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    Minecraft Make Deep oceans Deeper to match the new caves and world height

    Minecraft Make Deep oceans Deeper to match the new caves and world height

    Make Deep oceans Deeper to match the new caves and world height

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 11:33 AM PST

    IRL oceans are over 3000 m deep. The "deep ocean" biome only goes to around y=30, making the ocean around 30 m deep. It could go down to -30, making the ocean 100 blocks deep

    Deep oceans should merge with aquifer caves, so there are even deeper places.

    Underwater at light level 0 should be visually darker. Water could diffuse sunlight less, so it's only darker at the bottom of these extremely deep oceans

    Kelp shouldn't grow at the bottom of the deep ocean, since there isn't enough light.

    submitted by /u/roody2d
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    Deep Dark Mob Idea: "The Forgotten"

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 05:35 AM PST

    Long ago, when the builder civilization still existed, miners were doing their jobs in the mines until they came across a mysterious, dark place.

    They go to the surface and tell the others about their find, more miners came down to help explore this unknown biome...

    While they were down there, they came across a monster, it was big, horrifying, and it had skulk covering their body made of bone with an exposed ribcage.

    The miners tried to run, but the monster got to them and killed them.

    The souls of these miners ended up in the beast's ribcage. Months went by and no signs of the miners returning, the builders came down to discover the dead bodies of the miners, they quickly patched up the entrance to the biome and they closed the mine down.

    Hundreds of thousands of years went by, the skulk eventually started to grow onto the decaying corpses of the miners, and they turned into a corrupted ghost,

    The Forgotten.

    It demands attention, it wants to be noticed. It spends it's days hiding in the darkness of the deep dark. Any player that goes there the ghost follows, and will chase the player until the player looks at them, then they stop. If the player hits it, it will scream and alert a nearby warden, and it would also cast a cloud around the player, making it hard to see. The player would have to hit the ghost again to break free. It has 10 hearts and once it dies, it forms into a shadow cloud and will reform itself in a different area, making it have another life but will then have 7 hearts.

    Mob design: https://photos.app.goo.gl/snDZB1266JzVLuNv7

    submitted by /u/No-Firefighter5661
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    Make broken elytras appear broken while on armor stands

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 08:21 PM PST

    Currently, both unbroken and broken Elytras appear to have the same texture while placed on armor stands. It's a small detail, but I wanted to utilize the broken texture in a build recently and was disappointed to see it looked the same. It's a very specific thing, but I think it would look neat.

    submitted by /u/Bp2Create
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    Blazes should take damage in powdered snow.

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 06:17 AM PST

    Since they are a being of fire, submerging them in snow should harm them. Also this would be good for blaze farming.

    submitted by /u/Error428
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    Make the spyglass more useful

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 05:07 AM PST

    1. Load chunks that are further away than usual renderdistance (at least the general shape). This would allow for easier exploration.
    2. Make entities and tile entities visible over a further distance. This is particularly interesting for PvP.
    3. The nether fog should appear less dense or disappear completely when looking through a spyglass.
    4. The option to add these features via enchantments to the spyglass.

    1. Enchantment for the spyglass that brightens up your vision slightly. Like a mini-nightvision effect.

    2. Possible enchantment: magnetic sensor. While looking through the spyglass, players and mobs wearing metallic armour (gold, iron, netherite) get highlighted through blocks. This is maybe the wildest suggestion and therefore I put it down here at the bottom.

    submitted by /u/Leandrodon
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    Change sea level to Y=0

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 12:33 PM PST

    In the new snapshot Mojang has made it clear that they're not afraid to use negative y levels in vanilla Minecraft.

    Well I think this concept should be expanded to more closely mimic how real life heights are measured: from sea level. A simple enough change to understand (not so sure about implementation), this would have sea level be Y=0.

    Using the new snapshot as a base, this would have bedrock at about Y=-128, and build height back at about Y=256 (I don't know the exact values, but this is only a couple of blocks off at most).

    With this change it becomes easier to visualise how deep down you are when looking at your Y coordinate. You can say "I'm 70 blocks down / below sea level," without having to do mental arithmetic to figure it out.

    submitted by /u/MCjossic
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    Ender chest - but you replace the obsidian with crying obsidian - making a ender chest the whole server can access

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 12:04 PM PST

    just an idea, basically, you would replace the obsidian with crying obsidian in the recipe, would have different textures, and everyone on that multiplayer world / realm / server could access. haven't come up with a name, would be really cool imo, especially for economy based servers if people don't want to walk thousands of blocks to get something

    submitted by /u/Plutozxd
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    fully grown potatoes should have flowers

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 03:24 AM PST

    nothing major just a slight texture change to make it more like real life

    submitted by /u/ONIONSAREKINGS
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    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 10:21 AM PST

    When you attack a wild Wolf, there should be a delay before all its buddies aggro, until the wolf raises its head and lets out a howl that aggros all the wolves in the area and alerts them to your position. However this also gives players a chance to silence the wolf before it howls although who tf would attack wolves.

    submitted by /u/AuthorFromPlanetX
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    Roots under tree

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 12:55 AM PST

    When a tree is generated (naturally, or by planting), the dirt under it should change to rooted dirt, and if under the dirt is air, then it should change to hanging roots.

    submitted by /u/ajemalbatros
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    Caves and Cliffs: Valleys

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 09:42 PM PST

    We're all exited for the mountains in the latest update... but what about the areas around the mountain? Remember in the 1.15 trailer, when the bees are flying over a river... then suddenly the river drops into a waterfall (which I will make another post for), and then we see an amazing valley.

    I understand that valleys are "technically" implemented in the Mesa biome, but wouldn't it be stunning if you're walking down a small path to your little cottage, then you look to the side and you see huge mountains on either side.

    This may be easy to implement as you take the area beside the mountain biome, add the respective valley biome, then slap another mountain biome on the other side. You can also generate the area where the mountain biome will be then generate a valley biome in the middle.

    Valley Ideas:

    • Mountain Valley
      • This is the base for all the other valleys. Two mountains on either side with a grassy middle. It creates a nice variation in land. The valley can split into two or more valleys at a junction.
    • Snowy Valley
      • It's similar to the Mountain Valley but snowier.
    • Desert Valley
      • They generate in the desert biome.
    • River Valley
      • At the very bottom of the valley, there is a river. The walls of the valley would also be a bit steeper since the idea is that over the years, the water has sliced through the area. The valley can also lead on and drain into sea.
    • Plains Valley
      • This valley is special since it is not just your average valley, it spans several hundred or thousand blocks from end to end (like a plains biome surrounded by mountains). This will be a nice place to settle down since the area is relatively flat.
    • The Forest Valley
      • Here, the biome represents a forest (generally a spruce, but sometimes an oak, birch, dark oak), but in between the mountains. This may also generate in the Plains Valley.
    submitted by /u/TheOmegaPencil
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    Mossy Cobblestone and Mossy Stone Bricks should be crafted with actual moss.

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 04:40 AM PST

    It would make far more sense if it's made with actual moss. It would also make mossy cobblestone and mossy stone bricks less anoying to craft. Or maybe it could be crafted with both moss and vines.

    submitted by /u/niekvdp
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    You should be able to dispense honey comb onto copper, turning it into waxed copper.

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 04:18 AM PST

    I wouldn't want to sit there watching copper change just so i can have the block. If this was added you could make this process 100% automatic without haveing to sit there watching some blocks. You can play the game and when an observer detects the blocks change it could dispense the honey comb onto the copper.

    submitted by /u/Castiel__quinzel
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    The F3 should show Nether and Overworld position at the same time.

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 04:07 AM PST

    Everybody uses the nether to traverse large distances, and creating Nether highways is often hard when there are two portals kinda near each other or when they build make you spawn at inconvenient places.

    A good way to address this would be to show where you are on both coordinates at the same time.

    submitted by /u/God_Spaghetti
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    Curse of unlooting

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 07:01 AM PST

    It would be a cursed sword enchantment that prevents any mob killed with it from dropping an item. Ideally I think it could be used in mob grinders when you just want XP, but it could probably be useful for challenges too.

    It would really suck to get it when you don't want it, so I would imagine it would appear just as often as curse of vanishing. Alternatively it could be an exclusive book to some area, much like Soul Speed is.

    submitted by /u/monjombo
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    Mobs such as the Ender Dragon and Wither should be seen/rendered from farther away

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 02:09 PM PST

    It'a weird when you are fighting a boss mob, but then they un render from what is a perfectly viewable range.

    This could also apply to players, and be an optional gamerule.

    submitted by /u/GameSeeker040411
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    Creepers should spawn more often in the new caves, and less often abovegroud

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 09:21 AM PST

    I know this touches on nostalgia. Creepers have been here since survival was a thing. However, I think it's telling that Minecraft never had any other mobs in the Overworld since that could grief builds in the way Creepers do. If you've had to patch up your lawn before, you might agree that the fear factor when aboveground isn't fear of Creepers, rather fear of the damage they leave behind.

    This changes when underground, where Creepers are as terrifying as ever, and you're not afraid of them blowing up your storage chests.

    So, here's the feedback: With the upcoming larger (and hopefully deeper caves), Creepers should spawn less often in Overworld biomes, but much more often in the underground.

    It'll make the underground that much more threatening while also keeping overground builds from getting griefed as often. Creepers would still spawn above ground, but maybe they'd be rarer, similarly to Endermen.

    As a bonus, it would serve to make caves feel more dangerous to explore. It might be controversial now, but I think we'd all appreciate, down the line, for their threat to be mostly kept to the underground.

    submitted by /u/is_not_robot
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    With The Caves & Cliffs Update Coming Out, We Need An Update To Minecarts

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 08:02 AM PST

    Minecarts have been in the game since 2010, 10 years ago! Since then he have gotten new ways of transportation, like elytra, striders and boats. But our good old Minecart and rails have been neglected, but they can be revived. Revived in 1.17, as it would fit right in!

    How Minecarts would be updated would have 1 rule, that they must be updated but not be overpowered or non-vanilla (pretty much what mojang does anyway). Some ways you can update Minecarts include adding new minecarts, like iron and copper minecarts. Also, new rails like railroad switches, parallel rails, and vertical rails. Mojang can even make them more useful by allowing them to hold smithing tables and being able to connect with a rope.

    Tell me what you think about it and/or if you have any questions in the comments.

    submitted by /u/GeckioGaming
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    Frozen Caverns

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 01:33 PM PST

    Sometimes deep caves will generate with snow, ice, and Frozen aquifers. As well as icicle stlatmights and stlagtights.

    These would be cold biomes, with an independent occasional snow fall from the ceiling of the cave biome. Or condensation if you will. Acting like snowfall within the open spaces of the biome. (As in, it can snow from any stone block.

    submitted by /u/Pasta-hobo
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    Add desert foxes to the game.

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 06:24 AM PST

    Currently Minecraft has two variations of the fox mob: One found in regular forests and one appearing in Artic-like biomes. I suggest the addition of a fox which woiuld be found in desert biomes. It would be sandy in appearance, using a colous palette similar to the husk, and would mostly feed on rabbits, it would also curl up and sleep in darker areas. Such mob would be realistic as such animal exists in the real world.

    submitted by /u/lbonhomme
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    Taller nether

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 01:28 PM PST

    So if you've been living under a granite Boulder, you would not know that today, wed - feb 10th, was the day that Minecraft received a snapshot covering new cave generation. This change also did something radical, added 64 blocks of construction upward (above y 256), and 64 blocks of caves (BELOW y 0) with this in mind, the nether is currently configured to a maximum y level of 128, with the Java edition "feature" of building above the nether roof.

    As such, I would like to see the nether grow 64 blocks to fit the new generation. (if they do not change the height of the over world yet again) this would allow for the proper ratio of blocks to still exist, as well as allow for the further integration of vertical biomes.

    submitted by /u/Accomplished-Crab932
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    Fireworks as a Flare

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 02:49 PM PST

    With the addition of the larger caves it would me painful to explore every inch and place torches everywhere

    By adding the glow ink sac to a firework recipe instead of a firework star it could become an item that could brighten up a large area momentarily

    That way we wont have to place torches everywhere and we'll be able to use this as a substitute for night vision potions

    submitted by /u/TACOTONY02
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    Option To Disable Nether Portal Sounds

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 03:36 PM PST

    I think there should be an option in the sound settings to disable or lower nether portal sounds SPECIFICALLY. When going through a nether portal a deafening, annoying, long sound plays that physically hurts to listen to. The sounds that play around them are very distracting as well. You can lower the sounds of nether portal in the settings but that lowers a lot of other sounds that someone would want to hear. Therefore there should be an option to lower/disable nether portal sounds on there own.

    submitted by /u/Choppy5000
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    Way to make dripstone renewable in a realistic way

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 01:44 PM PST

    Dripstone could easily be made renewable realistically. For example, a pointed dripstone dripping water on to another one could result in the second one growing up, like in the real world.

    submitted by /u/TurtleOutLoud
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    A skittish mob only found in the Deep Dark: The Orefish

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 09:01 AM PST

    The Orefish is a mob that, despite its name, is not strictly aquatic (being a bit closer to the silverfish). It is passive but is very skittish: It will actively run away from nearby players and mobs. In fact, if it runs for long enough from a player that damaged it, it will straight up tunnel into the ground, making it gone for good. This mob is also on the rare side, only being able to spawn about once a day per deep dark biome. On top of that, while it in and of itself does not trigger skulk sensors, a player chasing one most likely will and catch the Warden's attention. Orefishes are also immune to lava but won't actively go into it.

    With this mob being so hard to find and harder to catch, what would happen if you manage to kill the thing? On death, it drops a diamond and a couple of random ore blocks (these ore blocks cannot be diamond ore or ancient debris). The diamond is not effected by looting; you'll only get one per Orefish kill. The other ores are affected by looting, however. In addition, the Orefish needs to be killed by a player to drop anything; if it dies to enviornmental damage somehow, it will only drop some stone. Overall, this mob is meant to be what is called a "Metal Slime": A mob that is hard to find, harder to kill, but defeating it is very much worth it. Farming it would be difficult since it spawns only once per day, only spawns in the deep dark biome, and must be killed by a player.

    submitted by /u/RomanFlour24
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