may be added in the future. Would be perfect for the desert update we will hopefully get within the next few years. (Original to r/QuarkMod)

    4. Polished andesite bricks. Due to the gray texture, they would look very similar to regular stone bricks, but they'd have sort of a shine to them. And anything done to andesite has to be done to granite and diorite except ofc with the different colors. Would be perfect for the cave update. (Original to r/QuarkMod)

    5. Blue/warped netherbricks would be just like red netherbricks but rather than matching the crimson forest, they'd match the warped forest. Due to nether wart (used in the red netherbricks recipe) only being red, nether sprouts could be used since they only come in blue. (Original to r/QuarkMod)

    6. Snow bricks would have a similar texture to stone bricks, but would be snowy. Would be perfect for the snowy update we will hopefully get within the next few years. (Partially original to r/QuarkMod)

    All brick types mentioned would be craftable into stairs, slabs and walls. I already have some cool and unique (tho not entirely original) ideas as to what people could use these to build. And the combinations of brick types would be great; obsidian with blackstone, red netherbricks with warped netherbricks, maybe snow bricks and diorite bricks with quartz bricks, cobblestone bricks and andesite bricks with stone bricks. I have many more ideas, several of which are original to r/QuarkMod, that have no reason not to be in the game! It's not like they're op or anything, they're just building blocks.

    submitted by /u/LevelH
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    More snowy things

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 06:56 AM PST

    First, stairs and slabs should be able to have snow on them, it would both make sense and look good on a snowy house,

    Second, snowlogged grass and flower blocks. It is VERY annoying to be in a snow biome and see little dots of grass block everywhere because grass and flowers cant be snowlogged. It would be more of a quality of life change though.

    submitted by /u/Intermet179
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    Axolotls pathfind to water if it is nearby.

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 03:05 PM PST

    Since axolotols gradually dry up and take damage if they are outside water, it makes sense that they would pathfind to water to save themselves.


    submitted by /u/HermitFan99999
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    Bastion Omen

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 01:40 PM PST

    I've gotta be honest; bastions are pretty easy. Piglin brutes can easily be knocked off ledges and into lava via Punch bow or Knockback sword. Additionally, when players open most bastion chests, the piglins are aggravated, but they cannot reach the player because so many walls block the piglin's view of the player. And during those times where piglins do actually see the player, the player can easily distract the piglins with various gold-related items found in bastion chests and the gold blocks found throughout bastions.

    Instead of directly buffing mobs, I thought of a new interesting mechanic: a new status effect. The status effect will be called Bastion Omen. Here are the mechanics:

    • Bastion Omen will be obtained when players kill a Piglin Brute. For each piglin brute that the player kills, there will be 2 minutes of Bastion Omen. The duration stacks; for example, if a player kills 4 piglin brutes at the same time, then the duration will be 2*4=8 minutes.
    • There will only be one level of Bastion Omen, and all levels have the same effect.
    • During this effect, piglins will not be distracted by any gold-related items. Players cannot barter with piglins during this time-frame.
    • The symbol will basically be a piglin face on top of a bastion.
    • Unlike other status effects, the effects can NOT be removed by drinking milk.
    submitted by /u/Quirky_Yoghurt_9757
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    Shift+Right click with an armor piece looking at air to equip it and swap it with your current armor

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 12:33 PM PST

    This would be very useful in pvp, if you get an armor piece that is better than the one you have you don't have to open the inventory and swap, or if you're wearing elytra and you have to quickly switch it with a chestplate and viceversa.

    submitted by /u/Guillesahu07
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    Scanner—detects changes in entity states.

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 08:35 AM PST

    This is a block that would add new functons while also taking some of the functions from the overworked observer. As the title implies, the scanner detects changes in entity states. If sheep grow wool, if entities take damage, if minecarts roll, etc. It CAN'T detect changes in block states, like if copper weathers.

    I think the scanner would look cool as a mostly quartz block, with a lens on one side made of copper and amethyst, and redstone at the back. This would, obviously, give a use for the new copper ore and new amethyst shards. (My excuse for using amethyst is that amethyst is a mineral, and quartz is a mineral. Both can technically be made into glass.)

    Crafting recipe is as such:

    Quartz, amethyst, quartz

    Quartz, copper ingot , quartz

    Quartz, redstone dust, quartz

    submitted by /u/MulberryBlaze
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    Whips + Rope

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 12:18 PM PST

    -NOTE: I DON'T KNOW IF THIS COUNTS FOR MORE SUGGESTIONS THAN ONE-Thick String/Rope - Crafted with 3 string in a vertical row - if the recipe isn't good then you can post suggestions in the comments.
    Post concept for Rope: Whips - an extra reusable weapon with more range than swords, but less damage.Recipe- With R being Rope, S being Stick, o being nothing, ? being the tip material
    -R- -R- -?-
    -R- -o- -o-
    -S- -o- -o-
    Tip resource can be flint (Basic Whip) iron (Steel Whip) gold (Gilded Whip) or diamond (Jeweled Whip).
    The whip would lash out with right click to hit enemies farther away, dealing more damage at the tip. It would be easily blocked by shields.
    I'll probably use Thick String in more of my posts - I'll quote the same suggestion in those.

    submitted by /u/JonathanStardew
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    Famous short works to be made into books.

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 10:41 AM PST

    Quick example
    Minecraft Feedback link

    Libraries in Minecraft currently only have enchanted books and paper, but I think they should have actual books!

    Famous short works should be made into books, with the same name and author as the actual one. Since books have no hard coded limit (with commands) there technically isn't a limit to how long these could be, but for the sake of making this a welcome feature and not a tiring one, lets say they have to be short stories or poems. Oh, and they would have to be Common Domain too.

    Where would these appear? Like I said, they would be in libraries, specifically the ones in; strongholds, villages, illager mansions, bastion barracks. These would be in a separate loot roll so it doesn't effect your regular loot, it's only extra. There would be a 50% chance to have a book in that chest, That way they feel special. The books would also have to be chosen carefully, because we don't want people to just go "huh" and throw it in a junk chest, the works have to be something people will want to read on their own. The minecraft devs have stated that they take pride that occasionally minecraft can be an educational game or teach you something, not saying this would do that, but it could expose people to the good side of famous works, show them something. Plus this could deepen the world building, since libraries would actually be libraries.

    Another way to obtain them, and I'm not sure if this is the best idea, since it may take away from other things, master level librarians could also sell one these books, for a regular book and some emeralds. This should be fine since most people just reload their first trade so they get what they want, that way it shouldn't take away from people's librarian exploits. this could also be a way to obtain them without having to travel increasingly long distances.

    This feature would also come with an advancement, "bookkeeping" for collecting every book.

    A few works I think could become books;
    The Monkey's Paw (Split into 3 parts labeled with roman numerals)
    The Raven
    Because I could not stop for death
    Do not go gentle into that good night

    submitted by /u/22demerathd
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    Auto crafting

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 03:55 PM PST

    Having auto crafter blocks would make farms so much more convenient. Obviously they are powerful things so maybe the crafting recipe would be 3 lapis along the top and bottom, 1 nether quartz in the middle then two Redstone in the remaining slots. How it would work would be you have the items in your inventory and you place them in the grid but it doesn't consume the items when you put them in their crafting grid. They could have a storage and when they have the correct materials, bam, crafted.

    submitted by /u/watchhimrollinwatch
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    Red Sand Having a Redstone Signal

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 03:30 PM PST

    I think a redstone signal source that can fall would provide some unique redstone options. To make it more balanced with the existing redstone block, I think it should only give out a signal strength of 1.

    Because it can be difficult to find badland biomes, this would provide another interesting motivation for world exploration.

    submitted by /u/bibby_tarantula
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    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 01:53 PM PST

    Quicksand would be something really cool to add in Minecraft, with some interesting mechanics I'll discuss.

    Here are the mechanics and features of quicksand:

    1. Quicksand's texture would look like a more smoother version of the sand block, with various blue colors in inside (the blue stands for water).
    2. They will generate only in beaches. Snowy beaches and stone beaches will not spawn quicksand. Every chunk that is partially a beach biome has a 1/80 chance of containing quicksand clusters.
    3. Unlike normal sand, quicksand will not be affected by gravity.
    4. Entities will sink in quicksand and will take damage. When stuck in quicksand, mobs will take damage at a rate of 0.5 heart per 5 seconds. When a player dies in quicksand, the death message will read <player> got smothered alive. Turtles and baby turtles are immune to quicksand, and will not sink in quicksand.
    5. Mobs will avoid quicksand blocks while pathfinding.
    6. Unlike powder snow, there is no way to prevent getting smothered in quicksand.

    That's all the main features of quicksand. Hope you enjoy.

    submitted by /u/Evening-Cash-4183
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    People that comment just “FPS” without explaining what FPS is to new posters are missing the point

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 03:11 PM PST

    I've seen "FPS" over and over again on so many posts particularly ones made by new members. And I've done so as well in the past, but I've realized it's quite futile. These newer users do not understand what FPS is at all. So instead of just blindly replying with "FPS" it's far more beneficial to say something along the lines of: "This is a frequently posted suggestion" or "refer to the FPS list/read the rules as this idea has been suggested many times".

    submitted by /u/dino_took_my_wallet
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    Gift Wrapped Bundles

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 03:03 PM PST

    Using paper and dye along with a bundle, I think it would be great if we were able to create wrapped gifts that hide the contents. I think these should be one use, a right click opening the wrapping, so the contents stay in the bundle underneath. That way it wouldn't be a way to annoy people by filling up their inventory.

    The dye would be for customising the colour, naturally, though I think instead of just pallet swapped textures, it would be cool if each variation had a unique texture. Think of the brown dye making it a classic brown paper package, or the red and green dyes making the item a box matching the Christmas chest textures. This would be a cherry on top of the general idea, though.

    Now I admit this would be sort of niche, given it could only really be used in a multiplayer setting, but I think it would be a nice touch to come with the bundle, and add a bit of functionality outside of it's current intended purpose.

    submitted by /u/GuiltFreeBread
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    archaeological sites should be more common in arid places

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 09:58 AM PST

    seeing as shards of broken pots are aiming towards being more aztec-y I think they should be more common in arid places like savannahs and deserts

    submitted by /u/aqua_rift
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    Players barter Gold Blocks with Piglins

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 02:29 PM PST

    Currently, when piglins notice a gold block, they'll just pick it up, stare at the block for a few seconds, and then the block like disappears. I think this should not happen. Gold blocks are essentially 9 gold ingots, so piglins should still accept gold blocks as a currency. Perhaps piglins could have a different bartering table when trading with gold blocks.

    So here is the loot tables players can get while bartering gold blocks with piglins. The probabilities are out of 1500, as a note.

    Saddle - 50 2 Coal - 10

    Potion of Night Vision - 100 Crimson Nylium - 100

    Map to a Nether Fortress - 10 Warped Nylium - 100

    8 Raw Porkchop - 100

    Blaze Powder - 10

    Ancient Debris - 1

    Shroomlight - 200

    "Returns Gold Block to the Player" - 200

    3 Iron Ingots - 200

    Warped Fungus on a Stick - 100

    Soul Fire Torch - 100

    Soul Fire Lantern - 100

    Soul Fire Campfire - 100

    1 Cooked Porkchop - 19

    The probabilities for the Nether Fortress map and Blaze Powder are low enough so that players will still have to find Nether Fortresses themselves for speedrunning. Additionally, the ancient debris probability is low so that even a fast gold farm will take ages to just get 1 ancient debris.

    submitted by /u/Quirky_Yoghurt_9757
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