• Breaking News

    Minecraft Servers HexoCraft [Semi-Vanilla] {1.16.5} {Dungeons}

    Minecraft Servers HexoCraft [Semi-Vanilla] {1.16.5} {Dungeons}

    HexoCraft [Semi-Vanilla] {1.16.5} {Dungeons}

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 06:59 AM PST

    IP: hexocraft.net

    Discord: https://discord.gg/B3RUK8VFMB


    •Dungeons, a custom built fighting game built and coded by LeonTheDev and Firebious

    •Auction house and currency, sell your goods for money and become rich

    •Mob and player heads •Keep Inventory •(COMING SOON) Space exploration, travel through the galaxy and get custom gear.

    •We plan on making many more games and adding more features. If you want to have a say then join!


    •No discrimination or slurs

    •No begging for roles

    •Respect fellow players

    •No bypassing the swearing system

    •No use of a hacked client

    •No lag machines or dupers

    •Do not try to stretch the rules or find loop holes

    submitted by /u/LeonTheDev
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    SlothMC {MCMMO} {Java/Bedrock Crossplay} {Economy} {Claims} {Shop/Auctions}

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 04:20 AM PST

    How to join:






    SlothMC is a Small to Medium Minecraft SMP Economy server, with many features meant to make the survival experience more fun, less tiring and less frustrating. We average about 5-15 players from Java, Xbox, Pocket Edition, Nintendo Switch and Windows 10 Bedrock Edition. Our features include but there is more outside of this:


    Our server has an economy allowing for people to buy blocks, ores and items from the shop, There are multiple ways to earn money on the server including: Selling items on the auctionhouse to other players, Mining ores and selling to the shop using /sell, building a farm and selling the crops/sugarcane to the shop. These are the main ways to earn but there are many others.

    Java / Bedrock Crossplay:

    Our Server is run on Java so there is no possibility of Java players experiencing issues or anything out of the ordinary due to the crossplay functionality, our Bedrock crossplay is also very well setup and we rarely get issues from Bedrock players and if we do we make sure to fix it ASAP.


    MCMMO is a levelling plugin that allows you to level tons of skills to unlock abilities specific to that skill the skills include: Acrobatics, Alchemy, Archery, Axes, Excavation, Fishing, Herbalism, Mining, Repair, Swords, Taming, Unarmed, Woodcutting. There are tons of abilities to unlock but a few examples are: Double Ore Drops, Temporary Mining Speed Boost and Mining a tree by only breaking 1 block.


    We have a very intuitive and well explained claiming system that allows for easy claiming using a golden shovel, you can buy claimblocks to claim more area and you will receive 100 claimblocks per hour for free.

    Friendly staff and community:

    Our server has been very welcoming to new players, and we as staff are always working to improve the server and make the server better, and to help players with any issues they face.


    Server rules:

    Respect other.

    No advertising or mentioning other servers.

    Don't ask to become staff.

    Don't impersonate staff.


    No spamming.

    No racism.

    No all caps talking. This is considered shouting.

    No unapproved links.

    Be appropriate.

    Don't curse in public chats or in personal ones.

    In-game chat can be seen in and vice versa, be nice to people!

    All PM's are recorded to the server log and can be retrieved as required by the Minecraft Admin and Tech Team.

    Mod rules:

    No fly mods.

    No xray mods.

    No jump mods.

    No climbing mods.

    No speed mods.

    No mob radars or cave mods.

    Bans for xray are in place, please be aware that using any unapproved mod will get you a warning, then a ban.

    Other rules:

    No begging. Asking nicely once or twice is acceptable.

    No griefing. Please do not destroy, deface, graffiti, or build on top of another person's constructions.

    Please don't try and crash the plugins or bots

    No hacking. Using interface mods or programs to circumvent our security system can lead to being banned

    No player killing in non-player killing areas.

    No PvP unless both players agreed to fight, resulting in not following this will be a warning then a ban.

    No massive redstone clocks or devices that run 24/7 without approval.

    No offensive builds, names or skins.

    No death traps or places where other users will definitely die

    No scamming players.

    submitted by /u/koningboy18
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    Horizons [SMP]{1.16.4}{Whitelisted}{Discord}{JAVA}

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 06:17 AM PST

    Welcome to Horizons!

    We are a Whitelist Vanilla SMP server and we had our last reset on December 19th, 2020! playing on hard difficulty and no exploration limits. We've gathered a lot of amazing and fun people during our first two seasons, but we are always looking for new players who can make our community even better! We are home to a lot of talented players, whose skills and talents range from (huge) builds to crazy Redstone contraptions. To become a part of our amazing community, please join our Discord server and use the template. You can start your application by heading over to the #applications channel. Here you can introduce yourself, to be considered for whitelisting! We hope to welcome you all on the server!

    Some facts:

    • We have a steady 20 players on at all times since launch day
    • We have a small but very dedicated staff team
    • Our server is hosted in Virginia
    • We have 100% uptime and a constant 20 TPS
    • Our player base is from all over the world, about 50% EU | 40% US | 10% AUS/Asia
    • We have easy to follow rules and a zero-tolerance policy to griefing, hacking, stealing, and x-raying

    We are using the following Datapacks:

    Anti-Enderman Grief

    Anti-Creeper Grief

    Anti-Ghast Grief

    AFK display

    Playerhead Drops

    Custom Armor Stands

    Multiplayer Sleep

    For more info on the above, or applying, you can visit our Discord

    We hope to see you soon on Horizons!

    submitted by /u/HorizonsMC
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    Fellowship SMP: Adventure [Semi-Vanilla] {Whitelist} {Community} {No-Reset} {1.16.4}

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 12:14 AM PST

    Fellowship: A friendly feeling that exists between people who have a shared interest or are doing something as a group.

    Fellowship SMP: Adventure is a Vanilla+ (or Semi-Vanilla), No-Reset Server. Essentially, the core aspects of the Survival Vanilla Gameplay remain intact (mine, explore, build) but there's a big focus on creating our own Fellowship Updates between official Mojang Minecraft Updates. These updates can be small or large, ranging from new structures being placed in the world for you to discover, seasonal or themed events for you to participate in, mini-games, 'custom items' and eventually PVE Dungeons for you to conquer. All of these additions are built in creative behind the scenes and then pasted into the world as updates. There's going to be a big focus on story and lore to make sure there's cohesion between updates and in time we hope to create our own Fellowship galaxy of sorts.

    Here's our Dynmap (view of our world).

    And here's a Gallery of some in-game screenshots.

    One of the main aspects of our server is Guilds. In order to share resources and farms with another player, you must reside within the same guild. Guilds are easy to setup and we hope in time once enough get established, we can then have various kinds of Guild Vs Guild events. This is also a WIP and subject to change.

    Other notable additions to our server include a weekly Global PVP Day (not yet implemented), Trophies and Titles (WIP), Prebuilt Spawn Area with a Town Hall and Museum, Prebuilt Nether Hub and a Custom Item Shop. To clarify, custom items are ever so slightly altered regular items, such as a Silktouch 2 Pickaxe that can mine spawners, or an Unbreakable Elytra. These are all purchasable with diamonds to encourage a healthy economy and there's absolutely no P2W (pay-to-win).

    There's a lot more to unpack, but hopefully you get the general impression of what type of server this is striving to be. We're currently running on the best machine we could find (costing us $120 USD a month) and we've invested and will be investing a lot of time into making the server the best it can be. Because of this, there's going to be a Monthly Subscription Fee of €5. This will be done via Patreon and we'll occasionally be offering long-term subscriptions at a discounted price. The server is also Strictly 18+ as we're trying to create a mature community free from any drama or conflict.

    With that said, because our opening month is going to be our beta (with a lot of content still under construction) we're going to be offering free access during this time! Please bare in mind that not everything is 100% complete and we'd absolute love your feedback and suggestions during this time! We currently have 10 players in total.

    The Rules

    - No Hacking, No Griefing, Treat your Fellows with respect.

    These are all extremely common sense especially given our age requirement but just in case they weren't a given. There's a much more in-depth set of rules and server specifications to read once you're accepted (or prior to during your application) but it's mainly specifics regarding things like the PVP Day/Custom Structures and a list of all of our QOL (quality of life) changes that are tailored to our server.

    We understand this isn't for everyone but if this does sound like an adventure you want to embark on, please get in touch with any of the owners on Discord @ JakeNEames#1709, TheLob#3384 & Xaij#1864. There's a very basic application process before purchasing a subscription, essentially we just need your IGN (in-game name), age, and a little spiel about yourself and why you'd like to be a part of this community. There's no discrimination here, it's basically just to filter out those just looking to cause drama and to have some communication and a chance to answer any questions you may have before buying a subscription. Thanks all and we hope to have you join us!

    submitted by /u/FellowshipSMP
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    Sweet Anarchy [SMP] {Anarchy} {Semi-Vanilla} {1.15.2} {Via Version}

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 07:48 AM PST

    Sweet Anarchy is a 1.15.2 anarchy server offering a semi-vanilla Minecraft gameplay experience with a working item dupe and no rules. Clients from 1.12 to 1.16.5 are supported but the server runs 1.15.2. The server started in September, 2020 and the world file is over 100GB.

    IP: sweetanarchy.net (updated Jan. 5)

    Description: TLDR; Hacks allowed. Duping allowed. Active players. Admins fix stuff but do not mess with players. Use any client 1.12 up to 1.16.5.

    Sweet Anarchy spawn is damaged on a scale that defies adjectives but is not impossible to escape with trees and animals less than 300 blocks of zero zero. But also hundreds of withers... or thousands of enchanting tables. Or something else because players are constantly griefing spawn. Someone will probably offer you a kit if you make even a little effort.

    Though only 5 months old, Sweet Anarchy has an intriguing history of player conflicts, builds, wars, exploits and even illegal items. There is plenty of griefing, stash raiding, double crossing, did I mention withers? And we have back stabbing, portal traps and PvP but also a friendly community of players who leave kits around and help new players get started... or kill them. You never know for sure.

    You can live as a nomad, town up with other players, join a griefing group and probably get backstabbed or contribute to one of the many highway and world border projects. However you want to play, there is room for you.

    Sweet Anarchy is an anarchy Minecraft server: that means server admins try to be hands-off with player projects, conflicts and not interfere with community culture. There is minimal anti-cheat software installed to ensure server performance but you can boatfly, elytra+, speedwalk or jesus with good clients and settings. Your definition of anarchy may differ from ours. Your definition of "vanilla" may differ. No one cares.

    Sweet Anarchy does not have a Patreon page or accept donations. We are fortunate enough to operate without the need for player cash to offset costs, at least with the current hardware requirements. We just want as many people as possible to play the block game with us and have fun. This is not Hypixel. This is not 2B2T.

    • No Rules, No Whitelist, No Donations, No Shop, No P2W
    • Set up to 4 /home locations
    • /tpa recently disabled (yay more Vanilla than ever!)
    • Use the client and mods you want, 1.12 to 1.16.5 support
    • Working IDD Dupe (Duper Trooper vid on dupe)
    • Minimal admin intervention but we have admins that actually fix stuff!
    • Minimal anti-cheat plugin (but specific exploits such as boatfly are client dependent)
    • Spawn: Trees nearby!! Maybe withers too. Don't use that portal
    • Please join the discord for IP connection updates, screenshots, bragging, cuss words and general anarchy server stuff

    Server located in Canada.
    Discord: https://discord.sweetanarchy.net/
    IP: sweetanarchy.net (updated Jan. 5)

    submitted by /u/blockswerker
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    OP Unlimited [SMP] {1.16.4}{Towny}{McMMO}{Player Shops}

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 09:35 AM PST



    ╼━ 𝙄𝙋: 𝙥𝙡𝙖𝙮.𝙤𝙥𝙪𝙡𝙩𝙙.𝙘𝙤𝙢 ━╾

    IP : smpultd.com

    • We have nether RTP, and /lands claims enabled
    • TNT in the nether is fully enabled (outside of claims)
    • Our server has a CUSTOM market plugin, sell and buy anything from anybody anywhere!
    • We also have a CUSTOM player warps plugin! Create a shop or place for people to visit!

    OP Unlimited is a BRAND NEW SMP survival server, with pvp toggle! We feature dynamic player shops, professional anti-cheat, land claims (shareable), custom plugins, and more to make your multiplayer experience better.

    Recently, we launched a city where people can now set up shop with plots (as well as the market)!

    We are small, but eager to grow the community and staff team :D

    We're looking for dedicated players to build a stronger community.

    "What should I expect?"

    • Join a /job to make money!
    • Always have access to /shop to buy and sell wares!
    • Pets, Hats, Particles, and more cool cosmetics :D
    • Try one of our hundreds of quests with great rewards!
    • Have access to the ingame /rankup system.
    • Take part in an extremely chill, active community.
    • Custom Fishing.
    • Player chest shops.
    • Plots.
    • PVP in /warp end
    • Crates (Not for sale/ No Pay to win)
    • Events Regularly
    • Gift Card/ PC Accessory/ Cash Giveaways :D
    • NO Pay to win rewards.
    • Sell items to claim land!
    • Buy/Sell on the player market
    • Teleport to a random location
    • TPA/Sethome & More!
    • Team up with some buddies or run solo!

    ╼━ 𝙄𝙋 : 𝙥𝙡𝙖𝙮.𝙤𝙥𝙪𝙡𝙩𝙙.𝙘𝙤𝙢 ━╾

    Come play with us! Join a Community that cares.

    submitted by /u/KysMN
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    LogiCraftSMP [Semi-Vanilla] {Spanish} {Whitelist} {1.16.5} {Carpet} {Friendly Community}

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 05:48 AM PST


    • Technical server
    • Version: 1.17 (as soon as it drops)
    • Map will be reset when 1.17 arrives, actual one is ugly and it'd have chunkborders
    • The server is in Spanish, but we can accept English speakers too.
    • Very active discord server with a ton of off-topic channels to talk about whatever u want
    • LINK: https://discord.gg/5fJyGSBeEh

    Modifications to the server

    • Carpet mod which allows us to generate bot players.
    • Autocrafting has been added through hopper support using the quickcarpet mod.
    • All of the mods added to the server are server-side and nothing has to be installed in your PC, it's optional
    • We didn't decide on datapacks, be part of the vote!


    I joined the server 1 year ago from this very subreddit. The discord server is very active and we talk a lot and plan abouth what we'll do when we reset (we have some wild plans), which will happen as soon as 1.17 drops. We're all a very close knit community composed of friends, in a very friendly environment, which you'll surely get attached to. I also do graphics things so I made a lot of costom emojis for the server and the collection is growing. The only restrain is not using hacked client, and gentelman rules like, you know, don't grief and that kind of stuff. Other than turning the server in an anarchy environment, can do anything.

    submitted by /u/talentedBlue
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    Hirathel SMP {1.16.5} {Java} {Vanilla} {Roleplay} {RP} {Building} {LGBT-friendly} {Fantasy} {Whitelist}

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 08:54 AM PST

    About a hundred years ago, an unknown catastrophe struck, wiping out almost all life and most cities. You are the last survivor of your culture as well, as you suddenly sense the signal of a magical distress beacon from a far off city.

    You venture there and find the tiny community of Hirathel, the last remnants of a once large trading city.

    As the town slowly grows back into a living community, an actual society forms, with social bonds, conflicts, politics and more…

    Does that sound like an interesting story? Do you want to explore this mysterious world and find its secrets? Do you want to rebuild the once great city of Hirathel?

    Are 13 years or older, looking for a vanilla roleplay server and willing to play together with a small group of others to create a fun story and lore?

    Then the Hirathel SMP could be the perfect place for you! We are about to start the plot on our new vanilla roleplay SMP within the next few days and are looking for a couple more players that want to play a lost soul that followed the call of the beacon and now settles down in our little commune.

    If you are interested in that, contact me on Discord and we will add you to the Discord Server.

    (You will need to pass a short interview with our team of Mods)

    Discord: Atzurblau#9102

    submitted by /u/atzurblau
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    Looking for small group to play with! [Vanilla] {prefer 18+} {Whitelist}

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 04:46 AM PST

    Hey! Im a long term minecraft player looking for a chill small group to play with! Even just 1 person is ok! I am able to play almost every day. Im also willing to set up a small server if there is somebody else who is looking for the same stuff i am. If you are interested in playing with me or you have a small group who is willing to play please PM me! I would like to start from scratch so please no servers over a week old :).

    submitted by /u/Daddy-Gascoigne
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    TLS Minecraft With Friends Survival Server {1.16.5} {Land Claiming} {Player Shops} {Discord} {Wild} {CrossPlay} {PVPArena}

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 07:41 AM PST

    Hello 👋 , We are TLS Community Servers we work hard for our community and we want you all to join any age from young to 💯 we don't care as long as you have fun! 😁 we have community shops which are already implemented! 🎉 we have land claiming so you guys can build wherever you 🔨 want we have the wild so you guys can be teleported to a faraway place from spawn itself 🌲 you can go roaming alone or with buddies don't forget your tools ⚒️ though! come on in and join TLS Minecraft Survival with friends also we are cross play compatible now with bedrock and consoles! Side note to join you change the port on bedrock from 19132 to 25565! We cant wait to see you there!!!👋😁😊

    IP: mc.tlsservers.com Discord: https://discord.gg/DVGxWCy

    submitted by /u/mattpursuit
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    Creating RL Craft SMP for Small Streamer's and CC's [SMP] {RL Craft} {Whitelist}

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 07:05 AM PST

    My friend and I are going to start an RL Craft SMP for small streamers and other participants so message me to join!!

    Looking for people who will stream and participate regularly in this SMP!!! Streaming and CC is not required, but would make the experience funny and enjoyable!

    Participants who have a high quality mic and stream are preferred!

    The server will be ran and paid for by me so no one has to worry about any sort of costs. Please MESSAGE ME if interested

    submitted by /u/yungpepinoyung
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    Great Phermesia [Creative] [SMP] [Realms] [Vanilla] {Discord} {Two Realms} {Mini Games} {Tournaments} {Voting} {PvP Tournaments} {Archery Tournaments} {Parkour Tournaments}

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 10:39 AM PST

    MY DISCORD: atmryan18#6454


    Hi guys, I have a fun, active bedrock group of around 55+ people and I am looking to add more players, preferably players with experience (you must also have Discord to join). I have two realms - a creative realm which I have built up for over seven years and a relatively new SMP, both of which have a lot of activity.

    I am also fortunate enough to be surrounded with a fantastic staff team who will welcome you and assist you in getting started, whether it be with questions about rules, builds, or command blocks, you name it. This server was just started last month, and I'm glad to say that we have grown a lot since then, and the server is host to a group of very talented players - builders, PvP players, redstone and command experts, and just an all around positive group of people.

    The creative realm has the basic rules (no griefing, no hacks, no mods) and a few specific building rules (I will help you with that, or you can read below). The SMP normally allows for killing and stealing (no griefing) - however, right now there is a grace period that lasts until next weekend, so it should help new players to find supplies and make alliances before the grace period ends.

    Lastly, we host PvP, archery and parkour tournaments regularly, and are currently building several more minigames and tournaments, so I am very pleased to say that the realm stays regularly fun with new features being added. Side note - if you are skilled with building minigames or other features with command blocks, let me know and I will have you talk with our command block expert to coordinate on future builds.

    You can check out some pictures of the creative realm at this link: https://imgur.com/a/G4Kh7Zz. DM me or comment below if you are interested in joining.


    General Rules (Applies everywhere)

    1. No hacking or mods are allowed. Violators will be kicked and banned from the realm and the Discord server.

    2. No harassing or abusive behavior will be tolerated. If a player is violating this rule or any other rule, please contact the moderators or Co-Admin.

    3. If you wish to invite other friends into the realm, please contact the admin first. *Please note that we prefer incoming players to have a relatively high level of experience playing Minecraft. 4. Be respectful and reasonable in disputes at all times.

    Creative Realm Rules (Applies only to creative realm)

    1. You are allowed to make use of any area that is currently not claimed or built on by anyone else in the world. Dream big and build wide! Note that this does not apply to areas that are already flattened or modified by another player, as these areas will be used to build things at some point in the future. If you choose to claim a large amount of space for a country or build, please keep in mind what other people have already built and try to demarcate your territory so that others don't unintentionally build there.

    2. Currently there is one big country (known as Great Phermesia, which is the country you'll first spawn in) and some other builds spread across the world. You may build something small in the territories built up by other players (i.e. a house or a business), but you must get permission first. You can also help other players build, as long as they are okay with it.

    3. If you wish to build something in Great Phermesia or an area directly bordering Great Phermesia, contact the Admin (atmryan18 in Minecraft, President Ryan in Discord) to seek approval.

    4. Your creative talents are greatly appreciated. You can showcase your builds in the #builds Discord channel, and we will try to provide feedback to help make your builds be as awesome as possible.

    5. You can come and go as you please. However, if you wish to leave the realm and Discord server permanently, just let the Admin know. Indicate whether you want to keep your builds for future players to marvel at, or have them replaced.

    SMP Rules (Applies only to SMP realm)

    1. The SMP currently allows for killing and stealing. However, griefing, hacking, mods, and harassing other players is not allowed. If you wish to report a player for hacking or harassing other players please contact the moderators or admin.

    2. In cases of griefing, first-time offenders will receive a warning, and if needed, a realm rollback will occur (the last available rollback before the grief occurred will be used). Second-time offenders will receive a temporary or permanent ban, depending on the severity of the grief.

    3. You can report griefs to me or mods and I will inspect and make necessary actions depending on the severity of the grief. Please provide evidence of the grief, whether if it's through screenshots or videos, if possible. Because I have command abilities, I will not participate in the SMP gameplay, but I will be able to enter the game to inspect griefs.

    submitted by /u/Ill-Flounder1787
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    AmbitionCraft [SMP] {1.16.3}

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 06:51 AM PST

    AmbitionCraft is a small server which focuses on both the decorative & technical aspects of the game, the server is almost 1 year old - Here is a progress video from 6 months ago https://youtu.be/75fj8sAyPpU


    We aim to keep the server going over the next 10 years with no resets. All decisions/recruitment are controlled democratically by the active player base.


    We have large goals, however members are welcome to do/build anything - (we would like to organize public areas such as spawn chunks/endhub/netherhub) - we have a storage-hub which filters most items in the game which everyone is free to use.


    We already completed some large-scale projects including a fully decorated & light suppressed guardian farm, storage hub, quad witch farm, terraformed spawn chunk perimeter, iron farm, wither skeleton farm, greenhouse (all tree types + leaf farm), many cool bases etc... Some of our current projects that are underway includes dolphin highway, netherhub, endhub, encoded infinite villager hall... and creating our own archives for tech, trees, world edit functions & more :)


    In our survival we use carpet mod for monitoring & enabling a few useful technical features, we use world edit in our cmp & voxel sniper in our spigot cmp.


    We are specifically looking for ambitious players who can motivate themselves to complete builds & projects be it Decorative or Technical. We do not require members to have a lot of technical or decorative knowledge, as long as you are willing to learn.


    Here is the link to the application discord https://discord.gg/hrHvaPWczX

    submitted by /u/Dapaganator
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    podzol smp [smp] {realm} {whitelist}

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 10:18 AM PST

    podzol smp is a semi vanilla smp with clans

    its also a small smp with only 4 people.

    there are 3 clans, emerald, bot, and moose.

    raids and wars are allowed but must be arranged first.

    rules: no prejudice, no politics, no killing villagers, and no raiding clans while the king is offline

    if someone has a base but there not a king you can raid them if there online.

    there are custom crafting recipes such as chain armor and saddles so the jei mod is smart.

    thank you for considering podzol smp

    submitted by /u/SnooCauliflowers382
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    The Grand [SMP] [Vanilla] {Whitelist} {18+} {For Creators}

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 10:17 AM PST

    The Grand SMP is a small conglomerate of content creators who all have the same goal of simply creating content. This will be semi-scripted content, for the most part following bullet point scripts, and improving the rest of the way through storylines and events. The server has been live since January 9th, but we have lost some people so we are looking for more active members to join the community! The joining process consists of the following: 1. Join the discord https://discord.gg/rcM6k6vsph , and react to the prompts in the #role-assignments and #rules channels 2. After that, head to the #applications channel and fill out an application 3. Lastly, Innu will contact you to schedule a very short interview, just going over some basic questions about some things on the application. We are currently looking for 7 or so more people to join us, as we are looking forward to a total of 17 people.

    submitted by /u/ayoInnu
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    SurviveSMP [Semi-Vanilla] {SMP} {whitelist} {1.16.5} {Discord} {semi-roleplay} {Semi-Hardcore} {UK server}

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 10:11 AM PST

    Active players needed!Disclaimer (this is a UK server, we accept anyone of any race ethnicity or language but be warned of possible language barriers and connection issues if that may be a problem)

    Info About The Server: This server is one that could technically be considered a hardcore server, although it has a twist! You're all given 3 lives by default, upon dying you lose these lives. Once all lives have been lost you will be banned as if it was hardcore mode, but for a limited time. Death by player results in 5 days, Death by mob results in 3 days, Death by environment results in 2 days... You do not have to necessarily wait out this time however, as if a player uses the command "/revive [Player]" they will sacrifice one of their lives for your own, if this is their last life it recognises their following death as one by a player, resulting in 5 days. This treatment is also given to combat loggers as if you log out after being hit by a player, it will register a player death... We also have a plugin (as used in the DreamSMP and SMPLive) to create instant map art! enjoy! We hope you enjoy the server as much as we do! New Players Will Get A 24 Hour Wait Before Joining The Server (We Know This May Inconvenience Some Of You But It Is Merely For Security Reasons) You Will Still However Get Full Access To The Server To Greet Members While You Wait... Rules: Rules Of The Server: -No Bed/Spawn Camping Or General Toxicity -No Hacking/Cheating e.g X-Ray -Any Major PVP Would Be Prefered To Be Kept As RP To Avoid Toxicity -Be Kind And Friendly (Outside Of RP) -Using Elytra In Combat Is Looked Down Upon But Not Punishable -If You Choose To Attack Someone, Do So Online, Give Them A Chance these are the only set in stone rules, but if needed more will be added to create a more fun environment for everyone

    Plugins: CoreProtect, Harbor, ImageOnMap, LiteDeathBan, LuckPerms, PlayerHeads There is currently no gate regarding age unless this becomes an issue, but do not expect people to censor or dilute their humour for you, as we wont punish people for jokes. We don't mind what skill you have in the game and only wish to allow people to have fun in a semi roleplay environment, you can do whatever you wish once you join, build, farm, create a fascist dictatorship by force... the choice is yours. There are currently only 4 players who play, as we are only just opening up and are looking to create a community around our mutual hobbies If youre interested, please make sure do dm me at u/AverageHumans and ill add you to the discord! we look forwards to seeing some of you!

    submitted by /u/Lpaynter
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    Arcanecraft [SMP] {Mature 18+} {Whitelisted} {1.16.5} {Survival} {Java}

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 09:31 AM PST


    Arcanecraft is a fairly new server we've just started. It's mostly vanilla but there are a few plugins that change the mechanics a tiny bit.

    What I'm looking for:

    I'm not looking to build a massive community with 20 players on at a time within your face flashing text and scoreboards. I'd love to create a tight-knit, mature community of players 18+ who just want to chill out, become friends and play some Minecraft!

    I'm also not a big fan of speedrunning so the End will be deactivated until we decide on a date where everyone can be a part of it.


    I use EssentialsX, Harbor (percentage to skip night), and Simple Sorting. For now, I've not installed any plugins to lock chests. The players that have joined have been respectful, and CoreProtect also allows me to check who has taken items.


    The rules are very straightforward. If you've played in an SMP, just use your common sense. Don't grief, don't steal, don't cheat, be kind or leave. :) If you have any questions about where to build, just ask before building super close to someone.


    The server is hosted by Apex Hosting and located in Virginia. It's up 99% of the time with a maintenance restart once a day. Sometimes I may have to adjust a plugin and I'll ask if everyone is ok with a quick restart but other than that, you can go on whenever you'd like.

    It runs on Paper MC 1.16.5, and has been pregenerated with WorldBorder to prevent potential lag issues. The world border can always be expanded.

    I've hosted 1 other server in the past with my buddies. The server lasted well over a year even after they decided to leave and I just loved doing it.

    I do play other games, but Minecraft has been a great distraction for me during these difficult times many of us may be experiencing but I'd love to play with others as well!

    The issue I'm having is that I've been advertising in the Minecraft Discord. I can't find anyone older than 16. It's not that I have an issue playing with people much younger than I am because I know many of them are WAY more mature than some adults but I think the 18+ tag will better shape this cozy community I'm trying to build.

    Discord link: https://discord.gg/xD24bW2vSh

    Whitelist Application: https://anomalycraft.com/apply/

    If you have ANY questions, feel free to shoot me a DM on Discord! (I'm the only OP)


    submitted by /u/taardy
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    Beyond Bedrock [Semi-Vanilla] {21+} {Whitelisted} {1.16.5} {Survival} {Java}

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 05:33 AM PST

    Welcome to Beyond Bedrock

    Beyond Bedrock is a Java Edition 1.16.5 Minecraft server hosted by UK players from long term Minecraft communities since 2011. Through the years we have made many friends with whom we still talk to on a day to day basis. We continue to grow our community and welcome more members to join.

    As of 9th January 2021, we have started a new map, making now the perfect time to get exploring and making new builds! The world is currently at a 2k radius (giving 4k blocks from edge to edge.) When the 1.17 Caves & Cliffs update releases, we plan to expand the currently fairly small map to get the new generation!

    Live Map

    We keep exploration hidden to maintain the fun of discovery and only show bases that players submit to be shown: map.beyondbedrock.com


    We allow players the ability to send TPA requests to their friends.

    Game Mechanics

    Here are some alterations we have made to our server.

    • Phantoms are disabled - Bats drop Membranes.
    • Day Time cycle increased from 10 to 20 minutes.
    • Night Time cycle cannot be skipped via beds (can still set spawn point).
    • Lightning Fire Spread is disabled.
    • Replant crops automatically with hoe tool.
    • Sponge blocks are craftable.
    • Sandstone can turn back to sand.
    • Faster Minecart system.
    • Dragon drops Elytra.
    • Tree Felling & Vein Mining
    • Chest Sorting
    • Creepers, Enderman, Ghasts, cannot pick up/damage blocks.
    • Pet Protection - Pets cannot be harmed by players.
    • LWC Chest Protection (Unprotected chests do not warrant theft).
    • Trust-led player shop system.
    • Mobs have a chance to drop their heads.
    • Additional Advancements - Can be viewed in Advancement Tab.


    We do have some rules we require players to follow.

    • We are an English speaking server, please speak English in public chats.
    • No griefing or stealing.
    • No harassment in chat of any kind.
    • Avoid being inappropriate in chat, most notably sexual comments, and media.
    • PVP is allowed, however, you must gain the consent of the member who you plan to PVP with.
    • No Cheating of any means to give an unfair advantage (Duplicating, X-Ray resource packs, map modification mods, obtaining seed, scripts of any kind, flying, ...).

    Server Information

    Server IP: mc.beyondbedrock.com

    Website: https://info.beyondbedrock.com/

    Want to join us?

    To apply OR find out more about us, join our [discord here]

    We look forward to playing with you!

    submitted by /u/ChrisPatrol
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    Factions server [smp] [realms] {bedrock}

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 09:19 AM PST

    Bedrock survival realm

    Realm code:wyRrAWwkmVg It's a server where you can make factions have roles and even have wars the only rules are don't be toxic and be a frequent player. Griefing and stealing from players is allowed as long as you're not toxic. If their is a problem on the server add my Xbox account jayjoe13 and message me about the problem. If you decide to join the server have fun:)

    submitted by /u/jayjoe13
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    MossyNet [Semi-Vanilla] [SMP] {1.16.4} {Whitelist} {Dynmap} {Discord} {Tournaments}

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 09:10 AM PST

    We have PvP tournaments, community builds, a Screenshot of the Week contest, and Discord channels to play other games together, as well, such as Among Us and TF2.

    Whitelist application: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfwXs5k_fgXwXZ0WxQatGV1qBENyrruB_HGS2vmDgoqUaFc3g/viewform?usp=sf_link

    Server address: mossynet.meloncu.be

    Dynmap: http://mossynet.meloncu.be:3535/

    Discord: https://discord.gg/4q7HUVA

    submitted by /u/TeamMossyNet
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    VillagerPvP [SMP][PVP][PVE]{1.16.5} {VR Support} {Improved Minecraft Mechanics} {Better Dungeon Generation} {New Mobs} {Better Defense & Land Claim} {Economy}

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 09:02 AM PST

    Our community at VillagerPvP are constantly looking to make the experience a memorable one. Our server has a number of improvement of life features for Minecraft that enhances the overall experience of playing on Minecraft. We have a lot of plans to keep this server and community on for a very long time, and do hope that you get to join on an adventure with us!

    Java IP : villagerpvp.mc.gg

    Bedrock IP: <- Will need a java account to access bedrock

    Discord: https://discord.gg/YMEA3R7

    Not only do we provide these massive upgrades to Minecraft mechanics for the enjoyment of yourself and for your friends we also have implemented a better faction system that enhances the flavor of an SMP & Factions gameplay experience.

    VillagerPvP Trailer

    GamePlay Addons

    Custom Generated Dungeons

    Unique Weather Events -> Erosion, Tornadoes, Sandstorms, Meteor & Asteroid Impacts, and much more

    ✶ Custom Armor - > Can create many other armor types, more information at /warp tut

    Custom Mobs - > New mobs that spice up the Minecraft experience!✶ Muskets -> Can create your own musket to survive the wilderness!

    Teleporter Portals -> Can create your own portal for quick fast travel, more information at /warp tut

    Turrets - > To watch your six and protect your land✶ Kingdoms -> Many neat features for factions includes buffs, soldiers, income, turrets, etc

    Mob Arena-> How long can you survive?

    Bloodmoon -> Survive the horde

    Herobrine -> White Eyes can see through your soul

    Skills -> Improved MMCO System

    Join our community and stake your claim on VillagerPvP!

    submitted by /u/VillagerPvP
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    PlaytowinMC {Spigot} {Factions, Survival} {Java}

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 08:59 AM PST

    Server IP


    For a long time now I have been searching for a server that wouldn't require me to input my credit card information in order to have somewhat of a good experience. It seems like there is always a unfair advantage with all of these pay to win servers now a days that it just leads to you not wanting to play or wasting money on something that will be gone in a couple years.

    With my server I will host my server with my own money and will have a donate button open to anyone who wants to support the server to help it continue to run. However I genuinely am doing this for everyone and myself so if you don't want to donate you don't have to :)

    The server includes tnt run, bedwars, pvp, survival, factions, and more coming soon! All of it is player progression based with no pay to win features interfering! We are giving out limited time Alpha and Beta ranks for people who join when the server first began.

    Join now to claim your rank reward!

    Server IP


    submitted by /u/Jekorz
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    Vanillarite [SMP] {age 16+} {claims} {no-grief} {player-shops} {1.16.5}

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 02:54 AM PST

    "I got really lucky finding Vanillarite. It was just in a long list of other servers. I don't really remember what made me click. I know I wasn't looking for a server that offered a better way to play Minecraft. I was looking for a server that offered community and collaboration. I think those are our strongest traits. Yes we have good builders but being on a server isn't about the virtual atmosphere (for me); it's about the social atmosphere." - Calonan

    Vanillarite is a vanilla server, with some plugins, that keeps the players in mind. We have claim blocks to protect your builds where you can enable PVP if you so desire, active staff, and a supportive community. Player shops to sell your items as well as iceways to travel fast across the map, the blue lines on the Dynmap ↗ connect the stations where you can walk onto the pressure plates to tp to other stations.

    Bring your friends or make some new ones. Hope to see you there! Don't forget to join our Discord ↗ to keep up to date on things like maintenance, changes in rules ↗ or just to chat with other players. Access to all channels will be given after linking up your mc account with discord and playing for at least 10 minutes.

    Join us today play.vanillarite.com

    submitted by /u/Aitnys
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    2TMC [Vanilla][SMP]{1.16.5}{Datapacks}{Whitelist}{Discord}{Community}{Hermitcraft-like}{16+}

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 08:40 AM PST

    Hello we are 2TMC a community server much like Hermitcraft. We currently have 13 players right now. We are active in game on chat and on our Discord voice channel. We are looking to be 25 - 30 players max.

    We are looking for players who will be active in game and will talk either through in game chat or Discord (Preferred). Also if you want to/can to record and/or stream on the server this is encouraged and a plus. The server is in NA but we have players from all around the world. Discord and a mic are required! The reason for all updates surrounding the server are on our Discord and we want people who we can talk and interact with, though its not required to be on voice chat when in game its preferred.

    The server is running some data packs, The datapacks and what they do are listed below.

    afkdisplay - Grays out a player's name that is not moving for 5 minutes.

    anti enderman grief - Prevents endermen from picking up blocks.

    armor statues - Adds a unique book that allows you to alter the properties of armour stands in survival. Recipie When signing a written book name it "Statues".

    back to blocks - Allows you to craft full blocks from slabs and stairs.

    coal to black dye - Allows you to craft coal into black dye.

    charcoal to black dye - Allows you to craft charcoal into black dye.

    confetti creepers - There is a 10% chance that a creeper will explode into confetti and do no damage to blocks.

    coordinates hud - Adds information to your action bar, XYZ coords and a 24hr clock (in game time). Type /trigger ch_toogle to toggle on/off.

    Craft sound - All crafting have unique sound.

    craftable notch apples - Allows you to craft Notch apples again. Recipie 8 golds around an apple = 1 Notch apple.

    craftable coral blocks 3x3 - Allows you to craft coral blocks from their coral plant in a 3x3, both tubes and fans may be used interchangably. Recipe 3x3 of coral plants of same colour = 1 block of coral in that colour.

    craftable gravel - Allows you to craft gravel from flint. Recipie 2x2 of flint = 1 gravel.

    double shulker shells - Makes all shulkers drop two shells.

    dragon drops - Makes the ender dragon drop a dragon egg and elytra drop on death.

    durability ping - Get notified when you damage an item with 10% or less durability. fully customizable type /trigger duraping.

    fast leaf deacy - Leaves decay much faster.

    graves - When a player dies, a grave is made at their location containing all their items. Right click the grave to retieve your items. Type /trigger grave to see the location of your last grave.

    kill empty boats - Kills all boats that do not have players in them.

    more mob heads - Adds a chance to recieve a mob head upon killing it.

    multiplayer sleep - Allows just one player to sleep to skip the night.

    player head drops - A player will drop their head when killed by another player. The item displays who the killer is.

    silence mobs- Adds the ability to silence a mob using a name tag,"Silence me"; "silence me"; "silence_me" are all acceptable names.

    straight to shapeless- Craft items such as paper, bread, and shulker boxes directly in your 2x2.

    unlock all recipes - Automatically unlocks all recipies as soon as you start playing.

    universal dyeing - Allows you to dye any dyeable block to another color, no matter what colour it is(does not include wool and concrete).

    unpackable nether wart - Allows you to break down nether wart blocks into 9 nether wart. Recipie 1 nether wart block = 9 nether wart.

    wandering trades hermit edition - Adds Hermit heads and mini blocks to wandering traders trades.

    Here are the rules for the server as well.

    1. Be Respectful
    2. No griefing, stealing, or cheating
    3. Chat is English only
    4. Non-Destructive Pranks are allowed (so Hermitcraft style pranks)
    5. Spawn area is for a spawn town
    6. Bases must be built 500 blocks away from Spawn.
    7. Bases must be built 250 blocks away from spawn and other Players bases (unless you and other Players decide to base together)
    8. PVP must be consensual between all participating parties
    9. No duping except for carpet, rail and tnt.
    10. No combat logging, this means mobs as well.
    11. No killing or taking animals from spawn.
    12. All farms (gold, iron, mob, food, xp, etc) are private you must get permission from the owner to use them (aka no public farms).
    13. Taking items/griefing from active and maintained ruin sites is prohibited

    If you are interested in joining please fill out this application

    link: https://forms.gle/3qRKgwWcjs5eytgDA .

    submitted by /u/Lou9896
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    Turtle SMP {SMP} {Java} {semi-vanilla} {plugins} {whitelist} {discord}

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 04:47 AM PST

    Looking for a small server with a small community? then join the turtle smp right now were are 4 people and we will stop adding people when there is around 20 people.
    Join the discord https://discord.gg/U8P8teVy and we will talk to you and whitelist you.

    Please only join the server if you are willing to play on a long term basis

    submitted by /u/Independent-Cow-4042
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