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    Minecraft Suggesting the Eldritch Chorus Fruit, an End counterpart to the Golden Apple!

    Minecraft Suggesting the Eldritch Chorus Fruit, an End counterpart to the Golden Apple!

    Suggesting the Eldritch Chorus Fruit, an End counterpart to the Golden Apple!

    Posted: 14 Jan 2021 05:44 AM PST

    Eldritch Chorus Fruit


    Picture version

    Netherite Scrap Netherite Scrap Netherite Scrap
    Netherite Scrap Chorus Fruit Netherite Scrap
    Netherite Scrap Netherite Scrap Netherite Scrap


    An Eldritch Chorus Fruit has the same shape as a regular Chorus Fruit, but the purple/white color scheme is instead black/red, respectively. It also glows as if Enchanted.


    The Eldritch Chorus Fruit is a powerful food item that, when eaten, will remove all effects (including fire and even velocity) from the consumer and spawn a single, temporary End Portal Block at the location of the consumer's head.

    This End Portal Block lingers for 12 seconds and teleports any entity entering it to the center of the End's Obsidian Platform, the same destination as a Stronghold's End Portal Blocks. After 12 seconds, the End Portal Block vanishes, leaving either Air, Cave Air, or Void Air in its place depending on which would be appropriate for its location.

    Due to the location in which this End Portal Block spawns, the consumer of the Eldritch Chorus Fruit is always immediately sent through, since the portal appears overlapping with their head. That is, other entities can also use the portal while it lasts if they enter it, but the consumer has no choice but to be sent through.

    The Eldritch Chorus Fruit also restores the same Food Points as a regular Chorus Fruit (4 points, or 2 icons), but restores 9.6 Saturation points instead of the standard 2.4, making it the hunger-restoration equivalent of a Golden Apple (4 Food Points and 9.6 Saturation points restored).


    The Eldritch Chorus Fruit can only be obtained in two ways:

    • Crafting

    • Very Rare loot in an End City chest (same rarity as an Enchanted Golden Apple in Desert Temples).



    Unlike its Overworld counterpart the Golden Apple, the Eldritch Chorus Fruit does not grant status effects, instead causing a one-off instantaneous effect when consumed. Removing all modifiers can be beneficial in a pinch, especially since unlike a Milk Bucket it includes fire and velocity in this purge. The Eldritch Chorus Fruit is a total reset, though it does nothing for one's Health Points themselves.

    However, the main effect is the creation of a temporary End Portal Block that leads to the End's Obsidian Platform. This has three primary use cases.


    Whether the player be surrounded by mobs, caught on fire by lava, or even falling into the Void itself, the Eldritch Chorus Fruit can get them out of that situation and into relative safety (provided the Dragon hasn't been revived and they do not look at an Enderman, at least). Since the Eldritch Chorus Fruit even removes velocity, it can save oneself from a simple fall from great height as well. It is essentially the ultimate pre-Elytra safety mechanism for the hazards in the End.

    This also somewhat applies to PvP situations, but is balanced by the fact that the player's enemies can simply follow them through the lingering Portal before it closes, which takes a rather generous 12 seconds; plenty of time if they were already chasing the escapee.

    However, the Eldritch Chorus Fruit has one significant disadvantage compared to other 'saves' like the Totem of Undying or an Enchanted Golden Apple: It displaces you from wherever you were and resets you back to the Obsidian Platform, meaning that whatever you were doing is essentially over. Exploring? Having to use an Eldritch Chorus Fruit resets your progress. Looting an End City? Now you have to find it again; good luck.

    End Access

    Since Strongholds only appear near world spawn (at least, in Java edition), it can sometimes be highly inconvenient to go back and forth from the End for players that base themselves far from said central location. Although extremely expensive (requiring enough Netherite Scrap to make two Netherite Ingots), the Eldritch Chorus Fruit offers an alternative option to access the End. One must have nonetheless accessed the End normally the first time to have a Chorus Fruit at all, so this does not break game progression.

    Long-Distance Mob Transport

    An expensive, niche use, the End Portal spawned by an Eldritch Chorus Fruit could also be used to teleport rare and distant mobs (Pandas, Polar Bears, Shulkers) long distances by getting up in their personal space and consuming the Eldtrich Chorus Fruit to spawn the Portal over both oneself and the mob. After that, it is just a matter of getting them into a boat and into the Exit Portal, though the risk that the mob will just yeet themselves off the platform into the abyss the moment you load in is always there.

    Crafting Balance

    In terms of power versus expense, I would rank the Eldritch Chorus Fruit somewhere between a Golden Apple and an Enchanted Golden Apple. This is because while both the Enchanted Golden Apple and Eldritch Chorus Fruit are ultimate 'save' mechanics almost on par with a Totem of Undying, an Eldritch Chorus Fruit is purely for retreat, putting a stop to whatever one was doing before using it (as it teleports the user to the Obsidian Platform in the End every time). By contrast, an Enchanted Golden Apple makes one extremely powerful and allows one to continue with what they were doing, be that fighting off mobs in survival or players in PvP.

    As such, the Eldritch Chorus Fruit is far more expensive to make than a Golden Apple (requiring enough Netherite Scrap to craft not one but two Netherite Ingots), but it can be crafted, unlike an Enchanted Golden Apple.


    All in all, the 'escape' function is obviously the main draw, notably being the only viable method to save oneself after falling into the Void prior to Elytra. However, the 'End access' and 'transport' uses are both areas where the game could benefit from a new mechanic similar to this one; the Eldritch Chorus Fruit meets a need currently not addressed in both respects.

    What do you think? Thank you for your time and feedback!

    submitted by /u/TheGreatGimmick
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    Cauldrons as a Cement Mixer

    Posted: 14 Jan 2021 03:27 AM PST

    Like how we can get tipped arrows from cauldrons. Using Concrete powder on a water filled cauldron should convert it to hard concrete.

    This would make obtaining concrete less time/tool consuming and cauldrons more use.

    submitted by /u/TACOTONY02
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    I'm hoping with the addition of Glowsquids in 1.17, we can get better Squid AI

    Posted: 14 Jan 2021 10:13 AM PST

    We all know it, the current Squid AI is a total mess. They constantly get beached, clip through blocks, and all around move very poorly.

    With Glowsquids being added in 1.17, I'm hoping we can get a revision onto normal Squids. I have a few suggestions.

    - Stop them from clipping crazily. They're constantly clipping through blocks, especially in tight spaces, despite the fact that Fish move perfectly well. Why? Try to make them stay away from walls, and actually have their hitbox collide with them.

    -Stop them from getting beached. Walking along riversides, every once in a while I come across a beached squid, due to it swimming too high. This should be prevented. A simple fix would be to make them always stay at least 1 block underwater, and if they can't do that, have them avoid swimming upwards.

    -Generally make them move better. Squids move sparratically, with out control. I feel they should move along with the rivers, in one direction, avoiding turning. They can behave normally in oceans, though.

    -Perhaps make them look better. An improved model that more closely resembles real-life squids would be nice, as well as size variation. I'm not so sure about this one though, since Minecraft fans may get upset at this jarring change to a long-time mob.

    -Make them actually stay when named. I'm not sure if this has been fixed yet, but Squids still despawn, even while named. This makes no sense, and is inconsistent.

    I feel this is a very needed change, as Squids right now are a complete buggy mess. Any other suggestions for AI changes? Put them in the comments.

    submitted by /u/Jely710
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    Finding skeletons with helmets on their heads with their pickaxe still in their hand in abandoned mineshafts.

    Posted: 14 Jan 2021 01:36 PM PST

    Adding skeletons in abandoned mineshafts would be creepy, but kind of rare too. If you did find some, they would be in a group of 3 or 4. Or just 1. Some can be slumped over carts with chests, sprawled out in the middle, or sitting next to walls. Be careful tho, cause if you open a minecart with a chest, they'll reanimate and attack you with their pickaxe.

    The chances: There would be a 80% chance of an iron pickaxe to spawn with the skeletons, 60% for a gold pickaxe, a 70% for a stone pickaxe to spawn, and a 1% for a diamond pickaxe to spawn. The helmets are a different story. There would be a dice throw / Random number generator for the helmets.

    The rarity of the skeletons spawning: It would be a solid 60% of a solo spawn, 40% for a group of 3, and a 20% chance of 4. Thanks for reading this!

    Edit: The pickaxe's durability would be low cause... well, its old pickaxe's. Just to balance it out for ya.

    submitted by /u/Mr_username_4648
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    Scourge of the Hog

    Posted: 14 Jan 2021 04:51 AM PST

    With the nether update, we have gotten alot of new pig related mobs. I think that we should be able to get a new enchantment just for killing pigs like we do for zombies and spiders.

    Scourge of the Hog would work on hoglins, piglins, zombified piglins (smite and scourge would both work on zombified piglins), pigs and piglin brutes. Lastly, you can find scourge of the hog in nether fortresses; since wither skelatons and piglins are enemies. Wither skelatons have a chance to also have bane of hog on their sword while piglins could have smite.

    submitted by /u/JaysonOnReddit
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    Sugar saves the state of plants

    Posted: 14 Jan 2021 04:15 AM PST

    You've probably seen people use string to stop bamboo from growing more or to stop vines from growing. And since sugar can kill plants, my idea is that if you use sugar on any plant (including beetroots, wheat, carrots, potatoes, and saplings) It will stop it from growing any further. If you harvest any plants the sugar was used on it will reset it and you will need to use sugar again in order to stop it from growing.

    submitted by /u/Poor_Productions
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    The most dangerous game

    Posted: 14 Jan 2021 06:39 AM PST

    Have a enderman, wolf, iron golem, zombie piglin and alpaca all angered at you.

    Edit: a bee and a poler bear also

    submitted by /u/inquisitor-whip
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    Quality of life update

    Posted: 14 Jan 2021 04:10 AM PST

    1. Foxes, Cats, Pandas, and Dolphins have unique behaviours that make's them feel more alive and have more personality. So why not give the other entities the same treatment?

    •Common farm animals should have a grouping mentality and should split up when one of them is attacked. They should also sleep whenever it is night time.

    •Zombies/Husks should show interaction attempts at certain blocks (buttons, doors, chests) though they would only be a visual change.

    •Skeletons/Strays should learn to keep their distance and attempt to walk backwards whenever it can

    •Endermen should actually attempt to teleport to a player when hitting an obstacle (inside an enclosed space when possible)

    •Since phantoms were added in the aquatic update it would be a nice feature if they dived and breached whenever near a large body of water.

    •Other entities should try to avoid the creeper to give new players a small hint as to what it can do.

    •Striders should still walk at a normal speed when walking on fire/magma blocks.

    1. Some hostiles should be spiced up a bit to enhance their capabilities and threat to the player

    •Piglins and Pillagers should change weapons depending on distance to their target.

    •Villager's should be able to regenerate health whenever the sleep to increase their survivability

    •Brutes/Ravagers should deal stun against their targeted players

    •Drowned should actually try to drag the player down to the ocean depths ot at least prevent them from surfacing

    •Spiders should be able to squeeze through tight gaps

    submitted by /u/TACOTONY02
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    Holding arrows in your offhand should increase bow draw speed

    Posted: 14 Jan 2021 10:11 AM PST

    Archers do this in real life to volley arrows faster. I thought it would be a cool addition to the game.

    submitted by /u/LuckyJim_
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    Jukeboxes should be redstone/hopper compatible

    Posted: 14 Jan 2021 09:14 AM PST

    Currently, jukeboxes and music discs are a fun novelty, but can't really be used to play background music without having to replace the disc every 2 minutes or so.

    I know that jukeboxes are comparator compatible and can be used to determine with song is playing as a Redstone signal, but the disc itself cannot be interacted with in any way other than a right click

    I propose the ability for a hopper to insert and remove discs from a jukebox to allow for a longer lasting musical experience in the game.

    Normal Redstone logic would apply; i.e. if you don't want a hopper below a jukebox to immediately suck out a disc, it'll have to be powered to lock it, like normal.

    submitted by /u/RTB_RobertTheBruce
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    How has no one thought of this?!

    Posted: 14 Jan 2021 09:53 AM PST

    Could someone please put all the legacy edition tutorial worlds on the Marketplace. That would mean the world to me. I just really miss them.

    submitted by /u/UserOfUsingThings
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    If you place multiple minecarts it creates a train

    Posted: 14 Jan 2021 02:21 PM PST

    My minecarts keep bouncing off each other and I think it'll be cool if they made a train so that they wouldn't bounce each other.

    submitted by /u/TheMlgJoergen
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    More Uncraftable treasure items

    Posted: 14 Jan 2021 06:47 AM PST

    Treasure items in the game are not as powerful as one would think they would. Totems are farmable, conduits can have an incredible range but only useful in water, Enchanted apples are strong, but also emergency items.

    More treasure items could encourage exploration, and adds more trophies to your collection.

    Maybe some could be like elytra, where they can never fully break.

    submitted by /u/GameSeeker040411
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    Magma blocks=Fuel

    Posted: 14 Jan 2021 02:29 PM PST

    Especially in the nether Magma blocks, which already give off heat could be a good fuel source.

    submitted by /u/MK_the_Maniac
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    Night Sky Update

    Posted: 14 Jan 2021 09:17 AM PST

    There should be a more realistic sky, with many, many more stars, meteor showers, and possibly crashed meteors that contain iron, gold, or a new kind of ore/block. We should be able to see distant galaxies and stardust covering the vast sky, to bring a more immersive feeling to the game at night. The stars and planets should be various different colors, and it should have its own special set of constellations that could possibly be put in a "sky map" which is just a map of the night sky. Phantoms should be able to have a texture that better blend in with the stars and stardust clouds to be used as camouflage to be less noticeable by the player when they are present. There should be at least three different textures for them so there is a variety to them and so they don't have to be constantly changing colors, similar to a chameleon. There should be astrology villagers that will give you rare new items when you map a correct constellation, with some of the items possibly being a small cube version of the Minecraft earth, which can be placed down and kind of displayed as a trophy.

    submitted by /u/Elitemuffinguard
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    Copper Blocks speeding up its weathering process underwater

    Posted: 14 Jan 2021 07:53 AM PST

    For People didn't know, Copper blocks take atleast 80 minecraft days to be fully weathered and can be waxed to make the weathered form permanent

    Now the problem is this process is incredibly slow and for builders that wanted specific weathered blocks for some texturing in their builds is a hassle

    So I propose that if you place copper underwater the oxidation speed would increase around 20-50% and the speed of oxidation also increases depending on how long the copper is underwater.

    My backing evidence here is that in real life, Copper on water oxidizes (because water has a lot of oxygen molecules...) quickly in reality around 10%, but time in Minecraft isn't the same in real time.

    Edit: I am aware that all features in Caves and Cliffs update is still under work, and I think this small idea would help most of the builders in the community

    Edit 2: Grammar corrections.

    submitted by /u/MarkUnderMark
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    New potion effect called “vulnerability” that is the opposite of resistance

    Posted: 14 Jan 2021 02:02 PM PST

    This potion effect would essentially be what weakness is to strength, a negative version of Resistance. It would make players take 20% more damage per level. It would be brewed with an akward potion with a warped fungus, and the default level would be Vulnerability I for 1:30. You can increase that to Vulnerability II for 0:45, or Vulnerability I for 3:00. It would be a very useful tool in PVP, since at the endgame armour is so strong that most attacks don't pass through it

    submitted by /u/-FireNH-
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    Deep Dark creature made from blocks (I already coded it)

    Posted: 14 Jan 2021 02:51 PM PST

    Disclaimer: Despite this being a plugin, I believe the code behind it is simple and robust enough to realistically port to Minecraft's source should Mojang decide they want to.

    I coded a Spigot plugin for 1.16+ that adds a large clam-like creature made of blocks to Minecraft's underground. It spawns naturally like dungeons do and doesn't move.

    Its signature feature is that it "eats" light blocks. When it feels a light block within its range (about 4 times its body radius), it will create a tendril towards that block and eat it. The process is fast and efficient, using A* pathfinding.

    I believe it would perfectly complement the Warden in the upcoming Caves and Cliffs update.


    This video is a bit old (slightly different looks and behavior as well as better performance) but this is pretty much how it behaves.

    It turns to gravel and dies when its central block is broken and it grows when it has room and has eaten enough light blocks.

    If Mojang adds it, I will hopefully also get them to add a way to "replant" them in a controlled environment.

    submitted by /u/Serbanstein
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    Posted: 14 Jan 2021 04:30 PM PST

    Building in snowy biomes has always been a bit of a struggle for me. Whenever I need to use walls or fences, it gets rid of the beautiful snowy texture on the grass, leaving a strangely green patch underneath. Snowlogging would keep the snow underneath so you can make better builds in snowy biomes.

    submitted by /u/Ninjabutz
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    Minecart with Jukebox

    Posted: 14 Jan 2021 10:24 AM PST

    For some tunes down in the shaft

    submitted by /u/ShushUntitl3d
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    Hold right click on armor to replace current piece of armor

    Posted: 13 Jan 2021 09:26 PM PST

    I do a lot of pvp on Minecraft and sometimes I find a better piece of armor like iron pants and I have leather pants. I really wish I could just hold right click or hold left shift to equip it

    submitted by /u/aidengotswag
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    Beacons emit a redstone signal when read by a comparator

    Posted: 14 Jan 2021 10:22 AM PST

    title but each level adds 25% of the redstone signal

    submitted by /u/spookyink2570
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    brick versions of Diorite, Andesite and Granite

    Posted: 14 Jan 2021 02:49 AM PST

    I really like the colors of these three blocks. I'm waiting ever since I had bought Minecraft in 2016 for the brick versions of these three blocks. We have Blackstone Bricks, so I wonder why we can't have the same with Andesite, Diorite and Granite.

    submitted by /u/Katze10-0-10
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    Using banners to make custom beds

    Posted: 13 Jan 2021 08:50 PM PST

    I thought it would be pretty cool if we could use our custom banners to change the design on top of the bed, it would would help create some cool & functional builds like a wrestling mat or just a royal/luxury bed with patterned tops.

    What do you think?

    submitted by /u/raratheshy
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