• Breaking News

    Minecraft Weather cycle at different places is different.

    Minecraft Weather cycle at different places is different.

    Weather cycle at different places is different.

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 02:58 AM PDT

    Maybe you know when it starts raining in Minecraft, it rains everywhere, at entire world. And I think this will be good addition that makes minecraft's weather cycle different at different places

    submitted by /u/PechorinS_
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    Ruined portals should use Euclidean (round) falloff for their surrounding netherrack patterns

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 09:12 AM PDT

    Ruined portals are a super interesting feature, but something always felt off to me about the way they generate. Specifically, their surrounding netherrack patterns looked abnormally pointy in the North/South/East/West directions.

    I looked in the code (thanks to /u/SuperCoder79 for helping me find the place!), and sure enough it uses Manhattan distance to shape the pattern. I propose that this be replaced with a Euclidean-based distance falloff, to produce a more convincing effect. I've put together a quick demo to showcase the results. Rather than Euclidean, I used a slightly more efficient formula involving squared Euclidean distance, but any Euclidean-based falloff would work fine I think. I kept the radius the same, but it could be scaled back if necessary to keep the total number of blocks roughly the same as before.


    The code is here for anyone savvy. It's a mod (rule 6?), but it's my own mod created specifically for demonstrations like this, so I'm hoping that's OK. I have a future post planned that discusses more of the changes in it, but wanted to focus on this one for now since it's a straightforward change.

    submitted by /u/KdotJPG
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    Boookshelves should have ~5 extra slots for holding enchanted books.

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 05:41 AM PDT

    Texture changes depending on how many books there are. That way bookshelves will be much more usefull. ( That is 15*5 = *~75* extra book slots with maxed out setup!)

    submitted by /u/PizzaWarrior321
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    Full composters should attract animals.

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 11:01 AM PDT

    In real life having a compost generally attracts a lot of rodents and small animals, I think it would be cool to have things like cats and maybe some other small animals, like pigs or birds, to be attracted to it.

    Instead of changing pathfinding it could also just increase the spawn rates of certain animals in the area, maybe 10 blocks or so, this would greatly help the technical players as passive mob farms are more feasible/ produce slightly more. It also adds a bit more realism to a slightly useless block, as well as helping to find animals in the early game.

    submitted by /u/Ekcochicken3101
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    Rotten wood

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 01:07 PM PDT

    It would be very fragile wood that would break if you walked on it or put a block on it, it would be craftable with wood and ivy or the wood would become rotten wood by being under water, and to prevent the wood from rotting in the water, you could cover it with honey or something like that!

    submitted by /u/Revolutionary_Sir128
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    Meteorites in the End

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 01:41 PM PDT

    Piggybacking off of u/Quirky_Yoghurt_9757 's post, but in a different direction.

    It would be cool if we could see meteorites generate naturally in the End, given that the End is supposed to be space-y and doesn't have much worldgen variety.

    Meteorites could, like fossils, be rare, possess various shapes, and generate (as fossils do in soul sand valleys) partially submerged in the ground. They could be composed either of some new block (probably with only decorative or niche uses) or of the newly introduced raw iron block, because meteorites on Earth are often composed of iron.

    An orb-shaped structure would likely not fit the End well, but a pockmarked wedge or chunk might add a splash of (needed) End-flavored variety.

    Pros: Obsidian matches the aesthetic scheme of the end and provides some visual variety. Because of obsidian, bedrock, chests, item frames, brewing stands, and ladders, we know that overworld materials can be found in the End. Obsidian meteorites would also provide a way by which the inhabitants of the End might have constructed the obsidian pillars without journeying to the Overworld.

    Cons: Raw iron's design as a block does not fit the End. The practical uses of raw iron or obsidian meteors would be very limited. Obsidian does not compose real-life meteors. The devs seem to have a reasonable vision of the End as a barren wasteland. Nonetheless, I think the lack of practical uses and the aesthetic upgrade introduced every now and then would give the End a spark of interest without voiding its wasteland-y nature.

    Let me know what you think!

    submitted by /u/TastyOrange9964
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    Giant ravines and sinkholes

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 07:55 AM PDT

    Ravines about eight times as wide as normal with dirt and vegitation at the bottom and on outcrops, and vines on the walls.

    Sinkholes of a similar scale, also with dirt, vines etc.

    submitted by /u/TakenIsUsernameThis
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    Nomadic Hunter

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 11:46 AM PDT

    The nomadic hunter would be a villager who would walk around with a crossbow and would wear a furry hat and clothes with tough leather boots, he would also have a sweet moustache. He commonly spawns in colder biomes such as snowy taigas, snowy plains and the new mountains.

    The nomadic hunter would commonly find animals in a 100 block radius of himself and would chase them down and shoot them. His favourite animals are polar bears, goats, rabbits and foxes but he will also hunt cows, pigs and sheep. He will not hunt village generated livestock.

    Upon encountering a pillager, he would start fighting them and would usually end up winning as he can naturally regenerate health (1hp/5 seconds). He will also be automatically aggressive towards zombies and will run if he's on low health and will also strafe away from them if they get close.

    The nomadic hunter can also be seen using poison tipped darts on certain animals such as polar bears as they are a bit deadly.

    The nomadic hunter is neutral towards players and will trade with the player, he will commonly sell leather and rabbit hide along with food, bones, charcoal, wool and tipped arrows. His currency is emeralds.

    Upon finding a village, the hunter will trade and talk with the villagers, perhaps even mating with the locals and having children. His children have a 50/50 chance of becoming a villager or growing up to leave the village and pursuit the life of their father. Note that the hunter will walk towards a village if there is one in a 250 block radius of him, he will not return to a already visited village unless it has been at least 10 days (if he lives that long). Hunters spawn like pillager patrols.

    submitted by /u/JaysonOnReddit
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    Gravel patches that connect caves that are above eachother.

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 02:03 PM PDT

    This would in no way be realistic, but I think it would make caving a bit more fun.

    submitted by /u/Mr_Snifles
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    Dead Jungles

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 08:30 AM PDT

    Dead Jungles are a jungle variant that have no leaves on the trees and all dirt is pretty much sand/coarse dirt. Jungle Temples generate as versions of themselves without mossy blocks or any vines, and a lot of cracked blocks are in place of mossy blocks. The Dead Jungle also has more skeletons spawning, less passive mobs spawning, and more spiders spawning. You may see dried melon blocks which are a dry variant of melon blocks, which give a Blindness effect when brewed into a potion, as the opposite to Glistening Melon (Must be confirmed).

    Dead Jungles are also drier, but not as dry as deserts. Rain falls, but lighter, more in a showery kind of light rain, with a somewhat blue-grey sky. In a thunderstorm, the sky turns grey like in rain and light levels drop a bit, but not dark like in Plains. Rain/Thunderstorms are a bit less common than usual. This is a biome trait known as Damp, and is to serve as an intermediate between Dry and Humid biomes.

    Fossils are frequent here as well as dead bushes, suggesting that life did indeed thrive here once, but died out from desertification or natural climate change. The abundance of dead, leafless jungle trees prevents cacti from ever generating.

    Asides from this, many fallen leafless jungle trees generate here, a few can be giant and in pieces. This is because of either an unknown civilisation that tried to farm the forest, or the heat from the desert dehydrated them to the point of death. A new variant of bamboo called Dry Bamboo is a yellow version of bamboo that is also crackly in texture and has a sort of scratchy smashing sound when mining it mixed in with the normal bamboo noise. Dry Bamboo generates in sparse patches in the Dead Jungle, and takes a little longer to mine than normal Bamboo due to the fact it is so dry.

    submitted by /u/SnowBallEarth43
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    Legendary/unique items in data packs that can be accessed in commands by name instead of having to write out the whole NBT.

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 11:38 AM PDT

    The server I play on has a ton of these (non-standard attributes, enchants, and effects), and it might be easier if we could just define the item in a data pack than having to copy/paste the NBT. Like "/give SomePlayer my_data_pack:fancy_unbreakable_pickaxe".

    submitted by /u/StTheo
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    Frost walker horse armour

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 08:03 AM PDT

    I think the frost walker enchantment is really cool because it allows you to cross oceans and lakes really easily. I also really like how it works even while you're on a horse.

    However, it's a bit annoying in multiplayer when only the person with frost walker boots can freeze water while on a horse. Here's my solution - horse armour can now be enchanted with frost walker! This would mean that you could share horses on a server and use frost walker without needing to make extra enchanted boots.

    submitted by /u/wendigooooooooo
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    Way to make husks from zombies

    Posted: 16 Apr 2021 10:02 PM PDT

    There is a way to make drowned from zombies, making access to the drops exclusive to drowned. Why not husks? They are STILL zombie variants.

    I'm thinking in this case, zombies could turn into husks when you bring a zombie into the Nether. The Nether is hot and it dries up the zombie's skin, turning it into a husk, the dried-up variant.

    submitted by /u/Quirky_Yoghurt_9757
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    Bird Sounds

    Posted: 16 Apr 2021 10:17 PM PDT

    Each biome should have bird sounds during the day.

    -In forests the bird sound would be normal.

    -It would be thicker in the jungle.

    -Snowy forests would have thinner bird songs with some wind.

    -Beaches would have seagull sounds instead of bird songs.

    -Deserts would have vulture or crow sounds and some wind.

    -Some biomes wouldn't have them, The ocean would have wave sounds, mountain peaks would have just wind and there would be a dripping sound in caves.

    -Crickets would sound instead of birds at night.

    submitted by /u/JonTravis03
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    Using scrollwheel should pick the item you want to pull out from the bundle

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 02:42 AM PDT

    If you have lots of items in your bundle and you want some item, you currently need to empty every item before the item you want. I think the solution is simple: literally ise scroll when the cursor is on the bundle to select the item you want out. My friend had this idea, but his comment karma is below 10, so I posted this for him.😊

    submitted by /u/Hirmuinen2
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    Special Music Discs for each major update!

    Posted: 16 Apr 2021 09:22 PM PDT

    We got pigstep with the Nether Update and I think it's safe to say everyone loves it. That got me thinking: why don't we get other music Discs to commemorate the other major updates to Minecraft?

    • Bed-Rock (a rock themed disc found only in the Deep Dark for the Cave Update!)
    • Can't think of a funny name (a country themed disc found as a rare reward in villages or perhaps a rare trade? As a side note I'd love to see a musician added who trades music Discs.)
    • Elder Jazz (a nautical jazz tune for the Ocean Update!)
    • Void (Dunno what this one should sound like, but obviously from End Cities. Perhaps a chance to spawn in End Ship chests?)

    What other music discs/updates should be included? How rare would you like these to be? And what about a musician villager? He wouldn't trade these obviously, just the default ones. (Other trades could include String, Jukeboxes, Glass Blocks for Emeralds. Start with one of those and an emerald for a music discs, final trade is Jukebox for emerald)

    submitted by /u/diamondcreeper
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    Placeable Spyglasses

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 01:11 PM PDT

    Placeable Spyglasses

    I have a TNT cannon testing place in survival mode, but its really annoy to bring a spyglass to see how your TNT is doing, when your inventory is mostly filled with redstone, tnt, dispensers. So why not add a stationary spyglass?

    Placed spyglass would be 2 blocks high, can be destroyed and dropped by water flows, when player right click it, it would allow them to enter spyglass mode, the spyglass can only turn 10 degree to left and right to the direction its placed at, and can turn 50 degree upward.

    The idea is inspired by the camera in Edu Edition which looks like this:


    submitted by /u/Dav_Did
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    Concrete Crafting Revamp

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 09:22 AM PDT

    Before I get too deep into this post, I actually currently work at a concrete facility where we make, pour, sell, and distribute concrete products. And while I know not everything in Minecraft needs to be realistic, I thought this could be a nice, unique way of obtaining the block. There is a "TL;DR" at the end as well.

    Concrete powder as we know is crafted with sand, gravel, and a dye. However, then to obtain your concrete block you simply place it next to water and instantaneously get a hardened concrete block.

    This has always seemed weird to me, even before I started my concrete job. Water usually does not harden any material when placed inside it.

    My suggestion is to incorporate some upcoming 1.17 mechanics to the concrete making process, as adding new features to earlier parts of the game help make everything feel more connected or in sync.

    The new process of creating concrete is as follows:

    1. Concrete powder is crafted the same way it is now.
    2. ONE Concrete powder and ONE bucket of water in a crafting table craft a "bucket of concrete" (like how the new powdered snow is picked up).
    3. Placing this bucket of concrete will set a new "wet concrete" on the ground.
    4. Finally the wet concrete will take about 1 Minecraft day to dry and turn into regular concrete (a faster version of the new copper block and its aging process).

    Now I know what most players are thinking now: "That process is too complicated!" or, "Now we need to use a crafting table even more just to make concrete!?"

    And thats why I would also like to reintroduce the current mechanic of forming concrete:

    1. Place a concrete powder block next to water OR a water-logged block.
    2. The concrete powder will then instantly turn into wet concrete.
    3. The wet concrete will ALWAYS be wet concrete as long as the water or water-logged block is touching it (giving a way for player to always have that specific block in a build).
    4. Once the water/water-logged block is removed the wet concrete will take about 1 Minecraft day to turn into normal concrete.

    Having 2 ways to craft concrete introduces the use of redstone builds in the process: making concrete factories a fun new building choice for players. But also makes it engaging for players that don't want to build a redstone contraption.

    TL;DR: Change the way concrete blocks are made by adding a new "wet concrete" stage in the middle. Wet concrete can be picked up with an empty bucket to get a "bucket of concrete." Wet concrete, if not touching any water-logged blocks, will take about 1 Minecraft day to turn into regular concrete. Also introduce a way to craft wet concrete in a crafting table: 1 concrete powder and 1 bucket of water.

    Thanks for reading my post! Feel free to ask any questions!

    submitted by /u/_ElementEdge_
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    Colorized bricks and flower pots

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 04:15 AM PDT

    So, I think It would be really nice to add colors for them, also i think they should have colors similar to terracotta, like the white would be not the pure blue but got like white skin coloristic. But if they managed to make it dye like with leather it would be extra cool

    submitted by /u/LordGacie
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    More settings for custom dimensions

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 03:17 PM PDT

    Some ideas:

    —Cloud height

    —Cloud color

    —Fixed spawn (like in end dimension)

    —World border coords

    —More one biome for superflat

    —Default shader (For example, creeper view for all player in this dimension)

    —Central island and its size

    —Height offset for structures

    —Portal (Nether or end portal with special tag)

    submitted by /u/Crafterz_
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    Dry Ice "temporary" blocks

    Posted: 16 Apr 2021 05:07 PM PDT

    Dry Ice should be added to the game as a "temporary building block". The dry ice would sublimate (turn into air) the first time it is random ticked (average about 1 minute).

    Having these blocks available would greatly ease building (For example, imagine building a long diagonal line in the air or skipping every other block and having to come back and break out your dirt/netherite temporary blocks afterwards)

    I haven't given a lot of thought as to exactly how these blocks would be crafted/generated but they would need to be easily renewable and farmable as they are a resource you may end up going through rather quickly and if they were too valuable, you would simply use dirt and clean up after yourself. Dry ice IRL is made automatically by pressurizing CO² (air) and then freezing it. Maybe something like an air block surrounded on 4 sides by blue ice turns into a dry ice block? It would be instamineable with a silk touch pick similar to ice to make for a very easy farm.

    submitted by /u/mad-man25
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    Dead kelp

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 07:59 AM PDT

    Dead kelp

    Like dead coral, dead kelp indeed is something the world is facing because of climate change. I want this in Minecraft because it could teach people a lesson about climate change and how it's impacting the world

    obviously, This would not give people any help, nor give them Fairy powers. This is simply a texturing of kelp to spice things up... and to give a valuable lesson

    dead kelp


    submitted by /u/dreamthebest
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    Flora and Fauna Update

    Posted: 16 Apr 2021 10:25 PM PDT

    There should be an update that doesn't really change anything major. Instead, it should focus on plants and animals in preexisting biomes.

    -More crops

    -More flowers

    -Wild animals like deer and bears

    -Fruit trees

    -Crafting recipes for preexisting meat. Three pork chops across makes bacon for example.

    -Bird ambience sounds

    submitted by /u/JonTravis03
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    Bring back the greenish tinge that jungle wood used to have in azalea wood

    Posted: 16 Apr 2021 11:48 PM PDT

    I like the current reddish color that jungle wood has, but I've been watching old Hermitcraft vids and the greenish planks also look great. Since they're kind of adding a new wood type in azaleas (it shows up as oak wood in the wiki), this is one direction I hope they consider. Either that, or a yellowish hue, which is kind of there in birch but not quite. That way, we get a realistic yet diverse palette of overworld wood colors.

    submitted by /u/luixino
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