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    Minecraft What mob votes SHOULD be like (and the ideal mob vote)

    Minecraft What mob votes SHOULD be like (and the ideal mob vote)

    What mob votes SHOULD be like (and the ideal mob vote)

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 07:39 AM PST

    Hmm, what's the problem with the current votes?

    Every vote so far, be it biome vote or mob vote, has been disappointing. The first mob vote resulted in moles of people asking for the other mobs to be implemented as well (and scrap the phantom as well). The biome votes were disappointing in their own way once people realised that every option was going to be implemented anyway, so the vote was kinda pointless lol.

    The community is also not given adequate information to take a decent decision. For example, we didn't know beforehand that phantoms and insomnia would be implemented like this. And in the second mob vote, we've been given just about 0 information about all 3 mobs. The state is so pathetic that they didn't even have enough on the script for 2 people to talk about for 30 seconds and had to relegate half of the moobloom video to "Agnes, are we friends?" and iceologer video to "Jens, have you packed snacks?"


    So how do we involve the community in decisions meaningfully and avoid hordes of people asking for the losing options to be implemented as well?

    Solving it is fairly simple really. But to do so, we first have to define what we expect from the vote and why we want it.

    Vanilla Minecraft has a ton of problems to be solved. The community is excellent at finding problems to solve, but generally bad at coming up with good solutions. The mob vote is a compromise, where Mojang comes up with several possible additions which comes up to their standards, and the community picks their choice. For example, the biome vote is, in a way, Mojang asking the community which biome of the 3 is the worst currently, and needs to be "fixed" most urgently.

    So here's how I would like mob votes to be:

    One, figure out a niche that needs to be filled, and propose 3 (or 2) solutions for the same problem.

    Next, actually give the community enough information about the proposed mobs to figure out how they would be in the game. Imo it's a trifle stupid to have people vote on a decision when they have no clue what the options are about.

    Have the vote on the actual Mincraft site. Why on Earth is it on Twitter?

    Finally, the vote should last for at least 1 day. It's unfair how only people from a few select time zones can vote.


    I don't get why this would help. Could you give us an example?

    Sure. Purely for the sake of illustrating the idea (and not for actual mobs), let's pick a fairly frequently talk about niche, ranged golems. In my hypothetical mob vote, there would be 3 summonable golems with completely different aesthetics and mechanics, but are means to the same end.

    1. The blast golem is built out of an obsidian block to stabilise the construct, a gold block on top to provide magic, and a blaze head. He has 2 types of projectiles, yada and blah, which do X and Y damage respectively, with yada being slower but larger and blah being faster but weaker. This golem is loyal to no one and will attack anything that attacks it. It moves as fast as a player and can attack while moving. It is a fiercely jealous mob and will attack anything that has more HP than it. Here's what it looks like: [imagine that this is the best model you've ever seen and give me a platinum award for it, thanks]
    2. The storm golem is built out of 3 prismarine and 1 gold block, arranged in a vertical T, and then struck by lightning. It attacks with twin shots fired one after the other, and if both hit you, you get stunned for 0.5 seconds. It is fiercely loyal to the nearest player to it when it was created, and will attack any mob or player that attacks said player. It moves extremely fast in water, as fast as a wolf on land, and as fast as a crouching player on ice and in other dimensions. It looks like: [Imagine this model is so good that you love it before even looking at it, give me that ternion award, thanks]
    3. The void golem sucks the creative juices out of anybody who tries to write anything about it in a post that should've taken 10 minutes. It always levitates at least one block above any solid block below it, and shoots "dark energy bolts of irony" to attack players and mobs that disturb it. However, it is the most serene (but most annoying) of the three. Here's how it looks: >:)


    How would this help?

    1. Ensures that the people who are taking the decision (i.e., the voters) actually have enough information to do so.
    2. Ensures that every mob fills a niche, and fills it satisfactorily.
    3. Ensures that the community doesn't beg for the other options to be implemented years later.
    4. A large part of the Minecraft player base does NOT have access to Twitter, but that's not a problem with the Minecraft website.
    5. Allows people from all time zones to vote.


    Thanks for reading, and have a good one! :)

    P.S. I actually wrote this post (minus the last section) before the mob vote, when the videos had just released. I was just going through my drafts and found this, so unfortunately the last section probably contained more thoughts that I've just forgotten T-T. It's also why I've written about the second vote the way I have.

    submitted by /u/RazorNemesis
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    Bats will stop making a squeaking noise when near a warden

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 04:07 PM PST

    Simple behavior for bats to become quiet or quieter when close to a warden, acting as an early warning system, sorta like a canary to warn the player

    Edit: Spelling

    Edit: Also spelling

    submitted by /u/CombatWalrus947
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    Stone bricks first, Infested stone bricks second

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 04:24 AM PST

    I find myself, on several occasions, picking up infested stone bricks instead of stone bricks, because they are first to pop up when you type "Stone bricks" in the creative inventory.

    Its not anything major if you're playing in creative, but it would certainly unease me to see "infested stone bricks" above my hotbar when building a big castle.

    Please make normal stone bricks pop up before infested stone bricks in the creative inventory. I think more people use stone bricks for building than infested stone bricks.

    submitted by /u/MastarMastar
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    Banners shouldn't sway if they are indoors

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 12:47 AM PST

    Maybe it only annoys me but when decorating with them indoors it looks weird when they sway in the wind. The fix doesn't need to be more advanced than making it so that they need to have unobstructed view of the sky to sway.

    Banners already don't sway in the nether so it shouldn't be hard to implement. What do you think?

    Edit: consensus seems to be that this will fry everyones machine. I now suggest that fixed banners are craftable by adding something to a finished banner. My best suggestion is maybe honey combs since they will act like wax for the upcoming candles and copper. Makes sense in my head at least. All I want is some banners that don't sway

    submitted by /u/Tegurd
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    Stripping Birch Logs should give 0-1 Paper

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 07:58 AM PST

    Birch Trees are rarely replanted because they often grow alongside Oak Trees, which can give apples and generally look nicer (Oak is used a lot more in building that Birch). In real life, birch 'bark' is papery and can easily be peeled off, so perhaps stripping birch wood should yield 0-1 paper. This would be hugely inefficient as a replacement for sugar cane farms, but good enough that it might be used when paper is needed in smaller quantities.

    submitted by /u/Homicidal__Lemon
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    The player should stay crouched if they open their inventory

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 08:04 AM PST

    Currently in the Java Edition of Minecraft, when a player is holding shift, they sneak. When they open their inventory, they stop sneaking. In a PVP situation, this could expose their location. However, if the accessibility option "Sneak: Toggle" is on, then sneaking will continue when the player has their inventory screen open.

    The accessibility feature gives a distinct advantage in some situations, so I think that this functionality should extend to the default sneak controls. So if the inventory (edit: or another GUI like the pause menu or chat) is opened while the sneak button is held, the player should continue sneaking until their inventory is closed.

    (This also would allow inventory management on ladders, since sneaking prevents the player from climbing down)

    submitted by /u/x46vob
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    Copper blocks should oxidize faster in The Nether or when in contact with fire or lava.

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 08:49 AM PST

    Heat causes things to oxidize faster.

    submitted by /u/Pasta-hobo
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    Kinetic energy should be prevented when flying into honey blocks

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 02:54 AM PST

    My reasoning for this is that when you fall next to a honey block you are slowed down; honey is also quite soft. The idea behind slime blocks is that they are supposed to be a bit harder and bouncy-er than honey, so I think this would make more sense for honey blocks. Apologies for any spelling mistakes.

    submitted by /u/S898
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    The deep dark should introduce a new music disk!

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 02:04 PM PST

    I was thinking something deep and mysterious, resembling where the disk came from. Low, droning sounds and heavy bass hits.

    Perhaps there could be an easter egg with the disk, where a warden reacts to it in a unique way.

    submitted by /u/MulberryBlaze
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    You should be able to stand on striders

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 03:24 AM PST

    You should be able to stand on striders the same way you could with shulkers and boats. C'mon, striders have a comically large head.

    submitted by /u/Daiyousei_
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    Sweet Berries should look different through biomes.

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 09:08 AM PST

    We should be able to biome blend the sweet berries. For example, putting a sweet berry bush in a swamp will make it look dark green. Putting it in a tundra will look white. If it will not blend, then you are in a oak forest. They look red in the nether, and purple in the end.

    submitted by /u/stikcman
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    Chainmail under the armor

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 06:14 AM PST

    Chainmail should be able to be put under the armor. You would put chainmail with bundle slot

    submitted by /u/Potatokiller159
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    Copperstone: A way to make iron golems "patrol" an area on a path of your choosing

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 03:24 PM PST

    It's often difficult to make iron golems defend your preferred area when they move in random directions.

    Crafted with a copper ingot and redstone, copperstone has no redstone utility. When an iron golem walks over it, they'll move in their direction of movement, along the line of copperstone.

    This basically acts as rails for iron golems, except that they can still fight, but stay within 5 blocks of the nearest line. It also slowly heals them, and boosts movement speed by 20% while on the path.

    You could have just one placed, and the iron golem stays on the block you've placed copperstone at. They'll finally stay stationary! When an enemy comes close, they'll leave to fight, only to return when the threat has been neutralized. As a bonus, it makes your builds look cooler too. Now you can have dozens of golems wandering the walls of a castle, the golems acting like the guards that they're supposed to be.

    submitted by /u/Tactical-Kitten-117
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    Ranged Weapon Enchant: Quick Step

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 09:03 AM PST

    The Quick Step enchantment can be applied to any ranged weapon: Bows, Crossbows, and even Tridents. What it does is simple: It decreases the speed penalty you get while you are charging/reloading. This enchantment has multiple levels: At level 1, it decreases the speed penalty a bit, it decreases the penalty more at level 2, and at level 3 it lets you move at your normal walk speed while charging. I feel that this can lead to a more mobile playstyle with ranged attacks, and enchantments that change a playstyle are pretty few and far between.

    submitted by /u/RomanFlour24
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    Carrots and warped fungus on a stick

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 03:21 AM PST

    When the durability of warped fungus or carrot on a stick runs out it should turn into a fishing rod instead of entirely breaking otherwise its suggesting that the pig/strider ate the fishing rod

    submitted by /u/Jamie5279752
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    A selector that detects keyboard/mouse action

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 01:00 AM PST

    A command selector that is mainly used for detecting button action in your device.

    I think it should be called "key" and it should work like these:


    -/execute as @p[key=keybind.WALK_FORWARD] at @s run function scripts:something-something

    -"keybind" is used for detecting when pressing any keybinds on your device.

    -This means that if the keybind for say example, jumping is changed, as long as it is pressed, it will detect it.

    -The bind names should be the same as their names in the settings except they're all caps and uses underscores(_) instead of space.

    -Datapacks should be able to add a custom keybind into the game but it will not do anything, it is mainly for command usage.


    -/kill @e[key=keyboard.DELETE]

    -"keyboard" is used to detect when a key from your keyboard is pressed.

    -Note that keys that usually exists on keyboards are the only ones you can use.


    -/give @p[key=mouse.RIGHT] dirt 3

    -"mouse" is used to detect mouse action.

    -It could only be RIGHT, LEFT, and SCROLL. Extra buttons that are added by the brand of the mouse manufacturer will not be usable.

    Additionally, it can also be used on scoreboards:

    -/scoreboard objectives add NAME_HERE java.pressed:keybind.JUMP (edit: "pressed" can also be replaced with "released")

    The datapack format should be something like this:


    "keybind": {

    "name": "KEY_NAME", "default_key": "[default key]", "changable": [boolean(true or false)], "show_in_settings": [boolean(true or false)] 



    You can also do it like this:

    { "keybind": {

    "name": "KEY_NAME", "default_key": "[default key]", "changable": [boolean(true or false)], "show_in_settings": [boolean(true or false)] 


    "trigger": {

    "function": "FUNCTION_PATH", "trigger_continuously_on_press": [boolean(true or false)], "trigger_on_key_release": [boolean(true or false)] 



    submitted by /u/Daiyousei_
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    It's a shame villagers can't path along ladders

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 02:56 PM PST

    Alpine villages would be a lot easier to fix if they could.

    submitted by /u/DaSaw
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    More Options for the Mob Griefing Game Rule

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 09:35 AM PST

    Right now when it comes to Mob Griefing there's two options: Either everything is on or everything is off. The problem with this is that there's a lot more affected than just endermen moving blocks and creepers or ghasts making holes (which is the most common reason why people want it turned off).
    Sheep won't turn grass into dirt when eating and villagers can't reproduce since they won't even pick up food.
    Overall this is a pretty widespread impact for players who just want one or two things changed. And going to an external source isn't always easy, especially when it comes to realms or considering the chance of everything breaking with each major update (especially thinking back to command based solutions). A native solution would be much more convinient.

    My suggestion: Keep the option to toggle all mob griefing on or off, but instead of just 'true' and 'false' also add options for each mob affected to that game rule.


    You want to keep all mobgriefing on except for endermen:
    /gamerule MobGriefing true and /gamerule MobGriefing Enderman false

    You want generally no mob griefing but 'whitelist' behaviours later:
    /gamerule MobGriefing false and /gamerule MobGriefing [insert mob name here] true

    submitted by /u/Skirakzalus
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    Witch Health Consistency

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 07:38 AM PST

    Currently, every single implemented Illager has 24 health except Witches, which have 26. Witches were added before 'Illagers' were even a thing, but now they are an established faction, some consistency would be nice. Witch health should be lowered from 26 to 24 to bring it in line with Pillagers, Evokers and Vindicators.

    submitted by /u/Homicidal__Lemon
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    Silverfish should have complex breeding rituals when left alive.

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 05:20 AM PST


    Silverfish are troublemakers, threats that should be killed immediately so as to prevent more from being activated. Due to their weakness, and their low health, this isn't much of an issue to most players. I think that, in order to make Silverfish a more interesting and memorable mob, they should be able to flee battle and reproduce to regain their numbers.

    When most of a group of Silverfish have been killed, any 2 survivors should immediately flee the player and begin a 'mating ritual'. They will touch faces for a few moments, quickly scurry away from one another, then return and produce an offspring. If either partner is killed during this exchange, or if they find themselves unable to reunite after scurrying, the mating ritual is cancelled. When in mating phase, they will not attack the player, but will focus on creating offspring.

    Once offspring is created, the Silverfish and their offspring will aggro back onto the player. This cycle will continue until all the Silverfish have been killed. Their fleeing behavior will take them up to 20 blocks away, usually preferring dark, cramped areas, so as to hide themselves from the player, although neither of these requirements are necessary for mating to occur. Their actual mating ritual takes about 15 seconds, giving the player time to find and kill them but also making it a challenge. Silverfish are fully grown upon being born. Mating will yield 2 to 4 new Silverfish, and they will not attempt to mate again until at least 50% of the current group are dead.


    The reason for this, in terms of game balance, is that Silverfish are rarely a challenge given how weak they are, even in numbers. They'd be a greater threat if they were able to reproduce and to weaponize their newly born offspring in order to keep their numbers high, as fighting in numbers is their strength. It would also make taking out the spawner in a portal room a genuine challenge as opposed to a 5 second inconvenience. The last mob the average player fights before entering The End is a Silverfish, and that is not at all a proper challenge for how late-game that room is.


    As for the inspiration, real life Silverfish actually have very complex mating rituals, wherein they will touch antenna, scurry away from one another, reunite, and so forth. Although I simplified the ritual in my description, it could also be cool to have the full sequence play out (I condensed it to the first step).

    Nowadays, Minecraft is always using creative opportunities to teach players about fascinating aspects of nature, and in a game where breeding is often humorously oversimplified, I think it would be very cool to show off how even creatures as simple as Silverfish can have incredibly complicating mating rituals.

    submitted by /u/SideshowBoy
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    Differentiating Wood Stats

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 02:00 PM PST

    I think it would be an interesting thing to change the stats of different wood stats dependent on their type. So, for example different wood densities, which will change how fast you can break the wood: So, for example, Oak and Acacia would be tougher than Spruce and Jungle, changing how long it takes to break these woods.

    As well as their burn ability, some woods are easier to burn than others dependent on the species' dryness, and the dryness of their environment: So Acacia would be the most easily flammable, no jungle would be the least easily flammable, because acacia lives in a very dry savanna, while the jungle trees live in one of the most moist places in Minecraft.

    The nether trees would be a bit different, they seem to be more mushroom like, so they would likely be softer than all the other trees, while also being the absolute least flammable due to the fact that they live in the fiery depths of the nether.

    submitted by /u/ZwirlyWhirly
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    Make the Dyed Wool crafting recipe akin to Stained Terracotta and Stained Glass recipes.

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 01:46 PM PST

    Terracotta and Glass are common building materials. Mojang recognized their nigh-ubiquity in the building community, so for cost-efficiency, retexturing decorative blocks only costs 1 dye per 8 blocks. Even Concrete Powder somewhat follows this guideline, costing 8 blocks and 1 dye to create 8 dyed blocks. However, they excluded wool from this trend. For the sake of consistency, and dye-wool cost efficiency for us builders, it ought to follow the same 8 blocks + 1 dye = 8 dyed blocks formula.

    submitted by /u/Gravity-15
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    Pickaxe block editing functionality

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 01:34 PM PST

    The axe and the shovel can edit blocks like logs and grass. But the pickaxe as the most useful tool in minecraft doesnt have a rightclick use.

    My idea is that pickaxes can edit stairs and walls and make them not connect this would allow you to do so much more and make more intresting shapes. If you dont know what i mean if you place a stair and a different angled stair it comnects to make a different shape this would cancel it and make them both normal stairs.

    submitted by /u/LightningKicker76
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    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 10:00 AM PST

    I feel like volcanoes have so much potential and would actually fit into the game really well. First of all, the basalt deltas in the nether are the remains of an ancient volcanic eruption, right? But wait, there are no volcanoes in minecraft, so how can this be? See the continuity error? Here are some ideas that I also have for volcanoes: if you do a google search, you'll find out that diamonds, gold, copper, and obsidian are very prevalent in volcanoes. The volcano biome could be abundant in diamonds, gold, copper, and obsidian that generate a b o v e where they normally generate, and in ridiculous amounts as well, but there's a catch. Volcano biomes would be extemely rare, like mushroom islands, and they would present a new danger. What makes volcanoes so deadly is the toxic gases that they emit. These volcano biomes could add a new mechanic where you can only stay yhere for a short amount of time before you suffocate to death. This could a l s o introduce a new helmet enchantment much like respiration so you could freely explore volcanoes without suffocating. Maybe even magma cubes could spawn there but I don't know if that's pushing it or not. Of course there would have to be a balance with everything that I just mentioned so that it wouldn't be too overpowered but not so hard to get that no one would even bother. I think that the devs would be able to flesh this out enought to really implement it into the game really well. Please consider upvoting this so that one of the devs can see this, and it can become a possibility!

    submitted by /u/JadeCymatics46
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